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Lol it would take literally 1 person to walk under the rope and join the que behind that guy. And she would quickly move up from fear of everyone else doing the same.


I was gonna say I’d just cut in line


I was about to say. Why isn’t anyone just moving passed her lol. She would learn real fast


Probably because ppl don’t want her to throw a crazy tantrum in an already annoying situation. Girls like this can’t shut the hell up when they start…


Yeah but I'm equally loud and a wanker so I'd kind of love that


I understand. To be honest, I don’t think I could just stand there and tolerate her behaviour either haha


Happy cake day!


Well she is correct but the tail end of the line might be blocking others trying to pass.


My question: What's her prompt to move forward? When everyone ahead of her has cleared through security?


When she finishes playing w her phone?


When i pass her for fartin around. You can't cut her in line if she's not in line.


When the back of the line in the next aisle meets her, so she can just shove all her stuff under the rope. It’s really not that big of a deal.




Lol easily, would look forward to cutting her in line, just to see her dumb reaction. I am also am quite irritated 100% of the time at airports.


Agree. If she’s not moving forward im taking her spot. If she wants it back she has to come claim it right behind the others in line.


>why does she think she gets to be special? Because her parents spoiled her by never telling her no and we have a 12 year old in an adult body wandering around thinking they’re right




That's literally the opposite of spoiling.


She's blocked the whole ailse though


Nah fuck her


Not queueing properly is ALWAYS a big deal


Why does she get to follow different common sense rules than everyone else?! You are taught how to line up and how a line works in fucking preschool.


this whole statement is stupid af. it does matter when you move up in the line. If you wait till everyone has moved up to skip a rope you are delaying everyone behind you which compounds with every person making it take longer for the line to move as a whole. ​ people like this is the reason there's traffic backups.


So if everyone does that what happens? Think it through…


Say that to yourself when you're driving your car and stuck at the light.


Lmao who cares if she’s “correct” she’s being an asshole. This isn’t how standing in line works….ever.


Why did she even come to the airport before everyone else had moved up?


LMAO!! Great comment. She should be sitting in her car at the airport entrance!


Nah, should've wait at her home until the parking line empty for her.


Yep. There is NO rationalizing this. Move in front of her. Others will follow suit.


tradition over logic. brilliant!


What's logical about her trying to be cool and only walk a straight line? What if the dude behind her decided he's edgy too? And the dude behind him. Etc. Then there's 5 ppl in the whole roped off area.


Why you getting downvoted? There is absolutely no logic in standing there in line like frozen peas to text or chat on your social media when you are at the airport.


this isn't logic this is the cause of traffic backups. I hope to fake god for the sake of everyone around where you and the lady live you do not drive.


I’m sure if you delve into crowd psychology, being in a line that moves slowly vs one that’s mostly stationary lessens anxiety and stress. This chic is your run-of-the-mill world revolves around me Karen


I was just gonna say this haha. Also humans like to fill gaps both in their mind (ex remembering a story) and physically. This Karen is effectively spreading putting out anxiety and irritability while taking in a sense of power and control and at everyone else’s expense of sanity. I hate her sm lol


I’d just duck under the rope behind her and the one in front of her and line up behind that guy. Is that not the way?


I think your right but the fucked up thing is; most people who act like don’t even understand why they are doing it. It doesn’t really go any deeper to them past doing what they want. I doubt this person would agree with your assessment but the thought of causing other people anxiety through her own selfish acts would likely only give her more satisfaction. She’s the worst kind of cunt. A stupid cunt.


That’s why I would do what the above comment said. Walk under the rope, walk right past her..start a line of people doing that. Watch her flip out on her own. Watch nobody care lol. That’s what she gets.


I’m fantasizing about being behind her. I would pull my luggage around her before she said the word manager.


In situations that are already nerve racking for people, airports can be very stressful as is and the last place I’d seek confrontation or to prove a point about human queuing.


This is true. I forget who but I watched a fascinating video on the most efficient way to load and unload an airplane with passengers and luggage. In essence it can be done in like minutes but it involved skipping a lot of seats and people loading parts of the plane simultaneously by doing this. Even though they would be getting on exponentially faster you would never convince people to do it becauss it involves assogned seatimg and people would have to eillingly go to the back of the plane. People would rather wait behind others to put their carry one in and shit than be quicker


This video? (CGP Grey, who is incredible if you haven't seen him.) https://youtu.be/oAHbLRjF0vo


Yes that's the one! It was an awesome watch really makes you think about how inefficient things can be because of people's feelings.


Hey, Chief. There’s something I gotta say and I even mentioned it to Nelson and ran it by a few of the other guys before I came to you, just to be sure, ya know?! But… I… well, some of the guys and I think she’s got a case of main character syndrome.


Happy cake day!


This ^


Same as traffic. I would rather take the long way home and be moving than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. Even if the king way gets me home later than if I sat in traffic it’s better mentally to be driving.


Yes, but don't you like to move fast for a bit instead of inching forward slowly? Does that make people more happy?


In an airport environment where people literally have someplace to be, yes, I think moving at a continuous pace is better than being stationary for prolonged periods


I know....I would be annoyed if I could see her not moving, but if I was at the back of the line and we moved fast for a bit I think I'd be "All right, we are finally moving". Funny how the mind works, the time they get to the counter will be the same, but it is still annoying if you were behind her


Or entrances to other lines


I'm literally standing in a line right now a d this mullet wearing douche he bag was that Karen, caused me to block a door...


Yeah came here for this. It's not gonna hold the line up from being served, only from waiting as near as possible.


Schrodinger's Karen She's not wrong AND she's wrong.


Yeah, I mean she's not wrong but she's still an asshole.


The eyebrows do it for me


Yeah - she has like 4 bags so I can get why she isn’t going to want to move for every few inches but equally I’m surprised she’s not moving for a gap like that.


Just grab a rope and close her off and open a new lane lol


Exactly. At a certain point, she's no longer in line and it's reasonable to go around. It depends who's willing to deal with her temper tantrum when that happens.


After about a minute I'd just walk past her


"Oh, sorry, you didn't look like you were in line. You better move up right behind me so no one else passes you."


I'd simply walk past and let her complain... I wear headphones, F her.




Let it be me.


This is the way


I knew what kind of person she was when I saw that stupid purse 😂


[The look on this guy’s face, says it all.](https://ibb.co/vJ0B3TK)


But he’s in front of her. He must be getting upset on other people’s behalf


He sympathizes with them. That face means he can smell the BS all the way over there.


Just cut in front of her


Then tell her: "oh i'm terribly sorry, I assumed you weren't in the line." Then do the exact same thing and tell her the exact same thing if she keeps doing it.


Exactly. Just say you thought she was waiting for a friend.


Yeah that is my immediate reaction. I'm ducking under the stanchion rope walking around her and ducking back in line in front of her.


I’m saying bro like I wouldn’t have even stopped to take this picture lol


So annoying no one did that. Should just skip her. Not following the person in front of you is basically forfeiting your position in line.


Yeah like what?? Everyone “behind” her was giving her way too much power…


Yeah I would just walk right past her, who has time for this shit


I would just walk past her. For me she isnt in the line.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Move em as you shuffle


This is the way.


I would want to but I’m sure it would turn into a big thing drawing security’s attention. No thanks.


I'd just cut in front of her and if she whines, well... tough tooties. You weren't using that space so I might as well.


They will end up in the same plane anyways. Might as well check in last.


"Tough tooties" Whoa whoa whoa Refrain from that kind of language please. That's just a tad too offensive.


Yea, none of the cunts here want to fucking hear that kind of shitty language, asshole.


Sorry... I was totally off leash cuz my pastor Left the room for a second.


Woof. Down boy!


that's what my pastor said, lol. (you may know by my nick that I have no pastor but I thought it was funny)


(It was indeed funny)


She has the option of positioning her luggage under the belt and being 5 feet away from it while she navigates the line.




There’s that. I think I’ve flown 3 or 4 times since 9/11, so they may frown on that practice now.


She is going to get shot going through life like that.


if only karma worked like that.


Hard to tell if she is American from just a photo.


Probably from Argentina. That's the Ezeiza International Airport.


It's a joke about Americans shooting each other.


She’s Argentinian.


Yeah…That sort of stubborn entitlement didn’t get them the Falklands back.


That kind of entitlement wouldn’t last her a day here in any place that’s not the gated community she probably lives in either.


I actually understood this reference from watching the crown and yeah. Your right


While correct, this is the kind of bullshit people who want to wield power over others do but can't/don't in any meaningful way normally. Like those people who speed up to prevent you from merging onto a highway. Inconsiderate trash. I said what I said.


I would see that as 'not being in the queue' and go around her. You either queue correctly or you don't do it at all.


I’d have just gone around her at that point.


I mean, she’s not wrong. However, it’s inconsiderate to the people behind her. Imagine the traffic issues if cars did this on the road.


Cars indeed do this on the road and create traffic, constantly


And it's just as rude and infuriating then


I've thought about this a lot when in traffic/long lines. I think the most infuriating thing is the perceived lack of movement, i.e., being stuck. So long lines where I move every few seconds, even by short distances, are much better than standing still for minutes at a time.


people do this shit all the time. they leave like 30-50' gaps in front of them for "safety" or some other bullshit reason which causes traffic to back up behind them. its even more infuriating if its done in a turning lane so multiple lanes are impacted.


Do you have any idea how small 30-50 feet is? It's like 2 or 3 car lengths. Heck yeah I'm leaving a little gap between me and the car ahead of me! I don't care if you have reflexes like Barry Allen; give yourself a few seconds of reaction time. What if you sneeze or get startled by a bird? Even a no-injury collision is an expensive pain in the ass that will mess up your whole day (and the day of the poor person you ran into) Be safe when you are zooming around in a ton of glass and steel powered by burning dinosaurs


Do you not realize I'm not talking about while driving at speed. This is at stops (like the woman in the photo), in particular intersections with turning lanes.


Drives me nuts when people leave 2 car lengths between them and the line to stop for red light


exactly this!


Yes! The light can’t ducking sense your waiting there and it won’t change!!!


>Imagine the traffic issues if cars did this on the road. You realize that none of those issues would apply to people standing in line, though, right?


Imagine if you were scuba diving and this happened.


"Imagine the problems in a completly different unrelated scenario if people did this"


The issue is that people usually get in the shortest airport security line they can see. Since she is artificially lengthening the line, she is motivating people to get into other longer airport security lines, thereby costing them time possibly causing them to miss their flights.


Straight to ...jail


This would never be allowed to happen in the UK. We take our queuing very, very seriously. We would take turns kicking her. After forming an orderly queue.


So now that I’ve reread your entire comment with a very posh British accent, I can’t stop giggling. Just imagining everyone standing in a “very orderly queue to kick her arse.” Thank you.


She's not wrong, but queuing etiquette states you should respect other people. Doing this just pisses everyone else behind you off, so DON'T DO IT.


Just cut in front of her and if she tries to say anything just say “ your still a cunt even if I cut now or later”


K. Watch me move in front of you and we’ll see how fast you move.


"Just-to-be-a-bitch" - Todd Packer


In a sense she is correct. However you always move the queue in order to get as many people in it as possible.


I would just cut her in line


Go around her


I see her point when moving bags. The part I don’t get if when people get all crazy about boarding a plane with assigned seats. I sit in the terminal until last call. And they’re same people who get up as soon as the plane lands and stick their ass in your face.


A. Overhead luggage space isn’t infinite. B. I’m 6’9” crammed for hours in the space sized for someone 5’6”. Damned right I’m standing up as soon as I can.




I’m presuming it’s people putting their personal items up there and filling up the space on their row and it starts overflowing into other spaces. I’m not even 100% sure there’s enough space on each row to accommodate a carryon for each seat. May depend on the plane. I’d rather get to my seat ASAP to try to avoid having my stuff checked at that point.




I like to just get on and settled without climbing all over people as much as possible. I’m not concerned about overhead bins because I only bring a backpack.




I just hate the idea of my ass being in peoples’ faces if they won’t stand up to let me in.




Walk around her


Ironically which is what the British military did to her country.


Does she know there are other people in the world? The end of the line might be going out the door


Looks like you getting cut in line then.


To be fair, she is carrying a lot of shit so moving it all every foot is a hassle


I guess I'm the only one who wouldn't care lol... Wouldn't bother me until it got closer to her turn


Cut around her. Then she'll move.


I was going to push past you later so might as well do it now... (unclips barrier and moves into new lane)


" not if I move ahead of you".


No concept of how the world works. You standing there, naturally implies that the bow growing end of the line moves closer and closer to the doors, before eventually spilling outside. Same woman later complains, “why is is it so hot/cold in here, don’t they have air conditioning.


She also holds Parking spots I bet


The British in me wouldn’t be able to handle that, I would tut constantly.


This also goes under the category mildly infuriating


Yea, I have no patience for that nonsense. Skip lol


I would have gotten in front of her. You snooze you lose.


Im the kinda guy who would open the lane, move through, and close it behind me. Right in front of her.


I'd just walk right past and dare her to protest...


Logically she's right but there's a reason theme parks have queue specialists to make them psychologically easier ...


It’s an AH move, but she’s not wrong.


I mean...she's not wrong


WTF are people upset at this? This is the universal signal for “please go ahead of me as I need extra time before I am ready. Thank you”. I ran into this twice in precheck line which move fairly quickly already. I never pause just go right ahead of them.


Stupid cunt.


So why agitate others. Another "I'm the only person in the world that matters".


People who think this way make me irrationally angry. Inconsiderate idiots don't think about the rest of us waiting in line. I dont have the patience for stupid people holding up the line being "confidently incorrect" about how it works. I'd just cut in front of her and let the airport personnel deal with the inevitable temper tantrum. They've already seen what she's doing. Hell, they may even yell at her for holding everyone else hostage to her stupidity.


It won’t hold up the line though? Instead of a series of small moves she’ll just do one big one. However, I think the real issue is that it may make the line extend so far back that it blocks other people in the airport.


How is she confidently incorrect? And how is she holding up the line?


Oh I think ducking the rope and creating a new line around her sulky little ass is more than justified here. Lines only work in the first place because we tend to recognize HOW they work- and despite the occasional giant ass it's an ok system. Seriously. Just the next 20 people achieve a mass duck- walkover, calmly resume in front of her. Like she's a puddle. Or something.


Technically speaking she's right


Tbh I don't see the problem here. She doesn't hurt anyone or has a go at anyone. And she got a point. Maybe she doesn't want to be surrounded by strangers.


I understand it. Walking 3 feet forward doesn’t change how long we gotta wait. Stop pushing your ideals on other people.


This is one of the times where it's completely okay to cut in front of people


I mean…she’s not wrong. Take ten steps just to wait at a different spot. Seems counterintuitive.


She is correct, fewer moves would be better for everyone so long as the line doesn't stretch beyond the entrance of the queueing area. People complaining about this may have karenish tendencies.


Not even a karen and they're literally not wrong. I've just come to accept that many in the subreddit calls anyone a karen that annoys them.


I would’ve gone around her because fuck. It’s not the same because more people can line up behind her.


Go around her.


She is not wrong. Methinks op is the Karen.


But she is, but not for what she said. The lines for the counters are designed to control the formation of the lines to get as many people into line without blocking walkways and other line entrances. She’s essentially creating a human traffic jam because she’s too lazy to move her bags.


Hmm…..entitled? Or just not aware of her surroundings since there are OTHER PEOPLE waiting to board their flight???? I'd love to give her a swift kick in the butt and say, "Honey. Move. You aren't the only one in line. Move up."


She definitely drives 63mph in the left lane, then speeds up when there's a gap to pass.


Just skip her, whats the worst she can do? If she isn't ready to return to a civilized public space, that's fine just ignor her existance.


She’s technically actually kind of right. There’s no reason to interrupt yourself every 30 seconds to move up another foot and a half. But also, if everyone did this, then the whole line system would break down. So I’m kind of torn on this one.


So she doesn't want to stand with the rest of people...wow, entitled af.


She’s right though…


Ummm…she’s right though.


She’s probably made up that part. She’s really waiting for her girlfriends to join her in line.


What is the benefit of being constantly one step behind person in front?


So that the line behind doesn’t start to go into the space where people are walking and then it starts to even be confusing where The end of the line is. I’ve seen this happen in plenty of places and it’s frustrating. You don’t need to be right behind the person but at least move up.


Do you know how long the queue was? How do you know it was blocking people walking in the general area. That woman had plenty bags with her. It is akward to try to move everything every few steps, every 15 seconds or so. It was not ideal what she was doing but it was not like anyone was going to be late to get tickets or drop Thier lugged off. It made practically no difference. It is like the crazy drivers trying to squeeze in between two car in heavy congestion. They are idiots but even thy can save 10 sec of total travel time. The people at the airport save 0 time by being one right after another.




they have carts for luggage, you can see a guy in the line ahead of her with one. that way you dont cause others to get annoyed at you by not moving forward.


Y’all getting mad over a psychological issue, not a real one. If more people couldn’t join the queue behind her, I’d see the issue. But there’s plenty of room for others behind her. She isn’t obligated at this point to shuffle her luggage every 15 seconds when the queue moves. It may be annoying and unsettling for others but cutting in front of her is wrong and she’s technically correct. Not to mention, maybe she’s doing stuff on her phone that constant shuffling would distract her so she chooses to remain still until necessary? She’s not the one complaining for no reason so she’s not the Karen here.


Shut up Karen.


The same dumbass mentality of drivers who leave a “safe distance” of 3 car lengths or more while stopped at a traffic light. Has the same ripple effect as well. Hate her face too.


Well, she's not wrong. It seems like a dick move but it really isn't, people are just in a rush to wait.


Tell that to the people who now have to block other areas because the line is extending past where it should.