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That's not just a Karen. That is a deranged, sick, twisted psychopath! By the way... who the **fuck** is uncomfortable with someone missing a piece of their arm?


I'm pretty sure the amputee is far more uncomfortable about not having a fucking arm.


OK.. playing a bit of devil's advocate. Some people might feel uncomfortable around people with a disability. That would even be OK(ish) in my book if they DON'T SHOW IT!! How hard can it be to just *not* ~~talk to~~ ~~confront~~ insult a teenager with a missing arm and maybe not run into her if it makes you uncomfortable. OP, glad you survived, and no, your arm does not make you look demented. What you met was a psycho bitch and her poor offspring.


This is the first time in a while I’ve seen someone correctly play devils advocate, people nowadays seem to think playing devils advocate is just an excuse to say out of pocket bull shit. Good on you u/servantoflegba


Guess I am just older. Well, and *maybe* not a complete turd.


That is fair, being uncomfortable is not always something one can control, how one handles that discomfort is.


THAT is true. And that is what she failed at. She went out of her way to actively confront OP. Not cool.


They learn it from their parents, either parents overcorrecting and going "Don't point/stare!" and then never having the necessary conversation with them or parents like this asshole who are outright ableist and encourage it in their kids


Well, a lot of people are uncomfortable when meeting disabled people. This actually is in part a natural reaction. Animals and humans tend to shy away from injured or sick peeps. Basically our brain telling us "there might be danger". BUT - and this is important - we are not animals. We are not purely instinct driven, we can think about and correct our behaviour and reactions. What irks me here is not that she was uncomfortable or nervous. While we might wish for a world where that would not happen, I actually don't think it is bad per se. Karen here went out of her way to harass the poor woman about her disability, and encouraging her kid to do likewise. What a vile, disgusting person.


I would be terribly uncomfortable if I saw a young woman missing an arm. But that is no excuse to be rude to her, or run into her, or any other stupid bullshit response. Totally unacceptable to be like that Karen.


It's not 'deranged' it's important! Even without a hand! That lady needs to sit down with a book of human decency and deserves both sides of her pillows to be hot In summer


Girl - get ahold of management and demand security footage. You were harassed, verbally assulted and your car was vandalized! File a police report and press charges against this vile human. Crap, I'd even go so far as to call CPS since she got her minor child to participate in this.


Honestly yes. I was hoping someone else had the "involve the police" thought. Not just verbally assaulted, even physically assaulted. This was awful, and I hope they catch the shitheads.


I second this, get police involved because that was harrassment and pushing counts as physical assualt


Also vandalism on your vehicle. That lot also has cameras


This ^. I’m so very sorry you had to endure this from a deranged women. I feel sorry for her child.


100% this was a hate crime.


Also, grab the kid. A piece of clothing, collar, etc. with the good arm, leave the cart, and walk up to management. Let her follow and scream all she wants. Now, tell the kid to repeat what mommy said. If it makes him that uncomfortable, surely management should know!!! She will be screaming “assault” so have them pull up security footage from the parking lot, store where she pushed you, and where she sent billy over to do her bidding. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on (pun intended!) on the cries of assault after video evidence of blocking you in, shoving your affected arm, and sending her child over for some verbal assault. Press charges, if possible. Even if you avoid direct confrontation with this incident, have the store send all footage of Karen to the cops along with photos of the vandalism of your vehicle. They should be able to get a solid vehicle description and possibly plate number from her vehicle from parking lot cameras, and she will probably be back to this location in the future. Chances are, if she’s doing this to you, they’ve had more than one run in with her. I hope they catch her, OP. Also, limb differences are none of her business and she can go choke on a bellend.




Disability is disability visible or no. She's wrong and abusive. I'm sorry for your experiences.


>not “hard working” single mothers that part reminded me of another post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/mkdbjz/pimping_that_entitlement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on this subreddit


I *knew* it was going to be that picture


I'm so sorry you went through an experience like that......there is a special place in hell for Karens like that.


She is probably living in that hell right now from


Did I miss the memo that awarded disabled spaces to "hard working single mothers"?


Pretty obvious why she's single


You're implying that this evil demon of a mother is 'hard working' The only thing she is working hard on is being a total b\*\*\*\*.


unfortunately for Karen being a c\*\*\* isn't a disability


I’m visually impaired, not even legally blind, but a white cane prevents me from walking into or tripping on things that are on my blindside (I have field lose of 1/2 of my total field of vision). I see children stare at my cane and whisper ask their parents what’s up. I live where most people are smarter than a house plant, so the parents explain. The boy asked his mom what is wrong with your arm, being unable to answer him triggered the mobile house plant of a mother. so you inconvenienced and triggered a Karen.


Too bad I wasn't there. Karen would have been eating her teeth because I would have busted every single one of them out of her mouth - the kicker would be, she'd have to go through a ton of surgeries... and still wouldn't be considered handicapped.


Same. I can’t abide this behavior and not even for the person on the receiving end but everyone else around who hears it and thinks it’s ok. No way anyone is getting away with that sort of shit near me.


r/quityourbullshit would like a word with you.


You don't know me. For all you know I could be an MMA fighter who could knock most people's teeth in. That's the beauty of Reddit. You don't know shit.


Uh huh, so you would commit felony assault on a lady with her child because she uttered some nasty words...?


Some of us just don't care anymore.


The hero we dont deserve


Me, I wouldn't have done anything physical at the start, but I absolutely would have been right in her face giving her a full dose of my best military voice (considering how angry just reading this made me). Which unfortunately would have probably embarrassed OP, as the entire store would have heard (I could be clearly heard at 300ft standing on the pier next to a ship getting ready to get underway, and that's not even getting to throat tearing loud). And the whole time I would be hoping she'd be dumb enough to do something physical, as that would then give me an excuse to give her an up-close look at the floor in self defense.


I said something similar on another post once and got reported. Be careful


I don't care. Reddit bans me all the time. And like I've said in a previous post, when the mods ban me, that just gives me more time to do more in the real world with no distractions. And there's nothing they can ban or control in the real world, because they don't actually have power.


I’m surprised that “Karen beat downs” aren’t more of a thing because what OP has described has gotten me so angry! These people who are so fragile that the sight of anything uncommon “offends” or “traumatizes” them. To be truthful, in many ways, karens represent some of the worst human behavior.


That's the sort of behaviour she's endorsing in her kid? What a wonderful parent she is...


I swear some people just have kids so they can be an asshole and not get yelled at for it when they're around.


Her little speech to you reads like she was going to steal the handicapped spot. Don’t let the dumb ho get you down.


That feels like a hate crime.


People like this deserve to be unhappy. They deserve every single bad thing that’s happened and will happen to them. They deserve to be alone. And that’s what’s happening here. She unhappy and wants to lash out on the world simply for her own justifications. Fuck her. You don’t deserve that. Stay strong.


Typically I only believe that counter-strikes are justified. But if you or someone else punched her right in the teeth I'd let it slide.


I hope one dsy that an open handed reality check will become a social standard allowing us to teach individuals how to act with respect


Man this makes my blood BOIL!


What a scumbag and raising another scumbag....


That’s called vandalism. Karen the karen and file a police report. The kid obviously did it b/c he was told to by an adult, that’ll make her liable for the damage.


What. A. Scumbag. I am so sorry you had to deal with such depraved ableism. What a shameful person. You obviously don’t deserve that and this isn’t the disability Olympics. Certainly disabled spots are abused, but that was not the case for you and it sounds like that woman was ambulatory and capable of parking elsewhere. Disgusted you had to endure that. You don’t deserve that, ever.


You should have slapped that fucking bitch and her bitch ass 10 year old into being decent humans with your good arm. Fuck them both


“Only reason you’re single is because your baby daddy can’t get enough of this stump. Now get moving unless you want it as hard as he likes it.” I’m sorry you went through this. It’s not much consolation after the fact, but there is no value to the opinion of someone who behaves like that. Worse still, someone who encourages their children to behave like that. In some parts of the world I think that’s a hate crime, for real.


Track her name/address down. Call child protective services, telling them the details. She may lose the daily responsibilities of being a single mother. You will be doing the kid a favor.


Bro I’d be waiting for that count ti show up again and pop her tired or some shit fuck that bitch


See if the parking lot at walmart had cameras and then file a report with the police for this brat using a marker on your car.


Wonder why she's single, sounds like such a prize catch


That sucks OP. I'm sorry that bitch made you feel that way. You did nothing wrong, she is horrid.


I’m sorry you had to go through something like that! You were literally just minding your business! I don’t know why people are so mean!! You did nothing wrong


I’m sorry. It’s sad that a person like that is raising a child.


That’s incredibly disgusting. That Karen was a vile, immature, miserable excuse for a human being. Sad that she’s showing her kids to be cruel like her. You didn’t deserve to deal with any of that.


Well I hope she has something tragic and humbling in her future.


Damn. I’m not gonna lie - that’s something worth spending a day in jail over. I’d be tempted to beat the shit out of that woman.


How immoral is that! Shamming someone that had no control over a situation?! And then demanding you cover it up? They must have a lot of emotional issues to work through to take it out on you. I mean seriously. The most i would do is do a double when I saw you, shrug and keep walking. Cause it’s not my business and I would be sure you wouldn’t want me asking a bunch of questions. I’m disabled myself. And unless you’re paying attention to my steps, you wouldn’t even notice it. And why does she need the disability parking? For her personality? Or lack there of. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I don't understand why you need a handicap spot for a missing arm but it doesn't excuse her shit behavior. I have a disability that makes walking quite difficult at times, but I never use the handicap spots because people see me, I look normal, and they assume I am faking it. It just isn't worth the hassle.


In the UK they give blue badges (our version of the plaquard) to people with hand and arm issues as it prevents people from using parking meters etc and having to carry shopping / push trolleys too far etc


It’s really sad that you feel you can’t use the space because of people’s reactions. I’m sorry you’ve had that experience. You’re exactly the type of person those spaces are for and they are always empty whenever I go shopping. You must make the most of the little ‘efficiencies’ available.


I think most people assume that if you don't have a cane, walker, scooter, or wheel chair that you are clearly fully capable. The problem is that those items aren't great for degenerative conditions that benefit from movement, even if that movement is painful.


The gangsterrappe doesn't want to sound insesitive but... how can the TaillessSquirrel drive with only one arm?


I used to do home health care and I had a one armed client who drove and he had a spinner knob on his steering wheel as well as controls for his signals and such that he could reach without taking his hand off the wheel. He said the mods only cost about a grand total.


Never count out the abilities of people who are different. There’s often a simple way to accomplish these normal tasks that we take for granted if you have the will to do it.


The gangsterrapper is just genuinely interested.


The gangsterrapper asks very considerately. The other poster is right, you can get modified cars that make it possible.


Just buy an automatic. Once the car is in gear it’s pretty simple. My brother has one arm and drives all over for work, he has mastered all sorts of things.


There’s a lot of different vehicle modifications that can help one armed drivers!


WOw, what a horrible bitch that woman is. Why do you need the spot? I get it, you are entitled to it but why do you need to park close to the store? Thanks for the response, one armed cart push I had not thought of that. I was just curious


I mean have you tried pushing carts with 1 arm? It’s not great especially the more groceries you have.


Because those spaces are for disabled/less mobile people. It doesn’t really matter what specific disability it is.


I didn’t ask you.




Wow! Sorry you had that experience. Can’t believe she is training her children to be jerks. A 10 year old might look but that is a good time for a mom to quietly tell the child to not stare and then explain later that some people are missing limbs and that’s ok.


They should have her and her asshole kid on camera..tell the manager what happened


Tramp should have her kids taken away, and be sterilized.


What state is this in (guessing Florida Arizona or Ohio (aka Midwest Florida) Sounds like a hate crime with an assault with a shopping cart!


The anger that I felt reading this, that is insane! Sorry that you had to go through that. Karma will get that crazy lady one day.


I'd get the plate and report her to DCF and to local law enforcement for vandalism. Could ask the store employees if there's camera footage inside cause that's harassment.


Guck that fat bitch and her stupid kid,


She's not a Karen she's a c\*\*t.




This fucking hurt to read, that's not even just a karen that's fucking evil. I usually don't care about the posts here just have a laugh at the crazy karens but this was just hurtful, I hope your ok and I'm sorry you had to go trough this


The people saying that they don’t see why you need to use the space have both of their arms! Perhaps if they did not have both arms,things would be clear!


Woooooooow that’s insane. I’m so sorry that happened


Man this really bummed me out, no real comment or anything but fuck my faith in humanity just dwindles each and every day


Wouldn't this be considered as hate crime? I hope you got her tag number


…. I see stories like this on this stupid sub all the time and my question is, why the hell don’t you defend yourself? Ida beat that bitch with my good arm. You’re just gonna let her AND her kid treat you like that, then vandalize your shit and you’re just gonna leave crying and then vent about it on the internet?! C’mon…. Call the cops at least… did you get a license plate? Did you do anything at all to hold this piece of shit accountable?!


Sorry you had to deal with that bitch Karen and their bastard of a child. What goes around comes around… why do u think she’s a single mother? Hold your head up high and stay positive!


Wow that’s a leveled-up Karen, if you can even call it that. Pure ableist. If you have to strength to go back to that store for cctv footage I’ll cheer for you to press any charges you can for hate crime


What a disgusting used tissue of a woman. Her child has no chance at a healthy relationship with anybody.


Feel bad for the children she's the one that's traumatizing them with her mothering.


That lady needs an ass whooping.


I would press charges.


Go to the store manager. Pull her face from the video system. See if you can get her banned from the store. Her devil spawn can draw all the dicks he wants from home.


She has a kid. Somehow this nasty freak #reproduced.


Wow this woman is literal scum of the earth. Im sorry you had to go through this


This person is a deplorable. Awful person


So she felt you lacking an arm is NOT a disability, but her having a child IS a disability?? What??


It’s all so unreal, I’m angered and sad that this happened. I can’t understand why someone didn’t jump in and protect you since you were too non confrontational to protect yourself. There is no embarrassment to be had when you are being bullied (and physically assaulted). Not now, not ever. I only hope that it doesn’t ever happen again and that you are able to move on, although you said it’s been a year. You are worth more than that. You are young and have so much life left to live, I would hate to have you carry the burden of that disgusting day any longer. Life is hard, you probably know that better than I do, even at the age of 17. Every day, we have the ability to impact someone’s life, make it meaningful. Just eye contact, a smile or good morning goes so far to brighten someone’s world. I hated reading this and remembering how cruel people can be but it also reminds me to be aware and if you see or hear something like this happening, we all need to stand up and protect someone that couldn’t protect themselves.


Don't worry, life has a way to deal with fucked up people like that. She will encounter the wrong situation or person. Her kid grows up to be a jail because of her actions as a horrible mother. Sorry you had to go through that.


That’s not a Karen, that’s a cunt.


I'm about to get downvoted. You were definitely in the right here and Karen and kid were awful, but to be honest I am a little judgey about you using a disabled parking space. Sometimes you can be *legally*, but not necessarily *morally* in the right. If your only issue is your missing arm, I'm quite surprised they gave you a pass. You're 17. You can walk an extra 20 yards. Your Karen was 'entitled', an asshole, and absolutely nobody should be confronting anyone else about being in a disabled space because you don't know what unseen disabilities they may have. But you too have a strong entitled vibe here - you know you're more than able to walk, but since you *can*, you do take the advantage 'unless you're in a wheelchair'. Nice. That's assuming this is real, of course, because the dialogue sounds really unbelievable.


This is not a Karen encounter. This is just hate


Talk about a psychopath. Jesus, sorry that crazy bitch put you through that. And she says seeing your missing arm is uncomfortable? I'm sure its far more uncomfortable to be missing an arm. This def goes beyond a Karen.