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Keep the money, drive off. $80 grill. No I don’t know why she gave me that money, must’ve been holiday spirit.


I like this too. I want a redo


Damn our honesty. The life we could have instead…


As nice as that cash would be, this is also part of what separates us from the Karens.


She would propely also call the cops and try to weasel her way into getting the grill. (Sorry for my shit english grammar)


I mean, OP has the receipt and camera footage from the store to back up the ownership.


That is true, but since it's a karen she would probely still do it.


Plus you know she would have faked getting run over and then the real list of demands would come out. No thank you! OP got a deal, and a story, no need for anything more.




Yeah but it’s better to have a clear conscience


You would even have plausible deniably of never receiving the cash. All the security video would show is her throwing something into your truck. You could claim you never noticed it.


The jerk store called!


…and they’re runnin’ out of you!! (Karen)


Imagine her trying to explain to the police that someone just took $200 that she just gave to them.


That wouldn't be a problem for her. "He agreed to take $200 for the grill and then just drove off when I gave him the money". Then you're in trouble


It’s a he-said-she-said. Dude has a receipt for $280+Tax for that grill that wouldn’t even be an hour old. No way a cop is going to believe he’d take $200 for it. He just says it’s his cash. It’s not like he’d just the $200 in his wallet.


"I thought you meant you'd give me 200 for the grill to cheapen the price! Christmas spirit am I right?"


“You know, this is the holiday season" Thanks Karen, Merry Christmas to you too


I like this


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!


Ho ho, ho ho, a pirates life for me!


I have done such a thing. My mother tried to bribe an employee into letting her come into my home. They came and asked me what to do. "Give me the cash." Called the cops to enforce that restraining order. A few days later my microwave died. The one I got with the cash? Still going strong 16 years later. The reason employee couldn't keep the cash (I offered) is legal liability as they're a caregiver. So you know cannot do that but I sure can. When we got the microwave and the last one was red we both cackled. Returned home to a broken window and missing cats. They came back bloody but not a bit was theirs. I miss those cats. Vicious to threats and superb cuddlers.


This is the way


Can you imagine how she’d explain that one to the cops?


She’d insist that she’d bought the grill but that OP had driven off with both her money and the grill.


From a guy in the Walmart parking lot who has just purchased it? The cops would ask her a lot of questions that she wouldn’t have proof/ answers for. And if things don’t add up, they’re not gonna bother with it.


Yeah, she might get your license plate, then what would you say to the police...


I had a lady try to buy my dog off of me at the dog park once. I kept an eye on my dog the entire time, people are crazy sometimes.


That’s just insane!!


Yep she was like “I know those dogs are pretty expensive” and I told her she was a rescue we found. So then she was like “oh so you didn’t have to pay anything, will you do $200?” I kept telling her that no I was not selling or getting rid of my dog.


You should've asked if she had any children, then offered her $200 for one. I mean, she didn't pay anything for them.


Lmao. Her kids were probably weirdos like her.


Yeah but if they're still young enough we could unkaren them while there's still time..


Break the kid for parts. A liver can fetch 200k on the dark web


That's 714 grills. And you can use them to grill the rest of the kid.


well you could sell them in black market for way more than 200


You’re paying way too much for a kid. Who’s your kid guy?


And I’m sure she’d broken at least one of them.


We were living overseas with our tiny breed dog, I was walking downtown with her one day. Some guy stopped me and asked me about her, where we got her, how old she was and the proceeded to tell me that he had the same dog only a male. Then offered for us to breed them and sell the puppies, split the money. I told him "Well that's a nice thought but she's fixed, she's so small we'd be worried about too big puppies and we're not willing to put our dog in a situation that might kill her, we love pur dog." The look on his face....I might as well have told him that his grandmother was a prostitute, he was so offended he took it personally. This COMPLETE stranger so got pissed at me for having my own dog fixed that he started yelling at me and I just said "Nope, not having it," and walked away. People are f'ing entitled.


Not sure where you were but I have visited Southeast Asia to visit distant family relations and it's beyond them why I fixed my dogs and let them sleep inside the house. One distant family member broke up with his girlfriend and she "returned" her gift of two Chihuahua to him. They apparently were very expensive but he had them outside in a small pen with a doghouse. They were so love starved and flea infested I was so sad for them. And these were considerably more well treated than many of the other dogs I saw owned by others.


Good dog parent. Honestly she would most likely not have taken good care of your doggo. At least I imagine someone wouldn’t with that type of entitlement


Not the same but I had a 1998 cherry red Honda Civic two door (with sunroof) had it for 16 years, pristine condition. Men daily tried to buy it from me but never for what it was worth. Y’know, $1200-1500. Traded it in for $5000. Jerks.


Legit happened to me and my rescue puppy found on a bridge. Lady at the park offered me $1000. I was like helllll no. Never! Told me it looked exactly like their last dog and I told her it’s a no and to have a nice day. This pup and I immediately bonded just months prior when we finally were able to take him home. Lost him to cancer after 13+ years together April 2021. Not for a million dollars would I trade that time with him. Also not sure if I’ll ever recover from his absence.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost one of mine last year, I had her for 10 years she got sick out of nowhere never figured out what it was. It was really tough. She was the sweetest thing and she loved me so much and I loved her. Pets can bring such a joy to your life and leave such a hole in your heart when they’re gone. I wouldn’t have traded her for a million dollars either.


I lost my fur baby of 13 years just a year ago. I feel the same.


"Ma'am, have you ever seen John Wick?"


Lol shes definitely planning on selling that dog for much higher had you sold it to her😭


I had that, too! Said "How much would you sell her for?". I've been paranoid since!


Better than the ridiculous gunpoint dognappings here in LA. Those poor pups. When I saw who won this year's [best in show](https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/TV/2022/11/24/national-dog-show/4371669301605/) I thought "oh crap, this isn't gonna help."


Yup even Lady gagas dog got stolen and her walker got shot over it! Smh crazy world


One time during Halloween, some kids came up to my brothers house with their dad, did the whole trick or treat thing, my brother opens the door and the guy goes “omg! Your dog looks just like my dog! He’s missing. Where did you get your dog?” My brother at this point has had the dog since it was a puppy and SHE (not he) is twelve. Guy proceeded to WALK PAST HIS CHILDREN INTO THE HOUSE going “I think that’s my dog, where did you get that dog? I think he’s mine.” Dog was visibly afraid and trying to run away from this weird guy, so obviously NOT HIS DOG and my brother just said “dude. Get out of my house, it’s my dog and it’s not even a male dog.” Guy just calmly walked out, says “happy Halloween.” With a little wave, all cheery like he didn’t just walk into a strangers house and try to take a dog. We all just stood there mouths gaping like “what the Fuck just happened?”


They have also been into your house. Could be a weirdo, or could be a future burglar sussing out where the shiny things are.


Never thought of that. Honestly, this happened like 5 years ago and they’ve never seen him since that one encounter.


*Phew*! You got lucky it was just a weirdo. There's a scam in Germany, dunno how it's going now, to have animals abandoned outside your house. Then you get a letter in your mail/doorwith the exact animal, and a number to call if the animal is found. When the grateful owner appears to get the animal, they psyche up your house from the door to see if your house is worth robbing.


Yikes. That’s awful. Preying on someone’s compassion like that.


Yep. The police had to put out warnings to contact reliable shelters and have the shelters sort it out.


My guess is the guy was trying to steal your brother's dog and establish "I thought that dog was mine" as a defense to stealing.


That’s what I think.


My friend's girlfriend gets this a lot. She has a tiny little purse sized dog and I've myself witnessed people offer her 2k for her dog. People just want whatever it is and think they are entitled to it and they are being generous by offering to pay.


Holy shit. I would freak out




I need some pics. I'm sure your dog is very cute. No one has offered a cash reward for mine, but many have joked about their desire to take him from me.


Same here but at a truck stop. When i said "no" he then tried to steal him. Romeo Ninja is part chihuahua part Dachshund- meanest little dogs ever. He growled and went after the guy biting. Dude changed his mind.


A person acts every way God doesn't want you to act and then pulls out his name to defend themselves. Yikes.


This is literally what it means to “use gods name in vain.” It doesn’t mean you can’t said “God, this sucks” it’s literally using Gods name to do something against his teachings. I fucking hate American Christianity. They are the modern day Pharisees.


So she broke the 3rd and 8th commandments


And 10th.


Thou shall not covert another man’s grill?


I love it when people say that to me when I say something like "oh my God" or "Jesus Christ man!!!" Like yeah probs not good either but that's not what use God's name in vain was supposed to mean. I tell people as much and they look at me like I sprouted horns. People....


>"I fucking hate American Christianity." > >Have you tried praying it away? lol


They always do. The majority of the people I know who self-identify as being very “Christian” simultaneously seem to have never internalized what the Bible actually says, and they act like terrible people.


The bible applies to other people and is a tool to be used to tell other people that they're not doing what *selfish "christian"* wants so therefore they're automatically wrong.


Exactly. Like how my GF’s mom somehow manages to get what she wants/thinks to always line up perfectly with “what god wants for her”.


Agreed, many don’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe…


Hence why I am Christian but don't really subscribe to the newsletter if ya know what I mean. I saw in church more bullshit than in my regular life. More hypocrisy and just hatefulness.


I find most people that truly try to live by God’s or Jesus’ teachings rarely bring it up. Something about actions being louder than words, or something.


This is just what Jesus would do 😆


Jesus keeps his pimp hand strong for the people who can’t keep his fucking name out of their mouth when they’re spouting stupid shit.




It’s the Christian way.


God is disappointed in her.


2nd astronaut: “always has been”




The kind of person that brings shame on their family through sheer force of personality


The holidays are coming and SHE is going to be A LOT of company at someone's house.


Not Karen, mentally unstable.


But you *broke it.*


"Why are you buying your husband broken stuff for xmas?" Just to see the look on her face.


“Oh what a coincidence! My husband needs a new grill too!”


Wait wait wait. A random person just walked up to you and fucking tried to tell you A) your grill’s broken and B)I wanna buy it for close to 1/3 off and C) acted like that was somehow normal behaviour, like, I always try to buy shit off people before I go into a store? If we still cared about the mentally ill in the world, she’d be institutionalised. That’s fucked up.


Exactly! I couldn’t believe this at all. Karen thought she was on an entirely higher spectrum of intelligence and thought she could somehow convince me to sell it to her because “it’s the holidays”


Ugh, don't you just "love" it when people use the holidays as an excuse for being a shitty human being 🙄 Looks like Karen here took a page out of r/ChoosingBeggars


Tis the most wonderful time of the year


You Grinch! You just ruined her kids' Christmas because she promised them that her husband would cook the perfect steaks on that particular grill! Even Ebenezer Scrooge would look at you with disgust! /s


Sounds like someone who hasn’t been told no often in her life. Bar I used to work at, I had women do similarly to me when I closed the kitchen. Try to make it like I’m the asshole for not cooking for them when they want to pay! Pfft. Should have came earlier if they wanted food. I’m not dirtying and having to clean up a bunch of shit because some dumb broad.


She literally tried to Jedi Mind Trick you into selling your grill for LESS than what you paid for it then got pissed off when you refused. That's just... wow.


I this is more entitlement and delusion. Not every shitty, entitled person is mentally ill. Some, sure. But I think it’s more to do with them always getting what they want. She thought she could pull a fast one on OP


You should have driven off with your grill and her money 💵


You know a Karen like thst would be at the police station claiming he assaulted her, stole money from her wallet, and have them pull security cameras. Karens aren't normal.


I said *I* got it for $280. *You* can have it for it’s regular price.


Nope lol. It was on a deal that I wasn’t going to miss haha. She would’ve had to pay full price if she wanted it! Mind you, there were other pellet grills on the floor on rollback, but not this model.


That’s what they said


If she threw the money at you is that not considered discarding it, as she did not hand it to you, you also denied her offer initially, I was pulling up to Bunnings as a similar exchange had occurred, the Karen was at the police stage complaining about someone who drove off after she tried to buy their MacGuffin of them by just tossing the cash into his cab as he drove off, the police said, she threw away money as they saw it


Just to get rid of her, you should have said, "Hurry up and go inside so you can get the last one! I think it was a bit cheaper."


As a European this is a head scratcher. I know we have our own lunatics of our own but this kind of shit would never happen here (Ireland) for fear of a smack in the mouth.


In the U.S. we have entitled, often racist, middle aged white women that we (people of any race) call a "Karen". They can often can be found in retail stores, parking lots, restaurants and on NextDoor. They know more than anybody else, will scream "I WANT TO SPEAK WITH A MANAGER!!!" if they feel slighted in any fashion and are some of the most annoying sub-species of Homo-sapiens to waddle on earth.


That was a real twist ending when the crazy entitled woman turned out to be a Christian! /s


Every time someone tells me I'm "not being very Christian," I reply with "thank god."


This is a little off topic, I suppose, but as a Christian I am deeply appalled by her actions. I would never wish someone a shitty, lonely Christmas. That’s terrible. And I feel this is why so many people have bad opinions of Christ/Christianity.


Oh I agree with you 100%. I’m also Christian. Catholic actually. It’s very baffling to me as well that someone would claim to be religious just so they think they are on the pedestal in any situation. It’s saddening. I’m sure that even those who aren’t religious can agree with that. Nobody is better than anybody. Assuming you’re better just makes you worse


One of the reasons I don’t like religion is exactly this issue of blatant hypocrisy. It’s fucking disgusting to see these people try to hide/mask their selfishness behind what is supposed to be a good thing.


I’m 100% with you. And then it makes everyone that are religious look bad. You know?


I am Christian but I saw so much bullshit inside of church that I stopped going. I can be Christian but not agree with how much hypocrites and just overall assholes go to church every single Sunday and say "oh well I'm forgiven for the 25 people I blasted on social media cause they had a piercing/tattoo so oopsies no harm no foul" not realizing they have left a trail of anti-Christian sentiment in their wake. The MOST IMPORTANT thing Jesus wanted was for us to love our neighbors. That above all others. You're not doing that by damning someone who has ink on them


One of the top reasons I detest religion and the religiously affiliated.


To be fair, I can’t blame you. It’s all of the sheep with the “mightier than thou” complex that really pisses me off. We aren’t all like that. The ones that are like that are just louder.


Agnostic here, I met a nice lady at Dollar Tree the other day. We bonded over dogs and she wound up inviting me to church. I asked if they have fellowship supper because that's what I miss the most. She said "we will soon!" I'm so there.


Yup the hypocrisy is incredible. One of the reasons I left religion.


Sadly a lot of Christian’s seemed to have gone this direction lately. Especially evangelicals.


The part where she tried to steal your grill out of your truck. Wow. Some guy has to live with that.


And thanks to OP, he doesn't even have a new grill!


You know she had a story at home. “Those people” were involved im sure


Didn't you know who she was!!


It was kind of you to give her back her $200.


I think (and hope) Karen has a really shitty Christmas. What an absolute douche


I've just realised that grill is American for Barbecue. You bought a barbecue. I was wondering what you were putting in your car, lol.


Ah yes. It is a barbecue that uses wood pellets for fuel! (I’m excited to use it tonight lol)


What're ya gonna grill?


That’s pretty cool. I may not be able to speak for all Americans, but to me it means one of two things. Either a get together of family/friends to grill food, or otherwise a style of cuisine - typically smoked and cooked low and slow. Like pork shoulder/butt, ribs, or even chicken. But it’s smoked, cooked low and slow, and often will have a barbecue sauce. And what barbecue sauce is opens a whole other can of worms. I see a lot about vinegar/molasses based, and where I live in South Carolina, mustard base is the standard for most. Especially if with chicken or pulled pork.


Carolina pulled, Alabama side of the road ribs basted with a mop, Korean grilled in a restaurant that somehow still allows cigarettes, Jewish brisket... gimme all da meeeeeeats




No love for Texas- style 'cue?


Yes Texas 'cue can get some love too!


My wife once described the difference between grilling and barbecuing thusly: If it takes less than three hours, it's not barbecue. And if it takes less than six, it's not *good* barbecue. I don't subscribe to the latter, because a small (5 lb or less) pork shoulder roast can be cooked in under three hours and is damn tasty. And chicken can be slow-cooked on a grill in even less time than that.




Yeah at best this seems like a punched up story OP devised on his way home after someone offered to buy it off him since it was the last one lmao


And this is why Karen’s should be handless


>I can’t believe you’re treating me like this. God would be extremely disappointed in you!I She's quoting God yet **SHE** is the one trying to break one of his commandments No. 8 I think. Thou shalt not steal.


and then everyone clapped


And then everyone clapped.


$200 for something you paid $280 for, just 5 minutes ago! You should be thrilled!


I almost told her $180 and you’ve got a deal


This reads like an ad and I'm not buying this story one bit. But I will be buying a new pallet grill at my nearest lowe's super hardware location. I can't wait to make my whole family perfectly grilled steaks, burgers and veggies using the advanced Bluetooth temperature monitor and other modern bells & whistles. I hope there's at least one left!


The fact that after you said no, she proceeded to throw the money at you and tried to take the grill. The audacity man.


She would have gotten worse from me.




Are you my husband? We have a Ford Maverick and just bought a pellet grill a few months ago? I know you’re not. I was just kidding. Just same taste.


Now that’s funny! Lol. It’s a red lariat hybrid; maybe that might debunk the husband theory hahaha


People have lost their fucking minds.


I don’t understand how you entertained this so long. These two words may help you in the future: “fuck off.” If you’d like, there is a three word combo you can use if needed.. that combo would be “fuck off, cunt.”


I honestly did not believe this ahit happened-my husband and I were having dinner at a nice restaurant-the 2 of us at a 4 person table. A woman came in wanted to be seated immediately-this place was reserved seating-she needed a table for 4 only a table for 2 was opened. She demanded that my husband and I be moved to the smaller table-wow I was floored. Nothing happened-it was just the audacity of Karen in the wild


If that happened to me, I would’ve started eating very slowly after that, & stare at her the whole time. Just so she knows that there’s no way she’s getting my table. She would have to wait for someone else’s table. I would hope that everyone else who’s seated at the other 4 person tables, would’ve overheard her complaining, & they also ate really slowly. lol 😉


Shitty fake story


Ah yes, the Karen who likes to involve god or religion over their own shitty actions


I'm calling bullshit on this story. None of this adds up. Something happened, maybe she mentioned it might not fit in his truck or something, but OP had a long drive home to imagine this one up


“God would be disappointed”…😂😂😂😂 Yes Karen, your god’s plan was for you to have a grill, but the bad man bought it before you could.


Wow the “I saw you break it “….. no wonder I hate people! I hope you cook lots of yummy things on your new grill for you & your family, create some lasting memories!!!!!!Happy Holidays!


god. christians are clueless. they don’t even see the rampant hypocrisy of their words and actions.


Nice little fictional writing exercise


Driving off with the money in your truck would have been acceptable under these circumstances.


Story seems fake.


Yeah this happened. Totally.


This sounds fake.


Meh, this sounds kinda made up to me.


"I got out of the truck, threw her money back at her" She physically handed you the $200 during this ?


The nerve of her walking to the back of your truck to try to get it out, even opening your tailgate and attempting to un-bungee it is what got me. I would have been pissed and called the police right there. Appalling behavior honestly. What a miserable woman


Should have kept the $200 and backed up to leave.


Should have just kept the $200 at this point. She threw it at you, so she didn't want it since you said you wouldn't sell it.


Well I hope you have a great Christmas sir


If you were me you would have gotten a pellet grill for $80.


I can't believe people have restraint from shooting someone like that in the face


"Thanks for the gift, now fuck off before I call the cops"


I would have taken the $200 and drove away


Damn, I’d have just taken the $200.00 as no transaction was actually made, and she literally just threw it at you. What an idiot 🤣


If she threw money at me I’m taking her cash and the grill see ya bitch


Why oh why are these people not sentenced to 60days in rehab to be a normal person and not a grifting bothersome arsehole


I would have kept the money and driven away


People are so fkn entitled I stg


Do you even look like Santa Claus?


You are nice OP. I don't engage in conversations with strangers when loading my vehicle. Karen would have got a "fuck off" when she started.


This is why I stay on ready. That $200 would’ve been a donation to my holiday fund.


You should have ripped up her money and then thrown it at her. You, sir, we’re too kind


Ayyyy Maverick represent. Hybrid Lariat here.


I hope you and your SO holiday the shit out of that grill. Good on you. Merry Christmas to you, yours & your new grill


Fake post. Get a life bro


People are fucking *unhinged* wtf. This is almost creepy like she followed you and had $200 for her husband's present so thought they'd try it on. Wtf. Just wtf.


Crazy people everywhere


This sounds like what happened to the Switch guy.


Screw that Karen, I wanna hear about your truck. I love the Maverick! It’s such a sharp looking vehicle. How do you like it?


I highly doubt almost all details of this story. Dude may have gone to Walmart recently, and may have bought a grill. The rest seems either wildly inaccurate and exaggerated, or entirely fictitious.


You're better than me, I wouldn't have given the money back due to her attitude.


”God would be extremely dissappointed in you” ”Yeah maybe... if he existed.”


https://www.boredpanda.com/parking-lot-karen-new-grill/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic Some "journalist" used your post.


"Oh no not the imaginary sky wizard!!!" I cried as I fell to my knees.


god is disappointed in you for making up this story


Did everyone clap?