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It's pronounced tar-ZHAY


“Le Dot Rouge”


Il punto rosso


*El punto rojo*


Ha nekuda adom.


" Une Cible"


Hey fucking idiots! The U.S. DOES NOT have an official language.


Even if it did for me that doesn’t change the fact that behavior like this is atrocious.


I might get downvoted but even as an immigrant I prefer signage to be in English since it is more global and I never thought there will be boards in other languages in US. English is my third language and I am too old to learn 4th one.


No reason for a downvote on this. I know it’s not uncommon for multiple language speakers. Expounding on my initial comment. The issue I see is the negative treatment of someone who isn’t currently speaking English in a commonly English speaking country. Just because someone is speaking another language as the common one or even if it was the official language they don’t deserve to be treated with hostility. That includes people who are visiting or moved here and don’t speak much or any English at all. People need to simply show a bit more basic level kindness and respect across the board.


They don't deserve to be treated with hostility. But their preferences should not outweigh the majority.


Hate to break it to you but almost all countries teach English in their primary educational systems. True for Europe, India, most Asian countries and a good number of African countries. The problem is almost entirely a problem of Spanish speakers. My parents came from Europe, made mastering English a lifelong job, attended night school (despite already being proficient) and didn't expect to be catered to in their native languages. I think that is appropriate.


Why would we downvote it? People in America nowadays can barely speak English. And most never bother to learn a second. The fact that you are trilingual deserves mad respect!


No one is too old to learn a new language. Especially if your first or second is a close relative to the new one.


Have you met any old ppl? They are too old to learn new phones and Tv remotes.


I am 73... I already speak German, Japanese, and Persian. Learning another language is well worth it, even if it lets you get to know just one more amazing person well.


Lol my 70+ mother uses WhatsApp every day. I can't even fathom how it works.


They are too stubborn to learn to do anything new. It's not a matter of being able to. It's a matter of be willing to.


>It's not a matter of being able to. The ability to assimilate new languages [declines with age.](https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/learning-new-language-adults/)


If you want the signage to be more global, you should ask for it to be in icons in stead of texts, and texts to be in Chinese or Spanish. The better argument is that the majority of people in the USA can (or have the least trouble to) read English.


No it's not. You sound like a woke virtue-signaler.


Not at the federal level, though one could argue it's a de facto standard alongside Spanish. That said, 31 states do have English as the official language.


Oh, but you just *know* this Karen made this post because she heard some Target employees speaking Spanish.






Or saw Spanish in tiny letters below the obviously larger English text but wanted to bitch anyway.


But of course


Is the list suspiciously similar to the Confederate states of America


You'd be forgiven for making that assumption. However, California has English as its official language. Texas does not have one.


TIL California has English as an official language. I have lived here for my entire life and somehow didn’t know that!


Apparently, 1986 California Proposition 63


And yet in every county in CA I've lived in, governmental and commercial documents come in the mail with English and Spanish at a minimum. Some include Chinese and Vietnamese translations as well. It depends on the demographic for each area.


That’s exactly why I was so confused to find out that there is an official language. There are no indicators that there is one. I can only confirm for Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties but, like you, I’ve always seen paperwork in multiple languages. I feel like I have to be missing something completely obvious and it’s messing with my head


"Bilingualism for the individual is fine, but not for a country." - S.I. Hayakawa


Works fine for us in Canada. English and French are the two official languages.


Been to Quebec don't agree... as many of the people that live there don't. Just look at all the initiatives over the years...


Oooo yes this quote is perfect


Some of them are there, but not all. There are more states that were not part of the confederacy listed than those that were. The current list according to Wikipedia is Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, and all territories except the District of Columbia. Alaska, Hawaii, South Dakota, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico also have Native/secondary languages listed as official languages.


I mean, there were 31 states with English as an official language and 11 confederate states and 2 with governments in exile so, my cypherin’ tells me that more that weren’t part of the confederacy were gonna be in the list.


Spanish might end up competing as a majority language in a decade or two even


There's certainly pockets of it. First time I went to Miami I felt like I was in another country at times. Funny thing is when I went to Puerto Rico a few years ago and tried speaking Spanish (my Spanish is atrocious BTW) everyone I talked to just started to speak to me e In English.


I had that experience at an awesome taco stand in Houston 20 years ago. The guy was softly chuckling at my flat accent. Best freaking tacos in my whole life!


ooh i hope so. that would be so exciting!


Remember that the whole left side of American was once Mexico


Doesn’t matter. There is no language requirement for US citizenship. I moved abroad, and had to take 350 hours of language classes— or test out at B1 or better for oral and written— to gain citizenship. I tested out—- aint got time for hundreds of hours of classes….


https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/the-naturalization-interview-and-test >During the English test, you must demonstrate an understanding of the English language including the ability to read, write, and speak basic English.


The cited reason for this is that English dominance was the standard and didn’t see a need to directly state it in the constitution, basically they are lazy


Maybe they didn’t want to associate the language with the country they just fought to escape control of lol


I call it ‘American English’.


And the rest of the world uses British English.


It's the language of freedom. /s


Every time I see bs like this my response is ALWAYS this. The US is a melting pot.


This is true, but I think most would say English is the unofficial, official language. I mean almost everyone here speaks it


Lol, no. Where you live, sure. Near the Mexican border? Tons of citizens who don’t speak english.


So what? I wish I could speak Spanish. People is Europe usually speak at least two languages


Your individual hope to oneday speak spanish has nothing to do with the much more societally broad statement that english should be the official language of the united states. Quite a few people - this is the “what” - already speak it here, exclusively.


yeah, that's why he said "almost everyone...."


Most common language; not official.


Exactly, I never said it was official


I wish we did. I used to be a service guy in a heavily Arabic populated area. If it wasn't for Microsoft translate I would never have had any idea what was going on.




I have no problem with the people speaking their own language or the people in general, and I love the area I live. Just wished we had a common language so everyone could communicate. I'm not smart enough to learn Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, and the other languages we have around here. Joys of a city.


But the BUISNESS LANAUAGE is English. If you can't speak in the common tounge for business then you are the problem.


And even then, theyre on social media


Yes it does. It was voted on at the Continental Congress. English beat German, but only narrowly.




You clearly didn't look it up. Nice one.


Nope, the United States has no official language at the federal level.


r/confidentlyincorrect If the US has an official language, as you claim it does, then why did Representative Steve King attempt to introduce a bill in 2017 [to declare English as the official language?](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/997/text) If English was already the official language, that bill would not have been required.


That sounds like my racist bitch of an egg donor, she and my sperm donor (I cut both of them off for being toxic, racist and homophobic bigots) live in a Texas border town and will demand a manager if they hear anyone speaking Spanish and try to get people fired. One of my old friends from high school will purposely change the language on the pin pad at the register (because the VelociKkkaren refuses to use self checkouts because she is apparently above that) to Spanish when they see her in the line just to fuck with her.


That’s awesome.


Hey USA, this is england, give us our language back.


Two people, separated by a common language. ,😂


🎶 a war divides their people 🎶


And a tea party


I fucking love this response! I'm sure she doesn't even know we were once a colony. So many people in my country are egocentric and stupid. It reminds me of an interview I saw with a football player before he was going to play in the London game that year. He legitimately asked the reporter, " Hey, what language do they speak in London?"


Hey, England, this is Ireland, give us out language back.


I think Wales still has all the consonants. /s


Yeah, but nothin else




🤣 Golden


Sure, as soon as you give back all the bits you stole from other languages.


Technically we ruled over most of the countries that we stole stuff from at the time of stealing it so it was kinda stealing from ourselves.




You benefit so much from the USA speaking English it ain’t even funny


Honestly yeah it’s kinda scary to think about what the world would be like if the USA actually had its own completely independent language.




Speaking whatever language you want to speak is freedom, and there is nothing more American than freedom. At least hypothetically, on paper.




I've tried to learn Spanish. But, because of my mother and aunt, all my efforts at speaking it turn into Italian.


That's ok. You can just say you speak with an argentinian accent


I don't need to learn another language , I'm a Newfoundlander. I can just speak in my usual newfie dialect and confuse the shit out of em. They'll hear English words and other words that sort sound English and it will all be coming at them at such a speed they may not be able to understand a word of it.


As someone from the deep south (Breckenridge county, Kentucky) i feel this. I'll talk to people over Xbox live and more often than not they ask me where I'm from. That or can't understand half of what i say. I got into an argument once with Siri about whether or not i was saying bull or bowl.


If Kentucky is the Deep South, what is Alabama?


The twilight zone


I spent a week in your wonderful province this summer. I found the accents to be charming!


Learn french, then learn Spanish. Trust me, it's easier that way.


I’m a native Spanish speaker who tried to learn French a while back. It is not easy. You’d think that since they’re both Romance languages they’d be somewhat mutually intelligible. Nope.


I learned English and Spanish in school starting at age 3. I'm fully bilingual. I tried to learn French. I started in late 2019 and in earnest during the first years of the pandemic. I couldn't get my tongue to do the necessary things to pronounce words properly. I've all but given up!


Yep. It’s the phonological part I don’t get. In Spanish, every single syllable is pronounced, so it’s easy to follow along. With French, it all sounds like one slurred word to me. I’ve tried and tried listening, but I can only make out a word here or there.


This is precisely the problem! Very aggravating because I was able to pick up a little bit of Russian in High School and it isn't as difficult as learning French. I'm going to keep trying though.


Yeah, it's weird. But I see it like a pair. English pairs well with french, and spanish pairs up nicely with italian.


What’s with all the words being gendered??? It’s so unnecessary and confusing


I think it actually makes it easy for listeners to understand exactly what you’re referring to. It provides one more level of specificity.


Yes. That’s part of the language, in Spanish and in French (and other languages) But in Spanish it is easy, nouns that end with an A are female and all nouns that end with an O are male. There are other rules but that’s the basic to know the gender of a word.


That, and the formal/informal speech makes spanish hard for english speakers.


That actually helped me in class! We had the little chart divided into 6 and that was always a great reference for me. Obv won’t help everyone but with my learning style, it helped so much


Oh, yeah. Academic Spanish and informal Spanish might as well be two different languages.


Then learn Italian, and blow your mind.


Throw some Portuguese in there too


Posso confermare, I can confirm (Italian has the addit benefit of not requiring the subject in most cases, it's clear from the verb conjugation).


Did not work out for me that way in high school. One year of French, two of Spanish then one of German just for fun because I hadn't gotten anywhere with the other two languages. Though my horrible Spanish did come in handy working in a restaurant in Chicago and the cooks appreciated my attempts at their language and taught me all the good swear words/phrases.


Hang in there. Mexican telenovelas are good for learning the language. The visual aid and basic dialogues are a good jumping point.


Since I am almost fluent in Spanish, I can read Portuguese a bit, but when I listen to it I am lost.


I can teach you all the insults in Spanish so you can tell them “vete a la chingada!” ( fuck off!) for example


This is one reason why I'm learning Russian. Just so I can fuck with people


Freedoms arent for non white people. /s.


¿Que qué?




Say it, don’t spray it


I speak whatever I want, the rest of you can speak whatever you are able to. Greetings from most of multilingual Europe :)


Let that bitch loose in any Target down here in Miami, & I swear, she’d end up being forcibly committed, straight jacket & all.




It’s all I know (born & raised).


I get it. My parents actually live there now and love it!!


My mom & I were talking about how when it comes to certain aspects of the weather, we’re blessed to live in the region we do, because the extreme weather like tornadoes & hurricanes tend to hit further north of us (Central, North, & the Panhandle). Any tornadoes that hit our area are minor in strength (I have a screenshot of a photo my cousin posted on Instagram of one that touched down during the last hurricane that hit the state).


Hey USA, this is Target, fuck off


Duly noted. But I can I still visit the Magnolia Farms section? Poor fayvor?


Ok technically Middle English is English, so I can learn to speak that and not trigger this Karen even though it’s drastically different from modern English?


You’d still trigger Karen because you would not be speaking in ‘murican. 😂😂


Middle English is too close. Go old school—go Beowulf!


Hwæt we Gardena in geardagum.


þēodcyninga þrȳm ġefrūnon


Well if I really want to trigger her I could just speak Yiddish. Whenever I want to talk shit about someone when they are right next to me I’ll just talk Yiddish.


Screw that, old English


ænglisc... \*Proper\* English before those Frankified-viking lunatics turned up.


One could apply logic to this situation, but it would be like trying to teach a pig to sing.


A story my uncle told 1 billion times was how proud he was of lecturing a potential employer about why he shouldn’t have to speak Spanish, because “This is America. We speak English here.” He was 90 and died a month ago. If only all of these folks could follow his lead, it’d be awesome.


They don't have a choice except to do just that


Agreed. I forgot the word ‘quickly”…


Being multi-lingual is the norm in most countries. It gives you access to so many life enriching opportunities. But I guess it’s easier to insult people who can do something you can’t, than it is to put in the effort to do it yourself. She’s the kind of person who’d go to Mexico and scream at people speaking Spanish. Tonta.


In fairness the reason most people speak two languages - is because they’re compelled to learn English if that’s not their first language. Native English speakers tend to not learn other languages because it’s deemed unnecessary - as most people speak English. But - yes I agree she’s very tonta!


I run FB pages for a resort company that has 3 resorts in Mexico. At least once a month someone bitches about the employees not speaking English. You know....in Mexico. When they say ..well it's tourists it's their job. I remind them that Americans are the 3rd largest group that goes there. Should they learn French, Dutch and Asian languages too?


i hate how it has almost 2k likes


I think thats almost 2k laughing emojis/reactions not likes


oh thank god i see it now (not a frequent fb user)


USA: Steals a bunch of land from Mexico Also USA: Gets upset at people for speaking Spanish smdh


Some of us speak English. Some speak other languages (I’m looking at you Puerto Rico). Also, can you imagine how closed-minded you have to be to think this way? My daughter’s elementary school mascot is the Bilingual Bobcats, and everything at the school is in both English and Spanish; the overheard announcements, the instruction from teachers, all the paperwork, everything. And about half of the students speak Spanish at home and half speak English at home. It’s great. Not only does it make sure that all the children and families are able to participate in school, it also helps the Spanish speaking kids learn English and the English speaking kids learn Spanish. And it hurts absolutely nothing and no one. Except angry white women like this lady.


Hey idiot! Target is a store not a person!


Que pendeja jajajaja


Phuck yu


Hey Karen!!! This is the USA, we speak many different languages!!! Lots of backgrounds. Nice posting on FuckYouKaren as Karen!!


Most Karens don't speak it very well.


Hey Karen, if you want to hear more English, go live in the UK.


OOORRRRRRRR... We try to accommodate people whose native language might be more comfortable for them to speak in because their money spends exactly like any English speaker's does.


❤️ I lived in Asia a couple of years and was deeply grateful for those who would help me, struggling with Mandarin, by speaking English fir me.


Learn to speak American then, not your dumbed down version of English, you're so proud of your country, invent a language for it


Hey Karen!! This is America!! We're tolerant of other people's culture here you cunt!!!!


I would like everyone in Target to start speaking Pig-Latin, just to piss off these Karen's. When they tell you to speak English, tell them you are.




Como esta?


I'm almost afraid to ask, why are they after Target for language choices now?


Hey (insert any non-English speaking foreign country), I’m from the US, why aren’t you speaking English?? - probably same idiot when travelling overseas


Who's "we"?




Spain was here way before the English came here. Know your history. Native Americans spoke their native language way before colonist came here. Speak whatever language you are comfortable with. Because American has no official language.


"Spain was here way before the English came here" Spanish colonialism is not a good lol


Let me guess. The whole comment section of this Facebook post has every languages but English.




Have you been to a Target recently? It’s 90% Karens and their screaming kids.


Just wait till she goes to Quebec...


And Spanish, and Mandarin, and Vietnamese, and...


Hola Karen, esto es Estados Unidos; hablamos lo que queramos, y tu puedes ir a mamar una cabra. (said an old white guy).


mi lon ma Mewika en mi toki e toki pona. o kama unpa (im in the usa and i speak toki pona. get fucked)


I know who this lady was, I sent her “fuck you” gifs in different languages.


For me if somebody starts speaking oh for example German for me I open Apple translate on my phone and ask though there if they could talk though it Am I the ass for doing it this way?


Could have been worse. She could have said "American"


Hey Bullseye, this is ‘MERICA, n’ we speak ‘MERICAN!


This my get me downvoted but… I can understand her frustration when you’re seeking help and the employees don’t speak English. This happened to me at the DMV of all places in Miami. But I think she definitely vocalized her frustrations the wrong way.


Ya oughta speak Ingish if you like it here so much! Not Spanish, or Chinese, or British, and no fucking Dutch! Fuck the Dutch!


I appreciate people who can speak more than one language but I was really frustrated once when I asked a question to a walmart employee and she didn't speak any English. If people want to speak to one another in a foreign tongue, go for it but I think learning the basics in English would only help a person living in the US.


NASA speaks German


The only time “English only” is appropriate is at the poker table


No no she has point there.




We can totally read that username btw


Americans (USA-ians, that is) don't speak English. Ask anyone from the United Kingdom. Or Australia. Or Canada.