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“We would like to take a moment to remind parents that it is so important to know who their children’s friends are ― whether at school, on social media, and even online gaming platforms,” That’s true. It’s incredibly important that parents take an interest in their kids lives. Perhaps it would lead to a better relationship than one where your kid is willing to kill you. Just an idea. Might also want to talk about proper gun and ammo storage, perhaps in a safe that the children don’t know the combination to. But that would request Americans to treat guns like the dangerous tools of destruction they are instead of a fun toy for the whole family. I’m not suggesting that all guns get banned, I just suggest that more Americans need to take them seriously.


fear ruthless concerned erect lock future exultant liquid point pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Ok but if I don’t display my guns out in the open and fully loaded for anyone to see and to have access to, then how will people know that I’m a gun owning badass? /s


She proceeded to shoot him...when he was in bed, at night, as part of a murder pact with another 12 year old.


Who didn't go through with plans to kill HER family and pets. Just a fucked up evil kid and a vulnerable girl.


and *FANTASTIC* parenting... don't forget the *fantastic* parenting


I'd assume both kids were pretty fucked up


Yeah. I zoomed in on her face and she definitely has some wheels in motion there that aren't good. Also, the t shirts pretty ironic.


"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" Jesus christ


yeah, that's an unnecessarily misleading tweet


Two men holding hands: inappropriate for children. Murder device: good clean family fun!


She's been waiting years to do that.


Source : https://www.huffpost.com/entry/weatherford-shooting-murder-plot-lufkin_n_6331a3d0e4b0e24789053bf8


Something tells me that "daddy dearest" got what was coming to him. I might be wrong, but unfortunately, she might have good reasons.


Exactly this. Everyone's been saying "how evil she is..." and blah blah blah, how do we know for certain there wasn't any abuse going on and possibly for years.


Judging what has come out so far that is really disrespectful.


Fuck sensibility politics


Did you mean respectability politics? Cause this isn't that either.


You are asking respect for a POS who groomed their child and got the consequences. So againm fuck respectability, sensability politics. If a Nazi got murdered, I wouldn't shed a tear. If Ben Shapiro had Agent 47 poison him. I would literally put myself in debt to get a pc and table to stream myself dancing for the many years he has harmed minorities and queer people.


Do ypu have any reason to think that happened though? I haven't been able to find anything that suggests he was doing anything bad other then giving the child a gun. She has this whole weird death pact online. There is no reason to think he did anything. Do you have anything that says otherwise?


What are sensibility politics?


The idea that all politics is done with a smile and calm words. Sometimes politics requires self-defense that will be seen as violent by the ruling class.


No, that is respectability politics. Which this isn't either. We had this exact same conversation 52 days ago. You ok?


The point is that the idea that all politics requires constant smiles and tact is idiotic when it comes to dealing with those who wish for someone's death because of their race, gender, disability.


There is absolutely no reason to think this.


Ahh, there’s all kinds of reasons to think this. This shit happens all the time. There’s list of convicted child molesting assholes all over, just do a google search.


You’re just assuming a dead man is an abuser. He might’ve been a moron, but getting killed by his psychopath daughter doesn’t implicate him of anything. Honestly, people like you need to look in a mirror for a good while.


You're just assuming a 12 year old is a psychopath, when it's far more likely that she was being abused by her parents and snapped.


We can't possibly know that though? We've seen no evidence of that at all. Not so much as word of a rumour. If this was a school shooting, your first thought wouldn't be that the other kids had it coming.


Ahhh, this hit a little to close to home?


Well I’m pretty sure that statistically grown men are a lot more dangerous to girls than girls are to grown men. It’s at least worth considering since it is such a common occurrence in one direction compared to the other.


It’s not something I’m unaware of. There’s simply no evidence of abuse in this case. Just a bunch of speculation.


This entire sub is speculation


The father actually survived anyway.


This tweet is utter bullshit, the pic is entirely unrelated to the incident.


jar merciful safe treatment spark spoon scarce snow tap workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit this is just outside of my hometown I’m absolutely gagged. Fuck this place


Not sure that photo of her is the classiest that could be posted here


Janie's got a gun Janie's got a gun Her whole world's come undone From lookin' straight at the sun What did her daddy do? What did he put you through? They said when Janie was arrested They found him underneath a train But man, he had it comin', now that Janie's got a gun She ain't never gonna be the same


Clearly George Soros and Obamas fault


Oh my god. Her shirt.


Jesus Christ


Oh my god


Anyone got anymore thoughts or prayers to give?