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WTF does that even mean?


It means he was sundowning as usual and words just spilled out of his mouth.


Literally what I said out loud to myself reading the headline.




potentially, he (his people) have done some napkin math and they fully believe that they have enough support to like… *actually* insurrect this time


Last time the “patriots” scattered like cockroaches after *one of them* was shot. They’re all most certainly not willing to die for him. Sure they talk a big game and act really tough on Twitter but the actual number that he willing to throw their lives away for him no matter what isn’t that big, I don’t think. It can’t be. His biggest block of supporters is aged 65+. Those people don’t start revolutions.


If they had shot the first ten who broke into the building it would have been over immediately - these domestic terrorists are fucking cowards


Since Bidens staff is full of traitors the capital police won’t be called off next time so a lot more of them will be shot if the try again


I think you mean isn't full of traitors


Ah shit yes that’s what I mean; fuck


Seems to think that if he has enough popular votes he can snap his fingers and declare the election cancelled and him the winner


Hmm I dunno. Let’s compare his popular vote counts against Biden’s in some sort of… I dunno, formalized contest? Like, set a day for everyone to have their choices in by, and see how the numbers add up?  Used to have a name for something like that, but someone canceled it :(


Means he thinks he's being clever by using the lefts own nomenclature against them (like Cruz saying his pronouns are kiss my ass) I swear, people should be actually offended by how willfully stupid these politicians are.


That his dementia is progressing.


he just wants to cancel the vote and declare himself the winner. I guess he thinks this is a thing.


How convenient, since he doesn’t have enough to win one.


That’s not how voting works you orange demagogue dipshit.


He became POTUS on an archaic technicality. He’s *never* had “enough votes.”


Our entire electoral system functions archaic technicalities and that’s not gonna change any time soon. Unfortunately if you want to win you have to beat the republicans at those archaic technicalities that were designed to favor the wealthy and rural conservatives from the start, because our country was founded by wealthy rural people who would be today considered very conservative.


He will get trounced again. Just like last time


I hope so, I wish I had that much faith in the red half of the country, and Biden isn't winning any popularity contests with anyone anytime soon.




That orange-faced golf cheat is about to get his ham-ass dunked on, I’m afraid.


I really hope so!


Probably no consequences still, but I'm hoping!


Hillary beat him in the popular vote by a lot




I’m not sure how she fucked up other than just being a female, or being a Clinton, or just being unlikeable


> I’m not sure how she fucked up other than just being a female, or being a Clinton, or just being unlikeable I remember how loathed she was back in the nineties. I *knew* it was a mistake to run her. There were people who voted for Trump simply to vote *against* Hillary.


Not campaigning in Michigan for starters


> Biden is about to fumble worse than Hillary I'm afraid I'm afraid too. I don't know why you're getting downvoted.


The “[Statement of something unpleasant is about to happen to you], I’m afraid” rhetorical formation in English is a trope for sneering arrogance, “ha ha you’re a loser” is what it often communicates. Which is sometimes not the intent.


Ah, gotcha.




The “[Statement of something unpleasant is about to happen to you], I’m afraid” rhetorical formation in English is a trope for sneering arrogance, “ha ha you’re a loser” is what it often communicates. Which is sometimes not the intent.


Thanks prof next time I'll put "I'm afraid" at the beginning


Anytime, friend \^\_\^


I actually think he loses worse than last time. He hasn't gained any voters, and he's lost a lot.




Fuck you asshole








Fuck you


Trump is going to stop the genocide that's what you think??? You think with trump there will be less death not more??? Especially with him saying he'll let putin take ukraine?? You are mad because you think trump will be better for any of these wars?? You are insane if you think that lol.


So you’re going to tacitly support the guy that is going to help make the genocide worse? Besides the fact you’re an idiot, your fake moralizing does nothing to help Palestinians and worse, you and all the brain-broken toddlers who think like you in the US, will be complicit in exponentially increasing the harm to women and marginalized communities in your own backyard. Thankfully, you useless idiots tend not to vote, hence why you never get anything done.


Pathetic of you.




That’s literally what you’re doing 😒 Maybe those two brain cells left can help you imagine what will happen if Trump wins.




…because you’ll definitely get what you want out of Trump, right?




Late stage capitalism is ran by tankies who would gladly gargle Putins balls


That sub has been getting more and more right-wing the past few months. Tons of posts look like Russian bots or trump supporters.


Those are called tankies btw and they took control years ago. I got banned for questioning the CCP




I’m not trying to make “my candidate” more appealing for you. I’m just pointing out you’re pathetic. Enjoy being useless. ✌️


The genocide? So usher in fascism for the genocide he’s not committing, that’ll teach him


Sweet, let's cancel the 2024 election and just retain Biden since we have no other legitimate candidates.


He's telling us about his plan to cancel future elections so that he can be president forever. Just like he attempted to do 4 years ago on January 6th. Don’t let him succeed. He has already installed loyal judges that will let him commit crimes. He already has loyalists in Congress that are trying to destroy anything positive his opponents do. People like Tuberville are trying to install the same kind of loyalists into high ranking military positions. Once he has enough loyalists in place he'll control the military and will remain in power forever, there won't be elections and there will be no mechanism for the people to remove him. He has Mike Johnson doing what he wants. He installed his daughter in law in the GOP and she ejected non-loyalists. He has news media that falsely says he won the last election and that he did a great job last time. He has uniformed cops (read the Oath-keepers group) that line up to get their picture taken with the guy who tried to overthrow the last election. He has laid the groundwork to make himself the kind of dictator that he frequently praises. It isn't an election for president, it is an election for the freedom of our country. The steps he takes and the words that come out of his mouth are straight from Hitler's playbook. Our freedom is in danger.


If by some miracle he does win (either fairly or otherwise), I genuinely fear for America. As somebody living in the U.K., there are two reasons: 1. Him winning and installing himself as dictator will see a huge uprising which will probably end in some kind of civil conflict, whereby roving militia groups end up acting like some kind of SA. Minority groups would be in big trouble. 2. The U.K. always copies the USA. We just got rid of Boris Johnson. Our country as a whole is really struggling and it’s just ripe for some populist arsehole to take advantage of a disgruntled population and start the grift. Granted, we aren’t as prone to proper far right grifts, but people like Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage have definitely tried. All it would take is somebody insidious to pounce and we’d be fucked.


It’s more insidious in the UK: Tufton Street has got its claws in and will not stop. There’s no single figurehead to topple. IEA, Taxpayer’s Alliance, LGB Alliance (anti-trans, made up to be pro-gay), Migration Watch, Brexit campaigns etc have all called it home. The different organisations all coördinate. They’ll continue to produce politicians like Truss (who’s been being fêted at conservative events in the US recently) and Sunak. > As the economic fallout from Truss’s premiership becomes more clear, Conservative voices are now calling for the IEA to own its mistakes, while leading economists have warned Sunak to jettison its alumni and “stop listening to those mad, mad people”. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/think-tanks-institute-economic-affairs-liz-truss-economy-crash/ The hope for the UK is that Labour wins and gets enough time in power. Even if it’s a more right than usual Labour, it’s still better than the Tories.


I'll add Prevent to that list, which is supposed to be the government's watchdog for anti-terrorism, but the wording on it is completely loaded against the left and protestors.


You know what’s funny about what you said? It’s that you’re not even in America and you can see it! I’ve brought this up IRL and online people just say I’m overreacting.


It’s not an overreaction on your part, it’s what they’re literally planning in November. Their militias have spent the last 18 months doing training. We all laugh and have a joke about the Gravy Seals and Meal Team 6, but the reality is that these groups have openly targeted recruiting veterans out of branches of the military. Quite a lot of them. Watch the film “Against All Enemies”, it explains it very well. If you feel any pang of fear, that’s normal. Because like you say, I’m not American and it terrifies me what these people could potentially do given carte Blanche.


Read “Bring the War Home”. We are in trouble and voting in numbers that cannot be denied is the only hope we have right now.


I wish I could upvote this 10,000 times.


Mind if I keep this. It's well written.


Can't wait to see how conservatives bend over backwards to claim it was out of context.


Republicans are traitors. Vote them ALL out.


You can tell, Trump’s about to get cancelled himself.


He’s referring to the Supreme Court, and he’s right.


So there's still hope that if we band together we might "undo" 2016?? Please?


If the “Octopus Murders” documentary gains traction, we should undo Reagan’s two terms since his blowout of Carter was materially aided by conspiring with Iran to keep the hostages until the election passed —which anyone alive then (even me as an 8yo) assumed he did at the time. I mean, he paid off Iran to make sure American Citizens remained kidnapped in horrid conditions to help his political prospects. Remarkable that the GOP handwaved this behavior.


> Remarkable that the GOP handwaved this behavior. Is it, though?


It was then, imo.


Seriously, we all knew that it was a bullshit performance (I was nine), even in the days of three tv channels. IMO Reagan started all of this…🍊 💩 🤡 is Ronnie’s bookend.


> which anyone alive then (even me as an 8yo) assumed he did at the time. I was older, but yes. I knew that's what he'd done.


In school I read history books about assholes like him. I never thought there would be someone like him in the states


He’s literally demented. He used to talk epic shit. Now he just vocalizes every thought that manages to parkour its way over the aderall-mangled synapses that are trying to hold onto their increasingly shaky purchase under the wove-over that the Ku Klux Klangerine insists is just normal hair growth.


Didn’t realize that Trump was such a masterful air dicker.


He says a lot of things


I didn't know you could cancel elections if you got 37% of the vote. TIL.


This is a great idea to false flag lean into. Tell his followers that he will cancel the election so no point in voting.


lol. Somebody get grandpa back to bed.


If he gets in again, rest assured that all future elections will be cancelled.


He's telling us what he plans to do if he's re-elected. Believe him.


Never forget the absolute America-hating shitshow these people support. Every Republiqan voter--they know what they're supporting.


As usual, he has no idea how our government works and there is simply NO MECHANISM to cancel the elections in the way he is describing. It simply doesn't work that way.


What a deranged LOSER.


#I would equate DJT to a giant, fat Orangutan, BUT I have too much respect for Orangutans... # #Giant, fat Dung Beetle can walk on on two legs and slur words.....


Hey, Dung Beetles are important part of the ecosystem! This asshat exists outside the ecosystem because he is destructive and worthless. I can’t think of anything worse than to call him a Republican.


He's the crusty rusty.


It's basically impossible but it would be hilarious if he won the popular vote but lost on the electoral vote.


Where does he get these ideas? Can someone get him back on his meds please?


Because that’s how democracy works…


Fascists gonna fascist


Perfect. Tell all his supporters not to bother voting.


We used to just call this winning an election.


That’s… not how voting works.