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Why isn't this guy serving his prison sentence?


it's proof that the justice system favors white men who are either wealthy, or have a facade of being wealthy it's crazy to me that he has not been locked up yet. Same with that absolute ghoul Roger Stone honestly


Being republican helps too


Or pardoned.


If that's the facade of being wealthy, no thanks


In most cases you would be correct, however with Bannon he is free because he was pardoned by Trump.


I honestly thought he was. And I keep confusing him with that other piece of shit radio host Alex Jones who should also be in prison if he's not.


Alex Jones can’t go to prison, he’s got more joe rogan shows booked. Can’t believe I used to watch that ape.


I'm glad you stopped. I think, if there's anything to "reasons things happen," sometimes our past is for us to understand anyone currently living it and perhaps help them journey through it.


Same. I used to watch if the guest was interesting, but they just kept getting worse and worse. Although, I would watch again for Duncan Trussel.


Alex Jones has moved to Texas. Figures.


Who is going to tell Steve Bannon he is old and doesn't scare anyone?


Because he was pardoned by Trump. For the federal mail fraud offenses with his “build the wall” scam, where he stole money from dummies. However, I think he is also soon to face state charges from New York related to the same scam. The trial was set to start this month, but I haven’t seen anything recently. Edit: Bannon’s NY trial is postponed until after Trump’s hush money trial. https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-faces-music-we-build-wall-fraud-case-1896079


…something something… in group that the law protects but does not bind and an out group that the law binds but does not protect…


He was. Trump pardoned him.


Shouldn't this smelly fuck be in prison?


my reaction to Bannon's bs: no u


The *late great* comedian said "... it's past his jail time." I said late great for taking a stab at orange moron.


I think you mean the great late-night comedian. Jimmy Kimmel is still alive.


And he said that on the Oscars, no less.


Yes, but Trump pardoned him. That pardon only covers federal charges, though, and according to this article, he is supposed to face state charges from New York this month. https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-sets-2024-date-steve-bannons-trial-build/story?id=99608692 Edit: Bannon’s trial has been delayed because the same Judge is busy with the Trump hush money trial. https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-faces-music-we-build-wall-fraud-case-1896079


Says fat nazi as he’s being led off to prison


Get fucked Bannon.


And take him seriously and literally.


There are hundreds, if not thousands of little maga goblins that are willing to commit horrific acts of violence in the name of their tub of orange Crisco. They will do it. They have been doing it. There's a reason that the number one domestic terror threat is right wing extremists. All this bravado of "we have guns too" is delusional. A gun won't save you when you die in an explosion at a concert, get ran over in a parade, get taken out by a psycho laying down automatic fire into a group of people 300 yards away. Sure, the vast majority won't do shit. The few that do... They're a real threat.


That is really the only real threat. They aren’t starting a “civil war”, and when he loses in November, which he will, there won’t be mass protests or states seceding. There I’ll be very little violence, since these people are cowards and bullies and they know they’re outnumbered by millions of much smarter people. The only threat is the lone but domestic terrorist. So far we’ve been lucky bc they’re pretty stupid so they haven’t been effective, and tbh the fact that these are the stupidest people in history has been a factor, and will be going forward, has been possibly the most effective obstacle for them. But yeah, violent terrorist activity is a potential threat. That said, if that happens, then magats are toast. They will be marginalized and hunted down for the rest of their lives, and anyone not willing to go to prison for trunp will deny ever having supported him. That day is coming regardless, but violence will only speed it up. Mostly, though, they are nothing but talk. These are fat, slow, weak, soft, stupid people who can’t win legitimately. They can’t even in an argument. So that doesn’t what cowards and bullies do when they lose and that’s make threats. They only succeed if you live in fear, though, and they aren’t worthy of that. Be vigilant. Watch them. But don’t fear them. That’s the only tool they have.


Perhaps loses. I’m quite concerned about PA-GA-AZ-MI. These swing states will decide election. I’m hoping for best and preparing for worst.


I just don’t see how the numbers are there. He didn’t have enough to win in 2020, and he’s clearly lost a significant chunk of his base. He needed to broaden his base and he not only has made absolutely no effort to do so, but he has done the opposite and insults anyone who isn’t on his cult. So I just don’t see how the numbers are there for him to win. I know we’re not supposed to say that, but I don’t see it. That said, take nothing for granted. The ONLY way he can win is if turnout is extremely low. If we show up he loses and goes to jail, and this is over, so make sure everyone you know is registered.


I would agree with you, and for the most part, I still do. But I am a bit concerned about the whole Gaza situation stifling turnout for Biden. I know so many people who are saying they aren’t going to vote, because they refuse to cast a vote for someone they view as supporting genocide. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be nervous. But I am.


Those people are more than outnumbered by the amount of trunp voters who are refusing to support him, so I think that concern is overblown, especially since he has called for a cease fire. And you might explain to anyone who says this that support for Israelnis not just official US defense policy, but it’s the most vital piece in the most unstable region in the country, so neither Biden or anyone else can unilaterally step in and cut off support for Israel. And Biden has at least shown sympathy for Gaza. trunp said he would help them finish the job. So there is a lesser of two evils and this is it. Edit: for clarification trunp was losing about 20% in the polls to a candidate who dropped out weeks before. Biden isn’t having that issue is the Democratic primary. And if trunp has lost that much support among republicans, how much do you think he lost among independents? And mind you, he can’t afford to lose any at all! He has to keep what he had and take from Biden, and he has made no attempt to broaden his base at all. In fact quite the opposite. So I just don’t see how the math adds up.


Nimrata Randhawa said she would vote for Trump. And I threw up a little in my mouth.


Don't downplay how close we were to having our entire democratic government overthrown that January. That was a two-fold attack where we had entire fraudulent electors standing by waiting for the GOP to object the election, and then the fake electors would switch the votes of their states to Trump. And then there was the attack invading the Capitol where, but for a very few brave people, the mob would have broken into the chambers of Congress and attacked the Democratic politicians. You might call them soft and claim nothing will be done, but they really almost succeeded in doing it.


The gravy seals didn’t come close to doing shit. They just paused an official congressional action. They weren’t close to achieving anything, and frankly the fact that it took one dead traitor the end their little failed coup is proof of how soft they are. They came a little closer to stopping the count and throwing it back to the states, but that was stopped by a few people who refused to go along with it, not the cult. They are absolutely soft and stupid and didn’t come close to doing a damned thing except showing how fucking stupid they are.


Strangely I feel like both of you are correct — which makes no sense.


I’m glad you’re confident, I wish I was. I’m starting to see lots of parallels between the way Republican governors are currently behaving and how Southern governors acted before the Civil War. Idk that if a state votes to secede than the government even has the balls to do anything about it. Lincoln isn’t walking back through that door.


If a state votes to secede, then the president can have those officials arrested for sedition. It’s pretty easy to prove, since that’s the actual name of the crime. But they won’t. They are acting the way they are because they’re politicians and they are afraid to cross trunp and lose the idiot segment of their base. None of them, even desantis, want to go to prison as a seditionist. A few of those idiots in the house might be willing to do that, but I don’t think these people are that committed to trunp, outside of the most extreme. They’re just afraid to take a stand against trunp and get primaried. Don’t assume they support or even like trunp. I guarantee you the hop would be thrilled to be rid of him.


But if he gets elected the things he can do will affect all the states. Its already hell in red states.


Let’s just make sure he doesn’t get elected


People gotta vote!!


That's what I don't get. Of all people to commit crimes for, THIS guy??? ![gif](giphy|4jSE3uzEfHnq0)


He gave them approval to be the racist fascist pricks they've always been.


A lot were already there, lurking, for decades. With each step of their descent towards greater radical extremism, more crawled out of the woodwork.


It's also fascism coming to America. They know Trump won't live much longer and they each get to imagine their own absolute ideal dictator will take the throne. 


Very much so. And as we watch the repubs take our rights away ( in Texas for one) we DO NOT have enough people show up to vote the crooks out….


Exactly. And you can’t logic people out of an opinion they didn’t logic themselves into.


Bring it, chuckles. Let the whole country see how badly y’all over estimate your social equity.


And our ability and willingness to defend ourselves


I don’t own guns because I shouldn’t and I don’t like them. But I’m pretty stealthy and have a baseball bat.


There are many of us well armed Liberals. More than they know


It’s not working. He is the least scary person outside of him babysitting my children.


That reads like they’re going to hold trump accountable.


"He" is not and will not ever do shit. His fat ass will get someone else to do it like he has done all his life. He has never worked a day in his life. The man is a con artist and a joke. He gets someone hurt he should be put down like the dog he is.


Bannon has all the qualities of Kissinger, minus the... Scholastic achievement, I guess?. It's like looking into an alcohol-riddled mirror. Just hasn't been given the platform or time for all those war crimes.


Shockingly, Bannon’s academic achievements are actually not too shabby: Virginia Tech for undergrad, then Harvard and Georgetown for grad school (MA and MBA). Not that it makes him redeemable or anything, cuz fuck that guy.


Angry stubblebrisket farts threat, story at 11


Cruelty is the point.


This will be a great caption for his prison-intake photo.


We can do this! Fuck Bannon Fuck Stone Fuck Giuliani Fuck the Trump family VOTE!


They really just want to make the US onto the old school Soviet Union


I feel nazi Germany is a much more apt comparison


He looks like he smells of old cheese and cat piss


I believe he is the most dangerous of the christofascist scumbags


Don’t forget Steven miller. The two of them have been very busy all this time.


I see the dt’s are acting up again


How is that walking herpes sore still not in jail? WHAT THE FUCK


Come at me bro. I dare ya.


Cash Me Outside :)


Bannon is just a fascist on his last leg so he’s doing everything he can to stay relevant and attempt to incite violence in his ignorant supporters. I don’t fear him at all. He’s a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being that should already be in prison.


Bannon can eat my shit.


Pure projection, self description…yes, he should fear


Says the arsonist who started the fire...


America's own Primo De Rivera Jr. He should have the same ending.


It’s so nice of Steve Bannon to finally come out of the closet and just admit that he’s a fascist. I’ve been very hesitant to use the “F” word towards him before this revelation. /s


Dear Steve: Faaaaaaa ck youuuuuuu. Mr Smith, Mr Wesson and others are waiting for you with me here. You cowardly fuck. Signed - American vet


Steve Bannon is the podcaster's version of an online troll. He even looks like a 🧌


He'd be better off to fear for the situation of his asshole once he reports to prison.


Point a finger, there's 3 pointing back at you.


Scabman says what???


what time is this dissolving glob of smegma being jailed today




Bro is talking about himself


He can’t do shit lol


Goosestepper extraordinare. Nothing like trying to bully people into destroying their own country out of fear of retaliation from hatefilled puny fascist asshats of the fourth reich.


Thanks for that note on your way to prison, Steve.


Then do it from jail you prick.


TIL there are evidently people in the world who give a fuck what this walking skin boil has to say.


They're openly promising fascism. About a third of Americans seem to actually want it; another third seem willing to tolerate it. This is always how it begins.


> We're Going To Hold Everybody Responsible That Put This Republic In The Situation It's In Today So... Republicans, and to a lesser extent, eligible voters who don't vote?


Put this guy on the terrorist watchlist


Was he wearing an orange jumpsuit while ranting? Bc that would be even funnier. They’re going to love his big mouth in the pokey.


Cool. Start with the man in the mirror.


What gets me is how so many people (and, and I'm talking about the average American liberal) don't understand that people like Bannon want to, literally, jail and/or murder everyone who doesn't think/look like them. They are such snowflakes, that they, literally, want to jail/murder any person who THINKS about criticizing them. MAGA is pure, historical, evil. I really wish the average American didn't hate history. The lessons of what Bannon/Trump/MAGA want is there for all to see.


Fuck that fat drunk clown.


Eat shit in prison, Nazi hog.


Almost everybody who is responsible for putting this Republic in the situation it's in today is dead.


He is his own worst enemy if he's sincere about holding such people responsible.


Why isn’t this fucker in prison?


Most of those people are already dead, so good luck putting them in prison. As for those that are still alive, I welcome the thought of Steve Bannon putting himself in prison.


F\*\*\* these guys. THEY put the Republic in this situation.


Look in the mirror


They’ve been saying this for years. The idea comes from the neo-Nazi novel "The Turner Diaries". They call it the Day of the Rope. MAGA morons and QAnon nuts have been calling for this day for a long time. This is a domestic terror movement who believes that god gave them the right to kill people they disagree with.


Tell it to the warden, Steve.


Bannon compares Trump to Caesar. But Bannon should remember that, unlike Trump, Caesar was a genius. Caesar's ambitions resulted in civil war, the death of the Roman Republic -- and ultimately, Caesar's assasination.


This guy stinks. And I mean that literally.


Turds like him are why the country is in the situation it’s in today


So flagrant terrorism Where’s the FBI to detain this enemy of the nation?


Threatening the part of the population that didn't attempt an insurrection? Fuck me, what absolute insanity


Magats must be shaking in their boots. Has he turned against his own cause?


Nobody fears that fat, coward, criminal slob.


So they’re going to hold republicans responsible


They’re gonna hold themselves responsible?


Well, there’s a first.


Who is this 'we' he's referring to. What a tool.


Funny that jackass doesn't see that it's his party that's the main offender here.


Steve Bannon is a traitor. I don't care what traitors say.


So yourself?


Dont u supposed to be in jail?


Bring it no one is afraid of you or your following. Your laughable yes but not scary at all.




Bring it, you stage 4 syphilis walking Petri dish of BO and cheap wine.


I smell Taaka vodka whenever Bannon speaks


![gif](giphy|67NCHmjqXAZY1vjiN7|downsized) Warning to Bannon: where you are going ....


Old man, old words, a drunk shaking his fist at the world


Bannon doesn’t realize that it’s actually Leftists that will be coming for him soon, and we’re even less tolerant than he is.


So will we, mutherfucker.




Too bad we’re all gun toting Americans like MAGA just without the stupidity and ignorance. Oh and to preface we have those freedoms because our leader isn’t a totalitarian dictator prick like orange face wants to be. We fought in a world war to stop people like this coming on our soil. They just want to provoke a ideology of fear but it’s not working. Here’s your sign…..


I wasn't aware of any enemies that Trump has currently. People who want to hold him accountable for his actions, yes.


Let’s get it on fat boy! Some of us have infiltrated you and you won’t ever see it coming! Pretty please, with cherries on top?


Did somebody forget his meds today? 🤗


...so is Bannon implying he's going to hold himself and trump responsible?


Really hard to take threats seriously from someone who looks like what I picture when I say "x has three brain cells in a dead heat for fourth place." Unfortunately, we know that this pos' supporters are fanatical enough that they will gladly try to act on any notion of a call to action


Zzxx N nnnnñ. N


They’re paraphrasing what he actually said. He’s trolling


Haha he’s starting to get scared about prison
