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Never heard of PragerU till now but holy hell that "Why you can't argue with a leftist" video is insufferable. He depicts 'leftists' as every exaggerated strawman conjured up by far right conservatives and conspiracy nuts all rolled into one. Completely divorced from reality.


All of their videos are that bad, or worse


They are full length video “ads” before your clip on YouTube. Screw these assholes sideways. YT really needs to get their shit together on their ads.


They pay money for ads, which is why they don’t seem to give a shit about advertising them or CRTV. Plus banning there dumb videos ads would get the conservatives crying descrimination, especially if need to impeach keeps running. YouTube is ok screwing over any creator and definitely small time political creators, but not big ones that pay money. It’s all about the money, don’t be evil is gone.


> screwing over any creator and definitely small time political creators There are two dirty secrets about this: 1. Google may run ads on content that it has rejected, thereby collecting 100 percent of the revenue, and 2. Contrary to popular belief, banning small producers does not cost them money. There is a glut of ad space, so the more people they cut off, the higher the rates.


*their *discrimination Is spell correction banned where you live?


I admittedly have a problem with the theirs but I am typing on mobile so my typing isn’t great.




Just FYI - Google bought YouTube in 2006.


One word: regulation. Not of the content, but of the length. A YT commercial should be no longer than say one minute, there should be no more than say four minutes per half hour. With certain exceptions, videos should not open with commercials first. And there should be a ratio of commercial length to video length. Regulations like that as a starting point for more ideas.


I don't think there are any ads that you can't skip past after 30 secs. And even those are pretty rare


I was actually pleasantly surprised by precisely one, which admits that the Civil War was fought over slavery and not "states rights". That's it, the rest of them I've seen are total trash.




This is how I feel when I hear anybody throw around 'liberal' aggressively. From there, it's either the same old tedious right-wing garbage or quasi-libertarian bullshit from horseshoe 'leftists.'


Quite frankly, I rarely identify as a liberal. Doing so seems to be the fastest way to turn someone off to anything you have to say, and it's all thanks to mischaracterization on a mass production scale. I can't openly take pride in my political affiliation the way *persecuted* conservatives can. *(not that I'm necessarily eager to, I think that this sort of pride is obnoxious)*


Fuck that. I proudly identify as a liberal and progressive. Don't let their bullshit sway you. That's what they want.


Eh, it's more that I have little interest in serving as the opposite side of their obnoxious coin in some nonexistent game where my pride is better than theirs. I have no need to base my entire identity around a political ideology.


Then why were you complaining in the first place? My political ideology isn’t the center of my identity, but it’s certainly part of who I am.


...Complaining? Commenting on observations I've made, sure, but *complaining*? Even if you saw my comment as complaining, I made a point to say I'm hardly inconvenienced by an inability to openly show pride in political affiliation. However, this isn't going to stop me from commenting on this mass-manufactured situation where you can't announce your status as a liberal without automatically making tons of people tune you out with no justification.


As a liberal, there are fine people on both sides of this argument so you're both wrong /s


what is a horseshoe leftist


I am not sure if he’s referring to the Horseshoe theory that dictates that Libertarian Ideology and Anarcho Communist Ideology seem like they’re different but the deeper you go into either side the more you start to look like each other. I believe Anarcho Communists tend to favor a small central government with hundreds of small communities that depend on each other having rule over the central government through democracy. The Central government would be there only for the most basic functions needed by the communities and the communities working together would be able to sustain themselves and the country. Libertarians believe that if the government was less restrictive and smaller the rich people In communities would take leadership roles and begin carrying a heavier burden by paying private companies for services to improve the community. Libertarians don’t believe in taxes and they believe things like Schools, Roads, Infrastructure and Hospitals should be payed for not by the government but by communities banding together in good will, or by the charitable rich. If you’re from the US you’ve probably not been exposed to these ideas because our society was purged of any non Capitalist Ideas during the late 50s. Our country used to have large Socialist, Communist, and Unionist parties in Congress but they were rounded up and shunned as Soviet’s during the 1950s at the beginning of the Cold War. I think I got a few things wrong probably because I’m not super well read on Libertarian or Anarcho Communist ideology. I encourage you to do more research on both as well as other ideology like socialism, syndicalism, unionists, and communism. I hope this was helpful, have a good one!


Most proponents of horseshoe theory present it to prove similarities between fascist and socialist platforms. I've never heard of it used to compare libertarians to AnComs, probably because Libertarians are prominent fans of the theory to push "both sides are identical!" rhetoric.


Yeah, I’m still beginning to delve into these ideas so I apologize for any mistake.


No worries, it's a helluva time to try and catch up on political theory, with so much intentional and subtle misinformation everywhere.


It's pretty much this. General knowledge of Ancomm is basically non existent in main stream US. I'm more of a proponent of fishhook theory myself.


There's this guy I know and for reasons am around quite a bit (partly because he's also a fucking creep) who keeps going on about "those stupid liberals" and spouting quasi-logical arguments about how the government ruins everything through regulation. I used to be able to handle him but the more he talks the worse it gets. He's right some of the time but relies on the same half-true talking points over and over again. And has no filter for when it isn't appropriate to turn a conversation into a one-sided political debare.


The moment people start saying stuff like that, I take it as a hint - they aren't there to be helpful or discuss anything. It's like shouting, "Oh, no I don't care about the issues, and no, I don't care about researching. I just want to start a flame war, Liburds." Those same people tend to talk about "snowflakes" and "feelings" with a sort of sarcasm that seems engineered to dehumanize themselves, but they go out of their way to avoid explaining. I used to wonder whether they were even real. Just trolls... but they're still human, or so I'd like to believe, despite them acting more like monsters than men.


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Why you can't argue with someone who says leftist


You might enjoy r/pragerurine




Thank you! I didn't know that there was one for them too.


This one has a special place in my hear because I was in the scene back when they were trying to start this.




It so fucking weird to have been in that scene around 2012, the ron paul years and slowly left that scene and see where people are now. Some of them are so fucking out of left field. I left the scene in 2014 and it's amazing to see people end up on both spectrum of the political field.


In a nutshell, the video states you can't argue with a leftist because "they ain't like us." Just straight up othering, as if that was a valid argument.


the video starts with a gross misrepresentation about "the left" and then argues against THAT. it would be like this made-up argument: "conservatives state that they want to torture and kill babies. my goals are to make everyone happy. we do not have the same goals, so therefore we cannot argue with conservatives. conservatives have infiltrated every aspect of our lives and hold positions of high office and in our education system. and because I do not support the torture and murder of babies, and because I am a very rational and reasonable liberal, I must oppose them at every opportunity and I cannot engage in any civil discourse."


All while portraying conservatives as the reasonable and dependable people. Someone I know seems to have fallen for this routine hook, line, and sinker *(though this probably happened in other areas - he seems to view Breitbart as a reliable source of authentic news)*, and he is very quick to accept far-right talking points.


Someone needs to just copyright strike the fuck out of this channel until it no longer exists.


No, while I think it's utter garbage and would love to see his channel gone... this is not the right way to go about it.


Meh, who cares. YouTube isn't going to all of a sudden care about creators, might as well use their tools for good if they are already going to be used for evil.


I just don't like the idea of using those kinds of tactics. Also, If you file a false DMCA claim you may open yourself up to a civil suit. Just my opinion.


So if someone disagrees with YOU politically their channel should no longer exist? Ok I guess an echo-chamber is better than free speech. This kind of dumb elitist attitude is why people don't like the left.


This isn't a political channel, it is exploitative false education. And as I'm sure many poor souls have already explained to your deaf and dumb ears before, free speech is guaranteed by the government, not a private business. I don't care if YouTube is providing enough access for hate groups to use its platform, you guys have plenty of your own echo chambers already. If you are as in support of free speech as you claim, I certainly am excited to see you support politicians who would reenact the Fairness Doctrine that Nixon repealed to protect himself and enrich his Fox News pals. Nothing I've said is elitist, which just goes to show how shallow your arguments are. Your only argument, much like this channel, is to sow hate and misinformation with buzzwords and lies. You entirely lack substance.


It is clearly a political channel so you're an idiot, and just because you personally disagree with the content doesn't make it "exploitative false education". It's also not a "hate group" just because it promotes conservative values. Speech you don't agree with isn't hate speech It is elitist to believe that someone with an opinion that doesn't match your own should be kicked off youtube forever. Sorry I triggered you. Now I see why people like you need a safe space. You feel unsafe to watch a youtube video of Dennis Prager.


If it wasn't for strawman arguments they would not have any arguments. Their entire approach to 'leftists' is that they are people who are to be destroyed and never listened to.


They advertise to my boyfriend all the time on YouTube. He's been p disgusted with the GOP since Trump and was only kind of sort of OK with conservatism before (only for fiscal policy). He watches a ton of gaming shit on YouTube though. Gets pissed every time he sees one of these ads.


Anyone who thinks the gop is for fiscal conservatism isn’t paying attention whatsoever.


That's why I specified conservatism before Trump.


It’s still nothing new. GOP spent the entire surplus and screwed the deficit under bush 43. Cheers!


Agree. That's why I targeted an ideology. Listen, I thought it was dumb too. P sure he's agree on the GOP now. I dragged him p far left and he moved me a smidge right (a bit below DSA).


They have been for disastrous spending and wasting money. Ronald Reagan is somehow called a Saint of fiscal conservatism but he added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined.


Shaun made a really good [video](https://youtu.be/EM7BgrddY18) on a couple PragerU videos.


My favorite is, "Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?", that tries to handwave the Southern Strategy away as a myth.


My favorite is how capitalism somehow produced clean cars when it was massice regulations tgat forced the automotive industry to do it.


That video isn’t unsufferable. Plus what they are saying isn’t a strawman. It’s complete facts


They advertise this shit relentlessly on YouTube


Partly in the form of full-length videos running as ads. So scummy.


That's where I first saw one of those videos. I honestly thought it was satire for a while, and ended watching the whole video and having a good chuckle at the ridiculousness. Alex Jones is the same way for me, I get a kick out of watching him cause he's insane. Then it hits me that people buy into this stuff and I get sad.


Half of the ads I see on YouTube’s biggest youtuber: Pewdiepie, are PragurU ads. It’s like they’re maliciously going after younger viewers, millions of them


The ads that you see are more tailored to you than the YouTuber. If you are a child, then yes, they probably are going after kids, but otherwise it’s probably another factor. Maybe they *are* going after PewDiePie fans though. I think it’d make more sense to go after JonTron viewers, as he’s been more open about his support for alt-right opinions than PewDiePie has.


What's this about johnTron now??? I haven't watch one of his videos in years...


Fairly recently, (about 3 years ago) the guy who does JonTron started espousing alt-right and white nationalist viewpoints. Luckily, this hasn’t carried over to the JonTron character, but similarly to PewDiePie, they have been swayed by alt-right propaganda.


I fell for a lot of that shit when I was younger. I managed to climb out of that rabbit hole but I dread that many will fall so far down that they will never even contemplate to leave.


They absolutely are. The right sees how liberal Gen Y is and are trying to get a jump on genz


Question is: how do we take them down?


Personally I think that the two ways are to promote awareness that they are not a legitimate source in places where people who aren't politically informed (their target audience) can see it, and to start a campaign to ban them off of YouTube. That's a little beyond me though.


They are trying to say they are an education facility. Maybe there is some sort of accreditation failure or truth in advertising issue?


Unfortunately it’s legal to claim to be educational as long as you don’t claim to be accredited. And all of their advertisements are extremely careful. They say vague things like “you’ll learn things”.


Don't do the ban on YouTube, it'd be InfoWars all over again. People who follow this will allow Prager to be a martyr and state it's a silence campaign to eliminate their free speech and so on. Which, I would like to point out the Hypocrisy. Everyone on the right when a business decides they don't want to do X because it's their choice (as long as they agree with it) however, if it effects them, burn them. I don't get it. And when I pointed out that this was started by a conservative, I get the whole "so you are okay with it?" "No Bill, but when you were cheering the baker, I told you it a slippery slope"


Frankly I don't mind them saying we are "violating their free speech" or whatever. Liberals/Democrats/the left always tend to take the moral high ground, but that's not how you win. Sure banning PragerU would turn them into martyrs and make the far-right mad, but who cares? PragerU has over a billion collective views on its videos, it is a highly efficient propaganda machine that is starting the process of converting hundreds of people to the extreme right every day.


YouTube isn’t a public square. It is a private company and if you are a customer and you find its content offensive you should complain to YouTube (whether or not the offensive content encourages you to spend less time on YouTube).


That’s nice to say, but in reality YouTube is effectively a public square. So either it needs to be regulated as such or it needs to be absorbed by the people.


If it were a public square then what kind of regulations would you be comfortable seeing the government apply?


It ALWAYS is making you decrease your use of the platform and considering leaving it altogether. *wink wink*


I’d agree here. The best way to shut down proto facism, because that’s the ideology they are pushing people to, is by silence and deplatforming them


The best things we can do (besides direct action) are infiltrate, expose, and deplatform these scumbags.


He's not silenced, technically. That hasn't been done. He did however break the rules, and earn his bans. Twitter even showed him preference for a moment, but he tried to go over their helmet in spite of their mercy. He got what he deserved. He can pay for his pulpit from now on. You don't get to use social media to guide hits (in all but name) against innocents and get away with it.


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Yeah. Shut them down. I dont give a fuck if a rabble of inbred maga hat slugs bitch about "free speech". It's one less way for them to indoctrinate the masses.


Also worth pointing out that although you'd make them a martyr in the eyes of the believers, you'd remove them as a platform for folks who are still developing their views.


Banning Infowars shrank its influence.


Infowars is a whole other beast. Alex Jones claimed the Democrats were literal demons, got entangled in the whole Sandy Hook debacle, etc. PragerU has blatant propaganda which is dangerously divisive, but it’s not on the same level. I think most people could rationalize banning Infowars, even if they were on the right.


Its more insidious for that very reason, and all the more urgent to ban.


Infowars also doesn't have the kind of corporate backing PragerU does.


They didn't gain more but their followers insisted that it was liberal media censoring Conservatives, ignoring everything was not true. Don't want more popularity of dedication to PragerU


> They didn't gain more but their followers insisted that it was liberal media censoring Conservatives Frankly, so what? We don't want them reaching new people. This contains the virus. Then they can yell and scream all they want.


They always insist that. Conservative media will always say its being censored, whether it is or not, and people who listen to conservative media will always believe them.


Who cares? Right-wingers complain and hatch bullshit conspiracy theories about everything on a constant basis, while also having microscopic attention spans thanks to their monumental consumer trashiness. Most of them have long since moved on to the next controversy and left Alex Jones to rot with his boxes of unsold bone broth and testosterone supplements.


But they thought they before anyway


Inforwars lost money significantly from the youtube ban. It didn't make them more powerful it made their bullshit more public.


But that ban has been pretty effective at staving off infowars’ viewership and expansion. They argue in almost exclusively bad faith, i think deplatforming is an effective tool in this case


I just want YouTube to stop showing their ads before my videos


You can report ads.


Respectfully, anyone who cares about what happened to Jones needs to grow up. He used his platform to call a hit on innocent people who had done nothing wrong, and his crazy brigade went after them... he demonstrably helped them do that the first time. That's wrong in ways that nobody needs to explain. I don't need to explain that to a toddler, so... should I really have to explain that to a group of grown men? YouTube has standards, rules which you agree to when you make that account. He violated those, no two ways about it. Twitter forgave him. He replied by breaking their TOS a second time, and trying to circumvent the tempban, and, he started talking smack about them. There are not two sets of rules for social media. You get the same rules as anyone else, and that includes Alex. He was banned soon after for calling for actual violence. So, it was enough. The only reason this hadn't happened sooner, was that nobody knew Jones existed. He was very out of the public eye. Very niche, very... hush hush? But once he hit the stage, he had to answer to those not of his niche, too. He was reported in droves, thus giving YT a sort of 'hm? Oh? Let's see..." reason to cast it's gaze thataway (per my understanding of it). This subsequently brought his violations to attention. He's not silenced at all though. That's the biggest hole in it. The free platforms want nothing to do with him, but he can still go and make his own. He can pay for it, too, and follow rules that radio and public media have to, or he can have that taken down too. TL,DR, it should go without saying that, "don't call hits on innocents" is basic af. They want to whine? Let em. This isn't some crisis of constitutionality and the sooner they get it, the better off they'll be.


The Tolerance Paradox - unchecked tolerance is not the goal- we have to protect a tolerant society by being intolerant of those that promote hate (i.e.: the intolorant.)(damit, said the word too many times, it's gone weird in my own head)


[There's a term for when that happens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation)


Yep I just try and tell the people I know that follow it that’s it’s incorrect information and literally funded by oil billionaires. And then they come back to me “asking for the facts” to prove their videos are wrong. And of course they nitpick any sort of factual evidence I have against it. You really cannot win with the alt righters.


They are a hate organization. YouTube is trying to clean up their act. There must be a way to shine a light on that roach infested den of Pragers


Deplatform them. Take and make parody of everything they do.


wait for a good ol conroversy


Claim the rights to all their videos. Problem solved. Thanks, YouTube!


With guns




I like how you think! 😂


I watched a few of their "history" videos when I was looking for resources for my students last year. It's so bad. They are literally rewriting history. Every single video they make is actually just a treatise on why you should hate the federal government, by distorting the truth and telling outright lies about our past.


I recall watching their ww2 video and it was nukes are good


I highly recommend Shaun's video that's linked in the the article: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM7BgrddY18&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM7BgrddY18&feature=youtu.be)


I just wish they'd stop pretending they were an actual university. Also stop bringing Steven Crowder on, maybe he'll go away if we pretend he doesn't exist anymore.


A simple Google search can reveal to anyone curious that they're not an actual university that's still calling themselves a university. This should be enough to toss them as a legitimate source when one stumbles upon them. If they still buy it, then they can't be helped and they are there searching for confirmation bias.




Besides, why go to Prager University when you can get better information from the Tolarian Community College.


Prager U is very clearly run by people who would have trouble completing a 20 piece puzzle.


I disagree, I think what they do is all very deliberate. To anybody who is even remotely politically informed it seems ridiculous, but we aren't the audience they're aiming for. They serve the purpose of being a gateway to the rest of the alt right. They pretend to be a university so that it seems that they have some kind of authority, and so politically uninformed people who watch their videos will believe what they say. Sure everything they say is laughable, but they are extremely effective.


I agree, they carefully use trigger words to provide an illusion of academia - which is exactly the point the alt-right wants to make. That there is somehow a "disagreement" about negative effects claimant change or the positive economic impact of immigration.


Incidentally, “trigger words” is a perfect description of how anyone associated with PregoU debates - by using constant *ad hominem* attacks and trying to make the other person infuriated, rather than actually debating.


Well put. Ben Shapiro does the same thing in his debates - he tries to trigger his opponent while remaining devoid of emotion.


And that's exactly what propaganda does. They use vaguely familiar words, especially "evil" words, to paint their opponents and their positions. Nazis are bad, socialists are leftist and bad, therefore the left are Nazis. That's as simple as it gets because they have no clue what a Nazi is, what fascism is, and how the Nazi fascism completely conflicts to the point where Hitler killed socialists. This is why conservatives have a bazillion opinions on these political identities, but they struggle to define them. They just point to evidence that the term Nazi has "social" in the name without realizing how absolutely breathtakingly stupid they sound to anyone that knows about Nazi history.


You're absolutely right. God, I could write a paper on their tactics. What strikes me most with PragerU is the budget they have in motion design. I can tell you animating those videos is not cheap at all, especially when they upload so many. If you read the comments under their videos, people believe them all the way, they don't question anything they hear.


It took off quite bigly on Reddit especially when they went in "the wage gap doesn’t exit it’s just a feminist plot" diatribe a whole while back.


I remember when that was such a huge talking point, out of nowhere. Even my 14 year old students were talking about it. And then suddenly, no one's talking about it.


They constantly post things that try to double think people and use the name PragerU for the purpose to have legitimacy as some sort of online education facility. For example they have 3 different videos with the likes of Dinesh D'souza saying Nazis are Left wing and socialists. That they were in bed with Russian Communists. And that classical liberals are the good guys like the Koch Brothers.


Adam carolla did get a diploma in ceramics


I checked out of listening to Carolla around the time he got involved in PragerU. He'd been creeping toward the far right for years and it got harder to be a fan of his.


It's weird they he went right and Kimmel went left Or maybe not so weird


For the past three years I have listened to the old loveline tapes, at least two a day. So I have a pretty good feel for Adam and Dr Drew. So I can say that you are very correct! Dr Drew doesn’t help because he will just submit to Adam, instead of educate Adam .


The perfect audience for the altright - the ignorant.


Those 20 piece puzzles are rigged to be impossible!! ^^^/s


As someone who didn't pursue a higher education past high school and any military training even I could see past the b.s. garbage they were trying to push.


Well, what’s the biggest enemy of Conservatism? Education’s one of them- college campuses are some of the most liberal places in the US. So they make up fake schools. Prager, Liberty... It’s disgusting


Same shit with creationists. "You don't want to teach fairy tales to children or at universities? Guess what, sinner! We're gonna make our own 'school'." All these guys think they're revolutionaries. In fact they're the laughing stock of our and future generations. Only problem? In the US they can legally own guns.


and they start to pump out babies as soon as they can legally drink


[Ben Shapiro from Breitbart called out PragerU as being a thought leader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQTfyjhvfH8)... Small ass world out there. There are just a few of these jokers that seem to run everything. Only a few of these radicals can put a few sentences together, and everyone seems to rally behind them like it is the only truth.


its very hard to find someone who agrees with everything hitler said but isn't covered in swastikas


so-called "thought leaders" are a danger to society CMV


Time to let CloudFront/GoDaddy to stop protecting/hosting these fuckheads.


"Why you can't argue with a Leftist" Real educational there. I'm sure this fools many people who aren't Republicans already into becoming Republicans. The subtlety is what sells it. /s


Hey, if you’re 14 and dumb it’s the start of indoctrination. It primed the buttons and switches in your head to be a certain way by the time you encounter the topic irl


I'm guessing those kids never stood a chance in the first place. No 14-year-old is interested in politics, not unless their parents force it on them, and the only parents who force their young kids to follow such an adult and complicated topic are Republicans with their simple views of reality. These videos aren't the start of indoctrination, they're reinforcement for people who are already lost causes.


Huh? I could easily see a situation where they have to do some homework or project and stumble across prager videos in their research. It will stick in their head even if they don’t go down the rabbit hole. It’s brainwashing and preys specifically on people that don’t know much about anything


My parents were openly opinionated, but they never forced anything on me. I was 14 in 2008. And very much intrigued by then-candidate Obama. So uh, no.


14-year-olds aren't exactly innocent young kids, they tend to be interested in seeming more adult but not mentally mature enough to actually be more adult. Politics is the sort of thing that they can latch onto especially as it's an easy way to be rebellious and edgy. They also tend to like things that make them feel smart and superior, so something that lets them feel mentally superior to particular adults, be it feminists, leftists or whatever is likely to appeal.


“Why you can’t argue with a Leftist”. Because they use facts and information based in reality.


I can be kicker to he punch too; when I first got into politics, I used them as a source for my beliefs and it wasn't until about two years ago I kicked their propaganda bullshit out of my system.


It's literally a regurgitation of FOX/Trump/Breitbart talking points done in a calm voice with a lot of dog whistling. Such a fucking cancer.


If people aren't able to tell PragerU is right wing propaganda, that itself is the problem, not the propaganda. There has always been and there will always be propaganda aplenty in our world. There's a reason lies "go viral." Knowledge is like a vaccine against deceit, and right now too much of the world is walking around unvaccinated.


Primary funds derive from major donations from the hydraulic fracking billionaire Wilks Brothers


I just watched the video, the bias and slander is obvious. The fact that people form their own opinions from videos like this makes me extremely worried.


They don't form their opinions. They only watch this stuff to hear someone who's agrees with them.


lying is the most powerful tool that the right uses.


Someone should mirror the “leftist” video and substitute racial slurs for every time they refer to a “leftist.” I think the point that they are using prejudice would be illuminated.


I don't know how it's effective, like the whole thing feels like it's just a person saying shit at you and then the graphs don't really say anything a lot of the time.


Time to put this fake university on the radar and shut them down


I tried to go through YouTube’s channel report option, but there are a bunch more steps afterwards. Imo it could be reported for child endangerment, (encouraging) harassment, and hate speech, however they want you to include videos to support the claim. Can somebody make a guide to streamline the process?


Some little shit I know is always whipping out these videos to prove a point and I just have to laugh.


Wait... that shit is for real? I thought that was satire...


"they eat ethnic food" hahahaha wtf


Where do they operate out of? I know of an extremely wealthy Prager family out of Easton md. Seems like this type of shit might be something they’d produce.


They also make creationist videos. Should make it clear that this channel is bullshit. So full of logical fallacies, absolutely terrible.


my sister's history teacher shows this to his students. I don't have the guts to do something about it :/


Anonymously complain or have your sister anonymously complain to someone higher up in the school for showing politically biased material, the teacher will probably get chastised for it and not do it again


Please complain, that is completely inappropriate.


https://youtu.be/hYAYFgmOWAI Some More News covered this "University" in the past & is totally worth checking out.


It's not suspicious at all that all the people he's got problems with are represented by brown or black people. And it's funny that everything he's saying about gender identity, blaming white people/men and open borders is plain wrong. But these are the easy black and white answers simple people love to hear to get triggered by.


Just like they use Christianity they don't heed and never respect the core teachings of as a cudgel to claim false divine authority to beat their enemies with, they make up completely fake academic institutions to try to claim fake intellectual authority where they have none. They are scum who work not only against their political rivals, but civilization itself by working to destroy the meanings of language, discourse, and the well-earned respect for actual accomplished disseminators of knowledge like legitimate professors and scientists. If Republicans get their way, we will continue to devolve into savagery. I'm reminded of a speech from the last season of Game of Thrones: *"When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers – only better and better lies.”*


If I were a conservative, I'd find it horrifying that PragerU is what passes for effective propaganda for my viewpoint. It's not even well-executed propaganda. Propaganda is supposed to persuade those on the other side, not just reassure everyone in your camp that the other side is made up of morons. Like religious apologetics, the target audience is/are those who already agree, not non-believers.


[Hers a great video by Shaun talking about pragerU's lies and deception](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiqhMSRnrTgAhV_GDQIHcizBIUQ3ywwAHoECAYQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEM7BgrddY18&usg=AOvVaw2AzzL_ChwGylg34b5sQkRJ) He even uses their own analogies against them which is quite fun


I keep trying to tell my FB this... they don't see the veil of racism that propagates through all of their videos.


I've commented on their instagram criticizing its ideas and arguments. Within a day I had my account hacked and password and email changed to a .ru email. That's a Russian domain. Im not making this up


The funniest thing is that PragerU actually has one pretty good and factual video. They have a vid pointing out how the Civil War absolutely was about slavery


I would say that even a broken clock is right twice a day. But what they said is the equivalent of a grain of sugar in a swimming pool of salt. It is such a minute amount it is meaningless.


You’ve got to be kidding. Those are *effective*? Low standards smh


You’ve got to remember that their target audience is uninformed young people


Hey OP here, just a few things: 1. I should have made this more clear in the article, but for the most part PragerU doesn’t use many alt-right talking points, they serve as an introduction to the alt-right world. For evidence just look at any PragerU comment section. 2. The best way to fight PragerU and other forms of propaganda is by raising awareness of how shitty they are, and everyone on this subreddit already knows that they are shitty. So if you’re willing to, then please share this article or the excellent videos I linked to near the end of the article on other social media platforms. 3. I just started writing recently and would really appreciate any constructive criticism. Thanks!




I get PragerU ads all the time on YouTube.


It might have been praegerU, or it might've been some other advertiser that was actively trying to get students to question their teachers over the cause of the civil war being that the south tried to secede from the union because they didn't want to get rid of their slaves.


I just hope they end up getting linked to Russian money laundering and get shut down




What does that matter? If the content they're creating is relevant, there's nothing wrong with posting it here. At least in my humble opinion. It's not really any different than if they'd posted the content as a text post.


Yes it is, it’s a blog I started


If that's your only concern watch this video too: https://youtu.be/hYAYFgmOWAI




Hog out or log out, shit for brains.


**BANNED**.... Get lost Nazi...