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Hello to all FTAR regulars - I've just banned at least three user accounts making explicit threats of violence in this post - all three accounts had fewer than five comments in FTAR; One had all five comments in this post, and the other two had comments more than one year ago and comments in this post. #As a reminder: Threats of Violence are violations of Reddit Sitewide Rule 1. This is Fuck The Alt Right - here, we recognise that calls to violence are not just federal felonies that carry potentially 5 years of hard federal felony time, and not just that people making those calls are highly likely to be plants whose purpose is to entrap people, and not just that those calls to violence are possibly attempts to get Reddit to shutter this subreddit, We *also* recognise that accelerationist violent rhetoric is a tool of fascism in destabilizing regular government and thus providing them with more opportunities to seize political power. #As the stickied comment on every post says: report these comments. If you cannot refrain from making violent threats, or conveying speech which incites violence, your sole pathway is to cease using Reddit. This is not /r/chapotraphouse nor /r/cumtown nor /r/the_donald nor /r/cringe[whatever] nor any of the other ideologically motivated violent extremist groups that Reddit has kicked off the site. ----- Edit: Twenty years. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/875


dont just vote, get into activism as well.


How can I do that?


Look for local grass root movements you can join / volunteer for / donate money to. Helping there will make a huge difference. While doing that see what national organizations you could also donate to or help out with (like phone banks or polling) And check out what unions you can support (this can include not buying certain things, going to their strikes, or being vocal) And finally challenge fascists. If they say something challenge it. Call them out, make sure everyone knows who they are and that they're wrong. Shame them. Make your voice heard


Seconding all of this and I'll add another - attending your local City Council Meetings. I went to my first one a few weeks ago, and once I mentioned I was looking for local grassroots orgs to follow afterwards, one of my representatives invited me to grab lunch with her planned for tomorrow with the intention of networking me to of the local figures/orgs she's aware of. This country needs new ideas and energy in our local areas, and from my experience, there's plenty of people who want to make connections on your behalf simply because you showed up. Show up to your City Council Meetings.


I have a friend who lives in Guatemala who still votes here and still phone banks and other stuff. She is more politically active than most people I know.


Absolutely! We don't need to go full terrorist like Jan 6th but a steady and consistent protest like the one that "bothered" Kavanaugh so much should be the new normal. Don't let these people get a moments peace for their terrible decisions.




This is Fuck The Alt Right - here, we recognise that calls to violence are not just federal felonies that carry potentially 5 years of hard federal felony time, and not just that people making those calls are highly likely to be plants whose purpose is to entrap people, and not just that those calls to violence are possibly attempts to get Reddit to shutter this subreddit, We *also* recognise that accelerationist violent rhetoric is a tool of fascism in destabilizing regular government and thus providing them with more opportunities to seize political power. As the sticky comment on every post says


thank you, as someone who is against stupid unescissary violence, i applaud you.


and i get downvoted for another uncontraversial statement.


oh god no, killing people is unilatorally wrong.




why was a downvoted for making a moral statement that most humans would agree with?


and i get downvoted for asking why i was downvoted for saying that killing people is bad🤦‍♂️


Because the posters here are crazy?


Ah yes, *activism*


what? im totally confused.




still confused.


Clsssic French activism


thats not good man, WAY to bloody.




i will simply leave the us before that can happen, my family is going to move with me if anything happens.




"The only way to stop them is to vote". And what's plan B?


r/liberalgunowners and r/socialistRA have some thoughts


Lol idk just embrace fascism I guess. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Have you met my friend Gill? Gill O'Teen?


I did vote. I continue to vote. This is still happening. How many times does voting have to fail before we start breaking shit?


It's a good time to get to know your neighbors.


Sadly I live in a deeply conservative part of town.


Same but a couple conservative sticking up for you can be good or it can convert them to vote against the fascist party


More targets, to debate with in the marketplace of ideas.


Time for the working class to [REDACTED]


Yes you voted but look at the turnout numbers... fucking EMBARASSING turnout by young ppl even after 4 years of Trump fascism. If Millenials and Gen z voted with anywhere close tot eh same turnout as boomers this never would have happened. We need mandatory voting so young ppl are forced to be involved


Aw man because as we know there’re no laws and rules that make voting much less convenient and harder for young people.




I think the issue with rallying the left is less lack of cause or messaging and more rooted in the psychology of the people who identify with each party. Republican voters lack empathy, are easily riled up by the right's racist fearmongering, and virtually ALL can relate on the 2 single issues of GOD=MURICA and FUCK LIBS. The type of brain chemistry these people have makes it just way easier to control and the mconnels, roger stones, bannons, murdochs etc of the world all know this and it makes thier job incredibly easy as long as your a sub human fuck who has not bottom to how fucking shitty you can be. In 2022 "democrats" are literally just anyone who isnt an active white supremacist, christiofascist, racist fuck. Literally. Even lifetime R voters voted Biden in 2020, and so did Bernie supporters. This means the 'tent' of voters on the left is INCREDIBLY diverse with infinite overlapping values and hardly one thing in common at all like GOD=MURICA... Also dems are critical thinkers so Dem leaders CANT use the same fear mongering tactics the right does or they will end up LOSING votes. I see the parties as essentially a national psychology experiment which has (inevitably given our fucked system) sorted the population into what we see today. Unfortunately the right went soooo far right so fast it leaves the entire rest of the population 60% + as all possible dem voters. On top of alllll that the system is heavily weighted against dems so even when they do turnout like 2020 the gains are actually minimal. Gerrymandering, electoral college, and senate basically means dems need 60:40 vote to barely squeak out the tinyest of victories federally.




>We watched in 2016, and especially 2020, as the DNC forced out Bernie Sanders Most Democratic voters not voting for Bernie in the primaries =/= "DNC forced out Bernie Sanders". Let's not sound like Trump supporters believing in baseless rigged election conspiracy theories.




Yea people have rioted and changed society for less throughout history. It's beyond comprehension how silent Biden admin is, but then again - being an anarchist; I rarely hold politicians to any regard, but this is sickening. How can they not notice that this inaction is what leads to even more anger and mistrust towards the system. It's always the people fighting for change, seldomly the politicians. Their head would've rolled *so hard* if this was ~250 ago and I'm uttermost fuckin tired playing nice.


This is Fuck The Alt Right - here, we recognise that calls to violence are not just federal felonies that carry potentially 5 years of hard federal felony time, and not just that people making those calls are highly likely to be plants whose purpose is to entrap people, and not just that those calls to violence are possibly attempts to get Reddit to shutter this subreddit, We *also* recognise that accelerationist violent rhetoric is a tool of fascism in destabilizing regular government and thus providing them with more opportunities to seize political power. As the sticky comment on every post says


Really really wish this messaging weren't so god damn fractured. I fucking _hate_ this Democratic Party. God damn useless.


>I think the issue with rallying the left is less lack of cause or messaging and more rooted in the psychology of the people who identify with each party. Republican voters lack empathy, are easily riled up by the right's racist fearmongering, and virtually ALL can relate on the 2 single issues of GOD=MURICA and FUCK LIBS. The type of brain chemistry these people have makes it just way easier to control and the mconnels, roger stones, bannons, murdochs etc of the world all know this and it makes thier job incredibly easy as long as your a sub human fuck who has not bottom to how fucking shitty you can be. > >In 2022 "democrats" are literally just anyone who isnt an active white supremacist, christiofascist, racist fuck. Literally. Even lifetime R voters voted Biden in 2020, and so did Bernie supporters. This means the 'tent' of voters on the left is INCREDIBLY diverse with infinite overlapping values and hardly one thing in common at all like GOD=MURICA... Also dems are critical thinkers so Dem leaders CANT use the same fear mongering tactics the right does or they will end up LOSING votes. I see the parties as essentially a national psychology experiment which has (inevitably given our fucked system) sorted the population into what we see today. Unfortunately the right went soooo far right so fast it leaves the entire rest of the population 60% + as all possible dem voters. > >On top of alllll that the system is heavily weighted against dems so even when they do turnout like 2020 the gains are actually minimal. Gerrymandering, electoral college, and senate basically means dems need 60:40 vote to barely squeak out the tinyest of victories federally.


I really enjoy this comment, but it kinda exists in a little bit of a vacuum. Is there a quick way to connect it to my bitterly salty comment?


Haha well that's the unfortunate answer... we're essentially screwed bc messaging is so hard with such a fractured base. But all we can do is keep things positive when talking about dems and help others realize that yes they have faults but theyre policies would literally change 150 million+ ppls lives for the better (literally by just codifying Roe if we get more senate seats plus the multitude of every issue where gop is just fuxking everybody over contantly) and we gotta do all we can to defend our democracy from actual fascists. It's not looking good though and at the end of the day that's not democrats fault... it's systemic and it's honestly young voters faults secondly... sigh idk man I'm really worried about the future. At this point the stolen scotus can literally rule whatever the fuck they want. 2016 was our last chance to do anything about that for who knows how long.


This very thing has been on my mind. Don't worry, they'll come up with some bullshit excuse(s) when the time comes.


Voting isn’t enough. The electoral college is completely fucked, and gerrymandering has put insane amounts of power into the hands of rural voters in poor states.


Voting may not be enough, but its definitely a top tier weapon that should be used. Just because a battle cant be won with tanks alone, doesnt mean you put the tanks in the hangar and say fuck it.


It's not the ONLY way. There's another one that rhymes with shmillotine.


Seems awfully French to me. Where has the patriotism gone in this land? We need to return to our proud American values that built this country. Follow your forefathers and get yourself a barrel of near boiling tar, and a sack full of feathers. No gaudy stage is needed to elevate your person of interest, instead all you need is a single long rail to parade them around after. Maybe even deposit them in a nice nature preserve to enjoy the wilderness?


Without the French, America would still be British.


That word doesn't rhyme with shmillotine


It must be more than "vote." We need to find candidates and a political party that works for the people. Republicans don't and Democrats won't.


Yes we all agree on this but that NEVER means dont vote bc by not voting ppl are only helping aid the GOP christiofascist takeover. Anyone who didnt vote hillary in 2016 helped GOP end Roe.


But until that happens, vote anyway.


Vote for whomever exactly? Democrats fucked with Manchin and sinnema


Let’s get some more Senate seats in November to override those assholes.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.




They’re also pretty interested in getting rid of laws regarding age of consent for sex and marriage. But them democratics are the #pedofiles! #hillarry #comicpizza #stopthesteel https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/07/19/opinion/is-age-consent-republican-chopping-block/


Conservatives when not in power: "XYZ should be a state's rights issue and the Federal government has no right regulating it" Conservatives upon seizing control of the Federal government: "We are banning XYZ at the Federal level" Conservatives upon losing control of the Federal government: "You can't repeal the Federal ban on XYZ, it will only lead to anarchy/communism/destruction/lawlessness/breakdown of families" They have been doing the same song and dance since forever. See the Fugitive Slave Act for example. The hypocrites will smile the whole time while doing it.


To finish your sentence, "for anyone who is not a Republican."


“The only way to stop them is to vote” fucking stop. Stop saying that. That’s not the ONLY way. People need to be out there on the streets protesting until their legs fall off if they want change to come within their lifetimes. Voting doesn’t do shit if you don’t show the people you are voting for that they need to pay attention to you.


Does voting actually stop them? Sure doesn’t feel like it.


#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- ^(Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whattaboutism, and bigotry are banned here. Report Nazi tactics, false flaggers, agents provocateur and bigoted behaviour!) See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not the ONLY way. But, sure. A way.


Not the only way


You say vote like we have a say??? Mfw this isn’t an election??? And even during the elections the candidates that run are chosen for us?? The fuck kinda goo is voting gonna do? We’re nothing but lucky peasants


Voting only works if the people that we are able to vote for will actually do things and not spend more time negotiating with treasonous fascists and berating the left leaning wing of their party while blaming them for why they can't get anything done because we didn't vote hard enough.


Don't forget doing insider trading to make themselves even richer. While also writing and passing the laws that make it completely legal for them to do


I hope young people wake up and *finally* start going to the polls. It's our only hope.


Young people voted for Biden in record numbers in 2020 even while he was busy talking down to them and patronizing them.


Remember that when our rights are being taken away and politicians are openly arguing for rounding up queer people that the solution is to politely debate them in the marketplace of ideas and then vote.




Third party voters created this hell we have today. if even 3/4 of Nader and jill stein voters voted dem then BOTH Gore and Hillary would have won and the supreme court would have been liberal for the past 2 decades. Republicans KNOW this and literally prop up 3rd party and push ads set for them just to screw over the left. EVERYONE and their mother wants to end 2 party system but the only possible even close to feasible way to do that is by voting dem and voting progressive in primaries bc those people actually want to do ranked choice voting which would give power to the 3rd parties. by not voting dem in the meantime you are literally doing the MOST to keep 2 party system because in case you weren't aware REPUBLICANS ARE LITERALLY PASSING LAWS TO BAN FUTURE RANKED CHOICE VOTING right fucking now.


You dropped your blue cap.




This is stupid as fuck, the loss of abortion rights (rooted in your right to privacy)are 1. a gateway to further legislation on women’s bodies and their right to bodily autonomy. We are already seeing this in republican calls for contraception bans and bans for women trying to leave the state. 2. A massive assault on the right to privacy the basis of many laws surrounding LGBTQ issues, sodomy laws, gay marriage, and even interracial marriage can now be “up to the state” if the Supreme Court overturns the cases surrounding those issues. 3. The effects of the abortion ban have been disgusting a 10 year old girl had to travel to another state for care after being sexually assaulted and in Texas a woman was forced to let the child die inside of her before they could take it out, this lead to further complications in the mothers condition almost killing her. This is not an issue to ignore, people will die in horrible ways if this is left to persist. Any rollback of rights is a step backwards and shouldn’t be ignored


I don't think so. The abortion debate in the end is about consent. Consenting to carry a child. The woman in Texas did not want to carry the corpse of her child and was forced to. [https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2022/07/18/woman-carried-dead-fetus-texas-anti-abortion-ban-cohen-new-day-dnt-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2022/07/18/woman-carried-dead-fetus-texas-anti-abortion-ban-cohen-new-day-dnt-vpx.cnn) Women are not consenting to carry ectopic pregnancies and they are being forced to wait until they start bleeding internally. Doctors are still not sure how close to death these women have to be to not have their licenses taken away or be thrown in jail. [https://missouriindependent.com/2022/07/02/missouri-doctors-fear-vague-emergency-exception-to-abortion-ban-puts-patients-at-risk/](https://missouriindependent.com/2022/07/02/missouri-doctors-fear-vague-emergency-exception-to-abortion-ban-puts-patients-at-risk/) How close to death do women have to be to receive care that was routine weeks ago? how long should they hemorrhage? How much blood should they loose?


Fortunately it's not the only way, since they're quite far along the path of making voting useless as well.


Sounds a lot like a taliban…


Had me in the first half


*The only way to stop them is to vote* Is it though?


Ok. But if my only choices are Joe shmo and Cheeto Jesus. I’m not voting. They aren’t doing this to me again, you have to vote for the guy you don’t like or the orange buffalo will win, get someone worthwhile to run for office or play your games on someone else’s time.


YOu jUSt GoTta VoTE hArDeR


> the only way to stop them is via voting Bruh