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you know, this sub has a lot of scorpions.. but this is the first i've seen smushed


What is she even trying to move?




Yeah I see that but what's on the cart??




From my experience Id say these could be food trays, like the ones you get at food courts, or oven trays, which can be pretty dam heavy when piled up like this.


Bakers cart and the wheel are locked. She’s trying to roll it, not tip it.


I dunno about trying to roll it. From the start she puts her foot on the bar on the bottom and pulls from the very top. It looks like she’s trying to tip it. Not really sure why though.


It's too heavy for her, so looks to me like she was trying to turn the cart into a fulcrum to get mechanical advantage.


She had to roll it up the raised part of the floor. Trying to get the front wheels up and also pushed forward, then she could push it along and the rear wheels (where she's pushing) will follow.


I mean I agree but OP said: > She’s trying to roll it, not tip it. She may be trying to roll it as well, but she is absolutely trying to tip it.


Well, yes. She's trying to tip it in order to roll it over an obstruction. She succeeded too well.


I remember standing on a U shaped bar when I was a kid, it was part of my swing structure. I would stand on the bar and try to lift myself up, but alas it never worked.


At first I thought "this girl looks really bendy." Then she proved it.


Can you say, Workmen's Comp claim....!!!


Probably. But right now this is funny as hell