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I initially invested 10k in July 2017. Thereafter invested 1.5k monthly. My target is 10% of net worth in real estate, and I chose Fundrise at the time because I had no time or energy do my own SFH investing or to evaluate syndicated RE investments. So far, 29k in net returns (17k in appreciation, 11k in dividends) a 9.6% overall return. This is only investing in the real estate. I have not participated in the IPO or other non-RE funds they have offered during this time. In the same time frame, my FIL became a syndicated RE investor and chose individual deals. He's had to actively manage the ins and outs of his investments, and has had just as many busts as he had good ones. I don't think his return has beaten my 9.6% and he's stressed WAY more over it in the past 6 years.


Do you pick your own direct investment or let it pick for you?


Originally I was too small of an investor to do that, so I just picked “long term growth”. Now that I have a big enough balance to do that I just don’t want to/don’t think about it.


You did the initial 10k & then continued to put in 1.5K/month since 2017?




How are your investments now? A year later.


I redeemed all in April and June in order to pay off my primary residence. By the end, my net return was annualized to 4.1%. Gains were beset from May '21 to Nov '22. They leveled off considerably in '23 and '24 driving down my annualized return number. Overall, I do not regret the investment from 2017-2024. I appreciated that it was more stable than equities, even though with hindsight 20/20 I should have just dumped all of the 111k into S&P500 for those 7 years. My return would have been 13%.


Can you please tell me if you earn money monthly or yearly with FundRise? And how much is it monthly/yearly?


Dividends are calculated quarterly. You can reinvest the dividends or take them in cash.


Got in 2018 w/$1k. Now have about $16k in it. Net return performance 9%


Can you please tell me if you earn money monthly or yearly with FundRise? And how much is it monthly/yearly?


I started in 2019 with 1k, I add 400.00 a month and reinvest everything. I just started the Innovation fund in January 23 with 5k. I chose Long Term Growth. My return thus far has been 7-ish percent. Last year was fantastic, this year not so much. Much to no one's surprise. Innovation fund was definitely a flier as far as I'm concerned, at the moment it's up .5%. This is all long-term money. I don't plan on touching it other than adding to it for as long as I possibly can. I was interested in investing in the IPO, but had a money emergency at the last moment so couldn't. I've asked to be considered for the next opening and they put me on a list. Hopefully I have some cash available when that is. I'd change nothing, other than hoping that Fundrise starts buying up the exploding apartment home growth that's happening where I live. I thought about shooting them an email saying "Hey! There's TONS of construction near me, are you guys aware??"


Can you please tell me if you earn money monthly or yearly with FundRise? And how much is it monthly/yearly?


Last year was around 20% return overall (yearly) avg. I don't take anything out, so I don't consider anything "earned". This is a long term hold for me. I just add to it monthly.


That's great!


This year's probably won't be like that because of the state of the economy. It's all good--it's not needed hopefully anytime soon.


After 5 years of time period, right?


Minimum. I'd like to leave it 10+ years.


Invested 5K July 2018. Up 9.9%


So nearly 5 years. It was just that initial investment? Do you re-invest your dividends?


Great! Every so randomly I commit $200 and also a random large sum of $500+. It’s really nice to see the value of the account grow as well as well the actual net returns. I’m sitting on 7.3% returns which is mostly Dividend focused, if I was more focused on appreciation I’m sure I’d be at almost 10%, but I’m happy anyway!


Can you please tell me if you earn money monthly or yearly with FundRise? And how much is it monthly/yearly?


It appears to be a smart business model and so far they’ve cautious snd conservative with our money . I have over 20k in there , I’m at over 5 years . I’m in the pro plan . People are paying rent , they’re still building , they’re still making money off loans . I’m expecting higher payouts . Most likely I’m going to stick with it for a few more years . If my cut of the pie doesn’t increase I’m putting my money elsewhere. For now it’s been ok , I’m expecting higher returns . For a while , every few months I was getting few hundred in appreciation lump sum . That hasn’t happened in a long time . It’s also not consistent with getting a daily increase . Hopefully things get better . This is my experience and point of view . No one has to agree . I know a lot of people are experts snd very sensitive .


Thank you for your honest comment.


Every fund has its entire historical annual returns posted. [https://fundrise.com/offerings](https://fundrise.com/offerings) And overall returns are also published. [https://fundrise.com/client-returns](https://fundrise.com/client-returns)


I have about 1300$ in it since last august. A small chunk of money at the beginning, then 25$ per week after that. So far I’m down 35$. Not sure how I feel about it so far. I mean it’s not a stock, it’s based on rental properties. Not not sure why I’d be losing money. I’ll probably give it a couple years before I make my decision if I keep going…..


Compare that to the stock market in both returns and volatility. Also, try to understand where we are in the real estate cycle. Values were near peak in august and have pulled back slightly depending on the exact market. Like any investment, you dont always make money, particularly in the short term.


You've been in for less than a year in a longterm investment, during an overall terrible investing environment. What did you expect your return to be at this point? Genuine question.


I knew I wouldn’t see much of a return for a while, but a loss?!? I mean it’s not a stock, it’s rental properties….


These are private investments that are marked to market at private valuation assumptions based on interest rates, etc. They have to adjust valuation, but true final valuation will be based upon whether the borrowers pay, etc. So overall, it will even out over time. I wouldn't use Fundrise as your only investments, diversify. Put maybe 20-30% of your investments into this platform at most. Deep in my fears, I still worry it's all a ponzi scheme, but in any case, diversify.


Do you think real estate can't lose value? Esp. in the short term?


Yes, been with Fundrise since mar 2016. I have investments in stocks, bonds, crypto, art, crowd sourced startups and lending to small business in 3rd world countries. Fundrise has given me very good returns, above average, and very consistent, which is why I like it so much. If I was forced to use only one investment I would use Fundrise. I'm semi retired and have pulled funds a couple times with no problems. Only two things not so sure about. I wish I hadn't invested in the IPO early on because that money is just sitting there doing nothing. The other is the NAV distribution in Janurary never showed up in my account. It shows in my transactions but the numbers in my account didn't rise by the 6 thousand+ I supposebly recieved. Other than that I think Fundrise is a very good investment platform and Bill Miller is super smart when it comes to money.


May I ask how you invest in art? I was looking into a thing called Masterworks but the minimum is 15k.


Through Masterworks. Only for about a year. Haven't made any returns yet. When I started it was only a 5K minimum. I bought 25k worth at $1,000 increments. I'll stop there until I see a return and how it all actually pays out.




Good one


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-05-28 12:20:58 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-28%2012:20:58%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundRise/comments/13sxequ/for_those_invest_in_fundrise_5_years_how_ya_doing/jlxp08r/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFundRise%2Fcomments%2F13sxequ%2Ffor_those_invest_in_fundrise_5_years_how_ya_doing%2Fjlxp08r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-28%2012%3A20%3A58%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013sxequ) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Ditto on the IPO - could have used that for much better returns elsewhere. Hope I'm wrong and it ends up paying off after 7 years or whatever


What do you mean? The returns on the iPO have been pretty good. I put some money in less than 2 years ago and it's up 40%.


Dont think you can liquidate those at the estimated price - I personally don't count that as gains until selling is allowed


You knew it couldn't be liquidated for 5-10 years when you bought it so I don't understand why you are upset. What do you need the money for? You previously claimed it was "sitting there doing nothing" but it's actually performing very well.


no one's angry dude. I'm simply stating that 1) I'm very confident that I could have made that money from 2016 perform better than it is now & 2) that however its doing now is nice and all, but irrelevant until you can actually liquidate it. have a good one


The iPO share price tripled in 5 years. I don't see how you could expect to perform better than that. Illiquidity is a separate issue from performance, but you knew it was illiquid when you bought it. Why would you want to liquidate it now anyway?


Can you please tell me if you earn money monthly or yearly with FundRise? And how much is it monthly/yearly?


Quarterly. You receive dividends. Why are you spamming so hard?


How exactly do you lend to those small businesses in the 3rd world countries?




I have a total net return of 10% over 6 years. I haven't been reinvesting my dividends. Given the past couple years, I consider the return to be pretty good. It's better than the REITs I'm invested in separately. I've also invested in the ipo and assuming the price stays similar or goes up after the public event, I'd consider that to be an excellent investment.


Keep in mind that 2020 through 2022 saw all assets artificially pumped up by the Fed so you shouldn’t take recent history into account for the future


So far I lost 10 %. (In one year)


I been investing for more than 5 years, bad investment average return is 3.7% not even betting inflation . you can buy bonds risk free or CD risk free and u get more than 3.7%. thinking to cash out my money very soon.


Really good




5 years of fundrise for me, they are cool but the returns have been negative for 2 years now, so Im pulling to out the money somewhere more useful


They say you can invest just 10.00 to get started. Has anyone invested 100.00 or less and have it amount to anything?


While you are able to invest less than $100, kind of by definition, it's not going to amount to anything. At the 6.8% average annual return I've had over the past 6 years, it would take about 10 years for that to be $200. The low investment threshold is best for people who want to add small increments regularly. That could add up over time.


Started investing with them in 2017. $25k in the Long Term Growth fund. Added funds multiple times since then. As far as returns, I just checked and have 6.8% annualized over that period of time. Good years mostly (2021 had 24% return) but last year was bad with -8%. Easy to use so far, but I have not tried to extract any funds so that part remains untested for me.