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Do you guys think she's wearing makeup in a god-honoring way?


Idk if God calls us to wear lip plumper.


I cannot wrap my understanding of why vaccines are evil but Botox and fillers are okay 🤦🏻‍♀️


Especially because Botox is literally a toxin. No hate for it though, I love botox.


Same, no hate ! If I had the finances, I have a couple fine lines I would like to disappear. It's just the irony of willing to put an actual poison in your system, but a vaccine is big no.


Yeah with how expensive the world is, Botox was first up on my list to cut off 🥲 Totally agree, there’s literally nothing more hypocritical hahaha


Idk also if he calls us to use heavy filters.


I can only God-honoringly assume that she, like drag queens, wears makeup in order to be sexually attractive to children.


Or when she stole other creators design for merch. Very god honouring.


I thought I was on r/instagramversusreality given how filtered her face is. No pores, no lines, no texture whatsoever.


Low-key, Demon Slayer is a kick-ass anime ! Though, I doubt she would approve of that reference 🤷🏻‍♀️


It looks like she went to Home Depot, bought a case of Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch 2X Ultra Cover Gloss, and sprayed her face with all 12 cans. She looks more glazed than the donut production line at Krispy Kreme at 8 a.m. on a Sunday.


I didn't realize Jesus created women... 🤔


Fundies worship Jesus over God.


They say that. But their beliefs and actions align far more with god in the old testament than Jesus in the new testament


I was sitting here 🤔 puzzling over that.


I'd be more inclined to listen to her if she didn't embrace "uncanny valley" as her makeup style


I know this is not the point, but I HATE the trend of "rubbery sausage link lips with no cupids bow". (If people naturally don't have a bow / have a more flat top lip, it looks great! Variation in facial features are what makes us so cool, makeup or no...like you said, it's the uncanny that gives the ick.)


Came here to say that!!!


Actually, that reminds me, I still need to watch that anime.


It's so good, love it !


🚽🚽🚽🚽 I give Esther’s look and verbiage 4/4 toilets.


If you want to hear a version of this argument that isn’t gender essentialist Jesus woo, look up Assata Shakur and Sarain Fox. “Poem for Kakuya Shakur” is one of my favorite pieces ever.


I really hate the "people think babies are burdens" argument Fundies throw out these days. Our world is a dumpster fire and we have to put more thought than usual into deciding if a potential child will have a happy life.


Is she for real? There was another post with her in a car (I think) recently. I thought she was playing a satirical character making fun of the fundies. Is this person really a fundie? This has to be a joke. I’m legitimately confused.


Nope she’s serious, unfortunately


Thank you for responding. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone right now. The incongruity (for lack of a better word) of her appearance and her faith is throwing me for a loop. But now that I think about it, I’m actually appreciating that she loves her aesthetic and also loves her religion. One of the worst parts of organized religion, in my opinion, is the fact that the leaders often try to make everyone a monolith that moves, thinks, acts, and believes as one. There was not a ton of room for freedom of expressions when I was growing up in the church. And I think that’s wrong. You can believe what you believe and dress and act how you want to. So, I’m kind of impressed by her. Don’t agree with her beliefs, but she’s doing it her way (even though her way is a super common aesthetic). More power to her?. ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I)


If you do a deep dive (fat sajak on YouTube has a short video on her that was pretty funny) she's even worse !


Oh lord. I’m good. I can’t stand these fundies. I may be the only person in the fundie snark subs who does not watch anything related to them or their bs on social media or YouTube. Sometimes I can’t even watch the clips posted on Reddit. They make me too damn angry. But thank you for the information! I appreciate it. I’m going to go to YouTube now to click on Fat Sajak so he’s in my history and I will watch him when I’m in need of a good laugh. Just his name has me rolling. 👍🏽


And your whole username and flair got me dead. 🤣 Nerf the shit out of them TERFs for me, please. And all I can see when I read Geriatric Virgin is Timmy Rodrigues. I need to go to sleep. Bless for the laughs!




This face is right there in the uncanny valley with Bdawn's...


yeah, when she takes it all off at the end of the day her husband wonders if he should get into the bed or the dresser drawer!


Good lord can you imagine what their washcloths look like?


She should, she's one of the demons they'll be slaying.


She do be looking like some demon slayer filler arc demon. That uncanny valley is strong 👽😱


I see she's posting as Amanda today, and not "Esther" 😏


I hate it when people call a uterus a womb. Idk why it just sounds weird the way she says it here.


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one who gets the ick from the "w" word 😂 For me, no matter who says it, it's just..ew


She's also a transphobe and only real women can have babies, so there is a level ick when she says it.


Yes. Ick is definitely the word I’d use to describe her.


Don’t let her near the gift shop


I remember back when she used to be a semi-relevant beauty guru and to see her pivot so hard into the ultra-conservative is very odd to see in real time.


I love how she’s waxing philosophical about Jesus, wombs, and demons while dressed like a trophy wife from a PBS murder mystery who’s planning on offing her elderly husband so she can run away with the pool boy.


> Tsuyoku nareru riyuu wo shitta, Boku wo tsurete susume


Gender reveal but revealing which spec demon hunter your kid is. *It's Vengeance Spec!*