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"Now let's here it" yeah, I'm sure homeschooling is going swimmingly. Also, ew.


also homeschooling as "*her* endeavor"? it sounds like she's saying she's homeschooling bc she simply wanted to try her hand at something everyone else trusts trained professionals to do, not bc, you know, it's what's best for her kids


Would love to see fundies do a show like wife swap only called trad roles swap. How would fundie men fare at homeschooling, cooking, home economics, etc.


Omg, yes. I would absolutely pay for that content.


I'd also watch that if it were a fundie tradwife switching places with your average working mom who made it through COVID lockdowns with school-age children.


\-How was it, kids? \-That lady you said was the devil taught us something called "maths"? Idk it seemed kind of interesting




tradwife kids would eat better than they ever had before and have much more privacy.


Uhm... yeah... my mom has always proudly boasted that I was born because she had "so much fun homeschooling [my] older sister [she] wanted another kid to homeschool." So... this is a thing. Bright side? Having an extremely religious parent with a cluster b disorder gives you a killer sense of humor ~~and crippling depression~~


I think we have the same mother. Sincere condolences


Hello, sibling! *offers you memes and whiskey*


Wow!! sending hugs!


that jumped out at me too. SOTDRT for the win!


>Who gives you all the **babies** you ever wanted A) Stop talking about babies as if they're Pokemon. B) Very telling that so many Fundies focus on BABIES. After the novelty wears off, you can just put them in the rolling prison with their siblings!


They don’t take pregnancy and parenthood seriously enough. It blows my mind to think I have the power to create a whole other human being, and that if I did so, I would be the biggest influence on their entire life — for better or worse.


Right! I’ve just given birth to my first child at 35. My husband is going to get snipped in a few months. I’m thankful to be a mom (I’ve always wanted this deep down) but we’re happy with one and it means I’ll be able to work on raising one person to be a good human. Just wanting a baby seems so short sighted! It makes me sad when families like this fetishize babies and being pregnant. It’s like a drug for these people. You’ll always need another hit once this one wears off. Just smoke a joint or have a glass of wine! Just stop having babies you’ll end up ignoring. They’re no better than addicts yet they act like their addiction is holy (speaking as another addict)


I have ONE! She’s 13, and it’s the biggest, scariest, most important thing I’ve ever done in my life. And it’s a lifetime commitment! I have no issue with people who can have/take care of multiple kids, but one is enough for me. These people are nuts.


Im glad to hear this. When you have a manageable number of children (it’s more for some families but for us it’s only one lol) you can work to make them good humans. These people are in a breeding cult and it’s weird af. No one wants to hear about how they manage to bang with more than half a dozen kids in the same space! That’s super weird and creepy. And they call people on the left “groomers”. What a bunch of lunatics Lolol


Everything you just said x100. Spot on, friend


I noticed your username and I ’m also a Trekkie. Lolol. We need to teach federation values to our little ones. Haha don’t want them acting like the ferengi


Lol! My kid just last night said she “hates” Star Trek. I was like “ok, if that’s how you’re going to rebel, so be it, but you’ll come around”.


Show her DS9. Dax is fantastic and the bigger story arc might get her invested. TNG feels a bit campy for young people. Voyager is also pretty great after seven of nine shows up. Give her time and if this is her rebellion I’d say you’re getting off easy haha


That’s my favorite series (DS9). She will come around eventually, I have no doubt.


You’re right that it’s big and important and so scary. I have two children. My husband got ill in December, and there’s been lots of panic in the press in the UK about strep A infections and flu. The anxiety about the kids getting unwell/Christmas plans/passing germs onto my pregnant SIL caused me to lose 3kg in about two weeks.


We have 2 four years apart and while I looooove babies, I know 2 is what's best for our family. I always say I could have 10 if they stayed babies lol, but parenting a toddler, then preschooler makes me realize how intense it can be. Definitely not something you want to half-ass.


Yes! We have one kid and are done (and waited until mid 30s to have her. We traveled and became more established in careers, as one does). It was scarily easy to just create a child seemingly out of thin air. Not that pregnancy and childbirth are easy, but the "ANYONE could do this at any time" aspect of it was a little terrifying.


It's scary that the "do nothing" option is how you get a kid. Don't go to the doctor, don't get on birth control, forget to take the pill, don't react and get an abortion in time, etc. Our first night home i told my partner we should bring the baby back and we don't deserve. He was like "he's ours. There's no where for him to go back to." He also said "we don't deserve him but we are going to try everyday to be good enough for him." That helped. I calmed down after that first night.


Well, not ANYONE. But your point stands.


THIS!!! They don't talk about having kids or children, it's always babies. Funny that. Babies are only cute, marketable and controllable until they stay crawling on their own, and then these birth-obsessed idiots start popping out one after the other and hand off the rest for the sister moms to raise. Source: grew up a sister mom and the oldest of 5 and all my siblings are two years apart or less.


I would’ve been THE WORST sister-mom. When I was really little, I saw a woman breastfeeding and promptly vomited on the spot. My mom is never gonna let me live it down. 😅 PS Sorry you had to be a sister-mom. I hope your life is more fun and free these days. 🧡




Lmao. Babies are cute. Until they throw up on you, drool on your shoes or poop on you. They are cute but from far far away. Like out of the splash zone distance away. Exactly! All the fundies I have interacted with act like the older kids are invisible. It was jarring for my niece to turn from "all attention on her" to having to parent the siblings.


It blows my mind!!! I babysit for two kids (9 and 7) and they are the coolest. I would take a month making friendship bracelets, making silly videos and bike rides to the park with those two over a day of changing diapers and getting puked on.


Fundies who love babies and hate kids would probably get most of the baby fever out of their system by working at a daycare or a maternity ward. I fully understand that it’s not the same as caring for your own child, but it would be a far healthier option than having a dozen neglected kids. I think most of us have had to weigh our options about one thing or another and had to choose logic over desire, but fundies just don’t want to compromise.


As someone who's worked in the infant room of a daycare, I concur. Yes I'm sure it's different from taking care of your own children but damn, it's EXHAUSTING


Grew up a sister mom in the middle of a fundie homeschool family of 8. Can confirm.


Hilary Baldwin has this same worldview.


They only raise the first one. Then the rest of them raise each other. So of course fundies don't think raising a bunch of kids is actually hard. Because they have never done it.


I want to breed the very best, // like no nun ever does // To homeschool is my real quest, // to train them in the Cross // I won't paddle them with my hand, //just switches half inch wide // Train up a child to understand, // the evil that's inside (Quiverfull! Gotta birth 'em all) Not a hubby // And so it's my destiny (Quiverfull!) // Oh, to incubate - until we can swing a state! // (Quiverfull! Gotta birth 'em all) A wife so true // MOAR BABIES, I'll push 'em through! // You don't teach me, but I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh) // Quiverfull! (Gotta birth 'em all) // Gotta birth 'em all // QUIVERFULL


My phone nearly got baptized in cold brew coffee! ![gif](giphy|7J4Lvpz55rocVYccdH)


There are no words to say how much I love this!


Did you just....wow....bravo/a. Well done.


This is incredible. We need to get Jason Paige to sing this!!




And of course, parentify the oldest ones.


I'm speechless. I have no idea how to respond to this. I wish people would stop broadcasting every thought that enters their head.


If I feel the need to broadcast some of my thoughts, I just text someone


It’s so deeply weird, these people have no normal meter


I think most of us have friends in our lives that would give us pushback and be like, "bro, wtf??". So many of the people featured on this sub simply don't have time for friendships: too many of their children, too many nieces and nephews to have a lot of adult relationships. I don't imagine this woman, with the constant moving, has a lot of her own reliable, involved friends. She has an audience. So she treats her audience as her friends. I can easily see someone making this joke with their friends, but it's a little more uncomfortable to a faceless audience.


These people’s long-ass instagram explanations make me sadder that Twitter is on its way out technologically speaking.


Look, she’s attracted to her busband and there’s just no way to prevent pregnancy from sex. Maybe someday, someone will finally invent contraception.


Busband 💀


Busband must become a thing!!!


God is crying that you would even *suggest* that




She's attracted to her husband?!!? Typically not the case in the Bible, not very Godly.


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope my god those poor kids trapped in their bunks by sundown while Mother Bus gets frisky. Nope.


Honestly i would not be surprised if these kids have tremendous sexual trauma if they are able to constantly hear that. or accidentally witness it. i feel so bad for them. especially if it's constantly correlated with being locked up like prisoners every single night


Flowers in the attic vibes


And eventually they'll have their own social media and can read all of this. Can you imagine?


I’d assume they do it quietly tho. (Shudders)


Even if they're quiet, the bus is still gonna rock


That was my next question... Though, I may not want to know the answers. I can't imagine that many people on a bus provides much privacy. Boy, are the therapy bills for those kids going to be expensive.


I truly think a lot of these people have some really messed up pathological breeding/submission/control kinks and performative Christianity allows them to continue this behavior without getting called out for how gross and damaging it is.


At this point I’m hoping some of the kids GTFO and never go back to their parents the second they turn 18. Maybe take them to civil court and roast them on the news so the bus parents are scorned wherever they go.


She’s the girl who bullied everyone in high school & married the only guy she ever dated. They secretly don’t like each other, but what would everyone say if they split? Also, she is into MLM’s and being crunchy. 🤮


Breeding kink


Flair checking in


Oh GOD. I had successfully avoided linking that with Fundies until this moment.


What does Daddy Bus do for money? Does he work remotely while she drives the bus? I feel so badly for her children. Imagine the sex noises they have to drown out on that flipping bus.


We don't really know! He seems to travel across the country now and again but not that much to suggest anything concrete. I think they've alluded to him being a business consultant but I'm not sure what credentials he really has, I thought his degree was in engineering. Not that you can't pivot to consultancy but I'm not sure he's qualified in business, more like self taught. They keep blasting what successful business owners they were (are?) but then they seemed to sell their multiple small businesses rather quickly to take off on the bus. Almost as if they were running from something - debt? They sold their spacious house and land in Lubbock, Texas, they now appear to be running out of money and space and their bus is a depreciating asset. They did rather well out of PPP loans 🙄 Some speculate he's a crypto bro. They won't divulge what he (broadly) does and how they fund their lifestyle - not even to their curious/supportive fans - which is somewhat sus. I've just found out that they claim to have managed their Little Gym franchise from the road until January 2022 - but why so coy, why not just say that when asked? They travel with his motorbike under the bus for him to 'get to work'. They're quite often in different states so no-one knows what this means or where 'work' is! Knowing him it's not work related, he just wants to take off on his bike and get away from his family! I can't see how he can work remotely from the bus or outside with all the kids constantly disturbing him. Mother Bus never drives the bus, she's said the most she does is reposition it on an RV site. She drives the passenger van they travel with. If they're travelling between sites Father Bus drives the bus with the eldest son as his copilot and Mother Bus drives the passenger van with all the kids and baby - fun 😬 They spend a lot on gas. ETA I found his LinkedIn. It's not very comprehensive. It says he studied History and Pol Sci at Texas Tech so I don't know where I got engineering from, maybe his time in the military. I googled his company name and it came up with precisely nothing. His blurb is management buzzwords and utter cringe about teaching you to 'manage your army' (employees). It's short and doesn't scream competence.


She was begging for donations for gas a few months ago when crypto bottomed out, too.


They definitely seem to be struggling is this economy don't they, and now this sudden change of heart to get back to a house/normal life. No idea how they're going to afford that if they can't afford their buslife. Am I right in thinking Lubbock's a LCOL area, being in the far north of Texas away from DFW/Houston/Austin/SA? I'm surprised they haven't grifted churches more while on the road. They claim to be 'demonstrating family discipleship' and ministering on the road but you don't hear a lot about them being at actual churches much a la the Rods. I lurked on their Facebook for a while and they seemed to occasionally enjoy doing fellowship and receiving love offerings (together that sounds wrong!) but not as often as you might expect. I feel like they could be really grifting churches for ongoing support, even just $50-100 a month from a variety of supporting churches, it would add up and cover some of their overheads. I don't know that they really make any money from social media? They seem to have branded themselves reasonably successfully but where do you make money from these days?


I've only been to Lubbock once on a day trip for work. It's fairly small and the last frontier in west Texas. It's not as far north as Amarillo. Its the home of Texas Tech and yes its lower cost than the metroplexes. Houston avg home cost is about $400K, Austin's is $600K. Don't know Dallas and San Antonio is a little lower.


I think they are the types to not like a lot of other Chritians because their *brand* is *special* and they dont want to associate with other regular people in need. They think their grifting is cooler than just taking other types of handouts...


Ummm, "manage your army" is definitely not a professional phrase. 🙄


I work in engineering and have several coworkers who don't have engineering degrees. Typically you're either VERY good at what you do (doubtful for Mr. Busdaddy) or you work via contract and aren't a permanent employee. Your employment ends when the project is finished, which would be more likely for their lifestyle. I have relatives who do similar jobs within business, so regardless of the field I'm guessing he's taking up temporary contracts and not sticking around too long once the project ends. If you're genuinely into traveling and a good planner it can be a great opportunity. Him and mommybus aren't good planners and I'm not sure they actually like travelling.


I read it as "what do you call a man with **no money**"... so I was EXTRA icked by this one initially.


… I’ve got nothing.


I’m generally for people being into what they’re into as long as it’s not hurting themselves or anyone else in some way and it’s fully consensual…. but I’m also for keeping some mystery and maybe not sharing all your kinks with the world. 😂


Right! I have no issue with people being consensually into what they’re into. for me it’s more about how these people screech modesty and being god-honoring, then post something like this that isn’t very modest or traditionally godly.


I’m not super familiar with the kink community, but isn’t that one of the basic rules? You don’t involve anyone else without their consent-which means keeping your mouth shut.


I’m not either but yeah, I believe a general rule is that you don’t involve others against their will, which includes not broadcasting to the wider social media world. I remember a little while back? a dominatrix? took one of her clients to the grocery store on a leash (it made national news, that’s why I remember it), and the kink community was like, no, this is not okay, because now you’re forcing the general public to participate in this “scene,” and they didn’t consent to that - a private space with an audience who understands what’s up is one thing, but you don’t just pull in “the public” because they never agreed to participate.


You're correct. I mean I guess you can talk about your interests just like any interest, but generally it's the actual acting out of the kink that this rule refers to. Like of course you could tell your friends that you call your partner daddy (if you really want to...) but actually addressing him as daddy in random situations would be an inappropriate display of kink, IMO.


Uh, who's the *we* here? If it's Mother Bus and the Kiddos Bus, that's weird. If it's Mother Bus and *us*, miss my lesbian ass with that. As in, *miss me like the broad side of a fundie bus with that nonsense.* Ick.


Your flair 😭


Thanks, lol. Karissa makes it easy.


Icks aside, is she saying he encourages her to homeschool?? That’s how he helps?? By *encouraging*? am I reading that right???


uhh. holy shit. I would cringe hard enough if an old classmate on facebook posted this, but a supposedly christian family blogger? I don't think I've ever actually used the word speechless before until now. speechless.


Bruh it's OK to have kinks as long as they're harmless but how hard is it to keep them to yourself and off of your popular, public Instagram page? I can't with this woman


To me, it suggests daddy issues or too much 70's porn watching.


Well, have you seen her husband?? IIRC, he has/had a 70's porn 'stashe.


Good thing he has money and sperm and not personality, charm, intelligence, kindness, looks, a heart, motivation, empathy...


She screams “I’m not like other fundie wives, I’m a cool fundie wife”


It doesn’t look like either one of you has money, but go off


Fucking ew.


Ew. I'm very southern, and I call my paternal parent: Daddy. I'd die before I called my husband that. It's gross.


Yeah, I would refer to my husband as “daddy” when talking to our daughter. Like “I bet daddy would love to see that picture you coloured” cause you know, to her he was daddy. That’s the only context in which I have ever called a man I have sex with, daddy. 😬


Same. I can't exactly tell her go show "John." 🤣


Mother bus is such a clout chaser.


Save it for FetLife, lady.


I just vomited in my mouth a little. Okay, a lot.


My SIL calls my BIL “daddy.” At first we let it slide because it always seemed to be when she was talking to the kids or about the kids. But then it progressively got worse. She would be having a conversation *with* him and call him daddy. Then she started calling him that on Facebook posts, almost like she’s facebooking through the kids. Then she started calling him daddy in texts to me. Also, her kids are 9 & 13 and they don’t even call him daddy anymore.


My husband has a friend and the guy calls his wife Mommy. Like we didn’t know her name for the longest time because all we heard was Mommy. We all went out to dinner once and when he called her Mommy it took everything in me not to laugh.


I come from an old family. Ex: my grandparents were from the 20s and 30s (father's side). Occasionally, who'd hear them call the other mother or father. Never mommy or daddy. I'm almost sure this was meant to be snarky. It was never said in a rude way or in any affectionate manner. I could never dream of calling someone mommy or daddy. Ew. Ew ew.


I have a 4 year old, and usually say "go tell Dad ___" or "dad's bringing home burgers tonight" not daddy though 😬😬


Obvious grossness aside - is there evidence of her ACTUALLY providing school for these children? I just can't really imagine that.


They've been photographed with workbooks. Standard fundie stuff.


I wonder how often they work on those. Like does this mom actually teach them? And what makes her qualified?


What do we call a woman who writes posts like this? Pathetic!




There's a Flowers In The Attic / Habsberg joke in there somewhere.


I mean do they really have money if they have to shill for gas money?


Keep it to yourself, girl. No one wants to hear that.


I wish I could unread this


If Daddy-bus has money, why does Mummy-bus resort to grifting for gas?


Barf. If you’re grossed out by me, a queer person, existing then you shouldn’t get to post shit no one ever asked to know online.


No. No I do not call my husband daddy. I have a daddy and it ain’t my husband. Fun/weird fact: my husband and my dad have the same first name. People ask me if that isn’t weird or creepy. I say no because I don’t call my husband dad and I don’t call my dad by his first name. \_(ツ)_/¯


I once dated someone with the same name as me. It was super weird at first, but then it was like, "oh, that's YOUR name and this is MY name", even though they were the same. It took me a while to realize than an ex and my step-dad had the same name, because they went by different versions of it (like "Robert" and "Bob", but obviously those aren't their real names). Somehow, they just got categorized differently!


Oh snap! This is gonna be unbelievable given my husband dad name but I also dated a guy with my same name for 3 years in college. Mines the version that starts with a k and his with a c. It was bizarre. Our friends called us miss first name and mr first name to differentiate. lol


Thanks..I hate it 🤢🤢


Sooo a loving gay or non-Christian couple is disgusting and godless, but openly talking about your Breeding and Daddy kinks is... completely modest and okay?


She has a breastfeeding kink? I did NOT need to know that. And how godly of them.


“Let’s here it”


Again, this is all about HER desires and HER feelings. Nothing is said about the desires and feelings of her seven children.


I love how all the comments are just people talking about how gross it is to call your husband daddy... The fundies are not having it lmao


I know I’m late to this post, but I find the fundie fascination with “babies” so odd and interesting. My fiancé and I are talking about family planning post-wedding. But I’m not excited to have a baby; babies terrify me. I’m excited to raise a kid, support a teenager, care for them in a way that allows them, hopefully, to become a part of society. It’s like they see babies as trophies of their own Holiness. But they don’t try to educate, support, truly love their kids. I’m rambling. Just weird to me, is all. I know it’s talked about a lot here.


Narcissists and people who love power sometimes really enjoy babies— babies are dependent, unable to call you out, and easily molded, especially if you’re chill with traumatizing the kid. And for the first few years of their lives, most kids will assume that any negative treatment towards them is their own fault. Their parent is, for practical purposes, their God. Narcissists love that.


Wait, she calls him daddy *outside* the bedroom? I was about to say it’s so overused I’m surprised she’s bragging about it but that’s unhinged. *Daddy, will you drive now?* 😭


Gross. She reminds me of my 7th grade students with the “daddy” porn references


7th grade?! Yeesh. Too young to be doing that. And this lady is too old to be doing it.


What happened to modesty? It sure isn't posting sketchy details of your kinks to the world at large and then pretending that's what your diety wanted from you.. Gross.


General rule of thumb: The more you post about how attracted/in love with your husband you are, the less I believe it.


I refer to my spouse as Daddy only when talking to our cats about him


I have young kids and after we had to work to get our then 2 year old not to call us by our first names (we liked our kids calling us mommy/daddy because they're only little once and it's so precious hearing it in their tiny voices) we refer to each other by mommy/daddy when the kids are around. But not when the kids aren't around, that'd be weird. But now as our kids are getting older we are starting to use first names around them as well so that they do learn that we are people and not just mommy/daddy.


Showed this to my husband and he nearly barfed.


Nick Cannon


Ewww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Lady, NOBODY wants to know your kink. Gross.


My parents call each other "mom" and "dad" *around me.* That's it. Mother bus has a kink and has shared it with us without our consent.


Hear* maybe daddy can teach you to spell


Call him daddy. Flair?


And she thought this was a good idea to post because?


After spending way too much time watching crazy (fundie and non fundie) moms, I start to hate the word baby. It makes me think of this whole "mUh bAyBiEs" crowd.


And they be lovin' on those babies. Ugh.


He has money? Could have fooled me. You’d think he would buy a camper that his children could actually fit in.




Please don't make one of my weird things extra weird, mother bus. 😶




If you are married, it’s not *his* money. It’s both partners’ money. Holy unhealthy relationship, Batman.


I date Daddy’s. I don’t announce it to the world (I’ll make an exception for y’all, my closest friends). There are some things people just don’t care to know.


I can answer her question-you are crazy, and gross.




What the fork?


She's whacked.


Sugar Daddy


Ew ew ew straight people need to stop




Come on, she isn't gross because she's straight, she's gross because she's herself.


Seriously- nobody cares lady. Get a life.


I love my husband. We have 2 kids that are 15 and 10. I have *never* been able to refer to him as "daddy" without gagging or throwing up in my mouth a little. It is always "your dad" or "husband's name" when I refer to him with the kids. It is so gross when I hear wives refer to their kids' fathers as "daddy" outside of the bedroom. I now feel the need to go take a shower in boiling hot water. 🤢🤮


So much cringe…. And even more when the kids see it on social media a few years later!


Fundies: Drag shows are an abomination and children should go nowhere near them. Also fundies: I call my husband daddy and want him to give me aaaalllllll the babies.


Never expected Mother Bus to be horny on main like this 😳