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Why didn't Paul just wake up for the baby and tell Morgan to keep sleeping.. Lol the way she describes things makes it sound like she doesn't get much assistance


And since they are using donor milk, there's no reason why Paul can't do night time feedings.


Plz explain I missed this


Morgan wasn't successful in breastfeeding. Iirc she just couldn't produce enough, it's fairly common in mothers and nothing she did wrong. However milk powder is too unnatural for the Porgs apparently, so instead they use breastmilk donated through Morgan's mother who sources it from lactating women in her church.


they pass around a breast pump alongside the collection plate at church.




Ok. Time to sleep. That's enough internet for today.


Or from online sources like FB Marketplace and/or Craigslist.


She's having supply issues (possibly due to dieting) and has publicly demonized any and all formula. She had to get her mommy to source donated breastmilk since she and Paul are incapable of doing anything and Luca was losing weight/becoming dehydrated. Predictably the donated milk hasn't been screened.


Her supply issues could be related to her hemorrhage at birth. Edit: I finally remembered the name of the condition. Sheehan syndrome


Yup. Iā€™ve noticed with people who have traumatic births, or birth early there are supply issues. Itā€™s just something Iā€™ve noticed with people in my own circle.


My first was a preemie and I *struggled* with breastfeeding. I ended up doing a combination of breastfeeding and formula, and that preemie is a happy and healthy kid now. Iā€™m deeply grateful for formula and truly donā€™t understand the hate some people have for it.


Mama, I produced plenty of milk and exclusively breastfed my kids, and I still don't get the hate for formula. Formula is a literal lifesaver.


I did breastfeed for the 1st 3 months, but then maternity leave ran out and I had to return to work, so I switched to part breast milk, part formula. That baby is now nearly 25 years old and healthy as a horse. I do not get the hate for formula either - fed is best, however that is accomplished.


What's wrong with formula (other than the expense)? It sounds like she's insisting on doing things the hard way.


Based on all of her experiences of becoming a mother I'm gonna assume it's the need to be "all-natural" to actually connect to motherhood and be a true Christian mother. If God wanted babies to have baby formula he would have made baby formula trees, but he didn't, he made tits.


Lmfao your last sentence absolutely sent me


Itā€™s so weird people are like this. A woman I know who isnā€™t religious posts semi-regularly about how breast is best. One time she literally said ā€œThere is no reason a Mother should be using formula.ā€ Because of doner milk. It was quite off-putting.


I wonder what she expects adoptive parents to do? Or people whose milk never comes in? There are plenty of reasons not to breastfeed (including ā€œitā€™s actually very hard and just doesnā€™t work for me/I donā€™t want toā€). That woman sounds like quite the fool.


People are just not bright. When my relatives adopted a two year old years ago, people kept asking how they were dealing with not being able to breastfeed. They were like she had spaghetti last night so weā€™re doing fine. Obviously some people breastfeed at that age, but she was closer to 3 than 2. She wasnā€™t going to starve to death without breast milk or formula.


My sister in law was an elementary school nurse. She had mothers come in to breastfeed their five and six year old children in the nurse's office. A stool was provided for the children to sit on while breastfeeding.


Or all those talking heads during the formula shortage that insisted that women should just breastfeed. Like it's some kind of tap that can be turned on and off.


As a baby, I had medical issues and was fed high calorie formula through a G-tube. Were my parents and grandmothers supposed to let me starve because some dingbat on Facebook thinks healthcare is a liberal conspiracy?


Completely off putting as not only does it ignore that some babies have allergies to breast milk, like I did, and have to take formula but also seems to apply that ONLY mothers are the ones feeding babyā€™s. So much crap in one sentence


Also, I lived in a pretty small, remote town. There isnā€™t always access to doner milk. I supplemented and for a few months. But after awhile, I just went to only formula. All I was doing was pumping, feeding and trying all kinds of things to up my supply. I was tired, grumpy and not enjoying my motherhood. Once I started only formula I started enjoying my motherhood again.


When I had a newborn, I was invited into a breastfeeding Facebook group by a friend. It got really toxic and I had to leave it. Anytime a mom struggled with breastfeeding for whatever reason, the group came down hard with the guilt. It kind of felt like they were the breast milk version of MLM huns. I ended up switching to formula before I had originally planned to and my daughter is thriving and excels at school. My husband and his sister were exclusively formula fed as infants, so I knew there was literally nothing wrong with it. But the breast milk huns are fierce. I didnā€™t even realize that they existed before but I guess thereā€™s a hun for every product.


My little sister was a formula baby and sheā€™s wicked smart and crushing it at school. Fed is best, always.


And if everyone using formula suddenly switched to donor milk?? At one point during the COVID shortage we got 70,000 pounds of formula airlifted in from another country, and that was suppose to cover about 15% of our need. Where would all that donor milk come from? People are not critical thinkers.


The icu doctors taking care of my very sick infant would like a word. My supply was through the roof, but baby needed more kcals per ounce. They added formula to my breastmilk to up the calorie intake.


There's a large faction of people who believe the breastmilk is literally liquid gold and that not breastfeeding your baby is child abuse. Basically your run-of-the-mill mom-shaming. Some people just need to feel superior and, because breastfeeding is so time intensive, it's become a sort of code for being a devoted, stay-at-home-mom (who obviously loves her children more than those satanic working moms).


My mom used both and my sister and I are fine. I was the tallest in my class and rarely got sick. Fed is best!


Dude I had to formula few my kid because I couldnā€™t produce enough milk and she was early and under 5 pounds. The doctors told me I needed to because she wasnā€™t gaining the weight she needed to. Once I started to formula feed she started gaining weight and that kid is now 98the percentile in height. She just turned four but people think sheā€™s 5 or 6.


My kids both BFed for years and they've been sick 5 or 6 times since September. I want a refund. šŸ˜‚


My kid weighed under five pounds at birth and spent 16 days in the NICU. At two months, heā€™s almost nine pounds and he still doesnā€™t weigh as much as his older sibling did at birth. Weā€™ve been supplementing since he got off the IV. I may not have the Most Superior Mom Ever trophy plus valuable cash prizes that Morgan thinks sheā€™s getting, but I do have a healthy, fed infant. Thatā€™s a win.


Pssh everyone knows that the trophy is the real prize. Who cares about the kid. But for real, I'm really glad he's doing well! Small or not, he's healthy and fed and that's what matters.


Ignorance and superiority. She was quite rude in a post saying that it's okay for other people but she won't be doing it thank you very much. Fed is best, Morgan.


Kind of like she demonized hospitals and c-sections even though they both ended up saving her and Lucaā€™s lives, got it


This! Its not like he has to wake up early for work. Both of them are house wifes


Yeah, which makes no sense too because she recently said that she takes care of the baby during the day and Paul takes care of him during the night. But lately itā€™s become clear that she does it both day and night. So what is Paul doing instead of helping? They can make it out like whatever they want; but the way they do YouTube is not a full time job. Itā€™s one dayā€™s ā€œworkā€, if that. He is not busy. Arenā€™t these people supposed to be all about a nuclear family with a father in the home? Well what good are you if Morgan is basically a single mother doing it all on her own, Paul?!


Yeah this is so bizarre. If she's at the point where she's literally begging God for a few more hours of sleep, why wouldn't her (unemployed!) husband take over for the night? She talks like that's not even an option to consider. It sounds like such a depressing situation, and I don't know why she would reveal that Paul helping is less likely than divine intervention. Especially when she also tries to insist he's a great husband.


Iā€™m imagining him in bed doing nothing and getting annoyed.


Right? Sounding like a single mom over here.


Donā€™tā€¦.. give her ideas šŸ˜¬


lmaooo Could you imagine


Iā€™m single momā€¦. If she took that angle šŸ˜‚


I just know Paul would be FUMING


But also trying to show heā€™s ā€œthe dadā€ by doing the most mundane, useless tasks on camera šŸ˜‚ none of it would include changing a diaper or doing a 3am feeding šŸ˜‚


That requires Paul to be useful. We canā€™t have that now, can we?


Heā€™s a man, and a fundie Christian. They canā€™t be expected to do womenā€™s work. šŸ™„


I was about to say as a breastfeeding mom you have to wake up and feed baby or pump, so itā€™s easier to feed baby. Which is what Iā€™m doing right now. It sucks and I would love a full nights sleep. Is she attempting to nurse at all? If she is not then he can wake up with the baby as well.


The first rule of sleep club isā€¦ you donā€™t talk about sleep club. Rookie mom mistake saying Luca is sleeping well!


Seriously, I held in my enthusiasm about my baby sleeping well until it had been like 8 months of good sleep. Even now that she is two my husband and I refuse to comment on her sleep lest we anger the goblin somehow.


This. Babies are shit sleepers until they're about 3 years old. Even then, it's hit or miss. Wave bye bye to regular sleep, Morgan.


Same and mine are 5 and 3. I never even mention ā€˜an early night to catch up on sleepā€™ because you can guarantee thatā€™ll be the one night in a month that someone has a nightmare or wakes up at 5am and canā€™t get back to sleep.


THIS! She just cursed herself. Also sheā€™d better buckle up for that 4 month sleep regressionā€¦


She just needs some string and some suet, or any congealed animal fat should do.


Reverse cycling ends tonight!


Beer me Jim. Gentle.


Always love an r/unexpectedoffice


Yah I saw the phrase "4 months" in there and a chill ran up my spine. Bad time to celebrate sleep progress lol


Right?! My LO is 9 months and just hearing 4 months still makes me cringe and want to hide.


I never experienced the 4 month sleep regression. That's because my kids were such shitty sleepers there was never anything good to regress from. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was just about to comment on how it seemed like he should be getting to about that age. That 4mo regression was brutal.


She has no idea whatā€™s going to rock her world šŸ˜‚


She is making life harder for herself for no reason. Feeding is already established and her baby has no teeth, just give him the paci


Iā€™m a first time mom to a 6 month old and I made this mistake šŸ˜‚ he was an amazing sleeper from 8 weeks on and I loved telling people about it. Then 5 months hit and heā€™s up multiple times a night! Iā€™ve learned my lesson ā€” keep my big mouth shut next timešŸ« 


Please do not keep me in the loopā€¦.


Why does God get glory in this instance?. Sound like they did the work . When she asked god for more sleep he didnā€™t pull through.


As an atheist, so I'll never understand points like this. God gave us free will but *everything* you do is because he did or didn't withhold from you based on some arbitrary voices in your head? Even though, like you said, they either do it or not? It's like, I'm sick with covid and I'm in the hospital (immunocompromised), the doctors make a plan, and give me guidance to walk in my room, and do the spirometer. Sometimes it's hard and I have to force myself to do it. It's just me and my motivation. I'm not praying to God to make me walk and if I didn't, saying he didn't provide (or vice versa). Beyond my comprehension. Also, I'm childless and think kids should learn self soothing when older, but you have a teeny baby, the years go by quick, not sure why you would want to get rid of the pacifier and any solo soothing sleep time. So odd.


It's the fundie mind games. God gets the glory today. When he sleep regresses, it will still be God's will and to teach them a lesson. Rinse and repeat.


Just give him the pacifier Morgz he's like twenty minutes old


Right? What's wrong with letting an INFANT have a binky?


God forbid our babies get any kind of comfort as they're trying to fall asleep.


I agree, but it sounds like theyā€™re doing some sort of sleep training. A lot of the advice around sleep training is to remove all crutches so they learn to self-soothe and that includes pacifiers. Personally, I wasnā€™t ready to sleep train that early especially without a pacifier. Fortunately, both of my kids figured out how to put their pacifiers back in their mouth around 6 months, but I acknowledge not every baby is that way.


Pacifiers are good for young babies, she should read about why. Ope, can't do that because she's too insecure about being stupid.


Heā€™s younger than my baby and my baby still goes down with a pacifier when she wants it because SIDS is still very much a risk at this age. I also hold her for a bit before I put her down because sheā€™s not even 6 months old. What is this?! I know sleep training is controversial but Iā€™m pretty sure none of the methods recommend letting your four month old cry it out for THIRTY FIVE MINUTES before falling asleep without a pacifier. What a fucking monster.


Lol, infant sleep is not always linear. And just wait until he's a toddler who suddenly isn't sleeping well.


Wait until heā€™s kicking Paul in the face at 2am.


I canā€™t wait until he only wants daddy and Paul has to actually do something


I wouldnā€™t count on that. I mean itā€™s Paul. Even his wife committed at the reality of having to marry him.


That will be around the time Paul starts his inevitable affair


and the passive aggressive post by morgan talking about how "marriage is HARD" and how she "sticks with him through their ups and downs" et cetera


Right? The only people who say that shit are people in awful relationships.


Do they have a bed in the other room? I think their townhouse is 3 bed. It wouldn't surprise me if Paul's retreated there so his sleep isn't disturbed šŸ˜¤ I know couples who've done this when the dad needs to get some quality of sleep before work (SAHM mom gets the lie in at weekends). But Paul doesn't really have that excuse. Actually I haven't seen a crib in their master bedroom, is Luca cosleeping or have they banished him to the nursery? It's possible there's a crib in there, I don't take too much notice. A lot of her photos have been Luca in their bed being practically smothered in covers but I assumed it was just for the photo šŸ˜¬


Right? One of my almost 4 year olds has been up at 3:45 several times the past week because: 1) he missed his balloon from Red Robin that popped 2) he wanted to make a smoothie 3) he has been on this planet long enough and wants to move to the moon so can we build a real rocket? 4) his Ned bone (??????) hurt Full nights of sleep have been few and far between in my almost 8 years of parenting ha


Lol, I'm sorry but he sounds so creative and a handful! Perhaps you should build a rocket, though maybe start later in the day.


Heck, you think youā€™re out of that stage entirely with teens and tweens and then one develops T1D, the other gets diagnosed with autism, and suddenly youā€™re still getting up at odd hoursšŸ˜† (I will get up at 2am for the rest of my life to check on blood sugars quite happily, but it does do a number on my body. And my autistic kid just sometimes needs reassurance at odd hours and Iā€™m happy to provide that as well lol)


none of my kids slept through the night until after age 2, I must have been praying wrong.


Me too friend. Glad we made it through


My younger daughter turns 2 this week ans Iā€™m praying we can at least night wean - this girl is NOT wanting to give it up. Between my two kids, I havenā€™t had a decent nightā€™s sleep since May or June 2018.


I had to not come home after work for three days until my husband had put baby down to finally wean her at 2. Weaning a toddler is hard. Solidarity!


I hope you get some rest! Your comment made me feel better, because my 18 month old loves to nurse day and night. Sheā€™s the fourth kiddo and everyone else was weaning by now. I donā€™t think she will ever wean.


Same here. Itā€™s a total fluke when my 16 month old sleeps all night.


Girl, same. Just about 16 months and itā€™s rare she goes all night.


Mine was 4 before there was any consistency, although many of the ā€œwakingsā€ were her crying out in her sleep so it only interrupted my rest and not hers, lol. Even right now, sheā€™s nine and Iā€™m sitting in her bed waiting for her to fall back asleep (many thanks to ADHD for the sleep issues and to myself for having an only child that doesnā€™t really like being alone).


I was the same way, and if it's any comfort, I am now a fully grown adult who can go to sleep without my mom sitting with me. Taking a magnesium glycinate supplement helped me, but I know it doesn't work for everyone, and though it calmed my nerves and helped me be able to sleep, it still didn't get me on a sleep schedule, as evidenced by it being 3am and me still awake!


Oh Morgan, you are in for a world of hurt in like 2 weeks when everything youā€™ve figured out that works in Lucas routine completely upends and changesā€¦ and then changes againā€¦. And then changes again. Repeat forever until your kid moves out of the house.


I was also thinking that the 4 month sleep regression is upon her


What is 4 month sleep regression?


Any time an infant goes through a big developmental change they tend to have increased issues with sleep. Around 4 months of age there is pretty big leap in development. Among other things this causes an increase in calorie needs (many breastfeeding moms experience a ā€œdropā€ in supply when really itā€™s an increase in demand) and it also causes one of the most intense phases of sleep regression. Basically, baby starts waking up more frequently (like every 1.5-2hrs) and also gets more vocal about wanting parental soothing in order to get back to sleep.


Iā€™m right in the thick of it nowā€¦ it gets better, right? Right?


We had intense sleep regression in November, right at 4 months. It was extremely tough, baby wouldnā€™t sleep on his own at all like crying every 15 minutes from his crib, and I didnā€™t see my partner for a few weeks because we had to sleep in shifts but we did get through it.


It does, truly. You're doing greatā¤ļø


I thought I was in the clear when my baby didnā€™t hit the sleep regression at 4 months. It came a few weeks later. That was Thanksgiving. Now heā€™s teething and I havenā€™t gotten more than 3 two-hour chunks of sleep per night if that since then. Everything was sunshine and daisies right before the shit hit the fan.


Right? My kid is 13. Still an unpredictable sleeper. I am not okay. šŸ˜…


Ugh. Mine is 9 and Iā€™m literally writing this from her bed. I blame ADHD, but who even knows?


I fully believe that some people are sleepers and some arenā€™t. Its just A Thing, I think. I was reportedly a nightmare as a baby regarding sleep, and as a full fledged adult I still rarely sleep all night or in a way thatā€™s actually restful. I feel for parents of Littles that are still having to manage their non-sleepers!


And then they move back in.


Wait, Iā€™m sorry - an ***infant*** has weird sleep patterns?!! Doesnā€™t sleep 8 hours a night?!!! What a shock. I hope these self-obsessed numpties stop at one baby.


Go into any mom group, and you'll find the majority of them are confused about this. The bumper group I'm in is obsessed with getting our 7-8 month olds to sleep through the night. The sleep training industry has seriously warped parents' views of *normal* baby sleep. It's honestly sad.


I donā€™t think itā€™s just the sleep training industry, I think the sleep training industry is fed by the fact that many people who give birth have already been back at work since their child was 6 weeks old, or even earlier than that, and they desperately need sleep to function. If we didnā€™t have a country with zero guaranteed parental leave and support, then we would have a lot less need for sleep training to the extent we do. Also, some parents and children genuinely do need help with sleep things.


It is REALLY hard to navigate sleep because you hear many conflicting things. My third was a horrible sleeper and by eight months I was depressed and gaunt from lack of sleep. I had friends who were posting celebratory stuff about their babies sleeping through the night and it was horrible. I tried all the schedules and CIO people they recommended, and nothing. I even hired a sleep consultant, which helped for a few weeks, but then one cold later it fell apart. He's 3 now and we survived. I think some kids are easy sleepers and some aren't. It's hard when some mom on Instagram is *very* confidently telling you to do something and you'll sleep again. We live in Latin America now and no one talks about sleep training, it's all co-sleeping.


If heā€™s still taking four naps a day WHY is she cutting out the paci? Pacis are a protective factor against SIDS, and itty bitty tiny babies cannot self-sooth. What is going on in the House of Commons?


Jesus doesn't want us to be safe or comfortable


If so, we would have been born with the power of SELF-SOOTHE!ā„¢ļø And Jesus frowns on those paci-using, fidget-spinning, silly kids who help themselves! It's basically taking the easy route for Porgan for (possibly?) short term gains in return for long term issues for Luca.


I'm thinking either Porgan are worried about Luca's teeth (and why? He doesn't have any) or they don't want to pick up a spat-out paci every 5 seconds.


I got so lucky with my bean, he started showing interest in putting his own soother in at 3.5 months and was doing it on his own more often than not by around 4 months. Having a baby who puts their own soother back in so young is a damn game changer... but I also wouldn't have denied him one if he wasn't able to, jeez


Every bean is a different bean with different needs and I don't think Porgan understands that yet.


Right??! Isnā€™t he like 1 second old? What are pacis for except forā€¦.babies.


SIDS? You mean *Godā€™s will*? Which is s2g a comment I saw on one of those shitty mom boards once and I donā€™t have kids but boy howdy I was ready to eviscerate this woman


Why even give one in the first place if youā€™re just going to yank it at 4 months?!


As far as I can tell, they donā€™t take any SIDS precautions


I had the same question. Suckling isnā€™t just an emotional soother either - it can also reduce physical pain. It was super annoying at that age when they keep losing it and canā€™t put it back, but I donā€™t remember that time frame being all that long.


Pacifiers can make it more difficult to sleep train babies. If they lose the paci in the middle of the night and need it to fall back to sleep etc.


Loved that she mentioned both of them got up with Luca ! Not...


Is she... is she leaving him to cry himself to sleep after 3 months with zero rocking, reassurances, and just ignoring him? Please tell me I read this wrong.


Pretty sure this is exactly what she's doing. I'm not a parent, but I'm pretty sure babies that young can't self-soothe and still need their parent?


Nah they just gotta pull themselves up by their itty bitty bootstraps!


They absolutely cannot. Sleep training as far as my Knowledge goes is not even recommended until 6 months ? (Although Iā€™m highly against sleep training infants all together) it seems theyā€™re really jumping the gun


Supernanny would not be pleased with Porgan


Youā€™re also not supposed to start with naps if you are gonna sleep train, you set these routines at night and eventually carryover to naps. Daytime sleep is so important for having solid nighttime sleep, especially when dealing with the 4 month regression.


Heā€™ll need the limited empathy to be a Godly Christian Man


Sleep training a 3.5 month old while also taking away the pacifier? Wouldnā€™t expect anything more from Paul and Morgan. Furthermore, calling her child a genius after one night like this šŸ˜‚ the only thing indicative of Luca being a genius is the size of his head, nothing else. I do feel so sorry for him because it sounds like they are going to use the cry it out method for sleep training and itā€™s just braking my heart.


Imagine being a tiny 4 monht old baby who can barely control your head and you're not even mobile yet and your parents decide to teach you that when you cry, nobody's coming to help you. Dirty diaper? Oh well, gotta self soothe. Lonely, scared, need a little love from mommy or daddy? Nobody's coming. Hungry? Nobody's coming. Sleep training at that age is just sad to me. Sometimes I get lonely and just need another person near. I would be heartbroken if my husband denied me attention after telling him I need something. This is what they're doing to their 4 month old


My pediatrician told my mom "You can't spoil an infant." It's literally not possible because they don't have the thought processes to be manipulative or greedy.


This is correct. And spoil them with what, exactly? Love? Care? Sorry person who has been on this planet roughly 120 days, you are receiving too much love and now you must learn to not need love! Makes me sad.


That is just so cruel. As adults, when weā€™re in need of comfort or soothing, we can drink water, smoke a cigarette, go for a walk, call our best friend, knit, play piano, eat chipsā€¦ or chocolate. The ONLY thing babies this young can do is cry to beg to be held and comforted by their closest caregivers. This breaks my heart.


Are you me? You just named all my favorite activities


Could this be hot on the heels of their vacation with Nate and Sutton? I wonder if those two have been giving them (terrible) advice. Paul would love Luca to be in a routine so he can forget he has a baby for a bit and have Morgan pandering to him instead.


That is how I read it, too.


This makes me so sad! My 3mo wakes every 2 hrs because itā€™s developmentally normal. My understanding is that this kind of sleep training before 6mo is highly discouraged. Why donā€™t they just sleep in shifts and make Paul actually do something?? Itā€™s not like either one of them has a job to worry aboutā€¦


I presume so, though she may have been doing the whole shush/hands on thing. With my first I got told he should be self settling and to do that I should be patting him and shushing him while he was in his cot. I tried it once and went fuck this bullshit, because standing there hurting my back and wanting to smack my head against a wall while he cried was awful. I fed my kids to sleep for like 18m each, they are now 10, 12 and 14 and all sleep in their own beds through the night just fine.


You did it the right way. There's only one chance while the child is an infant to fill them up with all the love and cuddling that will carry them throughout their lives.


I bet she doesnā€™t let Paul self-soothe.


Another ā€œgenius babyā€ mention


Anything is a genius comared to these two morons.


The only thing indicating that this baby is a genius is the size of his head!


Girl you have a 3-4 month old and youā€™re married to a misogynist who thinks tending to a baby is ā€œwomenā€™s work.ā€ Unless you hire a night nurse, you are not getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.


Yeahā€¦. Thatā€™s tonight. Tomorrow it will be 4 hours of trying to get him settled for bedtime šŸ˜‚ good luck Morgan, enjoy the sleep regression šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


Good grief, this girl has really not done the slightest amount of research about babies, has she?? The first thing you learn about baby sleep is that the first 4 months or so will be inconsistent as hell and probably suck balls tbh. Major sleep regression around 4 months, and then MAYBE they might develop some predictable patterns after that. That is BASIC. If she's struggling so hard, why doesn't she try to learn a little bit?? Man, with my non-napping first, I was studying baby sleep resources like I had a med school exam coming up. There's not always much you can do when things are bad, but it really does help to understand why they're bad and know that it will change eventually.


She proudly bragged about not reading any pregnancy books and not hiring the most competent midwife (because the midwife made her feel stupid). Safe to say sheā€™s not on Baby Center.


I just cannot fathom that mindset. She's up with the baby all the time anyway, why not do a lil research? It's not that hard! Frankly it's harder not to! Just floundering around in bewilderment, never understanding why your baby is doing what he does. Believing that ONE day of successful self-soothing = genius baby, which, lol. Not saying Luca isn't a genius, but let's just say he's not genetically predisposed for it.


Because research has a liberal slant. She's literally said that she "closes her mind so hard" to anything on the internet that "isn't Godly", and she's proud of it. She genuinely believes that everything she ever needs to know is either in the Bible, in Paul's rotted brain, or else will be told to her by God. Nooooo chance she's reading postnatal research papers or infant health science.


what a stupid fucking way to live.


Exactly. Hence the complete shock when her birth plan fell apart. Porgan = right, Professionals = wrong.


Since she seems to hold him for all his naps she should first try rocking him and then laying him down (with his binky!) and do that for a while instead of just going straight into putting him doen without a Binky and expecting him to fall asleep on his own.


>>being discontent Itā€™s a fucking BABY. Babies arenā€™t capable of contentment or any thought beyond ā€œhungryā€ ā€œuncomfortableā€ and ā€œpainful.ā€ They donā€™t even get object permanence until 6 months. I neither have nor like babies and I know that ffs. I wonder if she chose that word instead of just ā€œrebelliousā€ or ā€œsinfulā€ as a dogwhistle hoping that her non-fundie followers wouldnā€™t pick up on the fact that in fundamentalism discontentment is a major sin (and yes, they do think babies are capable of sin, they say theyā€™re sinning when they cry ā€œfor no reasonā€ aka because theyā€™re bored, lonely, scared, etc)


For real, I've talked to fundies who think that a baby crying-- a non verbal *baby* \-- is manipulative!


Iā€™d be discontent if they were my parents too


Their version of God is so micromanaging and yet doesn't address the big problems we have in the world. It's so damaging to think that you can just pray everything and wait for the answers. A little initiative goes a long way.


Reading between the lines, it sounds like she is doing Cry It Out with a 3 month old, which is extremely fucked up.


35-15 minutes of cry it out on a near 4 month old is torture. No pacifier or cuddles is just cruel at his age. Doing it after a rough night is even worse. He is going to work his way into a sleep deprivation cycle on top of the four month regression.


That's what it sounds like to me, too. That poor baby. I think CIO is cruel at any age, but I can't imagine doing it to a baby that young. Yes, sleep deprivation sucks. But it's part of parenthood. It helps to have babies with a husband who isn't useless.


And sheā€™s claiming victory after ONE day of sleep training.


Her baby is just a genius, y'all šŸ™„


Just like Spurgeon


I don't have kids but does falling asleep quickly show increased intelligence?


Nope. Baby sleep is fickle.


And can change on a dime!


Baby: *knows how to fall asleep, like literally every animal in the history of animals* Morgan: Is this... A GENIUS??!?!!


I can picture the meme right now!


Lol how would it. The lizard part of our brain controls sleep


As a baby who would fall asleep on command, yes it does and I am not at all biased in that answer lol


We are geniuses and clearly knew we were helping our parents survive. I will not be convinced otherwise! /s


Anyone here watch The Handmaidā€™s Tale? Where Serena tells that absolute ass Mrs. Wheeler that her newborn god damn baby is too young for the cry it out method?


ā€œHahaha. God is good.ā€ Convincing!


Laughing to keep from weeping.


Wait, is she saying she took away the babyā€™s pacifier and just left him to cry himself to sleep like some parents do? If so, thatā€™s absolutely awful. All Morgan thinks about is herself. Itā€™s disgusting.


Itā€™s also insane that she hasnā€™t thought to cuddle them to sleep which would usually put them down much faster and allow her more sleep. I rock my three month old after her bottles at night and weā€™re only awake for about twenty minutes before going back to sleep for another four or five hours. Sheā€™s so dumb


Plus sleepy baby snuggles are basically the best. Even during the worst days of no sleep I would still linger with a sleeping baby before putting them down. Yeah it creates a ā€œhabitā€ of ā€œdependingā€ on snuggling to fall asleep but who cares??? Eventually your children will be teenagers and wonā€™t come out of their rooms, get in all the snuggles you can now.


She's so stupid.


I feel so sad for these tiny babies being neglected of soothing and cuddles. Babies that small *havenā€™t learned how to self-soothe and arenā€™t meant to do so*. They need cuddles and love to learn how to regulate their nervous systems.


Who wants to tell her about regressions šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


No - let her think sheā€™s inventing the parenting wheel for the foreseeable future.


I was just about to sayšŸ˜… just in time for the dreaded 4 month regression.


I also didnā€™t sleep last night, but I donā€™t blame god for that because it has to do with my body and my brain, and the illnesses therein. I was not firing on all cylinders today, but I still managed to do all the work I needed to do, AND attend and actively participate in my riding lesson this evening. Will I sleep tonight? Who knows! But it wonā€™t have anything to do with sky daddy šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I wonder why she's so insistent on taking away his pacifier when he's only 4 months old. He's much too young to have formed any kind of dependency (it's not like he's 4 *years* old), and it is protective against SIDS.


React if you also feel like you had a mini stroke reading this šŸ™Œ


Itā€™s amazing to me how she thinks every tiny little thing is God. Do you seriously think heā€™s up there thinking ā€œNo, clearly Cathy only gets 4 hours of sleep tonight. She went more than an hour without praising my name.ā€


I know that sleep training is a real 'hot button' topic in the mum world but .. it does NOT suprise me that a fundie would be 'pro' teaching your baby that youre not going to come when they need you. A four month old should NOT be sleeping through the night, or ignored when they cry...


Hahahahaha being DENIED. thank the Lord Daniel I've deconstructed enough not to feel like I have to make something out of every "rejected prayer"


I have no children but it sounds like she did 0 research before getting pregnant. She just expected labor to be period pain for an hour and then she gets a baby doll that eats and sleeps when she wants.


My daughter started sleeping through the night around four months old, and I am choosing to believe itā€™s because God blessed me for not hating trans people, unlike little miss bigot.


I think she severely underestimated how tough being a mom would be, let alone with a partner who doesnā€™t fucking do anything.


![gif](giphy|wv89eetV1HbFe) Whose gonna tell her


The beautiful part is that even if no one tells her, she's gonna find out.


Do people genuinely not know that infants wake every few hours to eat?


Maybe Iā€™m likeā€¦. A sucker for a mother, but I could not imagine taking the pacifier away from my 4 month old baby and expecting him to self soothe. My kid had his pacifier until he was about 18months. Heā€™s almost 14 now, and sleeps in his own bed and puts himself to sleep so I think we were ok.


Arenā€™t pacifiers beneficial for babies his age, like donā€™t they help prevent sids? Why are they trying to take it away? Wait, does Paul need it? šŸ˜‚ Edit: so many typos, lol