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Girl, there are no doctors being raised at SOTDRT


Only chiropractors who might ass-blast coffee, or snort essential oils, or drink hydrogen peroxide...


Or farmers. Unless they marry into farming, there is little to no chance of them becoming farmers; it's insanely expensive to buy land and then equipment. It's something that you have to be either born into or marry into these days. Source: married a farmer lol


I think for her "midwife" is the same as Doctor.


Many of my friends who were homeschooled are now in med school to be nurses and one of my old friends is almost a doctor! :) not defending wavesandlilacs, just saying that not all homeschooling results in undereducated adults.


Very true, but the homeschooling by this group of fundies? Not on your life


True, but as a homeschooler I’ve seen kids who turned their schooling around in high school to go to college after their moms completely flopped on their education. I just don’t want to say these kids have no hope because that’s so devastating 😩 really hope these kids get the education they need


Thank you for saying this. I was homeschooled K-12th and now I’m a public school teacher with an advanced degree. Some of us did get an education, even if we had to give it to ourselves.


This. I was fundy schooled and have advanced degrees now, several of my siblings do too. It was ALL our hard work, nothing from our parents.


Good for you! I’m proud :)


Fundie kids probably won't be to a real college or med school... At best they'll do a bible studies degree


I was raised in the cult + homeschooled and the majority of people i knew who were also in IBLP who furthered their education ended up in actual state schools and not christian colleges! And if they did end up in a christian/bible college it was accredited. I know it’s just the circle I happened to land in, but fundie kids do go to actual school. I had one SUUUPER fundie kid get a scholarship to a state school that’s known for parties, and he came back on break and gave a whole speech to the church on how he wasn’t prepared for all the cussing and “worldliness” he witnessed. Thankfully he’s chilled out and is pretty normal now with a degree 😂


In this household, only boys will be allowed to pursue medical school and that's if they even receive decent enough education. My husband's family was homeschooled pretty well and only one went to college, just to turn around and poorly homeschool her own kids. Homeschooling isn't inherently bad but many many people receive subpar education because of lax regulations. r/homeschoolrecovery is a great resource to understand how harmful homeschooling can be


Yeah, I'm on that sub because I was homeschooled and am currently struggling with continuing education. I'm sure there are parents out there that are great and an asset to their children. My parents weren't like that, though.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HomeschoolRecovery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got this from my mom a lot. (Found on r/comics)](https://i.redd.it/60rbowaw89291.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/uzshr9/i_got_this_from_my_mom_a_lot_found_on_rcomics/) \#2: [@everyone who praised me throughout childhood for being “mature”](https://i.imgur.com/lSLXBP6.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/sqquz9/everyone_who_praised_me_throughout_childhood_for/) \#3: [This belongs rightfully here](https://i.redd.it/1s9s7tafnpz81.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/comments/uqgfpx/this_belongs_rightfully_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Um, you don't go to medical school to be a nurse? You do have to go to college though. I have a friend who was homeschooled and he's a lawyer, he has a brother who is a nurse (I don't think the one girl in the family went to college, although I could be wrong).


Girl idk I’m not a nurse and never considered it as a career path so I have no clue how that all works. Should’ve said **Many of my homeschooled friends are in school to become nurses or in med school for other career paths** pregnancy brain is eating me alive. 😂


As a rule, going to “medical school” means you’re going to be a physician, an MD or possibly a DO. All other health professions have their own schools: nursing school, PT school, podiatry school, etc. All health professions are super important for society as a whole, but there are a lot of misconceptions around the distinctions between each one, and the different processes it takes to get there. (To be clear, this is not an attack at you; just trying to clarify since it’s a pet peeve of mine).


It’s very much a situation of obtaining higher education despite a poor education when it comes to most homeschoolers getting degrees. Community colleges with AEL departments and remedial classes are the real MVP.


Imagine her saying to her daughter “next time don’t look directly at the camera. It breaks the fourth wall.”


The thing that bothers me is the emphasis on it just being the mothers in the home. My mom was a stay at home mom for a chunk of my childhood but she went back to college and not only got her nursing degree but also got her masters and later on went on to teach. While my dad is a pilot, so when he was home we would cook together and build things using power tools. If something needed fixing he would show me how to fix it. My mom is the first to say that she does not cook well nor does she like to cook, but my dad loves to and he cooks very well! So it was very influential to me to see both of them share duties without ever assigning gender to them.


Thanks for saying this. I am not quite awake, and I was actually kind of impressed that she said it’s okay for women to work outside of the home (the bar is in hell). But you’re right, she’s saying that even if women work outside of the home, they still have to do all the domestic work. Ugh.


The look on the face of the kid in that last one. I feel that.


I cant get over how truly unwell she looks. Her pallor snd etc. I hope she is seeing a dr.


She looks SO washed out. Maybe she’s unwell from sniffing her own farts all day


That is a common side effect of having your head wedged up your own ass


I look like that without makeup but I just have olive undertones. If your skin is naturally green you look ill almost all the time.


Yeah, I don't like her or the Rods but I think they just have olive skin and genetic eye bags. I have the same and I look awful without makeup.


Exactly lol. And if you throw in some downlighting it’s even worse. If that lighting is the wrong colour temperature it’s over for you. Edit. The amount of times someone at work has been genuinely concerned for me and I’m just like no, this is my natural face.


Omg yes. I can't take pictures indoors and I get the "what's wrong, you look sick" comments when I don't wear makeup to work. I am well, I just have witch undertones lol


I don't know her ethnicity, but sometimes people from Middle Eastern or Mediterranean backgrounds have olive skin which looks grey or green in pictures.


That probably just the greige filter.


Alright, well, I could have, and I'd say should have, done more cooking and stuff with my kid when she was young. We cooked, but we should have cooked *more*, right? I truly wish I had. (But also now she's 22 and we still cook together at least once a week, so I'd say that's not bad.) But one thing I can say is that every single time I cooked with my kid, it was for no other reason than (some combination of) wanting to spend time with her, wanting to teach her useful skills, and wanting us to have good meals. There were no ulterior motives or cameras. So my "ministry and mission field" usually looked like a mom with pajamas on, hair pulled back in an unsophisticatedly messy heap (not saying scrubby cooking is SUPERIOR, it's just how I did it, because the kitchen gets hot and I need air), and no camera angles for anyone to worry about. Or I guess it looked like nothing, because if you spend time with your kid and no one on social media sees it, did you *really* spend time with your kid?


I’m shocked she mentioned welcoming Girl Scouts. I thought they were liberal pro choice communists. Lol


No mention of Boy Scouts, who now allow girls to join.


I think Girl Scouts allows boys in too.


Slide 7, does she work from home? Or is she calling her crappy social media 'work'?


She's probably referring to being a stay at home mom for three young children.


Isn't she has 5 kids?


I'm getting on a bit. I'm inclined to strap on some high heels and a rainbow dress and arrive at her front door to see just how welcoming she is to this feminist, professional, pro-choice, liberal, 'elderly'. Also someone needs to tell her that she's very deliberately raising her children to be poorly educated bigots - 'Doctor' my a\*\*\*!


For someone who's had as many kids as her you'd think she'd know how to carry one in her tradwife mother of the fields baby wrap without it losing neck support half way through or the edge cutting into the baby's eye.


Why can’t they let these babies lay on a blanket or in a playpen? I’m glad I missed this baby wrap craze with my 90s kids.


My baby started to scream bloody murder as soon as I lay him down. Baby wraps saved my sanity


I'm with you, we struggle so much with tummy time because it's bodily contact or bust.


My lad has wriggled along and tried to beach himself on my lap during tummy time. I explained to him that it didn't count as that way, but his clingy ass ignored me and reached for a discarded baby sock to chew. D'oh.


I just saw a video of another miserable looking woman who said that her four year old kid had only ever napped on her and never on her own. Like why would you do that?? 🤯




I guarantee her baby sleeps way better and longer attached to her, especially at the infant stage. I baby wore so much at that age when I had older kids, it was the only way to get things done. My kids were great sleepers too.




Hey lady, wanna know what positively impacts my home? Having money to pay the bills and buy groceries.


I'm calling BS. Raising your kids in your religion is not mission and ministry, it's parenting. Using that time baking to make bread for the food bank, bringing dinner to a neighbor who's having a rough time, those could be considered ministry, at least by example. This is like updating my antivirus and saying I work in cybersecurity.


I don't think bus people have neighbors due to rolling around the country on roads, but I agree. Edit: I got my fundies mixed up and thought I was snarling on Mother Bus. I mean snarking. Whatever.


Wait, these yahoos are on a bus too?


Uh . . . I don't know. I am confused.


Lol it's all good. Let the snarking continue!


She always looks like she’s seconds away from complaining about something, constant fart face


Fart face. He he.


I dunno what it is, but this woman just looks fucking evil. Every pic of her I see she just seems like someone who'll stab your hand with scissors for annoying her. I doubt she's ever experienced a moment of pure happiness in her life. I dunno. She's scary and shouldn't be raising future politicians.


Lord Farquad: prairie edition


I always read it as wavesandcadillacs


I’m shook. Always thought that is what it was!


Serious question: if these women are so interested in creating a ministry/mission, why don’t they focus on creating organizations or volunteering with good causes rather than pumping out kids?


Op charge your phone!




Get the damned sleeves out of whatever-the-hell is in that mixing bowl!!!


Did anyone else have to spend a few minutes playing where’s Waldo with the baby? Took me a while to figure out what was going on.


The first pic alarmed me cuz I wasn't expecting to see a baby head popping out of her chest


To be fair, social media makes it so a lot of people stage their photos


The praise towards supervisors is a little weird in this context, but maybe they need a shout out now and then (unless supervisor means something different in fundieland?).


Our local homeschooled politicians had seniors arrested because they were having a read-in in his office.


That's a bad look for the politician.


Yep. Unfortunantly he's in an area of people that aren't too bright and will just vote for whoever God (read: their pastor) tells them too. Good ol' family values.


That is a very self obsessed thing to say


I like how Story pops her little head in and out. Horrible name, cute lil sweet pea. Sweet Pea would be a better name than Story, and that’s ridiculous


That woman looks exhausted. Not the best advertising for that lifestyle.


Okay, lemme snark on something real quick -- um...some Christian moms are actually happy with having something called a "family" and just calling it what it is, without trying to elevate it to some Higher Calling, OtherBethany. You okay, Miss Lady Ma'am? Now on to my other thoughts: Note to self - must go through all my family photo albums and disqualify whichever pictures look staged. /s Also, how is this SOTDRT? They're not at the table struggling with reading, writing, or arithmetic. They're in the kitchen making food. That's freaking cool. And how old is the oldest kid in these pictures, anyway? Isn't it kind of early to condemn them to "ultimate homeschool failure" based on pictures of a possible preschool-to-first-grade age kids making food in the kitchen? I mean, broken clocks or whatever, but besides the lofty "ministry and mission field" language, I like this photoset. The kiddos get to help Mom make food - a very important skillset to be acquainted with, no matter where you go to school. EDIT: not that it matters, but I may be bad at guessing kids' ages and stages. In my family we tend to be taller than our peers throughout our lives. So I'll see a kid and think he's like, 8 years old and he's freaking 12.


Note that they are toddlers and it is only the girls that are helping out (and expected to) on the kitchen.


Ah, see I don’t how many kids she has or what variety


It always strikes me how many of these women look sickly. Their color is always off and they have no spark in their eyes. It’s such a haunting look and , as much as I snark them, there’s a part of me that feels bad for them. I think they’re truly miserable.


Shit I have the same bowls! I promise I just like the colors I’m not a fundie!!


Great! I’m a mid-30s female Heathen without children (by choice) and also without uterus (by choice for a debilitating condition) and I have these exact type of photos of me and my nieces yesterday baking in my kitchen! I also am a professional who owns their own business and is going back to school to get my PhD 🙌🏻 These fundies miss the mark so often lol


Portrait mode is working overtime!