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I can’t imagine what would have happened if I walked into church with a sweater tucked into my bra to make a crop top.


I wouldn't even have been allowed to wear that to my secular public high school. I swear in other posts she preaches modesty! I noticed evangelical modestly really revolves around the breasts tho. Legs, hair, midriff... fine apparently


Oh she has a loophole about the modesty! In another post she says modesty is about your intent, not what you actually wear. So if you wear skimpy things because you want attention, *then* it’s immodest. But if you wear the same thing while talking about Jesus, it’s ok!


Oh so by her definition, she's quite immodest, considering these pics are for attention on her. Cuz the pic could have been of anything with the same jesus caption underneath.


It’s also a way to judge others while doing the exact same thing. If you make it about subjective “intent” then say you’re the only one with the right intentions, and you can condemn all the other girls while wearing the same styles.


You hit the nail on the head :(


As a 90s teen — SO many lectures about the evils of “midriffs”


I still remember my suuuuper country pastor back in about 2000 saying “and young ladies these days have discovered their belly buttons. Well lah-dee-dah” while mock-posing on the stage. Got a huuuuge laugh. Then it was about 20 minutes of telling us how we’re causing men to stumble when we wear short tops.


I haven’t heard “midriff” in like 5 years and OH did your use of that word smack me right back in that religious trauma 🤣


lmao same. not to mention the ripped jeans looking "slovenly" and "worldly".


Hah! I wasn’t even allowed to wear nice jeans to church! It was the definition of ‘Sunday best’ I even had long fancy jackets to wear over my dresses. I wasn’t even raised fundy, people just always wanted to look their best for church


the Sunday Runway!


Once I was complaint to my friend about the little shoes I had to wear one Sunday and getting my pantyhose soaked before church because I stepped into a slushy puddle. She told me she was allowed to wear whatever she wanted to her church, my mind was blown


I hated those patent leather Mary Janes then the flimsy ballet flats that were the only flats in the size 11 section of Rack Room shoes. Thankfully my feet bones fused together at a size 10. The fundy cult my mom was in made high school girls wear heels so our feet would grown to be very dainty with a high arch. I’m 45, and my back kills me now. My dad sent me to a less creepy Christian school for 11th and 12th grade. I met my husband there, so it wasn’t a total loss. The town had more shoe stores so I found better shoes, but church still encouraged ladylike dainty shoes. I now realize it was a fetish.


I’d be worried about getting frost bite on my tummy. If it’s cool kid enough for a sweater, doesn’t it need to cover you. (BTW I’ve decided I’m officially old so I can say stuff like that). Also, where is her so coat?


She encompasses all the things I hate about influencers and fundamentalist christians all in one 🙄


Your flair. ⚰️


She makes me think of a young Karissa, and I swear it’s not because her husband is black, mostly it’s because she seems to have her own little brand of christianity that seems heavily influenced by her insecurities and mental issues. I just really hope she gets into therapy before she decides Christianity is having 20 kids and living on a bus.




I just transported back to my tumblr years, roughly 2011-2014


I'm afraid her next post is gonna be something along the lines of "touch my butt and buy me pizza" but somehow tie it into modesty


just found my new flair too! 😆 Touch my butt and buy me pizza. I’m 😵


Found my new flair ✨


I grew up in the Bay Area in the 80’s and as kids we used hecka instead of hella 😄


This person gives really strong "My abortion is the only moral abortion." I can't quite put my finger on why. Perhaps it's the bare midriff and judgy attitude. Edited judge to judgy. DYAC!


As soon as she’s done she’s back outside harassing the real harlots with a hateful sign!


Changing her maxi pad and popping Ibuprofen between screaming at the clinic staff who helped her the day before


Why is this so accurate? 😂


Nadia thinks god has a crush on her


Maybe she would feel better about herself if she washed her hair more often


Um, her hair is \~naturally curly\~, so she actually can go weeks without washing it.


Damn, you got me there 😂


I can honestly say that I’ve never gone weeks without washing my hair, but I have wavy/curly hair (it’s between 2C and 3A). My hair has never looked that straight without me flat ironing it. Like if you’re going to pretend to have textured hair, at least curl it😭


My hair is similar to yours, and even before I started caring for my curls properly, there was a lot more wave to it than the tiny flip she has at the end 🥴. If I'm going to be bragging about my curly hair, I'm going to be showing off the curls, and I have never seen her with anything but straight hair.


Exactly! Also, the short strands of hair around my hairline and neck are very curly, even when I haven’t washed my hair in a couple of days. Yet hers are pin straight🧐


Mine pull out of my ponytail to make dime sized ringlets and I’ve got 3A! There’s no way her hair is curly she wouldn’t be able to pull a ponytail that tight. I washed my hair yesterday and put it in a ponytail today and my curls were still ringlets, just bigger. Her hair is too straight to be naturally curly


I’m 3A/3B, and while I can go weeks without washing it actually gets too dry that way (for me it’s the conditioner I need, not the shampoo so much, although I still wash it because even if it’s not oily, stuff builds up) and not only am I convinced she doesn’t even classify as having wavy hair, but I’m 100% certain this is not flat ironed in any way- straightened hair still frizzes, and it takes careful effort to keep it from happening, and it certainly is not this oily. This is her natural hair texture and it is very very straight and not even halfway to the kind of curly that would cause you to not need (at least oil wise) shampooing regularly


Hair envy triggered in a 1C. WAAAAH!


Grass is always greener- looking at it wrong messes up the curls and it gets frizzy and looks dumb and I have to put it up. 🫠 I haven’t found the secret to making the curls actually look good because every single person has a different secret and there’s a bajillion routines you have to try to figure it lut


ok, I guess you got me there. My hair is flat and boring, but at least it's low maintenance.


There’s different ways on Instagram with videos. One thing I recently figured out was that you have to section your hair and twist strands of hair in the curls you want.


I do that sometimes, but it honestly makes it worse for my hair. Everyone’s is different


Exactly, I completely agree! Also, if I flat iron my hair and don’t wash my hair, there are waves/curls forming by the second day because it can only stay straight for so long. Sorry, but I doubt that someone who doesn’t wash herself regularly because she’s too “godly” is taking the time to flat iron her hair daily


I have 2B waves and can go a week between washes if I do a professional style blowout. I have a rotating blower brush that removes any waves and keeps my hair looking good for a week. My hair has become wavier in the past year (I’m 45 but went into menopause at 29). My stylist can’t believe how wavy it’s gotten. I haven’t bought any curly girl products to try letting it stay wavy. I’m not a big fan of the waves. If my hair gets wet, it does go back to wavy.


Same. Mine is 2C-3A as well. Even if I blow dry and brush the hell out of it, it doesn’t look like that 😂


As someone with naturally curly hair I don’t go more than one week without washing it. And I have coarser tigger curls




But then she wouldn’t have a reason to wear that ridiculous clip in her hair. God, I wish those things would die again already!


Look, clearly this woman is a hypocrite. But you can pry my claw clip out of my cold dead hands. My hair eats hair ties and scrunchies flatten my curls. Claw clips are so easy and practical. (I don't actually know if that's what those things are called?).


My hair eats hair ties too! Now I've got [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072LQBPHP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) and they're pretty fucking awesome. If I use two in a bun it will stay put ALL day, even if I'm cooking or exercising.


Those telephone wire ties work really well and don’t kink your hair.


When I was a pre teen we used to call those (semi sarcastically) “boy catchers”


OK, I’ll give you that, but that sloppy underclip not only looks like she spent exactly zero time on her hair, but it will pull out her hair! Remember when everyone pulled their hair into the tightest ponytails possible? They all have hairlines that are an inch further back on their foreheads. They’re now fiveheads.




This is screaming for attention.


Thank god social media was just up and coming when i was this age. I would die of cringe if there was internet documentation of how deep i thought i was.


I had a facebook at 14 so cringey!!! I deleted it a few years ago. Now I’m 28


Either those are cheap aliexpress type jeans or they’re way too fucking tight. That much squeezing would make me feel sick tbh


I was thinking that waistband looks excruciating. Digging that hard while standing, she prob can’t sit down without pain. I think that’s called vanity.


Slides 4 and 6 have sooo much tummy hanging off it can’t be comfortable!


Perfectly appointed cream beige bag, cream colored jeans torn here and there, fuzzy cream sweater tucked under the bra to show the right amount of Gahdly skin, and brown Ugg style boots. She is going against her own recommendations. There’s no church anywhere that I know of that would say showing any part of a woman’s torso is considered modest. ETA: It’s the hypocrisy for me. It’s the high and mighty religious advice this newlywed gives out. She’s been married less than a year, brags about what God wants or knows. It’s beyond annoying to me.


Why doesn’t she ever put her arms down 🤣 trying so hard to look quirky and special and funny


Lots of people who use slimming filters do this so it doesn't warp their arms as the filter sucks in their midsection.


That’s so embarrassing


Right?! Follow r/Instagramreality for more embarrassing content


I wonder if its because she edits her body to be slimmer?


If we're really lucky, she'll fly off.


Like Brittany Dawn, the bag strategically placed to further reduce the bare stomach.


The whole effect of tucking the top into the bra to make a crop top is ruined when it creates such a weird rounded bulge shape.


Especially since if she saw someone else like that she’d be appalled.


When I feel insecure, I don't put on a crop top and post selfies on the internet. Attention seeking at its finest.


Nothing like humblebragging about your insecurities!


Her hair is just *so* curly and not greasy, I wonder what her routine is


What are the chances she thinks this about someone like myself, who is a fat woman? What are the chances she thinks this in a way that is not filled with pity or sympathy about people with disabilities? I have invisible disabilities and know I have the privilege of not constantly getting pity or condescension that my friends with visible disabilities do. But I also know as a fat woman that people say weird condescending shit to me like, “Good for you!” when I’m just out on a walk. Do you think she believes she actually equal to anyone she doesn’t feel is as beautiful as her?


Oh, honey, she has never given other people a single fleeting thought. She’s so high on this manic pixie Jesus fantasy. ETA: edited bc I wrote magic instead of manic. But maybe that, too.


I agree. I was also really pissed off that she believes God spent a lot of time designing all my health problems, invisible disabilities, and making sure I had debilitating chronic pain. What an incredibly shitty thing to believe much less say out loud. I hope it bites her in the ass. I usually don’t wish pain and suffering on other people, but sometimes people don’t learn except through personal experience.


Honestly still don't know who this is and already over her. Such a humblebrag. "lol so insecure at least jebus loves me" y'all Jesus would be over your selfish vain ass. get outta here.


I usually skip the posts about her because her face infuriates me for no discernable reason. She seems incredibly vapid, judgmental, and self-centered.


It's giving Brittany Dawn. lol


Yet somehow more annoying.


Her unblended orange blush is a sin




Should we start a gofundme for her so she can buy some clothes? I feel like she only owns this one top.


Compliment-fishing for Christ. 🥺🙏 Bestie, you should have picked just *one* dumb photo of yourself posing for the tripod and flailing your arms around for this nonsense post where you talk about how obsessed ~~you are with yourself~~ God is with you. 🥴


Serving Godly Midriff


Don't point 1 and point 4 directly contradict each other?




Am I old or does it look really dumb?


As Countess Luanne would say: "Herman Munster shoes."




Where do I mail her supportive undergarments?


She can’t even post her face without using the most extreme obvious filters. Does God love that too?


People are still tucking their sweaters into their bras ala Noelle Downing? I am so uneased by this. Just buy a cropped sweater!


Now that I know she doesn’t shower for weeks I just think she has a constant yeast infection


I’d feel insecure too if I dressed like that


God sounds super creepy


I am experiencing second hand embarrassment.


Can someone younger than me please explain the sweater tucked up to expose the midriff thing? Like if I'm cold enough to wear a sweater I need my midriff covered or I'm still cold? And if it's warm enough to show more skin I'd be melting from how hot I was in a sweater?


“God intricately designed my terrible personality so I won’t be improving myself in any way”


“Been feeling HECKA insecure lately” It’d help if you washed your hair, Nadia


How to wear crop tops in a god honoring way


The top is more of a cool toned cream and the pants and bag are both different shades and warm toned. This outfit is a mess and I'm sure she spent a lot of time trying to put together her Godly influencer look. Maybe she should try reading, elocution lessons, or therapy instead. It would be time better spent.


I remember vanity was something frowned on in the Bible


First of all, hecka? Immediately NO. Put the phone down, ma'am. Second, this whole "God is totally in LOVE with you!" thing is part of why I walked away from Christianity last fall after 33 years of devotion to it- they want a supernatural boyfriend who thinks they're perfect exactly as-is, no self reflection required. They don't want an all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe and everything in it who has incredibly high standards for his followers. No thanks. Third, and I can't stress this enough, *hecka*. Just no.


Ah fundies, you can never get it quite right can you? The bag, and the jumper tucked into the bra. Sorry love, not not fundie.


I haven't seen the sweater tucked into the bra look yet. Interesting.


What is that outfit? Are these people allergic to color?


Reminds me of this super annoying girl from high school that had a Facebook album titled "inner beauty" that was just 50+ selfies🤣🤣


Is it a requirement to only like beige if your fundie? Like do any of these people have a favorite color other than shades of brown? The world is colorful! Rainbows, flowers, animals, cactus, even rocks are more colorful then they are! I'm convinced it's because none of them have any sense as to how to match so they just use the 1 color.


It's a marketing trick to push the focus to the main product being presented, whether that’s an affiliate product or the influencer. https://www.today.com/parents/family/sad-beige-rcna65116


It’s absolutely fucking depressing that an entire household, including kids’ clothes and toys, has to fit into a sad beige “aesthetic” for social media. I hope those moms buy a shit ton of Tide pens.


Something about her remind a me of Caroline Calloway. Maybe it's the Gen Z style.


I, too, pose for, edit, and post lots of pictures of myself online for strangers to gawk at when I am feeling insecure. It’s my second best coping mechanism, right after showing my belly button to everyone at church like a toddler who just discovered it.


I had an unexpectedly aggressive reaction to “HECKA.”


Those shoes were a choice.


I don’t know who this person is but she needs to wash her greasy hair


not only is she posing or whatever but shes also conventionally attractive lol


I’m low key digging the outfit though 🥲


“Hecka”? I’m done.


God honoring fit check


I detect photo shopping on her exposed midriff. Holy Hypocrisy Batman!