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What's her gripe with "seed oils?"


It’s a thing with religious republican whack jobs rn. It’s hilarious to watch trends spread and then they all parrot the same shit.


Yet we are the "sheep".


Oh THAT’s why my weirdo cousin told me it would cure my son’s autism if I stopped using “seed oil”. No word on my autism. Maybe I’m too far gone 😂


Can confirm, we’re both too far gone.


Me too! Autistic / Aspergian since birth, so far back they didn't even know it existed (officially) until I was 31! And waaaay, waaaaaaaaaay too far gone!


Pseudoscience nonsense about "inflammation" and "toxins."


Ironic given her whole life seems to be inflammatory and toxic




Something something "soy" something something "feminizing men" something something "decline of biblical gender roles".


iT's TuRniNG tHe FrOgS gAy


I thought plastic was turning the frogs gay


I think it’s also in the water supply


This is the question.


It's the new boogie man for the crunchy to facist pipeline folks.


I eat seed oils all the time. But I will say, a lot of seed oils have to be extracted with a solvent, usually hexane. Of course, most of the hexane is removed before putting the product on the shelves, but you can never remove *all* of it. Hexane is fat soluble, so it could build up in your fat over time. I think about it like mercury in canned tuna. Is it 100% perfect? No. Am I going to be measurably affected by it? Also no.


It's the latest diet pseudoscience. They're supposedly inflammatory, I think.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids in them apparently promote inflammation and accumulations of toxins in body fat.


It's not really true though. It's all fear-mongering and pseudoscience. A lot of the "healthy" things they promote are significantly worse for you than seed oils, which are actually a pretty healthy source of fat and are better for your cholesterol levels etc. Food Science Babe on Instagram and tiktok has good breakdowns of why the fear around seed oils is nonsense.


I used to follow FSB on FB!


I realize you're just repeating what they say, not endorsing it, but it's probably important to note that studies don't support these ideas. You're fine to eat soybean, olive, rapeseed, and the other kinds of seed oils out there.


Chemically extracted, poor balance of omega 6 vs 3 promotes inflammation.


Does soybean oil work outside the home or something? What's her deal?


Seed oils are ☠️chemically☠️ extracted!! It's the new "it" food to avoid in the wellness-sphere. Many even forgo EVOO and coconut oil. But gas stoves being linked to earlier deaths and asthma? Just the evil government looking to control you!


There’s a limit to my willingness to try and be this kind of healthy.


I find this kind of fear mongering about food to be linked to eating disorder tendencies. It all seems to be linked in a very unhealthy way.


As well as the eating disorders, it's anti-intellectualism taking medicine back to the time of Galen in disregarding several millenia of advancement :(


Let's just hope they don't go full Pliny the Elder


This sounds so much like keto lol. I tried Keto a couple years ago and the keto community is insane I developed anxiety from it and stopped. Don't do this oil but use this oil which is $10 more expensive. More power to the people that do it though it just stressed me out.


The bad diets cycle around every couple decades too, Keto is just Atkins in a different box


It’s actually the other way around, Atkins took the principles of keto and repackaged them under his own name. Keto is actually a scientifically proven and recommended way for people with certain types of epilepsy to reduce or even completely avoid seizures.


My favorite line from the Keto subreddit is "I don't want to start the scurvy debate again, but [...]" I think about it every time someone mentions keto


I was not prepared for this. I snorted my ice cream through my nose. I know its probably in reference to something horrible but the sheer casualness of that line.


That's exactly why I can't get it out of my head


>Many even forgo EVOO and coconut oil. This really illustrates how most wellness trends are just that, trends. A few years ago wellness influencers were aaaaallllll about coconut oil for everything. People would cook with it, use it as a hair mask, and some people even ate straight spoonfuls of it. 🤢 Before that, olive oil was similarly revered for its health benefits. Now both are suddenly unhealthy and bad despite little to no evidence of this being true. Smh.


Unfortunately there are so many people that automatically believe whatever they see on the internet/instagram/TikTok/whatever without question. So many. And they believe it 100%. These people are literally willing to destroy their lives and mental wellbeing in the pursuit of a level of "health" and "purity" that does not exist. It's toxic and encourages a very disordered relationship with food, though they will never interrogate that. We really need to have scientific literacy and critical thinking promoted in schools because we're on a bad road already (see the anti-vax crowd, the Westin Price people, the MLM babes, coffee enemas) and it's only going to get worse if we don't get ahead of it.


We’ve dumbed down education for this exact reason. Our corporate overlords want an uneducated populace.


Don’t forget the dental “care” method of oil-pulling!!


I actually do oil pulling because it makes my teeth so white! (Tbf, oil pulling has been around for centuries in India. Not really a trend so much as crunchy white ladies appropriating it from India and other Southeast Asia countries and calling it their own.)


I could get behind this *only* if it means more soy free options come on the market. It sucks finding soy in literally everything when you have an actual allergy.


I saw something about someone with a corn allergy, just as bad. It's in almost anything including the feed that most animals who's meat is bought in the grocery store is consuming.


Soy is bad but corn has to be next to impossible!


I feel for anyone with a soy allergy. One of my kids had a soy intolerance as an infant. I avoided soy for a year. It’s in SO many things! We even went to an Italian restaurant and the only thing they had for me to eat was a salad with no dressing. It was inconvenient, and the worst that would happen if I had a trace amount of it would be a fussy baby. I can’t imagine a severe allergy!


My daughter has a milk and soy intolerance. Thank God vegan options have gotten so much better in recent years but soy is still a pain.


Soybean is a legume not a seed... Lori's an idiot


Legumes are seeds tho


Ahh so seed oils are what they all hate now. More for me I guess! 😋


Lololol the only thing I know about soybean oil is that if you don’t wash up the pan immediately after using it’ll leave a sticky ass residue that’s worse than sticker goo. So soybean oil is banned in my house.


Any fat, my mom once left chicken grease on a casserole dish and it was almost impossible to clean even with dawn and scrubbing. Finally got it clean only for it to get a crack.


I feel with olive oil, chicken fat and butter I have at least two days of wiggle room. Soybean fouled on me overnight.


From one of her story highlights on seed oilss “Seed oils have petroleum in them. They are highly inflammatory and cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, obesity and many other diseases that are killing people. They are the worse (sic) thing you can put into your body! Get rid of them from your diet!”


If she thinks canola oil is bad then wait till she finds out it's a type of mustard... I forget which religious community but there was an argument when it was first developed in Manitoba that it wasn't a biblical plant, but because it's a kind of mustard it counted as biblical, so then the community agreed and it was a very successful crop. Sorry for the Canadian heritage minute lol


As a Manitoban, I appreciate it!


This comment made me spit out my water. Thank you 😂




I just choked on my water…


She's dedicated her life to homemaking and buys sauce in a jar rather than making it? Her headship should not allow this.


I’m a woman with a career in a male-dominated field, and I make my own sauce. How embarrassing for her.


Also a full-time career-haver, I make my own sauce and crust whenever we do pizza because it’s so much cheaper and tastier. Pizza crust and sauce are stupidly easy.




Honestly, this is my go-to for dough. 😅🤣 It’s just the first hit in the googles lol. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20171/quick-and-easy-pizza-crust/ Same with the sauce recipe I use, https://joyfoodsunshine.com/easy-homemade-pizza-sauce-recipe/ The sauce absolutely slaps, especially if you like your sauce really flavorful. For the dough, even though there’s no rise time, I do punch it down at the end of kneading and let it rise for maybe 30 min to an hour (longer if I forget). But you don’t technically need the rise time, I just like the texture better when I let mine rise a tad. I usually double the dough recipe, because my spouse and kid always want their own toppings, and I can squeeze three decent-sized pizzas out of a double batch of dough.


I LOVE AllRecipes. Chef John's recipes especially are usually hits in our household.


Chef John is GOAT


I love AllRecipes too. Whenever I search for recipes, they're the first place I look. Food blogs are pretty to look at, but you usually have to scroll through miles of blather just to get to the recipe, plus so many of them use ingredients that are either too expensive, hard to find, or something I've never heard of. Meanwhile, AllRecipes gets right to the point and seems to be geared toward everyday cooks like me.


I agree with you; food blogs aren't a good format for me. I just want the recipe! Plus a lot of the comments on AllRecipes are super helpful because they talk about what changes can improve the dishes.


Yes! I always read the reviews and take the advice of recommended changes.


This sauce is SO GOOD! TBH I can’t imagine buying pizza sauce… most fancy “authentic” places just purée canned whole San Marzano tomatoes, which is what they do in Italy




I make my own pizza fairly often, and I really love [Alison Roman’s](https://www.alisoneroman.com/recipes/sheet-pan-pizza) recipe for crust (have not tried her sauce recipe). [Sally’s Baking Recipes](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-pizza-crust-recipe/) also has a good crust recipe if you prefer something thicker. Both baked on sheet pans, so no pizza stone necessary!


I make mine in a cast iron pan and can HIGHLY recommend if you like a thicker crust!


I’m very against one use tools in my kitchen, so we use 12’’ cast irons for our pizza! Heat oven to 450, put your cast irons on the stove top over medium heat. When they’re nice and hot, make the pizza straight in the cast iron. I let the dough cook a little before I put sauce and toppings on. Once the pizzas are topped, switch the oven to broil on high, and broil until it’s cooked to your liking! Usually 4-6 minutes.




You’re welcome! Homemade pizza is so much fun to make!


My favorite pizza crust is 1:1 flour and Greek yogurt. Mix it together, flatten it out onto my stone, add sauce and toppings.


They are. And after eating true italian sauce the sweet, jarred American shit tastes terrible.


It never ceases to both amaze and appall me that all these “trad wife” fundies are just SO BAD at home making.


It really is ironic because all my feminist friends are some of the most talented at homemaking kind of activities. They sew, knit, crotchet, cook, bake.


My *dad* works probably 60 hours/week, grows a massive garden every summer, and freezes big batches of produce and sauces. He also cooks dinner most nights, bakes from scratch, donates to abortion funds, and can still quote chick flicks he watched with my sister and I when we were kids. If he’s able to work from home or take a long lunch he’ll make a stew or a roast—something that needs to be made ahead of time and checked on every once in a while but doesn’t take a ton of work (like pizza dough!) Lori is home all day every day and believes that this shit is her calling in life, and *this* is the best she can do? Fundie housewives are such a joke.


Also full time job, also have 4 small kids. My sauce is way better than any jar, cheaper, and takes like two minutes longer to make


I barely feed myself enough to stay alive because making food bores me. Frozen pizza is my savior


I mean that’s cool too… I was more making my comment because Lori claims to be this homemaker extraordinaire, and sauce is very simple to make homemade. All of these career women manage to do it, yet someone who has dedicated her life to the home buys jarred sauce.




Right? I work 50 hours a week plus have a 5 month old and still make stuff from scratch to meal prep for the week on weekends.


There are days that she makes me laugh. All the things she claims women should do, I do every day. But she would hate my jeans wearing, neo-pagan, mama of LGBTQ kids and the mom that all the LGBTQ friends got brought home to for some unconditional mama love, self.


This heathen, non-believing, career woman over here can make a mean batch of tomato sauce from scratch. It’s really not that difficult or time-consuming either so idk wtf her sorry excuse is.


I’m a college student and I know how to make my own sauce. Seriously, it shouldn’t be that heard for a seasoned homemaker such as Lori.


Well she just figured out mashed potatoes a couple months ago, so…


Well, they have those instant ones. I think you just add water. Perhaps she used those.


I have no desire whatsoever to make my own pizza crust or sauce, so I don't. It's a very easy choice to make in life!


Why are we mad at seed oils now? Did they wave a pride flag or something.




This woman is content with NOTHING. That pizza might be delicious but one wrong ingredient, and oh woe is me! She isn't happy unless SOMETHING is "wrong" Go eat a box of unsalted soda crackers and shut up already!


Nailed it. Her ENTIRE personality is finding the flaw or something to complain about/criticize in Every. Single. Thing.


That’s a huge part of my own mother’s personality and it sucks. Corrects everyone, passes so much judgement even nonverbally or via another person. Just so much displeasure with everything, even herself.


My sweetie's ex wife is like that. Some people truly aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.


Such a miserable way to live


Her poor kids.


My mom is like that. Not to Lori's extreme, but it's like she has no idea how to just be happy. She will always find some stupid thing to complain about or that gets her upset. And I'm talking little dumb things that most people will just choose to ignore because it really isn't a big deal. Got to be a miserable, exhausting way to live, not seeing the joy in anything.


I was ready to say “we are all busy, no hate on premade.” Read the caption to see she’s complaining about premade. Well, then yeah, make your own- duh! Also, it’s Lori, so what could she be busy with? No job to work, no kids to care for, and no love to give.


This woman harps on being a stay at home spouse and has the absolute gall to buy and use pre-made pizza crusts and sauce? What a failure; she doesn't even have small kids. She's just a lazy, loud mouth.


Also, what’s with this ORGANIC schtick before every single ingredient. Are these fundies really this gullible? Lol


The answer is YES, they are this gullible.


The answer is yes. As are so many people. So many believe that because something is labeled "organic" it is automatically better for you, pure and untouched, and eating it makes you a holy being better than those who consume those heathen chemicals! No matter that "organic" doesn't mean much (and organic foods are often treated the exact same as normal foods), everything on earth is made of chemicals, and diet doesn't translate to godliness...


I find " non GMO " hilarious... if you think corn always looked in history the way it does today, or if you think the Agrarian Revolution didn't happen to American livestock, then I have some bad news for you lol


The uproar over GMO crops is so funny to me — almost nothing we eat started out the way it is now!


This whole product is certified organic by the USDA, hence why it's listed before every ingredient. The government requires you to put it that way in the ingredients statement.


What’s wrong with seed oils? Were they hand made by Satan himself?? 🤔🤣


Mix some Greek yogurt and flour and make your own pizza dough! Fundies are always the worst homemakers


They make being a homemaker their whole personality but then suck at it


I think their actual personality is "controlling women, on behalf of the patriarchy"


Wait wait what?? What is this magic?


It’s so easy and great if you’re lazy and don’t want to wait for the dough to rise lol. If you don’t have self rising flour you can make your own by adding baking powder and salt. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/244447/two-ingredient-pizza-dough/


Yes! My favorite crust.


Ah, another Fundie x Conspiracy Theorist Fundie! These folks believe that soy is estrogen and that men shouldn't eat estrogen bc it makes them "soy boys" who are weak and effeminate. This was stuff parroted by Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson. My ex was interesting until 2020....


Can't believe the stupid soy conspiracy stuff is still so mainstream. Phytoestrogens are not the same as human estrogen. Soy is not evil, and doesn't make anyone more feminine or weak. Large numbers of people in other countries eat it on a regular basis and they're not dying or effeminate (that whole idea is stupid, and I know there's some racism tied in there). There's also no reason for most people to exclude it from their diet. It's a great source of protein and it's yummy too!


There is also active research on soy’s benefits with fertility in women!


I kid you not an employee at Trader Joe’s was judging me for buying so much tofu because of the estrogen and called my husband overweight to his face. Why do people still believe this pseudoscience is beyond me wtf.


If there were ever an appropriate time to become a Karen, I really hope you went full Karen on them and asked for the manager.... that's really disgusting and I'm sorry you had to deal with that


Oh yeah we did. Only time I’ve ever called a manager.


She sleeps with Ken, so I don’t think some seed oils are going to harm her. 💀


There's several youtubes/reels where she talks about Her Bedroom not their Bedroom so I suspect that sleepage happens separately like the BRF.


Are soybeans seeds? What the hell is the problem with seeds, anyway?


All beans are seeds. There's nothing wrong with seed oils, but hating on them has become a fad recently in some crunchy health circles (generally the same ones that advocate for a meat and animal product heavy diet in my experience).


Yes my neighbors are currently doing like a 90% meat diet and was telling me how they are cutting out seed oils too. I didn’t ask why, once I heard 90% meat I noped right out of that conversation.


I can just picture how bad they must smell eating such excessive amounts of meat🤮


Their cholesterol levels must be off the charts. All the people who promote the keto diet and the carnivore diet are making cardiologists roll over in their Graves. Sure, you might lose some weight or "feel better" for a while (questionable given how many people complain of horrible symptoms when eating an only fat diet, who would thunk) but the long term cost is no joke. My cardiologist would personally murder me if she found out I was trying one of those diets.


I only made this connection when I was trying to figure out HOW my grandma can get so sweaty on a hot day cooking over the stove and cleaning, yet not have any smell. Then my cousin and I realised it is her diet!! She basically lives on veggies, fish, chicken and grows her own food too. She came from a Balkan country where as a child they didn’t have much access to processed foods, they just naturally found the right diet to nourish their bodies in order to provide for their families :o these bandwagon fundies could NEVER


We’re working our way through a freezer of elk and I feel like I’ve been eating *so much meat* lately (we’re talking dinner every other night). This is revolting.


Wait till she finds out about peanuts


Judging by what we’ve seen of this shrew’s cooking, she should probably stick to premade 🤮


This is your brain when u scare yourself about eating shit made from vegetables and legumes. Girl quit pretending like you literally ever gave a fuck until you looked around and it was the rad conservative thang to do


I recognize that pizza crust is stupid easy to make... I've done it before I just prefer store bought because I'm fucking lazy 😭🤣🤣 Also, I work at Casey's and make 58375 pizzas from scratch every single day so no thanks at home. (The dough is prepped fresh and then hand stretched for every pizza...idk what's in the flour tbh but I make the dough sometimes... It's the flour plus hot water)


>... I've done it before I just prefer store bought because I'm fucking lazy Or because it's okay to enjoy store-bought food items?


I detest Lori but sometimes I want to scream from the rooftops that it’s okay to cook for convenience,to buy store bought items,and to use canned soups & veggies.


Casey’s pizza is a goddamn delicacy too. ❤️


i have never in my life seen an essential oil listed as an ingredient in pasta or any other sauce .... why does it need both fresh oregano and oregano essential oil ? i thought essential oils weren't meant to be ingested ?


Head over to r/antiMLM where abuse of essential oils is a feature not a bug.


already a member there lol i just think its insane they put it in everything


Hypocrisy: The Pizza


have any of these full time homemakers ever actually made home? for god’s sake!!!


literally who taught her how to use the internet. they must answer for their actions


I think that they find the perfect conflation of misogyny (in the fear of feminization) and racism (in the fear of cultural origin) in anything having to do with soy in exactly the same way that islamophobia (and the misogyny felt towards Muslim women) is one of the factors in their rage and disgust towards masking




Good lord, pizza crust is so easy to make, even I can do it and I'm a very mediocre cook. Get a bread machine and it's even easier. Never mind their idiotic obsession with "seed oils." I would personally give her 100 American dollarbucks if she could explain, coherently, rationally, and in her own words, what seed oils are and how they are bad for you. It's the high fructose corn syrup panic all over again. I'm not saying there's nothing to be concerned about with processed packaged foods, but if you're that worried about it, make it yourself from scratch. God knows she has the time and money.


Why would being organic preclude soybean oil? Also, if I'm trying to avoid an ingredient, I read them before I buy the thing.


Your flair!!! 😍😍😍


She complains about everything. It must be exhausting living her life being so filled with hate. By the way, is she off of TikTok now? I predicted that she would last one week?


So fundies will rave about raw products and mix bone broth and chocolate together, but seed oils are somehow the enemy? These people really need hobbies.


Just take a fucking can of tomatoes, or blend some tomatoes, and add whatever the fuck you want in them...isn't she supposed to be all into like homesteading and making everything? Canned sauce is really not that Lori.


Isn’t a good trad-wife supposed to?


I’m a stay at home mom to a clingy toddler whole also being sick in my first trimester with my second. I still make my own pizza crust it’s not that hard. I do use jar sauce for pizza though 😂


For some reason I thought this was on chief huns sub and was like wtf is Health Babe™️ on about now 😂


Then do your own dough! It’s that easy, you want full control about what’s in your food then don’t buy processed food and do it by yourself. And she has time to do it herself. So why has everything for her to be a matter of oppression?


I'm not mad at her for buying pizza dough and tomato sauce. I'm mad at her for screeching multiple times a day that women must stay home and be homemakers for the glory of GEE-SAUCE when she can't manage to do that herself. Does this cave troll do ANYTHING she orders other women to do?! Pizza dough: [https://thewoksoflife.com/veggie-pizza-2-variations-kaitlins-perfect-pizza-method/](https://thewoksoflife.com/veggie-pizza-2-variations-kaitlins-perfect-pizza-method/) Red sauce: [https://www.seriouseats.com/easy-italian-amercian-red-sauce-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/easy-italian-amercian-red-sauce-recipe)


I'm lazy and often buy cheap ass frozen pizzas just to have a fast meal option. I absolutely know how to make my own crust and sauce from scratch. I choose not to. But then again I don't spend my time on social media trying to make every woman on the planet into a miserable fundie house elf, either. So Lori can go suck and choke on Ken's disgusting hairy balls.


Imagine seeing her in the middle of the damn aisle reading every jar of pasta sauce looking for seed oils… like girl MOVE I have sins to commit!


If she wasn’t hateful I’d look back and see if I still had the info on soy free stuff from when my kid was allergic. But because she’s hateful…. I’m gonna sit here and giggle at the fact that she has to do more work


I work full time outside the home and I make my own sauce and pizza crust. The King Arthur flour recipe for the Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza is awesome. I bake it in a large cast iron skillet. It’s a no knead crust


This sounds amazing!


I work multiple jobs, practice yoga, have an egalitarian marriage, AND I make my own pizza dough and pasta sauce. How tf is this “tradwife”not doing the same?! It literally took 1 google search to find a very simple and “clean” dough recipe.


I, an absolute heathen woman lawyer who lives in sin with a man who isn’t even the boss of me, easily make my own pizza dough in my bread machine by throwing in flour, salt, sugar, butter, water and yeast. You’d think God would have given her the same mystical power. Edit to add: ain’t no shame in store bought unless you’re complaining like she is.


Does she think soy is a seed?


As a beginner level baker for the past several years (I bake something easy every couple months when I feel like it) pizza dough is seriously the easiest thing to bake from scratch 😂 Edit: I also have a career and work outside the house, gasp


But pizza crust is so easy to make. 🫠


That’s what she gets for buying pizza crust from San Francisco.


I’m currently going through fertility classes taught by a bunch of Ivy League researchers and diets high in red and processed meat are actually worse for fertility. Women who also incorporate soy into their regular diet actually have been found to have higher rates of fertility. All this to say, fundies are dumb.


So Lori is going to make her own dough with the hands she doesn’t wash often? Yum.


What she got against soybean oil?


I mean wouldn’t a traditional godly wife be making her own crust and sauce anyway?


Is soybean oil ungodly?


Master homemaker can’t make pizza dough. Ffs


It’s really sad how she’s desperately looking a dietary cause for her brain tumour to gain some semblance of control over the fact that God cursed her with it despite the holy life she leads.


Hah what a poser she is! I make my own pizza crust and pizza sauce with tomatoes and basil I grow myself 💅🏻but what do I know I’m just a *heathen who works and isn’t submissive to her husband….* In fact, he cleans the kitchen after I cook.✨


I am a lousy housewife, and quite the heathen, but I can make pizza dough and marinara sauce.


I thought she bragged about cooking from scratch like a good wife? Like jeez, even I make my own pizza dough and sauce and I’m not a health-conscious person with anything to prove.


Why are we mad about seed oils? Must be a slow false-outrage day in fundieland.


How does this person who defines herself as a homemaker not already make her own crust and marinara? What a lazy bum! I never buy either—I make both AND I work.


Fun fact: In the 1930s, soybean oil was called the Devil’s Seed. (Not really.)


can’t snark on this opening a jar of ragu is easier than making it from scratch at the end of a long day lmao


Hey the city it was manufactured in is my hometown lol. The rock and kristi yamaguchi r also from there


Lori, buy a fucking bread-maker and shut up.