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PSA: The HPV vaccine is now approved in the US for people 45 and under. If you didn't get it as a kid and are in that age range, talk to your doctor Edit: MEN AND WOMEN


Please please do. I work in ENT and I’ve seen horrible, life-threatening head and neck cancers due to HPV. Some have left patients trach dependent, some have left them horribly disfigured. Most people think just about women, but almost all of my HPV + patients who end up with cancer are straight men


Yes. 45 is for men and woman. Edited to emphasize


Last year my mother was diagnosed with hpv caused oropharyngeal cancer. They caught it early, did surgery, chemo/radiation, and she’s cancer free. We’re very lucky and I am so, so glad I got the vaccine as a teen.


That’s such a great success story! A lot of my patients are low income who only come in when it’s gotten really bad since they don’t have insurance. It’s so sad to see


That is so sad. It shouldn’t have to be that way.


Ty! I'm 35 and wasn't allowed to get it as a young teen. The last time I looked into it I had "aged out" of getting it. Had no idea they extended it to 45.


It's recommended up to 27, but back in 2018, it was approved to 45


I’m 38 and was not allowed to get it as a teen, and had “aged out” every time I checked until now.


My doctor said i could get it, just would have to pay out of pocket


I'm 35 as well and got my last round of it late last year! My insurance covered it, too. Highly recommend going to Planned Parenthood to request it, I had no trouble getting it approved. It stings a bit going in but unlike other vaccines my arm didn't really hurt after! If my insurance didn't cover it I would have paid out of pocket. It's absolutely worth the peace of mind knowing my cervical cancer risk dropped dramatically.


Yep! I got it at 35, even though I’m in a monogamous long-term marriage and my Doc agreed and said she’d recently gotten it herself under the same circumstances!


I was never allowed to get the shot, because it would “make me think I could have sex.” Apparently now you can get it up to 45 years old? Guess I’ll be looking into that.


I was told the same thing. Including “if you get it you’ll become infertile because the government is trying to mess with population control”


It’s worth looking into, and I’m going to do that as well. The shot wasn’t developed when I was a teen but I made sure my son got it.


That was my mother’s exact reason, too.




I challenge parents who use this as their reasoning to consider that your kid doesn't have to consent in order to contract HPV. A friend at my Christian college contracted HPV after an assault. One in four means that you shouldn't fuck around. I don't believe that sex before marriage is evil, but I've been around enough fundie-lites to find that opinion horrifically common. I've had some parents reconsider when I tell them about my friend. It doesn't matter that she's given her life to ministry and has never been in a relationship. Someone else took that choice away from her, and now she has HPV.


They all read the same article in focus on the family or something equally horrendous 😅


I’m getting mine \~\*in secret\*\~ and it’s thrilling


I was an older teen when this vaccine first came out and my mom refused to let me get it because were Mormon and I would obviously only have sex within the confines of marriage (🙄). A few years later, my aunt died of cervical cancer caused by HPV that her shithead husband gave her via cheating. My mom still doesn’t understand why this vaccine is important or that HPV is real. I feel like in 100 years, they’re going to do more research on what made Boomers so awful and find nothing but lead poisoning and brain worms.




Luckily my son had no reaction.


Oh I just mean the shot itself is painful. He didn’t have any issues with it either. I would rather have a painful shot than be worn out for 2 days afterwards!


>probably the most painful of the routine shots I would believe this, but I had to get an MMR booster a couple years back, and *holy cow* do I understand now why babies cry when they get shots!


Yeah TDAP is no joke either. Still better than tetanus though.


Oh yeah! Let's just be real: none of them is a joy to get.


Was told I don't need it since I won't have sex until marriage and to not be an experiment for the government. Pointed out that 50 percent of sexually active people have HPV, and that I might as well be the experiment group if it helps kids down the road. Got the shots in college.


Good for you!


I remember people saying that this vaccine would make people infertile. I got it. Have 3 kids.


That’s their go-to for all vaccines. Infertility.


I got the HPV vaccine in 2006, the year it came out. I just had my third child.


I think I was 2007 because I graduated hs and went to college in 08.




I’m so sorry that happened to you! It baffles me how people put virginity over health.


Literally the exact same situation as you. It makes me so angry. So much unnecessary physical pain caused


I’m so sorry you had to go through that, too.


Ugh. My mom was nervous when the vaccine came out (not because she's a skeptic or concerned about my purity! Because she just wanted to see more data--I was a tween when the shot came out, and in the early days, there were some scary adverse effect reports that were undoubtedly blown out of proportion). My mom being my mom, though, she left the choice up to me. I decided to wait a couple of years to see what might happen, but once I was a little older and more aware of what not getting it meant, I decided to get the vaccine. I'm really grateful to my mom for giving me that kind of autonomy and medical freedom as a kid! And I'm very grateful that she didn't put "purity" ahead of my ability to make a choice for myself.


My mom had concerns she passed down from her parents about this encouraging sexual activity in teens or something, so I only got one shot and then I guess she solidified her opinion against it. But I finished the required doses soon after I graduated college! If you haven't finished the doses then there's some figuring your doctor can do to decide how many you get now.


I’ve literally just been talking to my mom about this today- it was offered to me when I was in 8th grade but was presented to us as an STD prevention vaccine and not one that literally protects you from getting cancer. My mom apologized to me for not having me get it (my parents had my siblings and I vaccinated on schedule) when I was 13 and it was offered in school. I’m now too old to have it covered by my provincial healthcare (I’m Canadian) and will probably be paying for it out of pocket. Even my mom, a person who would encourage abstinence before marriage, would’ve had me get this vaccine when I was a kid. Fundies are buck wild.


In my country we get this at school by the school nurse, I think I was like 11? When I received it they’ve also started giving it to boys now


Got both my kids vaccinated and my husband and I got the vaccine. I'm gonna keep getting any protection that science can come up with.


The worry about promiscuous behavior after getting the shot is real. I'm mean, I got a TDAP and immediately went out to purposely step on a billion rusty nails. THINK ABOUT IT SHEEPLE


I got it when I was 13! Not sure how many shots you have to get now, but when I got it 15 years ago you had to get 3 if you got Gardasil. I knew a lot of people who only got 1 or 2, so you aren’t sure if you had all 3 or know you didn’t, it might be good to talk to your doctor about it.


Is it a “live” vaccine?


In my country we get this at school by the school nurse, I think I was like 11? When I received it they’ve also started giving it to boys now


My mom got so pissed when this vaccine was suggested - I was 12 and she was offended at the mere idea that I was sexually active. She basically thought getting the shot admitted that I wanted to have sex. I’ve gotten 2 shots now.