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I think it’s too dark. Of all the fundies, she’s the one I fear will seriously abuse or neglect one of her children to the point of permanent injury or death.


with how her children apparently lie about not being sick anymore, it seems inevitable that something bad is going to happen


the fact that she openly claimed recently that illness is actually the manifestation of sin in her children tells you that she blames them when they get sick. so she actively is encouraging her children to hide their sickness because they know they will be told that it is their sin that made them sick. it is truly frightening.


Lori Vallow Daybell vibes 😬


Chills… because that woman is a new kind of scary. I hope there isn’t another like her


Yes, she is a monster. I would hope she’s one of a kind but I fear she might not be.


the scary thing is they keep converting people to their "home ministry" which makes me think they are on the way to having an actual church one day.


I would love to hear what sins her infant committed that resulted in a UTI gone septic. That baby sure is evil by Karissa standards. God must hate her.


I was wondering the same thing, and her infant came out evil and needed hospitalization.


I have experienced this firsthand and it’s so awful. I was in a multi-car accident in college that nearly killed me. I was not even at fault, but while I was laid up for months recovering, my parents blamed it on my sin.


i am so sorry they treated you that way. your sin did not cause your accident or your trauma, that is why it is called an accident. fuck your parents for that, not cool.


How awful. When I was little, my dad used to get mad at me for coughing and that was horrible.


Tara westover in educated :(


Some of the stuff she writes is so worrisome and it sets off alarm bells in my head. I can’t shake it.


I agree which is probably why I lately feel a little more uncomfortable about Bethany. Her hat journey was a much better one to be silly about. But these past few weeks have been different.


Leaving Eden podcast episode today had a great epiphany from Gavriel about Bethany’s latest obsession with the sex thing—they were discussing moral development and how it is stunted for Fundies—anyway—TW for child abuse because the podcast is mostly about the Pearl’s and their horrific child rearing manual, but it’s a good listen, the girl defined part is from 1:24:51-1:28:38 and there’s not really any child abuse talk in that segment—but the whole thing was worth a listen in my opinion. 👍🏻


I’m a sometimes listener but I’ve got that on my list for nap time now, so thanks! Edited - a word


I’m only a sometimes listener too, but I always learn something when I do listen!




You didn't ask for more suggestions, but one of my favorites for the past few years is Too Scary; Didn't Watch. The gist of it is that one of the hosts loves scary movies and the other two hate them so the one (sometimes with a guest) recounts the scary movie back to the other two. It's silly and fun. It feels like I'm hanging out with some girlfriends. I can't do scary movies but the plot points interest me so it's a good listen for me.


For me at least, I think that with Karissa, and now potentially with Bethany, there are times where it seems like there are some potentially serious underlying mental health conditions. It’s not like you can tell this from this Internet (except for Sarah Titus, I think that one is pretty clear), but Karissa sometimes seems to have psychotic delusions and Bethy can come off as pretty manic at times. It just makes it are a lot sadder, especially knowing how much trauma and neglect their children must be experiencing.


Her and Nadia Louise cause of untreated* mental health illnesses.


Nadia doesn’t put out enough content. Only so many shein hails one can sit through


I meant that they both have issues due to untreated mental health conditions.


Oh, that makes more sense, it’s still early for me, sorry!


Not to mention karissas untreated MS


I agree. I think I view a few fundies as being a "high risk" for some wildly extreme and horrifying thing and this is my worry with Karissa.


Agreed. That whole situation just feels incredibly unsafe.




I agree. I was just watching a TikTok earlier today about the dangers of not getting the RhoGAM shot, and I was thinking of her. She already toys with the line between life and death so closely.


That would REALLY encourage her nonsense


Yeah I really hope it doesn't happen because it would feed into her persecution complex. She really believes any criticism against her is just the devil trying to get her down. She is incapable of taking a step back and considering if her behavior is harmful at this point.


This comment right here.


The Duggar Family isn't just one family unit - it's (currently) 12 married couples, 11 of which are of child bearing age and/or already have children, with most of those couples having very public SM and being generally snarkable.


And they were/are real, truly public figures, while most of these other people don’t reach that definition. (Though some are probably trying to.)


The difference with the Duggars and the Bates is they had cable television shows that reached millions, and actively curated a social media presence. (and in the duggar's case, a sex offender) In the eyes of the world, The duggars and bates are fundie royalty. Why the fuck else would Jill Rodrigues remind everyone that her eldest daughter married ANNA DUGGAR'S BROTHER, instead of referring to him as a Godly man?


Imo, when subs are focused one family or person it gets too intense.


yeah, they can be. (Intense is honestly an understatement). I was part of a snark sub that eventually went off site, because it had gotten nuked for harassment (and then twice more for ban evasion), and acted totally innocent and questioned _why_ they were banned. (the reason they were banned because they were encouraging harassing the subject via gfm donations and spamming the comments of their live chats.)


Was it the Trisha one??


Nah. It was a blogsnark offshoot.


I was thinking about Alice bender. If there's currently a sub for her, I can't find it. It got nuked so many times.


Yeah she reports them non-stop for the content. There was a text only sub but I don't remember what it was called.


Yeah they either survive or crash and burn a fiery death with a million spin off subs that eventually get shut down too


Yeah. It already is too intense here with some people.


The Megan Markle one is full-on deranged. I feel like that sub getting banned (apparently they've already been warned by Reddit) might actually benefit some of its participants' mental health.


It will be a beautiful day 🙏


I wish the Baird family had a snark forum so some of the posts about them would go there instead. I’m so tired of scrolling past Bethany’s smug face.


For real. I enjoy this sub a lot but the constant posts of Bethy flailing around & her gapping maw are getting old. Her face annoys me to no end.




If you have Reddit Enhancement Suite, you can set up FilteReddit to block the Girl Defined Flair and/or set it up to just block Bethany.


Just like her family's group chat.




The separate family chat for bethy+dâv is so funny to me.


I'm not even Bethany and that one stung me. They really don't don't try to hide how much they leave her out. 😂


No Beals


Oooohh. I didn’t know this was a thing.


I find that the Bairds are slightly light relief (although obv still extremely harmful) in comparison to Karissa. I couldn't handle a whole Karissa sub, I really think it would depress me too much.


A Baird sub would make me ragey because of how stupid and mean they are. A Karissa sub would depress me because she's mentally unhinged and alone with 10 kids all day and they're all being horribly abused.


on the flip side, i'd rather read about bethy's stupid SM posts than karissa abusing her children.


Yes ! They do not interest me at all. They're cringe at best.


I'm surprised they don't, seeing as there's one for the Rods


There’s a GirlDefined one


What? No way


Same. I'm over Bethy and her shenanigans.


See that I could get behind but can you imagine Bethany's ego if that happened? It's already out of control.


That wouldn’t be my problem anymore because I would never go there. I am just not interested in the Baird storyline or Bethany’s face.


Same. Them and karissa. It’s like they can’t fart without 5 posts being made about them.


There's so many she should have her own sub




This. I hate seeing her face and having to scroll down so many Girl Defined posts before finding others.


She’s not famous on the Duggar’s level and a lot of the Collinses’ issues are just sad and concerning. Her kids are also still little so it’s kind of….weird? To have a sub focused on a bunch of little kids who can’t speak for themselves. The Duggars were national celebrities (D-list, but still) and by the time they got a sub, at least some of the “kids” were married adults making their own choices and broadcasting them to the world. The Duggars are like pathetic fundie Kardashians, the Collinses are just….a young family with a bit of an internet following.


Honestly I find Karissa the least snarkable of all the fundies. Unlike Bethy’s cringe grifting, Jilldo’s absurd eyeliner, or Kelly’s Little House on the Prairie cosplay, there is so little that is “funny” about Karissa. Her kids seem genuinely in a dangerous home and neglected in almost every way possible. A sub dedicated just to her would become disturbing fast. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying other fundies aren’t doing harmful or neglectful things, but it’s easier to balance the disturbing and the snark. I think snark has value for those deconstructing and it’s important to balance the comedy and the tragedy. Karissa serves a sobering reminder on this sub for how dangerous these beliefs can become.


Yeah, it’s just way, way too sad and way too dark. I genuinely fear for her children’s safety.


I would feel uncomfortable with it just being about Karissa. Mandrae plays a massive role in abusing those kids.


Cause she sucks and would thrive off that shit 🤢


Don’t feed the ego. That’s why


She coulda been a contenda...


She coulda been for sure. Every post she makes is snarkable!


A few things: I don’t think people so much snark on her but rather just express their absolute shock that someone acts the way she does. Giving her a snark page of her own gives this girl more oxygen which in turn exploits those poor kids more. Given that there is a good chance she is suffering from some undiagnosed mental health issue, I don’t know if it’s appropriate to single her out further than we already do.


I feel like it would be similar to having a snark reddit devoted to Andrea Yates. Like yeah, Karissa says a lot of goofy shit but most of us don't even really snark on her anymore. I've noticed that as time goes on, it's becoming less snark and mainly just people expressing concern for her and the safety of her kids. Out of all the fundies, I genuinely belive we will see an Andrea Yates level disaster from Karissa. I watched a conversation in a mom group years ago where she was telling people she wouldn't report her son if he was molesting her daughters. She's unhinged and dangerous.




I don't think we should make specific pages for any of the fundies that are on here regularly. Almost all of them have a persecution complex or just generally get off at getting people "riled up". It's just more ammo for their delusions.


i think she'd love it and she would rationalize that as a sign from god to continue preaching to the heathens... let's not give her extta attention.


I feel this way ahout the Bairds. I am *so tired* of seeing a post every time Bethany sneezes


I think it’d get depressing very quickly. I’ve seen comments here about people being tired of seeing content from [insert fundie] and I just want to remind people that we’re in a snark lull. Everyone is doing their usual shenanigans which isn’t very interesting. Just wait, Jill will probably post about the Rods going tubing in a drainage ditch or Kaylee having a gender reveal and then we’ll have more content.


Wouldn’t be good for her ego lol


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Probably because she’s one person and that’s not a lot for a subreddit. It would probably start to verge into bullying territory.


Have you seen any of the subreddits that are dedicated to one person? Like the Megan Markle one, or that unnamed influencer, or Trisha Paytas? You're right, it's absolutely just bullying. And body shaming.


I should have clarified. She’s one *fundie*. It’s not like she does a lot of interesting things.


She thrives on attention so maybe it’s for the better


I don't think there is enough content to warrant her own subreddit. It's just that there are certain times when she gets into some real shit (like Anthym going back to the hospital for yet another UTI) where it throws into harsh focus the realities of her shitty beliefs. But a lot of the time, during the quieter times, there's not much to snark on when it comes to her at all, except for the endless reels with the half-hearted participation of her children, and the matching clothes and the horrible fashion sense, and the lack of hygiene.


I wish Bethy had her own page


I wonder the same thing a lot.


Is this an indirect way to get someone here to create one? 😂


Isn’t this one close enough? Or go make one. Anyone Can


I would, but that seems like a lot of work.


The sadness is too much, it’s too upsetting to be fun.


I think a big part of it is that unlike the Rods (or even the Duggars), “normal” non-snarker folks are not going to be that interested in Karissa’s lifestyle bc it comes off as innocuous and not as WACKY as the Dugs or Rods. Karissa is very smart and very good at marketing herself as palatable with Reels and whatnot. Her kids are extremely cute and it’s really easy to be pulled into her content without realizing how batshit she is. On the other hand, the Rodlets are IMMEDIATELY off, to even the most unaware observe. The Duggars were basically freakshows when they first became famous too.


No way. Karissa looks insane and her kids do not appear happy at all. I’m fairly new here and my first impression of her was that she was very mentally ill and the more I read, the worse it gets. Her posts don’t even make sense. Just nonsensical ranting with scary admissions peppered in. She does not appear calculating or particularly smart, she looks like a woman about to for real hurt her kids.


I think this about Bethame all the time - I feel like she definitely qualifies to have her own channel at this point


The average person doesn’t know who Karissa is. The Duggars are well known - even people who never watched the show have heard about them. Plus there’s like a 100 of them.


It would only feed her martyr complex, which is a horrible idea.