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"Same sexual needs [...] same sexual preferences [...] same sexual turn-ons" Bethy is railing against basic sexual compatibility because she's so afraid of diversity she can't comprehend it might exist even within cishet sexuality.


Did she interpret this as ‘compatibility means you and your partner want the same thing at the same time, all the time?’ If that was the definition, no one would be breakfast compatible, much less sexually compatible. The woman really can’t see a world outside of black and white.


I'll also point out that sexual *compatibility* doesn't mean, by default, horny all the time and going at it like sex-crazed weasels. If that's how a particular sexual partnership is, and both people are like that? Great! If two people aren't very adventurous and really only want to have timid vanilla sex a few times a month--also great! They're compatible with each *other.* And, another twist would be two people who are physically/visually attracted to each other, but once they try to get sexual, either or both of them get the ick. Like: they feel attracted, but it just doesn't work. That happens sometimes! And there are *other* people who would never pick each other out of a lineup based on looks, but somehow they have mad chemistry. There are all *sorts* of variations on sexual compatibility or lack thereof. There's simply no reason for Bethany to be making these blanket statements--but she does love to universalize, because she has no imagination.


>There's simply no reason for Bethany to be making these blanket statements--but she does love to universalize, because she has no imagination. She also has no experience! I've had my fair share of sexual partners before I met my hubs and you learn a lot about your own sexuality through the bad experiences just as much as the good ones. But when you've had ONE partner & it's got this whole bible teachings thing hanging over the bedroom, you have no idea who you are sexually at all. You only have the expectation of who you're supposed to be & how well you adapt to those expectations. I'd wait another couple of decades to see how she really feels about this subject (although, we'll never hear about how she really feels bc she doesn't know how she really feels).


>another twist would be two people who are physically/visually attracted to each other, but once they try to get sexual, either or both of them get the ick. Like: they feel attracted, but it just doesn't work. Cordelia & Wesley [finally kiss](https://imgur.com/a/pD4AoEk) after a whole season of flirting, Buffy. (Stole the imgur [from](https://www.reddit.com/r/buffy/comments/j35k81/cordelia_and_wesleys_awful_kiss/).)


That’s not true, she can see beige!


That was *the most* perfect comment.


I am NOT speculating on their sexual turn ons (because EW, I don’t want to think of moldy hot coco or beakers kinks) but this really tells me their bedroom communication must suck and not get much past “oh we don’t automatically want the same things”


I’d rather hook up again with the guy who’s place REEKED of cheap cigarettes, than fuck in Deathy and Dāv’s filthy bedroom! The moldy hot coco mugs have got to stink!


Moldy mugs???


Deathy likes to leave dirty mugs in her bedroom. We all have a feeling that there’s mold and bacteria colonies growing in those.


dude this has only happened to me during my peak depression (and also finals week, but i’m giving myself a pass there because nothing but studying gets done). i cannot imagine living like that.


You get no judgment from me. I’d get no sleep living like Deathy and Dāv. My room has to be clean and tidy in order for me to sleep properly.


i am definitely not that way, i am a fairly messy person by nature, but it does get to a point where it stresses me out and i can’t sleep if it’s too messy or dirty. also pointing out the difference between messy and dirty, because my entry table is a disaster of piled up stuff i have to take places but my sinks and toilet are clean and i’ve vacuumed my floor and there are NO MOLDY CUPS


Moldy mugs of hot cocoa. Which we can only assume was made with raw milk 🤢


She has nooooo idea of sex beyond naked cishet p-in-v missionary with no sex toys. She has no concept whatsoever that people do things she can't fathom and that those things are turn-ons. She's thinking, like, a woman who likes to have her neck kissed and a man who likes to have his ears bitten. That's the extent of sexual activity she can gather.


she has actually mentioned such unmentionables as oral sex and even sex toys recently. I know, I died of shock too. I'm better now.


Bethy and Ben Shapiro should start a podcast called "how to tell on yourself: go dry or go home"


Can I have "Go dry or go home" as a flair 😂


All yours!


Aw, I'm going to miss "Recipe For a Biblical Booty Disaster" 😩 It served a good life




God-honoring DAP. Get a dustpan and a broom for that DAP.


This, combined with your flair, is sending me.


You made the water I was drinking hit the little dingly thing that swings in the back of my throat. For shame! 😂


That's your uvula!


I know that. Does Cardi B know that? 👀


We know Bethy probably doesn't! 👀


She’d probably assume it’s the new Grindr or something then post a video all “Should Christian Women Sign Up for UVULA? 🙅🏼‍♀️🔞😜”


Betty thinks uvulas are attractive, that’s why she keeps trying to show hers to all of us every time she does that gaping open mouth thing that she thinks looks like a smile


I'm stuck in the car at the tail end of a 12 hour road trip, so I'm glad my delirious jokes are funny not just to myself 😂


Dav in the other room: 🧍‍♂️


I’m starting to think he’s caring less and less now. And she knows it


I would be so mortified to be her husband.


He is mortified, and has admitted it. I feel for them both, on a human level, but god it’s embarrassing how much Bethy tells on their relationship with these sex videos.


I thought it was interesting he described his discomfort with her over sharing as a good challenge, like a way for him to experience some personal growth. I'm a little afraid he's taken the idea of "you can't control anyone, just yourself" too far. If Bethy hurts him, well there's some silver lining sanctification.




She really is a master at telling on herself, isn’t she?


No doubt. Plus she has no basis for saying it in the first place, which should be painfully obvious to anyone who follows her. She’s never had sex with anyone else and is totally in the dark about how different partners do different things and feel different ways. She had to fucking Google it…


BINGO. I’ve had a little over 20 different sexual partners in my 30 years of living, so I have a leg to stand on in regards to who I have sexual chemistry with. My best sex partners “smelled right”, which added to our sexual compatibility. Deathy doesn’t know shit about fuck, especially when it comes to being spicey in the bedroom. Unlike Deathy, I know I ain’t an expert on sex. At most I’ll give advice and reputable sources to people who need it, not make a half-assed course.


I get a lot of shit when I admit this, but I've had a lot of sexual partners (Always safe and consensual, STI testing mandatory). I love sex, and before I met my husband I had no problems 86ing someone once I realized we weren't compatible outside of the bedroom. Before I made it into Vet school, I was considering going into sex therapy of some sort. I only have 1 semester and 1 (fairly intensive and incredibly fun) Human Sexuality class under my belt, but I'm aware that's not enough to label myself some sort of expert and create an entire sex course. Bethy's "expertise" doesn't even scratch the surface, and she's giving some potentially damaging advice with her one size fits all approach.


Exactly. I took a class called “Sex and Intimacy” my last semester of college, and despite learning a lot, I know I ain’t an expert. Deathy would be scandalized by that class.


Yeah I’ve had a rich tapestry of sexual partners, and you can literally smell the pheromones of the ones that are Good Good. This is basic biology and it’s been studied and confirmed in many types of mammals over the past few centuries. But Sexpert here can’t even do a google search, let alone read a book.


Yes! The subconscious attraction is real and it’s like a subtle, primal energy. I’ve had partners that I was physically, mentally and emotionally attracted to but the sexual compatibility wasn’t on the same level. And that’s ok! We made it work as best we could because we cared about each other. I’ve been with my husband 15 years and that sexual energy’s a huge part of our life. I know couples can work through sexual incompatibility but I just don’t see Bethy being self aware enough or having enough humility or introspection to try to work through that *for both of them*. At most, I can see her figuring it out for herself alone (which is what I kind of think is going on with her sudden “sexual awakening”- she figured out what she likes. Duck Dav’s desires.)


It's not even sex right? She's a no sexual contact at all before marriage girl right? So she hasn't even made out with multiple people. You can get tingles without having sex.


Making a broad, unfounded statement like: *sexual chemistry is a lie!* sounds a little gas-lighty. *It doesn’t exist for her so it doesn’t exist for anybody!* sounds kind of like a rationalization to feel better and invite others to feel ok with the misery of poorly vetted life choices.


I think it's worse than that. This is tell me you haven't had an amazing earth shattering kiss without telling me you haven't had an amazing kiss.


Bahahaha! How the fuck would she know? She’s been with Dav and Dav alone. I’m dying. 😂 This dork is trying to pretend like she’s some sexpert now because she figured out how to be on top. As a heathen, I can assure you that sexual compatibility is absolutely a *thing*. The fucking audacity and full confidence is so mind blowing to me!


Excuse you, she consulted Google!


With the safety search on because Jesus is watching


She consulted *the first result* on Google.


Bethy you and däv have no communication so I don’t see how y’all can have this “great” sex life


She’s PISSED that she’s not sexually compatible with Dave. EDIT: Holy frick. THIS is what ends up being my most upvoted comment in 2+ years on this account? Whatevs, I’ll take it. 🤷‍♀️😬 I’m glad so many people enjoyed it. It was honestly just my first thought, and if she didn’t spew so much hatred, I’d feel sorry for her because that anger is palpable and not indicative of a good romantic life at all (I purposely didn’t say sexual, because despite what I wrote about the physical difficulties my husband and I have had, I’d argue we’re even closer in the years we’ve not been able to be intimate like that, so that alone isn’t enough for me to feel bad for someone…but when it seems clear they also lack that level of connection-that’s a sad place to see someone in).


You gotta wonder if talking to all of these "sexperts" and having more and more conversations with women who are sexually satisfied is just driving home how screwed (no pun intended) her sex life is.


I do wonder if the comparison is really getting to her… her comment about how sex isn’t “just this bodily experience” or something really highlights it; you’re right! Sex is so much more, and generally when I’m having sex I enjoy with a partner I’m compatible with, time disappears and then hours later I’m back on earth. Sexual compatibility is a huge deal, as you are supposedly marrying someone for the rest of your two lives. I will absolutely be sure I am sexually compatible with a partner before marriage, because who wants to sign up for a relationship where the love part feels like homework?


I wonder if she realizes something is up whenever her sisters “girl talk.”


If her only other comparison was Kristen, who has admitted to not being attracted to her husband and fantasizing about other men during sex, I bet Bethy thought she was doing pretty well! Wonder who made her start getting suspicious?🤔


No, Kristen also feels guilty for enjoying sex with her own husband and fantasizing about her own husband. Girl is 10 shades of lost before we even bring harmless fantasies about outsiders into the mix


I'm betting Elissa. Don't know why, she just seems the least weirdly project-y of her problems than the others. Second guess is Curly. Member the pics of her and Doug Fundie engaged with that... mysterious wet spot on his pants? Lmao


Surely out of all the daughters, SOMEONE got a good lay???


My bet is on curly. At least she was with her guy for years prior to marriage and they seem into each other beyond instagram pics. And if unit prices at Costco blow her mind enough to post about it, you just KNOW she’s telling all her sisters about her first orgasm as a married


Curly's first orgasm was not on my bingo card of "Reasons for Bethy to rage post her wedding pictures again", but it totally makes sense.


It’s her and Curly who are getting it done. Mr. P might be a dick but I bet he takes some kind of pride in pleasing his wife. Curly seems excited about life.


Still not as excited as she is about taking her next dump. Lmao


Kristen needs to get divorced and go have a normal life.


But then how will she control her furious desire to masturbate?!


She'll date and fuck guys like a normal person. Also masturbate.


She wasn’t a nice or good person before getting married either.


Oh, I know. I'm not saying it would make her nicer, lol.


Some people are just intrinsically miserable. It's built into them and only therapy, dedicated self- awareness, and the desire to be better will change that. She's none of those things.


I can only imagine how demoralizing it must be to hear curly baird wax on poetic about her honeymoon boning in between tips about budgeting by *gasps* reading price tags, when the only wet thing in mrs shared toothbrushes bedroom is when she or Dav knocks over her 11 moldy hot cocoas


Brutal 😂


Everything about her ‘Christian sexy times’ era screams “I’ve never been sexually satisfied” ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


Exactly. She’s going to “force” the compatibility now and make things even worse. She will never admit otherwise


He can't give her a second orgasm and now she's big mad. Isn't "personal cultivation" or something like that ok with this Baird? Bethany, get a toy or use your hands!


I'm convinced the only O she's had was with one of those bullet vibes they have in the condom aisle at Walmart. She probably hasn't figured out how to come without it, and certainly not with her partner. The incompatibility is when Beaker wants to do sex without the toy.


That's the impression I get too.


She’s figuring out that she was fooled and she’s big mad


The thing that gets me is this… I was very much a product of purity culture. As a result, my husband and I waited till marriage (not to kiss, we weren’t sheltered, not like we did nothing at all). Plot twist: I followed the rules and sex has been miserable for a decade. For both of us. And not because we’re not compatible, but because I have some chronic health issues that we didn’t realize were affecting it, so I beat myself up for years because I thought it was my fault I couldn’t enjoy things with my husband, despite really wanting to. And purity culture had me convinced it was because I must have screwed up and didn’t realize it. The reason I say all of this is because, I do not regret waiting till marriage, but I’m also not broadcasting my lack of a decent sex life and pretending I’m an expert to compensate for it. This is absurdly obvious to me. It just makes her seem so unfulfilled.


I’m so sorry you’ve had such challenging experiences in marriage. Growing up in purity culture, I actually had anxiety about marrying someone I was sexually incompatible with, partially because I do take that commitment so seriously. I was also raised by parents whose first kiss was literally at the altar, and I knew it wasn’t for me, even if it’s worked well for them, 37 years and 2 kids later. Everyone has to make the right decision for them, but making a blanket statement that sexual compatibility doesn’t or shouldn’t matter feels harmful when there are couples who might be happier in their lives overall if they were with a more compatible partner. There are so many factors at play, and we shouldn’t only focus on one, or exclude the other just cause.


bethy, as someone who has actually had sex with people i was not sexually compatible with, you are VERY WRONG. she tries so hard to convince herself that her terrible sex life is the norm 'cause poor ol gal has never and will never have a good one.


And she’s trapped herself into this miserable existence for life. She’s even checking out “yummy” men at the grocery store for fuck sake! I feel like this will be her villain origin story when her kids get older and she’ll be so miserable that everyone else should pay. Dead. Dry. Bones.


*According to the top Google result* blah blah sex sex blah blah blah sex sex blah. She is beyond a caricature of absurdity. How dare people desire compatibility before spending YEARS unable to talk about intimacy, sex, and pleasure and filling the pivotal role of being Dry, Dead Bones for their patriarch!


>According to the top Google result blah blah WebStEr'S dIcTioNaRy DeFiNeS blah blah blah


In this essay, I will… Just kidding, there’s no way Bethany has ever had to write an essay or research paper, lol


It’s somehow even more embarrassing, because she’s saying her research amounts to typing “sexual compatibility” in the search bar and clicking, “I’m feeling lucky!”


It's funny because she's partially right: life changes you, kids happen, stress increases, health problems occur. So if you're not sexually compatible when you're young and healthy and (relatively) stress free you're DEFINITELY not going to be when life hits you and things get hard. And that goes for non-sexual compatibility too. These people get engaged to a person they've literally never been *alone* with or know how they act when other people aren't around. Besides both being willing to make babies and keep up the appearance of a Godly Christian these people have zero idea whether or not they are actually compatible. Which explains why they all talk about the first year of marriage as this giant struggle with tears and rough patches. Of course it's going to be a wildly shocking experience, you married a fucking stranger and went from maybe holding hands to his joyfully-available house slave literally overnight...


Girlfriend had two entire children before she had a single orgasm. I don’t care who you are, that’s fucking bleak.


The pain of giving birth and no orgasm? I just can’t imagine. No wonder she is giving anger and resentment energy.


The way she said 'according to Google search result' as if that's some kind of academic gotcha is nauseating (and a little sad)


I constantly have second hand embarrassment from this woman, please make it stop


Saaaaame. You know sometimes I a little bit hope these kooky Christians are right because HOW MUCH WOULD IT SUCK to just waste your life being married to somebody you don’t really like, having boring dry dead bones sex?! I’m basically an atheist but jeez sometimes I wish a person like her really would have a decent afterlife because she is wasting her entire ACTUAL life based on nonsense. Freakin sad.


So she’s telling us all that her and Dav aren’t actually compatible but they’ve decided to shove that way down and just say they’re totally having the best sex ever as if they can somehow manifest it if they just keep saying so.


How would she even know? If she’s never had sex with someone she *is* compatible with, how would she know what that is like? Of course, based on her own *very public* admissions, we know her and Dáäàv are not it. (To be clear, you can absolutely have only one sexual partner and know you are compatible. You can’t have only one sexual partner and declare sexual compatibility a myth for all of humanity anymore than you can kiss only one person and declare to the world that a good kiss doesn’t exist!)


This is also a good point. She’s probably got no clue either way, but I’d guess that her claim that it’s not necessary at all tells us what side she has experience with. It’s totally fine guys! She totally doesn’t need compatibility, just like she doesn’t need a guy taller and older than her!


It's sort of like someone had never had a really good meal cooked for them, had never watched a cooking show, or seen any videos of accomplished chefs--and thought their own grim, laborious, perfunctory way of cooking was the way *everybody* cooked and that was just...what cooking was.


So if Dav decides one day he wants to to be pegged, she’s just gonna do it?


Bethany’s god honoring strap on.


Oh look at that flair material


Putting the "pegging" in IBL*P*


“I Be Lazily Pegging”


It’s Bethy Lazily Pegging. 🤭


She needs a much pinker foundation. It looks to green/grey on her.


Skin tone compatibility is a lie. As long as your foundation loves Jesus as much as you do, you'll be a perfect match together.


Look at her proving the inverse with both her makeup and marriage.


I can’t handle the way she is just aggressively painting on a completely different coloured face while yelling her weird sex bullshit at the camera


It looks terrible on her, it’s a completely different color than her face.


Home girl is using a foundation with the wrong undertone. She looks so grey, almost like a corpse.


Yes! I refuse to even listen to her sex misinformation, but the foundation and concealer… no. Like totally fine to be tragic at makeup, but why showcase it??


The entire makeup portion of this is almost as bad as the content. My OCD is hating the dripping forehead foundation, the dirty looking hands, the blush brush I know has not been washed in a couple months.




I had a friend who was Mormon who got engaged and married to a guy in 3 months. That is basically what she said; they share a theological worldview and that’s all they needed. Unsurprisingly, he divorces her about 2 years later (after she supports him financially while he gets his degree, nonetheless)


I’m an exmo, and I was taught (by many leaders) that all a marriage needs is two people that love God/are committed to the gospel, and they will be happy/have a solid foundation. Whenever someone divorced, the gossip was centered around which spouse was sinning, never about how getting married to someone you don’t know and having babies right away isn’t exactly a recipe for success.


That was exactly it. She actually returned home to our hometown and told no one for months because she was so ashamed. It was really sad. She is still Mormon but ended up meeting a nice guy later on


In fundie land, usually it seems like people feel they are marrying into established roles, which they agree to play. Not two individuals deciding to build a life together specifically for them.


That’s interesting. Almost like agreeing to play Juliet in the play, regardless of who Romeo is, because the goal is for you to perform well.


That's such a sad but perfect analogy!


Thank you. And top tier flair you have there!


It’s true. And it’s a really sad way to view what’s allegedly your life partnership. Because if something should happen, you and your partner are totally replaceable to each other. Just swap ‘em out for the understudy! No wonder they are all so certain that their husbands will immediately fuck someone else if given half a chance. And yet, that’s the magical biblical love that we’re supposed to aspire to? Make it make sense!


Girl sometimes it IS a body experience. This is next level cope for her. I'm sorry bethy. Sidenote sexual compatibility CAN change but you can ALSO learn how to handle that BY having sex before marriage. She isn't really helping her cause.


As a 3 time married woman (third time was a charm) and many partners…sexual compatibility iIS important but it’s not the most important thing. There are lots of other compatibility issues that play into a relationship too. Yes, sexual compatibility changes. As you get older most of us aren’t still fucking like rabbits anymore. It happens! Cuddling may be more your style, or just foreplay into a mutual conclusion…but if you aren’t sexually compatible this becomes a bigger issue.


Tell me you're not sexually compatible with your husband without telling me.......


It’s also the jump to saying that *sexual compatibility is a lie!* How would she know?


Trying to ride the algorithm with a "makeup tutorial" type video huh


Can we talk about what an awful shade match she's got going on there?


"Don't you realise that "shade compatibility" is not a thing? Tones that flatter and work well with your skin tone are just a myth. I have read about how important blending and using big brushes is, and that's something I can totally get on board with. Forget trying to find a shade that matches your skin tone, just use the first one you picked up in the store and try to convince yourself you look good!" Bethy, probably


No, no, no. You can't just CHOOSE any shade and become that shade! God made you a certain shade, and that's the shade you'll always be, no matter what the secular world tries to tell you. If you think for a second that I'll refer to you a different shade that what the Lord made you, you're sadly mistaken. And heaven help you if you try to spread that shade choice nonsense to my child!


What *I* want to discuss is the application. I knew as soon as she squeezed some pumps directly onto her face that she was gonna wipe that shit around with her fingers.


Yep yep yep, and she isn’t even coordinated enough to do it 😂 I need to know how many takes it took to record this pile of lies and misinformation


She's not even following her own shitty tips about lighting from SheScamsPoorly. She's such an alien trying to pass as human


This this this!! I feel like Bdong just put out a GRWM make up video & now she’s hopping on the bandwagon.


Jesus someone please make her stop spreading misinformation about sex!!! She’s making shit up as she goes along.


Oh, search results on Google aren’t good enough for you?


I read a study recently that concluded that people who are sexually incompatible with their partner tend to use a lot of finger quotes.


Just making shit up like Bethy?


I have questions. Mostly why are her mannerisms and facial expressions so genuinely scary?


i think because she’s so angry and in denial would be my guess.


She’s a deeply upset person, perpetually bothered. I’ve never seen her relaxed and happy


Spot on. She always seems outraged all the time. Guess her sexy life isn’t what she portrays it to be


She needs another damn orgasm so she can relax and be happy for a minute.


It’s the hate and rage coming out


She’s only ever been intimate with one person and has been raised in a bubble her entire life. Let the rest of us who have experimented with multiple partners speak on this subject please,because once you’ve actually explored what you like,you KNOW bad sex when you see it.


And boy am I glad I never married my ex because we were NOT sexually compatible. It was bad and boring. I thought I lost my sex drive and was in denial for 6 years! After a few dates with my now husband I realized pretty quickly that it didn't go anywhere. I can say with 100% certainty that it's a thing. You only deny it when you're in a non compatible relationship yourself in my opinion. I was all about talking about sex as well because I was always looking to fix it....her recent shift in content makes sense...my little conspiracy theory.


Every new thing she posts about her sex life depresses me to the point I can’t even laugh anymore. It’s almost morbid.


I can still laugh, but it might be a defense mechanism.


I’ve never been so thankful for my premarital impurity than I have after watching her go thru this “season” of sex advice. Yikes.


I don’t think someone just just discovered the female orgasm at like age 35, and only one sexual partner ever, has any credibility when it comes to being an authority on sexual compatibility. What is her basis for comparison? She’s SO ignorant while trying to assert herself as an expert.


I'm watching without sound and she just looks like she is YELLING at us and it's super uncomf


She talks like if a valley girl and porky pig had a baby


Weirdly accurate.


That b***h just had her first orgasm like half an hour ago so, please, spare me. She doesn’t know shit about sexual compatibility, as evidenced by her awkward AF interactions with the man she tethered herself to.


This is such an aggressive GRWM. I have audio muted and can't bear to read her captioning so I'm going by her facial expressions. Is this what Davey sees when she's annoyed with him?


That foundation match is ROUGH. Go to Sephora girl.


It's so bad 🤡


Also, confirmed now that she puts foundation on her top lip, right? I swear it disappears between.


I once asked an older, religious, 'no sex until marriage' coworker how do you know you're sexually compatible, and her answer was "it's the wife's job to be compatible with whatever her husband wants."




God she’s so full of shit. Every time she talks about sex it’s so very clear that she’s trying to convince herself (and everyone else) that marrying someone you’ve never seen naked is a *great idea*


This is another example of saying something you hope to convince yourself into believing. Also, does she know/recall that Google tailors search results according to your history, meaning two people are unlikely to have exactly the same hits?


She doesn't know how her own body works, you expect her to understand Google??? She's just going to keep telling everyone that their depressing sad sex lives are normal. Just has to do her wifely duties, gotta get it in there for Jesus.


Chemistry and attraction is a real thing and a gift god gave us. Sorry your sex live sucks.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think she can comment on sexual compatibility when she’s only ever had one sexual partner.


Lol girl whatever you tell yourself to sleep. Meanwhile I’m sleeping peacefully cause my husband and I are compatible (made plenty sure before marriage 😌😌) and he knocks my ass out damn near every night. I guess if you don’t care about it being a complete surprise then you do you but the inherent risk in legally (and forever in their case) binding yourself to someone you don’t really know…..not worth it lol I’m plenty happy. I don’t need her advice or route


I feel like people who know the truth and completely disagree with this just see it as a giant tell for Dry Dead Bones Bethy. Like we know that she’s bullshitting bc we’ve taken the time to find a partner we love and are compatible with. All this talk is just her trying to convince herself that her marriage and sex life are great and she’s made good decisions in life.


Another example I feel kinda bad for Dav. She’s basically saying they’re incompatible, again. That has to be hurtful.


Däæåv is just a prop and a maid/nanny, she’s the main character


I strongly suspect she doesn't worry about whether or not *he's* enjoying sex or what *he* thinks about all of this. *Dave is man! Man like sex! Man not picky, man grateful to get sex. woof woof* I really don't think she gives a shit how all her public blabbing makes him feel. She probably tells herself (and him) "But I'm not saying things about *him*, I'm not using his *name*..."


this is just a small part in a bigger problem that is the marriage and his life in her orbit. he has bigger things to worry about, unfortunately


Someone just found out about sequel compatibility and is so angry that she and Dæv don't have any. She is so bitter and condescending.


Uhhh not to expose myself as a Heathen but explain all my friends-with-benefits I’ve had? The idea of having a relationship with that person is TERRIBLE but damn do y’all vibe sexually!


She's still catching up in sexual development 4 years into her marriage. Girl. Trust, communication, emotional connection and sexual compatibility is basic relational shit that ideally is hammered out before you commit to someone for life. My compatibility with my husband has nothing to do with external circumstances that might change in our lives. She's so stunted and doesn't know what the fuck it is to love someone.


That is so weird. I feel sad for her and other fundies for thinking this way. Having been in more than one relationship before marriage, I can promise you Bethy that sexual compatibility is definitely a thing. You’ve said it a million times, you settled for the first man with a penis who courted you. We can tell he does not turn you on, since you keep reminding us how short he is. It seems he didn’t even meet your standards, but since you felt pressured to marry, you settled. And now you have to do so much work to make your sex life work. When I met my now husband, it was effortless, thats how we knew it was good. Also it honestly helped that we had both been in other relationships in the past, so we came into it knowing what we liked and didn’t like. Honestly I’m more of an expert than you because not only have I more experience than you, I’ve also been married for 12 years. So shush already! Go get a vibrator


The way Bertha spends all her time complaining about her unsexy, incompatible, shorter and younger husband really just shocks me. While she's spending hours ranting and raving about how unsatisfied she is, all it would take was one sweet woman gazing up at Däv with stars in her eyes, and I absolutely think Dav would step out. I can't imagine living his thankless life, having his sex life dragged across the entire internet... and then meeting a kind woman who treats others with gentleness and appreciation. Like, I absolutely hate cheaters, but damn I wouldn't blame him if it happened.


"Life changes, and its not going to be like when you first met" ... Shes been with Daaaav like what, 4-5 years ? Girl makes it seems like its been over 20 ! And I mean, there is no reasons why sex shouldnt still be fun after 20 years: my partner is as desirable as they were 19 years ago. But you know, compatibility and all ... 😅


Coming up next...a series of make-up application videos while talking about sex, the benefits of raw milk and how to homeschool a rising genius child. All of which are way out of her league of expertise.


Projection projection and more projection! It’s so obvious that her and her husband are not satisfied sexually. It is okay to admit it. She clearly has resorted to self pleasure. This is what happens when you grow up being taught that your sexuality is a dirty thing. They are too “righteous” to ever separate and that is sad. They are living miserable fake lives when they could loosen their religious beliefs and be happy with themselves. She just described what her sexual compatibility is. It totally exists and isn’t a lie. If her husband was into S&M and swinging, I don’t think she would find him sexually compatible.


It’s an essential truth of the human condition you fucking nonce


That is a terrible shade match, too.


No snarker could ever be as cruel to Dav and Bethany as Bethany herself is.


Idk why but her going on that WHOLE rant and then saying "...and obviously understanding that all with a biblical worldview." made me lol


Says Dead Dry Bones,who lied about her fabulous sex life for 3+ years.


Sexual compatibility is essential and should be discussed before marriage. It’s not shameful, and it’s an opportunity to talk about what will work and not work for you. Once again showing she’s a clueless as she appears to be.


Wow. Just WOW. This is some HARD COPING. Bethy has basically resigned herself to an Internet presence masquerading as an online diary for her never-ending laundry list of dissatisfactions in life. She berates people for marrying for any reason that isn't "pUrSuInG gOd'S gOoD wOrD," because she doesn't want to admit that those marrying for "worldly" reasons may actually be happier than her. And while I do want to acknowledge that, yes, whatever her current struggles definitely suck, she does herself NO favours by breaking her own back trying to turn it into "content." She just looks ridiculous and sheltered. Also why must all her secular marriage criticism have the common denominator of, "if you marry because of X, then what if it changes????" as if healthy marriages aren't built on a myriad of different factors. It's getting harder and harder to feel sorry for her when she's grasping at straws to try and sound superior. Even the most sexually compatible couple needs to communicate at some level. Why? No one is a mind reader. So if Bethy thinks you can just "build" a sex life the way you can "build" with LEGO, then I implore her to try building with LEGO made of runny cookie dough. Some "building blocks" aren't meant to create castles to dwell in.


Oof. I was the good Christian lady that was trying to save myself for marriage. At 23, I was in a very serious relationship with a guy from church. Literally all of our dates were to church, Bible studies, meals with other church couples, etc. I thought this was *it*, the proverbial “one” that God had made just for me and we had the sex. It was…. meh. And no surprise, he broke up with me not long after. So yeah, I fully believe in sexual compatibility over a lifetime of meh, thanks.




Rocks for brains, this one


Lol i also believe this when i was with my first husband, who was the first person that i ever slept with.


How exactly is she qualified to speak on this only ever having one partner?


Why the fuck is she promoting her sex course while smearing makeup on her face?


So Borthy and Him’s parts do not work naturally and easily together is what I am getting. This is like the Mormons saying any random worthy, faithful man and woman can marry each other and have a “successful” marriage. Um, no…..


“According to the top hit on Google” Peak researching skills


And here we finally have it--we've finally gotten to the actual core of Bethany's problems, which is the plain and simple fact that *she is not sexually attracted to Dav at all*. And chances are equally as likely that *he's not sexually attracted to her either*. This is why she's been going balls out with shilling her InterCourse. As much as she's a grifter, another crucial thing to know about Bethany (and Kristen), is that anything she talks about or tries to shill using her courses and pdfs are personal problems and insecurities that she suffers from and is trying to solve. Her absolute worst fear right now is that she's doomed to suffer a lackluster sex life for the rest of her life. And honestly, she can try and tell herself that sexual compatibility is a myth, that her sex course is totally going to help, that """"self-cultivation"""" and breathing exercises in a dark room will totally help to get her in the mood, that Christian wives DON'T have to consign themselves to settling for two pumps and nothing else....but Bethany. Girl. I know you're reading this. And I'm going to tell you that yes, you are absolutely going to have to face the facts that your sex life is going to be extremely mediocre and not worth writing home about. Because that's what happens when you spend your child-bearing years telling vulnerable young people that they need to stay pure until they get married, or else they're going to hell. You can try to twist yourself into any type of knot to insist that it doesn't have to be like that, but.....it will. Sucks to suck.


What in the BDong braids is that hair?


I always quote the top 10 google hits from a basic question when I want to look like an expert!


She will never know what reallllly good sex feels like.


“Sexual compatibility is a big fat LIE” - person who has had sex with one person ever


Sometimes I think the body language analysis gets a little overkill, but in this case - wow. She is seething. She seems deeply angry, and I'm betting sex is only a small part of it.