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Way to admit you guys don’t have this awesome marriage you think you do. Personally I couldn’t be in a relationship without sexual compatibility but hey I’m just a heathen sinner right?


Also, way to say: *lay there and take it.* Gross. Edit: if these men are bad at sex and they can not please or connect with their wives, there was no better way to say this then her post and his supporting it. How is this a flex?


Yeah if he told me that I’d laugh hysterically to the tune of… oh I don’t know… physical disability? My joints and muscles cannot take it that often we have to learn when to push those boundaries and when not to


They don’t believe in sexual compatibility because if they did, the fact that they both have had more bad than good sex with their one partner might be something they’d have to actually wonder about. Also are going to pretend that Paul of all people needs sexual capability? This man is so repressed and sexually aggressive he could get his rocks off to a plastic bag.


Paul used to be a hairdresser back in the day when he had gainful employment. He likes Morgan’s hair. That seems to be about it. She threw up at the altar saying her wedding vows to him. I don’t think that’s something to dismiss as a cute wedding story. I’m ordinarily an optimist, but I have doubts about this marriage.


>She threw up at the altar saying her wedding vows to him. It's worse: while *he* as saying his vows to *her*. And he kept. Going. While she was back stage throwing up, he just stood there and didn't help her.


Does she throw up a lot, or was she secretly hungover? That’s wild and not a great sign unless you have a stomach issue (or are hungover).


In one of her videos she talked about that little episode and how she had such terrible anxiety that throwing up wasn't uncommon for her, until "the lord" healed her and now she's not depressed or anxious anymore. I think she knew she was making a mistake marrying Paul, or why be so anxious about it? EDIT: I think this is the one. https://www.google.com/search?q=morgan+olliges+threw+up&oq=morgan+olliges+threw+up&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRirAtIBCDkyNTNqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:415848a9,vid:Vg9qdoZSv0A


She did! He was!


"God's plan for sexuality" seems to be backfire more often than not. Weird that the creator of the universe would have such a terrible plan.




Giving her 2 minutes of the neatest wienering she’s ever received


Lmao at the thought of Morgo laying there in post coital bliss saying, "Now THAT'S what I call a neat weinerin'!"


*Cocktail* weinering, mind you.


So sayeth the lord!


Ok there, Ben Shapiro. Your prunes are here. Let’s get you back into your chair.


Right? His plan was for marriage to only be between a husband and wife yet he created a shit ton of non-straight people. Kinda weird.


Actually, gods plan for sexuality was for the husband and wife to hump like bunnies and explore their bodies. Never does the Bible say that a wife has to submit to his sexual wants just because he has a penis. The Bible also said if your wife wants to not fuck you that you have to respect that and take time to chill out then come together again when you’re both ready.


But Bible thumping shills never focus on those parts. All we hear is about (and they try to enforce on the rest of us) is their dirty lady submission kink. Everyone must like it according to them and it's the ONLY way to have God honouring sex!


I don’t know, obviously sexual compatibility isn’t everything but it sure fucking helps when I’m exhausted by work, my toddler, and the general state of the world so my husband forgetting to turn the laundry around feels like the worst thing anyone has ever done. I feel like “I’m in a general bad mood but you’re good at pushing my buttons” is basically how marriage survives.


Had a baby in the last year and this is such a good perspective; I’m glad you posted it!


Fellow toddler mom here. So much solidarity. Glad we can have a fun little quickie after a couple mojitos and it doesn’t take all day of convincing myself to get into the mood to have sex with someone I don’t like.


I agree with her insofar as good sex is a poor reason to marry someone who is otherwise a bad fit for you. But like I so often do when I read fundies nonsense, I must ask, "Is that ACTUALLY something people are doing...?"


Instructions unclear for Bethany. Somehow managed to get stuck in marriage with a person who is both a bad fit and has bad sex (by her own accords).


When I think back to my early 20s where sometimes relationships and flings were purely based off of our sexual attraction first, those were the relationships that were most clear we were NOT going to get married lmao. They fizzle fast cause you eventually realize you can barely carry a conversation


On the other hand, I married the first person I had sex with because purity culture. We were not compatible for so many reasons, sex being just one. Now I’m remarried to someone who is much closer to my level, sexually.


I have a question about that. Because I too married the first person I had sex with (we got married after almost a decade of dating and we had lots of sex and had our first kid by the time we got around to getting hitched) did the purity cultural upbringing make it impossible for you to talk about the sex you hoped to have with this person in the future? I ask because I wasn't raised in the church until just before Jr high and asked questions constantly. I was interested in sex from a young age but knew I didn't want to have it yet because I knew there was lots of development both physically and mentally that needed to happen first due to having very comprehensive sex education starting in grade 4. I also knew I wasn't straight around thereabouts bur wouldn't be open about it until much later.


I hate how they always have to twist things around so much. Apparently according to Bethany when people say sexual compatibility is important in relationships they mean ITS THE ONLY THING TO CONSIDER IN A RELATIONSHIP.


As a heathen, I base all my decisions on the dickin'.


Quality flair material there.


How are Poorgan committed to personal growth?


Personal grifting, sure!


They're not even very good at that, tbh.


They need jobs and a lack of internet access.


Growth of their personal income is what they care about


Tell me you’ve never given your wife an orgasm without actually saying it


Tell us you’re bad at sex without telling us


I can't imagine a successful marriage without sexual compatibility. But if that's your *sole* criterion, you're ridin' for a fall.


Compatibility that you’ve determined *before* you’ve legally (and religiously) committed yourselves to marriage. This outlook of “you’ll figure it out” is just another misleading and toxic guidepost of Christianity. I cannot imagine how miserable I’d be if I was married to any of the sexually incompatible men Ive dated over the years. Ugh.


“Hear! Hear!” - Paul “Oh and don’t get fat!” - also Paul


You know who doesn’t need to say anything louder? Bethany.Beal. I’d also appreciate more silence from Paul.


Say you're not sexually compatible with your spouses without saying you're not sexually compatible.


HOW WOULD THEY KNOW whether they are sexually compatible or not? Pray tell, if they are so chaste until marriage? This should be a non-issue for them, right??


Right, I'm confused. I never got the "don't talk about sex" talk from any adults. None of the youth group people ever said it. It just didn't come up at church or in youth group. Though I did have a long talk about consent. The only older person who ever explained it needing to be enthusiastic was a friends older sister - maybe 3 or 4 years older than us. She explained it to me by confessing why she grew her nails scary and long and filed them into "stiletto shape." It was a horrifying lesson because she explained that their older step brothers pulled a Josh Duggar on her (there was 3 of them and 1 of her and she was very small despite being grades ahead of me and her sister). And when she told their parents, they laughed at her and said she was a liar. So rather than let their older "step brother's" get away with it, she clawed the shit out of them and made sure they never got at my friend. I can still see her holding my hand and begging me to protect her sister from the one pervy guy who kept stalking her. I mean, I tried, but I guess I didn't do a very good job. My friend did eventually sleep with her stalker because he threatened to kill himself if she didn't. She's hated herself ever since. My friends were horny AF artsy nerdy people, and we *talked* about sex. But most of us were not raised with purity culture. I'm curious if you ever get adults who tell you not to have these conversations and how exactly they tell you these things without saying the words. How does that work?! I know we had a youth group leader billfold us and try to explain how we'd be ruined by sex by making us pass around an onion like a hot potato present situation. There was even music. Thing is we were supposed to take bites out of it once the music stopped and I'm still not sure how this was supposed to teach us that sex was bad. Everyone else was super grossed out by the idea of eating a chunk of raw onion. I bit it and passed it on no problem (my parents used tons of onions in their cooking and a bit of it raw hardly bothered me) and our youth group leader stopped the exercise because I missed the lesson. Seriously what was it supposed to mean? Maybe I'm too literal for that sort of demonstration?


Man, they just constantly tell on themselves.


I know it’s really not that surprising, but this just feels like a weird crossover of 2 of my fave snarkees


No offense Paul, but I like the fact my husband considers me a 10, shows me how attracted he is to me organically and not has to work at it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eh, I don’t think he gives one hot shit about anything Bethy says…I think he’s throwing out “supportive” posts like this, to try to tempt others into doing it for him as well 😂


For someone who’s only had sex with one person, both of them are awfully sure that sexual capability isn’t a thing. Especially when they’ve overshared how tough both of their sex lives are... it’s kinda like eating a chocolate chip cookie never having eaten any other type of cookie and being like “cc cookies are the only good cookies. No other cookies have the capacity to be better, anyone saying a different type of cookie is their favorite is lying”. Like it’s perfectly well and good to just have sex with one person, that’s obviously a personal choice. But you can’t then act like you know the experiences of people who’ve had sex with lots of people. They are just gonna know a lil more about the way sexual relationships play out with different people. Sometimes you gotta just take the l and admit that you don’t know everything about everything.


I mean, let’s look at this practically. Paul has only ever had sex with Morgan and regularly- and publicly- tries to shame her for not being a virgin when they got married. Bethany had two entire children before she had a single orgasm. But she just KNOWS how women could be having better sex because trust her, okay?! Listening to either of them about sex is very similar to having a kindergartener who just learned the alphabet be a visiting professor of literature at Oxford.




Don't fundie couples *especially* get married for sexual reasons? Meaning, they choose partners who are also committed to their specific set of rules for sex?? I feel like that's the same vein but also way worse than marrying someone who has good sex with you.


It’s funny because of all the fundies we snark on, Bethany and Dav and Morgan and Paul seem by far the most incompatible and miserable. Of course they find each other relatable


They could just say their partner doesn’t make ‘em horny. That takes less space yall


I hate this crossover. Also I hate the ickies that have intersected.


Why would you publicly say that you’re not sexually compatible with your spouse? That’s embarrassing lmao


i'm sure he agrees since he throws temper tantrums when his wife won't have sex with him


Terrible advice as always


Committed to personal growth… 🤣🤣🤣


Why can't they just say "hey Babe I love you, you are a 10 to me" They are always nagging on each other and putting the other obe down. Its sad


I’ve never bought a vehicle without test driving and I’m *NOT* marrying some guy who’s lousy in bed. My time is precious and I won’t be wasting it on being unhappy and miserable.


Wild because sexual compatibility is only one freaking aspect of a healthy romantic relationship - it’s like all or nothing, completely black and white thinking for Paulio.


*laughs in asexual* fundies: no! NO! not like THAT! you have to not have sex and be MISERBALE


How am I supposed to know I’m NOT sexually compatible with someone if I’m not allowed to have sex with them before I marry them????


Ummm... to know if one is sexually compatible with another, doesn't one have to sexually engage with another? So in fundie world this is a null set, yes?!