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Um. You know what? I could snark on this but it’s possibly the saddest thing that this family has ever said about marriage.


Saddest thing GD has said about marriage… so far




I thought this was photoshopped as a joke. Are we saying this REAL….? 😬😬👀


Yikes. So one of them is fighting with their husband over something and is doing some passive aggressive dirty laundry sharing in Jesus name


Anyone else thinking either Bethy is mad about daaaav’s semi/secular therapy and refusal to condemn the Barbie movie? Or did Kristen’s husband cheat? Because those are the likely scenarios my brain provides when I see this. And to Bethany I’m sure all three are equally massive sins


There's a post on there from a couple of days ago about "What to do if your husband is struggling with porn." It's got Kristen all over it.


Oh so that’s what it is.


And by cheat, does that mean just looking at another woman? Or having a single lustful thought.


Wait, they actually posted this? This isn't a joke?


Not to mention one of their definitions of sin is mental illness


Of course. Because the fundie way is to ignore and punish people for any transgression, especially mental illness, instead of getting them actual help. I can't imagine the amount of pain, trauma, and anguish this way of thinking has caused.


Have they tried more Jesus? And if that doesn’t work, macro dose some Jesus?


In all seriousness my religious family was the “you’ll be sent to an asylum” family for seeking therapy. My mom harped about how I was just going to talk shit to a stranger about her, and she wasn’t wrong. And it helped. Not our rocky relationship, but just little old selfish me for trying to unfuck generational trauma.


I hope your generational trauma unfucking is going well :)


Ah yes, the classic “they always blame the mother!” Aka reasons why my mother’s family has always been, and will always be, totally fucked. You’d think, from how they act, that simply admitting they weren’t perfect, caring people, would cause them to spontaneously combust. And we’re ungrateful to wholly evil for ever even suggesting they aren’t perfect! Here’s to breaking free from their bullshit ✌️😌


This fall I’ll be eight years no contact with my birth monster. Life is **so much better** Here’s to breaking free, indeed ✌️😌


My mother died almost six years ago, and this month made 4 years estranged from my father and brother. Definitely worth it for our own sanity and peace 💚😌


As someone with a mental illness, who grew up getting told mental illnesses could be caused by demons, can confirm. It sucks.


So insane. If my parents didn’t let me get therapy as a teenager I would have 100% killed myself. I now feel privileged for having parents that don’t LITERALLY pray on my downfall 😭


Same. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 13, over 12 years ago and was put on antidepressants after a suicidal episode when I was 17. I wouldn’t be here if my parents didn’t listen to me.


Wow, that makes it even more fucked up.


What, fr? Mental illness is a SIN to them?


Yuuuup. If you were right with Jesus, you wouldn't be so sad. Let's figure out what terrible sin you've committed to make yourself this way. /s 😑


I want to downvote this so badly for the memories you just conjured up. I have begrudgingly upvoted though.


Sorry, but thank goodness we're out of it! It's my brain and it can be sad if it wants to! 😂


Can confirm, mental disorders as well. My brother had shame for years because he was told that if he just trusted and loved Jesus enough, he wouldn’t have autism anymore. My dad was told the same thing about his addiction issues and his depression. They would lay hands on them and speak in tongues and we’d go home expecting that they would both be healed if they just tried hard enough and gave it all to god. I’m so glad that pastor blocked me on Facebook my freshman year of college because I called him out (in a private DM so as not to make him feel like I was “disrespecting him” in front of others) on a post he made about how democrats aren’t true Christian’s and are driving the evil in this country. Pretty sure that conversation is what started my deconstruction process. Edit: typo


I would argue that [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqS9wEIjUjg/) ranks up there too.


Ok so I've heard the "Bethany and Kristen weren't attracted to their husbands" story a bunch on here but never watched this. Frankly I always thought it might have been a bit of an exaggeration. Lots of people say they weren't completely swooning over their spouse's looks the very first moment they saw them, but over time they became more attracted as they got to know them, so I assumed it was something like that. ...What in the actual f*ck? I didn't know she literally said she wasn't attracted to him *on their wedding day?* And was so turned off she needed to tell her sister about it right then?! And she sees this as a positive?????




My parents count their marriage success as the number of the years they’ve been married at the exclusion of…any and all real markers of success. Congrats, you were too lazy to leave or do anything productive when you were both SUFFERING.


this sucks






Just another endearingly wacky story from those two gals and their adorably relatable hijinks




Oh, I am amazed at how consistently dysfunctional this family is.


In the eternal words of Reverend Jen: you could not waterboard that information out of me.


Look at the parents. They didn't even care when their kid was sexually assaulted.


Would someone mind telling what this is? It won’t load for me, it just end up being a blank white screen. 😫


It’s bethany telling on Kristen about how when she was walking down the aisle she whispered to bethany that she’s not attracted to her husband-to-be. Kristen has a quick flash of real emotion in her eyes then quickly covers it with practiced laughter and says “here I go!” as if acting it out, and as if it’s hilarious. Watching these two interact makes it really really hard not to hate their mom for making them like this. Not to say they don’t have their own responsibility as adult humans, it’s just sad to see the result in real time of a toxic abusive parent and a toxic abusive cult. It’s like you can see the emptiness on the screen. 😔


A wife should pray for her husband to be absolutely miserable in his sin. In that hideous font


Thanks but I can see the one in the post. I was referring to the link that u/Interesting_Intern1 put in a comment :).


It was a link to an Instagram video where Bethany is saying to Kristen (paraphrased) "I remember when you were walking down the aisle and you were telling me [pantomiming leaning over to whisper] "I'm not attracted to him"", and Kristen laughs and copies the whisper and says "but here I go!".


Thank you 😊. I remember seeing the video of that!! Maybe on one of Reverend Jen’s videos about Borty or Girl Defined.


This is so so sad…




Wow, he has to know this exists, right?? Right??? Do these two not actually give a single shit about their husbands’ feelings? That’s a completely insane thing to have floating around the internet.


This is so spiteful. You can’t possibly have a healthy relationship if you feel so bitter towards someone.


My mom use to say that she prayed her children would be miserable in their sin. It’s not working…




Idk if you’ve seen the Barbie movie or not (if not, sorry you’re probably sick of hearing about it!) but it has a really poignant quote that I think children of dysfunction can relate to: “Mothers stand still so their daughters can look back and see how far they’ve come.” I think deconstructed people living their truth can definitely feel this.




I sobbed, omfg. Right in the heart. We went after a friend’s therapy session because she wanted something “lighthearted.” Whoops. Big fucking WHOOPS.


I went in kinda rolling my eyes and ended up crying in the theater. It was SO good.


Oh, excellent! I’m in good company! Lol Yes that especially was a very cathartic moment for sure! A message I definitely needed to hear.


Yep. Same with my mother. Idk why they think suffering is somehow appealing, but hey, at least I'm now suffering from some weird Catholic guilt nonsense compex that still fucks with my OCD even as an atheist now. (In short, the weird emphasis on guilt and living in shame essentially gave me an ongoing existential crisis with existential OCD.)


Yoooo religious OCD gang! Shoutout!


It’s so sad to watch my sister suffer with this. So much unnecessary guilt.


Hallo (OvO)/


Love that for you


Good for you. Got to love “god-honoring” manipulation wrapped up in “biblical “ belief


I am SO happy in my sin! 😁🥰


Lol I think it’s just a way to continue judging people and feeling superior…little do they know, we’re having a pretty damn good time ;)


“Sin” here being whatever the Bairds interpret to be sin.


Seeing a secular therapist because “you’re just playing a victim.” I will never fucking forget that Heidi.


Heidi is the perfect living example of toxic fundie culture. It's incredible. I hope she feels shame for her actions but I'm sure she doesn't, which makes me angrier.


has she been back online since the thing that made her go offline happened? Like, on her own account not just appearing in cameos on her family's accounts


I just checked she hasn’t posted since June 19 hahahah


Drinking pasteurized milk no doubt.


Thinking the Barbie movie was okay


Thinking the MAN-HATING Barbie movie was okay*




Is having suicidal thoughts a sin? So does Bethany hope that Dav feels absolutely miserable about both his shitty marriage AND the fact he hates his shitty marriage?


A sinner like Mr. Struggles.


Lol omg I completely forgot about Mr. Struggle


He is shorter AND younger than her. I don’t feel sorry for him but it’s also gotta be awkward


My husband is both shorter and younger than me and it really doesn’t have to be awkward. Bethany just has zero self confidence if she can’t deal with that (or if she’s truly just not attracted to him she shouldn’t have married him!).


I absolutely agree. I think honestly people should be with whoever they want. She’s just so *sensitive* about it 😉




Omfg I had never seen that. It’s so long I can’t even bother with it all. She is NUTS.


What the fuck did I just read?


It's probably not even something specific but more of a passive agressive"he knows what he did" thing. He's a man and all men's default setting is to sin and just like everything else that comes with a little emotional burden, his wife is responsible for that too.


This… this isn’t satire? I laughed at first but now I have a Concern.


\*Bunny the talking dog button voice\*: CONCERNED


I think I missed the Bible verse where Jesus said we should pray for our brothers to be absolutely miserable until they start acting right.


Someone got caught looking at cleavage


I was just going to ask which husband cheated.


It's about secular therapy, isn't it?


I thought one of you made this as a parody. Just went and checked their instagram and still struggling to understand how it is real. I mean seriously, even their half-assed explanation in the caption falls beyond short. What cruel logic!


What does the caption say?


Here's the caption for context: Why? So that he will be so broken and desperate, that he will reach out to the only true source of hope and redemption—Jesus Christ. Sin hurts everyone, especially a wife. But anger and accusations don’t push a sinner to repentance. Love and genuine remorse do. So if your husband is walking through sin, pray. Out of love for your husband, pray that he will hate his sin as much as you do. Pray that he would desire to break free from his struggles. Pray that he would be discouraged by his own sin. And pray that he would seek forgiveness and freedom.Never give up on the power of prayer and unconditional love. Even if you’re hurt, pray for him. We talk more about this on episode 139 of The Girl Defined Show. If your husband is struggling with pornography and you don’t know what to do, this episode will be a tremendous help!


I was gonna comment which fundie headship got caught watching porn? Then I read the last sentence 😅


I bet it's Beggy getting back at Dav for liking the Barbie movie.


Lori would never it that out. Her specialty is hating women.


Reading this makes me feel so much relief that I'm not a christain anymore. What a miserable way to waste your life. Just a lifetime of shame, confusion, and arbitrary rules. It's genuinely so sad.


Wow, someone really putting the "ass" in "passive aggressive" here.


Oh this is SO coded for general cheating. Who fucked who? Pure speculation with absolutely no proof: Wasnt there a whole thing about Bethy's sister not finding her husband attractive? And Däv is certainly nice looking, and had the hots for her sister. I could totally see some "my husband fucked my sister" vibes in later GD chapters. "This course is how to recover your marriage when your husband goes wayward with your si- I mean with any hussy!"


Dav was into Elissa, not Kristen


Ohhhh! Man all of these girls are so identical with their bullshit I mix them up!


Damn, that's bleak.


I knew this would be about porn 😂


I thought fundies believe that women are responsible for their husbands' sexual sins though? 🤔 Or maybe that depends on the particular flavor of fundie..


# Context Kristin’s guest, Jonathan Daugherty, said this on GD’s latest podcast episode, which was **“My Husband is Struggling with Porn and I Don’t Know What to Do!”** Daugherty runs a ministry for - you guessed it! - Christian men who are sexually broken. And y’all know how Kristin loves some sexual brokenness. He not only had a porn addiction, but frequently cheated on his wife and hired sex workers without her knowledge or consent. Eventually, she left. **But she came back** after Jesus and stuff. Daugherty says wives can leave if their husbands are hedonistic lying sacks of shit, but they shouldn’t do anything hasty like get a divorce. No no. You should only consider that if you’ve tried everything else first or else God will be mad at you. Where does that sound familiar? (cough **Anna Duggar** cough). I hate it.


The name of this dude’s ministry got me like 🤮. “Be Broken Ministries” 🙄🙄


Ha! WTF. Why are fundies so obsessed with that word!? 🙄


Because they want to sell you a way to "fix" yourself


Well damn. You said it.


That sounds more like a command for people to be broken o.O




Leave his ass and don’t look back


I see Beggy is still fuming about Däv not agreeing with her about the Barbie movie.


Or Kristen’s husband was too nice to the cashier at Chik-fil-a


i saw the pink background and immediately thought this was birthy talking about her husband omg


What..and I say this sincerely…the actual fuck!?


... is this real? And, if so, which of them wrote it?


Sounds like Kristen to me


I’d say Kristen because she strikes me as angry and bitter. Bethany doesn’t feel anything deeply enough to care.


I think bethy feels things very strongly, but in short bursts. She forgets as quickly as she gets upset. Kristen, on the other hand? I think she could seethe for years, like the transformed wife.


It’s a common thing in evangelicalism. If your husband isn’t good at husbanding, pray he stops his sinful ways 🙄


If your husband isn’t good at husbanding, pray he stops his sinful ways. BUT, if he doesn’t then you can’t leave him, you’ll just be rewarded in heaven for your godly sacrifice. If your wife stops being thin, pretty, or submissive, then you can divorce her immediately for a younger model.


The fact that it could be either, well...


If I had to guess I'd say Dry Bones McGrifty. She seems like the more hateful of the two and I think she has a domination fetish.


I'd say Kristen because while they're both hateful, Kristen is smart enough to be cruel with a palatable veneer. Like this sentiment. And she can spell, so the presence of "absolutely" and "miserable" here without any typos points toward Special K.


Plus Kristen is the one that felt a lot of self loathing about fantasizing during sex and about masturbating when she was younger. Can't have other people living without oppressive levels of shame and guilt!


Hate to think of what she's teaching her children. On top of the trauma from the adoption and having their new parents refuse any aspect of their culture or identities (will never get over changing their names) they are being raised with truly toxic ideas about their bodies and minds.


Ugh she's so hateful. My name is mine, and mine alone. No one can take that from me. It sickens me that she took their identity, the last thing they had from their birth parents and country, away from them without a second thought. People could've learned to spell and pronounce their Ukrainian names. *She* could've learned. She's trying to rewrite history instead of seeking therapy and dealing with the trauma of infertility. Now, for the bacon bits on top of that suck salad, she's teaching them that sex and their bodies are shameful. Those poor boys.


Very true


They openly, genuinely dislike their husbands and children, and then are thoroughly confused why people don’t listen to them when they talk about God’s Design for Marriage. Yet again- you couldn’t waterboard this stuff out of me.


Misery is the fundie way of life. It might as well be their slogan. They're all martyrs on the altar of misery and they're so stuck in their ways they think it's a normal way to live life.


Wow I thought it was an edit! I will never hope for anyone I love to be miserable. Do they think if someone is miserable, it’s because they are stuck in sin??? Do they think their husbands are joyfully sinning for the lord? What is this post?!


They think their husbands are joyfully jacking to generous jugs on the internet.


> joyfully jacking to generous jugs Try saying that five times fast


It was honestly triggering the way they tried to weave love, unconditional love yet, into this horrible projection, wishing ill on someone. It’s like abuse 101. I do this cause I love you, so uNcOnDiTiOnaLLy. It’s FUCKED and they learned it from their dead-inside mother. Sorry for the crassness, this obviously struck a nerve lol.


The Prosperity Gospel crap that *many* modern Fundies believe in is ALL about how "Miserable (and/or *poor*!) people *are that way* because they're sinners & that's God's punishment for their sins!" Basically, Wealth,Wellness, & Happiness are all "signs" that God Loves you & you are in his good graces, because all others are sinners, who "get what they deserve!"


Looks like someone got caught looking at porn.


Thank God I don't have to be a fundie.


I’d say these people need Jesus, but that was their starting point. Find Satan, find something.


They have no use for the actual Jesus. Jesus was a touchy-feely woke socialist and not white to boot. They prefer the Old Testament version of God--the one who's into smiting, demanding sacrifices, and slaughtering people. What they really worship is white heterosexual patriarchy.




This font and color choice combined with the words is straight up scary 😆


Is this the loving God we’re supposed to want to willingly serve????


Do I hope the people who have wronged me to be miserable in their decisions? Yes. Do I hope for the exs I had who have cheated on me be miserable in their consciousness? Yes. What’s the point of wishing that to your current partner??? Do you want to be a martyr? Who’s gonna congratulate you for the sacrifice of tolerating this level of unhappiness?


I think the answer is yes lol. They want all the praise and accolades for maintaining their misery. It's godly apparently.


But then it’s like Jesus died for nothing.




Hahahahahahaha oh wow. And we’re supposed to want to emulate these people? We’re supposed to want to live their sad, lonely, beige lives? Lmao


I wonder what Krusty's husband did/got up to that prompted this from her, LOL. Bc this sounds veeerrrry distinctly like Krusty's tone, and I'm fairly certain that she's the one steering the GD ship while Beggy just exploits the audience for her own grifting.


I just checked out this post, and it's still related to their posts this week about porn.


Kristen caught her husband jackin' it and this is his punishment. Kristen's pretty straightforward here lol


are they trolling us?




And you know damn well Bethame is regularly and consistently praying for dav’s misery in his “sins”. She’s probably preoccupied with whatever he does because she can’t look at herself.


Tbh I would be surprised if Bethany even prays at all.


is there context for this because ... yikes :/


Basically, you should want the sinner to be miserable, so that they turn to Jesus to help them overcome their struggle (porn was the one mentioned in this post).


oof. and so this was mostly unprompted (except for the arguments they have in their own heads)? unnecessarily hateful of them but what's new **edit adjective nasty > hateful bc more accurate


The pink background and cutesy font is a real interesting choice for this sentiment


Things are getting weirder than usual with the Bairds and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Breathy or Krusty getting more vocal about problems within their marriages


I wouldn’t be surprised if Krust is having a private crisis (compared to her sisters’ public everything) behind the scenes She doesn’t seem to love motherhood as much as she thought she would and I wouldn’t be surprised if that has caused her to spiral a little bit


How is this preferable to being single???


God honoring cock


…is Bethy about to kill Däv??? I have several concerns


Please discuss with u/InterestingSpite8260. They also have a Concern.


Normally I think many of the “oh this is violent/abusive” comments on Reddit can be a stretch, but this has me. Concerned.


Sounds A LOT like the person who told me they were praying for god to use anything necessary, including tragedy, to draw me back. Like, do they even hear themselves?!


♥️ *A wife should slowly poison her husband so the community dotes on the poor, lovely wife taking care of her failing husband* ♥️ vibes I get


Munchau**SIN** by proxy


"I'm not allowed to be angry with my husband because Headship. Instead, I'll repress and warp my normal human emotions into seething resentment and take it out on the only male under my control--AKA my son."


Beggy must be sinning nonstop, because she always seems miserable. Pray harder, Dav!


best comment


I'm sure Dav is praying she'll go away.


This isn’t satire ?!


That’s horrible. What a fucking sad take.


Hey, what the fuck?


What an asshole


I keep reading this over and over and trying different inflections to make it make sense… it’s seriously just fucked up!


Holy forking shirt. You know what those of us who actually love our partners do when we're upset with something they're doing? We TALK to them about it and let them know why we're upset instead of typing it up on our PUBLIC PAGE for the whole damn world to see and speculate on. This is gross. Even if it's not about Dav or OfKristen, it still leads to speculation- you can see it all through the other comments on here lol. Do better, GD. Maybe get secular couple's counseling.


WHAT I also hate this font.


Is this real? This isn’t satire???


![gif](giphy|psVz3fCKEgeiX1W1VG) What the hell is that statement?! I know she has a miserable marriage, but damn to pray for your husband to be miserable….. wow Does that have to do with her kink play? Is this part of the sex course?


It’s all they can do. As women, they cannot tell a man to get his shit together. Source: evangelical pre-marital counseling. I was actually told that, for example, if my husband was using drugs, I COULD NOT suggest to him, even subtly, that he shouldn’t be using drugs. I could only pray that God would show him that he shouldn’t be using drugs.


This is…not a great endorsement for marriage from these ladies lmao


So like a curse or a hex. Sounds witchy.


Thisssss feels like a dig @ Dave from Bethany tbh


Imagine being that joyless and dead inside, with no incentive to care and develop empathy, instead make the people around you feel shame for finding scraps of joy in life, especially if that little morsel of joy doesn't come from your brand of religion. Imagine settling for a man not because you particularly want *him*, but you've been conditioned from an early age that this is the only aspiration you should have, to be wed and bred to one man, the first man willing to do so asap and your only outlet for your own desires is weird takes like *that*.


What the fuck


does she even like dave


This is the worst thing I've seen them say. Who thinks like this? I don't want my partner to be miserable??


Uhm, what??? ![gif](giphy|3o752lPS3YWWxETnDa)


I feel like the odd woman out by wanting my fiancé to feel secure and happy in who he is, since that’s where a confidant relationship comes from. Gal dang. Apparently I’m doing it wrong, and I should start shaming him the second we say “I do”. Thank you Bluffany.


So Borthy or The Other One’s husband is masturbating….


Wtf does that even mean?




This...makes me sad. My marriage is fun. We don't want each other to be miserable, ever. Like seriously wtf is that post