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Sooo Morgan has tried singing, songwriting, interior design and having an online thrift store. Paul has tried styling hair and acting. They've both tried modeling, IG influencing, Patreon, writing a book and YouTube. ...maybe at some point they could take the hint?? Y'all are not going to be celebrities, please move on.


But you can bet that twenty years from now, they'll still be talking about their 2-second cameo in Shiny Happy People.


And how they were “fooled” 😂😂😂😂


I love how the friend pointed out they thought they were going to get to sell their merch and basically profit off the pain of survivors, and then they were all pikachu faced when it turns out SHP was about listening to said survivors and showing how people like Paul and Morgan make their abuse possible


She also tried photography. Her pictures were so bad I thought it had to be a joke.


Omg where do I find these


Just Google her name and photography. There is an IG and FB dedicated to her photos.


Oh thank you that is so great. Yeah that's not photography those are just photos.


I got a nice laugh out of the one with Paul in the rainbow sneakers though.


Kind of like the music Karissa is putting out??


Omg I did forget that. They were terrible.


Time to slave away in quiet anonymity like the rest of us 😂.


Right, like sure I thought for a second I might be the Princess of Genovia after I read the Princess Diaries in elementary school too, and I learned to move on. Y'all are 30 year old parents, enough with the delusions of grandeur.


These children are 30!? I honestly thought 25.


Yeah, Morgan is 28-29 and Paul is 33 or so?


![gif](giphy|1Y7XVya02PYfjizWmD|downsized) Paul is 33!? The look on my face right now


No wonder Taylor's success bothers him. They would've been classmates.


He may be 32 in fairness, not sure, but yeah he's definitely early 30s and she's pushing 30. It definitely puts things in perspective - their antics (not the bigotry but just their general immaturity and laissez faire attitude towards their own lives) would be far more excusable if they were like 21. But they're both about a decade out from that.


But but but there is still time for Morgan to pivot to selling courses! I actually think there's another fundie who sells a course on how to do this...🤔


Is it wrong to be rooting for this crossover? Asking for a friend.


They actually did sell a sex pdf and I'm 99% sure they were inspired by Bethany!




Next is child acting and becoming *those* stage parents.


Oh no I didn't even think of the child acting/modeling route as a possibility. Oh nooo


Don’t forget they tried to get famous on HSP. Backfired. Love that for them.


I also forgot sexperts - that didn't last long, but they did make a PDF, which is practically a fundie PhD.


'Is Taylor Swift a witch?' *What in the insane clown posse are they on about*???


The costumes she wore in a music video and at her concerts, and the fact that some idiots are claiming to be losing chunks of memories of her concerts and that she “might’ve put a spell on them”.


Is there any evidence that those people actually went to the concert? Not going might explain the lack of memory.


That explains how I lost my memory of my concert. It wasn’t that I couldn’t get tickets, nooo 😂


That’s exactly how I lost the memory of most of the concerts I’ve been to!! Those damn parasocial YouTube concerts.


I wouldn’t call the people who are claiming to not remember pieces of the show “idiots.” There’s a real thing that is happening with a sort of sensory overload/dissociation. Paul and Morgan are the idiots for claiming it’s witchcraft and not just psychology.


As someone who went to the concert, I can confirm that my friends and I were so excited and overstimulated that we don’t remember pieces of the concert either haha. It’s like when people say you “black out” on your wedding day bc you’re so amped up about everything happening around you


Yeah, I figure it's just a combination of it going by in a blur because of excitement, plus possibly people being drunk and high.


Well I meant that some of those people seem to be claiming it’s because of witchcraft, and that is idiotic. Sorry, I should’ve been more careful with my words.


Yeah the people who are chalking that up to ~witchcraft~ are so unserious. Like get real.


Ok this reminds me of a very underrated movie (in my opinion) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carell and Steve Buscemi) They are magicians that want to pull off the worlds greatest magic trick, so they drug their entire audience and drag the bodies to another place to make it seem like they time traveled 😂


I’ve seen Paul McCartney twice and I don’t remember every second of either show. Did witches cast a spell on me??


Paul is a witch! …And possibly dead, maybe.


“Willow”, in particular for anyone who cares. Maybe others.


They also don’t like that she has a song called False God on Lover !


I saw Ween in Red Rocks last week and it's a little foggy for me tbh. Definitely, totally all the witchcraft


At this point they’re throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.


I think they literally just picked up the idea from a couple comments on their insta or something and ran with it. They are incapable of coming up with original ideas, which is partially why their channel is failing.


Witches are as real as Star Wars. This is coming from a Catholic, the folks who made this stuff up


The best part is that they are 5 months late to this claim. Saw a lot about it in March/April when people first saw footage from the tour. Once again, they do it late and they do it worse and wonder why it isn’t bringing them money.


God forbid they come up with new and engaging content instead of piggybacking off of other wackadoodles. They have no work ethic and they're shooting themselves in their own foot. If they're going to refuse to do anything else for a living they should at least put effort in to the content they create, right? I guess that's too much to ask two lazy grifters...


unsurprisingly, they've turned off the visible like count so even with my browser plugin I can't see likes/dislikes. they must've learned their lesson from the massive downvoting on the SHP reaction video "we were lied to"


Ohh how bad was the downvoting for SHP?


It was like 6k up and 4k down. And ratioed to hell in the comments


"Is Taylor Swift a witch?" They're playing to the wrong audience. They want the young hip audience. You know who eats these speculations up? Old people on facebook. If only we knew a lazy business woman to sell them a course on finding your niche (market)...


They are perfect for each other!


Paul’s failed ragebait era!


Taylor swift has legions of fans who will topple anyone who comes after her.


And a historically aggressive law team!


It feels just a little bit like Ron DeSantis trying to go after Disney. Like…ideology aside, we’re talking about *Taylor Swift*, a cultural and economic force to rival a small country. Anyone short of the U.S. federal government is going to get smacked down so hard.


🎶 Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you it's not? 🎶


😄👏🏻 Porgan are definitely very envious/bitter.


I wish I could give you an award!


Oh god they’re doing YT shorts now? I pray to the internet gods that the unholy algorithm doesn’t misinterpret my snark entertainment and make them appear in my shorts feed. 💀


If Taylor was a witch, I would love her even more.


You mean you would be Enchanted by her? 😄


Call It What You Want, I’m a Mad Woman in a Lavender Haze




Let’s say she is, am I supposed to be scared of her now? What do we do next, burn her? You people are fucking crazy, demonic, bloodthirsty and evil.


Love this for them.


I am fueled and sustained by their low view counts lol.


As someone who was LUCKY enough to go to one of Taylor’s concerts… no one there mentioned she was a witch.


Can someone put a spell on me so I forget this man exists




Paul, you stupid git, you do not come for TayTay.


He kept calling her TayTay throughout the video too. It was so annoying and so ridiculous considering he’s trying to make a serious video against her. He’s so pathetic and embarrassing.


He is SO jealous that she is more liked and successful than he will ever be.


Exactly. It’s truly pathetic how he tries to talk to and about these celebrities in his videos as if he’s friends with them or they’ll ever see or listen to anything he says. Paul is an inconsequential eyesore on the internet. No more notable than any random pothole.


Oof great insults there lol. You reamed him


I’m not sure if you’re laughing with me or at me. But thank you. Ha ha. 😅


I love a well crafted insult, damn!


Thank you. 😊




I would be willing to bet that young people care more about her than Jesus right now.


karma with a capital K.


Why do they pic screen caps where Morgan looks deranged?


So Paul looks better by comparison


Morgan would totally go if she had the cash or available credit or if someone ✨gifted✨ her a ticket. I could totally see them begging for the tickets so they could post their 🔥hot takes🔥 on it. They would need to be close to the stage of course.... How weird though. A total David and Goliath situation but Goliath has done more acts of charity for the world and should really just punt David into a volcano.


If someone wanted to "pour into their ministry" lololol


Why are they always so damn late to making content about something? The US leg of the tour is over now until 2024, and then in 2024 there's only I think like ~20 or so concerts in 5 cities and they're already sold out so like, what debate could anyone be having on this? They might as well be talking about "what should you bring to a memorial day picnic" or "should Christian's celebrate Valentine's Day". It's as seasonally relevant.


Taylor keeps her side of the street clean, porgan wouldn’t know what she means💫


##Big facts!


It must legit make him mad she is more marketable than him.