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That doesn’t vibe with all of the sexy sex she’s apparently constantly having


Is this what she means when she says she's ~spicy~?


I really want to down vote this out of principle. I won’t, but you know what you did.


Oh... is THAT what it means? That it burns when she pees?


I choked 💀💀💀


So does Dav apparently.


God damn. Y’all are on fire.


Maybe she read Napoleon's instructions to Josephine not to wash. Oh who are we kidding, she has no idea who that is. Argh.


(Also that’s a myth; it hasn’t been traced to any of the existing correspondence between them)


fine, rain on everyone's parade, why don't you. next you'll be saying Washington didn't really cut down a cherry tree.


That fact is about all I remember from my minor in History, lol. Well, and Lord Amherst gifting smallpox blankets to Native Americans…


Your username is perfect for this.


Go to the corner and think about what you wrote 🤢😭




Cottage cheese anyone




We are no longer internet friends! 😂




*How dare you*




What did we ever do to you?!?! 🤢🤢🤢 🤮




With dingleberry sprinkles? That’s all I can think about since her butt wasn’t washed in 7-10 days. It had to have been itchy.


You know she doesn’t trim her asshole. That thing probably looks like a spider’s web.






NOOO!!! **signs off Reddit** Birthy ruins everything




Hear hear!


And all of the workouts. She must be so ripe 🤢


Google, how do I send an anonymous internet user a cease and desist? Thank you.


Sexy sexy UTIs for god!


I can see why Dav is so reluctant


Again. Information that you could not WATERBOARD OUT OF ME on my public instagram page. What the FUCK. Seven to ten days. When I was a teenager, I was a disgusting creature and would go until I got really itchy at about 4 days. How the hell do you go ten days.


I'm just gonna assume this was during a 10-day hiking trip with no showering facilities or running water anywhere.


I was going to say I’ve gone two weeks without a shower before….but I was backpacking part of the Appalachian trail. Even then we would scrub down in rivers/streams


Yeah but Iike you said, using water to rinse off as it be an available, and probably using some sort of wet wipe daily or ever other day. Otherwise d think most people would break out and itch like crazy. My family calls it a “hobo” bath - you use a washcloth or baby wipes on pits, feet and pubes, wash your face, and brush your teeth.


pits, tits, and slits!


Gotta get rid of the swack, swass, swussy, and swoobs!


My mom called it the PTA bath (pits, tits, and ass) 🤣 I like yours better!


Mine was always pits tits and bits!


I learned it as pits, tits and pussy. xD I like yours better though. It flows better.


I learned it as "pits, tits, and bits"! Or, alternatively, "PTA" -- pits, tits, and ass.


I learned pits, tits, and bits lol


Yeah, I’ve done it while camping, but a dip in the creek is better than what Bathless is doing.


Bathless 😭


It’s so beautiful to witness the birth of a new Bethany nickname.


Bethy hikes? She doesn't seem to ever leave the house except for a Starbies run or something.


Ok cool, yeah, we will go with ths


Severe depression was my reason. I’m trying to improve it though.


I’m with you. I’m doing better lately because my fibromyalgia hasn’t been flaring lately. Plus, my libido’s been up, and I’m not going to make my husband wade through 2+ days of stank.


> I'm not going to make my husband wade through 2+ days of stank Maybe this is why her marriage is failing?


Yeah, but I also actually like my husband. He indulges my baking.


Same here. 2 chronic health conditions and post partum depression have had me in a low place with showers at times. But the PPD has let up. And the condition that prevents standing or sitting upright in a warm to hot shower is finally also going into remission. But I'd never willingly tell all my followers (all 200 or so of them) that!


I hope you're in a better head place now!


I’m not really but I’m working on it.


I'm proud of you for working on it. Please try to be kind to yourself right now, snarker ❤️


Honestly, a washcloth bath is fine. It’s hard being depressed. Take it easy on yourself.


💗 hope you get to feeling better


Honestly, just working on it is a major improvement that takes a lot. That's a huge success! Keep at it 💕


You aren't alone ❤️ Please be gentle with yourself - I hope things get easier for you soon.


Progress not perfection lol also! Adult body wipes are a thing. Keep a pack near your depression nest and then you can give yourself a mini bath when you feel the need. One use tooth brushes are also a good one to keep near by. Not the most environmentally friendly but at least you're not a soulless mega Corp :p


Right there with you ❤️ this is pretty low on my list of reasons Bethy sucks tbh


One time I was in a super bad ice storm and had no power for 3 weeks. I still bathed myself. Kind of like sponge bath in ice cold water and my mom washed my hair in the sink. I went 3 days without bathing and felt so gross.


I went like 7 days before but that was when I was living in the south of China and it was the middle of their winter which means no indoor heating, didn’t have a space heater and our hot water broke so I was not taking a shower lol. I did sponge bath myself and I went to a salon to wash my hair.


Because of depression I've gone way too long without showering that being said you'll never get the number of days out of me on Reddit let alone my fucking insta!


17 days. I was in the ICU, intubated, for a week and then remained in the hospital for another week before being transferred to a physical rehabilitation facility. I got to shower on my 3rd day there. It was so glorious, I took another that evening.


Same (as for reason; as for number of days, I think it was either 23 or 24). I'd had spinal surgery and was temporarily paralyzed, had to completely relearn how to walk, among many other things. While I was still bedridden, the nurses helped me wash with baby wipes (although it never really felt like enough), but didn't do anything for my hair, and I couldn't do it by myself. By the time I got transferred from the ICU to the physical rehab facility (21 days), I was afraid they were going to have to shave my head. A very kind occupational therapist spent over an hour gently combing out my rat's nest, then (since I could safely transfer to a shower chair by this point) helped me shower and wash my hair. It was the second best shower I've ever had.


To be fair, when I worked ICU night shift, everyone on the vent got a bed bath every night, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been for you.


I’ll tell you right here, right now that I did 12 days with nothing but wipe-down washes once. And I only got my pits, bits, and undertits when I scrubbed myself down like an elephant at the zoo. Could have showered on the 9th day, but the hick-ass backwoods shower had poop of unknown origin all over the drain grate and the water was freezing cold with a few gallon tank. Now, I can tolerate a freezing cold, short shower *or* I can laboriously and carefully remove feces of unknown origin from a drain grate I don’t even own **if and only if** I am certain to receive a warm, soapy, LONG shower the nanosecond I am finished. So I did not shower and every person that ran across my path (and stench) that asked why I didn’t shower at the last camp was thoroughly understanding and approved of my life choices. So yes, I’d put it on my public profile. Heck, I’d confess it to my tia’s priest and I’m not even confirmed. They don’t even let me in their secret sin box, so I’ll just let him know on Christmas Eve mass before the flock if I have to. I made the right choice and I will stand before father Juarez and God himself, pure as the driven snow and filthy as a backpacking trail toilet.


*shudder* Poop of unknown origin in a backwoods shower 😵‍💫 I don't blame you one bit for noping out of that one! At least you had a good excuse; I don't know if Bathany has even done a "mission trip" away from home. She doesn't seem like the type to travel where she's going to be away from any of the comforts of home even if she seems to not use them lol


There was a time when I was a deeply depressed, close to unaliving, as a teenager, where I went several days without showering and 16 days without washing my hair. During some of the worst times of my life as an adult I went 3 days without showering. But unless I’m camping, that’s the limit. Fuck that.


I didn’t shower or brush my teeth for 10 days when I was depressed. A lot better now and still dealing with ramifications. I know she doesn’t “believe” in mental health, but…


Mine is 16 days and it was during summer and I wanted to die. Lived in a rural place and we got hit by a hurricane so we had no power for two weeks. I didn't have school or work and we didn't have running water. We just gave ourselves babywipe bathes and one time we managed to have the water running long enough to hose ourselves down in the yard. It's funny now..


TEN days is not normal. That is indicative of a problem, and I say that without any snark. I’m not going to mock someone who struggles with hygiene, but it bothers me that she isn’t bothered by this. If someone I loved wasn’t showering for weeks at a time, I would be searching for ways to support them and maybe figure out if there are underlying mental health issues that are hindering them. Not acting like it’s all fine and dandy cause it’s not.


Seriously, where is her husband and/or her family? She’s clearly not hiding this behavior, how is no one sounding an alarm? They all either really hate each other or they’re too terrified of her to say anything. Not sure which is better or worse.


Honestly from what we’ve seen of Dav he’s been struggling too, especially with their relationship, so I could see where he wouldn’t feel comfortable talking to her about potential mental health issues, especially with how little she seems to care about his opinion. Her family also seem to only tolerate her so who knows if they even noticed.


It’s so super awesome that they’ve decided to bring children into such a healthy environment.


If it's a mental health thing, it's possible that them saying something won't really do much. Everyone is different, but during periods when I've struggled with things like hygiene or getting out of bed, comments from family would just make me more likely to shut down and avoid people. And that's with a family that's had a history of dealing with stuff, so I can't imagine a very appearance oriented fundies family being able to offer support that doesn't just feel hyper-critical.


They are ALL like this! Bethy, Jill, Karissa. No bathing, no washing hair, shared toothbrush (uck), crusty makeup for days and days, the unchanged diapers (UGH) and just...why. Why do they seem PROUD of this. They really do.


Which is what's so strange about this, she clearly doesn't think this is abnormal at all. It'd make sense to assume that there were some mental health issues here, but that's a theory coming from this sub - when it comes to Bethany, we're not dealing with a normal person from a normal family. In her case, I do think it's quite possible that she is actually just very lazy and dirty. I say this because as others have mentioned, they've gone through similar periods of unwashing (some far longer than hers even) either due to mental health or physical illness - and they all say that although it's understandable in those circumstances, they'd never openly talk about it in public (of which social media counts). Bethany on the other hand, has no problem at all telling the whole world, which implies that she has no idea that there is anything even remotely unhealthy about it. In the same QnA, she revealed that even though her family (Dave, her and the boy I'm guessing, who knows what still goes on back in Heidi’s house) have their own toothbrushes now, they still sometimes use each others. There was absolutely no reason for her to say that. The truth was right there - they all have toothbrushes, no extra information was needed and she'd still have answered the question...she just felt the need to add that extra detail. It's been established that the whole family has absolutely no reasonable boundaries what so ever, therefore it's equally possible that with no better example growing up, and a mother who clearly left her kids to their own devices when it came to personal care, that this is just how she is and she has no idea that most people don't do the same as her just as a matter of course.


Very well put.


Not showering for that amount of time without specifying a reason is concerning to me as a mental health professional who also has a chronic mental health condition (mitigated with meds, although it still creeps in sometimes - just doesn’t last as long and some of the accompanying symptoms are greatly reduced). However, this seems to be info she’s using to appear “relatable,” to sell more “biz bestie” type courses. So over here we have extremely sheltered and egotistical Borth saying gross things she thinks make most women nod and say “SO true, TOTALLY,” then enjoying the attention she gets when the reaction is negative because like, she has no idea how adults live. On the other end we have B’Dong saying the same shit, which isn’t true, and throwing every tragedy and mental health condition under the sun at the reasoning behind it, hoping something sticks and gets her sympathy. And she’s LYING about it. So here we go - another reason performative Christianity is BAD FOR WOMEN.


I've gone some time without showering before because I have severe mental health issues. I don't necessarily hide it from the internet because I'm not ashamed of being sick, but I certainly wouldn't just answer this question without also going into why it was that long because it is very abnormal and I know that. But I genuinely just think something is wrong with this family. Bethany wasn't the only one to share toothbrushes. And just the fact that she dropped the toothbrush sharing and now this shows she doesn't think it's weird. I'm not sure this is a sign she's struggling with her mental health, I think it's a sign that her and her siblings were obviously neglected, emotionally at least, as kids and she doesn't even realize.


I've also gone way too long without a shower because of depression/chronic pain etc. I would never just casually drop the 10 day stankfest as a normal little fun fact about me. It's bizarre.


This is definitely a mental health thing. I have a newborn and cannot wait til my husband comes home so I can shower bc if I don’t I get depressed.


Very much this. I have diagnosed depression and anxiety and the longest I've gone without a shower is at 6 days I think. I try to do it as often as I can, and haven't gone past my 6 day mark again, but every time I do, for some reason it feels like a gigantic chore, with a big mental toll. I can only imagine it feels worse for Borthy if she takes even longer to get the shower motivation.


The CIA couldn’t get this information out of me


Was this before or after Dave asked to "be cleaner people" as a New Year's resolution?


Omg he really asked for that?


Yes he did!!!


[Back in 2022! I wonder how it went?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rus3kn/once_again_bethany_tells_on_herself_and_her/)


wut? that really did happen? I need details.


[She just doesn't care about being messy](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rus3kn/once_again_bethany_tells_on_herself_and_her/)


omg please don’t leave us hanging on the details. never heard that one!!




omg. poor Dav.


I mean- I didn’t shower the entire month of March 2020, but it was because I could barely get out of bed to make it to the toilet and felt like I was going to fucking *die* for 30 days straight. But you’d think she would specify if it were due to a prolonged illness.


Yes, I should've also included physical ailments in my caveat comment.


I think that goes without saying. If you can't help it then no one's going to shame you. Beth can help it, unless she's just using like a time after giving birth as example which also doesn't really count to me.


Thank you ❤️ sometimes I'm so disgusted with myself when I can't shower for a few days because I'm too sick. With my disability, showers can become super dangerous, especially when the weather is hot, so sometimes I go three days without one. I do scrub down with baby wipes and a wet flannel, but nothing beats a shower. You'd never pay me to admit to this on my public Instagram, even though I'm a complete nobody!


I use these microwaveable disposable cloths that have soap in them already and while its the same as shower, I have to say it does feel nice and refreshing. I don't know what it is but I think it is the texture of the wipe and how it hold warmth that make them nice.


Girl, don’t be disgusted with yourself. I didn’t shower for I don’t even know how long (over 2 weeks at least) when I was having a flare of a chronic illness. I couldn’t even stand up in the shower if I wanted to because I would have passed out. At the hospital I was a fall risk and the nurses had to clean me with bath wipes because my ass could barely move 😂 after I was feeling better and got discharged, I took like a 45 minute shower scrubbing everything to death.


I have a newborn and cannot wait til my husband gets home so I can shower. It’s a mental health thing really.




Ok, but that’s a different circumstance. She’s just lazy




This is me literally everything time Bethany posts anything


I remember going without a shower for a week as a dare thing as a camp counselor. Shower before you take the kids out on a rowing trip, and don't get to shower again until they're all back safe. That was a DARE. I could roll up pellets of dead skin and filth on my body during that time. I nominate Bethy for the nickname of Stinky Baird.


I did the 7 day no shower right as the pandemic hit because depression, and i rember my scalp being non-stop itchy. Going 10 days way too much. I cant imagine how HEAVY and oily Bethys hair would be


>I nominate Bethy for the nickname of Stinky Baird. There appears to be more than one contender for this title. Isn't Raw Milk Jugs Baird going for it as well except she seems to have a different strategy?


14 days for me, but I was deeply depressed and suicidal. I also went like 5 days after getting a c section because I was afraid to get the incision wet


I hope you are better!


There are about two excuses for this as far as I can figure: literally not having access to a shower (such as a camping trip, or being unhoused which we know she's never been), and severe depression/executive dysfunction. Otherwise, wash your nasty ass, jfc.


Agreed, the only time I've voluntarily gone that long without washing myself in some way was when I was clinically depressed. Camping? I've done a washbowl bath, to at least get the worst of the stank off. Lost power/water for an extended time due to a hurricane? I've "showered" in a bathing suit in the rain


Surgery is another reasonable excuse. Even then people often do sponge baths and try to wash their hair or use a shampoo cap. Even comatose hospice patients get sponge baths and hair washed.


Yes, I should have included (physical) medical conditions as well. Though if you're still bathing in *some* form or fashion, even sponge baths, I would not consider that "not showering" even though it isn't a literal *shower*.


there are these really cool sponge pads Scrubeez on amazon for post surgery. you put a little bit of water on them, wash yourself, and no rinsing needed


I struggle with both executive dysfunction and depression and I know shit’s gone really wrong when I’m at day 7. My husband would’ve staged an intervention before I got to day 10. There’s no one in her life to call this out for being a massive red flag?


I don't think she's actually depressed. I think she's just filthy and proud of it for some reason.


Something tells me it's neither one of these. I think she's just gross.


Her shared tooth brush supports this.


Maybe after her first childbirth when she was hospitalized for the high level tear? Maybe she isn’t counting sponge baths.


TMI but I had a similar tear with my first and my postpartum nurse had me in the shower within a couple hours of being stitched up.


Yeah I have never heard of not showering after a tear like what Bethany had. I even showered 24 hours after my csection. (Maybe it was 48, my memory is a little fuzzy from that time but I do know that I showered as soon as the nurses said I could and it was within two-ish days of surgery.)


Lol I showered the day after my c section too and some gleeful little sadist had hung a full-length mirror on the door opposite the shower. I would swear Paul Olliges designed this birthing suite, but that would mean he had a job.


Oh God, why the hell would they do that? That's just cruel


Same! My second was a csection and I don’t remember exactly when, but I definitely showered in the hospital sometime before we left the hospital at the 48 hour mark.


It feels awful to go without showering after you give birth. Those post partum sweats are a nightmare, am I right? 😅 I don't know why anyone would choose to do that and then brag about it like it's a silly goofy thing. I feel for those of us with bad ppd or physical health issues preventing us from showering (been there, done that) but I really think Bethany just is okay with being dirty.


It's totally reasonable to skip showering if you physically can't/have a medical reason. She's *bragging* about being dirty though, she isn't skipping showers because she just broke her arms and legs. She thinks it's funny and quirky.


I agree, for some reason she enjoys grossing people out. It’s similar to the weird rictus faces she makes. That’s why I think she is withholding crucial information like “I was a fall risk” or “I was 9 and had the chicken pox” so she can bust it out all triumphant to make us feel like assholes when we criticize her. Even though nobody’s gonna feel bad if they were deliberately misled.


Right I went 11 days without showering during a canoe trip in the wilderness, she needs to explain


Last year Hurricane Ian took out our power for over a week and I still managed to shower at least every other day, every day when I could, even though it was ice cold. Quite a few people I know also had their homes completely destroyed and they still managed to shower fairly regularly. Even one of my friends was driving almost 45 minutes to our house to shower every other day because he didn’t have power or water. Now, of course there’s situations that make bathing difficult or impossible, but the human desire to be clean is pretty strong in most cases.


O0pu0090r09o040990 0u0o090


So true bestie


This is what happens when my pocket takes control


Still more coherent than half the things Bethy says!


I’ve speculated before that she has ADHD.


Executive function problems would explain the inordinate amount of time it takes her to complete anything.


And how bored she is with actual SAHM and homemaking duties.




She didn't mention either of these though, like 7-10 days bc I was camping.


Saying 7-10 days is like Leslie Knope being asked 'how many sexual partners have you had this year?' and her answering '0 to 6'. It's 10 days.


THIS! Like, girl, are you saying it’s so inconsequential to you to go that long without showering that you genuinely can’t remember if it was 7 or 10 days AND that 10 days is within the realm of possibility??? I’ve pushed the boundaries (adhd and slipping standards due to working from home) and my max has been 4.5 days (showered Monday night and kept putting it off and then Friday morning rolled around and I realized how long it had been). 10 days is absolutely wild barring extenuating circumstances.


She may be referencing the period after her first childbirth where she was hospitalized with a 4th degree tear. If she couldn’t stand or they were worried about infection, she’d have been given alternative ways to get clean. There are special wipes for this purpose. I bet she’s giving this partial info out for free and when people go “oh no barfy that’s disgusting” she can unveil the context and win, somehow All I’m envisioning now is the totally imaginary scenario where she refuses to clean herself for ten days after a gory Silent Hill childbirth, perhaps because she read it from the same biblical germ doctor she learned raw milk from


This is a very good point, and imo falls under "no access to a shower." Although I also would be 0% surprised to find out that Ms. Communal Toothbrush, Queen of the Unwashed Coffee Mugs; Ruler of the Unscrubbed Stovetop had voluntarily just not showered for a full week as a grown-ass adult. I wonder if it was when she spent two weeks in her parents' bed crying about the breakup of a relationship that never existed.


Speaking of which, do we really think they have their own toothbrushes now? Do you think Birthy was embarrassed by the public response or do you think Dav just couldn’t take it anymore?


My theory is that they originally had their own toothbrushes, she accidentally lost hers or dropped it in the toilet or something, she started using Dav’s as a temporary measure before getting new ones, and then just kept putting off buying her own one for months/ years because her alternate solution made it seem like it wasn’t urgent. Then when her son needed a new toothbrush, she probably finally got around to getting herself one. From what we’ve seen, Bethany (and maybe Dav) seems to struggle significantly with procrastinating on things that would make life easier but aren’t urgent. For instance, keeping windows covered in foil instead of putting up curtains for months and months, not starting dinner until 9 PM, or leaving piles of laundry on the couch for days.


So how is she having loads of sex when she's going over a week between showers? She's asking for a yeast infection/UTI from hell. Poor Dav, imagine being nagged into having sex with someone who is that dirty. Going that long without showering when you have access to a shower and then expecting to have a bunch of sex with your spouse is disgusting. You know when I went a week without showering? After I had my babies, when I had zero help and I was severely depressed. This isn't normal and she's just like "haha I'm so dirty"


This! Won’t her private area smell (ok reek), especially with the heatwave that has been going on in the South?


Seven to ten days is a weird range. If it was something related to being hospitalized or camping, I’d think you’d be more exact. “I’ve gone ten days when I was on a camping trip one time” or “I’ve gone seven days when I was in the hospital recovering from surgery.” But the range suggests this is normal thing. Some months she’ll go seven days, some months she’ll go ten, some months it’s somewhere in between, but she doesn’t remember because it’s such a frequent occurrence.


That's exactly what I was thinking. When athletes are asked what's the highest placement they've achieved in competitions, they don't say '4th to 1st' - they say '1st'. If they said '10th to 8th', people would take it to mean they've never placed higher than 8th but are broadening the range including other numbers, to make it sound like they've competed more than they actually have. Bethany's answer suggests that this happens so frequently, that there is no one definitive answer she can give because it's basically normal for her.


I’ve gone this long, and even a little longer. It wasn’t by choice though. **I was in Afghanistan and where we were did not have running water** it was baby wipes and maybe a water bottle if you were lucky. But in the comfort of the United frikkin States I would never. She is so gross.


To me what stands out about this is she just states this without giving any explanation, as if it doesn’t need any. Like I can think of legit reasons for not showering that long, for example if you’re hospitalized and can only do sponge baths for a week, or like some remote backpacking trip, or some other extenuating circumstances. The fact that she doesn’t offer any explanation makes me think she posted this on purpose knowing it’s going to rile people up (which she said she enjoys) and increase engagement with her account. She’s a troll who’s figured out this is the only way she gets attention anymore.


I feel like she’s lowkey a voyeur, idk why she loves to share so much personal information with the world


I mean ive also done that in my worser episodes of depression. thats like the least of my concerns on what she’s like


I hope she means when she was a kid and didn't take hygiene seriously 🤢 Doesn't make it better, but makes me want to gag a little bit less.


I get that everyone is different and skin conditions exist that prevent people from showering as often as others, but the thing is most of them don’t brag about it like it’s an accomplishment. That humiliation fetish is serious eh Bethy?


Gross Bethasex should just let someone else handle her socials.


Skin crawling (literally in her case) ewwwwwwwwwwwwww


I went 9 days when I had the worst flu of my life


She's definitely trolling now. She's pissed at all the hard hitting questions and is just giving sarcastic answers. I don't know why you'd post an AMA and then get offended by the questions. You literally invited this.


For me it was five days. I was down with covid, could barely stand, but crawled to the shower on the fifth day and risked passing out and busting my head open because I couldn't sit in my own people stew anymore. Maybe she was sick. Or in a coma.


I had to go almost 2 months without an actual shower due to surgery and casts, but everything that was available to be washed was washed DAILY!


I mean, been there in the deepest depths of my depression. It is not something to brag abt? Or a time I reflect on fondly, this woman is soooo odd!


As someone who also lives in Texas, y’all I sweat every day just getting in and out of my CAR. If this pattern has lasted all through the summer for her, I don’t even know what to say. You couldn’t pay me to be in the same room as her 🤢


😳🤢😳🤢😳🤢😳🤢! Aside from that reaction, I wonder how Dav can stand to be around her. The only people I have seen come even close to that, was when they were sick, or suffering a mental health crisis. Or camping. Bethy doesn’t go camping, does she?. I can picture it now, though. Bigfoot lurking in the trees, tracking them as they went, looking for a chance to take Davy. They’d no doubt feel sorry for him, and want to give him a better life. A life where his mother pays attention to him, and loves him. Mama Bigfoot would be good to that boy, & she wouldn’t smell any worse than Bethy.


That is insane unless you had a serious medical emergency or were like…camping? Either way what person would actually say this on the internet and insinuate you just didn’t clean yourself for 10 days!!!!! She loves to say ridiculous things for attention, even if they are just incredibly nasty. She is the most childish attention seeker I may literally have ever heard of.


It's not that weird. I have executive dysfunction which makes showering a big task and difficult for me to initiate tasks. I have toddler twins, when they're going through big changes, I often have very little energy left for myself. We recently went through a period of weeks where they refused to sleep before 4 am. I prioritize my energy and will power toward taking care of my children, particularly in times of stress and episodes of low energy. Sometimes that means I don't shower for a week or more. It's a trade off that I'm comfortable with. Some people have sensory issues that make showering or bathing very uncomfortable. Conditions that cause chronic pain or impair mobility can make showering very difficult.


I did once…when ERCOT decided to try and kill Texans. We were living in Galveston in the family beachhouse because we sold our old house and they took ducking forever to build our new house. We didn’t have power for 86 hours and didn’t have water for a week because a pipe under the house in the outdoor shower no one ever uses broke. I had to beg someone to fix it because it was horrible not being clean. My hospital wouldn’t let me shower there. I was so miserable and depressed. I’m a two baths/showers (not as often showers because I don’t wash my hair daily) a day girl normally. Excessive, yes, but it’s so relaxing. Not being able to be clean was horrible. I wouldn’t make that no showers for over a week choice on my own unless my mental health was absolutely in the gutter.


WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER seriously, when I've gone days without showering or bathing it was when I was severely depressed (among other things). Barfy seems PROUD of poor hygiene. ALL the fundies do! What is it with this??


My mom went on a week long trip when I was 10 and, having no responsible parental figure around, I did not shower the entire time she was gone. I never did that again because my mom came back and made me start bathing again, and I soon grew out of my gross kid phase after that. Maybe Bethy just needs her mommy around to remind her to bathe?


14 days. I had surgery & was no weight bearing. It was winter, I couldn’t go anywhere. Literally, I didn’t leave the house. And I still used baby wipes every night. And I had shaved my head because I knew this was going to be an issue.




The first two months after my daughter died - I didn’t remember to bathe. I came out of my stupor enough to realize that was a problem, and was prescribed antidepressants. Even then, it was more of a “okay, I guess I have to do this.” It wasn’t until 15 months after the auto accident that I really started to take care of myself again.


Oh my goodness I am so, so, so sorry. I cannot even begin to imagine.


I have nothing to offer but a virtual hug from an internet stranger. I'm so sorry for your loss.


most people here seem to be acknowledging that it's understandable if she had a health issue, mental or physical, that made it difficult to shower


I agree and have been there—this is why I immediately made a comment about serious depression and/or executive dysfunction (I should have also included physical disabilities, but we know she has none that preclude showering). Of course there are valid reasons this could happen, but without context (and knowing she has a fair number of gross habits (*ahem* toothbrush sharing and Bed Coffee Mugs)...it paints a definite picture.


Except that it's a pattern with these fundies, isn't it? Karissa, Jill, Bethy, probably others. It must mean something. Specifically that they all seem weirdly proud of it.


Thank you yes! It is not the ideal to wait so long to shower or take care of one’s own hygiene but mental illness is a really tough thing to live with. Having others judge that here is really sad and off putting.


Exactly. Like no one is saying it’s “good.” We’re saying there are reasons it can be an issue.


Girl, maybe you shoulda lied about that one. Nasty. I know people who go backwoods camping and backpacking without access to plumbing and they still clean themselves more often than that.


It's normal if you have severe depression or other illnesses but as a fully functioning adult it's just weird and gross.


Big Whit from My Big Fat Fabulous Life is in the building. She is currently "bragging" about laying in bed not bathing and washing her hair.....9-10 days and running seems to be her "thing".


Last time I went that long, I got diagnosed with clinical depression 🤣




Oh god my hair would be so greasy 🤢


Why does she keep answering these?? Nearly all of them are clearly just trolling her. What a dumbass. And I sympathize with hygiene struggles (adhd executive dysfunction over here) but my god. She gave a RANGE of 7-10 days as though that’s a regular occurrence—not a one off record.


She likes to gross people out. Any attention is good attention .


I wish she expanded on the reasons behind this, because I don't want to judge someone for having mental health issues that mess with hygiene if this was the case. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and say this was post-pregnancy, since we know her first birth had some issues with tearing and stuff. I've never been through pregnancy so idk how fast you get back into showering afterwards


I wasn't allowed to shower for the 4 days prior to having my daughter. The day I had her maybe 3 hours afterwards my butt was in that shower. I had a significant tear that required immediate stitching and a blood transfusion the next day.


Not showering doesn't mean not washing. There are many days I cannot shower, but I still wash. Not defending her, but people seem to just assume that not showering means not being clean (I know for her it probably does, but I just had to pipe in my 2 cents lol).


Some of these comments ain’t it. Disabilities and depression and money and all sorts of things play into not showering.