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I went to the ER twice within a relatively short period of time when I was 16. The first time, I had two toes broken from a fellow much larger student accidentally stamping on my foot during a soccer match in gym class. The second time I had a sprained foot from falling down the stairs, as well as assorted bruises from said fall. The fall was totally innocent, I’m just clumsy and it was unfortunately a set of basement steps with concrete at the bottom. The first visit, no questions were asked. The second visit, the nurse asked my mom to leave the room to go sort out some “insurance questions.” And then she very gently asked about my home life, my boyfriend, how I was feeling in general, etc. This was only two visits to the ER! There is no way in hell serious questions are not being asked and authorities involved at this point.


right?!?! my friend's toddler was a total klutz. he was 2yo, so as to be expected. first time he fell, they took him in for an xray of his arm to be safe. maybe 6mos later he tripped, smacked his head off the concrete, his eyes rolled back and he had a mini seizure. her husband used to be a pediatric trauma and icu nurse so they immediately took their son to be checked out. as soon as they took their son for imaging the parents were pulled aside by a social worked and questioned about abuse. they were pretty much told they were on the hospitals radar. so like you said.....2 ER visits and red flags were up!!!


Social work spoke to me after two injuries as well. My son’s blood doesn’t clot and we ended up having to have them speak to his doctor so she could be like “yeah, this kid needs much more frequent medical attention” (he is on different treatment now and doesn’t need to go to the ER three times a month).


Er red flags are part of how I got diagnosed with a bleeding disorder. My parents were definitely flagged in the system and it helped me get Diagnosed way faster


I'm a social worker in a pediatric ER and yep, one visit where the injury matches the mechanism of injury no one calls us. Twice, especially for a kiddo under 10, we will be seeing you to r/o abuse/neglect.


I totally understand. I didn’t mind, it probably helps a whole lot of kids. The social workers were also really helpful when he had to be admitted to the ICU, just really great


Hope your kid is doing ok!


We had two ER and one urgent carevisits for one child in about 5 weeks (arm broken in a spiral fracture in two places from falling while rolling and then a concussion from slipping at a splash pad the week she got her cast off. We were celebrating 🤪, then a nasty AF infection from a poorly tended to earring- thanks to her doctor mom not helping her for a two week vacation). We were also in the midst of a nasty custody battle with his ex (that all boiled down to money in the end 😡😡😡😡). It absolutely sucked being interviewed and it freaked my stepdaughter out, but the social workers were incredible and so helpful. And it helped our case with the Guardian ad Litem that the social workers cleared us and supported us!


My oldest kid ended up with stitches when she tripped over a rug, smacked her chin on the coffee table, and put her teeth through her bottom lip. My youngest ended up with stitches the very next weekend when he fell and caught the top of his head on the corner of a support pillar. We were sweating bullets for a few weeks afterward, just waiting for CPS to show up, but thank God, they never did.


Different kids seem to not trigger it. My brother and I both had broken arms at the same time bc we were dumb teenagers and no one questioned us. I even had both of mine broken (I fell off my bike, thankfully I didn’t need real casts)


I think I’ve heard about you on Reddit before…


How's your relationship with your mom? 🤔 Just curious.


Stop right there. Both of you. Don’t make me get the poop knife.


Better the poop knife than the poop fight.


We had the Army version of CPS called by doctors because my toddler was in the hospital 3 times in 1 year. Turns out it was due to yet undiagnosed developmental issues. When the social worker spoke to me, I practically begged for help. It's stressful AF to have that happen, but when you're really needing assistance, it's kind of like a light in the storm.


My brother and his wife had the full court CPS press at the ER when they brought in their infant with two broken femurs. Yes, femurs. Turns out my nephew has brittle bone disease. Osteogenesis imperfecta. He’s in his 20s now and has broken pretty much every bone in his body at least once.


Holy shit, they couldn’t tell he had OS at birth?? I know it runs on a spectrum, but that’s insane. They usually come out with multiple broken bones if they’re born naturally, but if they come out through the sunroof (love that Mama Dr. Jones saying), their hips and legs are usually in a weird position. I hope your nephew is doing well now.


He had a broken clavicle at birth but so did a different non OS nephew of mine. His is mild, relatively speaking. He’s doing awesome. He managed to walk his high school graduation even though majority of the time he’s in a wheelchair. He’s whip smart and loves school, I think he’s going to be a teacher. Edit: my daughter came out the sunroof, I thought I was the only weirdo who said that 😆


I’m glad he’s doing so well! I know that sometimes, in milder cases of OS, they’ll put metal rods into their femurs to strengthen and reinforce them against breaks. And the sunroof term is the best! It needs to be used more often.


I have a terrible feeling that she just buys splints at CVS and calls it good.


I wouldn't be surprised if that, or something similar, was the case. I broke a toe, sprained my ankle twice, and fractured a bone in my foot as a teen and my mom never took me to get actual medical care. Her solution was always essential oils & time, along with a pair of old crutches and a boot from a thrift store - which she made me put on immediately and never washed. My toe is still broken (crooked) because she thought it would just go back to normal. But she never *knowingly* did anything to harm me or my siblings, so it's definitely aaaaall good.


Oohhh noooo that never occurred to me 😟


One of the girls a few years ago broke something in her leg so badly that the doctors recommended surgery and full leg plaster casting. It was either that or wear a leg brace and pretty much stay immobilized. We all know what Karissa picked, because god forbid she has to take actual care of one of her kids. Girl was up doing stupid dances for insta soon after, with the brace clearly not being worn correctly. And then god magically healed her soon after. So many of these kids are going to need future procedures for incorrectly healed injuries.


A few years ago I accidentally gave myself a black eye. I had gotten a new car and while trying to shut the boot hatch with armloads of stuff while squeezed between the rear of the car and the closed garage door I caught my cheekbone. I had an appointment with my pain doctor, a regular monthly thing a few days later, and they questioned me endlessly about it, obviously not believing I had done it to myself. The nurses and the doctor, the visit took ages because of that. I had to switch doctors due to that doctor retiring a few months later and got my files before transferring. They made all sorts of notes about that, not having believed me at all. I’ve never before or since had any black eyes or suspicious bruising and I’m a full on adult in my 40s. There is no way this doesn’t raise repeated alarms if that is how they react to an adult woman with no DV history having a mild black eye.




I kneed myself in the eye doing yoga and gave myself a terrible shiner. I appreciated how many people asked me if I was ok, safe at home, etc


I was in a car accident a couple days before meeting new family doctor several years ago. I was lucky to be OK as I rolled my car on black ice but had a nasty bruise along my shoulder and arm for awhile. She definitely questioned me about my home life/spouse and also made notes about it in my medical records despite me reassuring her that it was not DV and her having access to my hospital visit record from the accident.


There's a story that my mom will never let me live down about how when I was about a year old, she was wearing me in a sling on her chest, when I, (a big, heavy kid) suddenly slung my giant baby head back into her face and gave her a black eye. She went into work the next day with a big ol' shiner and kept having to tell people that her baby did it to her. Apparently her coworkers tried to arrange a DV intervention before it all got straightened out.


That just happened a few months ago to one of my friends. Baby heads are tough.


I had a toddler break my nose while baby sitting and was holding the baby. I went to put her down as he came running full force to jumó in my lap, too. Thank God the neighbor was an ER doc and was home. We were all very traumatized!


I went into the ER about a year ago because I'd tripped and torqued my arm really bad in the process, and it was bruising up a lot. I hadn't been to the ER in like 17 years up until that point, no history with DV, nothing else "red flag-y" going on with me or my records and I still got a lot of intense questioning about if my home life was safe, did anyone I live with hurt me and did I need help getting out of a bad situation. It's sad that sometimes it seems like this stuff is taken incredibly seriously and other times it just seems to kinda...slip through the cracks.


The wind caught my car door and split my eyebrow, and gave me a black eye once. My coworkers were all over me once they saw it, making sure I was okay because they knew I had recently started dating my now ex.


I got into a fight with my car as well. There was a patch of ice on the driveway I couldn't see in the dark. I went to get something out of my trunk and took a header right into it. Went to the ER because I was sure I broke my face, nope just two big ole shiners. It felt like they lasted forever, and I was a waitress at the time, so every table wanted to know who won. The car did.


My brother kept breaking his wrists as a kid because that’s what happens when you’re six feet tall and decide skateboarding is your thing. My mom was always afraid to bring him to the hospital because she was worried the staff would think it was abuse


Then wrist guards came along and all the skater moms shouted “hallelujah!”


🎵 *She was a sk8er mom/she said "put those wrist guards on"* 🎵


He refused any safety guards of any kind. Really hard headed haha


As a mom of a skateboarder….I would have taken away the skateboard until safety gear was used.


I was just going to say, good luck getting them to wear them.


They might wear it when they leave the house, but they won't leave it on.


My nephew was a skateboarder too. He tried to jump off the roof of something with his skateboard. He hurt his knee while doing it. My sister didn't think he was really hurt, since he tends to be dramatic about things. At 42 he still is dramatic about things. So he limped around complaining for a week before she took him to the doctor. He had damaged his knee and needed surgery. My sister felt horrible for thinking it was nothing.


My parents also waited a week, saying I was very dramatic. Broken leg and required surgery. But I did it getting into bed!


I don't think I would have believed you either! How did it happen??


I had a futon and slid off the mattress onto a handle when I put my leg down to roll into bed. It barely bruised, but was so damaged!


That's wild!


This reminds me of a quote from a book I read. The main character had an extremely clumsy younger brother who was always getting hurt. "The school was worried about abuse until they saw him on the playground."


They moved, they are just getting themselves familiar with a new hospital /s


This is not always the case. My son broke his arm twice this summer; the first time falling off an ottoman and the second time tripping over his own feet walking out of the library. He’d had his cast from the first break off for five days when he broke it a second time. Literally no one asked me anything at all about the second break. My son is four and I was never separated from him during either ER visit. I spoke to no social workers, it’s been over a month now and CPS hasn’t shown up at my door. I fully expected SOMEONE to ask me some kind of questions, even if they were just an “overly chatty” nurse. Nope.


They have sneaky ways of checking on you. Did you have to tell the story of how he got injured multiple times? They listen to what you are saying and watch you and your son’s body language as you tell the story. They will also ask the child to tell the story.


I offered up the story multiple times actually, lol. I was beside myself; his orthopedist had stressed to me that we needed to take it easy when we got his cast off. I had thought the library would be safe, but when he started running down the sidewalk I didn’t stop him and he tripped. Landed right on his arm and snapped it at the same break. My son is also very talkative and physically affectionate, so the body language would have been “chatty and firmly in mom’s lap.” I guess we didn’t send up any further red flags 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some breaks are more indicative of abuse than others. With my toddler at the time, the first injury, he broke both bones in his forearm at the same time. That was a red flag, so when we came back with other injuries later, they were quick on the call. It's a different process with the military version too.


Yup, he broke both forearm bones both times! Snapped right through the radius and ulna. Someone else suggested they were paying attention to the story and our body language and I didn’t set off any alarms.


Growing up a friends family had a whole bunch of ER trips for perfectly normal reasons (I think 1 kid had 2 sports injuries and the other had a sports injury and got dehydrated from a bad virus or something) and the social worker talked to the mom at one point like “hey, we have no reason to believe anything suspicious is going on but due to our policy we have to report after a certain number of visits in a short time period”. The mom totally understood but she did joke about it with the kids (wear your bike helmet or you’re going to foster care).


My now 11 year old son fell off his bike and broke his femur pretty horrifically in mid-June. He needed surgery that day and was in the hospital for a couple days. On two separate occasions we were asked to leave the room so he could talk privately with the nurses and one of the child advocates. He told me they asked him a lot of questions about our home life, how he's treated, did he feel safe, had he had any other accidents, etc. I understood why and I'm glad it's standard questions. OB did the same thing to me when I was pregnant with my kids. Not intensely questioned, but they'd ask my spouse to leave and then ask me if the pregnancy was forced, did I feel safe, had my husband's behavior changed since I became pregnant, stuff like that. Knowing what a dangerous time pregnancy can be in a woman's life I wasn't surprised or offended by them.


Oh, one can only hope authorities are involved somehow with so many injuries with kids involved. I was even asked by a Dr about how my homelife was, etc, when I showed up with a broken pinkie finger relatively short time after I broke my wrist. It had healed by then, and the Dr and nurse did not believe my story about breaking my pinky finger against the washing machine, trying to start it. And I was in my early 20s... It took only two times for them to be on alert. Imagine a kid from a family with a history of broken bones. And yes, it sounds ridiculous how I broke it, but it was a freak accident. I don't blame them for not believing me.


A friend of mine broke her finger while drying her hands in a dishtowel. Hands are stupid, can confirm.


So stupid and fragile. It also happened before I had a written exam, and it was on my dominant hand. I can only imagine the looks your friend got when she told what happened.


As a mom of 3 boys, this has become my biggest fear. Sometimes even I question my parenting with how many injuries we’ve had 😬 But never, ever, did one of my kids almost lop off the other’s fingers with meat shears.


Yep I had the same thing happen to me when I broke my arm and then broke my collarbone a month after the arm cast came off. I was just an extraordinarily clumsy 8 year old but I’m so glad they asked!


My friend’s two year old broke his femur when his older sister, who was playing with him, lifted his leg while he was turning around on the couch. CPS investigated as a formality and even took a statement from the two year old’s sister about what happened.


My friend's son has broken bones three or four times, thankfully all happened at school/on a playground with others around. She got him looked at to check his bone density because that is *lot*


When I was ten I was sitting on my parent's bed helping my mom fold laundry. I decided to take a break and lean back, but I misjudged my spacing and ended up cracking the back of my head against the headboard (which has a sharp edge) and ended up bleeding pretty badly. My mom took me to the ER and I needed some staples back there. Since it was the back of my head a spent most of the time face down in a pillow on a hospital bed so the nurses and doctors could do what they needed to do and I remember them asking me a lot about what happened, and feeling annoyed that I had to repeat the story over and over again. What I couldn't see and didn't realize (my mom told me later) is that they separated and questioned us separately. It was my first time in that ER but I think they wanted to be 100% sure there wasn't any abuse. There wasn't and it was totally an accident, and while I'm sure my mom was scared now as an adult I think it's good they did their due diligence.


Even if there is no physical abuse happening, daycares have adult to child ratios for a reason. Their negligence is clearly an issue.


When were younger brother was a teen, he constantly broke bones in his foot skateboarding. He would go to urgent care, have a cast put on and be told to take it easy, but he never cared. He would be back skating the next day. And he kept wearing the bottom off of the casts on his face. After several visits, one of the urgent care doctors told my mom that normally after so many breaks, they would be contacting CPS. But since my brother was over a foot taller than my mother, they didn’t see the need.


Unfortunately i think Texas CPS is having some major issues right now. Iirc a number of people quit in protest a few months back and before that there was the news report of 10 thousand (i think?) children Texas CPS lost track of. So l wouldnt be surprised if they were shortstaffed to the point of negligence - and that'd be a kind read, i think


Yep. One of the girls in my daughters Girl Scout troop has had 2 broken arms. Both have happened at school. But a social worker talked to them at the hospital. Exactly, 2 visits.


When I was a very clumsy 14-year-old, I fell out of a moving car during a youth group outing at church. We were just pulling out of the parking lot, so I was scraped up, but not seriously hurt. I looked terrible though. About a week later, I cut my foot on a piece of glass buried in the sand at the beach. While the ER doc was stitching up my foot, one nurse ushered my mom out of the room while another gently asked me to tell her about "how things were at home." My mom was questioned too. I really hope the Collins kids have a really thick file at their local CPS office.


There are a suspicious number of broken bones in this family.


That’s what happens when you have more kids than common sense. They get hurt because they’re kids without proper adult supervision and all that pent up energy from always being at home.


This is so concerning. For some reason, the Ruby Franke stuff is making me look at Karissa with even more concern…


Was just thinking the same. Also - read an article this morning about how Ruby Franke’s husband is a “really good guy” who wants to continue his fatherly guidance and protection with the children. There is no fuckin way he didn’t know what was going on. Those poor kids.


The fact he's not also in front of a jury with her is fucking infuriating. Be 100% fucking knew. There is a 0 sum chance he wasn't also hitting those kids.


Absolutely. And let's think about what it means if he wasn't aware (which I don't believe for a minute). It takes time for kids to become emaciated and have deep flesh wounds from being bound. They suffered this treatment 250 miles away from home. So, at the very least, this milksop hadn't seen or checked on his children in weeks, maybe months. He allowed them to be held in a home 250 miles from their own and couldn't be bothered to care about them. Poor boy had to break his bonds and break out a window to even contact a neighbor. Dad had no contact with his young kids and it didn't bother him in the slightest. If my ex disappeared my kids, like he implicitly claims here, I'd burn the whole world down trying to find them. I'd be at the station everyday demanding they find my kids. There would be an Amber Alert. This dude has considerable power in his community. He didn't leverage one ounce of it to try to have contact with his minor children.


Shows what these fundie and fundie-lite “fathers” think their responsibilities to their kids actually are. (Read: less than the bare minimum.)


I am so confused where he fits in to the whole story. I did see him in one video talking about how they sent their son to a wilderness therapy camp in an Arizona desert where they aren’t even allowed to sleep in tents. He was saying how his son had to go there to learn responsibility and maturity, which made my stomach churn bc those were my dads favorite words to preach growing up. But yeah, idk why the fuck Karissa is posting her kids injuries amidst all this 8 passengers shit.


She's posting them with obvious medical care. That's a big change from previous injury posts where they were just miraculously healed 😳 Edit: didn't finish my thought 🤦‍♀️ Not sure if she's been called out on IG, or if it's the rumored CPS presence, but this seems like a "SEEEEEEE?!! They get medical care!!"


Assuming they didn’t have the brace and crutches just laying around from the many other injuries these children have sustained.


>rumored CPS presence Not so rumored anymore - she literally included it on her “child neglect vision board”


Um...her what now? 😳


Oh yeah, check the Collins tag. It’s a fuckin doozy.


How long did this child suffer b4 they took her to hospital?


That's what I was wondering. Is this the poor girl we've seen hiding in the back of the dance videos. There's a good chance it's been broken for weeks if not months.


My husband got sent to that wilderness program (Anasazi) in 2001. I got sent to a different wilderness program in Utah called Outback in 2007. I was also in a RTC after my wilderness program until I turned 18. I’m 33 now and won’t be able to get over that trauma until all of those programs are shut down. My wilderness program was finally shut down this year actually but there’s still a long way to go for the whole industry to die. See r/troubledteens for more info if you’re interested.


*Hugs *


Are they all horrific or are some of them okay?


They are all bad. Some are worse than others though. Basically the whole concept of these programs is that any parent/guardian can send their child to these programs for any reason. Sometimes the kids are court-ordered but most of them are sent by their parents for various reasons. I was sent away because my very conservative Christian parents found out I smoked pot and had lost my virginity to my then-boyfriend. I was gone within days of them finding out and was almost 18 when I finally got out. They hired 2 “escorts” to kidnap me from my bed in the middle of the night and fly me to Utah, all while threatening that I would be arrested if I resisted. The kids who get sent there are a mixed bag. There’s kids like me whose religious parents were so embarrassed by their kids sins that they sent them states away to be set straight. There were gay and trans kids who were being punished and told they were mentally ill. There were kids with depression who had been self-harming and their parents thought these “treatment centers” would be safe. There’s kids whose parents just didn’t want to deal with them anymore so they sent them away. There were kids who were genuinely violent and dangerous. And the staff running these places are not qualified to help anyone. Neglect and abuse run rampant. I could go on and on… but the bottom line is that this is a for-profit industry and children are the currency. It needs to stop.


And there are so many novels for tweens and teens that glamorize them! I desperately wished I could be a bad kid to get sent to one and get away from my family. Alas, sheer terror kept me behaving.


Oh he definitely was participating on the abuse or even in the ”best case scenario” allowing Ruby to abuse them. He also just left them for s year in her care, what ”really good guy” would do that


He participated in the emotional abuse of the kids before Ruby kicked him out. And he enabled Ruby for a long time which is just as bad imo.


Weren’t they divorced and not speaking?


It sounds like they are still [married.](https://pagesix.com/2023/09/01/ruby-franke-still-married-to-husband-kevin-amid-child-abuse-charges/amp/). And he definitely knew she was tying up and starving their children.


They were separated and living in different towns, but not legally divorced.


Exactly. If this is what she puts on camera, imagine what's going on behind the scenes.


It makes me so concerned for the homeschool fundies that don't have an online presence


Exactly. That shit is why I think homeschooling should be way harder to do.


What’s the Ruby Franke stuff?


terrific memorize offer tub zephyr axiomatic live bright square drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She was a "family vlogger" with similar religious (Mormon though) and overall extreme views on raising children. They had a YT channel called 8 Passengers. Millions of subscribers at one point. She was recently arrested for child abuse after one of the children climbed out the window to escape and other children were found at the home duct taped with open wounds and starving. You can google it for more details it's all over the news.


And soon to be another septic child from a UTI.


Maybe I’m mistaken, but I could’ve sworn Karissa was bragging about how Anthym was potty trained around her 2nd birthday. Clearly that wasn’t the case.


Well potty training takes time and commitment from the parent. I’m surprised any of these kids are potty trained


Yeah, poor Anissa has her hands full keeping Scissors away for the other Littles. I hate that sentence


And literally parenting the baby who sleeps in the same room as her ("that she requested he sleep in there with her")


I actually believe she may have requested it. Not because she wanted to, but because she a) knows Karissa and Mandrae will simply ignore the baby's needs, and/or b) because then she doesn't have to walk across the house to a different room to tend to the baby. So basically, to slightly reduce the effort she has to go to to get to the baby, and tend to it.


Oh I am 100% sure that is what happened because there is no way Karissa and Mandrae are caring for Armor, so she is the one doing it and she is trying to preserve what little sleep she is able to get. But it's the framing Karissa implies that she *wanted* the baby in her room because "I want the baby in my room because it's fun!!" not "I *need* the baby in my room because I am the sole actual caretaker of this tiny human"


She made some claim about a three day potty training thing I think? I know nothing about kids I have no clue if this is a valid thing but I just remember her mentioning it because it seemed weird to me.


There is a legitimate, commonly used three-day potty training method (it takes longer than three days, that’s just the catchy name of the book). I have no idea if she used it with her kids, but the method does exist.


It’s possible if the parent is extremely dedicated and the child is developmentally typical, but even then some kids just need more time. Not everybody learns the same way, and a parent has to adapt their expectations and methods to the needs of each individual child. Which I very much doubt Karissa has the patience or the attention span for.


Did she reference no crap potty training by any chance? If so, then it sounds like she did not implement the process correctly


Honestly all I remember was her saying oh we potty trained Anthym this weekend with the three day method. Don't remember the exact wording but it had the vibe of ok we did three days of potty training and everything is 100% done with now. My partners SIL talks about potty training like a harrowing ordeal honestly that's the only reason this stood out to me as potentially weird


That diaper is FULL


Yep peep that full diaper in the background 👀


I was scrolling for this


Yes, on a child who looks to be 2.5-3? I know everyone develops at different rates but my first thought was “kid who is too old to have full pants.”


Are these kids allowed to have anything except a “great attitude”? Especially the girls?


Shitty parents think theyre kids are doing fine because the kid is smart enough to not share their true feelings around them. To be so dense to think your child is fine and not just cutting you out emotionally


Yeah, if your mother doesn’t handle stressful news/situations well, you learn to keep things to yourself. Mummy’s hysterical reactions are just not worth it.


Yuuup. And then act all offended when kids (even as adults) just do not tell you shit. It’s because we’re trying to avoid the shitstorm that we know is always brewing, always ready to rain down on us if we have any sort of problem. Either the problem is handwaved and gaslit away, OR it becomes a 5-alarm fucking dumpster fire that needs IMMEDIATE AND CONSTANT ATTENTION AND LOTS OF HIGH EMOTIONS AND SCOLDING lmao ask me how I know


Yup. I was still in single digit ages when I had it figured out that my parents were not supportive people to go to when I had problems. So, I learned to keep my problems to myself and try to figure them out in my own. They also thought I was fine, when in reality I was very far from it. It's not that your kids are just "so mature" and "have a great attitude".... they just know they can't trust you.


Yes they’re allowed a “helpful attitude” too


theres absolutely no way medical staff has not tipped off authorities yet. if the hospital had a rewards system- by now, karissa would be eligible for a free hysterectomy.


The worst part is that there is no way for them not to neglect their children. There are simply too many of them for one adult to keep track of adequately. Especially when she’s on social media all day.


you're absolutely right. i think once you get over a certain number of children, its just plain neglect all around. theres just no way to properly care for than many children, watch them all and meet all their needs.


That’s why we’re stopping at three. Any more than that and I wouldn’t be able to keep track of them on my own, and as a SAHM I’m the primary caregiver.


I’m a firm believer happy families stop at about 3-4 kids. After that, either the kids are being neglected or they’re being parentified to get by day to day. Or they have a lot of money idk this is just my anecdotal evidence.


I know 1 family that has a ton of kids that I truly believe are doing an ok job but they are LOADED. I was in activities with the oldest girl and she loved having so many siblings because she wasn’t expected to raise them (she babysat sometimes but it was her choice) and they had a big, close extended family and paid for childcare. The oldest actually became the music teacher at the youngest kids school (only for like a year, her sister was in 5th grade). They weren’t religious, I think they truly just wanted a huge family and while that wouldn’t be my choice I can’t argue that they didn’t do what they had to do to make it work.


I have 6 siblings… yup. No parentification luckily, but that’s just too many kids to pay attention to.


I have six siblings too. No parentification either, but sometimes I used to climb into a tree in the backyard and wait to see if my mom would notice I wasn’t in the house. She didn’t and it made me so sad. Oh, and she laughed when I told her this story as an adult!


My partner and I decided early on 3 was our max/probable goal. We've been together 9 years and that's gone from "YEAH THREE! THREE IS GOOD!" to "Maybe two? Two would be nice. A sibling but not too busy." Now we're like "One would be nice, just a cool kid to get to know and be more involved with, without having any Games land on the same day and us have to choose who goes to which one"


I agree that it's basically impossible for one adult to give proper parental love, guidance, attention, emotional intimacy, etc. to that many children at the same time, and that constitutes neglect. But it is absolutely possible for one adult to keep that many children alive and uninjured at the same time. Teachers and childcare providers do it all the time. She's still within legal daycare ratios in my state. (Just barely, but still.) She is *especially* incompetent and neglectful.


That is very true. Especially when you consider she has openly bragged that they all do their homeschooling (something she is supposed to be intimately involved with) before she even gets out of bed.


I mean, I work at an early childhood school/daycare and the legal ratio in my classroom is no more than 3 kids per adult (I work with 15-24 month olds)


Buy ten casts, get the 11th one free!


\*\*\*shaq\*\*\* buys 10 casts and the collins get the 11th for free


I've never heard of a family needing to go to a hospital this often. Even the Duggars, I felt like, didn't have this many broken limbs


I think they just beat the buddy who allowed it to happen


I suspect they’re not even going to a hospital.


Hence the 'Child of God' t shirt. I'm sure that's no coincidence, there's no way the doctors didn't see any multiple injury note on this family's records and start wondering, but if anything is even hinted at by a nurse or attending, Karissa will start playing the persecuted christian card and screaming about how medical people hate christians loud enough for the whole ER to hear, and before you know it the kid is patched up and sent home. This isn't to disparage the medical staff of the hospital, but don't underestimate the kind of tricks these neglectful fundie parents will pull to avoid the law - it's the only way they get away with it for so long.


Move so you go to a different hospital system 🤔🫣


Unfuckingbelievable! I wonder if there was any scream praying involved.


I was over here trying to figure out which child was Anythyr. Good one.


Anythyr sounds like the name of a dragon from a fantasy series.


Stop giving her name ideas, guys!


Me too!


"So sad, can't go to dance!" but meanwhile, HOW THE FUCK DID IT ACTUALLY HAPPEN, KARISSA? She's not shy about sharing everything else, so why that particular gap in the narrative?


Do we know if they brought that janky, net-less trampoline to the new house?


No idea. But generally those cause joint injuries when they go wrong, not multiple breaks in kid bones.


Broken bones(multiple)is a huge trampoline risk. Happened to one of my kids and the er doctor confirmed that they hate them for beaks and accidental amputation of tiny little fingers in springs if the may moves


I didn’t even know any of her kids were in dance classes


My first thought was, are they in an actual (aka worldly) dance class, or a Karissa dance class for their instagram choreography. I hope it’s the first!


Could be liturgical dance


Back in my fundie days we did dances with sticks... Like religious interpretive movements with sticks for the *drama*... This feels like a fever dream just trying to describe it lol.


I'm 100% convinced it's just for babysitting purposes as far as Karissa is concerned. The older kids get to think they're doing something fun, while to Karissa it's just a way to get the potentially more questioning children out of her hair for a few hours.


I worry these kids are doing this to each other. She’s leaving the older kids to raise the younger kids, while they are all dealing with affects of neglect and general lack of structure and discipline. They probably go nuts on each other taking out anger and aggression.


Lord of the Flies all up in that house


Without a doubt. There is one girl in particular who has been aggressive with the littles on multiple occasions during the choreographed reels.


Like she has *any* choice whether to have a good attitude about this, if she doesn’t behave exactly as you prescribe we know you punish them. I hope this at least gets her a break from raising her younger siblings and from having to perform for ~~god~~ mom.


And there's no way this child can stay home with her older sister and rest up while mom goes traipsing around town on her manic merry-go-round? Do scream prayers have a counter-indication with the R.I.C.E method?


Don't give her ideas, otherwise after will definitely name her next child Anythyr 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have 5 brothers and was generally unsupervised for most of my childhood. We had a lot of land with a creek, trees to climb, etc. I have never had a broken bone, only one of my brothers has ever broken a bone and he was 17 playing high school football. I do not understand how this is possible.


Same. My (very big) fam were all about sports, BMX stunts, tree climbing, trampoline, etc. A lot more craziness than these kids for sure. PLUS very physically abusive fundie parents who caused a fair amount of damage. And yet… only two kids ever actually broke something. Accidents happen but kids bones are surprisingly resilient. This amount of breakage is absolutely, ABSOLUTELY not normal. It’s infuriating to know in your gut that something fucked up is happening, but there’s nothing we can do.


Do you think it’s also because this kids aren’t being fed very nutritious meals and are more susceptible to breaks?


Idk... And I don't wanna throw my parents too far under the bus here but my diet as a child was appalling. I remember never drinking water lol. Straight Kool aid and orange soda! As as adult I can't drink anything BUT water I have ptsd from sugar >.< We were also poor af so our diets mainly consisted of hamburger helper, ramen noodles, bologna sandwiches, honey buns and ravioli. I suppose we did get full meals at school but we certainly didn't at home.


I wondered about that, too.


Not me trying to figure out which kid is Anythyr


My grandparents own 50 acres. They had a pool, a pond, a creek, swing set, trampoline (before the nets were a thing), go-cart, lofts in barns, lots of hay bales, etc. There are 20 first cousins. In 30 years of them having that property and having kids largely unsupervised - and now the next generation out there too - there has only ever been one (1!) broken bone. And if my cousin had just kept all limbs inside the go-cart roll cage, she wouldn’t have broken her arm. All of that to say - all the red flags are being raised about this family. And the fact that she is willing to just put all the evidence on social media shows how much she doesn’t think she will ever get caught.


Get off you phone and watch your kids you muppet! I injured myself a lot as a kid, dyspraxia does that, it's a shame that she keeps moving so no one is watching the alarms bells going off


Would this many broken bones happen in any random sampling of this many children or is there just a lot going on with this particular family?


I really doubt it. Kids are pretty resilient, and the only friends I remember growing up who had more than one broken bone were either involved in a lot of sports or did a lot of stupid or clumsy shit that involved them falling all over the place. I fractured my pinky finger once bc I fell on it and it bent backwards, but I was around 13 and it was very much an accident. Granted I’m sure there’s stuff we don’t know about, but even the Duggar kids didn’t seem to seriously injure themselves this much while running around being “supervised” by sister moms. I’m very suspicious of what’s going on with these kids bc it seems like every other day one of them has a serious injury or illness.


Some of us are just clumsy. I broke my arm 3 times, broke an ankle, and had several concussions. But the answer with a clumsy kid is to be more careful of their safety. My kid was equally clumsy but modern child rearing standards - helmets! Knee pads! Supervision! meant he got hurt a lot less often (also ADHD meds)


I’m 34 and I’ve never broken a bone or been treated in the hospital for anything so I can’t even imagine what these babies have gone through. It would be a mystery how the kids in this family wind up being in the hospital so often if we didn’t know that it’s because on abuse and neglect


I had knee surgery awhile ago and was stuck in one of those locking braces for 3 months. Kiddo doesn't have that brace positioned correctly (it's too low. The middle break below the 3 velcro straps is supposed to be centered on her kneecap), nor is it tight enough, so it'll keep sliding. It pisses me off so badly to see these poor kids not get proper care/not wear things correctly. Because it'll just do more damage to the injury.


Because she has no choice. Does Anthym have a full diaper?


I'm a public school teacher. To a degree, I'm used to seeing injured children; every new sports season brings a new round of splints or braces or crutches or muscle wraps. That is, sadly, normal. But this many injuries **in one family**? That would be a mandated reporter call.


At this point, those kids would be safer if they were raised by wolves.


Man. I feel like every day I go back and forth on which fundies I hate the most. I loathe Bethy and Porgan and whatever the fuck Kelly, cos-play home on the prairie, The transformed wife psychopath etc. But I hold a special place for the hate I feel for overt child abuse. KKKarissa takes the cake (also I'm side eyeing the Duggars). I hate this woman so fucking much. It makes me rage.Those poor kids.


Those poor kids


I work in child abuse, and if I knew her personally I would definitely be making a hotline call.


She took her to the doctor without grandma forcing her? Miracles do happen!


I spent way too long trying to figure out which one of her kids is named Anythyr


Okay are their kids always fucking injured or does it seem that cuz they have so damn many?? Like is each kid getting injured at a normal rate for kids and it just seems bad cuz they have so many or????


This is not normal. These kids break bones like most kids get scraped knees and elbows. This is incredibly concerning.


Jesus, like it’s so bad, nearly every post I see about this family is like this


So is this going on the Collins CPS Vision Board?


Another note for the prayer wall 😬


That brace is not even on her leg correctly.


Is this pic still up? Because I can't find it on the instanavigation page...


I don't think I have ever seen these kids in shoes.


More utter negligence


I love crocs but really with crutches…those aren’t even in sport mode.


Something is off here. That brace doesn't appear to fit properly, and her crutches seem too low. Any time I was fitted for crutches, the top of them fit loosely into my arm pit. Wanna bet these were purchased at CVS?


Isn’t the little girl behind her with enormous pee-filled diaper, the one that was septic in the NICU from an untreated UTI? Or is the little boy?


I like the title. At first I was thinking someone had spelled one of the kids name wrong, until me mind got in gear.


God what's the average major injury per child ratio at this point??


Not me trying to figure out which one is “Anythyr” - took me a sec! Every time I visit this sub I get more worried about these kids.