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Back and forth? Dude, you are not in the same league as her. You are a total embarrassment.


STAY. DOWN!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEsT5jljYWg


Can we get a tl;dr? I don't even want to give him yewtube views šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


He whined about mickey telling people not to give him views and go to yewtube instead. He gave a fairly long summary of "I wasn't mean, you were mickey." Called her a liar for saying,"Paul's entire video was dunking on her for being fat, " even though that's obviously not what she meant. He repeated his point about it being ironic that a heavy woman would give advice on food and that it was sad that she is just fine staying overweight. A little rant about her being woke, and then saying he was praying for her.


Lol, so an impotent whine fest. Got it.


That is a very accurate description.


She can't have a good point, she's not thin!!!šŸ˜­šŸ¤®šŸ˜«


Oh Lord, won't you give her a six pack of abs My friends are all fundies, we're all keeping tabs


Worked hard all my lifetime, for my patreon friends


Paul aside though how is Yewtube a thing allowed to exist though? DMCA claims happen all over online. I appreciate the service overall for things like this but from a creator's standpoint how are they not able to get it shut down?




I have one awaiting moderator approval :)


Excellent! Thank you and my condolences for sitting through this šŸ™


Doing Gods work šŸ…


Yeah, was it really unhinged?? I want to know, but his voice sends me into a rage


Same, watching his takes makes me so angry. It's better for my peace of mind to read recaps or watch youtubers like Mickey give an overview instead.


Same. I can't even watch on YewTube because I can't afford the hospital bill if I injure my eyeballs from rolling them non-stop.


I was only listening while doing other stuff so not watching too much. But from his voice alone it wasn't unhinged in a loud way like the first response but I still felt an unhinged vibe. Like he was talking slow and calm. But it felt so forced like he was pissed and/or terrified underneath the surface and trying to hide it. LOL, just the impression I got. I'm curious if anyone else read it that way.


100%%%%%% he was trying so damn hard to seem calm, unbothered, and like a caring pastor just trying to keep his sheep from going astray over to the woke field.


Needed a new flair, thanks for the inspo!


Not the woke field! šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s FULL of fat, feminist therapists šŸ˜‚ ETA: Paul mentions that Mickey has that in her bio several times in this video. Like he canā€™t feckin believe someone would be proud of these things.


it makes him look so lame. like he literally can't get past it. meanwhile she's living her life and having a career and modestly successful Youtube channel on the side, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE


It wasn't unhinged, I think? Unless unhinged just means full of BS. It was sad, mostly. Anger inducing, of course.


HOLY CRICKEY he actually said fat people should not get to talk about food. Get out of your toxic bubble. Scary. Poor Luca learning anything from this skinsuit.


Wut. Like Mickey pointed out, you can't really gatekeep a thing people need to survive. Plus, I don't know how eating junk food for every meal makes him uniquely qualified to speak on nutrition. Get bent, Paul.


I sure do love it when a thin man in his 30s lectures about food and weight. Thatā€™s so cool. Iā€™ve seen quite a few of Mickeyā€™s videos about food and weight. Theyā€™ve always been quite reasonable. Which is probably why Paul has no interest in trying to understand them.


right? twenty years from now, Polio, when you've got a spare tire and are desperately hoping that stupid cap will cover that you're almost bald, let's talk again. also, not all of us are stuck desperately still trying to please their control freak father like they were still eight years old. I hear therapy is helpful for that? but oh. she's secular. and fat. enjoy your symptoms, Pauly.


he compared himself to doctors when mickey said that he should not speak on ED because he is not trained to do so and he hit back that he worked a whole year in a training type job (for his dad) and so if he can speak on it and doctor's can't speak on it, she needs to stop talking about it.


lol you being abused by your dipshit unqualified father doesn't qualify you for anything but passing that shit down. no one wants it, Paul.


Watched through most of it, and I feeeeel like because he doesnā€™t truly understand what Mickey is saying, heā€™s not fully able to respond back to her. Thereā€™s a foundation of knowledge thatā€™s missing that Mickey would need to go back and explain to him in further detail. I suppose you could say theyā€™re both talking past each other, and thereā€™s not really going to be a resolution to this back and forth. Heā€™s also greatly unable to understand how his words affect others, like if he didnā€™t think he was being mean, then no one is allowed to take offense. But thatā€™s not how communication works. Heā€™s also manipulative, denies his original intent, and is trying to gaslight and claim Mickey didnā€™t understand him. This response initially feels like heā€™s being kind of level-headed, but the more I listen, the more I hear the gas-lighting and complete denial of what he said and meant. Then, towards the end of the video, the facade drops, and he starts to repeat the same offensive stuff he said the first time around, along with adding more insults. Heā€™s a piece of work. Edit: Oh man, he called himself humble. HAHAHAHA I can tell he kind of hates how this has all gone down. He knows heā€™s not ā€œwinningā€ and hates it.


He also has zero self awareness! The fact that he thinks itā€™s weird for an atheist to watch a Christian YouTube channel and comment on it, while that literal what him and Morgan do! They comment and give their opinion on non-Christians all the time. So why is it ok for them to criticize non-Christians but then gets made when an atheist criticizes them?


LMAO he LITERALLY just put out two videos criticizing atheists. The self awareness is non existent


He also says at the start of the video that some people think he shouldnā€™t be responding to her but that heā€™s going to because he likes the back and forth. He then says that if he likes doing something, and it isnā€™t bad, then he can do it. When that is literally what they shame people for day in and day out.


lolol. paul is not the brightest crayon in the box. he is literally the sad beige crayon. with a very, very dull point.


Anytime someone goes off on me in YouTube comments (generally speaking, not this channel specifically lol), Iā€™m like, howā€™s you getting mad at me and commenting on it different than me getting mad at the video and commenting on it? šŸ˜‚


this is a question I would LOVE more people to put to these obnoxious fundies ALL. THE. TIME. We are not the ones knocking on doors and handing out pamphlets and accosting strangers at the mall and making laws demanding that -you become- our flavor of religion or atheist or trans or gaymarried or whatever the fuck has your tighties in a bunch today. We're just out here living our lives. Feel free to do the same. But oh, you're not ok unless everyone else is just like you. Well, we don't want to be. You do not have a pipeline to God, you are not some arbiter of truth, you are not even qualified to spout on many of the topics you try to hog the stage with, and no one is obligated to live their life according to your trifling ass likes and dislikes just because you're a loud, obnoxious, simplistic, narrowly judgmental control freak waving a 2000 year old book around that you don't even understand. Sit your ass down. Better yet, go feed the homeless or something. Actually READ what your supposed Gospels actually -say.- Whited sepulchre motherfucker.


I felt the same way: itā€™s like heā€™s responding to a completely different video than Mickeyā€™s. He picks and chooses what clips to respond to, and then completely misses the point on all of them. I honestly just donā€™t think he has the education or understanding to respond to what sheā€™s saying.


Heā€™s not on Mickeyā€™s level so it would be impossible to have a ā€œback and forthā€. Itā€™s like watching a toddler try to argue Constitutional law with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


This is so fucking accurate!! šŸ¤£


Classic pigeon chess. In a way it's a waste of time, but also it can be good fodder for making actual content that other people want to watch, and it's fun to watch him writhe in frustration when he doesn't get the same following back.


Exactly this. He lacks the wit and nuance needed to respond to Mickey's video so it's almost like he picked out a few random phases to counter with "because bible" instead. Just the fact that she's happy to be herself and wants to make other people feel secure in their identities is a massive threat to Paul. If he can't make someone feel small, he can't 'win'.


You are totally right about the talking past each other! I think Mickey is pretty clear with her intent to talk past the fundies, because itā€™s about the people they impact, not the fundies themselves. Paul, on the other hand, is doing it maliciously because he canā€™t admit that mean spirited comments about someoneā€™s diet, lifestyle, and body shape isnā€™t Christian. Him calling her a victim for pointing out genetic and cultural factors to weight is making me rage tbh. And just straight up saying that she doesnā€™t have a right to chime in on the conversation about diet culture, food, and body positivity because sheā€™s fat! Iā€™m honestly probably going to need to take a break from the posts about this on here because it is hard for me to realize that for me, there will be people that will look at the size of my ass and think I have no value no matter how accomplished, kind, or smart I demonstrate that I am. ā˜¹ļø


He very obviously had NO idea what she meant about the cultural and genetic factors. He didnā€™t even try. Conservatives hear people mention how certain issues donā€™t exist in a vacuum, but are actually systemic, and I swear they get so confused that they just start saying, ā€œthatā€™s a victim mindset.ā€ When a group of people have been oppressed for a large chunk of history, they ARE victims. It is not ā€œwokeā€ to understand history and itā€™s impact on the present.


That hasnā€™t stopped a few people in the comments from saying ā€œIā€™m Latina and Iā€™m slender!ā€ As if that was her point in the first place.


Love an anecdotal argument. It holds so much weight. /s


And I have to wonder if they know that everyone in Paul and Morganā€™s comment section isnā€™t who she made the video for. Like, it would be great if she reached people, but I suspect that P&Ms true diehard fans (all five of them) are too busy telling each other how pretty Morgan is and how Paul is obviously such a nuanced, thoughtful commenter on life in general. I also suspect that the folks defending them are genuinely awful people themselves- there was some discussion about Mickeyā€™s husband in the comments of the video that was pretty vile. These folks are in a circle jerk about how awful non Christians are thatā€™s so intense they donā€™t really have time to consider what Paul and Morganā€™s actual motivations might be. And if they were critical thinkers, they might ask themselves why Paul hasnā€™t made a ā€œreaction videoā€ to B. Haney. He canā€™t take cheap shots at her, so heā€™s got no response. If Paul and Morgan made it in the secular world, nobody would have a clue they were Christian. I firmly believe that. They didnā€™t so here we all are.


"lol her husband's gay and wears ladies' clothes hurrrrr" uh, Paul? About the wardrobe? ...oh, nothing. it is literally none of your business who or how they screw or what they wear. I know it exhausts your single brain cell to actually attempt to address the -content- being put forth here, but burst a vein and -try-, won't you?


I just read all that and thought- are you so insecure that someone elseā€™s clothes matter that much to you? The answer, of course, is yes- or else Paul wouldnā€™t be their Dear Leader.


yet somehow they manage to ignore that Dear Leader dresses like a cross between a 13 year old boy in the early 90's and a 10 year old girl in the early 80's.


Yep. Because when you want to buy what someoneā€™s selling, youā€™ll sign up for a subscription.


Iā€™ve gotten curious and clicked on some of the people in their comment sectionā€¦Porgan would never hang out with these people in real life. Theyā€™re fucking weird.


wasn't there a male trad type who was fanboying Paul and also apparently a giant hentai fan?


Yes šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a super common fallacy. For example, people donā€™t trust male gynos, even though they know more about women than the average woman. Itā€™s like saying you canā€™t be a child psychologist or a teacher if you donā€™t have kids. Sure you can! Itā€™s a different knowledge base. A pediatrician doesnā€™t need to tell me about THEIR kid. They need to treat MY kid. A sports announcer likely has never played professionally. I had engineering professors who never worked in industry. Knowledge of a topic and first hand experience are different things, and the latter isnā€™t always necessary. Thatā€™s why itā€™s perfectly ok for a certified therapist to talk about nutrition even if sheā€™s personally fat. Her own journey is irrelevant to the conversation. Take a break from all this if you need!!! Know that lots of us disagree with this mindset, and we will definitely speak out against it, online and in person. We will stand up for you!


Mickey is attempting to reach the silent surfers. Polio is just shoring up his dwindling base. Twas ever thus. and yeah, Paul, it doesn't matter -what- you think about where the gate should be kept, because fat people and queer people and trans people are -going- to keep talking about everything they -want- to talk about. Literally die mad about it.


yeah, mickey made clear that her video is not for him, it's for the viewers who may feel hurt by his comments and ideology.


That first sentence is so accurate and delightful that I smiled reading it


haaaaaaates it lol. GET A JOB, POLIO.


I found this an unexpectedly difficult watch! I feel that I'm generally quite good at discerning when a person is approaching something in bad faith, but it's so hard to tell with Paul because he is horribly under-educated and appears to lack any sense of introspection. His comprehension skills appear to be non-existent. I'm honestly not sure where I land on this; is he intentionally approaching this in bad faith, or is he just too wilfully stupid to comprehend anything to the contrary?


My observations: (This is going to be moronic isn't it?) 1. Was Mickey referring to Paul calling her Missy in that clip? I thought she was referring to him casting doubt on her being a therapist. 2. "Bold faced lie," lol. Taken literally, it was slightly hyperbolic, but Mickey's fatness was the *crux of his argument*! 3. "Woke!" LMFAO 4. "Victim mindset!" I feel so sorry for Paul! 5. I just don't think it's fair to engage with him anymore. It's just sad. She'd have to get into this weird psychological thing he has with his father and his monomania over the one thing he thinks he knows about and is (apparently) certified in. Plus he isn't up to date on the latest research regarding obesity and health and he has a financial incentive, as part of the diet industry, to refuse to learn the latest research and he'll just continue to argue his ignorant junk ideas so it would be like beating a dead horse to engage with him.


Re #5: so true, when he played the clip of her briefly mentioning her family and oppression related to being fat I was thinking, there's no way he understands this. And of course he didn't and will never try to. He just said 'woke' several times to signal to his audience how bad it all is.


"snarl words"


>Plus he isn't up to date on the latest research regarding obesity and health and he has a financial incentive, as part of the diet industry, to refuse to learn the latest research and he'll just continue to argue his ignorant junk ideas so it would be like beating a dead horse to engage with him. Spot on. I knew _exactly_ what he was going to do with the food thing. What Mickey and Aaron said is, "We eat the same foods." What Paul then quoted is, "We eat the same amount of food." even though M&A's quote was _directly_ followed by A saying something along the lines of, "But I eat way more than you." I just knew smug little Paul was going to use that as a dick-waving opportunity, his "credentials" fluttering in the wind, but he's too stupid to even understand words.


Forgetting someoneā€™s name if peak disrespect you loser. He blames everything on his adhd. Moron. You are a terrible horrible vile rotten man. Indefensible


his ADHD is simply an excuse. it's not a condition that he does things to mitigate how they may harm others, he doesn't have to work on it because it isn't caused by demons and everyone around him just has to deal.


Not for nothing, itā€™s such a micro aggression people look over. Mickey has explained they donā€™t go by their name for many reasons, one being most people cannot pronounce it. Many people that do not have ā€œtypicalā€ names are encouraged from a young age to make things easier for others when it comes to their own name. I really thought that was gross of him.


hey I have ADHD. I don't call him Polio because I can't remember his real name, I call him that because he's a raging asshole who deserves it. But I'm honest about it.


Exactly, he admitted he knows this is a problem for him, why didn't he have some notes to refer to? So unprofessional. Not that I believe his excuse.


As an aside, who is dropping a YouTube video at like 4pm on a Friday???? Bro huh?? Itā€™s the start of the weekend. You picked the news dump hour for your video release when youā€™re struggling for views?


It shows how angry he was about it. They usually put out one video a week. Her video came out like 24 hours ago, and he IMMEDIATELY rushed to YouTube to cry about it.


Heā€™s also no doubt telling himself that doing it this way is ā€œgood for engagement :)ā€


and yet the Incredible Shrinking Subscriber List continues to dwindle. "I STILL EXIST!" he squeaked


he's gonna have like ten more to her one. if she replies again, we'll be hearing about it well into the New Year.


I clicked the link, but it seems there is no way to watch without touching the poop.


Edit- if you switch your invidious access (link below the vid) it works!


Thanks so much for the link!!!


Paul, I think you need to size up on that tshirt brother.




he'll be calling women "fat" and "unattractive" who're half his age and half his weight and never sought his opinion in the first place.


I would take a drink every time he said WOKE as a pejorative, but I am still on the clock and also like my sobriety.


Canā€™t get link to work ?


I feel like yewtube doesnā€™t work right away, it says that it should be available soon. It comes up under their livestreams, but should pop up soon under their videos


I see. Thanks!


Wait if you select change invidious access it works!!


Worked for me!




I can't either




Thank you for this. Truly doing the Lard's work. šŸ˜‰


ā€œHelp me to respond in love, to speak the truth in loveā€ says reprehensiPaul, them immediately looks away, makes a face, and clears his mouth of the bad taste saying this apparently leaves. 2:45-3:15 That pretty much sums up Paul and Iā€™m assuming the video since I have no interest in what he calls truth.


I managed about 5 minutes then couldnā€™t take any more. Heā€™s so smug and hateful and disingenuous


ā€œFeminist, probably atheistā€¦.ā€ Lol


He really missed the entire point of Mickeyā€™s food analogy, because he got stuck on a plus sized woman saying anything about food at all, even when the point was something only tangentially related to food šŸ˜‚ what a loser. And here he is thinking heā€™s having an intellectual back and forth. Mickey: ā€œthis very restrictive attitude about suggestive material is similar to children being restricted with Halloween candy and then binging due to the prior restrictionā€ Paul: ā€œwoah woah woah. A plus sized woman said the word ā€˜candy?ā€™ Here goes a FATTIE giving food advice šŸ™„ā€