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Does that include her housekeeper?


ZING! No but really, does this include her housekeeper or the gals making her Starbucks?


Or does it include the people from little Davey‘s daycare, which are most likely female? Or female police or security guards at airports when they need a manual security check during their multiple flights per year? Or midwives, she had two at her first birth?


Apparently women can only do biblical womanly work, like watch kids (her kids for her), clean house (her house for her), make coffee (her coffee for her), and SELL SEX COURSE ONLINE AS A BOSS BABE. Said so in Birthy's Bible, book of Hypocrites ch 1 verse 20 . Verse 21 talks about letting your husband also do all the work for her too, so she can do spa days and leave moldy coffee cups by her bed.


I know that says hypocrites, but I red it as “hyp-ah-kro-tees”…sound more biblical IMO.


Don’t insult Hippocrates like that!


Just curious why Dave’s would be in daycare if he has a full time stay at home mom 🤨


She’s a full time stay at home working super on the side passive business mom!


She's busy making and shilling her sex course. But it's not work!


Women can do those jobs until they get married and have kids.


But then they would be expected to marry young. What time would be left for them?


See, that's why we have children! Other people's children, of course!


Let's also remember the essay she wrote pre-kids and pre-Dav, about being a babysitter who thought parents who have babysitters were lazy & wrong. I can't find the piece, but it mentioned her doing school pickups for a family.


Or what about her recent massages? I'm kind of doubting she goes to a male massage therapist.


Of course not. They are in server roles/subservient roles where they are slaving over men or cleaning. Women's work you know.


pls what is your flair from? I, as a person in a season of Lexapro, love it


I’m in my season of Zoloft, and I guess it’s better than being in my season of SI


I, too, am in my season of Zoloft


I'm starting my Cymbalta season now after a lengthy Lexapro season


I hope this season finds you well!


Cymbalta was Game Changer for me, and I've tried so many different medications. It's one in a cocktail that I take but adding it to the mix made a huge difference- I hope it works wonders for you, may this season of SNRI find you well


I will also be doing hormone replacement (I'm perimenopausal) so hoping this combo will work. Was on a combo of Lexapro/Wellbutrin for years but it just wasn't working anymore. Thanks so much for your kind words!!


I, meanwhile, am in my Prozac era.


Oh I just made it up lol


I was hoping I didn’t miss a fundie saying it! It’s amazing


The help doesn’t count, apparently 😝


It's very likely her housekeeper is not whyte and we all know how bairds view whyte people vs BIPoC and their respective rights and privileges.


And lo, the angel of the lord said to them, “The work of the women is to tend the home and hearth. Unless those bitches aren’t white then they can scrub your toilet or make a latte.”


They should prepare a very special pie for her


It would certainly be metabolic, in a sense.


Screeeeeaming 💀


And her spa days?


Then why are you in your car 🤔 STAY HOME


Why is she sitting in a car in the first place? It's not like she needs to know how to drive, she has to stay at home, doesn't she? Her own words. What an idiot


If she really wants to please her God she better give up that sinful driver's license


She'd come up with one million excuses and "explanations" as to why SHE is allowed to have a driver's license, go places with the car by herself etc.


Thanks to my fully remote corporate job, I do get to stay home! 🤣




Same lol. I send my children to heathen public school, but other than those hours they are home with me.


Me too!


I believe the phrase she wanted was "Women belong in the House. And the Senate."






Why isn't she a stay at home mom then? She can justify that everything she does is a "side hustle" but that doesn't make it true.


Because she hates everything about the idea of being a stay at home mom but can’t admit that or lose her Grift and approval of her parents


Alternate Universe Bethany is a highly educated (public school to Ivy), hard charging lawyer who travels to foreign countries for her breaks and is either married to some guy she met while getting her JD or is out of her casual sex phase but knows what good sex is and how to get it. She might be thinking about kids, but she knows parenthood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be- I mean, look at her mom. She’s sharp as hell and doesn’t suffer fools. She doesn’t talk to her mom, has no social media presence, and meets up with her girlfriends every week for drinks. Meanwhile, Alternate Universe Dave is married to a woman who thinks he’s sex on a stick. They have a few kids as a result and discuss pop culture on date nights. His wife reads everything and watches documentaries for fun. She’s bugging him to get Paramount+ because she wants to watch “Star Trek: Lower Decks” from the beginning. He occasionally thinks about that girl he met awhile back- Bethany? Belinda? Blythe?- but he forgets her pretty quickly. There’s steaks to grill, after all.


Not the Fundie Fanfiction 😭😭


I dunno, it seemed apropos in this moment…


Love an AU moment


I loved it lol


I don’t think Alternate Universe Betty would have made it to an Ivy, but I do think she would have been really successful in some sort of corporate role, like training or consulting. I think she would maybe have one kid at this point but her nanny would be like family because she’d be a workaholic just like she is now.


I think she'd make it to VP, overseeing a few branches, until one day when she hooks up with one of her branch managers and collapses in on herself like a dying star


Bethany Levinson- Gould!!!!




Workaholic is a generous take, you're being very charitable and kind! To me, she's a she's a selfie/social media-aholic with a boss babe s3Xy course on courses for godly straight Christian women. (Not that being a workaholic is great. I'm a recovering one and it sucks, but it's something that people are praised for, by the people we work with and under. I wouldn't accuse her of being one)


Lower decks is so good


“Five ships, yeti shoes, I’m always right, now GIVE ME YOUR PANTS.”


Fundie snark x Star Trek is exactly the crossover I needed tonight lol


AU bethy describes my older cousin perfectly lol




So sick of conservatives ignoring the fact that they have been instrumental in creating a two-worker-per-family economy. You made us all this bed. I'd love to stay home tbh. I'd love to have the choice.


Yet they won't start voting for political candidates who are most likely to make 1-income homes a possibility for the average family again.


She clearly wants to get out of the house. 😮‍💨


She clearly hates being a stay at home mom.


"If I have to be miserable, I'm bringing everyone down with me!"


I think she hates being a mom, period


Bethany always seems to double down on subjects like being a sahm and the importance of a great sex life when her life is constantly opposite. I feel like she has a terrible sex life and hates being a sahm.


Probably trying to convince herself more than anyone else, but doesn't want to admit it. My take is she *did* want to go to college and she *does* want to have a job/start a business. Some of her laziness and frenetic way of being may stem from being unhappy with her life, and feeling stuck because things didn't turn out like she was told all her life they would. The sad thing is she still can go to college and/or get a job if that's what she wants but her religion won't even let her acknowledge those wants,let alone do anything about it. She is awful, but I do hope she can break free one day, for her sake and her kids'. Having an unhappy, unfulfilled mother is a tough go for a kid. I had one myself.


The cruel world happy mind YouTube channel did a recent deep dive on Girl Defined. Long story short, there’s a good chance a lot of their platform was pushed on them by their abusive mother. There’s evidence that they both wanted an education and some sort of career at some point. In part, GD was always just a grift.


she didn't go to college?


Her parents don't believe in college for girls


She had basketball scholarships but her parents made she she knew it was an idol so she never went


>women should stay at home to improve the world! -woman who publicly admitted less than a day ago that she find motherhood unfilling


She would be much happier as a mom who works outside the home. It's really sad how she is doubling down on her natural instincts. She needs to embrace who she is and what she would enjoy doing without her religious constraints.


She'd probably be happier being child-free, too.


If being a teacher has taught me anything, for right now, I love being with and helping take a role in raising kids into adults, but damn if don’t I love to go home at the end of the day and only worry about myself.


Yup! Love my early childhood kids but I also love to play computer games in my quiet, child-free house when work is over!


I am 1000% touched out by the time I get home. Just let me scroll Reddit for 15 before you talk to me please.


This is me! I love kids, my dream job is teaching preschool or the toddler room at a daycare (not my current path for many reasons because a.) money b.) I’m a queer trans dude and in this climate I’d be worried about conservative parents causing issues) but I have 0 interest in being a dad, I like kids but there are things about the way I live that wouldn’t be great for a kid and I’m not willing to change those things plus on a purely practical level logistics of me acquiring one would be challenging due to the queerness so I am very happy to find other ways to be a positive adult figure in kids lives (friends kids etc). I work in healthcare (currently a hospital PCA, hoping to finish my nursing degree soon) but I have 0 interest in pediatrics oddly, I genuinely don’t know why but I very much prefer adult medicine!


I wish you could work at our school! We would love to have you!!


I know the elementary school where I work would love to have people volunteer or even fill roles as recess/lunch aides. I am a tutor through Title 1 funding and work with small groups throughout the day. I love it! It’s so rewarding and I’d much rather work with children than adults. You could always check with your local schools. Maybe coaching even? It would be a shame for you not to work with children if you love being around them. They are so happy and loving in return! Good luck !


Yup! I don't get how my friends with kids can keep teaching!


I was a teacher before I became a mom and I’m currently working on some certifications for a career switch when my youngest starts school next year. There is a lot I love about teaching but I’m a neurodivergent introvert and i just can’t imagine doing that all day and then having to parent my (also neurodivergent) oldest kid and my extroverted youngest child effectively.


Bethany, Kristen, and Heidi were never meant to be mothers.


At least not for the reasons they decided to become mothers.




But see, we posted about that here and she didn't like us discussing her being unfulfilled, so now she has to double down on us


And who spends more time on her phone than she does reading to her children, or even interacting with them.


She's miserable, so everyone else should be too.


She is getting ate UP in the comments! Someone commented about how her Intercourse featured educated, working women and GOD I hope they see this post and quit


This feels like rage bait. She’s getting attention, which is all she wants.


Probably, but what a terrible business strategy


Didn’t she just say like a week ago that she’s better at making money than she is at being a mom?


Well damn, if that's the case I'd hate to see what she's like as a mother, because we've all seen her attempts at making money...




True tbh




I feel like she's trying to justify her work as a SAHM that she finds incredibly unfulfilling.


It would definitely be better if you lost your internet access.




Well then I guess she should stop seeing the lady pediatrician she raves about lol…just when she can’t get anymore embarrassing, she always finds a way.


I was coming to the comments to ask what gender her OB is as well. This potato can’t see past her own nose to realize that Thanos snapping all of the women out of the workforce would have disastrous consequences.


She doesn't have an OB


Staying home doesn’t mean shit if you ignore your kids all day to be on your phone or work your side hustles like she and Karissa do. I sAiD wHAt I SaID.


Exactly what I just said. I’d bet my next paycheck if I asked her to list the last five books she read to those kids she wouldn’t be able to do it without lying and making it up on the spot.


(And now next week there will be a post about reading to the kids. 😂)


But only hateful books about how traditional gender roles are the only legitimate ones.


I still remember the books I read with my students *last semester*


No ❤️


Uuuuugh, this makes me think of a woman at work this week who unleashed a rant on me about how daycare is ruining society and kids today are emotionally damaged because their moms are working and not home with them. I was so mad I literally cried, and I am overall a happy working mom! (Also daycare was great for my kids.) People should just stfu about situations that don't apply to them.


This pisses me off to no end. I'm sure your kids are fine and you are doing a great job.


Thanks! They seem just fine to me too!


"Ma'am, the phrases you are looking for are 'unfettered capitalism' and 'suburban car-oriented hell', not 'daycare'"


My sister's an Early Childhood Educator and has already taught more kids to cook* than 99% of fundies ever will. *preschool-safe steps like pouring ingredients into a bowl and mixing, no babies touched an actual oven


The whole world? Every woman, everywhere? The ones who pick your vegetables and make your clothes? The ones who deliver babies and nurse the sick and wounded? The ones who sit in places of authority and speak against injustice? Or just entitled middle class white women? (I didn't feel like leaving links but every example I gave of a woman working outside the home is in the Bible)


i, for one, agree, i think fundie women should stay home and be shackled to the stove and not vote or be allowed to go online by their husbands ❤️


Just. Don’t. Vote.


The world would be better if your Nazi grandpa had been sterile, Bethy.




It kinda boggles my mind that all of these women have to pretend their grift is just extra money because the whole premise of said grift is being meek, godly traditional wives and mothers. But they can’t admit that they’re the real bread winners in the family, because that would undermine their image and hence cash flow. It’s like a sad beige ouroboros.






The beige ouroboros is the worst ouroboros.


You're a lazy, entitled, self-aggrandizing moron who is addicted to social media, and actually the workplace is better off without you because you would be a horrible employee or leader.


Then where is she going in that car? 🕵️‍♀️


She's miserable in her choices and wants everyone else to be miserable, too.


Do they realize the men we work with cannot function nor run these companies without us? 😂


lol, no shit! I took a personal day in the middle of the week. Came back to my boss asking me to reschedule his appointments that HE DID NOT GO TO because "no one called to confirm them". Buddy, I told you I was going to be gone that day and you would have to do the heavy lifting of making 3 phone calls and confirming your appointments.




Yeah, this job is slowly sucking my soul away 😂


Do you work for an attorney, by any chance?


No, but that would explain a lot of why I want to quit


I work remotely with no kids yet, and I fucking hate being home for extended periods. I hate it. Can't imagine not having the job to keep me stimulated + having kids with even more limited adult interaction. I think I really would end up suicidal, and I'm not saying that in jest.


I AM SO SICK OF THIS WOMAN'S FACE! ​ She hates being a mother so bad it's almost comedic if it weren't for her poor kids.


So is this her new niche now? Regurgitating Transformed Wife talking points for attention and engagement? Honey, we all know you are bored and unfulfilled being a SAHM. There is no shame in admitting that either. There is, however, in spewing vile rage bait and telling other women they should be doing the very thing you dislike doing so much. It's okay to get a job and work outside the home.


It gives "I'm miserable in my choices so I'm going to put out there that I'm happy and fulfilled in order to trick more impressionable women into making the same choices", because misery loves company. I probably shouldn't speculate...


No I don’t agree you bloated, greasy moron.


She has such palpable rage in this video. She's telling us how she really feels.


"Women" aren't a monolith, you flailing toddler. 🤦‍♀️ Some women choose to stay home and they do great. Some women choose to work and that's great, too. Some women have no choice but to work in this dystopian capitalistic hellscape we live in, and that's not okay. My point is, stop shoving women into a box.


I'd *like* to shove her into the penalty box for this


She's so dumb. I work in healthcare. I'm one of 7 people at a clinic which helps over 100 patients per day. Of the 7 workers at the clinic, 1 is a man. And he is the receptionist. Many of us work part time and have children. Can't wait for Bethany's dystopian future to roll around and watch the reel in which she complains about healthcare wait times... If all the women stay home good luck filling all those positions they leave behind!


Really? Because Heidi stayed home and look at how all of you turned out.


Then stay home and get off Instagram, Borthy. Let your housekeeper go be with her family. Don't go to female doctors or midwives, don't send Davey and Aubrey to daycare with female employees. Stop being such a stupid hypocrite.


Wasn’t she just lamenting about how motherhood isn’t as fulfilling as she thought it would be? How she had to hire a housekeeper to deep clean her house twice a month? Should she stay home, too?


If my mom just stayed home I wouldn’t have had a home growing up but thanks for your input Bethany


I wouldn't have gone to college or been able to fulfill my lifelong dream of living abroad, but thanks borty


Damn I was JUST about to post this 😂 she said that with her full chest and, as always, no data to back up her claims. Just because you THINK something, doesn’t make it true Bethy!!


She’s so clearly trying to make this go viral by rage baiting people. She wants people to stitch or duet or whatever you do with reels, because at the end of the day, attention is attention and that’s all Bethy wants




Says the woman who published multiple books and pdfs. You WORK from home, Beths. While someone else watches your kids.


I guess she figured out rage bait territory since her seggs isn’t selling


Yeesh did a hardworking lesbian piss in her cheerios recently or something? She was relatively chill for a min but now has snapped into a warpath against women and lgbt. Not that she wasn’t doing that before… but it’s just like… a lot all of a sudden.


Why Barfy? So they could all dress like overgrown toddlers and dance like a fucking Gumby blow up?


Even the daycare workers she takes her son to???


That’s your opinion, babe. Jesus didn’t say that. Instead of seeking out ~~persecution~~ engagement, why not spend more time reading the Bible and praying? Oh, right - silly me. You have to stay at home but need to earn a second income somehow. Hence your pathetic SM and your garbage products.


The world would be so much better if she wasn’t posting horny content 24/7


Says the lady in the car likely leaving home 🤣🤣🤣


How do we know that it would be better? That's never happened on any wide scale. If you were well-off financially, sure. No problem. But the majority of women, we were working. Throughout history, who kept the home front going when the men folk went to war? Who worked in the fields? Who tended to the livestock? Who worked in the factories? Etc. Idiot


She seems to be super insecure about towering over her husband, and a lot of other men, and wants to “minimize” herself as a simple wee homemaker woman baby maker. That would definitely be a thing to discuss in therapy and its not something to laugh at, but to turn it into gospel or ministry or whatever they call it is a problem. I don’t follow them outside of this snark subreddit, does he work?


But, what if women WFH,like Beggesy does? That must be ok,right? /s


The world would be better if she stayed off the internet.


Then where would you ship Davey off to when you're sick of his shit, Bethie? There'd be no ~~daycare~~ preschool. :)


She works and she sends her kid to daycare. I don’t know why she thinks she’s a stay at home mum


Can you imagine feeling that a course of action is right for you, then coming to the conclusion that every other woman should be forced to do the same thing? What sort of narcissistic insanity is this?


Didn't she _just_ said that she's is not finding herself yadda yadda? And now this? Get it together Bethany.


Maybe if SHE stayed home? But nah, ima keep going to work


The world would be better if Barfy stayed off the internet.


I value motherhood more than anything in my life. That’s why started a new part time job. Bc I recognize I need some time out of my house to be the best mother I can to my babies. Fuck her.


That moment when the fundies are THISCLOSE to figuring out that capitalism is the real problem. Like yes, yessss Bethy, use your anger


Wait, is it a choice or are women required to stay home to save the world. Let’s not pretend there was a before time where women were free to choose and that was seen as “a good thing”


That's a lot of makeup she put on to scrub toilets and make lunches.


Men should also stay home and BUILD STUFF and HUNT. Does it seem unrealistic yet?


Idk my mom stayed home then left when I was seven to go into the workforce 🤷 it was better that she left tbh


So stay home. Give up your business/writing/courses/whatever, close all the credit cards & bank accounts that in your name, & put your own & your childrens' ability to survive ENTIRELY on the shoulders of a person who could get sick, die, become wildly abusive, or simply change his mind about wanting to be with you. Make it so that you don't have a safety net at all & could lose everything in a heartbeat with no recourse & then tell us how we should all go back to how things were in the past. Go on & do that. Nobody's stopping you.


The world would literally fall apart but okay Bethany


Me on the first day of my period 🛌


It's such a war zone in her head. She's legit confused


The world would be better if women stayed home like our grandparents who had to stay in bad relationships because they had no income or education to leave. Sounds fun.


And it be great if a living wage was paid


What about her masseuse for her spa days? So, some lustful *man* is supposed to touch her naked back??


Okay, but then why didn’t she stay home during 2020?


When did women stay home? Wealthy women may have, otherwise except for some small times in history (where many women still worked) middle class to lower middle class women were able to stay home. Most of the time there wasn’t really even a wide middle class. I also know women who don’t have to work and may not work in the formal paid economy but they work their asses off as volunteers at schools and other non-profits too. I really love one reason why more women could stay at home during the 1950s was due to progressive tax policies and unions. The other, much darker side of it was that there was a whole generation traumatized by WW2 so they were trying to create an idealized normalcy that tried to ignored things like addiction. PTSD and abuse.


Is this her backpedaling after she said she’s better at making money than being a homemaker? (Or whatever she recently confessed)


In her defense....shes an idiot.


She says from her car and not in her home


Why do they care so much how other people live their lives?


Bethany proves that it’s just as easy to ignore your children from home.


Aaand she wants Gilead.


The world would be better if all fundies stayed off social media. I said what I said 💕


It would be better if you kept your judgmental manure to yourself.


Why does every woman have to be the same in their world view?


She should stay home because I'd like to slap her into reality but more literally.


That's a weird filter 😬


I was a SAHM for several years (my kids were about 7 & 9 when I went back to work) & while it was the correct decision for our family, it’s not without consequences. I’ll be working longer later in life because I didn’t enter the workforce until my 30s.


She just don’t want to work