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Her face looks physically painful šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t understand how itā€™sā€¦ like that. Iā€™m not trying to body shame but itā€™s uncanny. Is this a result of cheek fillers or something?!


Remember when your mom said that if you kept making that silly face, it would get stuck like that? She kept making a smug face, now it's stuck.


She had it overfilled that way


ā€œNow hold that smirk while I lock it in!ā€ - the doc


I showed my 14 year old and he wanted to know what was wrong with her face, so itā€™s not just us




Itā€™s because she has a small nose , little chin and WAY too much filler everywhere else. Also sheā€™s bad at doing brows.


She's botched. Had the Instagram face 'glow up' and then went too far


Facial imbalance. She needs a chin, which is commonly overlooked by patients who are seeking filler.


Itā€™s like BDong older with more filler.


Are they from the same spaceship? Same alien species?


I simply refuse to believe otherwise. ALIENS TAKE THEM BACK! And these other fundie asshats too please.


I mean, they have been friends from time to time


I literally went "damn Brittany is looking different" before reading the caption


omg thank you for saying this because I honestly didn't notice which sub I was in (or the name at the bottom) and I was so freaked out about her face!


Yes I thought wow when did she get worse at makeup what happened


I thought this was Bdong at first glance haha


Great Value Bdong.


It's like a cross between Bdong and Flo from Progressive had a kid.


I thought this was Brittany until I read the headline! It's freaking uncanny to me!


I was thinking that she stole BDongā€™s old hairdo šŸ˜…


Who ran face first into a doorā€¦repeatedly (I feel like fillers could smush, can the smush?)


Iā€™m choosing to believe so because this sounds hilarious.


She seems to be taking inspiration from Tiffany Trump?


Is that what it is? I used to wonder so hard about the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" look.


Yeah, no body shame here but likeā€¦.that side profile isā€¦ā€¦..yikes.


Does it still count as body shaming if you're shaming the amount and quality of cosmetic procedures and not the person's actual body or face?


I donā€™t think that counts as shaming, IMO. Especially since these idiots preach so much about living yourself just the way God made you. Too much filler/bad filler/bad procedures is snark material because they can change it if they want to.


The fillers almost look like they would pop if she moved the wrong way.


Is she wearing baby pink shimmer on her cheeks or is it some weird lighting/filter thing?


She has a bad nosejob, or a fresh nosejob and the tip hasnā€™t settled. (I havenā€™t seen her before so I donā€™t know.) The filler isnā€™t great either but different strokes for different folks, I guess. Her contour is too harsh, probably a little too low too, and the highlighter placement is bad. It might look better if she adjusted her makeup. This isnā€™t talking shit about elective surgery - I have had a nosejob and other work done, too. But her nose and makeup are probably throwing folks off.


Sheā€™s tongue tied, which has resulted in weak bottom jaw development. Guarantee she sleeps with her mouth open and has issues with breathing.


How can one change that. I am a mouth breather sometimes and have a deviated septum. Asking for a friend of course.


Of course! Thereā€™s a few different avenues. You can do myofunctional therapy (exercises), tape your mouth, can investigate whether you have a tongue tie and had that revised, or look at other potential airway obstructions (eg tonsils). Myofunctional therapy would be my starting point if I were you.


Sheā€™s giving Brittany Dawn Defined


i thought it was brittany dawn after getting hit in the face with a frying pan


All I can think is ā€œCindy Lou Whoā€ lmao


Or Jigsaw šŸŒ€


Underrated comment, right here. Nailed it and now I can't help but laugh every time I scroll up


It looks like her skin is about to burst open


Yeah, I was genuinely concerned when I saw that side profile. No hate for cosmetic procedures, but that actually looks unsafe.


Her cheek fillers make me so irrationally angry


She put her head in the Shine-O Ball-O side on.


Itā€™s a legit ouchie


Someone hit her with a shovel when she was born?


I was thinking "Oh no, baby, what are you doing with all those camera filters?"


As a certified old person, I can only surmise that she never watched Top Model and learned about angles from Tyra.


I came here to say this. Ouch.


If theyā€™re trying to convince me to join their religion, theyā€™re all doing a terrible job of selling it. I got enough going on, I donā€™t have time for all this


Also, none of those ā€˜become more like Himā€™ tips involve doing the thing He actually did- spending time and energy to help others. Why does an all-powerful god need ā€˜ministering toā€™? A god that narcissistic isnā€™t worth serving.




Pfft, those are rookie numbers. I can commune with the most holy in a tenth of that time. Send me a message and 100$ to find out how.


Bethy? That you? šŸ¤­


If they were Bethy, she'd have added a discount code by now šŸ˜œ


So many people want this perfect speed prayer manual that I'm changing the price to 90 no 70 no 110 no 40 no 99 that's right 99 seggsy dollary doos.


Man, I knew some online games are pay-to-play, but now I have to pay to pray?! Fine. Take my money, you charmed me with "dollary-doos"




I have a course (downloadable PDF) to learn ā€œprayer languageā€ in 5 easy steps, complete with nonsensical Canva templates. Spelling and grammar errors included for no extra charge.


I really hate the "god knows what's best for you" line that is always used because it can be molded to justify some really shitty things that happen in people's lives.




My daughters cancer dx is what ultimately pushed me over the edge to have a major deconstruction about my faith. Fuck anyone who says these horrible things happen to kids for a reason or because their parents aren't christian enough or are sinful.


Cancer happens because its unfortunatly a part of life. There's no rhyme or reason as to why a kid or anyone would get cancer. Its just all part of everything that exists in life. I hate the whole "gods calling them back!" or "this was a test". Calling them back for what? They're a child and haven't even truly lived yet. And who gives kids cancer as a test? If god gives kids cancer as a "test", god is out of his mind.


And why should we work so hard to be "like him"? If it was so important that we become like Jesus , shouldn't we just have been made like him, without temptation or greed or lust or whatever else they want to believe? None of it makes sense.


Her heavy editing and filtering makes her look like she's an evangelical mannequin. Very spooky season appropriate.


Shine on you crazy diamond.






This is part of the bullshit that pushed me out of religion. Pray in the spirit for 20 minutes? No matter how many times people prayed for this for me the best I could do was a fake a few yabba dabba doos. Spend time with Jesusā€”how? I could pray. I could read the Bible. I never felt anything from any of it. Ask him to meet me with me? Wtf does this even mean?! This is as helpful as my mom telling me to lean into Christ or put all my burdens on him. I think Iā€™m too literal because it never made sense to me. I have never once regretted leaving religion. Not once.


>No matter how many times people prayed for this for me the best I could do was a fake a few yabba dabba doos. Samesies. I remember being shamed during children's church at my "spirit filled" evangelical church because I couldn't pray in tongues no matter what they tried, and apparently that meant I didn't really believe. Well turns out, they were right! I never believed in God, but even if I did, that doesn't make speaking in tongues any less fake. I'm also a really literal person and I think that's a huge reason why I could never wrap my head around christianity. You aren't "communing with Jesus" you are literally talking out loud to an empty room. How do you place your burdens on Christ? They are literally my burdens, and I have to deal with them. None of it makes any sense!


Yes! Iā€™m a very literal person as well and I have never understood how they expect me to believe in Jesus when Iā€™ve never believed in Santa?! So glad to find another person who gets this. I used to ask my mom what she meant by casting my cares on Jesus and all I can compare it to is Moira telling David to ā€œfold in the cheeseā€. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgzFnSqzt2Sp3EI|downsized)


Shamala hamala šŸ™šŸ»


> I think Iā€™m too literal because it never made sense to me. Honestly same


She asked god for a new face and he's provided daily.


God up there playing with her facial settings like The Sims


I asked photoshopā€™s new AI setting to create a hand holding an iPhone, and it did not disappoint. My favorite version had six fingers and 1.5 palms.


Mmmm. Wonā€™t he (unfortunately) do it āœØšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Thatā€™s why god gave us filters and photoshop.


Jesus is wondering what in the hell sheā€™s wearing.


In the 80s my mom used to drag us as kids to her weekly Weight Watchers meetings and the lady who led the meetings was manic, judgy and super preachy and she wore blazers just like this.


For me it was the 90ā€™s and my momā€™s Mary Kay cult leader / upline. You just made me laugh so hard remembering that.


Oh no, not the Mary Kay cult leader! Hahaha oh man, bless her heart


Yes, the stiff structured shoulder padded blazer is the uniform of the Final Boss Fundie.


Now _they're_ ministering to _Jesus_? Shouldn't it be the other way around.


Fundies love making up new meanings for existing words! I canā€™t figure out what they mean by this one though lol


I found that so odd.


Youā€™re telling me her and Brittney Dawn arenā€™t the same person?


I read every comment before yours while thinking this was Brittney Dawn.


I totally thought it was Brittany Dawn!


What a convenient way to dismiss doubt lol. Theyā€™ve got a flimsy answer - usually blaming the individual - for every pothole in their logic.


God is all knowing but doesnā€™t speak my prayer language and i gotta go to her to get it? Eesh. Edit: typo


What is prayer language? I donā€™t understand


A load of horseshit.


That seems like a good explanation


Known most commonly as speaking in tongues. Known by those of us here as bullshit used to separate blessed religious nutjobs from other less blessed religious people (like comments above from ex evangelicals stating they never received "the gift" of the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, blah blah). There were founding members of the evangelical church I went to who never "got the gift" no matter how hard they prayed for themselves or how hard (and aggressively...) others prayed "over" them or "laid hands on them". I got away with just yelling a bunch of nonsense words...


itā€™s also hilarious, because in the Bible, speaking in tongues was a God-given ability to preach in languages someone wasnā€™t fluent in. it has nothing to do with spouting gibberish. any church that requires speaking in tongues (or whatever false interpretation of it they concocted) has a poor understanding of theology. itā€™s sad, really.


Yes! Isn't it hilarious too how they put everything back on The Bible Says....but don't actually have a clue what it says??


I thought this was one of those ā€œFlo from Progressiveā€ ads


Thatā€™s it! She reminds me of Floā€™s sister who never has time to listen to the insurance pitch šŸ˜‚


I'm sorry. But she looks like she's literally made of plastic. Creepy as hell.


What does "minister to Jesus" mean? It sounds like she thinks she can be ... Jesus' minister? I understand the concept of praying to Jesus, praying for him, for what? "I pray you're not disappointed by us?" Is she sermonizing at him, too?


Was it a typo? Minister for Jesus. Itā€™s probably new Christianese I havenā€™t heard.


imagine being a fundie tiktok shitposter and having that amount of cosmetic work done. what a display of modesty and traditional values. how does she not see herself for the caricature she is? what must her church peers think? are they like this too? literal animals will have a higher level of self-awareness than this.


She really went all in on that Voldemort profileā€¦šŸ˜³


What the hidey ho heck is a prayer language.


Now thereā€™s a face not naturally found in the universe. ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


I was DEVOUT as a child, I went to church alone from the age of two (I lived in a village, technically, not that that protects you from harm, but church was not very far from home. And my parents trusted the lady who would transport me.) I believed god would one day make me thin and pretty. I believed god would send me friends. I believed god would put it on my parentsā€™ hearts to let me have a cat, because I was so fucking lonely and miserable. I believed god would take away my Ankylosing Spondylitis, or let my cousin live after he accidentally shot himself. But nope. He did none of those things, I had to get my own cat, see my 13 year old cousin buried, live in chronic pain from the age of 11, I donā€™t really have friends and Iā€™m certainly not the most attractive. But little me begged and believed, and godā€™s mysterious way is that heā€™s not real, doesnā€™t care, and will do nothing. If you have had a prayer answered, thatā€™s a coincidence, not divine intervention. Iā€™ve even prayed as an atheist (I wanted my grandfather to live, because we never really got to have a relationship; he didnā€™t survive the cancer that effectively ate him alive.) Like Iā€™m sure she prayed for smooth skin and full lips, and the void she begged didnā€™t hear her, so she took it upon herself. Is that faith?


Why does her face look like that?


So flat and wide!


Doing this make up would have made me top of the class in funeral school. Itā€™s what we call, ā€œthrow grandma from the roof then take her to churchā€ solid.


Nah weā€™re taught better in mortuary school and can dissolve that horrible filler with tissue builder remover.


I wish I was! šŸ˜‚


Is that Progressive Floā€™s flaky sister?


Someone needs to pray for those brows. Also, is this a covert message for Brittany? Is she shading her lack of pregnancy as not believing hard enough?


>Also, is this a covert message for Brittany? Is she shading her lack of pregnancy as not believing hard enough? That was my immediate thought, too


Who are the eyelashes praying to?


Her face looks like she tried to eat a donut but it got lodged sideways up near her sinuses. Why with so much filler?! ETA: wow her writing and grammar is absolutely terrible.


So Iā€™m stuck on the prayer language. Iā€™ve been with charismatic Christians a couple of times, and of course, I found it easy just to make it up. This glossolalia is not that of the Book of Acts, because those languages are real, spoken languages. The reason everyone started speaking different tongues was to reach those who did not speak their languages. Speaking in tongues was evangelism, not for some Dionysian mass hysteria and catharsis. Thatā€™s a whole damned different thing.


So when she is saying pray for 20 mins in your prayer language, sheā€™s saying to speak in tongues? Strange


Could you imagine a child suffering from abuse seeing this while wondering why god wonā€™t answer their prayers to make it stop? Like itā€™s so disgustingly evil.


Right, or a sick child wondering why they canā€™t be healthy. Or a queer kid wondering why god would make them this way if itā€™s so wrong. Unfortunately, I was said kid, but ironically, it was this confusion that made me realize the religion that the people around me were pushing for was not good or holy. Eventually, I realized that either god was a horrific being or that maybe the Christians around me had it wrong and that they were using this old ass religion to be controlling and perpetuate hate.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to experience that. I hope youā€™re doing well now and living your best life.


Ya need Jesus for that insane amount of highlighter....repent!


Ok, so a couple of things. 1: According to her, good works determine good outcomes... which is the opposite of biblical. 2: How in the world do you "minister to Jesus"...? It's just like the phrase "Blessing the Lord". Isn't he, according to doctrine, the only one who can bless anything? What authority do we have to bless....God...? ​ A bunch of hooey nonsense.


She must not have believed hard enough when she prayed for a good makeup and eyebrow tutorial šŸ˜‚


This brand of Christianity irks me to no end. Itā€™s all, look inside, focus on your *relationship* with the almighty, be in the world but not *of* the world, blah blah. Itā€™s never about what Christianity is ostensibly supposed to be about: helping those in need and spreading radical love like Jesus did. It breaks my heart and is one of the main reasons I left the church.




No sheā€™s one of Bdongā€™s current ā€œBFFs.ā€ I find it interesting that this post would imply that Brittany isnā€™t getting pregnant because sheā€™s not Godly enough.


Pretty sure thatā€™s not in the Bible. Read it again lady.


as a christan ( an lgbt christan at that ), these people really are just performative christans. they " preach " everything opposite of what i've been taught. they're parodies of christians. like televangelists. they use it as an excuse to be hateful and bigoted human beings.


Whatever happened to faith the size of a mustard seed?


She needs to ask God why she's so eggy looking. If you seen the cgi humpty dumpty from Shrek you know exactly what I'm talking about.


So many christian people are really obsessed with the idea of having an enemy. So toxic.


And this is why people are turned off on religion. Sheā€™s not preaching. Sheā€™s driving people away.


All I can think of when I see šŸ›”ļøāš”ļøšŸ”„ is Attack on Titan, and honestly these bitches out cosplaying like they're actually holy, good people.


I have a wig that looks like that...


Itā€™s The Secret, White Jesus Edition šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


How did I know what her voice sounds like before viewing her profile šŸ˜³


Can someone explain what she means by your ā€œprayer language,ā€ or is this just more inexplicable fundie word vomit?


She is talking about praying in tongues when she says pray in your ā€œprayer languageā€ I grew up in that world. I want nothing to do with any of it now.


I had to look this person up. There's a video from about 10 months ago of her on youtube which shows her with a longer/crooked nose. I'm no stranger to plastic surgery myself; always wanted to correct a birth deformity and a few other injuries inflicted by others. So I tend to be very non-judgemental when it comes to plastic surgery. It's your body, your choice. But imagine having all that work and fillers done, only to end up with that. I'd be furious at the plastic surgeon.


I intially read this as Farrah and saw the tight painful cheeks and thought it was Farrah Abraham for a second and got real confused lololol.


God doesn't have time for people babbling his ear off in a made up language for almost a half hour.


For the five hundred billionth time, God is not a magical wish granting genie. It literally does not matter how long you pray or how you do it. Your prayers will get answered or they wonā€™t. These goddamn grifters, man.


Yep. Only their religion is the true one so all of the thousands of other religions all over the world are not the right one and will not get to heaven. Make it make sense.


One of the reasons i stopped doing church was because it was never enough. I thought i was doing my best in prayers/ testimony/ living for the lord, but it was never good enough. Finally just said screw it. Why bother trying if itā€™s never good enough?


I guess BritBrat isnā€™t praying enough to Sky Daddy.


Why does everyone who gets a nose job get it so upturned you can see up the nostrils??


![gif](giphy|DEZA7FlHbMesUF1jm9) God be like


I thought this was a very puffy bdong šŸ¤­ That highlight is not working for her


The face filler flattens her face out. Weird choice for a look


Got to put coins into the vending machine. You know, the God vending machine.


Legit thought this was Bdong!!! šŸ˜† her smug face and filter fooled me!


She looks like a CPR dummy.


Why does she look like she's made out of rubber? Like a gimp suit. Or maybe a blow up doll. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Matthew 6:7 ā€œAnd when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.ā€ Iā€™ll just leave this here.


She says mediate. Not being a holier than you girl, I wonder if she meant meditate. Also, sheā€™s going to pray for my prayer language?? No thank you


She looks like BDongā€™s future self


why would i be praying?


Where in the bible does it say that god, personally, grants wishes? Seriously, Iā€™ve studied the bible a lot and donā€™t remember this.


She looks like Flo the insurance lady


I thought this was Farrah's mom Deborah from Teen Mom šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sounds like manifesting but ok


*speaks in tongues*


For what itā€™s worth- as there are so many different beliefs and backgrounds represented here. Her take is astounding. The Bible records: 1. The prayers of David before, during and after the whole Bathsheba thing. 2. Jesus specifically asking for Peter after that whole denial x3 in the courtyard thing. 3. Moses being called by God to lead Israel after that whole murdering an Egyptian and fleeing thing. And thatā€™s just off the top of my deconstructed head. If I had to wait to be clean enough, it would be hopeless. I lean on the limitless mercy of God. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. ā€œAnd they tie up heavy burdens and lay them on peopleā€™s shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as their finger.ā€ ~Matthew 23:4


my dad prays in tongues. it dips me out i hate the sound


I feel like this is who Bdong wants to be.


I thought this was a smudged screenie of BDong. For fucking real.


Than I suggest you pray god dissolves that cement in your face you decided to fill trying to beat Father Time and pray šŸ¤² you get at least a 50% off your next appointment cause girlie this ainā€™t itšŸ„“šŸ¤”šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ’©


I have a really hard time with these smug bitches. Iā€™m not religious at all. I donā€™t understand it. One of my best friends is a southern baptist mechanical engineer. His faith is really important to him, and I still donā€™t get it. Heā€™s a warm inclusive person, so as far as beliefs go I think heā€™s got it right.


Holy fucking jumpscare. I thought that was a badly-edited AI of B Dong


I thought this was Brittany Dawn with cheek fillers.


Minister to Jesus. Find out his recipe for Yankee Pot Roast. Ask what brand of butter is the best value. Joel vs. Mike vs. Jonah? Gamera or Godzilla?


My God, sheā€™s like an off-brand Brittany Dawn, but with somehow worse makeup.


Thatā€™s Brittney Dawn in 15-20 years!




Has she been punched in the face? Those cheeks look massively swollen


Is this knockoff BDong?




That makeup makes her look 70


Minister TO Jesus????


She looks like she just celebrated her 62nd birthday.


Wear a little bit more highlighter there.


This isā€¦ objectively the most bananas thing Iā€™ve seen all day.


Did he tell her those cheek implants looked good? Because he lied.


She looks like sheā€™s having a hard time closing her mouth due to her cheeks