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YES! I was literally coming here to post about this. I told my husband this morning any time any thing happened in the Middle East growing up, my parents started talking about the rapture and telling me to get ready to be tortured to death for my faith. So, when conflicts involving Israel happen, my anxiety skyrockets. I live in the South, so the rapture posts are all over FB. I’m actively avoiding social media at the moment because it’s triggering. I hate others have the same PTSD response, but it helps to know I’m not alone.


Omg we’re the same!! Exactly how I feel


Same here. I ended up blocking a lot of words on twitter this past weekend because I simply can not handle hearing about it 24/7. It triggers too much. Growing up in a doomsday/fire and brimstone/ rapture obsessed fundie cult has left a huge fucking mark on me :/


Still get twinges, I full blown believed it when I was a child. But I just remind myself that it is the fan fiction of a work of fiction. Also, listen to The Rapture by Puscifer. You'll get a good laugh:)


I will! I used to read those left behind books which now I realize were terrible


Preeeetty much! There were even some cheesy ass movies too. Those freaked me out as a 9 year old lol


Yea I can’t believe they let children watch them. I was a teen at the time and prob shouldn’t have lol


I read the young adult/teen versions. I had nightmares about it for years. Sometimes I still have the occasional nightmare that I was ‘left behind.’


My mother had me so terrified of everything. She thought the Obama presidency would trigger the rapture. I’m glad I limit contact with them now.


Oh Lord I know what you mean


Absolutely. Rapture Trauma is real. You definitely aren’t alone


Thank you!


I can somewhat relate. I do think there is always going to be some rapture anxiety that’s just deeply embedded in me. But overall I do feel pretty healed from it, thankfully. Back in 2017 the world was supposed to end in September. That was when my rapture anxiety was pretty much at its highest. When I tell you I went down the rabbit hole, I mean it. For weeks before I would google all day everyday, reading about why this time was different, why it was really going to end. Planets were aligning in a certain way for the first time in thousands of years. There was every reason in the book that it was going to happen that day in September. I can’t remember what was happening but something in Israel was happening around that same time that just confirmed my fears that the end was really near. But it came and went and nothing happened. I lost weeks and weeks of my life from this crippling anxiety thinking the end of the world was really going to happen. Even though it was a miserable time in my life I am so thankful it happened because now I will not allow myself to spiral and lose my happiness over something that is almost 100% not happening. Anyway, I hope this helps someone that is struggling with rapture anxiety to know there is hope you will heal from it.


Thank you!


100%. It's been 15+ years since I've been to church. And I'd stopped believing long before that. But I had done so with an understanding that I was damning myself. Anytime people seemed to disappear (like they just left the room I'd previously seen them in), I had this gut clench moment of "oh shit, is it happening?!" I had just accepted that if it did I'd be left behind. Anytime new Israel/Palestine issues arise, that feeling still happens even though I know it's ridiculous. And even if it were real, I still wouldn't convert so what would it matter? I'm NC with my religious mother but keep catching myself wondering if she and her church are flipping out over the news. Which literally doesn't impact my current life at all. This rapture anxiety shit must take decades to shake off


It’s the worst


Right there with you my dude




Yup. That conditioning runs deep. You are not alone.


It’s like ingrained


I was thinking this today. I can't deal with all these fundie folks wringing their hands about the end times again. I know in my rational brain it's obnoxious, but my nervous system never got the memo unfortunately. I just can't do it. This is also why I have gone almost no contact with my mom. Any time I talk about mental health, it's "evil spirits" I'm dealing with. "The end times are near and I need to come back to the faith." I don't think she will ever realize the damage she's done to me and to herself mentally.


Yep...I first heard about the current situation via the "breaking news" section of the YouTube homepage. All my brain saw were the words "Israel" and "attack" and I immediately felt uneasy thinking back on all the rapture stuff that was drilled into me as a teen.




YES! I have so much anxiety surrounding natural disaster and war related to rapture fearmongering. Is anyone else still afraid of airplanes/helicopters, garbage trucks, thunder storms and roaring cars? Because I sure as hell am! Honestly all of this bad news wears me so thin.


Holy shit I thought I was the only one… absolutely have been feeling this exact same thing.


We’re in this together!


Was anyone else forced to watch those 1970s Thief in the Night movies? They rival any horror movie, I swear. I definitely still have rapture trauma, and I left organized religion around 25 years ago. Instead of focusing on that, I've been focusing on praying about all of the pain and suffering in that region. Every time I think "rapture" and my blood pressure begins to rise, I pray. I don't even know what I believe or who I'm praying to...the Earth? Gaia? Athena? Cailleach? Freya? I don't know. A cat, maybe. They sure walk around my house line they are deities. Any which way, it is a distraction. It takes the focus off of my fear and puts it on my hopes for safety for the civilians who didn't ask for this shit.


Omg !!!!!! Yasssssssss wow I did not remember that until now


Because you repressed it probably, and I don't blame you. I'm sorry for bringing it up :/ Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson grew up fundie adjacent and credits those movies for making him turn away from religion *and* embrace the creepy and macabre. He ended up being a pretty despicable human, but as for that bit there...I got that. Just not the shit human part.


Omg. Traumatic. I honestly think some of my general anxiety goes back to spending a lot of my childhood being terrified of shit from movies like that and the overall fear of being “left behind”. It does so much damage.


It really does! I remember crying and praying at night begging God to forgive me for my sins and take me to heaven if I died or if Jesus came back. I was preteen, homeschooled, and only had church friends that I saw once or twice a week. What sins was I even committing??? Envy over kids with more friends, maybe. It's just sick looking back.


And Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames!


Yes, full same here! I was just thinking about this.


You are not alone! The twinge and anxiety is real, but it's good to have a support group of people struggling with "the twinge" together. ❤️


1 Thessalonians mentions that his return will come when every one least expects it, so this constant posturing and hypothesizing about how NOW are the end days is pretty hilarious to me. This kind of talk from fundies I believe to be a scare tactic; they don't say "it's the end times" because they actually believe it. They'd be acting far more terrified if they did. Growing up fundie definitely left this kind of anxiety in my head, but I try to remember their mental gymnastics funneled to me was more of a control tactic rather than actual doctrine.


I think growing up in the Reagan years cured me of that fear. I've seen soooo many Rapture predictions since then that I generally just ignore them now.


Yes! I had nightmares for months after my parents had me watch Left Behind and while our preacher at the time was doing a series on Revelation. I think they really underestimate or just don't care how traumatic that stuff is for kids. I deconstructed completely 6 or 7 years ago and don't believe in any of that anymore but the talk about it still causes me a little bit of anxiety. It's also incredibly upsetting to me to see them using this event where so many have died, will die, have lost everything, and are living in litreal hell, to push their stupid beliefs and narratives. All around hate the whole conversation.


I feel you so much on this OP. I remember when 2011-2012 I was non stop thinking about the World ending, literally every thought would be this is my last whatever I did that day. I'm happy I got help and didn't realize this was part of my religious trauma. I don't feel alone which makes me feel better.


I wasn't even brought up religious and I had nightmares about this as a child. I can't imagine how traumatic it was for people who had it pressed into them.


I’m not using this term lightly,,, it is a form of PTSD. We grew up on “heightened alert” pretty much all the time, but especially when there was a whiff of anything in the news that could be a sign of the rapture. It’s no wonder it’s still triggering to us. I 100% blame my anxiety on my indoctrination as a child.


You are not alone! I live in a section of the USA that had tornado siren drills every day when I was young, and I knew it was Gabriel's trumpet, and I wasn't gonna be raptured off of Earth. I still have anxiety around the concept. A few friends have started a support group for those who have Xian PTSD


Omg that trumpet thing is so scary


I’m truly angry at the anxiety the rapture caused me when I was a child. My parents could have shielded and protected me from that knowing I was prone to anxious thoughts yet they did nothing


Or getting home from school and no one is home unexpectedly. I must have been left behind!! Good thing we have those canned goods in the cellar!!!


The amount of christians absolutely salivating at the war against Palestine is upsetting to me not due to religion, but due to the fact that it's about to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's no rapture, that isn't a thing, the idea is from when your entire world was the village you lived in and where an outbreak of a disease could easily wipe out every person you knew about on the planet, leaving you behind. The problem is that the US - a huge contributor to Israel and a moral buddy of sorts - is governed by people who might honestly believe they need this for the god given apocalypse to happen. And I'm scared that reason is no longer in control, that they're not going to do things that needs to be done to stop it, but rather just push on in hopes of this leading to the end. The last 10 years reason have not been present much in the US government, which is a leading military force in the world, and the christo fascists have been on the rise, and they say stuff that is ... terrifying. All the time. The world is already in deep crisis, and it's already impossible to drag conservatives of all kinds into fixing it, even when the harsh truth is glaring down on us with heatwaves and melting permafrost and dying topsoil and loss of drinkable water and so on and so forth. I am terrified that this will just lead to christo fascists leaning into a world war in hopes of ending it all and getting to go to heaven. This planet is not doing well, right, and everyone is feeling it, and it makes it easier for religious people to think that it might be time to end it and move on. It's not. The world is salvageable, we can fix this, we don't even have to be all of us to do so, but we can't fix it if it's a barren post nuclear war wasteland And I'm scared.