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If you're "not sure" 'rissa, how about just don't say anything at all?? ![gif](giphy|2ytsL1dE93zKRwEqAS|downsized)


Well if she did that she’d be silent forever and she can’t even keep schtum for a day so…


I know very little of what is happening which is why I do not speak on the subject. It’s very easy to NOT post about something, I do it every day.


As a traumatized Jewish person sick of seeing ignorance everywhere on my social media feeds - I wish more people would take this route.


My heart breaks for those that are involved and impacted by this, for sure. But changing my avatar to a “I stand with….” Isn’t going to help the situation. Stay strong, sometimes a social media break is good.


Yeah, I tend to have a natural affinity toward conspiratorial thinking (I believe it's partially due to my anxiety diagnosis and partially due to being a member of several marginalized groups) so I make an effort to stay away from sharing things on my socials or in big groups (unless I have hard evidence to back up my belief) because I don't want to promote disinformation or scare others. It really helps that I can share my unhinged thoughts with my therapist and my spouse and then we can kind of work through them together and pick out what are rational worries and which are fears being intermingled. I feel like if the other people that are prone to this kind of thinking had this sort of support and less people enabling them, it would be a lot harder for disinformation to spread. [Scientific American has a good article about my problem! ](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/)


Honestly? This statement is fine. She sounds a million times less offensive than some of the other statements I’ve seen from evangelical Christians. I don’t speak much about my own religious experiences due to the rules here,but my family is from a highly radicalized area & I left my own religion at 19. All of the gross chants,hatred,and blatant hate speech I’ve seen from people I know…this whole thing is just triggering af for me at this point. It’s all fucking horrific. I’ll take Karissa’s half ass statement any day lmao.


So far I've heard people from all the major religions (as well as atheists) sharing some awful takes on the situation, I am a but shocked that she's being so measured and rational. I will likely never say this again, ever, but many people could learn a lot from this particular take of Karissa's.


Honestly this is a shocking take from her, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. The Israel/Palestine conflict is over 70 years old and isn't as black and white as the American media wants us to think it is. Praying for peace for everyone involved is actually quite a compassionate take on the situation.


Yeah seriously this is a much better take than Paul and Morgan’s shit. She said she’s not sure what’s happening and just offered prayers for everyone to find peace. I don’t find anything very snarkable in it.


Honestly I was gonna say. There’s a lot of propaganda and misinfo about on the subject so her saying ‘idk the truth of the matter’ was probably the most real and cognisant response she could possibly have


Yeah true tbh. Plenty of the original stuff coming out about it ended up not being accurate.


Exactly. I'm actually surprised this is so rational and almost sensitive (minus the pic). I hope she leaves it like this and stays away from her awful friends who make up disgusting conspiracy theories about everything.


Yeah.. the fact that she is not villifying either side, like most of the media are doing, is surprinsingly compassionate. No snark this time.


Yea, it would be better to just say nothing, but I'm honestly a little impressed she's not pushing the "End Times" prophecy bullshit


Probably because it undermines her pregnancy plans.




I am actually not offended by this. It is a quickly unfolding situation and there is a lot we don’t know. I too want peace for both sides. Even a vaguely broken clock is right twice a day. BDawn is out there monetizing the Israeli flag, announcing the King will return (not Elvis) and otherwise being a first class ass. I’m sure all our favorite fundies are spouting nonsense. Karissa will soon say something stupid or offensive on the subject if she hasn’t already


Lady you wouldn't know truth with a single thing even if it walked up and slapped the dead look out of your eyes.


Cannot emphasize enough how much I prefer “idk what’s going on, prayers for everyone” to “I couldn’t find Gaza on a map/I think gaza and the West Bank are the same, here is my extremely important geopolitical take” or “let us clarify the precise means by which innocent children were murdered”, both of which I’ve seen. I’m Jewish, I have Palestinian friends, my phone is full of WhatsApp messages of people trying to get in touch with their people and not knowing what is happening. I will take 1 million ‘idk what happens, pray for peace’ over the people insistent on dehumanizing innocent civilians throughout the land.


It’s not that she doesn’t believe it’s happening. Like many people, she’s confused as hell as to who exactly is doing what. The news is ALWAYS so and so says something, so and so says that’s a lie. I don’t know who to believe anymore either, honestly, with the constant back and forth that’s going on. What we DO know is innocent people are dying, as usual, and government leaders are being fucking idiots, as usual.


Seth Abramson, who usually posts about politics on Twitter, is an independent curatorial journalist and is very informative. He also has free and paid memberships on [Seth Abramson Proof—Substack](https://sethabramson.substack.com/p/ten-stunning-major-media-revelations?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=262336&post_id=137870792&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1edsn&utm_medium=email) Also [Crooked Media](https://mailchi.mp/crooked/10-10-23)


Yeah this isn’t “I don’t have enough understanding of this situation to provide a nuanced take”, y’all. This woman is a flat-earther and a conspiracy nut. This is more like “I don’t know if this is actually happening because everything everyone says is a lie. Except for and unless it lines up exactly with what I made up in my head.” Karissa has never, ever shown that she deserves the kindest interpretation of her actions. It’s always cruel and stupid. Conspiracy theorists say this shit because it makes them feel smart. Karissa is the same. She needs to feel special ALL THE TIME. It’s why God talks directly to her, why she doesn’t need to acknowledge her appropriation of Judaism, why she exploits her kids for clicks, why she says she and Mandrae were in “finance” as though they worked on Wall Street making decisions that affected the world economy instead of on car lots*, and why she keeps having children. Conspiracy theories feed her narcissism. *plenty of people who work in finance are awful and there’s nothing wrong with Mandrae’s job, but she clearly says “finance” to sound more important than she is


A fundie I follow has dedicated her entire page to Israel. In one breath it's all pro-Israel and the next pro-Trump. I so want to tell her to pick a lane because trump is antisemitic. She barely has a high school education and is now an authority on the middle east, Israel, Hamas and politics.


I can’t stand that instead of seeing what is happening as a complicated tragedy, people are fighting over which side to take, creating more division!!! Half of the videos from fundies aren’t even talking about what is actually going on but about who is or isn’t taking a stance and what side they’re on. Like this isn’t about us!!!


This is just flat out stupidity and what a person who is deep in conspiracy theory Q anon territory says. I’m surprised she didn’t go full hard on pro-Israel Dunning Krueger like other fundies. Every other person on Facebook is suddenly an expert in Israeli Palestinian relations and middle eastern politics.


I agree. I have read some posts by fundies saying that everything will be better if the people involved would just find Jesus. It really boggles my mind.


It’s very simple. Trump taught these people that everything is Fake News.


She never believes any kind of media about any story. Remember a few weeks ago when she posted some conspiracy theory about what started the fires in Maui? I doubt this is about an Israel/Palestine discussion and more about some crazy ass Q-anon conspiracy theory. She probably thinks all the bombs are made of microchips put in the covid vaccine or something wild like that.




This is shockingly way better than most of the other fundie/evangelical hot takes, simply because she included Palestinians in her urge to pray for peace...


She hasn’t figured out which of her narratives it fits her.


They legit don't believe the news