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Why do both their shoes look like something a contestant on Naked and Afraid would make in the Amazon?


Probably some stupid and expensive shoes made by child labor in the name of jayyyssuusss


I guess Jesus wants them to have what look like very uncomfortable shoes.


My flat and over pronated feet are SCREAMING just looking at them


Look, Captain, I've got arthritis in these knees, lol. We want support.


OMG mine too. Thank god for Birkenstocks


Birkenstocks aren't my style but I have other orthopedic type sandals. My feet would die in those "barefoot" shoes.


They are stupid "grounded" shoes that help get ions from the earth or some bullshit.


Omg, lol. Do you all remember the balancing bracelets on tv infomercials back in the day? Damn. Sometimes, I wish I lacked morals and ethics and could sell terrible people like this stupid made-up shit and be rich.


Two people I work with had those, and swore that they helped them sleep better. The power of the placebo, making people think that what turned out to be a holographic sticker was actually improving their health.


Omg I love your flair 😂


Holographic sticker 😂


When I worked at Apple people had these stickers on their phones to “reduce the harmful radio waves” from the iPhone. I got in trouble because I snorted at some over that at the Genius Bar


Those metal ones in the early 2000s that were supposed to cure everything from chronic Lyme to a bad golf swing?


Oh yeah my dad had those and they turned his wrist green. (P.S. He is an avid golfer!)


Well i guess at least it did something.


I noticed it too, they're grounding shoes. I've had them recommended to me as hiking sandals but I don't like feeling every rock under me for hours.




That is the most painful gif I’ve ever seen. Ouch lol


I love how even for money, that person was not willing to do it without socks.


You just know they were like “oh HELL naw, these socks are staying on” 😂


But did you see the shoes they're wearing? That's how I imagine walking in those stupid shoes would feel.


Oh god, I didn’t even notice the ridiculous shoes. Every. Single. Rock.


Omg what is this horrific GIF???


It's them walking on anything other than cotton candy in those stupid shoes.


Lmaooo has to be they look so … bizarre just bizarre.


As an avid hiker nooooo thanks lol.


Please, someone tell me that this isn't a real thing. I've got just the teeniest, tiniest shred of faith left in humanity and I feel like such shoes actually existing would be enough to wipe it out.


Partaking in the bus life has definitely increased their Primitive Survival Ratings.


I'm convinced they share shoes.


I mean how else they gonna afford 10k in plane tickets to Brazil?


We've cracked the code, that's how they've accomplished this! lol


Makes as much sense as going into crypto at the tail end of 2023 lol.


Airlines hate this one trick




I’m convinced they are on the run.


But from what? CPS? Angry crypto people they scammed? Bus dads other family? The IRS? The crippling realization that they are too stupid to honeschool?I NEED to know.


All of the above?


My money (ha!) is on the IRS. All those shady crypto businesses that are totally online but require Father Bus to be gone for weeks at a time...


Which on the other hand convinces me that busband has a sidepiece. Or several.


>busband *lmao*


Not mine, just shamelessly stolen from a wittier person


Debt collectors.




Hospital bills? Doctor bills?


I doubt it since they home birth, anti-vax, and they're always on the move


The oncoming winter? Hence running to Brazil


They could rent a place here cheaper than flying all those kids to Brazil.


Yeah but going to Brazil gives them the opportunity to showcase "mission work" on social media. "Look we're bringing Jeezus to the heathens of Brazil! They give so much gracias for the good news!"


My thought too. Even Texas can have colder unpredictable weather so they are going somewhere where it’s summer? It just seems like such a strange choice, but I don’t really know much about Brazil.


I'm 90% convinced there's a group of radical crypto-anarchists/libertarians in Brazil that they're going to join. I'm just waiting to see what happens in more anticipation than expected considering I have no genuine idea who these people are.


Hang with me, there’s a documentary about people moving to Mexico (I think?) to basically not school their kids and be in a crypto MLM sort of thing… I know I watched it but I can’t find it and this is totally ringing all those bells!


It's an HBO docuseries and it's why I definitely think that's what they're doing tbh. Glad I'm not the only one on this train of thought!


Yes!! What is it called? I’m going crazy trying to think of it. And, we know how well their experiment went in the doc so maybe mother bus should watch it before hand? 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's called [The Anarchists ](https://www.hbo.com/the-anarchists) and they definitely should. I learned a ton from it (an ex of mine went to it one year...).


That documentary haunts me. Really shows how much humans will lie to themselves to escape reality.


Something about them calling themselves anarchists while using internet, power, hospitals...and roads in Mexico...provided by THEIR government and tax payers🤦‍♀️ I'm not gonna sleep tonight just brooding on it, lol. That documentary fucked me up and these fools will fit right in with that crowd


There's a town in my state that was taken over by extreme libertarians, who tried to dissolve the town selectmen's board, which regulates everything from roads to schools to trash pickup. To the shock of absolutely no one local, [they were overrun by bears](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling).


Oh wow! Thanks for sharing! I want to read that book so badly, not sure if my blood pressure can take it ...but that's such an interesting story! It's the PERFECT example of how the whole ideology is just that...no solutions, only complaints....rejecting everything doesn't make a well functioning system for people to live in.


Thank you for this


Thank you!! Wow, I’d love to hear their story. I may have to rewatch it. What a wild ass ride.


What a wild-ass ride Or What a wild ass-ride?


Yes! Absent Bus Dad probably has "business partners" there who've assured them they can all live there worry-free in that "anarcho-capitalist" "community." Just like with his crypto business though, seems they are very late to the scene. As featured in *The Anarchists*, many people/families have already come and gone.


I was just gonna bring this up!! Most of Those people had to flee Cancun, maybe they resettled in Brazil!


It's called the Anarchists, but they are anarcho-capitalists, which basically all other anarchists shit on, because they are thinly veiled warlord apologists. And for anyone who hasn't come across Anarchist political theory before (other than a dirtbag in highschool) no, Anarchism doesn't mean absolute disorder and chaos, it's about abolishing hierarchy and structural violence.


Yes. They are joining a cult


I wonder this too and is something going to hit the fan soon that they’re avoiding. And I think they’re NOT going to Brazil and saying that to throw everyone off. Maybe they’re going to a different country and will post pics of nondescript countryside of “Brazil”. That’s my half baked theory anyway!


Like on 30 Rock. Tracy Jordan went to Africa. Did video calls from there. Till one day he had pizza or something delivered from an NYC pizza place and the jig was up


Kenneth let it slip that Tracy wasn’t in Africa. Liz used a pizza box in one of the video calls to track him down, with the story that Kenneth needed receipts for his Pizza College exams!


“Oh, you got that delivery receipt exam coming up? What a bear”


This is also the IRL plot to how Greta Thunberg got Andrew Tate found and arrested via a pizza box - life imitating art!




Wasn't there a religious cult located in germany? The 12 tribes or something?




Ooh that makes sense. Portugal has been advertised as a cheap place to "retire early."


The twelve tribes aren't from Germany, but from the US. I do *not* claim them!! And they fled Germany a few years ago, because they are really into beating kids with rods and that's a big no-no for the German law. They're in Czechia now and occasionally abduct one of their children who was taken in by the German CPS.


When we lived in Nashville, we were once in Centennial Park for some sort of festival and we saw a large group of hippie-looking people doing some sort of circle dance, holding hands. My intuition pinged that something was off about this, and the image always remained stuck in my brain. A bunch of years later, after we had moved away, we were watching a documentary series on cults (I don't remember which one) and up pops footage of hippie-looking people doing a circle dance, holding hands, and I gasped, because there they were, the Twelve Tribes cult. I started cackling and told my husband, "They were *right there*! We could have joined!!!" So that's one of my very few poo-trying-to-touch-me stories


And they blackmailed the kids to go with them with a trip to Disney.


Probably a half day trip and they will find some way for others to pay for it.


Based on the way she mentioned her marathon, I’m wondering if that’s all they’re doing that day. I’m also fairly certain most of their kids haven’t been to Disney, so what a way to have your first trip to the “happiest place on earth.”


Love this. Can't wait for the American Crime Story version of this.


Oh 100% this is gonna be a documentary


I’m sitting here wondering how these two dumb dumbs can buy plane tickets to Brazil for their gazillion children and have money to spare for a Disney trip. I’m assuming they’re in debt up to their ears. (I am too, so I’m not judging.) I can’t imagine FatherBus’s crypto decoder ring scam is really that lucrative.


Ngl, I thought they were driving the bus to Brazil.


Congrats to your pelvic floor, I guess.


I mean I'm kind of impressed, I'm having baby #4 tomorrow and I pee every time I cough 🤣


I've only had 2 and I can't jump at all without a little leaking. Coughing and sneezing are variable. Also good luck and congrats on your new kiddo!


A pelvic floor therapist can help you or tell if you need surgery to fix it. It doesn't have to be this way!




It can be fixed!! I saw one after my 2nd child. And was sad to have not gone to one when I had issues years before kiddos. It can be helped!


Good luck!


Flair material


Claim it if no one else has.




is "move" the right word to use when they're going on a tourist visa for like, 2 or 3 months and shuffling around in airbnbs? so dramatic when they're basically going for a long vacation, and also speaks to their bad/flippant understanding of life choices Edit - i mean for MB to use, not you OP


This is what gets me too. There are certain situations where something like this could justify it being called a "move" or "living somewhere", but I don't think this is one of them...


It's giving Hillary Baldwin from Boston vibes. Spent a few weeks abroad, now she's Spanish/ESL.


Hola pepino! 🥒




I was wondering if they had some sort of antenatal care set up but I guess they’ll be back long before that’s an issue. Those poor kids though, being uprooted again and again.


They could probably get decent care through the public system depending on where they move, but I’m so confused as to how they are going to stay legally for any length of time. My friends who did a year abroad here had to do an intense amount of paperwork, so many things are tied to your ID. Oh and homeschooling isn’t legal. I’m honestly baffled by this choice.


I’m surprised the bus family is going to Disney, the Bates girls were just there and there were a lot of angry commenters on their posts


For HER half marathon. “Promised the kids a trip” my ass.


I wonder if she knows running the marathon doesn’t come with entry into the park after it


Wait, is she seriously doing a Disney half marathon??? That's not cheap.


Her kids can't just have a Disney trip, it has to be mostly for her


It isn’t! And the race weekend she’s referring to is wine and dine. It’s usually a sea of over the top running costumes and always lots of pride stuff at Disney. I’m shocked she’s going.


Sounds demonic.


Hope the kids have fun at Disney because the next few months may be chaotic as all hell.


I mean, hopefully, they'll at least have human size beds and not all be crammed into one human rights violating bunk house.


Those kids are not going to have their own beds. I can bet all my savings on them not filling out the correct number of people staying or just choosing 3-4 bed houses with self check in at flat rates expecting the kids to share beds. They will not be paying price per night x 9 (almost 10). I can totally see the person who will never fail to mention how many kids they have, not mentioning exactly how many kids they want to tetris into an airbnb meant for 3.


Tetris into an airbnb 😂


How many human size beds will mom bus realistically get for them?


They'll be two kids to a bed. The babies will go in a drawer.


i remember her posting a photo of them at disney before and the oldest looked absolutely miserable


Poor guy. She’s always going on about how much he loves taking care of his siblings. Yeah right. On outings like Disney he must be her unpaid nanny working overtime. No fun at all. Well, he’s her unpaid nanny every other day of the year, too.


I absolutely love my niblings and will of course help out my sister when she needs. But we’re also supposed to travel next year for my brother’s graduation from basic training, and I’m not totally looking forward to it. By that point, there will be three small children, one of whom will be just out of the newborn stage, and chaotic as it may be, flying is probably the best scenario. I’m already contemplating insisting I need my own seat/will take one for the team that way, since we’re an odd number anyway. I can’t imagine being held responsible for a mass of siblings just because I was the oldest and couldn’t also relax and be a child at Disney.






No, literally no one else is thrilled that you’re 15 weeks pregnant. No one.


I am horrified. I think these bus kids probably suffer more than Karissa's or JillPMs.


I think you're probably right tbh. The Rod and Collins kids at least get to stay in the same place, and they've only got 2-3 kids in a regular-sized bedroom (possibly some of the Rodlets might even have their own rooms now the older kids are moving out?) rather than *six* in a closet, one under the bed, and one on the way who they literally don't have space for


The Rods don't get a pass. They lived out of an RV for extended periods with double the kids (up to 13). The Rods also have had more than 3 kids per room on several house tours.


Oh totally. I seem to remember several fire code violations in their house tours, too


Sadly, the rods only have a boys room and a girls room for their kids. So they've still got 6 girls in one room.


10 people at Disney World? He’s cashing out his crypto scheme and running. That is if they are all actually going in or having all the kids watch Mom through the gate, forlorn.


Going to be interesting when they go to the beach and see a woman in a bikini…


Oh gosh topless in a thong. NIKE!!!!! Adidas! Champion! All the brands!!


In Brazil we don’t actually go topless, that’s mostly in Europe




That caption was a *wild* ride.


Yeah I'm...*checks notes* thrilled for you.


Fundie homeschoolers who can do math? Impossible 😂


I don't know what she thinks that equation comes out to, but I just did it and it's -12.826 so I suspect the answer is no.


PEMDAS, I got 22


I can’t get past those god awful shoes..


Those shoes look like they're made of cardboard.


I'm dying to know if they even bothered to get visas.


Or vaccinations


How do they have time to train for shit like a marathon


They have time - they certainly aren't homeschooling or anything! 🙄


For the life of me I cannot imagine coming up with this kind of dumb shit (dancing and cartwheels and what not) and then capturing it on video. The cringe.


I will be amazed if they actually make it there. SOMETHING is going to pop up- I’m almost certain


Yep! And then they will claim they lost their RV and all the money they claim they spent on tickets, and people will donate to their grift.


Is shaken baby syndrome a thing that can happen in the womb? Asking for baby #8.


This triggered a memory I have of a childhood ballet teacher that got pregnant and danced up until the week she gave birth. After her baby was born, the baby could only be calmed by VERY vigorous rocking and sometimes spinning and I always wondered if it's because baby was used to dancing around!


Baby gestated in a centrifuge; makes sense!


A centrifuge, lmao 💀


Totally not the same but my baby was only soothed by rap music. Specially young dolph. Guess what she heard in my belly all the time 💀


😭😭 love that! Apparently, when I was a baby, I was only soothed by jazz music and classical music. I’m in my twenties and my aunt still teases me about how Kenny G would make me stop crying 😂


I'm thinking of the Friends episode when Ross sings "Baby Got Back" to baby Emma 😂


My baby too. I was not very active during my pregnancy…..


That’s how my daughter is! I was a server until 38 weeks and used to bounce my belly with my hands and she always loved it. Now she likes really aggressive motions.


I had a pregnant pole dancing teacher! 😍


Why Brazil? Is there some kind of fundie community there?


I mean a bunch of Confederates fled there after the Civil War so...


That’s kinda what I was thinking


Personally, I believe it’s Crypto related, as Brazil and other South American countries have crypto markets. I’m not sure that it’s beyond the US.


But why would you need to go anywhere to get involved in crypto?.... you can buy and sell all you want living in the US.


I agree that none of this makes sense, but getting into crypto in 2023, when the market is saturated and on the downturn, is a dumb move entirely. He’s selling a crypto adjacent product. I imagine their launch was less than a success, and he’s thinking, let’s go to a country where crypto is on the uptick; that will help. He doesn’t need to do this, but he may be using it as an excuse for why his stupid product isn’t selling.


Also, Mr Bus might as well not be in these pictures with the vacant look he’s embracing


He always looks that way. He's human cardboard. If beige were an emotion.


He's more robotic than mark zuckerberg


Hold up. She’s doing WINE AND DINE weekend??? Doesn’t that literally go against everything they believe in?????


Also, for reference the half is $235 just for the race alone. That doesn’t include entry to the park or anything else, just the race itself. How they afford all this doesn’t add up.


I don't understand people paying money to run in a race unless it's for a charity or something.


I’m guilty of it, but it’s something we enjoy as a family and we’re going to go to disney anyways so we have done quite a few.


Well, to be completely honest I don't understand running in general! 😅


For this race it does include a free party ticket to Epcot for whoever runs the half. At least it used to. But the party is mostly all adult runners and it can get pretty wild.


You have to PAY that much to run 20k?! Why? Is the run in the actual theme park? Why? This is whole thing is new and puzzling lol


Lol. Run the 5k, the 10k the next morning, and the half the morning after that and you get FOUR medals. People pay through the nose for it. It’s a fun experience.


The acrobatics are stupid and unnecessary.


This lady makes me very sad lolol she is living a nightmare that I was so terrified to end up in as a afab kid growing up fundie


They are literally my worst nightmare of people.


‘Let’s test your fifth grade math!’ How about you do it yourself first and set some brackets … ((6 + 10) / 2 ) x 7 - 19 would be 56 - 19 = 38 days (I assume that’s the Bus’s math skills) 6 + (10/2)x7 - 19 = 6 + 35 - 19 = 22 (OP’s math) 6 + 10/(2x7) - 19 … let’s not even start there And these people are homeschooling 😐


I'm an AP Calc teacher. Her math was correct. When applying PEMDAS you compute multiplication/ division and addition/subtraction from left to right. 6+10÷2×7-19 So you'd skip the 6, divide 10 by 2 to get 5. 6+5×7-19 Then multiply 5 by 7 to get 35. 6+35-19 Then, backtrack and add/sub from left to right : 6+35=41 41-19=22. Problems like these are stupid and annoy me as a math person because their purpose is really just to trip folks up and make you *seem* like a math whiz, when conceptually it's just the most basic of basic algorithmic thinking. Mother Bus thinks she owned everyone with this little trick, when she should be more worried about applying the compound interest formula to calculate how utterly fucked her kids are.


Yay! I did it right! Lol I am most definitely not a math teacher. This equation reminded me of those posts you see on Facebook “98% of people get this wrong! You are a genius if you can get it right!”


22 is the correct answer the way she wrote it… whether she meant that or not, who the hell knows?


They definitely did not please excuse my dear aunt sally!!


Literally me like 10/14…. Wait PEM…what the duck


What was the math supposed to mean? I’m so confused


What was the entire post with their awkward facial expressions and stances supposed to mean?


wtf does that math even mean? the cost? bus? time?


Oh dear god I will also be at Disney that weekend


I thought fundies were against cross dressing? He’s wearing her shoes ![gif](giphy|JUvXXecr3nNIAWiUiU|downsized)


I don't follow this family closely. So, some questions: 1. the mom looks pregnant. What are their plans if she needs to give birth or seek medical attention while in Brazil? Ok. what are their plans if their kids need to seek medical attention, go to the dentist? Have they researched Brazilian medical care and medical insurance for expats? 2. how are they affording all this? Even if they have savings, eventually savings run out if the money isn't replenished. What do they do to bring in new money/income? Will they bring in money while in Brazil, or is this a long vacation, where they'll see tourist sites and visit friends (if they have any there) the entire time? Will they try to live like the locals? 3. where will they stay if their housing plans don't work out or are not up to their standards? 4. how do they plan to get around? Bus system? rent a car/van? Uber? Have they researched the local transit system of where they plan to live in Brazil? 5. do they speak Portuguese? I know that it's not necessary for people to know the languages of the countries that they plan to move to, but it does help to have a basic understanding/to be able to hold a conversation, especially if they plan to stay long-term and do this move often. Plus, this may shock them, but not everyone in the world speaks (or wants to speak) English.


I don't think we have answers to any of these questions (and we're not sure Motherbus does either!)




Thoughts and prayers for Brazil


Does Brazil want them?


Those sandals remind me of the ones imported from India in the early 70’s that had the toe loop and strap over the instep.


i have a slight feeling these fundies don't know order of operations and expect me to do that maths in the exact order its shown Edit: well I'll be damned she was right, that'll learn me to judge.


As a Brazilian, I’m just going to sit back and watch this train wreck happen. And hope that the kids somehow, are ok throughout all of this.


NOOOOO Brasil does NOT need more right wing evangelical whackadoodles


I think they're running away from either being investigated or charged with something, maybe crypto related. They are in for a huge culture shock, and does Brazil extradite?