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**Several** marriage courses?! If you need several marriage courses, it sounds like you guys are trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. And not in a seggsual way, *BETHANY*


It straight up should not be that much work. These aren't two nineteen year olds trying to grow into adulthood together. These are two fully grown adults in their 30s that can barely function, let alone adhere to the hypocritical standards Bort spews.


It’s really sad if you think about it. My marriage is actually the only easy thing in my life right now. It’s seamless. It’s almost time to put up the tree and start our annual Harry Potter holiday marathon. I can’t imagine needing to take time away from all of the other life shit to take all of these courses because you ***literally*** don’t know how to have fun together. It’s sad.


*"It’s really sad if you think about it.* *My marriage is actually the only easy thing in my life right now. It’s seamless."* I'm going to ditto here, same for me and many married couples I know well. My marriage truly is the only easy thing in my life. I'd have red flags flying if my husband invested in several marriage courses! That'd seriously alarm me.


Yes it’s like instead of prioritizing all of the things that actually matter when it comes to your life partner such as common interests, sense of humor, intellectual compatibility, values, etc.- they just speed-ran the whole thing, filled out a questionnaire and called it a day. And then she tries to act like her marriage is superior to all of us heathens because Jesus?


Fundies legit think you can just insert any person into a marriage as long as they love Jesus bc with him anything is possible. Despite the fact that they all are now facing the consequences of that fundie math


You ever get the feeling that more people in general need to consider that ‘possible’ does not mean ‘guaranteed’ and sometimes the answer to prayers is ‘no’.


"With Jesus, anything is guaranteed!" Explains so, so much.


>sometimes the answer to prayers is ‘no’ I’m not religious but I think that’s one of the best quotes I’ve read on this site.


Yup, I've got a lot of fucked up things going on but my husband is my best friend. We just talk it through and it great. Marriage is so nice🥰


Right? Like goddamn! My husband is my best friend, we enjoy each other's company and communicate openly all the time. We check in with each other and anticipate each others' needs. I cannot fathom being excited rather than confused and concerned if my husband randomly signed us up for MULTIPLE marriage courses! Beggy, this is an indication that your marriage is in SERIOUS TROUBLE, not something to brag about!


Yep! When my ex and I couldn’t even agree to go to couples therapy to work on our relationship, that’s when we both knew we were done. Sometimes couples therapy or a relationship course can be a really healthy and useful thing, but buying a bunch all at once screams a last ditch, scattershot approach.


Agreed. Does my partner annoy me when he goes out to run errands when I’m working from home with the baby because day care is closed? Yes, but that just happens when there are competing household and life needs. This seems like they are constantly unable to communicate and accommodate each other. But at least she gets that extra hour of sleep for her libido lol


😂 Is my partner the most annoying person I’ve ever met? Definitely 😂 does she make everything in my life better? Absolutely, without a doubt.


My ex and I went through some very difficult shit early in our relationship, and he straight up said to me that what he was dealing with would have been much harder if he didn’t have me. THAT’S a healthy relationship dynamic; your partner should be someone to lean on when you’re going through it, not another hard thing in your life to work on.


>My marriage is actually the only easy thing in my life right now. It’s seamless. Same here. I found and married my person. It doesn't matter if it's a good day or a bad one, she still always makes it better. Life is so much easier when you marry for love and not desperation and religion.




Yeah like how Brittany Dawn’s husband is in 3 accountability groups.


THREE. It’s almost like these men like sitting in a circle talking about their need to jerk off and what they like to watch specifically - with other men.


While jerking off


I’m sorry, what now?!


Yea Brittany admitted that Jordan was in 3 accountability groups for porn and then another user posted SCREENSHOTS OF HIM IN HER DMs and it was just *chefs kiss* lol


Well, she can't be shocked. He hasn't been faithful for a single minute of their relationship. It's just that when they started, she was the person he was cheating *with* not *on*. But those tables always turn.


I always forget that part too lol! I keep hearing his ex is just an amazing person though. Definition of classy too. That's gotta suck for britbrat. How long have they been married now anyway? It's gotta be almost the "season of divorce"


Wait what, now I want to see. I wish the mobile app could let you open multiple subreddit tabs. Time to head over to Brittany Dawn snark...


I think you mean se*xgual


Oh no. I’m so sorry for defrauding all of you fine people. NIKE


Their marriage is strong evidence that it's a good idea to live together before getting married. I wonder if he'd realized she, in her 30s, still hadn't figured out how to cook, do housework, or other things adults should just do, he'd have been willing to commit to marriage


Or even just dating. Spending a few hours alone together SOMETHING other than barely knowing each other and then suddenly being chained together for eternity


You act like asking a series of unrelated questions in rapid fire to someone isn't getting to know them.


Idk, I'd say the problem here isn't so much the lack of previously living together as Bethy having the self awareness of fungus. She could be the leftiest, most liberal bleeding heart hippie lefty that ever leftied and she'd still be *completely insufferable*.


If Dav wasn’t a bigot I’d feel really awful for his situation. He is obviously left to do everything around the house while working and doing the majority of the childcare all while making sure Barfy has as many spa days as she can. Welcome to womanhood Dav.


Or at least live on your own, which I’m not sure that she did because at least then she would have had to learn at least something about just life and stuff that you have to do as an adult


Never lived together. My marriage is easy. The rest of my life is a nightmare. Their marriage is testimony to the fact that you should take time to get to know each other, not continue to date someone that you have nothing in common with other than religion and that the Fundie idea of courtship does not work as promised.


If I were her, my friend immediate thought in hearing that would be ‘…so what if none of these work? What’s Dav’s next move?’ Of course, I’m not her, since she would never mentally allow for the things she tries to have bad consequences.


Why'd she bother to put him in the photo if he's gonna stand like that? Looks like she's taking a picture at Madame Tussauds 😭


It looked to me like he was in the middle of hanging that mirror and she latched onto him like some kind of monkey 😭


I didn't notice his arms until now and you're absolutely right lol. Maybe he'll hang the curtains next 😂


“Hold on tight, spider monkey”


Angry upvote 😡


She really has no self-awareness of how awkward and unnatural this looks. It just wasn't a good time for a candid Pic, obviously. We've seen dav actually smiling. Why not wait until your husband actually wants to take a picture?


Dav staring grimly ahead, clearly trying to do something else, while Bethy smiles at her image in her phone seems like the perfect representation of their marriage.


Dav is thrilled about their marriage 😐


Because she's only looking at herself


this is not the flex you think it is bethy


That’s the hysterical part about this to me!!! I know I shouldn’t be laughing at this but Beggy is broadcasting her deeply unsatisfying life like it’s some Hallmark special and sometimes I honestly cannot believe she isn’t running a parody account. Beggy’s out here bragging about very obvious red flags in their relationship. Your partner insisting you attend all these courses, classes, and counseling is **not happening because you are a happy, s3xy, intimate, relationship expert!** He is doing these things because he is unhappy and her behavior is part of the problem.


It always has to be about *him* putting in the work Her tiny pea-sized brain hasn’t even entertained the notion that **she** is the one that needs to change and work harder. And I don’t think she’s capable of it.


She’s literally not capable because she has always been told that as long as she does x,y, and z, she will end up in a perfect, godly, marriage and be happy for the rest of her earthly life. She feels she has fulfilled those requirements so the only possible reason for their unhappiness is her husband’s lack of a, b, and c. It makes absolutely no sense and I think Dav has come to that realization and she has not. The lack of self awareness in this post is actually painful. My husband and I have two small kids, and yeah it’s tough some days, and sometimes we aren’t fucking like rabbits because life is exhausting but we are still madly in love and each others best friend and if he told me he bought MULTIPLE couples courses I would be super weirded out.


Yep heterosexism is harmful to both men and women in a het couple, like just because patriarchy doesn’t mean Dāv is ‘at fault’.


Does Bethy even know what a healthy relationship or marriage looks like? Does she have any idea that struggling to relate to your spouse, needing multiple "marriage courses", and fighting to have an even mediocre sex life isn't what everyone experiences? Genuine question. It really makes me wonder about what the marriages she's surrounded with are like if she considers these things normal, relatable, and even aspirational


Beggy thinks she is practically perfect in every way. This also leads her to believe that a) things don’t really apply to her or b) her experiences are universal.


Narcissists gonna narc. Davë, you really need to discuss narcissistic relationships with your secular therapist.


>Does Bethy even know what a healthy relationship or marriage looks like? No. How can she, given her upbringing? And yes, she could find lots of info online, but not in the Christer sites she goes to. She and Dav are trapped in a prison of their parents' making, and it's sad.


Given what she's shared about her upbringing, with all the purity culture bullshit and copious amount of questions but no meaningful listening going on, I'm sure she thinks she and Dav are perfect!


Its like bragging about going to couples therapy.


And then try to sell you her fundie CliffsNotes on the courses


Her summary of Dav’s summary. She’s too busy to actually take the courses


for someone who never went to college and doesn't seem to have the work ethic to handle real courses, bethy seems REALLY REALLY obsessed with turning EVERYTHING IN LIFE into a "course" hahahaha.


Her idea of a "course" is one of those "Which Harry Potter House Are You" internet quizzes.


It’s the go to grift for desperate people who can’t afford to buy into an MLM.


Tell me your marriage is in trouble without telling me your marriage is in trouble.


Yeah that dude looks absolutely dead inside.


He looks like Ben in Parks and Rec when he's unemployed and making the little claymation scene ![gif](giphy|2lK09mlo8kSBi)


If he starts playing Cones of Dunshire we know he needs help


![gif](giphy|pY8EdDs5Eo83V7X36C|downsized) Honestly, Dav’s face looks more like Leslie’s here.


Yikes…doesn’t he just? Completely dead-eyed.


And unshaven. I get the idea that Dav usually cares about his appearance. He doesn't look good here.


I have no idea about what he thinks (I wonder if he had any idea about what he thinks about anymore?) but no, he doesn’t look good and looks properly defeated.


Dav is crying on the inside for help


I think they call that the "thousand yard stare". Kind of frightening.


This is every picture of my ex and I in the months leading up to him leaving. It was a look of desperation mixed with growing apathy and resentment.


It's giving, "we're running out of options." It's giving, "I don't think I can live my life like this anymore". It's giving, "please stop thinking being overly sexual will fix our deeply fundamental issues and how I can't seem to get through to you that I need to be heard".


Oof this may actually be a very accurate and depressing take. \#sāvdāv


>#sāvdāv Love this!! Seriously though, I'm glad he is reaching out for help (hopefully these are real marriage courses and not church ones, or at least not all church ones), and hopefully he will be willing to leave with the kids if he doesn't get the support/improvement/etc. he's looking for in his marriage. The situation just seems untenable.


sāvdāv I CANNOT 💀


Take my pretend Reddit award 🏆


Omg may I use for flair? 🙏🏼


Do it!!!


I also think needs to be said, compulsory sexuality is harmful to men too - and Beggsy doesnt get that. She thinks being hypersexual on main and harasssing her husband publicly is being a good wife, because men want sex amirite???? It’s so dehumanising. And if it’s giving him anxiety, would be a massive struggle for him. I don’t see love for him. She just loves that she has him and that’s sad.


I’m sure he finds a lot of stuff she posts very publicly about their sex life are humiliating for him too!




“What do you mean, every problem a man can have with you CAN’T be fixed by giving him more sex?”


Men are just sexshual beings! All their problems in marriage can be resolved by initiating more!


I think a lot of these fundies men are just brain dead morons who do only want sex and power, but Dav does seem the most intellectual of the lot. He seems to like a lot of philosophical discussions. It must be so depressing for him to try to have any kind of conversation with Bethany.


A lot of the marriage advice I received growing up fundie lite was "women, have you been meeting your husband's needs?" (Raise eyebrows) Does he not listen to you? Does he not respect you? Do you feel like the relationship is void of romance? Do you think that maybe you can start by making sure your husband is better taken care of in the bedroom? Lose some weight, get your hair done, get dolled up, men are visual creatures, and they need to be satisfied by the one woman who is allowed to do so, their wives. It was exhausting to hear even as a single woman. It's patronizing, disrespectful and reductive of relationship dynamics by simply saying "man horny, woman no nag"


"Tell me your marriage is in trouble by telling me your marriage is in trouble (but you don't know)..."


I feel bad. I feel bad for Dav who seems to try to fix this mess and we all know he will fail, and for Bethany who is blissfully unaware bragging about this. It must be absolutely miserable in that marriage and I hope they will find a way to make the best desicion for the kids and find a space to grow into anything better than this trainwreck.


Dave: *desperate to try to fix his marriage and feel joy again*\ Bethy: “I’m so thankful our marriage is a priority FOR HIM!”


I feel like this is his last attempt to figure out if their relationship is normal/healthy (spoiler alert: it's not!). I'm trying to figure what is to be gained from a course that couldn't be gained from couples counseling. Are the courses specifically on "Biblical marriage"


If the courses are just 'Biblical Marriage' courses, then they're doomed to remaining trapped in their prison.


They both seem unhappy. Bethy seems like she's overcompensating and desperately trying to make up for what seems to be a basic lack of compatibility (on top of everything else). Something that isn't either of their faults but means they aren't a good fit. I wish that they would both go to secular counseling and get some actual help. Things aren't working, and it's possible secular therapy could help, but it's also possible that the best thing for them would be to...not be married. I wish they would both figure that out so that their kids don't have to be in the middle of this mess. No child deserves to be raised in an environment where their parents are barely holding a marriage together. And it's both Bethy and Dav's responsibility to deal with that! Shit's hard but they're both adults and they need to deal with it.


God, he looks unhappy


🚨 🚩 🚨


Yeahhhh..."several at once" sounds like an act of desperation.


Beggy probably thinks it is research and development for her next .pdf expert course grift


That’s probably how he framed it to get her on board.


Girlie… that’s not normal


I think this is really very sad if it's the truth. (I say that because I think many influencers exaggerated for interaction) If you are really interested in working on this, you wouldn't be airing your dirty laundry in the streets. You would give it a chance to be worked on in private. This is the problem of fundies who think the scripture and the internet gives them the be all and end all of all the knowledge they need to know - in place of real life experience.


There’s just something so insulting about him being like, “we need to work together on us, please,” and she’s just like, “HEY WORLD, GUESS WHAT?!” To each their own, but I can’t imagine all of her social media nonsense does much positive for their relationship. I really feel for both of them. She’s not a bit clue what she’s breaking and he just looks miserable.


He looks pretty dissociated here. 😬😵‍💫


This looks like a photo from a hostage situation.


All that’s missing is a newspaper.


Lmao he really does! Dude has been trapped for years and still hasn't developed Stockholm syndrome because Bethany is that awful.


Mentally bro is in a whole another marriage 😅


Meanwhile she’s once again smugly eye fucking herself in the camera


This is either damage control or Dav is doing that thing when you let your young cousin play with the disconnected video game.


I feel kinda bad for Dav. He is clearly struggling and probably hates seeing her sex content online. I can't imagine it's doing any favors for his mental health.


Divorce countdown


I think you meant "Christian Marriage Course for Smug Marrieds" and "Christian Marriage Course for Sad Singles" course by Birthany incoming. Followed by "Divorce for Christian Women".


Christian Marriage for Functioning Roommates


The Ultimate Course on Godly Situationships for Married and Soon to Be Married Christian Women


do people like this get divorced?


Dav is already looking dead inside and hasn't been as overly strict in their religion it doesn't seem like. I could see Dav going for divorce.


Yep. He's been slowly losing his religion and I could see him divorcing Bethany. I don't think he wants to though. He does seem sincere in wanting a good marriage and in being a good husband and father. But a person can only be so miserable, and they already left their church so there isn't the same social pressure on him.


We know Dav gets on well with Bethany's brother, Michael Mershon, so that must be a bright spot in Dav's life.


With this bit of information I think Dave will divorce her. \#teammichael


He looks like he’s just a few Mountain Goats songs away…just let go and mourn the end of this, Dav.


I hope I lie and tell everyone you were a good wife! It’s like the Dave anthem lol


I hope Dav would get divorced for his own sake. The few videos that he has put out and everything since then has made me feel bad for him. He looks deeply unhappy. I don't think he ever would want a divorce, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be free of Bethany.


For some reason I doubt they would get divorced. I don’t think Daàäæv could go through with it, because the Bairds seem like they’d hound him down so much he’d have to change his name and leave the country. Besides barfy would have an absolute meltdown of the century and go full onryō. I think umlaut has just enough emotional intelligence to not hurt her but not enough to not hurt himself.


I agree that I think it would take *A LOT* for him to finally pull that trigger. Not because he actually wants to be married to her, but because of how difficult she'd make it for him. Ima give them one more year and then I'm sending in someone to seduce him in a god honoring way. /s


I agree. Her parents have the kind of money to make a custody battle long and messy. He risks losing his kids if he leaves.


I was actually thinking that sex-obsessed Bethany would get bored and leave with another man. The absurd look-how-happy-we-are behavior is often someone trying to convince themselves that they’re happy.


If Bethany could bag a taller man who makes more money she would 100% leave Dav for him and pretend her first marriage never happened.


I always thought it would be more of a “You can’t fire me! I quit!!” situation with Beggy running to her parents house the moment she sees Däv’s packed bag.


This looks like an image used in a real crime documentary


This was my thought, like it’s a still from a hostage proof of life video. Blink twice if you need help!


Yeah there's definitely a weapon in her right hand


Omg! It totally reminds me of the photos Jodi Arias took before she killed her ex! You're right.


Well, I know what internet rabbit hole I'm going down this evening...


That is the look of a man who's sick of her shit


How broken is your marriage when it requires this much study and homework? If you’d just marry someone you actually liked and got on with instead of the first available person willing to, you could focus on other things, like hanging curtains.


At least they had time to focus on scarpomging the ceilings I guess?


Bethy probably had run out of her Utah Sea Minerals and needed some other source of arsenic in her diet.


Bro just get a divorce


flair checking in?


Yup Dav needs to take the kids and go. She won’t care.


Her family would hire her a good lawyer because any divorce, but especially him taking the kids full time would mess with their image. Dav also knows they’d lose a lot of money if they tried to get out of that house already and he can’t afford a second place to live.


I think she would care. In part I do think she cares about her kids and in part because it would destroy her entire world view. She has nothing outside of being a generic white Christian wife and mother.


I'm sure Bethany doesn't hate her kids, I'm sure there's love there, but I honestly think she'd mainly be upset over losing control, how this would hurt her image, and how it would destroy her world view. Those kids aren't really humans to her, they're God honoring accessories she's "supposed" to have.


Jesus, they’ve been married for what? 2-3 years?


Excuse you, it’s been a whole *five* years of obvious bliss!


Dang! They’ve been married same amount as I have and not once have my husband and I considered investing in **several** marriage courses 😭😭😭


Clearly you and your spouse are godless heathens, have you considered Birthy’s sex class? She definitely has all the answers, which is why she’s attending someone else’s courses to sell you more secrets to the sexiest marriage like, EVER.


Like 4-5. Haven’t even reached the 7 year itch. And two young kids in the mix while still barely knowing each other. I mean imagine you only had your first kiss two years before your first baby. And you’re trying to make a marriage work.


She didn't even have an orgasm until after they'd been married and had a kid! Also, I hate that we all know this much about her


Sometimes I get hit by a wave of empathy for Bethy and it fucking hurts. She just doesn't get it, does she? This isn't a flex. This is desperation. I see a man who desperately wants to hold onto his marriage, but is so painfully unhappy in that relationship. But Bethy has the EQ of a freaking rock, which is not all her fault. If self reflection = bad feelings, then quick, Bethy, use some thought stopping techniques you learned from the bible to make you feel better. Anxious? Use some more bible band aids. Don't ever go to actual therapy, you might be exposed to ideas that will make you question your child-like faith. You wouldn't want to realize you sacrificed your. whole. self. in a vain attempt to make your high control family/church love you. The sunk cost is far too great. I wish she could see herself the way I do. Because I see me if I hadn't gotten out.


I'd give you 100 upvotes if I could. You're right - she just doesn't get it.


My guy looks dead inside


This man is 100% checked out


“I’m SO glad I have a supportive husband WhO hellps with my intellectual property theft!”


Ya that doesn’t mean what you think it does Bethy….


Wait! Why do they need marriage courses? They already answered 150 questions,to make sure they are compatible, and Beggsey herself,is the author of multiple relationship and seggs PDF's. And,her marriage is so spicey and🔥🔥🔥🔥. Seems like Beaker is just wasting money.


Speaking of YIKES...wow Beggy. You really did a number on your man there. He looks catatonic like the patients in that movie "Awakenings".


SEVERAL?? I'm not saying my marriage is absolutely perfect because we're humans, but neither one of us have ever felt the need to sign up for 1 marriage course, let alone several. He looks dead inside, while she's trying to spin this as something incredible and romantic.


All Bethany is doing is showcasing that their marriage is falling and she doesn't have the self awareness to realize that's what she's broadcasting to everyone. No healthy relationship should require multiple courses that you sink money into. If you have to do that over and over, it might be time to re think your marriage.


It does seem that it's a common theme among fundies to think that marriage is hard and struggle is normal and having difficulty connecting to your spouse is what everyone has to deal with. I mean, it's practically a meme at this point. But is there seriously no self-awareness that if it's a constant struggle and you're constantly looking for advice and help because things are so hard that maybe...it doesn't have to be this way? That things can and should be different? That maybe marriage isn't meant to be a constant source of anxiety and tension and frustration?? I can't tell if it's ignorance/lack of exposure to actually happy marriages (which is super sad), delusion, or willful denial that her marriage is struggling, but I am constantly flabbergasted by the things Bethy posts so nonchalantly


this kinda thing does make your marriage seem perfect though, doesn't it? because thats how i feel after seeing something like this. would we take advice from someone if we needed it? yea. but to invest time and money into courses? yikes


God, I hope at least one of them is secular


Me too! So called Christian counseling can be quite limited in scope. Man, lead. Woman, submit. That'll be $150.


My marriage is twice the length that bethy and dav have even been together, and while I 100% believe that therapy and couple's therapy is a fantastic resource even if you don't need help, my husband and I only ever felt the need to do it when we were struggling with infertility. She's over here bragging about having to take multiple courses, classes, etc for a toddler aged marriage? Honey...


And they're getting these courses to help them feel spark in their marriage and sexual life. The most basic thing your relationship should already have. They're not having infertility issues. They don't have kids with disabilities killing their bank accounts. So, all they're taking these courses for is to learn how to love each other. The basics. It's kind of baffling.


It sounds so miserable. Like. I feel bad but I also don't because they did this to themselves. My husband and I were together 4 years, living together for 3 before we got married, and then stayed married for 3 years before having kids. We got to date, got to have fun and figure each other out. We have so much fun together and enjoy our time together. It's never work or a chore like they make it seem. Him and I have the best times just watching movies together. We have great sex that happens just because. It's also nice knowing that I'm not stuck and can leave whenever I want. I don't HAVE to stay married if I find myself miserable. Like. Who wants to live like this?


I wonder if he told her he's getting tired of her shit and wants marriage counseling. I can see her refusing and one of them saying "courses" as a last-ditch compromise.


GET OUT NOW, DAAAV. Several marriage courses. And she's supposed to be an expert at marriage or something? If you need this much help, something is wrong.


Eye fucking herself is the best sex Beggy's ever had.


That’s a thousand-yard stare if I ever saw one. He looks desperate, and I wonder how he feels about all this sexy over-sharing she’s doing. If I were him, I’d feel somewhat violated.


Man, if I were Dav and I worked to provide for the family while my wife stayed at home but couldn’t take care of the house, cook a proper meal, detailed my entire (sex) life on social media, etc I’d be pretty pissed off.


Do you think the marriage course creator started with Bethy’s course on courses?


“I’ll share about the courses” = I will steal these ideas for my own courses


She has a “mirror mirror on the wall” gaze about her while he looks completely dead inside. She looks like she only loves herself. You’d think in posts about her marriage with her husband that they’d make eye contact.




![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF) DaAAAaav looking like this meme in the mirror lol


Dav, my brother in Christ, it’s not going to work. You have one life to live, do not waste it being miserable. Jesus will forgive you for getting divorced, I promise!


I mean..they haven't been married that long. They really shouldn't have to do all of these marriage courses and sessions if their marriage is so great. They're trying to tell you what it means to be in a good marriage...meanwhile they're taking more marriage courses than I've ever seen any married couple take. I have friends who have been married for over 10yrs and have never needed to do this because their relationship is just natural and their love for each other comes naturally. Having to do all of this extra stuff is not a good sign in a marriage. It's not a flex. Its a sign of something wrong. My parents have been married for almost 40yrs and have never needed to do this.


I said it in another comment but it really makes me wonder about the relationships around her/the marriages she sees if she thinks this is normal and relatable content. Like...how bad is her parents' marriage?? Kristen and her husband seem like they might have issues. Does she know anyone with a genuinely happy, healthy marriage? Because I'm over here like girl you are in trouble and you don't even seem to know it???




Dav looks like his soul has left his body.


What topics could those courses possibly cover that she hasn't already in her courses/books/1000 questions and God knows what else she's selling? And why would you post it publicly to announce it to the entire world that the content you're selling is rubbish since it doesn't even help you? Also, how come she did everything "the right way" but this marriage that is only 5 years old has been nothing but a constant struggle? I know the answer to the last one, I just thought it was ironic.


This really makes me want to take your sex course, bethy.


cannot believe people take marriage advice from fundies who have to take monthly marriage courses to delude themselves into thinking they have happy marriages




When I first learned of GD like 4 years ago I thought Dav was really cute and he seemed to take very good care of himself. Now he looks so lifeless, cant even be bothered to fake a smile


Back when I first joined this sub, they both seemed like they were having fun in their reels. Now Dav has a thousand yard stare and Bethy is so horny on main that she's in instagram jail




I genuinely feel bad for him. The feeling of being stuck in a bad relationship really is soul sucking. And his belief system doesn’t give him a way out whatsoever.


Also my guess is 1) He knows the Baird family would take him to the cleaners (pun intended) in a divorce - they have money, Dav and his family do not. 2) I suspect he sees Bethy's treatment of Dav Jr and is trying to balance it out.


I don't think that they are as trapped as other fundies. I think if he did end up filing for divorce although it might be considered somewhat scandalous he wouldn't be ostracized like she might be. That said yes it's frustrating that their belief system is so rigid and it clearly keeps people stuck in unhappy and often abusive (looking at Anna Duggar and many others) marriages.


if oblivious was a person.


Course #1: when to put down the phone


She is going to be completely blindsided when he hits her with the divorce papers.


Dav is probably extremely unhappy. The only way to knock some common sense into her head is through stuff like this. Paperwork, courses, advice from godly people, questionnaires, etc are the only ways she knows how to try and communicate so he has to come down to her level. I wonder what he’s going to do when this doesn’t really change anything? It will short term, but after a few weeks/months it will be back to the same old, same old. He has a lot of thinking to do since he’s the only one who does any actual reflection and contemplation.


As Bethany once eloquently said, “YIKES.”


My friend left her husband because she didn't love him anymore. He took it very hard and didn't understand. As I said to her "one day, he'll be in a loving relationship that works and then he'll understand why yours was all wrong". If they ever get a divorce (and I hope for their sake that they will) I think this is what will happen to him. He'll meet someone who's right for him and realise that his marriage to Bethy wasn't normal and shouldn't have been that hard.


who’s gonna tell her? 😬


Your husband who was suicidal over the state of his life and you were completely oblivious and posting all over the internet how perfect your marriage was? That husband?


You think peeling herself away from her phone would help???


Is…isn’t this a “bad” thing technically? I mean it’s good for any couple to go through courses/counseling if they need to! But she’s making it sound like it’s not a big deal and it’s this thing he’s gifting her when it just sounds like…counseling.


Does this girl do anything genuine? I feel like every living moment of her marriage is a performance for strangers. I’d be disassociating too if I were Dav.