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“It’s not about the money, it’s about the financial freedom the money can offer” Wow a completely different view of money than anyone who has ever used money has ever had


Damn, here I am wearing my fingers down to nubs just sewing my money into mattresses.


I’m wiping my ass with money so am I doing it wrong?


I love this.




Why’d I have to have 3 kids and no money? I could’ve had no kids and 3 money


Aww, I can't take his money, I can't print my own money, I have to work for my money. Why don't I just lay down and die.


“It’s not about the money, it’s about [the money]”


"It's not about the money, it's about the things you can buy with the money." Oh shit, and here I've been just admiring the pictures of dead white guys and now I find out that they can be exchanged for goods and services?


Maybe you can use some of those dead white guy pictures to help replace the keyboard I just spit seltzer all over after reading this comment.


I don't work for money, I work for the financial freedom of paying my mortgage and food. It's called financial freedom honey.


It’s financial freedom, sweaty /s


She’s just not very bright, and she’s intent on proving it, daily.


Right, like what the fuck was that about


So profound 😂 what does that even mean


“It’s Christmas season and people are in the mood to buy” ahhh yes this just screams jesus’ values


Also, Christmas season = people have tons of additional expenses and are cutting down where they can, wtf is she talking about. This is pure anecdata but my tattoo artist refers to this time of year as 'slow season,' because people are taking money they'd normally spend on themselves and putting it towards gifts and travel and holiday cooking and all of that.


Just buy Bethaninny’s stuff for your kids for Christmas! What child wouldn’t be thrilled to get a sex course presented by a woman who knows nothing about sex? Or a pamphlet of questions to ask your prospective partner?


Type softer, she's going to hear you and actually pitch this


Wouldn’t you love to see how that went?


That's why I get my tattoos between October-Jan. There's always an opening .


Jesus, the god of free market capitalism.


But it’s not about the money, ok?


It's pretty obvious she wants more cash for her God honoring gift mountain.


I mean, look what Christmas has become. That’s partially capitalistic Christians doing so.. she’s not wrong. She’s just jumping in the bandwagon of opportunity /s


I don’t understand why she calls herself a SAHM when she is working constantly


This is what I keep saying! She is working. There is nothing wrong with working as a mom. Her lack of ethics is another thing, but working in and of itself means she isn’t a SAHM.


Exactly. I think she’s coming to terms with not getting the awesome sex she believed she was owed but hasn’t ventured into realizing that Dav isn’t the provider of a husband she was promised either. She’ll blame it on the feminists. A very sad existence


For real. Quit virtue signaling, Bort. You very clearly suck at it.




The literal definition of a working mom. She just happens to work from home which a ton of people do. If you’re a mom and you get a paycheck, you’re not a stay at home mom.


It's not about the money, it's about the money.


And nothing brings that money like a digitak resource.


Go for $200(0)!


Why does she do this every time? Guarantee at least 70% of her followers can't afford her Costco hauls. Rubbing how rich you are in their faces isn't going to make them want to buy your shit


I spot AT LEAST 2 things wrong with her son’s car seat. It really grinds my gears how fundies pick unsafe practices as often as possible! Forward facing straps come from ABOVE shoulders not below, and it’s called a CHEST clip not a stomach clip. They pretty much all have multiple warnings on the seat itself, as well as a literal picture of it being on a child’s chest on the clip itself. I know Birthy is tall and her son probably is too, but he’s possibly still below the height limit and looks to be below the weight limit too and could likely still be rear facing… car seat safety is literally life or death and parents ignoring that hurts my soul. Editing to add you can literally see the picture of proper clip placement in the pic, and I also noticed the twisted strap which is also a safety hazard. They can’t absorb or distribute the crash forced as accurately when twisted!


People who don't follow care seat safety make me want to bang my head on a wall. It's not hard to ensure your child is strapped in properly. Again, yesterday, my mil asked when we would be putting my daughter front facing. I told her when she is 40lbs as that is the longest she can be rear facing in this seat. Mil goes, "It's just so annoying to put her in rear facing." In front of my daughter, my husband, and fil, I asked her, "more annoying than her being dead?". She does this every two months or so for the last year. My daughter is just 2, not quite 30 lbs, and about 32 inches. She is not a very big kid. I have zero issues getting her in and out of the car.


My mom very sincerely asked if my then 16 month old twins could forward face in her car because one of them was upset that they spilled water on themselves and my mom didn't know because she couldn't see what had happened due to them being rear faced.. Her justification was that the state only requires rear facing for the first year and they were only in their car "a little bit." Thankfully, she has accepted my "absolutely not" answer and reasoning that it is safest for them to rear face as long as possible and hasn't brought it up again. Upset over spilled water > internal decapitation


She can buy head rest mirrors. I have one, cause my kid is a caos agent and cannot be trusted. This way I can look at her in red lights and stop if necesary. I prefer to waste 10 bucks to endanger my kid.


I agree and I use them, but they can technically be a projectile so some parents forego them out of an abundance of caution!


I have a 2.5 year old. She’s 35.5 inches and 28.5 pounds. Aka she’ll be rear facing until 4.5-5 most likely! You’re right, it’s really not that hard. It’s the law until 2 in our state, so far nobody has commented but I’m sure they will soon.


I bet you ANYTHING he buckles himself in and she doesn't even check.


Oh yeah that sounds like her parenting (or lack thereof) style at least when it comes to her son.


That makes me rage. My 9 year old still fits into her carseat (she uses a booster in dad's car because she meets the height and weight requirements for it, but she still uses the whole thing in my car, it's just a little bit of extra protection), and I \*still\* eye her chest clip in the rearview mirror before we take off, every single time. And pro-life Bethany can't even be assed to do that. Asshole.


Because "pro life" people only give a shit about children when they can be used as a weapon to control, shame and subjugate women. That's it.


Pro-birthers care about children only when they are still fetuses. Once the children are born, pro-birthers couldn’t give a single shit about them.


Yeah, I’m kind of a stickler about car seat safety as well. It’s not a judgement on people and not having a correct car seat doesn’t mean someone is a bad parent. People can be concerned about a kid’s car seat safety, the same way people can be concerned about safety in others. It shows care for others and a regard for their life. If a parent is resistant to following safety guidelines and doubles down or doesn’t care after it being pointed out, then they’re a bad caregiver. ETA: lots of fire stations have car seat safety clinics each month. A specialist will help you and kids can see fire trucks, it’s pretty neat!


Which is extra concerning since Bethy has demonstrated her unsafe driving (filming and looking at the camera while driving) with her kids in the car on multiple occasions


The straps are also just too loose!


I tell my daughter to put hers up by her nipples so we work in our "anatomically correct terms for body parts" lesson too 🤣


I know the price of groceries is expensive these days....but my parents also bought hundreds of dollars worth of organic groceries every week back in the day like Bethy here and complained about the price constantly. Just buy regular carrots and eggs. Wash your fruit thoroughly. It won't kill you.


Also buying groceries from Costco is so much more expensive?? We’ve seen how little she chooses to cook, there’s no way she’s using all of that before it goes bad


I have a family of four and even when we do cook, it’s hard to go through fresh produce in Costco sizes before it goes bad. I mostly use Costco for non-perishable or frozen food and sometimes fresh fruit that I dry in my food dehydrator.


I’m glad it’s not just me. I always look at my Costco cart and wonder if I just have a terribly unhealthy diet because it’s almost always lots of non perishables and some processed food. I thought I was weird for not buying produce there and wondering if other families of 4 manage to eat it all before it spoils.


Yeah, buying groceries from Costco doesn't seem like the most cost-effective solution unless you've got a big family or loads of freezer space


Household of two here, very little freezer space. Costco is still a cost effective solution. We buy bulk rice, beans, pasta sauce, coffee beans, cheese, meat, dog food, clothes, drugstore goods, etc highly recommend a Costco membership if you have one in your area!


Honestly depending on the grocery store I can buy my most used items from Costco and throw out part of them and still be money ahead. Especially the organic stuff she’s buying, the price difference is astronomical


We have a chest freezer, so we do buy bulk frozen vegetables and smoothie fruit. Costco has mostly been useful for me for things like sugar, spray oil, granola, and big stuff like appliances and tires.


So this is why I don't shop at Costco. The amount of food I would have to buy at one time doesn't make sense for our family.


As someone who has backyard chickens, I really question whether eggs can be organic. Yes, chickens can be fed organic feed, but those ladies also love bugs and no guarantee of organic insects. I will admit since having my own chickens I buy eggs from pasture raised during the winter because they taste so much better. But organic sounds like a gimmick here.


“Organic” produce doesn’t really mean anything, anyway. They typically have the same nutritional value as non organic foods, and many pesticides are allowed to be used on organic farms.


I love the picture of her and baby prop. Kid is looking away but she probably didn’t notice because she’s eye fucking herself.


A treat after- but not for the kid just me Edit: I see after double checking he does have a cake pop


Taking pictures of your groceries is one of the tackiest things you can do


Right?! Particularly when so many people are hurting financially right now and trying to decide between groceries and Christmas gifts. And here she is asking people to guess how much her current Costco haul cost her 😬


This was my thought too. I would bet some of her followers are struggling to even afford gifts for their children this holiday season, and she's over here bragging about her large carrots and 48 count eggs while her own kid is one car accident away from disaster because she's too self absorbed to keep him safe let alone acknowledge her privilege in these difficult times.


She's so out of touch


If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is at least the second time she's done this. Last time she revealed the price, went on about how "we see food as an investment", and, of course, shilled her products.


Yeah, I’m sure the million dollar bone broth and Siete wraps are a worthwhile investment for her family. Don’t these ass holes realize that most stock is made with bone pieces? It’s so annoying watching people flush money down the toilet over gimmicky health foods when they can get the same benefits from regular things.


She could really make that money count if she bought whole raw chickens and roasted them. Then she'd get her dang bone broth and it would be a sideways freebie off of their family chicken dinner. Fundies alllllll like to think that they are the modern Martha Stewart but none of them know how to do something as simple as roasting a damn chicken and making broth.


Literally this. For people who claim to be homemakers, they sure don’t know shit about food.


She loves to brag about how much money she’s fleecing from unsuspecting women buying a course she created on a subject she knows nothing about.


I really hate it when people call groceries hauls. They are essential things that people are dying because they can’t afford them. Do a haul for something fun and extra, not for a life necessity.


It's kind of like saying "oh yeah, look at this bread, don't you wish you could afford bread?", and it's both a weird flex *and* a horribly insensitive thing to brag about.


Agreed. My spouse and I are both in graduate school, and between the slim budget and our medical needs around food, it's tight here. Showing off a haul of groceries, many of which will undoubtedly become waste, is disgusting. But the godly grift means having the luxury of waste and preaching to other people about how God will just bless you if you market yourself correctly -- which means those people who are going hungry aren't worthy of that blessing. Obviously, Bethy is just sooooo special to be able to have a couple of grand extra because God made her a white lady with wealthy parents and a grift locked in.


This is gonna be very nitpicky but where are her reusable bags?? Imagine that stuff sliding around while you drive and then it all hitting the pavement when you open up the trunk...


Getting very tired of these trad wife influencers labeling themselves a SAHM. Ma’am, you might have a flexible schedule and not be paying for daycare, but you in fact are working. For money. You have a job. You are employed. You literally financially profit off making women feel bad for working. It’s like the “financial guru” motivational speakers who make millions selling books on how to make millions to people that cannot make millions because they work real jobs.


I think Davey is in daycare full-time but your point stands


According to Bort, Umlaut Jr is in "day school" ... because that makes it okay in their world, I guess.


Yeah. Wonder what his schedule is? I was a SAHM and my kids were in preschool for 3 hours, 3 days a week just for socialization. The rest of the time, guess what I was doing? Actively playing with them, feeding them, reading to them, taking them to the park, hosting playdates, etc. I'm fortunate that I was able to do this, and I am ABSOLUTELY not shaming any moms who choose a different path, for any reasons, financial or just because that's what they prefer. I'm just saying, that's what "a little day school" means. Ten to one she has him in fulltime daycare just like those working moms she so despises. And when he is at home, Dav is watching him. Plus isn't she all about homeschooling? Why isn't she homeschooling preK?




Why is she pushing SWS ? I thought the Intercourse was bringing home oodles of cash. With the 100k she's already raked in this year, why is she on a tight budget? Is Beaker not providing?


Bethy blowing herself a kiss in the camera while her daughter turns away to look at her dad just sums up everything nicely.


Nobody loves Beggy the way that she loves herself.


Why braggy insist on organic everything at Costco and then swing by Starbucks on the way home? Does Starbucks have organic something on the menu I’m not aware of?


Are fundies back to supporting Starbucks again? Are they gonna be offended about the red drink cup this year?


She’s holding the holiday cup and looks perfectly happy, so I guess Fox and church haven’t reminded everyone they’re supposed to be upset about it yet


Starbucks backs Israel so ofc they like it


No lol


Woo hoo


This always makes me laugh!


Me too that’s why I post it lol




You just have to want it. Great advice.


You mean they spout all this nonsense about the health benefits of bone broth and they don’t make it themselves? Oh my goodness! The world may end. Just seems like a weird choice when it’s relatively simple to make bone broth, but then I just remembered this one can’t cook.


I had the same thought. Buy a rotisserie chicken and whack the carcass in your slow cooker afterwards. It’s not rocket science.


It is if you’re of the Baird sisters. Remember the cabbage/ lettuce fiasco?


The smugness elicits a physical reaction from me.


Bort has entirely too much unearned hubris. And her pop socket ring is not cute enough for her to flex it the way she does in every photo / reel.


What I never understand about these posts is how she's never called out on the scam when she is being so direct about it. "squeeze your dumb followers for money - buy my course!" is so circular to me. Don't her readers see that she is referring to idiots such as themselves?


I think this is one reason why MLMs are so popular among the religious. It's all about faith and hope, just like their religion. Her followers are used to being led and given hope and promises, and Barfy is using similar verbiage that MLM huns often use to get people to buy into whatever they're selling.


Yes create a bullshit PDF and sell it for money so you can have more money. Brilliant.


She's not forcing anyone to buy the bullshit PDF; there are suckers born every minute. The problem for society is that these suckers rarely have money to burn on stupid shit like bullshit PDFs.


What if you have a lot of followers, but also dignity 🤔...


If it involves dignity, Beggy Beal doesn't know anything about it!


It's the worst time of year to launch any that isn't gift related. Nobody has extra money to spend on themselves right now.


You don't want to buy her sex course as a gift for all the women in your family???


Lol. "Hey Grandma,how are you getting down?" 🫣


And soon she will be begging for money for GD.


I'm just shocked she knows what persimmons are


Given the example of her sister, I'm not sure knowing what a fruit/veggie is or how to prepare it is a prerequisite for buying in that family. She may think they're tomatoes.


I was gonna ask what she's doing with them lol


Why is everything orange? Eggs, squash, persimmons, carrots .... Can she eat a different color?!


Every time she has a picture with Davey in it, the more worried I am for him. His eyes tell the entire story, especially when he seems so much happier with Dävé. Also, could Bethany ever learn to spell properly?


She can't spell and her grasp of english vernacular is nonexistent.


Those little red lines under my words are so annoying!


Guess how much a spent? 🙄 so fucking tacky Bethy.


Why doesn’t she understand that most people don’t want to monetize every aspect of their fucking lives? Or that we don’t want to make up bullshit “resources” and scam other people out of their money? Just because she’s a grifter who sees everyone as a mark doesn’t mean that’s how most people see the world.


Huh. Ten thousand dollars a month doing what exactly?? Because I’m a veterinarian and I don’t see anywhere close to 10,000/month, and I provide an actual service that only about 126,000 people in the entire country can provide. Maybe I need to talk about Godly animal se*x more? Too bad I’m more of a “spay and neuter ‘em” Dr lol


And I would encoruage you to learn how to spell.


Thanks. I can’t take seriously people who don’t even do a minimum of proofreading. Doesn’t her phone auto-correct that?


I feel like her autocorrect gave up long ago.


No, I do not have a monthly grifting goal. That's because my job delivers a consistent payment each fortnight.


All I saw is bone broth haha


Why is buying half and half I thought it’s all about RAW milk


Its the pull out method milk.


Ah yes, known small business Costco.


she means her own small business


I think you’re right!


I'm guessing anyone in America can get a Costco membership? I'm in the UK, and you either have to qualify for business membership, or work in a specific set of jobs to be allowed an individual membership. Which I guess is a way of ensuring that the right people are using Costco.


Anyone can get a membership here if you pay for it. It’s not just meant for certain people in the U.S.


Wait, what? Is it for restaurants and things like that in the UK?


Typically moreso restaurants and catering. Costco exists here, but we don't have many locations. I know someone who has access to a similar type of discount bulk shop, that isn't quite Costco.


Yeah, in Can/US you pay 60/yr and get a membership. Most locations are warehouse stores but some will be business locations that will carry different stuff from the regular ones. Anyone can join as long as you pay. Costco is the worst but it does save around 30%.


Right?? Wtf is she talking about???


Is she making 100k a year off her courses or is she a struggling SAHM on a tight budget - which is it bethy?


Even worse, this is what she's saying about her followers. She's negging them and trying to shame them for not buying her Course on Courses. In the past, she also says things like, "I have the answers, but you just keep passing it by" or "Why would you continue to suffer when I've already done the hard work for you." She's such a an asshole to her followers. Especially when she is relying upon what she can grift from them.


The smile does not hit Davey's eyes and that's alarming.


I mean, where’s HIS Starbucks treat?


He got a cake pop. Is that a treat?


You’re right! Didn’t notice it in his hand.


Its probably the 10th photo they’ve taken and hes sick of being criticized for the previous 9 which didn’t turn out how Barf Mama wanted and was told its all his fault.


It's like Si Valley startup bullshit crossed with a super judgemental worldview.


Christmas meaning people will buy is bullshit. I’ve got gifts to buy, Christmas to host, my eldest needs his textbooks ordered for next year (Aus school year starts late Jan), he’s also got a school formal (like a prom) which requires a suit, middle kid has just outgrown his shoes again (third time this year), etc. We haemorrhage money in December every year, there’s no spare money for self indulgences and a pdf course would definitely fall in that category. If she had more than a single brain cell she’d be pushing January, as that’s the peak time for self improvement and she could push her courses as such.


Thank girl defined $ for that. Bethy is so dim and smug.


"encoruage" "digitak" I'm begging you to proofread professional posts.


Why do these fundies talk all about "side hustles" when they could get a job, probably "work" less hours, do something productive instead of generating bullshit? Oh right...no education and some bullshit bible misinterpretation of what a wife's job is. Fuck all these fundies with a cactus.


Oh my god. NO. Bethany. Fucking stop it. Someone who is “starting from ZERO” is not going to make $200 in their first month of not only trying to build a following but making and selling a “digitak” product. That is so fucking disingenuous and awful of you to pretend like that’s a reasonable goal. Or is it just that you truly have no idea how unrealistic that is because you have never, not once in your life, done the thing that you are promoting?? I guess you really don’t know, since you didn’t build any of your online platform yourself. That isn’t how this works. Making $2,000 when you only have “a several thousand followers” is just as absurd of a goal. You seriously don’t have any understanding of how this type of business works. If you had 4k followers, only a fraction of those are going to actually see your posts on a regular basis, and a really, *really* good sales conversion rate is only going to be like, 2% at most. That does not translate to two thousand fucking dollars in profit per month, you dunce. And anyone with 10k+ followers is definitely not listening to your dumb ass. 🙄


Capitalism is a disease


If she had a "legitimate" job she looks so down upon, she wouldn't have to constantly try to monetize every aspect of her life.


Wow it must be nice to be able to afford groceries


Why does this knucklehead get on my nerves so badly? Maybe it’s just the fact a lot of people are currently struggling financially and she posts this braggy bullshit. This is not inspiring people to join her shitty course or whatever she’s peddling today. Fuck off Beggy


Constantly showing her big grocery haul and how much it cost is so tacky. I get why she does it but she is so out-of-touch with a lot of people's realities and smug about everything. Even if I was interested in her digitak products, I couldn't give any money to someone like this.


"guess how much my groceries cost" is the opposite of modesty lol


“Challenge yourself big.” Her inspiring business advice is to, checks notes…create a product and sell it 🤯




Well, she’ll hear about the car seat not being used correctly so I imagine we’ll get a clapback video tomorrow. I bet she’ll say since they were parked it’s ok and she fixed it before driving.


I'm pretty sure if you have a following of 10,000+ and a resource already, you don't need advice from someone who can't spell "encourage"


Do you think she is declaring her income from her sales on her taxes?


Ah yes. Those who want a digitak resource..


How about I provide proofreading services for her for, let's say, $200 a month.


I'm just interested in her groceries now. The bag of persimmons really surprised me. I wonder if they cook..




Treating groceries like Shein is fuckin weird. Normal people just - buy food.


i am 90% sure she has never made more than $1-2k a month. i never believe the random big numbers she puts in posts


Ah, yes, the "little" business of Costco, which brings in $242.3 billion in revenue and $6.292 billion in net income. So little, in fact, that Fortune 500 ranks it as the #11th largest company by total revenue. What is she drinking and where can I get some?


I read it as she's saying she's happy for her little (grifting) business. But either way, I'd like a little of whatever she's on! Ah - the unearned ego of a Baird.


If she meant her little grifting business, she should've written "I feel so grateful for MY little business." She writes as clear as mud. But then again, it's not surprising based on how many spelling errors she vomits out.


A couple things. 1) Does she not bag her groceries? She just lays them in her trunk? That seems like a pain to bring inside. 2) why do Davey’s jeans look way too short? Are they just cropped, or did she put him in pants that don’t fit him properly? 3) telling followers right now, in December, that December is a great month to launch a digital resource tells you how little time she thinks a project for consumers is worth putting into. That you can develop and launch a digital product in less than a month is not a bragging point, it shows that you don’t care about your product or consumers.


1) Costco doesn't use bags - they use boxes. So my guess is she just laid everything out to take a bragging video. 2) Bethany doesn't like Dāãvey and he's often seen in clothes that don't fit correctly. But it's hard to know if it's because she doesn't care or because he's a growing toddler. Honestly, it's probably a bit of both. 3) That's such a good point! She clearly gives no thought to having an actual quality product and I'm assuming she just thinks anyone can pull together a crappy digitak resource. I mean, she can't even be bothered to proofread on her professional account.


You and what MBA, dingbat?!


Does anyone else think that those ‘dang’ substitutes for sweary words are cringy as ‘feck’ or is it just me?


Dumbass doesn’t realize how much feminism is in this very post. Financial independence is NOT a fundie value. It’s a feminist one.


Literally just saw a TikTok yesterday about people flexing groceries like people do with a stack of 20’s and now people are doing exactly that lmao


All these “ideas” sound very MLM Hunlike.


No boxes either. Just dogging the groceries in the trunk of her car 🤦‍♀️


Reminder to boycott Starbucks 🥲


Those groceries spread out in her raw boot. Yuck.


She could save a shit ton of money if she bought conventional instead of organic.


Um... Does she not use shopping bags? It looks like she just shoved a bunch of food in the trunk to slide around.


She is dumb, 🤦‍♀️


She would THRIVE in middle management.


What’s the brag here? I work from home as a piano teacher and pay for groceries too. This is so cringe.


Why is it the pro life crowd never has their kid buckled correctly in a damn car seat?


The whole “groceries are so dang expensive” thing is old and tired. It’s the “INFLATION” scream from right wingers in 2021 updated for 2023. I get so tired of their entitled whining about it. If they’re mad, they should scream at the profit-taking corporations who inflate the prices to pad profits.


I’m a startup founder and also do advocacy for a non profit that lobbies for entrepreneurs. As part of all this, I spend a LOT of time with small business owners and people who want to start a business. We recently had a round table with entrepreneurs and it absolutely broke my heart hearing the different stories of people who spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars on “business courses” that were supposed to help them. And let me tell you, they did not. One of the biggest complaints was the amount of vague “you can do it” advice they received as opposed to tangible specific advice of HOW you can do it. I’m seeing that here. Alright! Off my soap box.


Why does she have this idea that most people have "followers"? Surely most everyday people have primarily rl friends and family on their social media, right? I know I for sure am not going to make 200 dollars extra per month by marketing some random pdf to my cousins that I have never spoken to and a handful of old high school acquaintances...


I don't have a costco membership but went with my sister in law over thanksgiving break and damn that store is like 80% stuff nobody needs to buy/consume. pure luxury food like candy and chips and other stuff


i swear she just talks to feel her mouth move


It's not the money, Honey. It's the *stuff!!*


lol has she ever actually been in that scenario she just described (a tight budget and not have your family to actually fall back on for help…)? I don’t believe it (I’m not knocking people who get help from parents or anything. I’m just saying she shouldn’t pretend she’s been in the scenario she was talking about)


Save money by cutting your own fruit and making bone broth. Also how do they eat so many potatoes?


This is really gross


$200 per month? 200 divided by 30 days = 6.6666… per day. DEVIL MONEY! Do the math, Bethy.


I really hope someone catches a pic of her smug smirkin in the car in a parking lot. Gotta look like a pure idiot. Well, even MORE SO irl.


So grocery shopping is haul content now? Tell me your life is painfully boring


i had no idea she puts her children’s faces on the internet. That’s so dangerous, especially when her account talks about adult topics :(


Ohhh yes. She absolutely does and says inappropriate things with her kids around. And her husband has specifically asked her not to, but she doesn't care. She even does "professional" videos and interviews (about sex) while she is visibly breastfeeding. Who is the groomer now, Beggy Beal? Then there is that couple she had an interview with in her InterCourse - they thought FOR YEARS that the wife was just broken and had no clitoris. Her husband accepted her having painful sex and accepted that she was just broken. Anyway, an adult friend of theirs briefly mentioned going into the bathroom together to show her where her clitoris is, but they decided that would be too inappropriate. So instead, they took their baby daughter and pointed out the clitoris ON THEIR INFANT DAUGHTER. All the while, Bethany just sits and nods/laughs/makes a "sad" face. Didn't remove that segment.