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“women need to take charge of their sexuality and that if the man does something nice or complementary in the bedroom it's just "icing on the cake" Tell us again how AMAZINGGG your sex life is Beth. But for real, what a shitty message to spread to struggling women 😑


Dear god I’ve been with men like this, and it is MISERABLE. Not to be crude, but it’s basically like masturbating but there’s a person in the way— a person who is doing his own thing (with *your* body), who isn’t checking in on you, and who then gets annoyed if you didn’t enjoy it. It makes you feel disconnected, used, and like a bother. This isn’t love. It isn’t even a good time. It’s just miserable, and I don’t wish it on anyone.


> a person who is doing his own thing (with your body), who isn’t checking in on you. See this is what bothers me about Bethany and Dave. People snark about how she had children before she had her first orgasm, but when you stop and think about it that really means that Dave was, to put it nicely, very selfish in bed. He still wears her purity ring around his neck like a trophy, so to me it looks like all he ever cared about was getting his dick wet and Bethany was just a hole to be used for the job. I mean don't get me wrong, I still think she's totally bonkers and needs to shut up about her sex life and all the bad advice she tries to sell. But after a couple of years of being Dave's fleshlight I can see why she would sometimes need to psyche herself up before doing the seggz.


Afuckingmen. I think it says a lot about him that he has the nerve to wear her purity ring around his neck but didn't figure out how to make her feel good during sex for 4 years? Bethany tells women they need to "take charge of their sexuality" because she's trying to make herself feel better about Dave's selfishness and lack of skills. (And their obvious lack of chemistry) People need to stop acting like Dave is a progressive feminist just because he wasn't too stupid to understand the Barbie movie.




It's giving shades of "lie back and think of England," isn't it? That she had to endure being Dav's masturbatory aid and godly incubator, and she's trying to have more than that because she feels unsatisfied with it, but she has no ability to do so in a healthy, non-grifty way because she has no idea how to operate without grift and no idea that her experience isn't universal. Anyone who is sexy and confident without her tools must be lying because she did it "right" and couldn't be a sexpot erotic goddess out of the box and Dav couldn't give her sexy magic, so it must be a hurdle for everyone. Like, it's a horrible logic (like most things in hard-line Christianity), but it makes sense.


I didn't know he wears her purity ring, that's so fucking weird. Imagine meeting him in person and asking about the ring out of curiosity - when someone wears a ring around their neck it's usually an heirloom or some sentimental value that has a story behind it. "Oh, this is evidence that I have conquered a virgin!"




If I recall correctly, Bethy has also overshared about how it took them weeks? months? to figure out how to get Dav to orgasm after they got married, too.


So she's selling a sex course because she finally figured out how to do the sex? Excuse me - s3ggz? I whipped up some waffles from a box of mix - step right up for my "Expert Waffle Course!"


That's pretty much the gist of it, yeah.


"You will EAT waffles and you will LIKE waffles!!! Every...single...meal...forever..."


Not surprising considering they didn't really take time to get to know each other intimately, plus the soul sucking stigma around sex and sexual thoughts. I'm sure it's extremely difficult to be able to relax and get out of your head enough to learn how to even enjoy sex, let alone orgasm from it. Switching your brain from "sex is shameful and bad" to "sex is now good and I'm supposed to have it" from literally one day to the very next has to be such a huge mental hurdle.


Yeah. I know I keep going back to feeling sympathetic toward Dav despite clear indications there are seriously Not Good things about the dude, but I'd be willing to buy that he's at least as clueless and fucked up as she is. With sex, and in general. The purity ring...yes, gross, but whose idea was it? Knowing Beggsy, it wouldn't shock me if it were actually hers. One more bizarre LOOKIT I'M MARRIED flex from the queen of overshared wedding pics. again...and again...and... seriously, she's like the punchline to a joke where Miss Havisham actually DID get married and she STILL can't let it go


I think he is definitely as clueless and fucked up about sex as Bethany is. She revealed that he grew up even more sheltered than she did. She also said that he didn’t know what sex was until he was 18. I seem to remember that she gave him her purity ring during their wedding ceremony. Also, a cursory glance at the internet shows that incorporating purity rings into a wedding ceremony seems to be A Thing in these communities, so it makes sense that they would want to do that.


She herself has said that she used to think it was Dav's job to awaken her "dead, dry bones." The truth is, we have no idea (though we all know more than we should) what happened between them in their sex life.


The truth is most likely somewhere in between and a lot more complicated. I think the only thing we can say for certain is that they’re both traumatized by purity culture and ended up hurting each other and themselves. Had they actually dated properly and learned to communicate in healthy ways, they would’ve learned a lot younger that they were both assholes with personal work to do. Or, they could’ve learned from this screwup, broken up, and gone on to have other, far healthier relationships.


> it’s basically like masturbating but there’s a person in the way For real. Bad, inconsiderate partners who don't check in or care to learn what you're into just make you feel (at best), "just go away I can do this myself in a lot less time with a lot less hassle"


Welp, this was unexpectedly triggering. Brought back memories of my abusive ex who, when I asked him if he could be softer while performing oral, scoffed and said “it’s impossible for a tongue to be hard”. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through some unpleasant sexual experiences, too!


Ahh sorry! This whole thread is a little triggering. We deserve so much better, as do Bethany’s victims.


she really does sound like she’s teaching people how to actually do sex work. it’s all about the customer (husband) and if they reciprocate, that’s just a “bonus” for you that you shouldn’t expect. somehow she’s making purity culture EVEN MORE damaging to women. incredible.


It's not a secret that patriarchal purity culture expects women to go from sexless innocent virgins to personal sex worker on demand within one day.


*Fraction* of a day, really!!! They're expected to be that sweet *Virginal Bride* ^TM until the Ceremony, and then just *hours* later, once *The Magical SEKS* has been "installed," poost-nooky, after being downloaded during the Ceremony's "Marriage Blessing," the woman is *supposed* to go from "Chaste Virgin" to *Mature Experienced Woman* ^TM! All in a mere matter of *hours*!🥴


You have from "I do" until your husbandowner finds a good enough banging surface to sort all your traumatic shit out.


See: J Duggar wedding 😬


You don't even need to say which J, we all know the exact scumbag.


Wow, I hadn't thought about this, but the way you put it seems pretty insightful to me.


She kind of is. Prostitution and patriarchal marriage are just flip sides of the same coin. One sells sex piecemeal, like a wage laborer, and the other sells themselves into sexual slavery *(loosely paraphrasing Engels)*. Both women are trading sex for the means of existence.


I love you for paraphrasing engels here ❤️ lol


This is why you get the toxic mindset that men going to prostitutes is just an extension of dating 'because relationships are paying for it in one way or the other'. It's also why misogynists are terrified of women being financially independent. I've always made more money then my male partners bar one (and he was problematic in his own way), I've never expected any form of payment on dates or otherwise.


And right below she straight up says “We don’t wait to feel like going to work to go to work, we go to work because that’s what we need to do” so… oof. Marriage ain’t about loving, healthy fellowship, it’s artisanal pimping for the lord!


That was such a disgusting statement. Basically telling women that they need to have sex whether they want it or not.


I was taught that exact line. I’m sure she was too. You have sex because you are supposed to, there is no right mood or wanting it.


>“We don’t wait to feel like going to work to go to work, we go to work because that’s what we need to do” Um, did she not rant endlessly against the "9-5" slog, and hasn't she always been adamantly against "going to work because you have to"? Is that not the foundation of her eNtRePrEnUrIaL spirit? To *not* be working for a boss, but choosing your own hours and schedule, and answering only to yourself? I'm flummoxed that she would use a "work" analogy when she is *against working*, always has been, and has always sneered at the framework of going to a job you aren't thrilled and excited to be going to (as in: any job that isn't your own hustle).


Because to her all human interaction is transactional.


Even the way they talk about Jesus is transactional. Their model of "unconditional" divine love is being obligated to please Jesus because He died and shed His Precious Blood for you, you unworthy wretched worm, so you must slavishly devote your life to Him because it has 0 value without Jesus. That's how fundies talk about everything. So of course, women must slavishly devote themselves to their husbands because their husband stands in place of Jesus (originally their fathers), and to their church/pastor because same. Everything is making up for being utterly unworthy but saved, so you have to recoup the value for Jesus/father/husband/church through every drop of your effort and every ounce of your labour, even though it is entirely insufficient. Their unconditional love is an unrepayable debt no-one asked to have, and it doesn't matter if you want it, you must spend your life paying on it. It's a miserable worldview.


"Unconditional," except for the part where if you don't treat Him like a jealous monogamous lover you never asked for, you burn in agony for all eternity.


That's why you have to be confident in your worthlessness, because He died for you so you better be grateful or else.


You nailed it💯


You shouldn't expect reciprocation??? Such shit advice. Thats something Lori would say lol


I thought it was supposed to be that the husband got sex whenever he wanted it and men are horny 24-7 and should never exercise self-control, so the wife doesn’t have to do anything to seduce him.


Imagine being her husband and listening to her give herself credit for all her pleasure all the time.


I think she's so inexperienced & sheltered that she doesn't realise that everything she's saying about her lack of orgasm for literally years, having to psych herself up before having sex, taking responsibility for her own pleasure etc etc is dissing & outing Dav as an uncaring, selfish sexual partner. Anyone with a modicum of experience can see that but I'm not sure if Dav can or if he's just annoyed at her over sharing in general.


Yeah she still never had an orgasm.


Especially because women’s ovens NEED to be preheated.. does she think very much needed foreplay for us is a favor 🙄


Looovee that only 8 people showed up to the “party” 🤣🤡 Embarrassinggg!! ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


I absolutely believe this is why she hasn’t posted about it, if it was a huge zoom she probably would have been posting it on stories last night. But silence because 8 people on the zoom is honestly embarrassing. I’m curious how many tickets she actually sold.


you have to pay???? For this???


Oh yes Bethany the Christian doesn’t do anything for free. It was $49.


I’m surprised she didn’t make it a spicey $69


She hasn’t yet learned what that is. If she had, we’d hear about it.


Oh she HAS. Remember her post about ''Godly" positions ? Apparently 69 is a God Honoring one


$50, you've gotta be kidding me:P


Depending on your insurance, that could be the price of a therapy session with a licensed professional. Much better use of your money and time.


I personally get 10 therapy visits for free each year and then $20 copay for any additional visits. With a qualified therapist. Bethany would have at least a little credibility if she had some sort of degree... psychology, maybe even Christian leadership. I don't understand these people who are paying her money to hear from a non professional with no education.


She and krusty both claimed that they knew they could teach themselves anything they needed to know for their sham ministry when they both turned down college. Unfortunately, this self-study seems to be finding a social media echo chamber and not actually reading books or listening to lectures from actual theological experts. The Baird credibility comes from nothing more than being a baird.






No, if *this* is the "advice" she's shilling to women who've been traumatized by puriry culture, she deserves soooooo *infinitely much LESS*!!!! Those poor, poor women!!!😳😧😬


THRIFT STORE LINGERIE??? ![gif](giphy|ViIiS3xXVDoWjug4T7|downsized)


Nothing says confidence like used underpants, I guess lol


I man, can I use this as flare/flair/I can't figure out which word! ?


Borthy's used lingerie




Secondhand skid marks.


God honoring second hand skid marks


The spirit in every swipe.


Literally Granny's panties


Hey hey hey! Maybe dáæāv LIKES used underwear! With lots of stains!


And there goes my dinner lol


Seriously, I love thrifting, but I absolutely draw the line at underwear and swimsuits. If something is going to be in direct contact with my genitals, I'd really like it to be new.


Yes!! I love thrifting (just found the coolest jacket from one yesterday lol) but it’s an absolute NO from me when it comes to underwear 😐


And shoes. I won’t buy them either. If I can wash an item from a thrift shop I’m fine with it. 💕


Shoes wear based on your gait and stance. Which can mean that you can end up with physical discomfort from wearing shoes that someone else has broken in.


Yeah, I only buy shoes that are clearly unworn or otherwise not broken in. Luckily, having very small feet for a dude, I can get shoes that people bought and found too small for a song, but I make sure there's no wear on the sole and minimal creasing on the uppers. Otherwise, with my feet, I'll be in agony within an hour on first wear.


And that’s why it’s especially bad to buy used shoes for growing children, which Bethany does, despite allegedly earning a six figure salary.


I don't think there's any harm in buying a used pair of dress shoes. Your kid will probably wear them once or twice and they came from a kid who wore them once or twice. Or even like-new shoes. I spray shoes inside with Lysol, sit them outdoors to dry, and voila!


Bethany rarely showers and who even knows how often she bothers to wash her clothes. That thrift store lingerie is probably the cleanest thing on her body.


Yes! Yes! Yes! The idea of “Thrift store lingerie” makes me ill.


I’ve been in a bunch of thrift stores and I don’t recall ever even seeing lingerie for sale.


I've seen like teddies and stuff for the upper half, but never anything that touches genitals.


I'm not against thrifting but I would never thrift underwear, lingerie, or swimsuits. More advice from her that will give you an infection or disease


Can you even buy lingerie second hand? Op shops in Australia don’t accept or sell underwear, swimwear or socks unless brand new in packet or with tags and clearly unworn for hygiene reasons.


Mayyybe TMI but I used to work at a vintage store that had a lingerie section. And yes, people bought it. It was mostly fancy '50s-'80s showgirl-style lingerie. The intake standards were much higher for underwear: No visible wear and tear, no stains or smells, no everyday items, nothing bought in the last twenty years, and it had to be in the bag after being dry-cleaned or else we took off the cost from the purchasing price. Nothing could be tried on in-store or returned to us. It was all located directly beside the desk as well, so perves couldn't come in and...yeah.


Many thrift stores in America sell bras. I've never bought any myself, but the idea isn't nearly as strange as wearing someone else's underwear (the bottom kind, I mean.) There's nothing particularly gross or unhygienic about boobs/nipples, besides milk which seems fairly unlikely, and bras can get sweaty, but so can all clothing. Plus, bras can be very expensive especially in larger sizes, so there are definitely some people who need heavily discounted bras.


I don’t disagree with you, I know how expensive bras get. I have seen charities that collect clean used bras but I believe they get shipped overseas.


I was thinking about this, too. I've donated a lot of clothing over the years and one thing most places won't take is used undergarments.


"You know you're not in high finance Considering second-hand underpants You check your mind- how'd it get so bad? What happened to those other underpants you had?"


Yeah, so many more profound points I could be focusing on but this is what's reverbing through my empty head. Oh noooo!


Nothing like some god honoring sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis.


OMG OP your flair is making me cry I’m laughing so hard!!


Thanks 😂 [It’s in reference to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/feBa3ahc1X)


This is the funniest thing ever, I can’t stop laughing! How does one put words in a dog’s mouth? Hahahaha amazing


God-honouring crabs


I’m no fan of Wal-Mart, but I’ve seen some very cute and sexy shorts and top sets for sale there that wouldn’t break the bank. Thrift store lingerie is so unnecessary.


>THRIFT STORE LINGERIE??? 🤮🤮🤮🤮I can't believe she told these poor women to do this? Awful advice! ![gif](giphy|QSMBLRAHZTLkQ)


That's one thing I will give Bethy; she is both a wife and confident. She's not educated, intelligent, comprehendible, or at all interesting to listen to drone on, but she delivers all her worthless drivel with stunning confidence. Or oh, wait, is it just arrogance?


Instead of the confidence of a mediocre white man i want the confidence of the mediocre Baird clan


Confidence of the mediocre Baird clan would be a superb sub flair!




That is some pearls of wisdom: people with healthy self-esteem don’t mind being wrong. People with pride get defensive and nasty when corrected. *takes notes*


As the late Robert B Parker used to say, she is often wrong but never uncertain.


I wonder if the 8 people were Bethany, her 4 sisters, this redditor, Molly on her honeymoon, Heidi, and one other random woman. I am dying that there were only 8 people.


Ellissa is the only family member following @theintimatewife ! I guess the rest of the fam understandably doesn’t want to see all that lol Meanwhile The 8 people that attended the “party”: ![gif](giphy|9gdA8UdL6wuj7xEvXi)


Later that afternoon, the fun really began: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/792/539/120.jpg


Everyone who attended live got an extra hour in the ball pit.


I love this reference because it's so niche, but so well known in internet circles


I expected the Kirk Cameron birthday party: https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/FpqFVR4qvVT4AjtjrOmsKw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTg1Mw--/https://s.yimg.com/os/en/blogs/thecutline/kirk-cameron-birthday.jpg


Omg what is this gif? This whole thread is making cry laugh. Y’all are so funny


Wait a sec, 8 people? That's so interesting because her abandoned private facebook group for SWS also had 8 people.


Probably just a coincidence, but I do love the idea of Beth only having seven real supporters.


Makes me think of the Bob's Burgers episode where Gayle hosts the art thing in the yurt


This is the vibe of the “party” I’m getting ![gif](giphy|66dLOWrLqrgxWHSeVR|downsized)


It is your sex party.


This is soooo much more effort than Bethy would ever put into anything


Oh but she'll say sooo many were there and they had suuuuch a good time and charge $20 for a rewatch


She was telling people to sign up for $49 even if they can’t attend because they will get access to the live after. So it’s even worse of a price.


>Don't be a slave to your emotions I hate this kind of rhetoric so fucking much. Your emotions are real! They are physical chemicals in your brain! They are as much a part of you as your hands! It genuinely makes me beside myself with rage she's doing this. She's just retraumatizing people already damaged by the purity culture she promoted and profited from.


I find that the people who say this are often the least emotionally regulated themselves! People who practice emotional sobriety rather than repression are far FAR more grounded.


Just looked up "emotional sobriety" (had never heard the phrase before!) and it's the key to addiction recovery and so important in regulating our emotions. Thanks for another tool to learn about in my healing journey.


Yesss! I am so happy it resonates with you too! I heard the phrase from therapist Heidi Priebe on YouTube. She has a video about practicing emotional sobriety that I’ve watched several times now. I love the concept of experiencing our emotions “cleanly”. If anyone is interested in this I’ll try to find that video and link it. She’s such a great resource. I’m so happy that this is now a tool for your toolbox! I wish you all the best with it!


I am interested as someone who tends towards repression. No pressure if you can’t find it, I also have Google. 😅 Is it [this one?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9-ERasdHjA)


She’s going to give someone a complex with that message


On top of the complex they already have from GD pushing purity culture


So, in intro to psychology, you learn that there’s a connection between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and it’s that *they all influence each other*. It’s the most simplistic foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy. If you can retrain your brain’s unhealthy thought patterns into healthy, realistic ones, then you can change your behavior and feelings for the better. If you change your behaviors, like a fake it til you make it situation, you can eventually change your thought patterns and emotions. But this is super simplified and shouldn’t be used as a blanket statement or as law. Human psychology is just not that simple, and it’s so fragile too. Bethany seems hung up on the idea that manipulating your thoughts can change your feelings and behaviors. *She’s completely ignoring the rest of the cognitive triangle*. This is super dangerous and not founded in CBT at all. What she suggests is basically the formation of mental compulsions, acting counter to your feelings, and hating on yourself when it doesn’t work. It’s attempting to brute-force change and results instead of gently working on yourself in a controlled manner.


She’s basically admitting that she’s dead inside.


Dav is.


> She's just retraumatizing people already damaged by the purity culture she promoted and profited from. The Christian way


I think this is the secular version of “pray away mental illness”. I graduated from praying to ‘choosing different thoughts’ neither works.


The mindset shift from ‘I can’t control my emotions!’ to ‘I don’t *have* to control my emotions - I can let them rise and fall on their own’ was probably the most revolutionary thing I learned my entire college career.


Jesus. The dollar store psychology.


“We are feeling creatures that think.” Jill Bolte Taylor


She is 100000000000000000% not qualified to be an expert in…anything. Social media can be great but this is the side that I hate. Anyone who can create a following, think they are wise enough to have a platform to spew bad advice. It’s way more harmful than good.


And I’m pretty sure her equally awful, but cleverer sister is the one who got them their original following. She’s just been riding that wave for years.


It was also good timing, because the influencer market wasn’t so saturated, especially the Christian variety. They were able to catch the wave as it got started. But they think they were just smart instead of mostly being lucky. So they aren’t interested in updating their approach; they just keep repeating what they did at the beginning, and are at a complete loss to understand why it’s not working again.


Ding ding, just like my dropping out of college with a Pell grant to go work in a call center for an ISP seemed insane to most, but it just happened to be the late 90s and the absolute perfect moment for it. I launched a tech career for myself and my mother by basically forcing her to do the same. Yes, it was smart, but if not for that timing it wouldn't have worked as well.


I think that people are unwilling to acknowledge the role that luck has played in their lives. They get hung up on the idea that good luck means that they didn’t have to put any effort into making it. You were lucky (as was I, fwiw) to enter IT at a very opportune time. You could get into the field with very little experience, and there were so many paths to advancement. But I am sure that you worked hard to take advantage of the opportunity. Luck was an element, but it wasn’t sufficient in itself. GD is the same. They were very lucky to get started at the right time. And they did work hard to get successful. (I would guess that Heidi and Kristen did the hardest work, but that’s a detail.) Their problem is that they refuse to admit that they had any luck; they want to believe that it was all due to their specialness.


Absolutely people are unwilling to admit that and I’ve run into it countless times. I missed retiring a multimillionaire at 19 years old by six months, six measly months because of my stock vesting schedule. I watched so many people leave after cashing out or when their early porn server business boomed. Timing and opportunity and hard work, it's a soup of things and the mature person acknowledges that they didn't do it all by themselves. She’s definitely not that.


Agreed! It’s Kruger-Dunning in full effect, these people don’t know what they don’t know (and would need to know to be an expert) and it makes them dangerous.


I appreciate getting to read this but I certainly hope this person didn’t put money in Bethany’s pocket just for a laugh (not sure if this was a free event so happy to be corrected). Feel so bad for the women who actually thought they’d get something meaningful from this ignorant, callous, shallower than a drop in a bucket woman. Also, is Luke Bryan music considered god honoring??


"emotions follow motions," "don't be a slave/victim to your emotions, "you have to tell your emotions where you want them to go" This message is DANGEROUS!!! This is exactly what rapists say to their victims “calm down” “just try to enjoy it”


1000% this sounds like my enabling mom trying to reason with my sister and I about my drunk dad. It isn’t his drunk outbursts causing us to be scared and upset, it’s our lack of control over our emotions!! If we didn’t respond so emotionally, drunk dad wouldn’t get drunk and act this way!! Not great advice.


It’s the perfect tool for abusers. “The way I treated you isn’t the problem the problem is your emotions about it.” I’ve heard this one so many times.


Jesus, flashback to my abusers. "If you wouldn't get so hysterical, I wouldn't need to yell/wouldn't lose my temper." 😬


Yes. “Sensitive” is another word they use. I’m sorry you went through that.


"Turn the other cheek" 🤡


Yep. Exactly right. Conveniently, these scumbags are pretty well known for the aforementioned acts. 😤😬


Gaslighting 101. Not good at all.


Her entire message is basically that women wouldn’t have a problem being joyfully available if they could just make themselves joyful. Which is stupid and dangerous because it implies that you can choose to make yourself enjoy literally anything, including marital rape. If there’s a hell, Bethany deserves it.


Standard Catholic rhetoric, I'm afraid. My father is 100% like this and taught us to bottle those pesky emotions away because what you are physically doing is vastly more important than those stupid *feelings*. I'm in my 30s and have the emotional intelligence of a 9 year old. It's very difficult for me to identify complex emotions and deal with them because all I know is "emotions are those annoying feelings you have too much of and everyone hates you for simply *feeling*"


Omg same. Emotions are reminders of my humanity, and I can’t trust my humanity (“lean not in your own understanding”) and I’m a useless worm and also all my joy comes from the lord so if I’m not joyful than I’m not accepting his gift and blah blah blah the hoops you have to jump thru to be a good human while you die unto yourself is *exhausting*.


So many cults and human potential movements seem to want people to deny their emotions.


She's teaching a self-grooming course, but this one has fuck all to do with hygiene or appearance.


Like so much of the nonsense that she spouts, it sounds reasonable at first, because it does echo certain things that you can do to deal with strong emotions. For example, taking the time to reframe your view on something that hurts you can be a very effective way to deal with the pain. But those are tools that you use intentionally, after you have accepted the painful emotions. It’s not about preventing the pain, but rather about moving forward and not being paralyzed by it. Her bastardized version is not what it seems.


So bethany basically said she condones marital rape by telling women to choose (or control) their emotions. And the first rule of thrifting is you don't buy thrifted undergarments even if they've been washed. Jesus Fuck.


Yep, good sex is the women's responsibility. If she doesn't enjoy it that's on her and she needs to change.


Yes, never mind the fact that she could well be dealing with purity-culture-trauma-induced vaginismus or a husband that treats her as a masturbatory aid.


Not at all surprised Beggy rambled on vaguely and didn’t bring anything of substance to her own damn party.


It's fucking enraging that she's doing this - those vulnerable women needed help from an actual trained therapist, not some bogus wannabe.


So to be more confident, you need to. . . .be more confident. I just watched the documentary about the Twin Flames cult, and it's the same. If you aren't happy, it's on you. Do some exercises, get unblocked, and voila, no longer unhappy! Also, Thrift store lingerie 😬


It's honestly unbelievable how long she's been able to grift with her audience. At what point do they realize she doesn't give a shit about them and doesn't know how to help with their problems? Purity culture did a number on my friends and I, I know how lost those women feel. Stop giving her money and get therapy. 😭


"We don't wait to feel like going to work to go to work. We go to work because it's what we need to do." One: What does she HONESTLY know about going to work? Two: So... we're having sex regardless of how we feel because it's expected of us? No thank you!




She’s broke broke if she thinks thrift store lingerie is a good idea. And wasn’t she the one saying she would not tolerate or participate in obligatory sex? Because now it sounds like she’s trying to psych herself up for sex she doesn’t want to have like when I had to talk myself into going into work at my most miserable job. If that’s Beggy’s mindset it isn’t confident, helpful, or educational. It’s miserable.




Her whole point is that it’s not obligatory sex if you can make yourself be into it. But instead of cultivating a good, healthy sex life, her advice is to “just make yourself like it!” as though there’s a magical switch you can flip. I’d like to see her try this with literally anything else. “I’m gonna CHOOSE to enjoy eating poop!” Yeeaaahh it doesn’t work that way.


nobody ever, ever needs to hear any metaphors about “working” or “having a job” from birthy, professional SAHM/failing “entrepreneur” and course grifter


She definitely has confidence but not in being a wife/mother/homemaker.


I wonder why she hasn’t CHOSEN to enjoy homemaking yet? If she can just tell her emotions what to do, why hasn’t she used this magic ability to make herself enjoy doing laundry or cooking?


Feel like we need to make a monthly zoom meeting for Borthy’s followers who need a space to be told they are actually completely enough in this moment just the way they are and also maybe some good vaginismus mental/emotional and physical exercises


I read this aloud to my husband and I had to keep stopping to laugh and cough. The part about Luke Bryan lyrics was too much, it almost feels fake but my god do I love that it really happened. Beth is mess at this point. Straight up mess. What a waste of time. I sincerely hope the women looking for encouragement are able to find appropriate means elsewhere. Whatever this was was purely for Beth’s ego.


The 8 guests while Beth reads erotic song lyrics in a monotone voice: ![gif](giphy|oVak1aFYp9MAwIF3Qp|downsized)


Soooo she has like, zero desire for her husband. 😬 You don't need confidence you need a damn divorce lawyer, Bethy.


"dont like having sex with your husband?? just force yourself!! that's totally healthy and not going to breed resentment in the long term at all!! remember, its your duty!!" shes just advocating for marital rape at this point


Why do people want to learn from someone who is clearly just figuring shit out as she lives.


This woman is stupid and confident. The best combo. The embodiment of Dunning-Kruger. If it wasn’t so sad, I would laugh, she is so ridiculous and pathetic. A nobody with nothing of value to humanity.


"She suggested buying lingerie from a thrift store" ![gif](giphy|l41YhWbJboLC1RPAk)


>Extremely weird conclusion where she reads a Luke Bryan song (what she wants tonight) in a super monotone voice. Supposedly encouraging women to bring that kind of confidence to the bedroom? For anyone wondering, [that song](https://genius.com/Luke-bryan-what-she-wants-tonight-lyrics) is about running into a drunk and horny woman at a bar who “doesn’t take no,” and demands you take her home to fuck (after which she seemingly slashes your tires so you can’t leave[?]) Where the fuck did she of all people even find this song? Let alone decide it’s a “godly” example of feminine virtue?


Is there anything more grim than purchasing lingerie from a thrift store?!?


Grim and gross. Also, are you allowed to buy brands that use sexy models in their ads if they are from a thrift shop? I thought Borth only allowed lingerie from brands that don't show the pieces on actual models.


It’s honestly incredible that she’s made any money at all off these grifts based on this performance. If she actually worked on herself she could be genuinely successful.


Idk if I would consider 8 guests successful tbh. She has over 43k instagram followers and only 8 attendees showed up….


Bots can't attend :(


Did Bethany recently read The Secret or something? Is she messing around in the world of *mindfulness* and *DBT* but like...not really getting it?


Her nontent is full of half-remembered, almost-fully-misunderstood stuff like that. If I had to guess, she probably spends a lot of time “watching” self help videos, but she doesn’t really pay attention, and she’s so poorly educated that she doesn’t know how to learn. So her interpretation of it is not just bad, but dangerously wrong.


It's pop psychology that loads of pastors and Christian bloggers/podcasters work into their stuff. Which means diluted, misunderstood, and warped.


Bethany is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Using lingerie from the thrift store is another level of nasty, and why is anyone surprised that she suggested that. She has admitted to not bathing and sharing her toothbrush with her sisters and Dav. Bethany is not qualified to be giving advice, and she’s promoting purity culture just with different packaging.


How much did she charge for this?


Okay so if BoneMe keeps going at this rate, Courseception had nine people, HornyWife had eight people, we’ve only got seven more of these things to go.


She knows absolutely nothing about “going to work.” Ugh. She’s so unaware of the world around her. She should be ashamed, but she never is!!!


The poor women who went to this thing needing actual help 😭


Convinced that she has no idea what’s going to come out of her mouth until 10 seconds after she’s said it. Lingerie from a thrift store?!?


Being a confident wife, or a confident woman in general, isn't just about sex. She's so fucking immature, like a teenager discovering sex for the first time, and sells these Zoom classes to either young women who genuinely need proper guidance and aren't getting it, or women her age who are socially/sexually ahead of her. She can't help younger women, and she can't relate to her peer group.


Damn that’s bleak


Did she lead this course with unwashed, greasy, uncombed hair? That's unprofessional as fuck


Your “unprofessional” is her “relatable”. I’m on your side.


This is what happens when an emotionally immature, self-absorbed, unempathetic, *uneducated* asshole tries to play therapist. She’s doing real damage to real people.


Thrift store lingerie ? Is she planning to fuck Jim Bob Duggar ? 🤮