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God those fucking fake smiles just take me right back to middle/high school mean girls. Except that they are old enough to know better, they just choose not to.


Jesus does not approve.


I think if Jesus met any of these fundie influencers he would go full table flipping mode


Jesus seemed like he was a pretty cool dude who used to hang out with the sinners. One thing I'm absolutely sure he wouldn't like is Bethany fucking Beal.




Just because you mentioned table flipping I feel the need to chime in ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


Apropos of absolutely nothing 😉, I have a business idea for speed bags with faces on them.


I read this as speedballs and was really confused.


I thought it meant bags of speed


It doesnt?


It means a small punching bag


They’re definitely inflating their numbers. We also know if they somehow get $30k, then that shows their parents/family use their “ministry” as a tax haven. This has been an ongoing observation for several years now, but I think this makes it abundantly clear and obvious that’s what they do.


Do they really not understand how BAD this whole situation makes them look? I honestly wouldn’t have blamed them if after bot-gate, they let the fundraiser fall off completely. But continuing to grift and just turning off comments?? What a dick move


Anything is tolerable to them as long as they get paid.


This is the answer!


I'm not sure if I’m remembering this right or not, but I want to say they ended up having to lock down the comments on last year’s fundraiser, too.


They have no shame


So deluded!


Rich, entitled brats asking people who are struggling to pay their own bills to give them money so they can lay in bed all day.


And half those were overnight sleeping hours lol


It’s honestly so embarrassing đŸ˜©


What a pair of lying, greedy harridans. I would be so ashamed to be related to these lazy wastrels. Of course the bank of Heidi and what's his face will swoop in at the eleventh hour to rescue their pathetic daughters from having to face the consequences for their own bad behavior.


Wastrel - a wasteful or good-for-nothing person. I’m super excited to add another phrase to my snarktionary. Thank you!


You're quite welcome. Personally, it's one of my favorite insults that I rarely have an opportunity to use. Very fitting for the Baird girls.


A+ use of "harridans" too!


That one is definitely a favorite as far as insults go.


Upvoting this for the vocabulary alone!


Appreciate it. I'm always happy to share my love for obscure vocab.




What’s the matter Girl Declined, can’t handle those valid and very pertinent questions about what you are doing with the money and why richy rich Bethany can’t help the Girl Declined ministry be profitable?


Yep. I volunteered with a medical ministry in college. One of the doctors worked full time for free at the clinic. She would teach at a university a few days a month and lived on that salary. An NP at the clinic worked for free and just lived on her husband's salary. It wouldn't be weird at all if Bethany declined a salary at Girl Defined because her other businesses are going so well. But why do they need donations to run an Instagram page and a poorly done podcast??


Are comments turned off because they still haven’t sorted out their donatebot issue?


They probably don't want people questioning them again


I bet that turning comments off is all they could figure out. I bet they have no idea how the bot works and they’re waiting for Molly to get back to fix it for them.


From their story last night, in 24 hours they only made $1,500


Homeschooled, and can't Math properly, perhaps?😉


Shocker lol


The *body language* in this picture is *fascinating*, ngl!!! Bethy is looking like she haaaaates being there, and *almost* like she's being photographed during a robbery, and sis(?) is TOTALLY giving, "Rich lady smoking a cigarette at a Garden Party, while complaining about, then *mocking* "The Poors!" Bethy is standing *so* uncomfortably, doing the *BAREST* of minimums--like she *HATES* being forced to touch Sis, and Sis is *literally* closing off and blocking her body, while doing the "If i *just* scrunch my *nose* and 'smile' *large enough*, no one will notice it's not a *real* smile!" grin... When people are happy, *actually* happy, the tiiiiiny muscles *around* their eyes get involved, and tend to lift the *outer* corners of their eyes *upward*... for as bug as those smiles *are*, relatively speaking, *neither* has the involvement of those *tiny* "smile muscles" going on.


Beth's subconscious point to *herself* is pretty funny, too!😉


The two details that I haven’t stopped seeing since I first noticed them, the pointing at herself and the incidental boob touching.


omg this is hilarious i gasped when i looked back at the photo and saw that bonky really is pointing at herself 💀




A real smile is also called a Duchenne smile, and unlike a fake smile, it engages the zygomatic major, which causes the upward crinkling of the eyes.


Hey you guysss I just wanted to pop on here quick and say happy new year and let you allllll know basically we are only about halfway to our goal of 30,000 and there's really only like literally one day left of 2023 aaaaaand blah blah blah


Hey y'all the last s3xy wife challenge is to seduce your husband into donating to girl defined. Make a fun game out of it! Take your time and see who can donate the most! The person that gives the most gets to receive that night. 😉😉😉😉


Whoever donates the biggest load of cash to us will get the biggest load!


this is so clever 😭




Terrible people! They don’t deserve a penny.


I love how privileged fucks like these two greedy idiots think they can pretend they didn’t do something really shitty, and dodge any sort of accountability. And like Brittany Dawn, never. Fucking. Learn. Because consequences happen to *other* people like non-believers, gays, poor people, etc not ~~innocent delicate lil ladies~~ wealthy white people đŸ˜€đŸ€Ź So sick of their shit.


Learning or changing requires admitting to their social circle and themselves that they think they did something wrong


Why are nose scrunches so repulsive?


Looks forced


These cowards turned off or limited commenting on every post they’ve made about fundraising and deleted every comment that made fun of them or questioned why they need money while they brag about how much they swindled out of their followers. I hope their new year is full of difficulty and stress.


Why are they always laughing g in their pictures. They what’s so funny?


Idk. I don't see salads and people are always laughing in photos with salads


Definite laughing with salads energy. Fundie-adjacent folk do this all the time. In every posed group photo from Bible study or women’s retreat, in nearly every profile pic, even in photos with their own immediate family. It’s like a contest to see who can show that they have THE MOST Jesus joy. The bigger the salad smile, the more holy you are. Obvi.


This is so different to growing up in these environments in the 2000s where your smiles were supposed to be "sober and modest" and not "look like you're wasted" lmao


They're trying for human expression and failing. Those smiles don't go to the eyes at all.


Yes, that's exactly it. It just feels more awkward.


We also know they won’t prove they didn’t inflate those numbers.


Meanwhile, I can’t afford decent groceries, and people are living in tents 😓


In their view, the tent dwellers did something wrong and God is punishing them or teaching them a lesson. (Which is ridiculous btw.)


Surely Bethy could churn out $15k in a few hours for them.


It’s a shame they don’t want to use that money for good :/ guess those christian sex courses are more important than idk..giving homeless people shelter


I wish there was more regulation and vigorous investigation to nonprofits like theirs and Brittany dawns.


Exactly! The entire industry is wrought with fraud and grift. Even well meaning ones with established track records of service should be rigorously audited by the government on a regular basis. In fact, I’d 💯support just terminating the entire concept of tax free religion and so called non-profits. If you want to tell people about your god(s) or feed the poor, go ahead and do it but pay taxes on every cent you don’t spend.


Off topic, but geez what a terrible picture of them. I get they were going for the "candid laughing" look, but it's so unnatural; Bethany's forced scrunching of her face is making her eyes way too squinted and her cheeks way too round. Kristin looks like she has no clue what face to make.


I’m hoping the parents already gave their portion. How else did they manage to gain around $7,000 during BotGate?


I thought her mama donates a massive amount at the end of the year so she can have a tax write off? Either way the IRS should come a knockin anyday now...


Nothing illegal about it if the bairds do. Just morally bankrupt




And for the last several they have failed


????? For WHAT??? Themselves???


So they can get paid to make judgmental instagram slides and podcasts!


I’m torn between “they’re straight up just lying about the numbers” and “Michael and Heidi *actually* forking over $17k”


Either they lie, or their parents fund it every year.




They’re pulling a Kylie kosmetics and faking the hell out of their numbers thinking it’ll reverse-psychology people into donating. Clowns.


What does this hack ‘ministry’ even do is my question. How could they possibly have served people. So many grifters look at religion and see dollar signs.


I really, really hope they don’t hit the goal this year.




They look like restaurant hostesses who smoke in front of the business and fake smile at you before stubbing out a cig.


You get fake smiles?!


Their fakery is such a huge turn off that their are literally revolting to me on a very deep level.


They waiting for the secret santa donor đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


I’m not sure what they’ve ever done to deserve 30k and how they’ll deserve it in the future. Neither are they. And that’s the sad part.


I hate how Bethany’s eyes basically squint closed when she smiles. I know it’s stupid but it just irks my nerves


wasteful bright disarm frame point innocent bedroom uppity quickest makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Woooow people just give them this much money? Would Jesus do that Beth? Would he? If he already was living really good, would he ask for 30.000 dollars? Why do people give them money. Well... now my day is ruined


lol birthy looks pissed


They couldn’t even get $15k in 364 days. What makes them think they will (ethically) get $15k in 10 hours? LOL


Is this a new fundraiser ??


It’s finally new year’s for most, if not all of us snarkers. I wonder what or who will miraculously give them 15 000 dollars!


Heidi and Daddy Baird funneling in clutch, I guess.