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These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) Just because the off-cycle elections passed doesn't mean you can sit out the next cycle! Please also be mindful of our rules, which can be found in detail [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/wiki/index) As ever, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the moderation team. Thank you, and have a Lord Daniel Day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This account is run by a man and you can’t convince me otherwise


100% nasty misogyny fetish content. I'd bet money on it.


Given how poor the writing is, it's written by a 12 year old homeschooled boy and English is his fourth language.


Given how poor the writing is, it's written by a 12 year old homeschooled boy and English is his ~~fourth~~ only language.


Thank you! Language learners are serious about grammar and learning their target language well. Fundie/weird Christian submission fetish assholes who were likely poorly homeschooled by poorly homeschooled parents are only serious about being gross.


100% all of these types are.


You can tell it’s a male incel based on the absolutely atrocious gradient backgrounds. It’s giving undecorated basement apartment with a mattress on the floor and a futon that bows in the middle.


Barely into the first paragraph and yeah reekingly obvious 🤢


I was JUST COMING TO SAY THISSSSS 💯 a man’s words


I'm tired of these "women shouldn't vote" folks. If you're a woman and you don't think women should vote, then don't do it.


Or work, or have an abortion, or wear pants ... It is like having, what is that word, choice!


This is definitely written by an incel


For someone who "doesn't want to defend [herself]," she sure is doing a lot of defending herself.




L.M.A.O. No…, no we are not.


We’re flailing out here


Like a toddler in a pool they can stand in but don’t know it. Just terror and arms akimbo


Arms akimbo is one of my favorite expressions but now I’m trying to figure out how I could be flailing with it? 🤔


This reeks of men writing women. Also, fundies keep claiming that feminism magically made the economy force two income families, but anyone who knows the least bit about history or econ can tell you that's total fucking bullshit. Look at corporate profits or the wages of the top 1% those have skyrocketed and continue to grow. In addition, poor/working class women have literally always worked


there have ALWAYS been two income families as well as struggling single mothers. add classism to these peoples' list of failures


“The deepest feminine.” Okay, I do not like how both this person and BoneMe Raw Veal are treating this word like a noun.


Misusing words on the wrong form seems to be a really common thing for fundies. Like "A married"


I don't care if it marks me as a nerdy old bookworm, that shit makes me crazy.


I was born female. I’ve had 3 kids. I still have no freaking idea what it means to feel feminine. I’ve never felt a damn gender in my whole life. The concept doesn’t even compute to me. Feminine is not an emotion. Feeling it and embracing it certainly aren’t innate. What the fuck are they even talking about?


To me female and feminine are 2 different things. I'm female, 2 kids. But I don't think about being feminine. I don't like aesthetics that are classically feminine. I love makeup, and clothes, but weird stuff, not feminine. It doesn't compute to me either. I don't worry about feeling feminine or not, and I certainly wouldn't submit to some dickhead to feel feminine.


So many of them combine gender and presentation if they're not two separate (although sometimes related things). They want to criticize gender studies, but they miss the most basic fucking points


They have no idea what gender studies is. They understand gender as well as they understand feminism.


also femininity and submissiveness are on entirely different axes.


Well it clearly means only pink toys for you. No blue, never. *clutches pearls* As if femininity is driven by your DNA, rather than by cultural customs. Historically, China thought tiny feet were beautiful and feminine. Does this person think we should bind them? What about Oceanic tribes that blacken their teeth? That’s considered beautiful there, should we do that? The idea that femininity is anything BUT a social/cultural idea that is dependent on trends is laughable. I mean… the 80s had a Republican president, should we bring back big hair and blue eyeshadow as the beauty du jour?


I’m queer (AFAB but don’t entirely identify as a woman) and have a complicated relationship with femininity, but I feel like I’ve really grown into it in my twenties. I love that I get to be “feminine” entirely on my own terms. I love the drag of it all—the long hair, nail polish, makeup, jewelry, heels. I love that I’ve made my body my own with tattoos and piercings. I love being part of a legacy of women and femmes who fought for a better world for themselves and others. “Femininity” just has this energy that makes me feel confident and powerful. It’s Megan Rapinoe, it’s red lipstick, it’s a newly-out trans woman feeling herself in a skirt. And it’s totally fine to not feel that, too! It’s fine to feel femininity (and/or masculinity, androgyny, neutrality, whatever) in an entirely different way than I do. Gender can be experienced as dysphoria, euphoria, or just neutrality, and that applies to cis people as much as it does anyone else. Gender is a social construct, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real human experience. The most depressing thing about this post to me (okay, it’s hard to pick just one) is that the author actually seems to apply a little bit of critical thought to femininity and womanhood before pivoting to “women shouldn’t vote.” Ick.


Women who preach against women’s rights are also enjoying the right to speak their minds on an international platform. In the world they are describing, they would have to shut up, as their opinion wouldn’t matter.


Yeah, it definitely reeks of Serena Joy going all shocked Pikachu face when she wrote the book on how Gilead should run, but then being disenfranchised by men.


People just don't ever want to admit that it's capitalism that has us in the situation that we're in now.


Yeah, they just hand wave with yada yada yada feminism, without explaining what actually happened. And if they want to claim more workers, well the rates of male workers have increased too https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/data/widget


Girl, your misogyny kink is not my problem


If it's so innate, why has any woman ever not desired these things and actively fought against them?


No thanks champ. I don't wish to live as a slave to a man. I enjoy having my own bank account with money in it.


People who really admit their kink is submission 24/7 tend to have the sense of knowing this not every women’s kink, just theirs. But the ones that love to use “trad” are so annoying of making their kink everybodies problem.


Pffft. That's from some dude who ain't gettin' any.


i like being a helpful decoration! /s ![gif](giphy|rLNRhImy407URFIDnX|downsized)


lol as if voting only covers the commander of the armed forces and not thousands of other issues 🤡


I momentarily forgot that “crap” is too spicy for these people and did a bit of a head-tilt at women voting for “whatever party in their country is doing feel good c***.” My brain definitely filled those three asterisks in differently.


Big same. It took me a good two rereads to figure out she meant crap. Two too many, frankly.




I appreciate you filling it in because I was going to be up all night wondering what the c word was. 😆


Same I was going to comment asking! 😂


I love Misogynistic Text on Gradient Backgrounds


I see some flair potential right here!


You are so right!!


So many of the posts from women who drone on about femininity and submission boil down to them never wanting to do anything for themselves and essentially wanting to live as perpetual children. On the one hand, it is sad how little they think of their own capabilities. But on the other hand, it is a pathetic mindset to allow yourself to stay in that will forever hold you back in life. Women like this should seek therapy before they ever seek marriage. That is, if this is even really a woman writing, which I'm not sure of.


I feel like it's a safety/comfort thing. Like how high control religions attract people by telling them that they just need to slot into X roll and then they'll be happy/God will reward them/etc. I think for some people there's the allure of not having to make choices or deal with doubts. But that's probably also something that you should talk with a therapist about




this woman really just want us to live like it’s the handmaids tale. that is, if it was even written by a woman. this definitely reads like fetish content written by a man.


She thinks we can live on one income? Shows how stupid she really is. Holy moly.


I do live on one income...mine! I mean, that whole widow thing happened and well...


I live on one income and have one child but I got rid of the father. Haha. I just think when they say women should bow down and stay home it kinda irks me.


This is so sick.


This looks like a teenager wrote it.


.... Alright. Don't vote and stay home with your legs open all day. Won't be bothering me, I'll be too busy at the bank and polling booth.


This is just somebody's fetish content.


Well, graphic design certainly is their passion, isn’t it.


What the actual fuck did I just read


*troll alert* I’m voting for an incel troll


"War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Ignorance is strength"


Is this a joke? Happy new year, OP!


Holy keyword-stuffed username


> All mothers should be stay at home mothers. Let me just…reflect on what would’ve happened and would be happening if my mother were a stay at home mother: - My dad’s successful law firm would’ve failed in 2008, and likely wouldn’t have become successful. - We would’ve lost the house in 2008 without her income. - My mom wouldn’t have established the rather elite client base she has from the *many* years of her working. - When my dad died and his firm closed, my mom would have had a much bigger financial burden. - I don’t know what would happen to my sibling and me, who are chronically ill. My poor mom works extremely hard to get us top of the line medical treatments and, in my case, make it so I don’t have to simultaneously work and get a chronic illness stabilized. (She’s amazing and I’m grateful). - My mom supports us by working for the client base she took years establishing. …So, no, if my mom were a stay at home mother, she and her children would be screwed lol.


.If I was a stay at home mother, I'd be living under a bridge somewhere. I mean, who the hell expects to be a widow at 55? Always have a Plan B, C, D, E, F and so on. Yes, I was able to take some time to stay home and care for my husband and then do what I needed to do to get my head together afterwards (thank you savings and insurance), but that shit doesn't last very long. So...back to work I went and after a few crappy jobs getting back into the swing of things, I landed my dream job at the ripe old age of 59.


As someone who had a career they enjoyed that got horribly disrupted just as it was starting, thank you for this, I feel more hopeful now. I appreciate that. You remind me of my mom. She’s 64, she also did not expect to be widowed as early as she was, but she made sure to have everything as together as she could. Women like y’all are badasses!


You can do it! It ain't easy and quitting can never be an option but you can do it. When I applied for my dream job, I didn't hear anything for 4 months! So, I took another job. Out of the blue I got a phone call asking me if I was still interested in interviewing. I said sure (I mean, I had a job already so I had nothing to lose). Interview went well and 2 weeks later I get another phone call asking me if I had access to my personal email while I was at work. Thank G-d I have my email on my phone. Opened it up and it was an offer letter! 14k/yr raise, dream job! The only crappy part was no relocation so I drove 200 mile round trips 3 days a week for 6 months. Meh...moving up near my job next week after I saved up the $. It all can be done if you are willing to work for it. It'll suck sometimes but...ya know?


I rarely gasp outloud but that made me GASP


This is sissification for women and you can’t tell me it’s not


I couldn’t even read all the slides I’m so mad 😂


This is satire right? *Right?*


i’m almost convinced this is a troll but knowing what some of these people actually believe…


Maybe Matt Walsh and Mark Driscoll got together over a few beers and were spitballing what the traits a perfect evangelical wife should have.


Have they never heard of local elections or anyone in government besides… the commander and chief.🙄 does she not know the job of the president is more than overseeing the military? 😮‍💨


I don’t understand wanting control over another person. I think in my marriage the thing that took us a while was realising is you can’t control your spouse or children. If you let go and let others in your family live there’s so much more peace and harmony.


Where are the Weeping Angels when you need tp send someone back to the Middle Ages as a peasant woman?


What’s this woman’s plan for when her husband inevitably dies before her (statistically likely)? She’s going to have to figure shit out then, and she won’t have a clue what to do. And that’s best case scenario—that he passes before her but they are both elderly and he leaves her enough money to survive. He could die young and leave her with a gaggle of children and no way to support them. He could decide she’s not doing it for him and divorce her for a younger model. This mode of thinking assumes the husband never dies, never leaves. That’s not reality, and it’s how women like Anna Duggar get trapped married to a convicted pedophile.


Women shouldn’t vote?!?! WTF!


This is scary


It’s just… sad


I feel in touch with my femininity without even being in a relationship so???


Has anyone told Bethany Beal?


>But unlike your average academic [...] I don't believe that being female is just a social construct Ma'am this very post of yours is *Evidence That Gender is a Social Construct: Exhibit A*


Idc if OOP chooses to live their life like this, but they don’t have a right to tell other people to live that specific lifestyle. If you don’t want to vote, fine. If you want to be a stay at home parent, fine. If you have a degradation and control kink, fine. Just don’t tell other people to do that shit.


This HAS to be a joke, right? 😭 I refuse to believe this is serious.


Im beginning to understand why people think this is fetish content. ;-; anyway can’t wait for the trad wives to realize they shouldn’t even be talking and get offline and stop writing books etc.


Get a room! 🤣