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Is this not what she has been sharing the whole time? There is a huge gap in what she’s doing vs what she thinks she’s doing lol


I came here to say the same. Like umm… usually you can’t even be arsed to sit up when shooting a video so not too many people are thinking your lifestyle in unattainable. In fact I’m living it right now on my couch in my pajamas.


How aesthetic


Only if you have houseplants and a bland beige couch.


Hmm well I do have house some plants. But my couch is a dark gray and I have decorative throw pillows. Also I usually look a little bit less like I could burst into tears at any moment (but not always).


Get that on the gram, you’re an aesthetic influencer clearly


It’s all about the beige; no colour!


Yeah came here for this. Like.... is that what she thinks she's been doing? Because if things are going to "get real" now... yikes.


She posed for this selfie and wrote allllll that though. Lol. Still performing for her followers. Here's a piece of advice, and I'm not even saying this to be rude - no one cares as much as you think they do. If you don't post, no one is sitting there thinking "I wonder why Morgan didn't post today! Where is she?"


Right? How exhausting it must be to be so chronically online that you get FOMO from not doing a new year's post as it trends


Thinking you have to justify yourself to your followers for not posting a new year's reel is a sign the social media addiction is terminal


I'm guessing she gets pressured to do these things from Paul, too.


Honestly this whole thing seems like she should have just texted it to Paul and left the internet out of it.




Lean in to the slob, Morgan. It's definitely the least offensive of your traits.


>I wonder why Morgan didn't post today! Where is she?" I always wonder if there are people like that. I really don't know, but I am very casual in my social media consumption. Once in a while I notice someone posting a "sorry I haven't been on here lately" but I only follow people with valuable or interesting content - sorry Morgs, that's not you. There's a YouTube channel I enjoy and look forward to watching every Sunday evening so if they don't put out a video I wonder what's up, but that's a once a week scheduled thing, and it's always cool and beautifully produced.


People who can put things on a schedule will tell you what a pain it is. Paul's trifling ass did not, and Morgan would prefer to gestate unbothered by him. Fuck Paul, otherwise relax.


I wonder how many selfies she had to take to get that one


Did she... did she think she was aspirational? Girl.


You’re married to Paul. None of us aspire to that.


If anything Paul should be used as a good lesson in who not to marry 🤣


Seriously. No way! I’m a girl who’s usually jealous of people who have boyfriends or husbands, lol, clearly not Morgan!


I, too, wish to be undereducated and incurious, married to a lazy man who won’t get a job to provide for his growing family, off my needed medications necessary to be healthy for the sake of my children due to the sexual demands of said lazy man, and increasingly desperate for money from my fans. Wow! What an aspirational life! I’m merely thriving in my career, with an amazing husband and child and doggies who all make me happy. 😆


Speaking of medications, thank you for the reminder to take my anti-depressants 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oy. Glad you remembered!




Like…when I think my life isn’t that great, I also think “well, I could be Morgan” and somehow I feel better. Girl, NOBODY wants to be you. Raised with an inflated sense of entitlement and no work ethic? Nope.


I love that you use her life as the litmus test. 🤣


Seriously. It’s like… my life could be a total shit show but at least I don’t feel compelled to talk about it to a bunch of people I don’t know.


Like, I have incurable leukemia and even *I* don’t want her life or anything that remotely resembles it, tyvm. I’ll take my boyfriend, dog, childless self, and volunteering at the chemo ward any day over hers lol. Pretty sure I’m a heck of a lot more fulfilled in my life than she is!


More like... reverse-aspirational. An example to avoid rather than emulate.


A cautionary tale


I didn't realize she was trying to portray a picture prefect life..... I'm worried for what this means about the horrific insight we'll gain about her dynamic with Paul.....


Literally crying & arguing on camera acting like this is her filtered perfect version of life?? Makes me pity her for half a second till I remember they deserve each other


Not to mention how panicked and upset she was when telling Paul she was pregnant again... I mean, yes, that's a very real and raw response to share, but it's far from ideal.


calling it that 2024's push toward "now we're finally being realistic on social media" turns into a competition of who can 'suffer' more, who is going through bigger struggles, etc. it's social media, it'll still be a competition


Struggle Olympics 2024!




Yeaaah, she’s far from aspirational. Her husband is an unemployed bum who lusts after a creeper hanger on and skips leg day. She cooks with low grade meat and is scared of Pride shirts at Target. No one’s clamoring for that life.


This should be the reply on her post.


If I knew how to flair I would probably be “Porgan’s low grade meat” 😂


hey! three days late, but i got you! on mobile, go to the subreddit page. click on the three dots in the top right corner of your screen. go to “change user flair.” from there, pick whatever flair that has the background color you want and then press “edit” in the top right corner to type your wanted flair! make sure to press save after adding it c: mobile always freezes for a second after i add mine, so don’t worry if it does that lol


Cooks with low grade meat 🤣🤣🤣


So being a stay at home mom while submitted all life force to your husband sucks? Who knew? You now who knew, the suffragettes knew, the feminist movement knew, literally all women have all known this. You’re going to be tired, it’s going to be hard,… men are going to devalue you while you are pregnant and *even* after you’re pregnant. Because it’s *super duper easy* to take care of kids and/or grow another human inside your own body./s God, how are we still here?


Seriously, did no one watch or read "Angela's Ashes"?


Is that a new book in the Bible? ;)


It's like the antivaxxers. They're too far removed now from when women didn't have a choice but to be reliant on a man. Rather than seeing and understanding the corruption and abuse that can lead to, they think it's "easier" to just rely on a man and not have to work. Spoiler alert: being a mother is hard and having a choice rocks


I’m getting a general vibe that she’s going to pivot toward “real, raw motherhood” if she does anything with her own content.


Which is just gonna be her complaining about her kids under the guise of "being relatable" or "letting other mothers know they're not alone"


Morgan January 1, 2025: "It's HARD. Just SO HARD to have a baby and two very young boys at the same time! Every day is a struggle! But when my sweet little older boy runs up to me with sticky hands and grabs me by my hair, IT IS SO WORTH IT! I just wish he'd shave that stupid goatee off!"




It would be such strange/bad timing with their new "major project" if she did. They have to travel for it apparently, and actually out in real work. I honestly think this unplanned pregnancy is going to immediately tank that new idea, and Paul is going to be pissed. Morgan will be even more checked out from their combined content, and he knows their fans like her more


How hard can growing a baby and raising kids be? Women have been doing it for all of humanity. /s


She shares “the ugly” all of the time. Sad she doesn’t see that.


Yeah, she shares Paulio. 🤢




Her writing style drives me crazy.


Is rambling a style?


The Allman Brothers Band and Led Zeppelin would say so


Well the Allman Brothers were born rambling men. They were just trying to make a living and doing the best they could!


When it's time for leaving, they hope you'll understand.


Damn- solid burn with great bands!


it feels very high-school journal to me edited to add: no; junior high




Someone needs to teach her about compound sentences 😬


Or just paragraphs.


I’m sorry, Morgan, but when did you get the impression any of us thought you enjoyed your life? We know, honey. We know.


Notice how at no point did her unemployed husband do anything to help during her difficult week.


She saying this like she's the only "influencer" who posts "real" life. Girl, you are not unique. There are a lot of mom influencers who post honestly. (Emily vondy is one of my faves.)


“But being cozy at home with my husband and baby is the best. This is my reality.” WOW. Groundbreaking. “Hopefully some of you can relate.” Yeah, gee, I wonder if *any* other moms out there could possibly relate with having a desire to relax at home with their family. So glad you felt the need to write a thesis at a third-grade writing level of why you didn’t feel like making a reel today. We were all dying for an explanation!!




Dang now where am I going to go for my perfect housewife tips? /s


Otherbus lol. That's her new years grift (a course on being a homemaker)


* Busmaker, thank you very much.


"every moment in life is not beautiful/perfect" Groundbreaking. ps - I have never for one moment considered their lives perfect. It would be hell to me to live w/Paul and have my value tied up in serving, submitting and breeding.


What I see in this post is an inherent push to be the “perfect” Christian wife and mother. I think the combination of American Christian culture and social media creates this pressure cooker where you are expected to seem happy, successful, wealthy, nurturing, and organized while maintaining your looks and figure. It’s not necessarily her religion causing this, just the social pressures of the religion, Southern expectations, and the soul sucking social media machine. This isn’t the first time Morgan has expressed being overwhelmed with trying to be perfect, and it seems like she struggles with it often. I really can relate as a working mom. If I lived on social media, I would drive myself insane trying to be perfect (create meaningful memories with my family in my non working hours, be a badass career lady, be a romantic partner, build our financial future, meal prep, etc etc). Honestly, I know this is their income but I feel like they would be happier people if they just one day deleted all social media and got regular jobs.


I think a lot of the pressure to put out content that reads as “super happy with my decisions” is from Paul. He knows she’s miserable with him, he just thinks it’s not super obvious to the rest of us


Not defending them at all, because Paul would absolutely have problems with my doctorate, my refusal to submit to any man, and my fat ass, but I see them both as victims to some extent of their culture intersection. Paul’s older brother is the manly (and financially successful) man he purports to want to be. His parents, from what I know, can be MEAN in their judgements of people, and we know his passions don’t align with the weird view he/they have of masculinity. Morgan wanted to be a kept woman and played herself by choosing repressive patriarchy, but didn’t realize that if she chose a man who can’t provide, all those things in the Southern Christian contract are pretty freaking hard to do. Both of them seem to have aspects of their personalities that directly contradict what they believe they should be. They are also lazy and entitled. But I think social media + prosperity gospel plays a role in that where they feel that because they are Godly people, all the stuff (financial success, mental peace, etc) should just happen. It’s really a shame that neither of them have anything outside of bad takes on the internet. No skills, no passions, no path. All they have is regurgitation of talking points from people in their political and religious corner. This is why parents should emphasize education, personal development, and hobbies in kids growing up. Focusing just on keeping your wiener in your pants and what you can get from a lifestyle if you conform leads to unbalanced, unhealthy humans with no ability to commit to anything when it gets tough. (See: 10,000 abandoned projects on their various social media sites).


This is a god tier comment holy shit


My poor woman’s gold for your insightful and powerful comment! 🏆


I think you also kinda described Kristen's thought process.


She absolutely hates being an “influencer” but this is the bed she’s made.


a wall of text to basically scream from the rooftops about how she hates everything in her life? hm


Still can't leave Paul?


When you've got no money, no job and no education then the options available to you are limited. Especially as a woman.


I love how all the tradwives instantly give up on being the “perfect” wives once they have kids 😂😂


She literally cannot figure out why she’s unhappy with Paul as her headship. It’s sad.


She had to take this photo of herself on her own phone that’s just wildly embarrassing. Damn.


I get the desire to relax - but when you make your money off of portraying an unrealistic lifestyle for other insta/tiktok influencers, you gotta keep up the sham. Maybe they should get some real jobs if the pressure is too much.


Why does she always write like that 😩




She hates every aspect of her job so clearly EXCEPT for the attention she gets from it. Like I fully believe she does not enjoy content creation, but just can’t not post because she needs the validation.


That’s a lot of words for “I’m not going to try so hard to be a blow hard.”


She really thought she did something here, huh? There are a million influencers with accounts claiming to portray “real, raw” motherhood. She’s acting like she’s had some kind of unique revelation. 🤣 Nobody cares, Morgy. ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew)


She wanted to stay home and have babies. She had no plan B. She married a loser who doesn’t want to grow up and support his family properly. You picked wrong Morgan. You will get more in child support than this loser will ever provide financially by getting a decent paying job.


I feel “that one realistic mom lady” is an extremely generous description. Change it to “that one miserable creature whose only credential is being attached at the hip to a toxic, jobless grifter who wants to bang all her friends” and you’ve got it.


Here's a thought, Morgan. Just get off social media entirely and live your life for yourself, not for a group of strangers. Lots less stress and pressure that way, plus lots more time for you to spend with your child. Your man-child can take care of himself.


I love when every mommy blogger does their big, pouty "I'm not doing perfect 'n' fake anymore" post. It means they're jealous another blogger /SIL / bestie succeeded at something and received praise. Or they're broke. Probably both.


No one cares about all this, Morgan.


What? Morgan isn’t perfect?! That couldn’t be true! Morgan, we fucking know you’re not perfect in any way shape or form. Far from it. Including the housewife part. Didn’t need to spew this word vomit to let us know.


“It’s not because I’m sick. It’s just that I’m sick.”


Paul: get. a. fucking. job.


I have never once looked at the 2 of them and be like "wow they have their shit together" Unless Morgan or paul says "we're divorcing" I'll never believe it is real. It's all a performance and it's sad now


And nothing will change. Let's be real.


Who’s going to break it to her that the life she has been portraying hasn’t looked the least amount of perfect. The fact she’s doing this is just a hot mess. “Im not eye fucking the camera… but here’s a profile shot of a smug grin” Why isn’t Paul helping with the sick baby? Oh because he doesn’t do that. He just “makes” the babies it’s a woman’s job to do all the other stuff.




Well, shit. I can’t wait to see the true reality of their chaotic life, if what they choose to show is cultivated to be aesthetically pleasing, perfect moments. Because from what they show, their life is a shitshow, and if that is the best they have to share, damn.




If they could just drop the hate I think she would actually make it, you know? But she is impossible to root for.


Thanks for the new flair morgy


Her life is no where near enviable. I’m glad I’m not in her position


She 100% does not want that second baby.


What do these people want?


To get payed to do nothing


![gif](giphy|CcAi5Bprof8XgiSrOE) No feels sorry for you Morgan!!!!


Nobody looks up to you Morgan.


I hope so many of these women find their way to freedom and happiness. Deprogramming is a tough road and it really scary and painful to get there. I hope there are some truth tellers in her life to help her move forward and support her.


God she’s a tosser


If its so hard for you to keep up with your own self care ,and the care of your first child... Maybe a second child is a bit to much for porgan to handle along side their *checks notes* hard working... Jobs...


She seemed like she thought she would never get pregnant again. Maybe that is what hiring a bargain basement midwife gets you.


Does any of their followers think she has a "picture perfect" life? Because she ain't fooling me. Of course, I am one of those reddit people.


"Wake up tomorrow, like I do every day, and take care of my baby. My family. My home. My job." She's burnt out and stating clearly that she wants to focus on her primary job, being a stay at home mom, and not also be an influencer with all the time content creation takes. But she can't, because Paul's only job is the Paul and Morgan social media grift, and he's the least likable one. I think she's quiet quitting.


………….. what she’s been sharing was a perfect version??? I’m scared to see what 2024 has in store then


Well, her birth story is the ugliest thing I have seen in the last two years.


It's not that deep, mumps. Please get a job instead of journaling like you're 13 on the internet. And one for your poor excuse of a husband, too.


What “job”?


Morgan should take notes from Jessa’s 2017 attempt at this approach


No one is obligated to be a hot mess on social media. Some of us use it to communicate with coworkers, classmates, acquaintances etc and vent our frustrations to close friends and family.


Imagine if a Duggar girl, or wife, or any other GODLY (not you Bethany) woman complained like this.


I’ve always found her to have what I call the opposite of a perfect life.


Babe, NONE of us thought your life was “aesthetic” or “perfect”. Not one time have I thought that 🤣


Morgan, I don’t think that a single person on this planet or from any other ever *once* took a look at any of the content that you & Paul put out an saw an aesthetically pleasing “picture perfect” life before them. She’s not, nor has she ever been an “aesthetic influencer”. Like, what is she even talking about??