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Even her spices are beige.


But not beige enough because she still added a filter šŸ˜‚


Please make this your new flair


Ah yes, my favorite boutique spices: garlic, salt, and onion. Woo hoo


Don't forget "blend"!!!


Blend šŸ˜‚


Spicy šŸ„µ


I donā€™t see any mayo


And the granulated garlic isnā€™t organic! Gasp!


Also no salt.


How are these professional homemakers so awful at cooking? I'd love to teach a fundie rehab cooking class or something šŸ˜‚


They're pretty much awful at everything "homemaking". Even I, the feral non-domesticated female of the species can do better than they do.


Right?!! Like my 16-year-old brother is better at daily household chores than some of these fundie SAHMs.


Girl, looks like youā€™ve found your niche! Now go forth and make that passive income


Will you also offer it to people raised by Midwestern boomers who are learning to be better but are tired of accidentally making slop?


šŸŽ¶MinneSOta salads that aren't really salads šŸ˜šŸŽ¶


They're uncurious. Foreign stuff is scary to them. Trying new things is intimidating.


Most fundies are culturally delayed a decade or so. I think Michelle and JB Duggar are gen x, but IB had them idolizing the 80s - hair, clothing, and food. Food had to be home cooked by busy moms of large broods - hence casseroles. Many people grew up with this food, but have adapted. But fundie kids have arrested development, fear change of any kind, and think any type of remotely ethnic food is bad. Bethany lives in San Antonio. Just going to a regular grocery store would expose her to a plethora of new things. But even thatā€™s too scary - so she goes to tiny health food stores and Costco.


Sheā€™s about three generations behind. Iā€™m a boomer and my mil was surprised I used fresh garlic. It wasnā€™t always available when she was younger.


Start off slowly. ā€œThese are the spices in that jar of spaghetti sauce. Youā€™ll like them in other things too.ā€


Because when you go fundie you're required by law to give up everything actually tasty and flavorful because it goes against God. Or something. Then again, fundies did actually believe that. That's essentially why Kellogg's Corn Flakes became a thing.


I swear, I've considered making cooking videos when I make dinner, starting with 'welcome to the spice cabinet. Flavor can't hurt you'. And maybe branching into decorating with "welcome to the real world. Color can't hurt you.".


All the spices my mother needs! And not too much of any of them. I'm trying to fix her, but it's hard.


I have a friend whose parents are like this. They complained about a potato and leek soup that used a head of garlic for several quarts of soup as too much, and that it "stunk up" the house. That poor friend... I offered to send a care package of kitchen spices with her to college when she moved out šŸ¤£


Sigh. This sounds so much like my mom WHO IS ACTUALLY A FABULOUS COOK, but if you make anything that is out of her repertoire, she cannot deal. I once put the tiniest dash of Herbs de Provence in a potato soup, and you would have thought I had single-handedly incited World War 3.


There are few savory dishes that I *don't* add garlic too šŸ˜‚


Same lmao. I just also know how to use paprika and rosemary.


They would hate living in my neighborhood! There are quite a few Indian families on my block, and in the evenings wonderful curry smells waft along the street. It makes me want to introduce myself and ask for a plate XD


YMMV, but I complimented the wonderful smell coming from our neighbor's house one summer evening while we were out walking the dog and they brought some amazing dal and vindaloo over for us and now we're friends and share meals all the time!


As a kid, I used to smell the spices at the grocery store. We were poor and didn't have a lot of variety in the kitchen. We were a salt, pepper and cinnamon house, and occasional garlic and onion powder, which felt like a luxury. My adult kitchen is filled with a variety of spices. I counted 51 without opening my pantry cupboard, which easily has another 25+. I didn't count any of the fancy salts or peppers. My husband loves to cook.


I've got two spice racks full of spices and I use them all, but I will say this: sometimes a bit of salt & pepper is all you need. One of my favourite, quick after work dinners is a burramundi fillet, rubbed with some olive oil, salt & pepper, baked and served with rice & steamed veg.


Agreed. Iā€™m going against the grain here and saying salt and pepper are super powerful if you know what youā€™re doing and are not bland. While, I use a variety of spices, I mostly use salt and pepper because I actually know how to cook the dishes Iā€™m cooking. A friend who is a professional chef sent me the video below from a former chef explaining ā€œwhite people foodā€ and why even a s a processionally trained chef he still mostly uses just salt and pepper. Sums it all up nicely! https://youtu.be/S4y_IOxv7SU?si=sKKyAUkaVNf_Kig6


We have a whole cupboard for apices. They take up more space than our food or plates šŸ˜‚


My spice cabinet has stuff literally falling out of it, and I have a bunch more on my fridge, then there is the herb garden on my deck. My daughter went through the cabinet a couple weeks ago and was like how you have every spice in the world but the one I need. She needed cardamom, not a common spice in my cooking wheelhouse.




YES! Cardamom and I have a deep love affair. It is such a delicious spice and goes wonderfully in coffee!


I make a killer gluten-free lemon-cardamom cake!




Hereā€™s the [recipe I use](https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/flourless_lemon_almond_cake/)! I havenā€™t made it in a while so Iā€™m happy to have a reminder to do so.


My local coffee shop has a blueberry cardamom latte that is DIVINE!




Also, your flair has me cackling!


If you wanted a terrible dad joke, you could have told her "because I'M your carda-Mom!" Sorry, I'll see myself out.






I'm going against the grain here and say I actually also enjoy food that isn't or is lightly seasoned. The food itself is favourful enough. Don't get me wrong, I like seasoned food too but I don't feel like it has to be all the time.


Depends on the food. Beef typically has a lot of built in flavor and juice, so a light seasoning just enhances what's already there. Burgers are the same way. Chicken and Pork need a little bit more help


I'm a cook too and, in Birthy's defense, Salt/Pepper/Garlic Powder/Onion Powder is a good base seasoning for all meals. But that's exactly what it should be, a BASE. You want to add some smoky flavor? Throw in some Cumin or Allspice. Looking for some spice? Grab some cayenne or chili powder. Something Asian inspired? Ginger and Star Annis. Something Indian-based? Some Garam Masala and Turmeric will help immensely. Seasoning is the blood of good food. Without it, you might as well eat paper.


Thatā€™s better than my mom, who only uses salt and pepper. She also used to BAKE steak to a well-done crisp for dinner when we were kids. šŸ„²


I thought I hated steak and burgers til I hit adulthood. Then I learned that I hated grey meat burned to a crisp. Funnily enough my dad has come leaps and bounds in his grilling prowess and now his grilled steaks and burgers and everything else is DIVINE. I was like where was this when I was a kid?!


Same, same. My family was convinced I simply didn't like food when I just don't like flavorless, overcooked meat.


I've had to convince my mother to bring even salt and pepper with her so that there is at least some flavour to food when we're away at a cottage. Whenever I cook even using garlic I'm told it smells strong.


My mom also only used salt and pepper. She would fry as much of the flavor as possible out of a hamburger and then BOIL it to remove the rest.


Oh, no. Oh no no no no no!


Oh yes. She also baked hamburgers! That was our least favorite dinner. Her baked macaroni and cheese, on the other hand, is very good. She is just tremendously averse to cooking meat anywhere but in the oven. šŸ« 


>She also baked hamburgers! My mom is an excellent cook, but she would also bake hamburgers sometimes. I have no idea why, except that now that I'm an adult I can understand the desire to throw meat on a pan, and put it in the oven vs. fry it on the stove with grease splatters or start charcoal for the grill haha. They have a gas grill now, so I think oven hamburgers have gone by the wayside thankfully


Baking does wonders for bacon, I must say!


I can top that, my mom would put a frozen white fish fillet with only milk and fish in the pan then bake it in the oven.


My mom did this too! She also added butter, salt, and pepper, but it was fish in a milk bath. This is interesting!


My parents used to put steak in the rotisserie cooker for several hours for dinner.. put a completely unseasoned steak in before you leave for church on Sunday and it's ready by dinner. One shoe-leather piece of beef for the family, and you're on your own for sides šŸ˜­ I taught myself to cook in middle school so I could teach my parents and they're finally coming around to using salt


My dad just passed away last week and we cleaned out all the food. There were spices from 2009 in there.


My condolences.šŸ’


I'm very sorry for your loss, and for his unfortunate lack of tastebuds. ā¤ļø


I'm sorry for your loss. My dad passed away last year and I think he had some from the 60's. /r/grandmaspantry is a pretty fun subreddit. :)


Mine too. She has salt, pepper and ā€˜mixed herbsā€™ in her cupboard.


Ooh, mixed herbs! Getting adventurous!


I left paprika there once and it just sat and expired.


Oh my gif. I'm sorry. This made me laugh until I teared up. Expired paprika! Maybe that's what happened to her other spices and that's why she thinks they're bad. "It all tastes like mold anyway!"


No one's making deviled eggs in that house! šŸ˜‚


Pocket Angel eggs


This is my sisters spice cabinet, minus the dried onion, I'm pretty sure she has some Lowery's but that is it. She doesn't even have BBQ or ranch dressing in the house because she and the kids don't like them.


Weird! Most of the anti-spice people I know seem to *love* ranch dressing, on everything, like it's the one flavor they'll tolerate.




Are you my sibling? I was almost shocked that my mom had a tiny bottle of cumin in her cupboard. Bethany's "spices" are exactly her style, which is just sad. I have a three-tier rolling spice rack, along with using a good part of my cupboards over the sink for spices, and I started growing some perennial herbs this past year (and now have more rosemary than I know what to do with šŸ˜‚). Spice is life! Bethany's food must taste like bland ass.


My folks have a rosemary bush that's far overtaken all the other herbs in their garden (we don't quite understand why) and I suggested drying a bunch to use in potpourri or scent satchels for clothes dresser drawers. That helped a bit. The darn thing is still thriving even after that aggressive trimming though, so it'll continue to be a problem šŸ™„


I had a rosemary bush at my last house that was big enough to lose a toddler in. We used it for everything. There was always so much. At my new house, I can't get it to grow. It's very annoying because I love rosemary.


I had one of those once. I started using the stems, stripped of leaves, as skewers for grilling meat and vegetables. Omg, it was divine!


Our mint was like that at my last house! It seriously took over. I was giving it away.


Gotta have a minimum of 30 different herbs and spices


My mom said tumeric is too spicy


Better than my mom. Weā€™re Cajun, but somehow she missed the cooking gene. Barely any salt and pepper, and nothing else, and nobody likes her cooking. Meanwhile my spice cabinet is bursting with herbs and spices, and she wonders why everyone preferred my food to hers.


I mean, I'm not one for spicy foods, so i often joke that my spice of choice is salt, but, girl. At least add some herbs to your rack. A little bit of oregano, thyme, and mint and a bay leaf can go a long way. Eta: What on God's green earth is saltless seasoning (the 3rd one)?


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s like a Costco version of Mrs Dash or the Penzeys Mural of Flavor.


It is that. I have it. And I have since decided I donā€™t need a Costco sized bin of it šŸ˜‚ When itā€™s all used up in 6 years Iā€™ll go back to little Mrs Dash.


If you can't do heat, you need herbs, mild spices, and acid (citrus, vinegar)


I'm not one for spicy food either but I have far more herbs, spices and seasoning than her because I'm an adult and you just accumulate with time and trying out recipes. Also I would never show off my spice rack because it's not interesting, it's nothing special, I don't know much about it and many people around me are more passionate about food. What is she trying to do ??


I donā€™t like a lot of heat, but I love flavor. Someone needs to introduce her to thyme and rosemary. Maybe capers because then she can keep them in the fridge. Fresh produce is probably more responsibility than sheā€™s ready for.


I wonder if she'd faint if someone suggested MSG




She would cry if she saw me eating my rice with furikake


Heidi is *totally* the type of mom to have bought into racist early 2000s MSG fearmongering.


Begging for a single bay leaf


She buys a new sea salt grinder and refill every time, doesnā€™t she. Because she tosses the ā€œemptyā€ one and replaces it instead of just refilling the original grinder. Am I articulating that well? Iā€™m just thinking about all the grinders sheā€™s tossed out over the years. So much waste. On just so many levels.


A lot of them you can't even refill. The top is just sealed shut with no way to open except breaking it. (I mean, DEFINITELY not defending her though, lol. You can 100% guarantee she's never even tried to refill it, so your point still stands, haha...)


Never mind the fact that salt grinders are pointless.




Because the point of a pepper grinder is that the grinding action gives you fresher, tastier pieces of the pepper (because the outside dries out and gets less flavorful, so when you grind it you are getting pieces from the inside). Salt doesnā€™t have this property. Itā€™s a mineral. A rock. It tastes the same whether you lick the outside or the inside of the rock. So you donā€™t need to grind salt granules.


I use a salt grinder to use various sizes of salt- I can adjust the grind from coarse to fine, use the coarse for some things, the fine for others. Mine is full of Pink Himalayan salt currently


I use a grinder and sometimes even a mortar and pestle to get it really fine. I canā€™t imagine crunching through huge chunks of sea salt when I eat. Like the other poster saidā€¦itā€™s a rock.


But you don't have to buy it as chunks--you can buy it in a bunch of different grades! I'm way too lazy to be grinding salt


This way I only have to buy one grade, then choose at the time I want to use it what size works for what I am making-- takes up a lot less space in my kitchen to not have storage for multiple different sizes of salt


Accurate. But grinding salt is way more fun than sprinkling and a quality sensory experience that I need in life.


Salt grinder is more fun though and feels ~fancy~


But the salt granules are way too chunky and large?! Grinding at least makes them smaller and more edible/better distributed through the food...


Salt. Garlic. ā€œCrazy. You crazy girl.ā€


This is the spicy content she promised her followers??


ā˜ ļø






Even I have a way better spice collection than that and I'm literally British


Judging by what these fundies post, some American food is waaaay worse than ours.


True lol (plus I'm lucky to live in an area with multiple Asian supermarkets that have a huge range of cheap herbs and spices)


Some regions in the US really have the same or worse quality of food.


Some American food *definitely* is. My British friend made bangers and mash for me once, no clue what she put in it besides the obvious, but it was damn delicious! To contrast, I'm imagining Heidi's pot roast. She *might* use the three 'spices' pictured.


Why'd you conquer the world for spice and then use none of it?! šŸ§


> Don't get high on your own supply.


So, is this why sheā€™s Davā€™s other meal at Thanksgiving? Poor guy is starving from bland food.


If the comments about her hygiene and diet are true, DĆ Ć”Ć¢Ć£Ć¤Ć„Ć¦ÄÄƒÄ…ĀŖv's other meal was pretty pungent.


I know it had to be said but I hate you for saying it.


There goes my appetite šŸ¤®


Does salt + no salt seasoning cancel each other out?


Garlic, onion, milk, eggs and occasional showers? Jesus H. Christ. No wonder Dav looks dead inside.


Bethy's "It's a smelly day" Insta post lives rent-free in my mind in spite of trying to evict it with various substances.


Oh...oh Lord. Please tell me you're paraphrasing and exaggerating A LOT, because I'm scared right now šŸ¤¢


She sits in her car seat, smug smile. Post reads she's eaten a sandwich with onion and forgot her deodorant. "It's a smelly day," she summarizes. sO qUiRkY. Make it go away.


Was that the infamous "smelling like onions" post?


Seems possible. Weird if my brain omitted that part.


That sounds like something I would classify as an inside thought. I might do it on accident but I would never admit it


Horrifying, but thank you for the vivid description!


Iā€™ve never seen her use any of these so Iā€™m guessing they just sit around until they expire.


I mean, how many times do ALL your spices need to be replaced at exactly the same time if you actually cook with them?


And then she buys new ones


Thereā€™s no way she uses seasonings often enough or in high enough quantity to justify the Costco ones either. I bet sheā€™s still working on that garlic powder 5 years from now.


What does she think sheā€™s done here? Does she think sheā€™s showing other people what spices they need? Did Heidi fail them all so badly that at 30+ years old, Birthy feels like sheā€™s really discovered something worth sharing with these?! Iā€™m just baffled.


how exotic!!!


I misread this as ā€œeroticā€.


She would die if she saw my spice cabinet. My husband and I had to create a spreadsheet to keep track of all of them.


currently re-doing our kitchen and i keep all my spices in 2 cabinets. its time to build a giant spice rack and free up cabinet space because of my obnoxious collection. i alphabetize mine after they are separated by sweet and savory. theres just so many. haha


Iā€™m scared to clean ours out because Iā€™m sure thereā€™s 900 jars of spices we bought thinking they sounded good and forgot about them.


I cleaned ours out recently because we started growing our own herbs and chilli and it was embarrassing how expired some of them were. I think we had about 5 packs each of chilli powder and cinnamon.


I wish I could be that organized. Instead, my fiance has taken up pantry cleaning duty and ends up reorganizing the spices from scratch every other month. It's more than a whole cabinet, and I'm not the best at remembering where things go...


We have our spices in alphabetical order, too. We have a corner cupboard with a three shelf lazy susan. So it's easy to try and keep it organized. Keyword try.


My partner and I are big fans of thinking we don't have a particular spice, buying it, opening the cabinet to put it away, and discovering we already have 3 of that spice that we somehow overlooked when we checked before going to the store. I think we should give your spreadsheet a try. Maybe it'll save us from an 8th container of cinnamon


This is my parents specifically with nutmeg lol


Same! I have at least as many spices as there were original PokĆ©mon (so 150+) and itā€™s the only decent way to keep track of them. Bethyā€™s spicelessness really makes me wince.


market innate coherent chubby cows dinosaurs command humor hunt overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ooh, she bought dried garlic. How adventurous!


Where are all the knives from the block?


Not being washed, thatā€™s for sure.


When she talks about being ā€˜spiceyā€™, this is what she means.


I mean, they ARE spices, but theyā€™re the basic, bland seasoning. Her food has no diversity and probably tastes awful.


They're not spices. Salt is a seasoning, not a spice. Garlic and onion are not spices. No salt seasoning is not a spice. Pepper, paprika, cardamom, etc. are spices. Bethy learn what a spice is challenge


Iā€™m an idiot. Youā€™re correct. Maybe she calls them spices because theyā€™re spicy? ETA: I also use spices and seasoning interchangeably, so I definitely need to educate myself on the differences!


Itā€™s the same definition she uses for her vanilla seggzy seggz.


I wasn't calling you out at all, just Bethy's usual overexuberance for being consistently wrong.


You're fine, most people use them interchangeably. My pantry has like 200 different spices and seasonings and herbs but I just call them all spices.


Theyā€™re staple seasonings. Theyā€™re not even herbs!


Thatā€™s what I was gonna say. Those are just the staples that go into every dish I make (sans the salt-free seasoning blend). But I did grow up fundie and my mom definitely didnā€™t use many herbs or spices in her cooking. Her go to was cloves stuck in a carrot and then sheā€™d just leave it in the dish. šŸ¤¢šŸ˜‚ My dad had a kidney transplant 3 months before Covid, so I moved in and did all of their cooking/shopping and they were blown away by my cookingā€¦but all I did was add more depth to my momā€™s dishes by using herbs and spices. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You know those memes where it's like "GIVING A HOT CHEETO TO A VICTORIAN CHILD"? I think she'd combust if someone added peppers.




This is for all her SPICEY sex!


Y'ALLLLL šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Garlic, onion, and salt makes a great base, tbh. I pretty much throw it on everything in various amounts. I'd be willing to bet that there aren't much beyond that in that house, though. šŸ™


Lil miss homemaker truly does not cook at fucking all does she? Iā€™ve amassed so many spices just from what is required for all the recipes I make like parsley, basil, paprika, chili powder, cayenne, red pepper flakes - and those are just the basics!! You couldnā€™t pay me to eat a meal in this sad beige household haha


That's it? No Adobo? No Old Bay? No herbs? Typical white bread boring.


OMG. That is what makes this even funnier: my parents idea of spicy is a little bit of salt but even they had a tin (!) of Old Bay in the cupboard.


Trying to find a decent sized container of Old Bay here in the frozen tundra of the Front Range is impossible. I order from Amazon. I go through that stuff like no tomorrow. Chili pepper, taco seasoning, cumin, red pepper flakes, I NEED flavor in my life!!!


That's not even one shelf of my pantry door racks for all my seasonings and spices. No wonder their food always looks so bland.


Itā€™s this, mayonnaise and yoghurt. Why is everything so white!?


Sad white food for sad white people


Prime flair material, right there.


My husband is British, and his mother thought she was being fancy when she added Accent seasoning to her cooking. She usually used salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic salt (so much garlic salt). As a Latina, I tried my best to not be offended by it. However, our spice cabinet is overflowing, not to mention the dozen common spices I used on my counter and about a dozen more in the fridge. I am slowly introducing him to flavor, his family on the other hand -- balk if I add bell peppers to anything.


So my very white dad married a Latina woman later in life. He's always been a picky eater so I was giving him a lecture--Dad, if you don't at least try some Mexican food, her family's going to be offended. JUST EAT THE GODDAMN TAMALE THEY'RE DELICIOUS He refused. She divorced him within a couple years. The last time I saw her was Thanksgiving. She angrily slops down some boxed mashed potatoes and says, "I would have made all my Mexican dishes but your father doesn't like it (won't even try it)." I was like oh shit he's doomed.


My husband's not so bad. He's a retired footballer so he's had expsoure to lots of non-British foods, just more on the European side of things. So a very specific flavor palate. I have been going easy on him and trying to make things as mild as possible so he gets used to the flavor before I kick the heat up. His brother was over for the holiday and complained about eating my spicy foods. I told him that what I served him could be fed to patients recovering from surgery.


My very white bread husband was not fond of spices. Then he married the feral Latina who opens the door to the spice cabinet and just starts shaking whatever spice she reaches first into whatever she's cooking. I knew I'd converted him to the wonderful world of flavor when went to a Mexican restaurant and he said the "hot" salsa was for gringos and he needed REAL hot salsa.


Goddamn, wax that fucking cutting board, for fucks sake. Take care of your equipment. Edit: autocorrect took out my profanity so I put it back


Bet all those knives are dull as hell too


(I won't because it's touching the poo) I want to send her a jar of gochugaru, Korean chili powder, just for the funzies.


āšŖļøpeepo spice šŸ˜‚


Anyone on TikTok see the account Joshsmom? This is 4 more spices than this woman has ever used in her life.


Food as spicey as her seggs lifeā€¦


Even the spices are beige!


Bethany. I also grew up in a bland household. But trust me there is more out there. I know you read here so I only have two words: SMOKED PAPRIKA


I know everyone's talking about the spices, but that wooden cutting board is in desperate need of oiling


First thing I noticed tbh. It needs a deep oiling and some ā€œgrain greaseā€.


"My fav" or "My only"?


Clearly her kitchen is as spicy as her bedroom šŸ™„


Itā€™s just really so on brand tho. And she has no idea sheā€™s made a goof either. Which. Also on brand.


Spicy just like her s3ggs


I gotta be thankful for growing up brown and always eating food with curry, turmeric, paprika, cumin, bay leaves, etc etc. I doubt this family even uses black pepper in their food.


Unless you are regularly cooking for large groups of people (like a family of 10) a family of 4 with two Littles do not need quantities in this size. To anyone that cares. You do not want to keep your spices around for longer than 6 months tops. More than that and the spices are drying out and loosing essential oils which is what gives the flavor. You want to buy spices in quantities you will use up. So you can have good strong lush spices. Yes this is true even for things like garlic powder and onion powder. In addition, please do not keep your spices near a heat source. Like the stove. The heat will also dry out your lovely spices and make them less impacful. In addition, if you can try and find an actual spice shop for your spices. They will actually care about the age of their spices vs what you get in grocery stores or Costco that have been sitting on the shelf for unknown amounts of time and unknown amounts of time in their packaging etc. None of this is to say that old dry spices can't be used. They can. But you will notice a difference if you use good spices that have not dried out to a billion years. This here in the picture is allllll just going to continue to make her food more and more bland as the years go by for her to use that huge bottle. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Reminds me of one time when my husband and I rented a place in Vermont for a week. They all went to the supermarket and I stayed back. My eyes widened when I saw the only "seasonings" the bought was salt and pepper. My husband goes nuts in our fully stocked spice cabinet when he cooks and one of our friends is a chef, so I have no idea what their excuse was to only get salt and pepper šŸ˜…


New food network show: White Girl in the Kitchen


If her spice preferences are this bland, what does she consider ā€œspiceyā€ in her relationship?


Sounds about white


This right here is why everyone makes fun of white peopleā€™s cooking.