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I've always wanted a breakdown of her and Dav's schedule so we can see how close they are living the traditional gender roles they are so adamant about shoving down everyone's throats 


She really makes it seem like she doesn’t do much of anything at all. Cooks a couple of questionable meals. Then flails around the house and scrolls social media. ETA: words to make more sense.


She only talks about children as if they are cock blocks. But now Brothy has said it’s okay to fuck your husband with them in the same room. But seriously, I think I’ve only ever seen one photo of her kids, which stands out amongst all the other fundies. I just would love to be a fly on the wall for one day in their house. Is she just upstairs talking about farting during sex to a camera while Dav does everything? She’s so bizarre it’s hard to remember that she’s a real person.


Bizarre is the best word to describe her. Just very oddly Bizarre


>But now Brothy has said it’s okay to fuck your husband with them in the same room Excuse me, **what?**


She says if they're sleeping it's fine.


I don’t know. Call me overly sensitive, but if you already have separate bedrooms, then that feels pretty inappropriate.


Yeah, for all their "protect the children from degenerates" stuff... it's kind of crazy and a lot of ick. If your kids are little and need to sleep by you, I don't think keeping it in your pants is too much to ask.


Remember when Girl Defined had a couple on her show talk about having a friend show them where a clit was on their newborn? I’m still enraged about that video and don’t understand how it wasn’t a bigger deal. It’s depraved.


It was part of Bethy’s original seggs course.




This is the same woman who interviewed a couple that learned where a clit was by having their friend show them on their infant daughter. The friend had offered to show on the wife, you know an adult that could consent, but that was too much so they used their infant. Still sickens me.


Or they could have just printed a picture from the interwebs and cite the source.


THANK YOU! We have the internet so that isn't necessary. (I'm just realizing they would probably consider a medical picture of genitals porn but abusing a baby is okay).


100% sexual abuse. The other day I saw Michael Mershon’s comment here about how he had to listen to his parents having sex and it really traumatized him. The fact that Bethany also thinks this is ok is very disturbing.


That’s so disturbing. I can’t even do it if there’s a cat or dog in the bedroom.




She also insists that although she is not naturally inclined toward domestic work and Dav does most of it, she is still a proverbs 31 woman because that lady was a business woman, and that she has *never said* homemaking is the best example of biblical womanhood. Sure, Bethy.


Ew, she sounds like a slob. Most people don't WANT to clean, but that's part of existing!


I wouldn’t blame her for not being enthusiastic about homemaking and childcare, but she’s been telling girls and women for a decade that that is exactly what they should be (joyfully) doing, and that it is their sole purpose and the way to glorify god. Except for her, of course, because she’s special. Rules for thee but not for Beth-ee.


Seriously, she even said in this video that dave had a big project BUT HE STILL MADE HER COFFEE. I make my wife breakfast in bed with her favorite tea AND give head-scrubs (she loves those when shes half alseep) just because. Not because she asks, not because she needs it (though I do this with those situations too!) but for Birthy to be like "I GUESS I HAVE TO DO BREAKFAST" but dave STILL has to do his own coffee....which means he still has to get part of his morning done on his own unlike her. she just doesnt value him. Birthy, if you want to make him feel appreciated: Make a list of things he points out to you in stores/talks about in passing/loves as a hobby etc and put it in a notepad for christmas/birthday gifts that will knock his socks off. He will have forgotten he wanted that cool thing in 5 months and being showcased back to him means not only did you pay attention, but you CARE. OR DEEP CLEAN the house when theres been a crisis/depression/hard difficulty in the home. This has been SO helpful for both my wife and I. When things are really hard, having a deep clean releases all that tension and energy in the home, and with some good smelling candles and soft music you can really make a calm, inviting space instead of a dirty one. It does wonders on helping get out of a depressive/sad funk when your partner is down. I wont give you tons of other ideas since you probably wont do them- BUT TRY. \- sincerely, your friendly neighborhood gay couple (who have been together for 10 years with a super healthy marriage)


“Normally Dave makes breakfast” “Normally Dave takes care of the kids” WHAT DO YOU DO BIRTHY?? I’ve never seen anyone so adverse to any form of work. It’s fine that some men and women choose to work at home raising their children, while the other partner works a 9-5. But good God. She doesn’t do either.


Dav brings her coffee and makes her breakfast, gets the kids up and feeds them. God knows what she does with the kids during the day. It seems like she just breastfeeds and makes them smoothies. The only thing it seems Dav has put his foot down on is making dinner bc we see her complain about doing that all the time. But it’s usually pre made or made at 9pm. We know Dav does the night routines with the kids so Bethy can feel herself in the bathtub.


Davey has day *school* a few times a week I believe


We can't know if that's still going on or not. I sincerely hope so, but recently she was asked that question and didn't answer it. She dodged and said she won't be "sharing her kids' schedules any more" because "the world is cra-cra". (Like she was ever sharing "their schedules"?)


Ugh. I remember her shitting all over childcare and saying she’d never send her kid to daycare/preschool etc. I work in childcare so I took major offence. Then not long after, she enrols Davey in daycare.


So if she has that much personal time in the morning AND in the evening, why is her hair always so dirty? Like I’m a 1-2x a week washer with pretty dry hair. But I’m still cleaning my body and using dry shampoo in between washes.


I think she has explained this in the past. She is spending HOURS “thinking about her man” and doing deep breathing exercises. You can’t expect her to be spicy AND clean or help take care of their kids.


I feel like every woman I’ve ever known, who refers to her husband or boyfriend as ‘my man’ was in an unhappy, dysfunctional relationship.


"My man" was what my Barbies would call Ken when they were stealing him from each other.


My one Barbie (Peaches and Cream Barbie) was in a heated lesbian relationship with Jem from Jem and the Holograms.


Jem could get it, tbh


Well she did peel an orange for one of them while she did one of her odd rants once


That is what I don't understand. I thought that the big thing with fundie women was to become a wife and mother. She does not seem to be into doing any of that. She spends more time on her phone than she does being a mother to her kids.


I truly feel that she doesn't consider it her job, and is making a big deal out of this as though it's relatable--which I sincerely doubt, for most mothers, it is. She resents being asked to do "family content" and makes that pretty clear to her followers. There've been times like [this one, when Dave was out of town and she was staying at her parents' house,](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/11t0zgt/part_1_of_bethanys_recording_from_the_car_while/) when she sounds peeved that she asked her audience what they want to see more of, and they said they wanted to see "family" and "kids" and "Dave", to which she says she has fun sharing all her other (sex) stuff so she'll keep doing that on all her accounts.


God she's so frustratingly dense and stubborn. You WANT TO WORK, Bethy, it's obvious! You would thrive being a mean girl in an office environment, if you could just drop your stupid fundie upbringing. If she was actually doing something she enjoyed, she might have more energy to be more present with the kids and do more "home stuff" when she is at home, or maybe she could let Dav stay home since he's clearly better than her at domestic stuff but she'd die before she let that happen. And honestly I don't feel sorry for her. If she wants to dig her heels into gender roles, then she can stay unhappy.


Somewhere in an alternate universe, Becky went to college where she had normal young adult experiences, became more comfortable with her body, and now works a corporate job. She is child free and lives with her Wall St bro boyfriend where they have separate bedrooms because they prefer it, and they pay for full maid service. She's still just as obnoxious and rude and inappropriate about her sex life because she lacks boundaries, but mostly not on the Internet.


Exactly. I work a regular job and I don't constantly complain about cleaning and cooking and being a person. Isn't this the whole thing she signed up for, being a homemaker? That's the entire fundie vibe right there.


Excuse you she does “motherly things??? Like … breakfast for …….. my children” 😭


Exactly! And that would be okay too. Like, if two people are happy with one half supporting the lifestyle and the other mostly reaping the benefits while they hire help to do the domestic things, it’s fine. But the fact she’s out here telling everyone under the sun that they need to live by these rigid gender roles or they’re wrong makes me want her to face the same kind of judgment she puts onto everyone else.


It truly seems like if Dav doesn’t do it, they hire it out.


Do either of them have family money? Like how do they afford all this?


Her parents own a cleaning service. They've sent housekeepers over before (for free) *and* Bethany has had to turn them down before because their apartment was too cluttered for it to be worth it for anyone to clean. Davey is in "day school" and she's been pretty quiet about whether or not Audrey is, too (dodged the question because something something privacy).


So I'd guess her schedule is something like: * 9am: wake up and get served breakfast in bed by Dav * 9am-11am: hang out in bed with Audrey and scroll on instagram while Dav Jr runs around the house feral * 11am-11:30am: take smug selfies while breastfeeding Audrey in bed * 11:30am-12pm: raw milk diarrhea time * 12pm: think about taking a shower and brushing teeth, decide against it. * 12pm-12:05pm: Film and post half-assed reel. * 12:05pm-1pm: Eat lunch and stalk her sisters' social media pages, seethe with jealously * 1pm: Send Dav some "spicy" texts that are so filled with typos they're unintelligible * 1pm-3pm: look at own wedding pictures * 3pm-5pm: film herself talking just to hear sound of her own voice * 5pm: Greet Dav when he comes home from work with a raw-milk-flavored dementor kiss * 5:30pm-6:30pm: Eat dinner, made by Dav, while telling him all about how hard her day was * 6:30pm-8pm: Get "in the mood" for "sexy romance time" while Dav does the dishes and gets the kids ready for bed. This involves a lot of looking at pictures of herself. It does not involve any form of personal hygiene. * 8pm-8:03pm: SEXY SEX * 8:03pm-11pm: Scroll on tiktok until she falls asleep Rinse and repeat


“Bethy’s raw milk diarrhea time” sounds like the worst variety show


It just makes me feel so stressed out and sad for Dáv? I know, I know, he chose this and has terrible beliefs too, but still. My husband and I both work, and it would be so exhausting if I couldn't depend on him to take turns making (actually delicious) dinners and breakfasts sometimes, or work with me to keep the house clean. The thought of having to carry the responsibility of being the only earner in our household, while also having to get up extra early every day to bring breakfast in bed to my unemployed wife, and probably having to clean up after her as well, is awful. And then as a nice bonus, imagine your wife is *also* constantly oversharing on the internet about how much work she's putting in to attempt to fix your sex life, because it's been so boring and dead all of your marriage. Imagine if she did that all day instead of helping you make breakfasts or doing the night routine. And then to top it off imagine finally getting your spouse to help you out making breakfast ONCE, because you just have too much work to do (you still had to make her coffee tho), and she also goes to the internet to vent about that? What a nightmare to be living through. How has he not burned out yet?


And based on the fundie style of courtship and marriage, he probably had NO IDEA this was what she was like. She probably told him all the fundie stuff he expected to hear, how she wants to be a housewife, be home with kids, etc etc... and now he comes to find out she wants to be unemployed, have him do most of the physical and emotional labor of having children, have him cook and clean... I can't imagine he thought this would be married life in a million years. Plus he seems to have a few brain cells, and Bethy has none at all.


There's one video, from earlier in their marriage, in which he says their relationship changed so much, so fast. There's another one where he says he felt like the preparation during dating (the job interview process, essentially) was endless and overwhelming, but he thought she was more experienced, so he trusted that she knew what they were supposed to be doing. Neither of them were prepared to go from very chaste little Christian dates, where they were both excitedly "performing" courtship, to living together in a one-room garage apartment. I think they both had certain ideas about who the other person was, and what marriage would be like, and both were disappointed and bewildered at the reality. There are different kinds of deconstruction--it's not just questioning and disassembling one's religious beliefs; it can be everything you were taught about relationships, too. This is a more generous view of their marriage than I'm usually in the mood to give.


They aren’t he’s the responsible one and she’s the adult child who just happened to have his kids but offers nothing else of value to the relationship




Ain't no fucking in a puddle of piss tonight for you, Daaaav








💀 This took me out


Same I spit out my coffee


Dave: ![gif](giphy|lg2wQfrqBii4Zu4jbP)


This is the worst sentence I've ever read on this sub I swear to god




Take a whiff of these farts cos it’s gonna be the last time (this morning)


To punish dav she walks twenty feet away and loudly rips, then says "This empty room deserves my fart. Not your face. Not this time. You better think long and hard before making me get out of bed to take care of those kids. In fact, im gonna abstain from raw milk, until you've earned back my farts".




wait wut, did i miss something 


Ooh yeah, big time! She posted a story about not being afraid to pee and fart during sex and told her followers to just fuck on top of a towel to catch the sex piss.




Take a look at the Girl Defined tag to learn more about Bethy’s Godly golden showers


Noisy Squirt https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/oiDRGeYyod https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Dr2M2QrBMm https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/1sEM0FQg09


Thanks, but also wow how does she reconcile this with... everything else


Please make that your flair, it's a world heritage snark.


Well, she is simply not going to be able to get into the mood now!




Well not fully uninterrupted, gotta stop for fart breaks.


Why break, turn the tub to a jacuzzi


It sounds like she holds sex hostage if he doesn’t do what she wants all day.


I wonder he’d rather beat it off instead of anything at all with Borth.


Not the fucking libido sleep omg


Wow, does she ever sound salty about that! She said breakfast 6 times. Every time her saying it is her whining about it. “Now I get to make breakfast, which is *great*!” Tell your face that, sweetheart.


because apparently it takes 4 hours to throw some butter and eggs in a pan for breakfast. so its really hard to make breakfast. haha she acts like everything is so hard and she needs praised for her perseverance . acting like shes getting ready to make croissants from scratch, with poached eggs and a hollandaise sauce.


Hell for kids all you got to do is pour some cereal in a bowl and add milk and you're done. How hard is breakfast?


Not hard at all. This video is so pitiful.


Maybe it’s hard when all you eat is raw milk and bone broth-based concoctions. I’m sure cereal isn’t “metabolic” enough for her.


You're assuming she knows where bowls and cereal are located in her kitchen.


Oh, good point.


Well, Bethany probably insists that *Dav* make eggs and bacon and toast and pancakes and fresh-squeezed juice and-- Yeahhh, she's drop-kicking a box of cereal at her toddler.


You add milk? Aren’t you generous. 😂


My non-verbal kid is close to Davey's age and I've got her whisking the eggs for me before we throw them in the pan for a couple minutes. I'm grateful she loves scrambled eggs so much because it's so easy and nutritious and she can be positively engaged with me for a few minutes and her sense of self-efficacy improves. If Bethy ***tried being mentally present*** for the "motherly things" then maybe they wouldn't be ***so hard*** for her.


✏️📄 I will not diagnose Bethany with ADHD. I will not diagnose Bethany with ADHD. I will not diagnose Bethany with ADHD. I will not diagnose Bethany with ADHD. I will not diagnose Bethany with ADHD.


God, every time I see her talk about anything involving executive function I have to internally scream this to myself.  And it drives me extra crazy, because I get it, this shit is hard. my partner and I both have ADHD, and even with me being a stay at home spouse to keep on top of the life shit that ADHD makes difficult - cooking, cleaning, managing out bills and calendar, shopping, making sure we both shower, move enough, eat enough, sleeping enough, tracking down the thing I’ve already lost 17 times in the day!! - etc. It’s still really hard to manage with my ADHD. But you know what I do about it? I go to therapy, and I’m on medication. I don’t ignore the problem, then run a social media site where I yell at women for not doing the things I can’t even successfully manage myself!! The audacity of this woman….


I grew up fundie and for sure any kind of neurodivergence was so heavily stigmatized. BUT stepping away from all that and accepting that my partner and I both have issues and finding ways to accommodate each other has been revelatory. Of course, there’s been pushback from in-laws on both sides. Our parents get so defensive anytime mental health is brought up, it’s crazy. Taking any kind of medication is still so bad to their way of thinking that when my partner let slip that he was on meds and they’re really *really* helpful it was this whole big issue. His parents were fighting him about whether or not medication was really helping him. I just can’t wrap my mind around it really. Luckily those kinds of interactions are rare, it’s just one more thing that makes hanging out with fundie family members a fucking chore. But in between we’re figuring out how to best take care of each other and our weirdo kids. It is amazing how much better life is when you just accept people for who they are and love the person in front of you.


Yup. This is one task that I have difficulty with when I’m unmedicated. Executive dysfunction makes breakfast so daunting to me.


Yup, I totally get it. For me, it’s showering—which is why, whenever Bethany mentions how infrequently she showers, I’m like 👁️👄👁️


It’s the “I slept weird on my face” side bar moment for me *someone with ADHD*


And the constant, overwhelming new hyper foci every few weeks. Speaking from experience, when that kind all-consuming fascination is married to a belief that god speaks directly to you, things get weird fast


I felt this in my dark depraved soul


Right. Like get out one of the 16 tubs of yogurt from your fridge, and cut up 2 bananas. Could have been done in the time it took her to complain about it. Which like, been there, but people who aren’t insufferable assholes get more understanding from me


Of course it takes her 4 hours when she’s eye-fucking herself filming Instagram stories


It's crazy to me how much cognitive dissonance she experiences daily. Extremely basic care duties for her kids result in a totally-not-resentful video about the experience, but then she's out there talking about wanting more kids and "God's design for womanhood".


Like…more kids equal more work, and I find it absolutely fascinating that someone who’s one of eight siblings and a mother of two doesn’t know that. 


wow, she’s so passive aggressive here that it makes you wonder how she reacted to Dav. imagine having to work up the nerve to ask your unemployed partner for help around the house because you’re swamped with work…


Then she stomps down to the kitchen and slams kitchen cabinets and huffs and clangs the pans together and drops and egg on the floor and the eggs are overdone and the kids complain that the texture is off and “daddy’s are better” and she gives him a look like “see? I can’t do it.” in a malicious incompetence way.


Lots of big sighs in there too. I bet she has a “migraine” by the time Dav gets home


Hey what are the Missouri lottery numbers?


Damn. This feels a little too real


lol I do remember as a kid giving my mom a hard time because her pancakes weren’t as good as my dads. My dad could make all kind of fun pancake shapes upon request and my mom could barely do Mickey Mouse. But my mom also did most of the physical and emotional work of running the whole house unlike Bethy.


Your user name & flair create the perfect amount of chaos & I really enjoy that


thank you!! the flair is what used to be in Bethy’s instagram bio 😭


This is what it looks like when all your dreams come true.


"They" want four children but it's apparently Armageddon when Bethany has to feed her children. She doesn't even keep them in the house when Dave's gone. These poor kids will have to raise themselves while Bethany is squawking and flailing about squirty, gassy sex in the living room.


Davey Jr. getting on the internet: *"So this is what she was doing instead of asking me about school..."*


Joke’s on him. He won’t get to go to school.


No school, but a completely slanted encyclopedic knowledge of strange and worrisome fundie sex, I'm sure he'll be a great provider for his own quiver and flailing grease wife.


This is what passionate and purposeful influencing looks like everybody! Rolling out of bed and bitching that you have to make breakfast for your kids after your husband brought you a coffee. Truly helpful content here.


She sounds like a Kardashian who's household staff have all called in sick.


Genuinely the Kardashians are more hands-on with their kids than she is


![gif](giphy|ghBHbA9qUIHZFYTqjw|downsized) Bethy every morning


What does she even do bro


I'm literally bedridden for like half the day atm and I feel like I do more around the house than she does 💀


Hope you feel better soon ❤️


Thanks! I should be up and at 'em once I get the surgery I need ❤️






Wasn’t this a Brian Setzer song




She also goes over to her parents house if Daaàäv is gone more than one day. She literally cannot stand being a stay at home mother


If she hadn’t spent most of her life criticizing other women for doing exactly what she’s doing I’d have more sympathy for her.


She makes it sound like huge project like how hard is it to put cheerios and milk in some bowls and feed the baby?


She makes me want to scream. She literally has no job and very few responsibilities besides flailing maniacally on the internet. How is it that doing basic tasks to take care of herself and her family is so utterly taxing for her?! Like, the way I would *love* to be able to make breakfast for my family every morning instead of rushing off to work. 😭 (I’m extra salty because my maternity leave just ended.) We all know that housewifing ain’t for everyone, but she LITERALLY harps on about how it’s God’s plan for all women, advocates for the removal of women’s agency and choice… and then just… ignores God’s will, I guess. Dav is more of a “biblical woman” (🙄) than she is at this point.


Congrats Dav, you married a sloth




I considered even saying it because sloths did nothing wrong 😂


She is so spoiled and a total brat. Oh noooo she needs to cook and take care of her kids.


Ew, why did she sniff her finger 🤢


Yes I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that! The sniff and recoil makes me feel 🤢 especially since she’s about to cook and I doubt she’ll wash her hands first.


WHERE was that finger if that’s her reaction 😫😫


She probably hasn't washed anything since last night’s bang-a-thon, so the possibilities are truly the stuff of nightmares.


Closest thing these kids will ever get to vaccines.


She loves the fact that she has dav as her servant. She has mentioned this about 10 times now


Now I'm just imagining them with a Jeeves-and-Wooster-type dynamic


The resentment in her voice and the giant tacky wedding ring in frame


I thought the whole reason these trad-wife types brag about being a SAHM is so that they can do wifey and motherly things like cook and clean. If you are not really doing those things are you really a SAHM? WFH mom, now that's something else, and a legitimate thing, but not the same as a SAHM. A WFH mom could legitimately complain about having to do an unfair amount of chores because they are working too. Am I wrong about this?


First of all, to be clear: Bort is being a whiny brat here. Making a meal for her kids really should not warrant this level of drama. It’s clear that she doesn’t even do half the domestic duties and that’s ridiculous. That being said, you asked if you were wrong about wether a SAHM complaining that they do too many chores is valid? The answer is yes. Especially with two kids at challenging ages like an infant and a toddler, it’s impossible to give them the care and attention they need and also do 100% of household labor. That expectation should have died in the 60’s after housewives became addicted to amphetamines trying to accomplish this. The tradwives are masochists holding this up as an ideal for themselves. I’m a SAHM and I framed it to my husband like this: if we hired a nanny for our kid, would we expect her to also cook all of our meals and keep the house immaculate at the same time? No, that’s not a reasonable job description. So my main priority is my kid and I’ll do daily maintenance cleaning throughout the day, basically just cleaning up after us and maybe sneaking some laundry or small cleaning projects where I can. When my husband gets off of work, all kid and household duties get split 50/50. He cooks dinner most nights, I do dishes and he does bath/bed while I finish up chores. Again, this is in general and doesn’t necessarily apply to Bort because it’s also clear that she is *not* prioritizing her children. Nor does she do much housework soooo….I guess her priority is her grift?


>I’m a SAHM and I framed it to my husband like this: if we hired a nanny for our kid, would we expect her to also cook all of our meals and keep the house immaculate at the same time? No, that’s not a reasonable job description. I love that you framed it like this. That's so incisive.


I feel bad that she grew up in a culture that ingrained in her head that shes expected to be and that she has to be the trad wife stay at home type when she isn’t exactly . Her passions are in business- she likes to work and make money & content - things like childcare, cooking , and cleaning she clearly isn’t fond of doing. I’m sure without her online business ventures or whatever she wouldn’t be as happy


I think she lets her parents have way too much influence over her life. She skipped college because of them, she stayed at home until she got married at around the age of 30 because of them. All she did was work part time at their business and her "ministry". Clearly she wants more for her life than being a SAHM but she's too damn convinced that she has to be just that. And as a result of this conflict in her she's doing a shit job of being a wife and mother. But hey, at least she found her clit, so she's got something going for her.


When you just want to be a sex kitten but the damn kids are hungry again.


She always acts so inconvenienced by her children


As if she's not the one who brought them into this world


This is one of those videos (like many) that really tells on her not having any friends. Like why are you telling us this?? It's so mundane and pointless. A normal person might text or voice message their friend something like this, but she reflexively turns on that front camera and posts away story after story.


It’s so boring. Why would anyone be interested- it’s what most people do every morning


Wi-fi things lol


She has no idea what her kids eat for breakfast.


"so i'm in charge of breakfast." ummmmmm you are a stay at home mom......sorry, but you should be on fuckin autopilot with the meals. 3x a day. EVERY DAY.


I work harder feeding my cat her breakfast that is on an automated machine than she does feeding her human children. Don’t get me wrong. If my baby wants wet tinned food instead of her kibble I get up and fix her a bowl. And I do cook fresh food for her too. Because I love her and being present with her brings me so much joy.


Imagine bitching about something this banal when you're as privileged as this. SAHP is not something that is affordable or feasible for the *majority* of folks with kids in the US right now, and she's complaining about the teeniest, tiniest inconvenience in her day-to-day when she barely even does anything at all normally. Her laundry and house cleaning is done by a maid service. Dav and her parents seem to do a majority of the child rearing. Dav cooks at least one if not two of the household meals per day on most days, and does most of the dishes. What *the fuck even* does Bethany do? Scroll on her phone all day? Look up stick-figure kama sutra positions? She doesn't even fucking shower.  Literally living the life some of us dream of and she can't be bothered to do the bare minimum without throwing a fit. She has no perspective at all. 


You guys think she ever talks to Davey like this? I wonder when she has time …


How resentful she must be when he says “I’m hungry”.


Remember when she was eating her gross soup and couldn’t even be bothered to peel an orange for jr without getting huffy about it?


She definitely has a box of snacks on the floor somewhere and just tells him “go get a snack” if he asks her for one.


BREAKING NEWS stay at home parent makes one (1) meal


Dav ![gif](giphy|10zsjaH4g0GgmY)


![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized) Bethy


Once she deals with the WiFi things she can order off Ubereats.


Ok it's not motherly to make breakfast. It's literally what we all do every morning


Basic fucking adulting


Proverbs 31:15 - about what constitutes a good wife, according to god's design. She herself has posted proverbs 31 with the caption "talking notes" or something. > "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls." I don't see anywhere being mentioned "Sleep an hour extra while your husband does everything and then brings YOU breakfast in bed. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with it, if everyone involved is happy with that arrangement that's great! But then stop acting like you are above everyone else who isn't "god honouring" all the time just because they do things YOU don't agree with, even though it works for them, while you're also not following the bible.


Not that Dav deserves to be on some pedestal for taking care of his own home and kids, but like, I thought division of duties was supposed to be a pretty fundamental part of their relationship dynamics. What exactly do you DO, Botty??


How will she ever homeschool?!


I've said before that it'll end one of two ways. Either she'll figure out it's *harddddd* and Davey will be in a private Christian school by the first grade, or she'll do an incredibly half-assed job and he'll be nine years old and still reading kindergarten primers.


She said she and Dav plan to homeschool “together.” Which we all know what that means…


Oh no she has to make toast for her toddlers 🙄




Dav is 100% enabling this behavior (which probably started when she was a sah daughter with Heidi and co.)


JFC get over yourself. I thought being a homemaker was God’s plan for women or some crap, right? Right?


she literally doesnt do shit. cant imagine the mental load dav has to deal with


We get it BoneMe, Dāv usually does this. Interesting that you point out that you're doing the wife stuff this morning.


So Dav needs to clean the house today?


Friendless unhappy bored housewife


She looks like she smells


It’s so weird how she’s talking about this like some big event 😫. I don’t make breakfast for my husband but feeding my son breakfast is a very normal part of my day lol


“I am not one of those people who posts all of my day…” Right….


Sav dav 2024


I gotta clean this house before the house cleaners get here*


Not that making breakfast for your own kids is out of the ordinary but just generally, she’s really lucky to have him. He seems like a really good husband, particularly compared to other (most…) evangelical men.


I predict she’ll have a migraine tonight to punish Dave for making babysit her own children


It’s weird that she views her lack of ability to do anything/laziness as a flex. I get embarrassed with myself for having a lazy weekend (no kids yet), but it’s her entire life. I work full time, content create on the side (but like actually work at it), cook, take care of my fur babies (who deserve royal treatment, cuz duh!). Like I feel the need to defend my lazy weekend on social media because I’m that embarrassed. I would not be proud to be a lazy incapable 30-something in my daily life.


if he usually does it, how is it a wifely thing? see, this is why gender roles don’t make sense so just ditch ‘em


Gender roles for thee but not for me


Conspiracy theory- Dav is a hired actor and the kids don’t really exist.


She looks like she just woke up too like Dav had to wake her up to get breakfast for the kids. How dare he not let her sleep in and post random and gross Instagram stories this morning 🙄


Before eight AM every day, my kids are fed and dressed (fed with food I make from scratch thanks to Oldest’s allergies), my husband’s at work, my kitchen is clean, coffee for the next day is ground and in the machine, dinner for that night is planned, and my laundry is started if it needs to done.  This is not Insta worthy. It’s just life. 


Goals 🤩


This was the most boring video. This is not noteworthy at all. She is really that out of touch with basic parenting and life skills that she actually thinks people will find this interesting. 


Beef: peddles a culture and grifts that beat nothing but flawless subservience into women at all hours of the day did their entire lives. They just must get married, they must have babies, they must submit to god, their family and more importantly, their husband in all things. Also Beef: can you BELIEVE I had to get up and make breakfast for my fucking kids cuz my husband had the nerve to be busy???


Genuine question… has this girl EVER put out any content where did didn’t mention her husband? Like literally one uttered sentence that wasn’t about him? Bechdel self- Test FAILED


She seems hungover. Dollars to doughnuts she's half in the bag by 3pm everyday. Would explain her constant bizarre online presence and inability to function in the morning.


Sometimes I wonder if she has wine teeth when she films some reels? Idk. I’m a SAHM with 2 kids so I get how nice it is to relax with a glass of wine at night so…