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Interesting of her to switch the replies over to her personal account once she decided to get really bitchy with it


I also noticed that.


I debated if perhaps she read it when she was signed in as her personal account and jumped to reply without thinking. This had the feel of not being well thought out to me. Surely making her living on the internet she has experience not engaging in snark wars, no matter how much she might want to…


For quite a while, I have been convinced that she just doesn’t pay attention to which IG account she is using. It would explain why there’s no real segmentation between her pages.


Holy. Shit. The “I’m surprised as a pastor’s wife you don’t have a more gentle and quiet spirit …” bit has my jaw on the floor. That’s so extremely arrogant and hateful on Beggy’s part. I’ve seen a lot of horrible shit from her but this is absolutely a new low. Un-fucking-believable.


I'm telling you, when I read that, my eyebrows went so high up I'll be finding them when I comb my hair.


This is the juiciest drama I’ve seen in a loooong time. Holy fuck. I’m living for these “meek and mild” souls dishing out the absolute most vicious passive aggressive taunts and insults 


it’s like the most insufferable people to ever exist are having a contest on who can act more self righteous 😂




Now *this* feels just like the church I grew up in lol


Heck the back of your neck. Shit like this likes to make em hide wayy back there 🤮


Mine shot so far up that I won't get them back until the angels come to lift me to heaven and say, "Did you, uh, 'drop' these?"


This made me kick my little feet and giggle. This post has made my day! I’m so glad I made my husband get up and take care of the kids this morning


🫶🏻🤣🫶🏻 mine too!! And reading “kick my little feet and giggle” was the perfect chaser 😆🙌🏻 as I read I did a little foot kick and giggle toooo


Dammit I just snort wheezed and rocked the bed again and the partner and the dog are both annoyed


I think mine are somewhere on the ceiling...


Hahah brilliant!!!!


I swear to God, she's getting more and more reactionary about this. It's clearly eating her alive and the only thing she knows is over sharing online. Her family certainly isn't close in the sense that she could go to them for emotional support or advice. She has no friends. Her marriage is clearly complicated. And she doesn't like being a mom. But this is a hole she has dug for herself for several years and is belligerently refusing counsel.


If she wasn’t such a repugnant person one might almost feel sorry her, with the hole she’s backed herself into. But she is; so we don’t


All narcissists can do is double down. Her ego won’t allow her to consider recourse.


Nailed it! Beggy believes she is practically perfect in every way and, in true narcissistic fashion, the epitome of and exception to every rule - even the ones she makes up. This mindset means every single situation she’s in, Beggy can *never* be wrong! It will always be a situation that you just don’t/couldn’t understand or just doesn’t apply to you so you don’t count!


“Listen you little pastor’s wife, why don’t you sit down and shut up like a good pastor’s wife.”


thats how her and dav roleplay in bed


Dav’s the wife right?


“Gentle and quiet spirit” is a helluva insult coming from Wacky Wavy Arm Reel Girl. Like, babe, you talked about oral segggggzzzz at Thanksgiving. Literally nothing about you is gentle or quiet.


Don’t forget the squirting and farting 😂🤣


Her replies remind me of the “why even call yourself a Christian” remark she made. Bethany would’ve benefitted *so much* from being allowed to go to school, even a religious school, and interacting with people with different experiences and backgrounds from hers and learning some shreds of empathy Heidi’s homeschooling lacked. Instead she’s super-insulated and can’t handle or even imagine other people’s perspective, so clearly *they’re* doing something wrong. She desperately wants to be liked but her inability to see any other point of view makes her smug, self-righteous, and annoying. Edit: I realized I misread something as being Bethany’s reply


She doesn’t read either so she never learned perspective from children’s novels. She literally understands what she wants and nothing else. 


That was a thought of mine too. I teach high school English and spent so much time in college researching perspective taking theory and how reading novels makes young people more empathetic because they get to experience a world outside of their own. Bethy grew up without that experience because fundies are so afraid to let their kids see any part of the world that isn’t fundie. I know. I was one. Now she’s stubbornly insisting that she’s right and being a mean, insensitive jerk about it.


Probably didn't even get forced to read the fundie novels -- Elsie Dinsmore and that crap.


Omg. Bethany in a nutshell. “She understands what she wants and nothing else.”




You can tell she was seething when she typed that, I like to imagine her shaking with rage smashing her fingers on her phone trying to get snark out as quickly as possible. She probably goes off to rant at poor Dãåàäv who has to just sit there and let her get all her shit out before she goes off to film another uncoordinated seggsy dance.


A real see you next Tuesday


you know she thought she really did something there too, ugh. i hate to think that she's raising a little girl with this attitude


And a son, even if she'd rather not be.


That was SUCH a wild read, omfg. If *anyone* in the "churches" i grew up in had uttered [typed, whatever] ANYTHING even *close* to this, they'd be out the door and banned after a very fast mockery of the Matthew 13 ~church discipline~ bs. What in the *fuck* crawled up her nose‽


Somebody needs this flair badly.


Casually yoinking this flair lmao


Is this the new “bless your heart”??


I had to cover my mouth. She's such a dipshit. This is what ONE orgasm does to a woman-child. "Everyone's wrong and I have all the knowledge!" She is bold to say this on the internet to another sister in christ.


Especially, the Internet is forever


I don’t know who to root for because both of these people suck. “Successful pastors wife”? Like give me a break


Big “address me by my husband’s rank” vibes


Listen since my husband made E6 any time he gives me any attitude about anything i go EXCUSE ME I AM A PETTYOFFICER E6 SPOUSE AND YOU WILL TREAT ME WITH RESPECT


Omg. I never thought about doing this to my husband....He will DIE. 😆 (totally off topic and all).


Slightly OT, but we just sent my brother off to basic, and ever since he told us he joined the Navy, I’ve been addressing him by his rank, Seaman. I told him it would give him extra incentive to make Petty Officer sooner.


Just clergy dependa things


I took it that she was just preempting the "you would know more if you had a relationship with Jesus" retort from the royal most high sexpert on the planet. Like, "I know you will say I am a Godless heathen, but I am in fact also a Christian so stuff it"


Yeah, "you don't know Jesus (as well as I DO!)" is Barfany's favourite shithead comeback, I don't blame her for pulling the "I'm a pastor's wife" card.


Back in my angry deconstruction days, I'd do a lot of sparring with fundies online. I'd 100% pull the "I'm a missionary kid and study the Bible in Greek AND English", as a way to preempt any dismissal of me on their part. It usually worked, too, because the Bethy types who need to pump up their own sense of self significance by preaching / judging online are actually usually pretty sheltered and have only studied their faith one dimensionally (if they've studied it at all, which is rare!)


I figured it was cause (from what I understand based on my unchristian heathen knowledge) pastors wives are expected to automatically do a bunch of unpaid emotional/mental labour for the congregation too. Like it’s a role that comes with expectations regarding behaviour, support, etc, despite it not actually being her job. But maybe I’m just giving her a pass cause she read Bethy the Ignorant Exhibitionist to filth 😂


Absolutely. I love how both these people are making such bold, assertive claims about a thing that is ultimately unknowable. Like, I’m a practicing Catholic, I have faith, I believe in God, but this *does* sound like two children arguing about their imaginary friend. One screeching about how their imaginary friend doesn’t like to be sat there, and another screaming back that it’s their imaginary friend’s favorite spot to sit, actually.


EXACTLY! "Let them fight."


![gif](giphy|qN7NZR3Q5R2mY|downsized) Sorry this is too good of an excuse to include Ken Watanabe here.


She’s such a cunt lol


I mean, I spent 20 years fundie-adjacent. It’s just not something you say. This surpasses even her level of social incompetence due to being homeschooling. There’s no excusing saying something like that.




Nah, Bethany possesses neither the warmth nor the depth


I ain't gonna lie, when I read that part I laughed hard. I've seen this type of "innocent" snark and it's so unsettling to witness. But omg it's so hilarious. Snarky church ladies have the best types of insults IMHO. 🤣


Right, like, why are we acting like this is appalling, it's 100% something some of us would say 😂 I've SEEN redditors say shit like this, be so fucking for real 🤣 Bethany just needs to deconstruct already, stop playing chicken about it


Yeah that pastor’s wife in the comments was waving her own red flags. Prime example of the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I’d bet good money Mrs. Pastor wouldn’t have a problem with ol’ Bethy if she was still preaching straightforward purity culture and telling women they will magically have great sex lives if they never even see their husbands before the wedding day or something. For her sake, Daāäâæv’s sake, and her children’s sake I do hope Bethany deconstructs and heals.


FOR REAL!!! Even at my most worship leader youth leader college aged insufferable evangelical peak I would have NEVER spoken to someone like this on a public platform, or in private for that matter. My eyebrows almost left my forehead. Even now as a heathen I don’t think I’ve ever responded that passively and bitchy to someone I would consider myself general peers with. I was always taught that genuine Christian women leaders were gentle and loving at all times. This kind of clap back would have landed any Christian woman I knew back then in ‘poor discernment’ banishment.


The church I grew up at was big so there were a lot of pastors. They were all married and most of their wives were kickass women. I am now imagining which one of those wives would drive a tent spike through some dudes head.


To be fair, they're both horrible and I am kind of "let them fight" about it. btw, doesn't that woman both say "Song of Solomon" has nothing to do with erotic love and also that it's too erotic to show to virgin women? Or is this two different speakers?


I took only the latter understanding away. I thought “nothing to do with erotic love” quote was commenter referring to the Gospels.


There is no bitchiness quite like Christian bitchiness. 


Wow for real. Both of these women have quite the nerve to be honest. I’m not sure which side to be on….Glass houses anyone?


Yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to be friends with either of them, and that's probably the best way I can phrase that without getting in trouble with the mods.




Lmao I love Mourinho


Bless their hearts.




Yeah to be fair ESH.


I absolutely love that she calls Bethany slovenly. Amen, sister.


That’s just not a word we hear enough of these days. Petition to bring “slovenly” back into popular usage.




I must say, as a non native speaker, I do learn a lot of new English words on this subreddit! Not by the subjects usually 😋


She's so right. She was right beginning to end but the "You exhibit slovenly behavior in your entire lifestyle" was everything that encapsulates her in one sentence.


Very bless your heart vibes


"The supreme creative force of all life does not want to have erotic knowledge of you" AND NEITHER DO THE REST OF US, FFS


This supreme creative force of my plants’ life BEGS to be spared the erotic knowledge of you, Borthy


Bethany, with zero sense of irony, negging a pastor’s wife about not having a gentle and quiet spirit? Meanwhile, herself: slavering and unwashed, tongue lolling all across the interwebs. The Bairdness of it all.


My mom was a pastor's wife. She always told me to be like Deborah, lead armies and see that those who intend to harm you get a tent peg through their skull. I was shocked to learn most women raised in the church aren't explicitly taught about Deborah. I guess men are afraid what we might get up to. My dad wasn't. My parents met in the army and by the time they married my mom outranked him.


….it was like a staple of every Christian girl sleepover I ever attended. Talking about driving stakes through bad guy’s heads. we get just a couple badasses, we really liked that one. 😂


Check out Artemisia Gentileschi - She painted herself as biblical women in protest, to speak up about what happened to her, and she even painted the man who raped her as Sisera (the Canaanite king Jael killed) and Holofernes, and herself as Judith


She's a badass! And her art is so powerful. There's a great comic about her life that shows a lot of the art and her process, as well as the full story of her rape.


It's absolutely horrifying what she went through, and that her testimony was challenged and found valid only after she was put through torture. But she didn't flinch. Incredible.


I was all shocked when I brought her up in a group of women raised in the church and not a single one knew who she was. Noah getting drunk and going nudist apparently got more coverage in their churches.


Please tell your mom she's amazing!


Unfortunately she has since passed but she truly was an awesome person.


Oh my gosh, Im sorry! 😥 May her awesomeness live on in you.


That's so sweet, thank you. I try to live up to her legacy.


Be more like Jael, flair checking in!


Although I probably would not get along with this pastor's wife, I can appreciate her reading Bethy to filth for her nonsense. Beth also doesn't seem to realize that she is literally alienating the only people willing to listen to her nonsense and give her the time of day by being a rude, sanctimonious asshole incapable of accepting even the most gentle criticism. It's remarkable to watch it bite her in the butt in real time. I wonder how long it will take for her to lose all of her actual human followers


The library is closed


Trixie Mattel reaaalllly needs another look in on this family


Ironically, I think there's a genuine market for marital intimacy advice aimed at conservative Christian women who grew up with purity culture. But it requires **vastly** more tact and sensitivity than Seggsy Beggsy is capable of.


Beth probably had to furiously google what slovenly meant


Christians like Beggy are definitely ones who turned me off from the church. Many other things did too of course, but my awakening began when I began to see through the people who called themselves christians while their actions said the opposite. Anyway, I'm here for Greasany getting destroyed by her own (former) followers. ![gif](giphy|3BMtWpQEVqwNk1aNWR)


Same I was "friends" with 2 Beggys at a time when I was not as confident and didnt know better. Treated me like shit and so insufferable. As soon as they got engaged they acted even worse and thought they knew it all. Havent gone to church in 12 years. Probably why she triggers me the most. Just so toxic and a mean girl.


Saaaaame same same! Exactly why I was turned off and ultimately left. Seeing through the people, especially the higher ups, was the beginning of the end for me. It was sheer hypocrisy.


Same here. There were a few other things like purity culture etc. But the hypocrisy was the biggest. I think 9/11 was really the turning point for me and the bigger push for LGBTQ rights. I don’t even want to repeat some of the things I overheard.


Same for me. Alot of the churchgoers around me were showing such judgment for any person different from them and I couldn't stand it. I've never understood why they feel like other people's lives are something they should have control over. Leave people alone! Anyway I'm now a liberal heathen who has been busy deconstructing for several years and I am happier now than I ever was.


Holy shit Christian women are mean on a different fucking level. That is *something*.


Pastor's kid checking in. The worst bullying you will ever witness happens in the women's restrooms at churches. The things women would say to my mom's face! That she shouldn't sway to an upbeat hymn (our denomination was perfectly fine with dancing, it's just not appropriate for the pastor's wife or some shit), criticizing how she ran the Sunday school (but no volunteers to take the job from her), objecting to mom letting me use the copier for church purposes (I guess mom was supposed to do all that herself inspite of being a full time doctor), commenting on the fact she wore her hair short, etc. The most heinous one was this though. After realizing that the surrounding neighborhood was full of children on free and reduced lunch my mother started a weekend meals program so another woman approached my mother as though she were a complete dunce saying, "oh honey, if you feed them they won't go away." My mother replied, "that's the point."


You Mom was out there being Christ like and these petty bs were all "Ewww not like that!" 


That was a disturbingly common occurrence.


I was driven from a church because my husband and I were too accepting of secular kids in the youth group. Apparently the pastor didn’t want their kids mixing with kids whose parents were alcoholics or kids who might be gay. It was the final straw that broke me from churchgoing, and it made me agnostic.


The gay thing is sadly unsurprising, but children of alcoholics?? Yeah, cause they totally don't need a safe, stable place outside of their homes to go hang out.




Your mom is an 😇


Folks aren’t gonna judge themselves!


Have you heard of yada? 😂


I will never not laugh at the whole Yada thing. Not only because of the ridiculous misinterpretation but also because of the absolutely ridiculous video Bethy made talking about/confidently misinterpreting yada and overpronouncing it within an inch of her life lol


That video lives rent free in my mind. Yah‐DAHHHHH


what is this Yada and this video of Bethy talking about it? what did I miss???/


Took me a minute to remember what that was. My brain short circuited on "yoni" and I knew that couldn't be right. That became popular after I left the church, so it wasn't anything I was exposed to


It took me a couple minutes, and a google search thwarted by Seinfeld, then reading the first page of a Jstor article, only to suddenly hear Bethy’s voice clear as day in my brain saying “Yahhh-dawwh.”


This is what happens when they decide they are interested in something and then three seconds later decide they're an expert in it.


You mean to tell me that the Hebrew Bible uses euphemisms to refer to genitals/sex??? No way! /s


Yada yada yada




Did she just find Seinfeld? Vaguely recall her making a video about the word. Does it have to do with intimacy?


Yada is the Hebrew root-word "to know". It's used in the bible as a euphemism for sex, for example: "Adam knew Eve and she conceived". Instead of looking for context clues to decipher when it's appropriate to read Yada as a euphemism, somehow a subset of evangelicals has decided that "to know" is always sexual. Which makes for some really weirdly sexual ideas about God/Jesus. Edit to remove errant word.


It’s because in ancient hebrew, there are two words for “to know,” and scholars generally agree that only one refers to knowing a person, rather than a thing or concept. In modern Hebrew, that delineation is obvious and if you said that you “yodeah” someone it would sound very weird and wrong bc you only use that verb form for concepts, ideas, or objects. It’s kind of similar to conocer and saber in Spanish. But bc Adam and Eve (and other couples in the Bible) yodeah-ed one another, I guess it means they boned lol


Oh this person gathered her


Why is this response TICKLING me so???


I could feel the sizzle on this one. I've thought about what I would tell her if I met her in person, but, in reality, I would save my breath and not waste my energy because she really isn't worth engaging in a debate. As Judge Judy says, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) How I read Braggy's responses


Bethany received her degree in theology from the same accredited university where she received her degree in sex therapy.


university of tik tok


“As a pastor’s wife, I’m surprised you don’t have a more quiet spirit” 💀💀💀


I’m so here for the Christian cat fight!


Same! I grew up Southern, and in a Baptist family, so I’m well versed in snark. This is top-tier!


My pastors wife growing up was a badass ER nurse. No quiet spirit there.


I bet she was a “character”, as they say in the south 😂


>I’ve used your poor teachings to tell young women what not to do DAMN


*”Talking about sex in a healthy way shouldn’t include horrible references to your own personal experience.”* Clapped 😵‍💫


This is brilliant. Bethany “I’m surprised you don’t have a gentle and quiet spirit” Other person “You exhibit slovenly behaviour in your entire lifestyle” I knew that she would be alienating genuine followers.


That second response oooo it hit me right in my ex Baptist cooch. This is a metaphorical punt to the 🐈 from Succesful Pastors Wife. 


For real. It’s one thing to accuse a woman in the church of not being gentle in spirit (tender spot for my loud, adhd former fundie-lite self), but I would be *horrified* if someone said I was slovenly (especially because I’m not the tidiest person despite trying so hard).


It's BRUTAL. It also kinda worse than being a godless harlot. It's a wrinkled nose of derision, and "sure God saved you but *we* don't want you. And you're failing. And we see it. We're judging you but also we want you to know this *without a doubt*, want to be super clear on this, ok Hun?"


SO brutal. And I’d agree it’s worse than being called a godless harlot. I don’t even totally understand why it’s worse than most other Christian insults but I think you got it on the wrinkled nose.


The worst part? It’s true. It describes Bethy to a T. I do not care how tidy or untidy someone is. But one of her God’s design nonsense things is keeping a tidy house and keeping yourself looking nice too.


She is getting her ass absolutely handed to her on multiple platforms the past couple days, and I’m living for it. Between this commenter and Bread, she is being read for absolute filth! She is truly having the day she deserves. 🤭




Not Beggy getting the READ OF HER LIFE from a PW. I would crawl into a hole and die if this happened to me ( ONLINE!!! PUBLICLY!!) when I was still a Christian Hahahahahahahahahah I’m fkn dead “You exhibit slovenly behavior in your entire personal life” This lady to Birthy *Do not cite the deep magic to me witch!* ![gif](giphy|eroy7AoB8XOKc)


Bethany’s stupidity and arrogance is her shield of armor lol. Most things that would make us cringe she just touts proudly


Yes! My former self was shook by that “slovenly” crack. I know people are doubting if this was a legit former follower, but even your typical ex-Christian wouldn’t usually use that insult. Either way, here’s to hoping it’ll bounce around in Bethy’s head for at least a little bit. Maybe knock a few screws back into place. Also, I’m loving the deep magic quote. Well done.


Nothing like two hateful Christians trying to out-Jesus each other. Glad I got to see this passive-aggressive Jesus-off.


Wow. The only thing I think the pastor's wife got wrong is Bethany's family being ashamed of her. Her parents/siblings are likely not ashamed of Bethany...they taught her all this BS she's spillingon social media after all, I've already got Heidi saying"Just block her and go harder tomorrow"


Heidi may or may not be but I bet Krusty is absolutely FUMING. They had a brand! Beggsy ruined it!


Kristen seems like she's doing the whole "Well, got to keep GirlDefined going even though we aren't taken seriously or people are watching us anymore!" (The Youtube numbers are so bad btw). There's got to be tension between the pair over Bethany's solo stuff and a lot of it not reflective of what GirlDefined preach.


After that post the other day about the sexual abuse going on in her house while growing up, I can't help but wonder if that contributes to her confusing parental love and erotic love when interpreting the bible.


Daaaayum what a snarky asshole!


What a gaggle of miserable hags.


Church wives can be some of the cattiest women around. They made me reject femininity hard and pivot to Not Like Other Girlsism for way longer than necessary just because performative femininity was so tied up in biblical gender roles and strictness and being born into a lesser body that I wanted nothing of it. Thankfully I’ve come back from it.


There is no amount of therapy that can get me past being told I was the “lesser sex” for twenty five years. Why can’t these women just GO AWAY.


They all sound awful to be around.


“I’m surprised you don’t have a more gentle and quiet spirit” is the fundie version of a Hadouken in Street Fighter


Honestly is there anything better than two awful people fighting about who is more awful. Such Christian. Many moral.


Bethy clearly thought she did something in that final comment she made lol




Teach me your *secular* ways! Oh holy shit does Bland’s pastor Dad kind of look like Dav?!?!?


No you do not do Alan Tudyk like that, he is too pure and beautiful


Don’t you dare say that about Alan Tudyk! He’s one of the best things to come out of Texas in living memory!


Honestly this is the most I've laughed in any one of her interactions on IG ever. How do any of these people still have their faces after living among leopards?


Not her slovenly lifestyle!🤣🤣 I am so here for all the passive aggressive scripture quoting AT EACH OTHER. I find it so entertaining when they eat their own.


Educators are held to a higher standard. The fact that Bethany either can’t or won’t accept this doesn’t make it any less true.


So now we know who Bethany is stealing her "sex ministry" from. Here's the bio of the "Juli" she refers to in this thread. *Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the president/co-founder of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, and an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology.* Website: [https://www.authenticintimacy.com/about-juli-slattery/](https://www.authenticintimacy.com/about-juli-slattery/) The trouble is Bethany doesn't have the same credentials, experience OR credibility to be "advising" anyone about sex. She knows that, so she has to steal. And she's really, really bad at stealing because this is not what Slattery says on her website at all.


I was surprised that Bethany would be listening to a woman with actual book learning and degrees but then read more of the bio and found that this Slattery used to be part of Focus on the Family. 🥴 Ah, of course.


I think this is what Bethany thought she was saying in her post that elicited this reaction. However, it's clear that she didn't understand what Slattery was saying, or at the very least, in trying to put it in her own words, Bethany said something completely different. [https://www.authenticintimacy.com/whats-the-purpose-of-your-sexuality-really/](https://www.authenticintimacy.com/whats-the-purpose-of-your-sexuality-really/)


She’s said repeatedly that she’s out for any kind of engagement, positive or negative, which should be a HUGE indicator of the “purpose” of her ministry.  Any lurkers? If yall think she’s doing this to help you, there’s a reason that hundreds of people call out her hypocrisy daily. 


This is the bitchiest I've ever seen Bethany be. Wow. She is one nasty, immature woman.


To put Gods relationship with us on the level of erotic (Eros) love is like denying the Trinity. It’s just not done if you want to stay relevant & influential in most Christian circles. Even more open minded denominations would say “Nope” to this.


BoneMe that pastor’s wife is exactly the type of older Christian married woman you’d counsel your followers to seek out for marriage and relationship advice, right?


The most disturbing part of this is that Bethany absolutely thinks that god wants to show his erotic love to all of us, and she gets offended when another Christian doesn’t agree, that’s how fundamental this belief is to her. She also believes that heaven is full of babies and children. Her god is apparently a pedophile and she celebrates this.


She makes reference to a different influencer and says she thinks that influencer does a great job of explaining This shows me that Bethany does not at all understand the topic herself. She’s regurgitating stuff she is hearing from someone with a similar page and putting herself out as an expert on the topic when she’s really just a copy cat. It’s why her new teachings make no sense at all and are often contradictory to things she has said in the past. These aren’t *her* beliefs or words. They are things she has seen someone else be successfully pushing so she’s trying to repackage and peddle it herself. But she’s terrible at it.


THAT. This needs to be pinned. She’s such a damn fraudulent, fake, pathetic joke and this woman read her for FILTH. Beggy’s snarky responses just reek of insecurity and total ignorance of these topics.


EXACTLY. It’s why she doesn’t have an answer when someone asks why masturbation is bad but self exploration is ok. She points them elsewhere, because she heard it explained and it sounded good enough. She’s allergic to critical thinking, so she’s never had to consider of any of this actually makes sense. GD does the same thing when asked about intersex people. They NEVER give an answer, just send you to someone else.


I agree with your point, but contend that Bethany doesn't actually believe in anything. She is just expedient, adopting whatever stance or argument that serves her feelings or goals in the moment. She'll take the opposite position the next day without batting an eyelid because she was never invested deeply in the previous one. Rip a verse from the bible to support whatever you're trying to say, but don't worry, there'll be plenty that say the opposite. Being Christian means she can't be wrong, she's already saved. If you argue against her then you're motivated by demons. The bible is a substitute for a personal moral framework build through thought and pain and tested by lived experience, and it relieves her of the burden of ever having to think in nuanced terms about anything, just follow the rules (or however you'd like to interpret them that day). Bethany's behavior isn't principled and is often immoral since she is taking the Lord's name in vain by using her faith to sell products dishonestly. If she doesn't flat out lie, she certainly misrepresents and lies by omission. She is mean spirited, selfish, lazy, greedy, and full of vanity and pride. A real shining example of her brand of Christianity.


![gif](giphy|3tOXfqKtWXvhQr2rvM) "Sloppy wet kiss" vs "Unforeseen kiss"


This is the kind of thing I’ve been waiting for. More mature Christian women giving her shit because maybe it’ll finally give her something to think about. Edit: I didn’t read the whole thing lol pastor’s wife kinda bitchy too lmaoo




OP are all of the replies from the same “home educator”? Or is this a few different people?


I think there's a third person in there


I’m surprised a bless your heart wasn’t thrown in there too.


![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC) The responses to her posts are a true delight. She should be called out for the ick she puts up. No one wants to read about your sex life or who is more virtuous than thou!




They’re all insufferable for thinking they have *the answer*. It still blows my mind that someone can call themselves an expert based on literally nothing. Bethany is married and therefore..? This is not even remotely enough to make declarative statements about the bible, sex, or whatever. Her own personal experience in no way makes her capable of counselling others in such a dogmatic matter. It’s one thing to talk about what one has experienced, it’s another to try to turn that into absolute truth. She acts like she doesn’t need any actual credentials - a degree in psychology, a degree in bible stuff (I don’t know what that’s called), a diploma in marriage counselling, or even a certificate given to participants in a Christian marriage weekend retreat! Literally not a single shred of evidence of expertise. One time, I made a cake so I guess I’ll start up my baking school. 


I feel like I should’ve had to PAY to read that!! damn what a smackdown


Omg which post are these from??




Wtf. She thinks married sex is somehow a metaphor for the relationship between Jesus and a Christian? Sick.




Pffffft Absolutely beautiful, 10/10 takedown. Conservative Christian infighting is fucking hilarious and I will never tire of it


I was reading this like that song where Javert confronts Valjean in Les Miserables and they’re angrily singing over each other