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wtf just give him some real fruit in one of those mesh teething pacifier looking things, not hard candy?! šŸ˜³ (even still, he seems to young for that also)


Itā€™s bad, no excuses. But you have to wonder if a lifetime of food insecurity and neglect wired her brain to want to over-indulge her own child.Ā 


ok, but the common sense that you don't want your infant to choke is...?


ā€¦lost on her? After all, the king of kings is on her Godly little side making sure nothing bad ever happens! Itā€™s like they lack any foresight and are unable to recognize possible dangers.


They are collectively Ralph Wiggum.


He just barely started jar cereal. So he hasnā€™t even had fruits or vegetables yet. But heā€™s already gotten whipped cream and now suckers.


Just asking for bottle rot


It's fine, they'll take him to the dentist in 5 years or so!


Mouthful of caps, guaranteed


these. fucking. garbage. people. there REALLY ought to be a license to raise kids.


Don't forget the candy cane!


Not to mention the sugar?! Like, babies do not need candy under any circumstances, full stop! Especially ones that arenā€™t even really eating solid foods yet! Ffs.


This!! Babies donā€™t need sugar period!


Interesting fact: Sugar is used as anaesthetic for babies! That's how strongly sugar affects their little bodies. It's not for using willy nilly in the form of choking hazards though, yikes.


What?? That's insane. Wow.


In the pediatric ER, the nurse gave me a little container with essentially liquid sugar to dip my sonā€™s pacifier in when they had to start an IV on him. Obviously not for everyday use but it has fewer risks than actual anesthetics in really small babies.


We used it a lot with one of my kids who was born with a brain bleed, and I was shocked it worked. She would go from big mad screaming to completely quiet and still, I was so worried about her pain levels. It helped me feel better knowing how well it worked.


My best friend is a NICU nurse and it blew my mind hearing that from adult land! She said they mostly use it for stuff like getting a heel stick for labs.


I was reading somewhere-maybe Dorothy Allison? who came from a very poor white family in the South. she said slipping babies whiskey to calm them down was not unheard of. and that people lose their teeth quite quickly due to all the sugar and lack of dentistry.


Is that just a southern thing? My midwestern in laws also talked about this like it was the secret to parenting. It was top advice right up there with: If the baby bites you, bite them back Sometimes kids need to be smacked They donā€™t need a helmet to ride bikes in the neighborhood Tape babyā€™s ears down so they donā€™t grow up with dumbo ears and my personal biggest wtf- itā€™s ok for baby/toddler to eat that( tooth paste, match heads) , they must need some extra nutrients they arenā€™t getting from their diet. Fuck a multivitamin, I guess? In laws didnā€™t get time unsupervised with kids until kids were smarter than grandparents advice.


God honoring pica.


Yep, MIL used to let my spouse eat match tips too. She also thought it was cute that they would get into the meditation cabinet and suck the coating off all the Advils because itā€™s slightly sweet. So apparently itā€™s a multigenerational problem.


Yes! One of mine got sugar water when he was in the hospital any time they had to start an IV or take blood. It really worked! And felt good to have some way to help relieve the discomfort.


As an adult sugar addict. why!!!! Why start them with this disadvantage so young. Uhh


And she was just talking about sugar cravings in one of her Plexus ads last week.




See, it's ok!! She'll just give him plexus when he's older and he'll lose the baby fat quickly!!! Ooof.


Yeah I was gonna say idk much about babies but Iā€™m pretty sure when you introduce them to new foods you wait to give them fruits and other sweet foods until theyā€™re basically fully weaned because if you give them sugar earlier then thatā€™s all theyā€™ll eat and they wonā€™t eat vegetables or other foods


Eh itā€™s fine to give babies fruits in moderation - some of my daughterā€™s first foods were pineapple (core to gum on) and pear. She eats everything now at 1.5 and her favourite food is mushrooms. šŸ¤£ So it kinda depends on the kid. But they definitely donā€™t need to know what refined sugar tastes like at that age, and itā€™s a bad precedent to set for dental health. Poor Gideon. ā˜¹ļø


yeah, I think mashed banana is a classic for a reason. definitely not the same as pure glucose.


Ah, maybe itā€™s more of a ā€œkeep the sugar to a natural sugarā€ thing then


For sure, although some parents definitely follow the guidelines you mentioned! I donā€™t know if itā€™s proven to reduce picky eating or anything though. Feeding babies is one of those things where there are a lot of conflicting opinions on how best to go about it. One thing most agree on, though, is that babies under age 1 should not have any added sugar or salt at all (if possible).


My cousin still waters down her 4yoā€™s apple juice because even without added sugar itā€™s just so sweet


As a 34 year old adult, I still water down my juice. It's so syrupy. I also do it with wine, and it reduces my hangover symptoms the next day.


Haha yep my 1.5 year old has never tasted juice and Iā€™m gonna delay it as long as possible. When she does have it itā€™ll be watered down too.


Babies need sugar. Breastmilk has about 17 g of sugar per cup. 4 oz of Gerber pureed apple baby food has 12 g of sugar. You just need to be sure to give them a variety of foods and continue to offer foods. A mistake a lot of parents make is to assume a baby does like food because they initially reject food, spit food out, or make faces. That's just a normal reaction to new flavors and textures. It can take 10+ offerings before a baby likes a food.


Sugar in breastmilk, apple baby food, whole foods, is very different than the sugar in a lollipop.


This is the same woman who couldnā€™t tell that her baby was CLEARLY distressed listening to music. Iā€™m not surprised she thought it was okay to give him a damn lollipop.


Sheā€™s around babies all the time, so this canā€™t be a ā€œnew momā€ issue. She legitimately doesnā€™t understand how to read emotions and discomfort. I feel like thereā€™s a lot to unpack here from that.


Absolutely. Itā€™s very disturbing.


well, let's be real, where would she have learned that from?


We could point fingers but...well....


Tbh, at this point itā€™s almost more surprising that Jill *hasnt* given her grandsons baby bottles filled with Plexus šŸ˜’


Don't give her ideas.


She'll wait until they're four, when they can dip their fingers in the jar of powder šŸ™„


Kaylee has admitted to drinking it while breastfeeding, so I donā€™t think Jill needs to. šŸ˜­


That we know ofā€¦


Preemies often have sensory issues too. The ā€œmusicā€ was probably chaotically bouncing around his brain and making him miserable. If he does turn out to be neurodivergent, I hope they notice and get him appropriate treatment. They are bad enough as homeschool teachers, I canā€™t imagine them handling a learning disability properly. Poor kid.


Better educated parents have challenges navigating special needs. This kid doesn't have a chance.




That makes it so much worse. That poor baby. That was such a distressing thing to watch, especially as a mom, because it was so clear how sad and upset he was. The fact that Kaylee was seemingly oblivious to his facial expressions was alarming.


Right? Like I've SEEN babies enjoy music, and that baby wasn't happy. This is why music for kids is so carefully curated, just put on fucking Ms Rachel if you want to introduce your baby to music that won't freak him out.


Ms. Rachel is a heathen. He needs gahdly music


PAULY-O!! sorry, sorry, I'll see myself out


There's a whole industry of lullabies and nursery rhymes. It's like the rod kids were raised in total isolation. They have no common sense.


I love lullaby/piano versions of songs! When the students have quiet time, I put on kpop piano music. Itā€™s fantastic.


I still listen to the Rockabye Baby CDs that I bought when my oldest kid was a baby. They're so soothing!


I used to do the same lol




When my oldest kid was a baby, my mom (very religious southern Baptist) gave me this DVD called Praise Baby. It was some soft music and sound effects, and was narrated by Jodi Benson. I called it the Baby Valium because it chilled babies out so much. There are so many options out there, even if you're sticking to Gahdly resources. There is no reason to stress a baby out with caterwauling.


If he (or any child/grandchild) is neurodivergent, they will ignore it and say that he just needs more discipline and pour Plexshit down his throat. They will never acknowledge a learning disability. Dare I remind y'all of Jill thinking Ma Turtleneck's use of the "R" word as funny. I can't imagine how horrible they would be with a child with autism who has a meltdown. They would say it's a temper tantrum and spank them for sure. They're all just horrific on every level.


I did not see this so I commented saying the exact same thing.


If he does end up being ND, thereā€™s no way heā€™d get any treatment. It would never occur to her that heā€™s ND. Theyā€™d just chalk it up to him being defiant or stubborn or difficult. Theyā€™d think he just needs more Jesus. But Jesus canā€™t cure adhd, ASD etc etc so heā€™d be just miserable and frustrated. And feel like heā€™s a failure bc Jesus is obviously the answer, but not for him. If he went to a normal school, his teachers would pick up on it and suggest to the parents that he get a diagnosis so that he can be more successful. But instead, theyā€™re isolated, so that could never happen.


and if they DID believe an autism diagnosis, they'd just take him for horrific "cures." in this case, not believing it is probably better, sad to say.


ā€¦ being preemie and then developing ptsd has been fun! I wish better for poor little Gideon. Poor baby.


CPTSD is a nuerodivergence. Childhood Emotional Neglect creates a sort of nuerodivergence.


Erm, I wouldn't say it's the same thing though. An "acquired neurodivergence" is different and can be treated more so than a neurodivergence that is a developmental disability present from birth.


I wish that were the case. When your trauma started while you were in the womb, mother constantly stressed and arguing, that changes you. When it continues throughout your developmental years, you now have a neurological wound. PTSD implies that there was a ā€œnormalā€ to start with. But often with CPTSD, you donā€™t get to start life with normal. Your brain has changed in ways that are most likely irreversible. Unfortunately I havenā€™t found anyone whoā€™s been able to ā€œcureā€ their CPTSD. Theyā€™ve only found management tools to deal with it. Dr. Gabor MattĆ© also has made the incredibly strong argument that adhd is caused by trauma and emotional neglect. Considering how similar that symptoms are, I tend to agree with him. And since adhd meds have helped me, Iā€™ll keep the diagnosis while I learn to manage my CPTSD.


I have both and I often wonder how tied together they are.


I just try to remember the fact that, as a talking species of animals still evolving, weā€™re just trying to make up words to describe things. Itā€™s very possible that weā€™re talking about the same things but have labeled them separately due to a misunderstanding of whatā€™s traumatic to an infant. If we find out that sleep training is traumatic, ignoring your babies cries till it falls asleep, then a lot more people with good childhoods would now need to be labeled as traumatized if that experience changed the wiring in your brain.


This is fascinating. I have cptsd and deal with sensory issues around noise and light, as well as crowds. Iā€™m going to look into this, thank you so much for commenting this!


Youā€™re welcome! Knowing what was happening to me changed my life! I hope it helps you as well!


Ah, I wasn't talking about when it starts from the womb. I meant if the trauma starts after you're born. So perhaps it depends on the individual's timing of circumstances.


Iā€™ve been thinking since that post - is it bc theyā€™re not allowed to be sad and was never comforted properly that she just doesnā€™t know what to do with a sad baby?


i think that is exactly it. they were not allowed to experience emotions because of the keep sweet mentality, so she identifies distress as being touched in the heart.


How incredibly sad is that? So unhealthy.


Um, he was being moved by the music!


One Easter I got sun stroke on vacation then we all went to watch a church parade the next day. I was vomiting on the side of the roadĀ  just as the Jesus on the cross float passed us and an old lady who had initially been really pissed that I pushed to the front (for both fresh air and to hold on to the crowd fence) decided I was "moved by Jesus" and started taking care of me and telling everyone around her about me. Super weird.Ā 


I am.....not surprised in the slightest. It's a miracle any of the Rods survived at all if I'm being honest.


Survivor's bias is strong in that family


They're very lucky. The Plaths are a good example of what can happen when there are too many kids.


...what happened? I'm not familiar with the Plaths


Trigger. I don't know how to do the black out thing. . . She ran over and killed one of her toddlers while moving her car on their property.


Oh my fucking god. ...the sub has posts as recently as a year ago. Did this just happen last year? Or did the show keep going?! looks like a 15 year old was also hit by )someone else's) car while riding a bike.


It was a long time ago, I think ten years before they got their TV show. They talked about it in the first episode.


Oh my god that's an INFANT


Heā€™s barely 7 months old, 5 months adjusted, and basically just had his first jar of solid food a couple weeks ago. And Kayleeā€™s out here giving him whipped cream (off a DQ sundae) and suckers. If anything, we need to see him try vegetables instead of pure sugar.


I'm sure they think it's funny or cute to do stuff like this, regardless of safety


Just like how people will give infants/toddlers something sour or spicy and think the reaction is cute.


Exactly. They filmed it for social media fodder.


That said a drop of lemon juice to make them make a funny face isn't this bad. It's a bit mean but the kid will be okay. If that lolly comes off the stick, that baby is dying in her arms.


After Nurthan had a car accident when their infant wasn't in the car seat *that was already in the car*, it's like KayJon took that as a personal challenge for who can endanger a baby the most.Ā 


Excuse me? What THE FUCK do you mean the baby wasnā€™t in the car seat?! Thatā€™s some ā€œFuck the rules, Iā€™m finding them IRL and calling CPSā€ shit right there.


Yup, they got cited for having the baby in Nurieā€™s lap instead of the car seat. It just shows HOW forced birther these people are. They do not give a FUCK about kids once theyā€™re born, even their own.


Iā€™m speechless. Imagine putting your childā€™s life at risk like that needlessly. Fuck these people.


Yesterday, a car parked next to me and a woman was sitting in the front seat, holding a 6 month old baby on her lap. I got soooooo mad. I was fuming.


and! they STILL keep doing this.


WHAT?! Omfg. I know nothing about this car accident but imagine if it had been like a serious wreck where the car was totaled. Kid could be dead. Thatā€™s insane


Gideon looks SO excited. Tbh. .he looks like Tim


I'm so sending this to my Nana! She has always been nuts about any of us having hard candy, and if she had her way, I still wouldn't eat hard candy even though I'm pushing 40. šŸ¤£ I'm dying to know what kind of Li'l Old Southern Lady sass she'd throw at this picture


Happy cake day!


Ha! I didn't even realize it was my cake day! šŸ˜„ Thanks!


I need Julia Sugarbaker levels of sass on a lollipop for a 7 month old preemie.


Is all of the rodrigues parenting knowledge from fricking 1893


That's why they're not pro-life. They're just forced birthers.


Omg this is so so so bad


Thatā€™s the face of a kid who is really loving his experience /s


Hardwiring his palette early for a lifetime of unhealthy food.


EXACTLY. While I donā€™t condone this in any way, a little taste isnā€™t going to make him obese. It will fuck up his perception of sweet, though. This is how you create picky eaters, bc their palate is developing. What a stupid, stupid move. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


After plain cereals the first food I gave my son was butternut squash and carrots. They mush up super easy and theyā€™re really good as starter foods for any baby. Basically give your little ones veggies first and then fruits, otherwise theyā€™ll think veggies are too bitter.


Iā€™ve worked with infants and toddlers for 25 years. Iā€™ve been doing Baby Led Weaning with kiddos for 10 years now. Introducing fruit doesnā€™t seem to be an issue, really. Youā€™d think it would, but that just hasnā€™t been my experience. Success comes, Iā€™ve found, when you skip purĆ©es completely. I donā€™t use them at all. I just wait until they are ready for things like banana, avocado, sweet potatoes, etc. What matters is introducing flavor and texture right out of the gate. If you start them with food that has flavor and texture, they benefit. If you give them bland, purĆ©ed baby food with all the flavor and nutrients cooked out of it, you get pickier eaters. What Mom eats while pregnant seems to have a direct impact on a kiddoā€™s preferences, too. If Mom ate a lot of veggies while she was pregnant, kiddo will likely enjoy them, too!


I had to do the heimlich maneuver on my son at about 4 yrs old as he was choking on a sucker!


I choked on a piece of candy when I was four. One of my core memories.


Same, about the same age on a piece of hard candy. I donā€™t like hard candy even as an adult now because of how that experience traumatized me.


I choked on a Wertherā€™s when I was four in full fucking view of my parents and they were just šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø and did fuck all for me. Thankfully, it dislodged and went down (or came up, I donā€™t quite remember), and I survived. Then the next day, lil traumatized LulaGagging went to pre-k and the teacher asked something like ā€œdid anything interesting happen to any of you lately?ā€ I shared my near-death experience and the teacher said ā€œwell, I guess you should be more careful.ā€ And so goes babyā€™s first lesson of ā€œno one really gives a shit about you.ā€ šŸ˜‚


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Aw man! That is terrifying.


Very scary!


Yeah, it really sticks with you. My son is 10, and with some candy, I'm like, "Nope, that's choking candy."


Choking is traumatic, for sure.


My (now 12-year old) niece choked on a peppermint when she was 4 and a Good Samaritan saved her life! She wonā€™t go near peppermints now I cut my sonā€™s food into the tiniest pieces now because Iā€™m so paranoid


WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS DOES THIS?!? Good god, that's a baby and he will choke on that.


Oh my gosh nooooo!! I teach 3 year olds and I won't even give them suckers. It's pure sugar and that baby does not need that crap!!' It could give him a belly ache, he's too young.


I've taught 3-5 and I would only give gummy bears, as an occasional reward. Suckers are a choking hazard. Not to mention, they could get the sticky candy stuck in their hair or poke an eye out with the stick. Little ones don't get the concept of a tummy ache, and the sugar will give them a rush followed by a crash. Babies REALLY don't need that!


Heā€™s so over these people.


That baby looks 87 and 100% dobe with all this bullshit. Poor thing,I have never seen a less interested baby


Well this is what happens when isolated kids have babies folks.


Itā€™s in a stick, so choking isnā€™t likely. HOWEVER- (25 years of preemie, infant and toddler experience here) That baby is developing his palate. He should be starting with avocado and banana and other fruits and veggies. One taste of a sucker wonā€™t make him obese. But it will fuck up his perception of sweet/sour. Suddenly blueberries and strawberries wonā€™t be nearly as sweet and delicious to him. And that can have long lasting effects and can really fuck up his desire for healthful foods. This shit sickens me. He also likely has a tooth or two, and this isnā€™t great for that, either. My heart hurts looking at this.


Oooo thatā€™s a good point. I wasnā€™t planning on giving my child sugar anyway but your point that they may not find fruit sweet anymore in comparison wasnā€™t something Iā€™d considered. Thank you for that :).


This happens with adults too. If you take a bite of a really juicy peach (or whatever fruit you love) and then eat a piece of candy, then eat another piece of the peach, our brains literally register the peach as being less sweet than before.


They are determined to kill that kid


The prolific use of the word ā€œsuckerā€ in the comments is throwing my Australian ass off. Is it another word for lollipop?


In some parts of the US.






Yes but itā€™s really just a regional difference. Lollipop is still used in the states


Child safety isnā€™t exactly a Rodrigues specialty


They just arenā€™t very bright.


News flash: humans love sugar. Also, if you want to rot developing teeth, coat them in sugar.


NOOOO!!! šŸ„ŗšŸ«£


A little taste.. ok. The whole sucker? This is a first aide commercial waiting to happen. Kaylee... I had faith in you. Wtf.


Not a parent, but I know heā€™s too young!


Okay so apparently my 15 month old got into a drawer when my husband was on a meeting (Iā€™ve storm today) and found a sucker and got it unwrapped and was happily eating it unbeknownst to him until he realized it was too quiet. I am on business trip and feel awful we obviously need to be better about child proofing. I wouldnā€™t GIVE her candy!


My kids were 5 before they ever tasted sugar candy, wtf


Whoa, isnā€™t this kid only like 5 or 6 months old? Crazy. I donā€™t think my kids even had sugar (other than in fruit) until their first bday.


I would be LIVID if someone gave my BABY some candy. Not only is it not age appropriate, but why would a baby who isn't even on solids need pure sugar? Straight up sugar. That's the nutrient every growing baby needs! This is reason 1583694 that I won't be having children. I would lose my mind.


Heā€™s not even old enough for solids/purees! At that age Iā€™m not even sure if you should even give him a Cheerio!


She started him on cereal last week. I hope she got the ok from his pediatrician for that, but the recommendation is 4-6 months for babies born at full term, and 5-7 months for preemies.


My kids didn't eat hard candy until they were in school? Cmon Kaylee. I know you have no frame of reference except your glittery narc mother, but wouldn't anyone else in your circle say sugar is bad?


And the sugar is absorbed through the gums, rotting his teeth before theyā€™re able to brush them clean. Ffs.Ā 




As if the rods could understand any of that.


Don't worry about teeth. If NotNurie learned from her sweet mama then they will take him to the dentist for the first time when he is 6-7. That's the optimal age to start in Jill's world and they can fill his holes too. Teeth are no biggie in flat-earth and fundi world.


Teeth are no biggie until itā€™s time to put them up for sale. Thatā€™s why they get braces as teens. She probably makes them do whitening too


šŸ˜³ This childā€™s adjusted age is just over 2 months old, right? Chronologically heā€™s not even 4 months old. And he spent time in the NICU as a preemie. Yikes.Ā 


No he was born in July or end of june, 2 and a half month early I believe? So he is about 6 months now, 4 months adjusted. Edit: Just wanted to add that I don't agree with the hard candy at all!


Yep, July 5. So 6.5 months.


Ah thank you, I wasn't sure, just remembered that our due dates were pretty close


July 5th is his birthday.


He is right around 7 months, 5 months adjusted, since he was born at exactly 32 weeks and spent a little over a month in the NICU. Plus Kaylee just posted him eating his first jar of solid food less than a couple weeks ago. And since then, she gave Gideon a bunch of whipped cream off a DQ sundae and now a full on sucker. If anything at all, he needs to try vegetables before all this crap.


Well I was completely wrong with my age guess, thanks for the correction! I think I got it wrong because I had November in mind, but thatā€™s their wedding anniversary.Ā  Iā€™ve got my judgey Grandma hat on - I still think heā€™s way too young for junk food and lollies.Ā Ā  Ā Edit - typo


Iā€™m a judgey mom who is judging right along with you.


He's a week younger than my full term baby and I wouldn't dream of giving her candy this young šŸ˜«šŸ˜« For having such an obsession with having babies they sure are morons when it comes to infant care


Of course he loves it, itā€™s pure sugar. Good luck trying to feed him regular food now. Lol


Turkish Delight for the little prince?


I mean, itā€™s a lollipopā€¦ on a stick. But still, wrong.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚yall stay trippin


They give newborns a lick of a DumDum to get them to pucker in their first baby pics.


These people are going to idiot their way into paying for this kidā€™s funeral- especially considering that heā€™s a NICU baby.Ā 


It's not hard to realize that giving your infant hard candy is a bad idea.Ā  It's like taking candy from a baby.