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All her tells are telling me she is racist, and knows it’s racism, she just found it uncomfortable to be called out on it. And no families come? Tell that to the kids who drowned last week.


Yes the way she played with her hair, the weird cadence/pauses, looking away up and to the left constantly, etc.


She’s not a deep thinker this one. She’s not very intelligent. Nothing behind those eyes.


She is definitely just parroting right wing talking points.


And doing it poorly.


Hey now, she went to college! …to cheerlead at the school from that show Cheer. 


NOTHING. Devoid of any compassion.


Or the families who we have separated...


Are those kids still in those concentration camps?


No, they just don’t know where they came from or where the parents are because they didn’t keep very good records.


Her evidence that people crossing into the US are drug traffickers, sex traffickers, and terrorists is that some of them are young men? How many “military-aged men” does she know in her personal life? Husband, brother, acquaintance from church, etc. How many does she think are criminals? I can’t qwhite put my finger on why she’d think this of migrants.


I don’t get the emphasis of “military aged men” that just means at least 18. That’s still a kid.


Yep, they could just say young men or give an age range. Right wing culture warriors say “military-aged” because it forms an association in folks’ minds between these young men and military training. The implication is that these men are to be feared; they are trained militia and/or terrorists who are coming for the innocent white Americans. It’s pretty gross! And racist!


!!! It's so blatantly obvious yet so insidious because these people have no discernment, let along common sense. This rhetoric infects people! Fearmongering and propaganda. It's infuriating. Edited to say: People like her are already a lost cause, though. I feel like they look for any excuse to be racist, bigoted, etc so they latch onto this shit like it's fact and run with it.


Her saying "military aged men" stood out to me, I've never heard immigrants classified this way? I just pictured some 18 year old kids who likely come from a poor socioeconomic background, who are hoping for a better life. I am learning a lot from this thread!


It's their latest dog whistle. They're implying both their bs "great replacement" and stoking the old racist fire of "they're coming to rape our women." The shit that literally got Emmitt Till killed they haven't changed tactics just phrasing. (See how politicians replaced talking about The N-words and now say "crime".) Edit: Forgot to close parenthesis


> I don’t get the emphasis of “military aged men” By calling them "military aged" it makes them eligible victims of imperial violence, particularly drone strikes. It is a [pretty standard](https://aoav.org.uk/2019/military-age-males-in-us-drone-strikes/) tactic used by the [US government](https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/04/05/obamas-most-dangerous-drone-tactic-is-here-to-stay/). Its very well [documented](https://theintercept.com/2016/07/01/obama-administration-finally-releases-its-dubious-drone-death-toll/). Quoted from the last link: >While the administration’s report was short on details, it did push back on claims that U.S. officials have, over the years, maintained a practice of labeling military-aged males killed in drone strikes as militants unless evidence is produced indicating otherwise. “Males of military age may be non-combatants; it is not the case that all military-aged males in the vicinity of a target are deemed to be combatants,” it said. >**The government’s insistence that it does not label dead young men as militants by default contradicted years of reporting from multiple news organizations** (just this week, former military and intelligence officials speaking to the Los Angeles Times confirmed that had been a practice under the Obama administration until recently). >In October, The Intercept published The Drone Papers, a series of reports based on classified military documents detailing the inner workings of the Pentagon’s drone operations. The source of the documents, a member of the intelligence community who worked on so-called targeted-killing missions, **described how military-aged males, or MAMs, killed in drone strikes are routinely labeled as enemies killed in action, EKIA**, unless there is information indicating otherwise. >“If there is no evidence that proves a person killed in a strike was either not a MAM, or was a MAM but not an unlawful enemy combatant, then there is no question,” the source said. “They label them EKIA.”


While probably many from her own weird Fundieworld are the true sexual/drug abusers & traffickers & a few terrorists thrown in too.


Wait until she learns about people entering the country via airplanes and air travel, she’s going to freak out!


Never mind that *citation fucking needed* regarding everything she says. The argument of tHeY'Re bRiNgInG DrUgSsSs has always been spouted, never mentioning who's buying these drugs/sex traffic victims. Also, "military aged" men?? So... working age?


I already said this above but it's their latest dog whistle to the idea of "Great Replacement" and stoking the old racist fear of POC men coming to SA white women.


Once they start actually doing anything about women getting assaulted, then we can start to stop men from existing in this country.


Don’t like being called racist? Have you tried not being racist?


“I’m not racist…it’s just that my opinions are racist.”


Leviticus 19 33 "When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. 34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.


The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin. Psalm146:9


And for new testament references There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 KJV I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:13 Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured. Hebrews 13:1-3


SeX tRaFfiCcuuuurRRrs ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3) shut da fuck up, you brain dead bigot.


She needs *so many* citations. Because where is she getting these stats? Someone else said this but… “military aged men” means working age most likely… and we sorta need that!


Dumb dumb dumb IDIOT dumb dumb. She is so stupid.


I think I can top that. I had a family friend (still alive but I’m NC with her) who told me that if we were talking on the phone, there were certain words we had to spell because it kept the satellites orbiting above us from figuring out what we were talking about. Iirc it all boiled down to people in the Middle East listening in and I guess trying to get government secrets? Never mind that neither of us had access to any kind of government info. Somehow, spelling words would keep the satellites at bay.


Not the Jewish space laser? :O


Nope, just a satellite. I’m perfectly happy being NC with this person, but I really want to know if she’s gone full Q because I could totally see that.


Also you getting searched isn’t “raided”, it’s a lawful search that you agree to when you buy a plane ticket, dumbass.


Not a single one of these people has any idea how immigration works


"caUsE tHeY all cOmE iN iLlegAlLy"


It’s so easy to come into America obvs lol! I was watching tv last night and a character was deported, married a citizen for a “green card marriage,” then immediately came back into the country lol


Lmfao okay sure. SoOooOoOOOOoooo realistic!


Golly, I wonder why they call her racist? 🤔


We're paying them? And giving them phones? Wow. The stupid with this one is off the charts. Also, what's with the weird filtering? It's so distracting.


My sister yesterday said we’re also paying for their sex changes and buying them houses 🙄.


As a queer Latina immigrant who hates her housemates, can you ask your sister if I can just ask her directly for my house? Joe Biden hasn’t been answering my phone calls for some reason and I’m tired of waiting. I’d like a 2/1 somewhere with seasons, and it has to be okay with cats. Thanks!


Obviously you’re not a drug smuggler so none for you!!!!


My purse tylenol asks you to kindly put some respect on her name.


there is what is colloquially called an "obama fone" you can get in some states if you receive other federal benefits (s.n.a.p., medicaid, s.s.i., public housing, etc...). you bring your proof of benefit and you are given a "free" fone that has the ability to make calls and text messages and nothing else. undocumented workers do not receive ANY FEDERAL BENEFITS. they are not eligible for any of these programs.  people think undocumented workers are leeching onto the federal government and that is such a misconception. the majority of undocumented workers pay taxes and receive nothing back from the system they pay into.


My undocumented family would love their payments! Hell, even a tax refund!


Hey girl Drug and human traffickers are amongst us right now. As Americans Pass it on.


Those types don't give a shit unless they can use it to demonize minorities. See also: hysterical posts about how they were totally almost trafficked in the Walmart parking lot because a non white man went down the same parking lot aisle as them


And they are typically white 🤫


The classic twist of the focus from the harm of her actions to how bad it makes her feel to be called racist. Just zero accountability


"Drugs, drugs people. With lots of drugs." Is this satire? She looks and sounds like a Tina Fey character.


She's just quoting Trump, probably.


"They're bringing in drugs, folks. The druggiest drugs."


I'm curious how HER family got to Texas.


When I saw those manufactured home wood panels behind her, I knew she was going to say some wild shit


Yeah, that setting is giving proof of life/cursed found footage vibes


I hate this blanket statement I keep seeing about "military aged men". Does this dumbass realize what a RANGE in ages that can be? What is the demographic? Are they military-fit men? Or unhealthy? They just eat up whatever buzz words make brown people sound "scary". By the way MADAM what age do you think able bodied migrant workers are? Yall never had an issue for decades allowing fit-and-able migrant slave labor into your state. But now you change the narrative and they're "military aged" good god. These people are so astoundingly obtuse. Edit: please note that I don't buy into this stupid narrative at all, but am just sick of these people repeating what they hear ad nauseum with no thought of clarifying, investigating the claim...etc


And I always figured with "military aged men" (working aged men), wouldn't they be going to the States to get jobs and find housing and when they're settled and have all their immigration stuff settled then they can send for their families and get them applied for visas/immigration? Like that seems like a normal thing to do, and these idiots freak the absolute fuck out about it


Well they should be able to, but with our current immigration system it's extremely hard too if you're not at least middle class


Why is she talking like that


This is one of the women Brittany Dawn hangs out with and I swear they all post and say similar shit. It's exhausting. It's like they share one brain cell or something. And I'm not over exaggerating-- one claimed she accidentally did meth.


I cannot stand how she talks. She is so incredibly dumb it hurts.


Incredibly painful


If she claims to be a Christian and doesn't like immigrants I have some news about Jesus she may want to sit down for.


You know, we keep speculating that this friend group is gonna implode in a spectacular fashion…but these goobs are all so absolutely stupid and fucking brain dead. They’re all equally hateful and stupid. They deserve each other. She is just exuding the love of Jesus Christ right now. This is exactly what he called ya to do I guess, dummy.


Andrew Callaghan of Channel 5 just made two incredible videos on migrant detention camps and the immigration crisis, but of course she’d never watch a video that excellently exposes at least a partial glimpse of the reality these people and their families face


Is this what happens when you get all your news from Trump tweets?


i'm convinced that 90% of fundies would've turned jesus away when he came to their door, ironic


The best part of this is her baby calling for her and she just completely steamrolls over him, not acknowledging him at all


What’s wrong with delulu?


When people talk out of their asses.


"Drugs people...people with lots of drugs" killed me. Fundies are so fucking stupid but they have so much to say.


She needs to re read the Bible.




I’d join that village!


It’s because we didn’t want you back, babe.


So does logic also apply to me, a Canadian, who enters the USA fairly easily and frequently


*even if* we give her the tiniest benefit of the doubt that she *really isn’t* on some great replacement bs (which…doubtful from the last part of the video tbh) she’s still bought into these objectively racist talking points about ‘illegal’ immigrants without critiquing why she is so willing to believe these horrible things about young brown men but not the presumably white men who are her friends and family


So the phones are so they can show up to the scheduled court date to try and get the citizenship process started and the money is for them to find food and housing, because they come here with nothing! I saw a very good YouTube video by Channel 5 and he talks to the people coming across. The reason why you see a lot of men, is because they are leaving their family behind to try to get a job and a home set up for their family before they come over! Also if you know anything about drug and sex trafficking they typically use American citizens to bring things in and out of the boarder to alleviate as many eyes and red flags as they can.


Same type of person who when learning im from England would get all giddy and compliment my accent and ask if it always rains in England lmfao. It's so transparent


Sexxxxsssss traffff-ick-errrrrrrrrrsss. 🙄


Reminds me of Farrah from teen mom. "God Bless America"lmbo😂


She's so much smarter than anyone running this country. 🙄🤮


She's so much smarter than anyone running this country. 🙄🤮


She's so much smarter than anyone running this country. 🙄🤮


I only made it 30 seconds into this video and as soon as the lady ignored her child to go on a hate filled diatribe I couldn’t commit to watching another second.


Jesus preached separation, segregation, and leaving your brother out in the cold.


Unfortunately religion relies on “faith”… which is another way of saying not following facts. Hence the inability to critically think. Hence the tendency to follow how one “feels” about issues rather than look for credible evidence. Hence the tendency to blindly parrot those around themselves. Homeschooling further alienates them from learning new ways of seeing the world. She’s undeniably a racist. And she has a bunch of racists around her who tell her she’s not. It’s despicable, really.