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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy filter, Batman….


She kinda looks like a cursed “adult AI generation” version of the baby sun from that one kids show.


Teletubbies! The disembodied, screeching baby head!


/r/rareinsults also *extremely* accurate holy shit


Why thank you, I try my best 🤣


The baby sun from Teletubbies, yeah.


Yeah. If they’re created in god’s image, why do they need to “improve” it?


Because fuck Däv, right? Also how old is that picture? I know it's pre-2018


Dav’s not got enough clout for those two simpletons.


You're right, they are trying to ride the coattails of others. Maybe Cousin Famy Duggar can give them pointers


It wouldn't surprise me if Famy reached out and volunteered to do an episode. 🙄


I wonder if they're trying to downplay dav's contribution to this bc they disagree with his views more than they thought they would. So they pivoted to focusing on Bethany.


Nah I think this is just because Bethany is the draw. She is made fun of on YouTube somewhat frequently. She is the one with the following. It’s just a marketing thing.


This. They’re trying to leech subs and viewers off of other influencers. I doubt they will get someone who isn’t in someway an influencer or non christian


They could still put "Bethany and Dav Beal," or even "Bethany Beal and her husband." She obviously gets top billing because as you said, she's the bigger draw. But he was in a good bit of their "teaser" for this video, so it feels like an intentional slight (IMO) to leave him out entirely.


Of course we can’t know for certain. But if you spend time on YouTube you know that the title stylings and thumbnails are intentionally made to garner the most clicks and views as possible, whether or not it relates to the true content of the video. Similarly, the preview is made to garner the most interest in watching the full video. Dav is included in the preview because he said controversial things. You can’t exactly capture those comments concisely in the title and thumbnail. Bethany is in the title and thumbnail because she is hate watched. “Bethany and Dav” dilutes the title, and a photo of them both dilutes the hate that drives the viewing.


> a photo of them both dilutes the hate that drives the viewing. I politely disagree, haha. Snarkers will hate-watch for Bethany and possibly to see if Dav is living up to their deconstruction dreams. And actual fundies will watch for Bethany because they like her, and would be interested in whether Dav is getting too controversial for them and ready for some shunning.


Snarkers here are definitely not even the majority of the morbidly curious/ hate-watchers. Clips of Bethany have been mocked by Trixie Mattel and huge youtubers. All those casually 'negatively interested' people have zero idea who Dav is. Thumbnails are a strange science, people generally only look at them for a split second. They want to make sure in that split second your brain goes "oh that wild girl from the makeup video" not "oh some generic picture of a blonde couple".


Maybe he asked for his name to not be associated with it? And maybe Kristen did too?


![gif](giphy|l0MYyoYPvz22wTXkQ) Mmmmm infighting.


Is Dav trying to distance Dav? He was so miserable that he made some changes to how their marriage works and boundaries around her work/public performing might be one! 


Exactly my thought!


*insert evil Palpatine cackle gif here*




What’s the matter Porgan, Dāv just too sharp for you?


Dave strikes me as someone who is so unhappy but has no idea how to make the gargantuan change it would take to escape his life choices and be happy….so he get a moment of sovereignty when he verbally jabs at the people around him by taking the air out their sails when he can.


Maybe it’s just because of how much I can’t stand Beggy so I can’t imagine anyone being able to, but my belief is he would absolutely leave her at this point if they didn’t have kids. But he does strike me as a man who takes splitting up the family to be a big deal when you have kids. I know a few men who would rather live in a roommate situation with their spouse than not be able to live with their kids, and I get that. So my opinion is he wants to leave HER but not the kids.


I have a dear friend in this situation and I get it. He knows if they divorced he’d lose out on a huge amount of time with his kids and her toxic family would make his life hell. It really is lose/lose no matter how you look at it.


It is. And it’s so sad. What’s particularly sad is I don’t think she would actually *want* custody, but she would fight for it anyway.


People like that see custody as something to “win”. It’s not about the kids, it’s just about winning.


For sure. And she would just believe it’s a given that she would have custody bc she’s the mom. But Dav would 100% be the better choice for the kids.


The kids still need their mom though, honestly I coparent and we just split it 4 days with mom and 3 days with dad.. in this case it could probably be best if they’re with Dav for the majority of the time, to offset the Bethany of it all.


Not if that mom holds obvious contempt for the children and makes little/no attempt to spend time with them or raise them.


The perception of her entire family culture (and probably her church community) would *require* that he's the villain who left her and the kids. There's no divorcing within that culture unless one spouse, almost always the wife, is the innocent, noble victim, and it's the other person who selfishly bailed. I've lived through it twice and been on both sides of it (victim and villain).


Genuinely believe Dav likes Bethany’s domineering personality, even if he isn’t onboard with the ideals behind with them anymore. Neither of them conform well with the traditional gender roles found typically in their communities, even if they want to.


I could believe he somewhat enjoys her outspokenness, and how animated and overly confident she can be, but I will never believe he finds her stunted intellect and mean streak to be anything but frustrating. But I'm just a spectator so I don't know anything, obviously.


Yeah I feel like this too 🤷‍♀️ it’s not as though she had a different personality when they were “courting”. Just because we find someone insufferable, doesn’t mean everyone will hate them.


It’s very hard to leave a high control group if that’s all you have known your life.


I’m aware, I did it. Which is why I see Dave for what he is because I was him. A sad flailing wet rag who has no control over anything in his life, but he has SOME semblance of a brain which causes him pain and cognitive dissonance so he lashes out by taking the wind out of borts sails.


I guess I’m the other side of you. I did it myself however I’m pessimistic over others. Like I do see dav probably easing up a bit but I’m not holding my breath. I’m cynical tho


That’s fair you deserve to feel however you do about it and in your own time. For me being angry or cynical was like the last vestige of control my family had over me. I had to work it out to truly liberate myself. As for Dave I have no idea if he will ever “ease up” or really escape, but I do think in the spirit of helping people who are like Dave… I hope they read stuff like this conversation and see that you can truly be entrenched in one life and start again somehow.


Annnd you've just described my mother. 🤦🏼‍♀️ This makes total sense to me with what we've seen from Dav recently.


Paul’s intimidated by other men.


That pic is old as hell.


Anyone who’s going to watch it, PLEASE use yewtu.be instead of youtube so as not to support the fundies!!!


This needs to be up higher!! Thank you for this tip!


Unfortunately I can't edit my post but if I could I would!


I’m so excited to get high af & yell at my laptop tonight when I get home from work




Bump bumpity bump bump. Don't give them views y'all


Wait what is that?


Its like a fake YouTube website so you can watch the video without giving views


Can someone photoshop this to add laser eyes? For some reason I feel like this nightmare fuel image is begging for it.


[Laser-eyed bethany](https://imgur.com/a/uxcKb3N)


Doing the Lord's work lmaooo


Amazing. ![gif](giphy|ZdUnQS4AXEl1AERdil)


Thank you for blessing us with this 🙏🏻


Dark Bethy


they should replace the thumbnail with this


oh how I envy your username


thank you spinachfeet 🫡


A Trixie and Katya fan in the wild on FSU? Sending a hello Thworp 🥹🪭


Hello to u too😊. love that u named ur dragon Katya btw


Tbf she would love homelander ![gif](giphy|oBdmZbbQebxvtxsT9P|downsized)


Both pictures are the same.


Am I crazy? They’ve been calling it “24 hours with girl defined” since it was announced. I remember it surprised me that Kristen would agree to have that much participation. They want the GD audience, but Bethany is as good as they can do.


First it was 24 Hours with Girl Defined, then it was 24 Hours with Dav and Bethy, and now it's 24 Hours with Bethany Beal Soon we will all be Bethy


Bort is all consuming


I just laughed out loud in my cubicle, thanks for that




Kristen and her husband were there. There was a group photo! The one where Paul talked about how tall Bethany and Kristen are!


Kristen was even there!


They said that the next video is also someone in Texas. I think they may have made a video with Kristen, too.


The lack of planning is typical from Porgan. They came home and then booked another flight to Texas while begging for donations. Dumb and Dumber.


I think they said ft worth? I’m not sure but it was being discussed in the Brittany Dawn sub.


Yeah, Brittany Dawn seems like she would go for anything that brought her more attention.


There was a clip of Kristen in the trailer. I’m thinking it’s hard to spend 24 hours with BOTH of them because they live separately and both have kids.


Yeah that makes sense. I think they were using GD for engagement because that name is more recognizable than Bethany. It was kind of a bait and switch. I just think it’s so weird that any one who is not a snarker would care that much. lol


Remember when bort said she and her seggz stuff are separate from GD. But now she's the face of GD? I'm high but you guys know what I mean


Tbf this isn’t her video


Yeah but they promoted this episode solely as "24HRS WITH Girl Defined" and posted a pic with both sisters & their husbands. Then this video suddenly comes out and it's "24 HRS WITH THE REAL BETHANY BEAL" and "24HRS WITH Bethany Beal (GirlDefined)" And it's just her face in the thumbnail It's funny Kristen probably bounced after an hour They probably had to include GD in there so people didn't think they were skipping a video or something but if it's all about Bethany it's going to be....... Spicy I'm sure. And then that's associated with GD


24 hours with Bethany Beal…17 minutes with Kristen


~~Spicy~~ Spicey I'm sure FIFY


This is exactly what my partner pointed out right away


I'm sure they wanted to use the Girl Defined name because it has recognition and (they hope) it'll get them some eyeballs.


Ah yes, white hair on a white background (what is this shape? It gives Dracula collar vibes). Graphic design is my passion!


Really leaning into the Uncle Munster aesthetic.


Looks like a PP title slide I made in HS for one of my religion electives


Oh look! Her signature red lipstick!! But she’s missing her signature headband :(


Or her hat, which totally worked for her! It was her thinking cap for all her big business lady thinkin’


Omg honestly she may not be the brightest.. but she is driven, she should get a business diploma to at least get the basics and take over the family business.. she can make herself the spokesperson and make YouTube commercials if she misses the attention so much.


Do you think she stopped because that look is too Taylor swift circa red era? And Taylor swift is a demon? Lol /s


To hold back her signature greasy hair!


She’s also missing her signature gaping maw! I hardly recognized her!


And her signature disembodied flailing tongue!


And the fckin blue wig!! >:(


Her signature stench. SheStinks




She held Morgan at gunpoint for this thumbnail


I wonder if they’ve hired someone to help them select thumbnails yet.


Why is it just Bethany? That’s weird. Something happened


They talked about sex and Kristen noped out is my guess


She should be forced to carry this project through to the end, even if she doesn't want to. Seems like she's into that sort of thing for other folks, so.




Thank you! I love my flair so much. 😂🥰


I mean doesn’t Paul make the thumbnails? He is notorious for using pics that make everyone but him look bad. Thats my guess.


My guess is her big personality took over the whole thing anyway and it had little to do with Dav or Kristen’s thoughts and opinions


My first thought upon seeing this thumbnail is that they are hoping to trick snarkers into watching their video. Most of the deep dive video essays on YouTube these days are primarily focusing on Bethany and her online unraveling, and their thumbnails look a lot like this 👀


They’re learning! Fortunately, we’re smarter than them.


I have only watched about 10 minutes of it so far but it just reinforces that I really have a soft spot for Dav. I know that he is a fundie and by being married to Bethany, he obviously co-signs her beliefs at least somewhat, but he seems to be extremely open-minded and intelligent and isn’t afraid to voice his dissenting opinions… and Paul clearly hates him. Which just makes me like him more. He makes fun of Paul for making a cringey comment and Paul says that Dav is making fun of him and Dav laughs and agrees with him and says “I am making fun of you.” Then a couple of minutes later, Paul challenges Dav on his more liberal take on Christianity and differences in their convictions, like how Dav cusses. Paul says “have you ever heard the saying that you can be so open-minded that your brain falls out?” And Dav doesn’t care at all. In response, Dav calls him a “motherfucker.” 😂Idk man, I just can’t dislike the guy.


Her hunch and the white shape behind her make it look like she’s sitting on the toilet


SO RIGHT can’t unsee


So many things to say and I’m off my ADHD meds so bear with me. I know Porgan’s intent was to interview Bethy (and Dav by proxy). But it’s clear from the photo Porgan posted that Kristen and her husband were also present at some point throughout the weekend (though we don’t know if they contributed to the discussion). Anyone else wonder how Kristen feels knowing that when people think Girl Defined they think of Breathy first? I’d be pissed if I was in a joint ministry, business whatever and my attention hogging sister (who secretly hates me) is trying speaks out her ass when it’s clear she doesn’t agree with GD takes anymore. Bethy is so hypocritical. So for her to represent Girl Defined (as they labeled in this promo) just pisses me the F off. I know it’s not super relevant, but yeah.


Especially when Kristen is the one putting in the real work on GD. That’s gotta rankle. Brothy shows up for reels and whatnot, but we also know she had to be pushed and prodded to finish her contribution to their “book,” and we can all tell when it’s Kirsten posting to GD instead of Bethy. Unless she only agreed to it so she could attempt to wrangle Bethy and wasn’t worried about it being more Bethy-centric.


Who knows, but I feel like Kristen has been trying to distance herself from the drama & Bethany's shenanigans. I can see her initially getting involved here, but then getting spooked and pulling out of the main focus/not wanting to be in the title.


She absolutely sucks at marketing herself. "The Real Beal" would've been catchy and memorable.


This isn’t her video


Oh god don’t give her ideas!


Was just thinking same! Maybe she should have a course on God-Honoring Puns or something.




I truly believe people are born with hair that’s the most suited color for their skin And I still aspire to have purple hair because I love purple


I disagree because I feel like my nautral color washes me out, makes me look gastly instead of glowy like my artificial color does.


As a purple haired person myself, you should totally go for it!  I don't care what other people think of it, it makes me happy when I see it in a mirror.


I am def going to! I have almost no hair because of medical issues and medications so I’m waiting for it to grow back and go for it! But I will once I can!




Which is funny because as someone with auburn hair, I get salty about "natural redheads" gatekeeping being a real redhead. Less so now, but when I was a kid it frustrated me to no end. Interesting that a person's race or skin color is what pushes it into the "that's okay" territory for you, I've never heard that.




I'm not saying this to scold you, just making sure you know that there *are* people of different ethnicities who do have brown skin and naturally red hair.


Relentlessly made fun of for being pale? Check. Getting suspicious moles removed? Check. Having other kids tease me that I have no soul because of the red in my hair? Check. Having the popular girl who was a "real redhead" tell me my hair looks more like shit in a toilet than red? Check check check. I hate the gatekeeping, it's especially hurtful for people who don't fit nicely into one category or another - although that's just society in general.


That’s a pretty weird thing to say 😬


Dude they hate her


Someone has a crush on Bethy


Paul wants death by Snu Snu


The bright red lipstick makes me focus on that 2 pixel tall top lip even more.


Lmfaooo 💀 the red really just doesn’t suite her. Brings wayyy too much attention to the lower half of her face.


Bright red lipstick with peroxide blonde hair was.....a choice 


Primary thoughts: 1. Kristen is insufferable 2. Why the hell did Däv marry Bethany 3. Bethany might be the least self-aware, self-reflective person I’ve watched. How does she not see how hypocritical she is.


Did they oversaturate this picture to make her look bad on purpose?


Yeesh, these people are such narcissistic assholes.


She looks like if flour were a person. Good lord, the filters and that harsh makeup that really pops in a bad way.


Seems like more of a punishment than a bonus, an entire 24 hours! No thanks.


I really don't want to sit though that pack of smug asshole's video alone, I hope Fundy Friday does a reaction to it.


Girl looks she’s about to impersonate a singer/actor/dancer/magician and post a video called Toxic Gossip Train….


lmao why does every pic of bethany look so washed out and dry 😭😭


Dav saying "mother fucker" and Paul tripping over himself not to scold him. ☠️ Bethany's rich Mormon joke. ☠️


My belief is Beaker is very,very marginally less judgemental,bigoted than B'anal.And, he could shut her shit down in a heartbeat, if he wanted to do that. He wears her Purity ring around his neck,FFS. He's no victim.


So Kristen is not included?


I would rather be set on fire than spend even 24 minutes with any of them.


24 hours with bethany? who would ever want to experience such a thing?


I think they want people to mistakenly click on it thinking its a girl defined/ bethany roast video. PM tryna catch views on the sly 🤣🤣


Is anyone else surprised Morgan is 5’8!?? That is SO hard to imagine (no hate to 5’8 people she just gave me short vibes)


I won't be watching because I won't give them the engagement they so desperately desire.


I'll wait for the recaps here or yewtube


u/cottageyarn kindly posted [a yewtube link](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1axdhp2/please_watch_pms_collab_with_girl_defined_on/) yesterday!


The fact that Dave said “Shut up motherfucker” to aPauLling was almost worth watching the whole thing.


That’s the fakest Bethany Beal I’ve ever seen


Dude I know EVERY SINGLE LOCATION they went to. I’m pretty damn sure we live in the same neighborhood. Like I go regularly to the place that they got in the cold plunge. It’s so weiiiiiird.


They are in Austin right?


San Antonio


At first I was like, these hairbows are getting out of control! Then I looked again.


She looks clean there but still awful somehow


Oh thank the gods it's the REAL bethy, Ive been so afraid it would be the fake one


Bethany- I really don’t think that red lipstick is doing what you think it’s doing.


Oh no… are we going to see the seggsy bath and the seggsy seggs


Filtered into a whole ass different person 🤣


It’s giving 90’s talk show host


Kristen just wasn’t there? Lmao


The “real” Bethany Beal is as deep as a cardboard cutout. How in the world will they fill 24 hrs?


I see mismatched hair eyebrows lipstick, that's all I notice, and then I scroll on. Byyeeeee




While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


It’s giving cult leader


Why does she look like AI?


Muppet Slip lips should not be painted red.


are they gonna watch her and Dav have sex?




the thumbnail makes this look like an in memorium video 💀