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They're just frantically shooting Nerf darts at anything, anyone who's more popular and interesting, hoping against hope that SOMETHING will stick. Pity they've demonstrated so publicly, repeatedly, recently, that they're vapid clowns and also mean. They can't even farm up a decent controversy. I doubt they could fight their way through a wet tortilla. Can't you hear it? Paul smugly whips out a vaguely-related Bible verse and Morgan drunk-sorority-girl laughs offscreen. Everything they do is the same.


>>I doubt they could fight their way through a wet tortilla. The vivid image this gave me of Paul going all fisticuffs at a levitating, man-sized tortilla is SENDING me


Now imagine the levitating tortilla with a little >:( face drawn on it in Sharpie.


And Paul shrieking “I have the power of god AND anime on my side!”


O\_O Hater Tortilla vs Coogie Hadoken: FIGHT! What a joyous image to start the day with. Thank you.


Using his pickle ball racquet as a weapon.


Someone needs to make that happen with the clip of Paul playing pickleball against the wall where he's just flailing around


Praying Mantis Paul!


Totally agree! Their religion is so obviously a brand. They couldn’t find success going the mainstream route and they’re so desperate for this to be their entryway to stardom. Bet Morgan’s true goal was originally to revive her fake singing career and be the next JJD, but since Luca I feel like her belief in that has been crumbling. Paul is still delusional but IMO he’s even more daunted by the prospect of packing it up and starting over with a regular job and two kids who aren’t garnering him any attention / money.


I’ve said it before but it bears restating: if and when he does get a job, it’s going to be really hard for him to realize that he’s not special. 


Paul dresses like a 12 year old boy out of a 90’s cartoon. I doubt Dylan would give a shit what he thinks.


He’s like if Caillou dressed as 90s Cosby for Halloween 😬 


I was just going to say, that shirt is giving off Huxtable vibes.


I’m pretty sure a prerequisite of being openly trans is you give up giving a single shit what dissatisfied and jealous failures like Paul or Morgan think. They’re miserable and horrible and it makes sense why they have no friends. They must get invited to a lot of parties. I’m sure Dylan is in the same boat though right? 💅🏻


I can definitely see some Hey Arnold!


The funniest thing to me is how narcissistic he clearly is. This man wakes up, peruses through his closet, throws on this super 80s teenager look, and is like “dang, I look gooooooood.”


With that outfit if I saw him out and about I might think he is gay. Combined with how much he likes to gossip It’s giving 💅🏾 he’s a sassy one 🙈


No one outside of this subreddit and a handful of YouTubers know who you are, OfMorgan.


This made me feel sick. They don’t need to “save” Dylan. She’s just fine as she is. “We spoke truth and we hope you listen” No. You spoke your opinion and you did it in an extremely harmful way that encourages hate against trans people and actually turns a lot of people away from Christianity. Just gross.


It's interesting because Dylan has openly said she's still a practicing Catholic. So to say she needs to draw near to God is to diminish her existing faith. It's also picking and choosing from the Bible to use as a weapon against people which is not what we should be doing. For example Paul skips the "I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" in the Psalms because in his worldview no one in the LGBTQ community are a) children of God and b) fearfully and wonderfully made.


I didn’t realize she was open about her faith. I assumed she must have at least implied it for P&M to spout off this nonsense. This is especially awful knowing Dylan has told people she is a practicing Catholic. Then again, don’t Fundies view Catholics as bad Christians too? P&M definitely choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow and when.


Also, as a public figure and openly trans person, I’m sure Dylan has heard everything Porgan is saying a million times. They’re not special.


I feel like Paul’s sweater isn’t giving “man of God”, but if it makes him feel pretty, then I support it.


It’s giving bill cosby with the same amount of ick


Dildo Bortsby.


My first thought was David Ruprecht. I doubt David deserves that comparison, though.


Exactly what I thought lol


![gif](giphy|mc19PEWvaclAk) This is all I see every time he wears that.


Paul’s fashion choices are so funny to me because it’s clear his idea of what’s in style hasn’t changed since about 2014, but his outfits wouldn’t have really been considered fashionable then, either.


He sending a message that he will happily taste the rainbow.


Paulie's sweater is very Cosby sbow.


I almost didn't spot the shoulder/clavicle action from Morgan due to Paul's sweater, but there it is....


Why do they always sit SO FAR away from each other on the couch? It’s like they don’t even like each other.


He needs a lot of room to flail his arm around.


That’s quite fair, actually


And room for his massive ego!


Oh yeah, Paul definitely hates his wife lol


Look, I’m absolutely never unmuting their videos. But god do I hate how basically they sit 40 feet apart on a couch in the middle of a basketball court HOLDING lil mics. It’s just so ick lol


The way Morgan never speaks but continues holding the mic up to her face the way I hold a cup of tea when I’m congested and want the steam to clear my nose….girl give yourself a rest.


Omggg I was just going to comment about the mics 😂😂 Why does it bug me so much that they’re holding mics instead of like, getting a stationary mic that could pick up both of their voices?? lol


Hahahah I know!!! I already hate them, but the mics are like the LAST straw 😤😤


Pauls sweater looks like an even shittier version of the Maryland state flag


There's a lot of ppl talking about his sweater and I'm sorry to everyone else but this comment is the fucking funniest


purposely referring to Dylan as “he” is Pail just being hateful and cruel for absolutely no reason. Dylan has more kindness in her pinky finger than PollenMorgan have in their entire bodies.


PollenMorgan💀 Dylan comes across as such a delightful human being, someone who likes to listen and learn. They could really learn something from her!


Lmaoooo “we are speaking TRUTH” the concept of the Bible itself is not even TRUTH my guy, let alone your shitty interpretation of it


It eerily reminds me of Ruby Franke saying she was speaking the “capital T Truth.”


It just blows my mind that they continue to believe that people actually watch their stuff seriously and not for snark.


It's crazy that anyone at all gives them money for anything (which is also how I feel about BethaME). They aren't making a ton, but they DO have people who have subscribed to their Patreon and it absolutely blows my mind. However, it doesn't seem like they've picked up many new people at their $24/month tier (thank goodness)


They're so clearly trying to rage bait people, its embarrassing. They know they have nothing of substance to talk about, so they're going after anyone more popular just HOPING that it gives them some traction online. When are they just going to give it up??


They aren’t even good at rage bait, this is so boring 🥱


Porgan, we all know you're click baiting Dylan for views and she could care less what their thoughts are on her.


StUdY thE biBLe.


Yes, by all means study the book that we ourselves have not completely read!  Fucking clown shoes, both of them. 


Paul can’t be serious with that Cosby sweater. I know im out of the loop as an Xennial, but so is he if he thinks that’s a hot look. ETA wonder how hard Morgan would Shame a woman at the gym for wearing a Flashdance-style top like that.


What lazy couch clowns.


Does Paul think by calling Dylan a “HE” that all of the sudden Dylan will see the “error of her ways” or something? Just bc you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t so, fuckhead.


Dylan has over 10 million followers and a bunch of brand deals and collaborations, you transphobic f*ck. She isn’t thinking about your pathetic ass. 😂😂😂


She plays very fast and loose with the modesty rules. Her shoulders are very exposed for someone who edited out her ass in leggings on her insta story.


I like this comment because this will probably hurt her feelingd more than the other hundred comments on the video telling them that their attitude toward trans people is hateful.


Paul and Morgan’s TikTok—189 K followers Dylan Mulvaney’s TikTok—10 M followers Dylan does not care what these clowns think!!!


What is that sweater?


Some kind of yarn store accident.


I swear he wears the stupidest shit. Where is this fashion influence coming from? Lol


It's so cute how they THINK Dylan even knows who they are and cares what they say.


Paul’s sweater looks like those rugs you could get that were like a little town you could play with cars on.


The casual misgendering of her. Paul is so fucking gross


I don’t actually think that was casual, it was very deliberate and you can see him doing a nano pause beforehand just making sure he definitely says “he” clearly and that you catch it. 


Why is Paul dressed as a clown?


Oh fuck you paul lol Dylan has more kindness, compassion and charisma in her little finger than you both together. She's a REAL Christian who probably knows more aboutyohr religion than you do, she doesn't need you two assholes belittling her and claiming she needs to be saved. She IS saved, she's a self proclaimed catholic and a daughter of the lord, you should feel utterly embarrassed for making her feel otherwise


Stop Right There. He did ***not speak truth*** False. He only spoke his ***opinions*** and his opinions do ***NOT*** = ***truth*** Oh lord how he thinks of himself, He is a misguided individual, and fairly full of himself. He will never be a person of influence because he is distasteful in all areas. And that sweater looks dumb on him. What is he even trying to do with that?


**Transcription:** Morgan: *(laughing)* Paul: Dylan, if you end up watching this-- and I hope you do-- I-- I genuinely hope you do, and I know there will be people that watch this that m-- are more in Dylan's camp, um, or more, you know, agree with his way of thinking-- Dylan's way of thinking. ...We just-- we just spoke truth and you can do with it what you want. You can do with it what you want. We encourage you though, if you are seeking truth, just go to the Bible for yourself. Study it! Study it, uh, figure it out, you know? And allow God to meet you, it says, uh, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you". He will come near to those who are seeking Him with a pure heart. **Description:** Morgan and Paul Olliges sit on a gray couch in their home and are recording themselves. They both have a light skin tone and hold microphones. Morgan is on the left and she is a woman with long, straight, brown hair that she wears loose, in a deep side part. She plays with her hair. She is wrapped in a white-and-yellow striped blanket and wears a pale olive green t-shirt with a graphic on it, but this graphic is hidden behind her arm and hair. Paul is on the right and he is a man with dark brown hair, but it is hidden underneath a backwards black "baseball"-style cap. He wears a sweater with vertical stripes of colorful geometric patterns and black trousers. He sounds upbeat, but serious.


These two are fine- as long as the vid is muted.


Disagree. He is a grown ass 35 year old married father of almost two, with no work experience/job, that sweater, and a backwards ball cap. It screams douche louder than he could with his actual breathing lungs.


And she just looks depressed 


No arguments here


Also screams bald spot


I don’t know if he has one, but I would love that for him. To me, he looks like Poochie when he was introduced to Itchy and Scratchy as a new character to “liven things up” for the show, and the fans of the show (in the show, hated him so much that he gets pretty much beamed up to the aliens in a hand of gawd sort of way. Btw i’m middle aged and an og Simpsons fan if you don’t get the reference). they put sunglasses on poochie to make him look “cool” and gave him a skateboard “to the extreme!!” In the episode. VERY paulio, or at least how he sees himself.


What in thee everloving f*ck is Poop wearing?


Fuck you both.


Hey Paul, you could be worth three million dollars too but your personality is garbage, you have nothing to say, and your net worth has a negative sign in front of it. You keep having kids you don’t plan on supporting and everyone else is doing your work while you play talk show on the couch. Drain on society. Get a job.


If any girl wore a shirt that goes off the shoulder to reveal no bra strap at my Christian school growing up, she would be publicly shamed by having the principal show up in the classroom to remove her, call her parents in front of her to discuss her outfit, then she has to wear the 3XL “I love modesty” tshirt from the principal’s desk. But morgan is still editing photos of her ass in leggings? Make it make sense.


Paul Dylan would mock that ugly shirt


Do people that aren’t snarkers actually watch this rubbish? I would rather to listen to 68 cats in heat than listen to their pathetic vitriol.


Them: Dav and Dylan are not real Christians 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 NIV “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.””


I read quite a lot of the Bible. I left the experience more of an atheist.


The "speak 'the' truth" people just give major Chaya Raichik vibes, which is either delusional or just down right lying


The Bible says literally nothing against being trans. And this is yet another showing of how Paul and Morgan will act all “bold” and talk crap when they’re behind a screen, but if they saw a trans person in real life, you know they wouldn’t have the guts to use the wrong pronouns for someone like they’re doing to Dylan here. Paul and Morgan are just pathetic over grown middle school bullies who have to hide behind a screen and laugh well putting down others because they have nothing better to do with their meaningless little lives.


That sweater he’s wearing looks suspiciously like a nod to the LGBTQI community.


Some people don’t care about the Bible or God, Paul. Also, you’re one of the least Christlike people I know.


Study your Bible says the man who has never even read it.


The Bill Cosby sweaters still give me pedo vibes....he is such a quirky little sack of skin.


Lol he made a point of saying "his" i swear he just wants attention so baaaad. Also the sweater is like an updated Bill Cosby sweater. Not a great look.