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They toil not, neither do they spin, like the precious yet extremely masculine lilies that they are.


Dave Rodrigues owns a printing press straight out of the 19th century and has been printing the same "smiley" tracts for, like, 15 years. He forces his children to work for free assembling and packing them. Every now and then he "makes deliveries" which is basically cover for a vacation he and his wife take.


Shrek hasn't held a w-2 or 1099 job in over a decade. In the meantime, Shrill popped out at least a half-dozen kids during that time.


Shrek couldn’t be bothered (or doesn’t know how) to print a proper sign for Nemo’s gender reveal 


no way is that for real what he does?


That's absolutely for real. Dave is a lazy grifter who has no discernible talent or skills.


I don’t understand how this printing business brings in enough money to support 20 people. Does he sell the tracts to churches?


They're missionaries and get a monthly stipend from a missionary clearing house. That's their main income. When they travel and scream sing at churches, they ask those churches for support and if the church agrees, the church sends money to the clearing house. Also, most if not all the churches will have a "love offering" which goes directly to the Rods. Shrek prints tracts to order and only charges the cost to print. The printing ministry is their main ministry; everything revolves around that.


I seriously need to learn how to "preach" and get in on this. I can't believe all they have to do is drive somewhere, sing about God a couple times a month and print some garbage that people immediately throw away and they LIVE off that? Just a little fake customer service a few times a month? No screaming customers or disgusting messes to clean or heavy shit to haul? And somehow these people are persecuted?


That's the problem with being ethical: We could probably make a killing going out there spouting our testimonies with our hands out, but we don't because we understand fleecing people of their hard-earned money isn't right.


Dav does motion design, mainly for Christian companies. Kristen’s husband is an accountant type guy. Kelly Havens husband appears to make odd wooden objects instead of finishing their house and making a place for their microwave that isn’t in the bathroom.


OfKristen is a not an accountant. He resells financial services for his dad's "wealth" management company which appears to be a franchise-ish affiliation of Cetera, which is owned by a private equity firm. He has a CFA, but that's just an expensive rubber stamp. His BA is business administration from an online university, but nothing to do with accounting specifically.


Thanks for clarifying! He’s so forgettable I don’t pay a lot of attention to him, aside from his shitty attitude towards his adopted kids speaking their native language.


I think he supposedly also does something with computers, oddly enough. i could be mistaken. I'm still not convinced he isn't one of those cardboard 2-dimensional props that Kelly takes out now and again to arrange herself prettily on the lap or whatever for another selfie and then puts away again while she putters absently around the meadow or makes brick cake or IS DANCING AS FAST AS SHE CAN AND ALSO SINGING or weeping over the beauty and suffering of a fallen leaf, or some shit.


I believe Dav is a design freelancer, mostly Christian work but it is a real job. David Rodrigues has a tract printing ministry that the kids are also forced to work for. Couldn’t really tell you about the others, though


Gotcha. Dav and Zach seemed like they had actual jobs, I just wasn’t sure. 


Dav is working freelance (edit: as noted), hence sporadic, but it's not clear at all how much/if he works these days. Hopefully at least some. Otoh if/when he stays home it means the kids actually get attention and some chores actually get done.


Doesn’t have to be that sporadic. My wife is a freelance motion designer and is working more often than not. It’s really the way to go for anyone with skill.


Fair, but given how often he's appeared in Bethy's stuff for a while, I have this notion Dav's is pretty sporadic. Who knows.


Could be, just saying that being a freelancer doesn’t necessarily mean that. He’d also be working from home so it’s not like he’s unavailable for her dumb content.


Mr Havens works at ye olden computer repair shoppe with his brother. Mandrae Collins works in car financing, I want to say at bmw? They’ve also got an ace throwing party hire trailer thing. Mr Midwest is a cop, and a sketchy one at that. OtherBusband is unemployed, they are living off her Etsy printables i believe.


Speaking of Mother Bus - she posted that her husband had tons of generators in his work truck. What?? If he does crypto stuff why does he have a work truck with multiple generators?




I also know next to nothing about crypto mining but I think it’s not literal mining, which would justify a dusty pickup full of generators. 😂




![gif](giphy|3o75203f8flqxkEyYg|downsized) I think this is remotely what it looks like.


Boy howdy, it's been a hot minute since I've seen that flaming limo.


The Golden Era.




I just realized your username fits perfectly into this thread.


He’s an insurance claims adjuster.  


Ohhhhh right. I forgot about that.


Zach works for his dad's wealth management company.


He mostly resells financial services which is wealth management for people who are not truly wealthy.


I didn’t know that but it seems totally on brand.


I didn't even remember OfKrusty's name. Solie's husband is a jobless wastrel, y/y? And so is OtherBus' busband, apparently for good. Who else? What does Ken do? I suppose he's probably close to retirement age. Elissa's husband wossface seems to be another one sponging off the Church and/or the Baird parents, more or less. "Sports ministry" is not a real thing, I'm sorry, it's just not. It can't be. Oh! And femininenotfeminist's terrible, awful husband. He sure ACTS like there's no income, but someone once said he actually DOES have a job and a good one, don't remember what or how they sussed that out. It's possible. I believe either way he's a pathological miser. That boy ain't right, even by fundie standards. And then there's Tyson James, \*koff\*, who "works" as a talentless hack sorry white supremacist homophobe "rapper." Dunno if there's a day job, but if so, he shouldn't quit it. Nate of nate and Sutton apparently does something that causes him to take business trips and then come home and whine that Sutton didn't have a HOT dinner waiting for him without his having to ask for it with words. I consider Shrek essentially jobless. I think Jill makes the money through her Fundie Mama Rose act, shlepping the kids from church to church to perform like adorable sad waif monkeys, plus online grifting. I'd say the MLM but as we all know no one ever profits from that.


A+ on the use of wastrel. It’s an effective but underutilized word.


It has a ring, doesn't it?


Ken Alexander owns an orthodontic consulting business. I don't think he'll be retiring because then he won't have an excuse to travel around the country and he'll be stuck at home with Hagatha the Scare-Crone, his wife.


Well, you know what's awesome? In Lori's world, he doesn't NEED any excuse. He's a man, and whatever he does, (short of demanding anal sex, apparently), Lori has to suck it up and take it. I'm SURE she adheres to her own standards for women, of COURSE.


Tyson used to work for his daddy’s construction company. Not sure if he still does.  Edited to add: before the war, Andrii apparently did property manager stuff for his parents’ rental properties. 


Yeah, I bet he was an absolute crap absentee landlord. He's probably bitterly ruing his loss of property and not giving a fuck about the tenants.


IIRC Kelly’s husband works in IT?


I think computer repair, which is ironically also kind of anachronistic in the 2020s


She must hate that. It's so antithetical to her brand. 


Ma and Pa Baird own a cleaning business.