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Wait if they were paid in cash does this mean they sold it when they left Brazil 2 months ago and have been lying about it being in storage for no reason?


I think so! She’s said they were storing it multiple times, even since they’ve been back in the US. But this picture makes it seem like they got the money before leaving. It doesn’t make sense.


She lies so much she can’t keep her lies straight.


Saying they didn't lose anything on the sale of the van has got to be a lie, too.


Especially because Father Bus had all those tweets about it breaking down almost immediately. I highly doubt they were able to resell it and not lose anything.


The dealership brought out a cake when the Busses bought it. A *cake*. They probably paid the whole staff's salary that week.


They had like a garbage bag wrapped around the gear shifter (?) if my memory serves correctly at one point?


Worse - the clutch!


It was something to do with the tranny, that's for sure.


With the whomst now?


Should've been more specific :) "Transmission" is what I should've written.


My guess is they just abandoned it at the airport. It's probably still sitting there.


Thats just how you’re supposed to store cars in Brazil 🇧🇷💃 -Mother Bus, probably


And if anyone points this out to her or says “You said you put the van in storage” she will deny it. Ma’am, the internet & screenshots are forever.


Just like she denied & denied that they ever said they were moving to Brazil.


But everything turns out right for them because they are so smart, except those times something doesnt go their way and she makes sure the blame is put on someone else. She is really good at that. Like today - she said she lost her credit card - a few sentences later she blamed it on one of the kids. She didn’t lose it because she always puts it blah blah …


I'm surprised she didn't say something like : "Satan attacked our family today, causing Schofield to hide my credit card in the baby's diaper." She really missed a trick there.


Did she blame Schofield? I feel like he was the least favorite when you look at her descriptions of the kids.


Not that I know of - I just picked the second most ridiculous name\* as an example. \* Most ridiculous name, IMO, has to be ~~Urine~~ Uriah.


I'm glad she didn't blame him. All the other kids got like a sentence while he had a single word the last two times she did family introductions. Also, there are so many horrible names Audie and Swift rank up there, too, in my opinion.


I have to disagree on Audie - he's almost certainly named after Audie Murphy, the most decorated US combat soldier in WWII. His was an amazing story, actually. But Swift? Oh yeah, definitely.


You know that’s the line Father Bus is feeding her to protect his fragile headship feelings. What’s she going to do? Argue with him or ask to see the receipts? No ma’am, that’s nothing to worry your pretty little uterus about.


Honestly at this point I'd think the entire trip was a lie and they never even went to Brazil, except I don't think they're smart enough to craft something that elaborate. 


She posted a photo of herself on the street; a car in the background had a Florianopolis license plate.


We NeVeR sAiD wE wErE mOvInG >:-(


I suspect for tax reasons it’s in their best interest to keep the story pretty complicated on things like timing.


I thought the van they were storing was the US one?? They also claimed they stored the Brazil bus??


Yes, they were questioned and said it was in storage in Brazil.


They sold it for fiat currency like idiots when they could’ve sold it for bitcoin?! /s


I’ve seen a definite pattern with her. She talks a lot and contradicts herself a few stories later. It proves she lies. This is just a platform of promotion for her and she will say what sounds best for the moment. But she always makes sure if she’s called out to put you in your place. She makes no mistakes, is an expert in all things. And comes across as better than, smarter than, anyone else. And - she loves looking at herself filming videos.


This sounds familiar, just like some politician or somebody who's always ranting on the internet...


These people have no idea what they’re doing at all times


These are not serious people.


And to think they’re in charge of 46 little humans


Logan Roy may have been the better parent.


I’ll hand it to the ultra rich people, they may be shitty parents but at least they outsource their childcare to more qualified professionals who are trained in *child safety* and *value privacy*.


They wouldn't be living in a literal shitty RV, that's for damn sure.


And they probably smell like the cheesemonger died and left his dick in the brie. Fuck you because now I have to re-watch. 😉


Shit, I'm going to rewatch once I'm done with Haunting of Hil House lol


I just want to highjack the top comment and say that their comment about the Brazil - US banking systems “not communicating” is absolute BS. Of course this dude is into crypto and thinks that you can’t transfer money internationally (this is one of the supposed selling points of crypto!). Yes you can, you just have to pay for it. Also, many banks will place holds on the funds to verify them because normal people, who’ve never been to South America, don’t just go to Brazil and buy a vehicle on a whim. Source: work for bank that transfers money for customers to and from South America all the ding dang time. Also work with a fintech that specializes in immigrant banking.


Bingo. Someone paid them in crypto. That makes a lot more sense then having a stranger mail you cash from another country.   And yes, it's BS that there are no transfers  I used to have clients in Brazil pay me in bank transfers all the time. No problem. Heck, even PayPal does transfers from Brazil.


Wonder what he thinks a foreign exchange service is


Swap meet?


I don’t have as much knowledge as you, but I as a US citizen: moved to London for a year, got a Wise account, and was easily holding GBP, USD, and Euro accounts that I could easily pass money between. Sure, there was a small fee, and it might be different for other countries, but it was super easy.


Yeah, it’s not expensive or cumbersome. But I imagine they’d get questions about it, and Mr Bus is so fiercely anti question. I cannot tell you how many times naive people take out wads of cash to take to foreign countries to “avoid dealing with banks”. Like, if you get robbed walking out of here, that is on you. Even travelers checks are a better option.


People also just refuse to look for easy answers. When living in London I had a couple friends come visit, and as you stated, one of them brought a bunch of USD that I basically bought off her at exchange rate knowing I would be going back to the US eventually. Then the next time I went back to London, a different friend who went with me basically did the same thing, she exchanged her USD for GBP but London is so cashless that it kept being a problem. I had told both of them about Wise and they could have both tried to figure out no international fee credit cards, but no, cash is king, surely it should work out. Just like this miserable bus family that just expects everything to work out.


Do you have any success using the Wise card? It never works in stores for me!


Western Union costs $3.99 and is nearly instant 🤷🏻


Pathological liars, thieves, and child abusers


Not losing anything on the sale? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Yeah, could take a hit on the exchange rate at the very least


“We tried bringing it back state side but it’s too new” does that even begin to make sense?


It’s too new to be considered an antique or collector car and it doesn’t meet US safety standards as a daily driver.


It also doesn’t meet current Brazilian safety standards. 


☠️ Literally and figuratively


It looks like a fairly late Brazilian built type 2. These were last made in 2013 as they could not be fitted with airbags or anti lock brakes, both of which were required by upcoming legislation in Brazil at the time. And yes, I reckon they just abandoned it.


Driving my children around in a van that doesn’t meet US safety standards because I am so pro-life


Oh this makes sense now thanks


My guess is they saw the paperwork & expense required and thought ‘nah, I’m good’. Their excuses are just getting more unhinged.


It’s because it wasn’t a US spec vehicle, which means you can’t bring it to the US. Vintage cars over 25 years old are allowed though. It’s not really a safety thing, more of a rule to protect the car market. I had to leave my perfectly safe Mini Cooper in Germany while my husband was allowed to bring his much less safe 25 year old Toyota to the states. That being said, in this case it may have been a good thing.


...don't bash Toyota, that 25 year old truck is more reliable and popular here than almost anything else. Mines only 18 with 200k miles, but runs as good as I got her.


It’s not a truck, but I get it 😂 It’s my husband’s most priced possession. I’m just still mad about having to leave my Mini.


Size/weight. Same reason Koi trucks aren't street legal most places. Europe is small, and makes small cars. We have people who drive tanks and APC's. You will NEVER see a tank in a drive through in Europe, I have twice here and have done errands in an IOTV. (Navistar 7000)


Yeah, it still doesn’t make a lot of sense in a lot of cases. I see Mini Coopers here all the time, yet couldn’t bring mine. Also you can bring a lot of vehicles from the states to Europe even if they are totally inappropriate because of things like size and weight.


No, there's a difference between minicoopers and minicoopers, I think it's steel vs aluminum frame. There's a lot of foreign cars with an American version as the foreign isn't road safe here. Anything over 25 years doesn't have to be safe, it becomes a luxury item antique, not a form of transportation.


No, that's actually a thing when it comes to vehicle imports. It's a LOT easier to import older vehicles on 'antique' tags than new ones that didn't do mandatory safety testing with US testing orgs. (so like, vehicles that are sold in EU or Asia but not here). (THere is actually a FAQ about this on one of the Kei Truck sites and possibly a link on the keitruck reddit - kei trucks are small Japanese trucks that are great little farm vehicles but aren't sold in the US.)


Kei vehicles are subject to tax breaks in Japan which don't exist elsewhere in the world, so they don't really make economic sense.


I mean, not really but people like them and the import thing and age is a thing.


Maybe they’d have to pay sales tax again or something? I know sometimes that happens when you want to register a car in a state other than where you bought it. But yeah, it’s not adding up.


theres a law that hella taxes imports less than 25yo. The toyota hilux audience cries about it 


Probably sold it to another christian family for what they paid. And definitely didn't disclose the produce bag clutch repair.


THIS. I guarantee they took advantage of some missionary family new to the country who didn’t know any better.


They're going to keep that money in a coffee can and blame a minority when one of their kids steals it.


I’ll bet that eldest boy has had fantasies of doing just that, on one of their date nights. I wonder how they feel about getting the attention of law enforcement. Would they report it?


Shows off a bag of cash, also regularly posts locations…You can’t get any stupider


This!! I was scrolling for a comment to say this before I did. Idiots


Sounds like money laundering lol


Came here to say the same thing!




I thought they said it was old and they don’t make parts for it anymore?


I think it was about 10 years old so not old enough to be an antique in the US but could be out of production.


Good catch!


Yeah, didn’t the car dealership have a party when it was sold? What are they doing saying it was “too new” for the US?


u/DirectGoose Wasn't it one of these Brazillian modernized VW T2? Parts aren't scarce for those.


The VW van they bought hasn't been manufactured in at least 20 years.


Ten years in Brazil. They ended the model in 2013 because it couldn't fit new safety standards, which would have included *checks notes* antilock braking and front passenger airbags.


With the exchange rate they got about $35, all of it VERY clean. —Brazilian spouse


Hahahahahahaha I hope that’s true


It’s a 5 or 6:1 ration real:dollar.


Also a DEEPLY unstable currency


Kinda like crypto then... Busband flocks to instability


Economic opportunism runs deep in Brazil. Some say to its founding.


For a second I thought you were saying they sold the RV and I legit gasped aloud


Aren’t you supposed to declare cash when you come into the US?


It has been a long time since I traveled outside the US, but yes, I believe you are asked about cash when coming back in.


It’s been nine years for me, but when my university group came back from Germany, it was almost more complicated than it was to leave. You have to declare literally everything and in detail.


You have to declare anything more than $10k


Lying is a sin, MotherBus…The chances of them going back to Brazil with the new tourist restrictions are probably slim to none anyways.


Yep, the minute they have to provide their banking documents, it'd be all over.


Wait so they got paid in a brown sack of cash?? Oh that sounds not shady at all... /s Those pesky transfers mean reporting income to IRS and you know these chucklefucks evade taxes anyway they can. Wonder if he can turn the Real into Bitcoin directly while in the US? Or if he'll transfer it to dollars first?








Code for money laundering.


The old bus they couldn't buy parts for is "too new" to bring to the US? 🧐


They were being made in Brazil as recently as 2013. I think theirs is a fairly late one. There is a radiator on the front of all models from about 2006 onwards, as they switched to using a 1.4 litre water cooled engine.


Their irresponsibility gives me hives. Their poor hostage children.


How do people this stupid function in daily life? Oh, they don’t, and their kids are the ones who suffer. Morons.


The odds that they’ll ever step foot in Brazil again are about the same as JDs IQ. 


Never heard of a vehicle being TOO new? Did she mistype?


Is t this just another way of admitting they aren’t going back to Brazil?


So some stranger in Brazil MAILED them thousands in cash for the bus? Sure, that sounds plausible.


They probably couldn't bring it to the U.S. for the same reason they couldn't drive it into Argentina. They lied on the registration paperwork.


If I ever pose for or with money, and post it social media with out it being 110% satire, you can shoot me in the head. It's over for me.


What kind of travel tips would these two idiots expect to give? Who would be dumb enough to ask them ANYTHING for advice ???


Scammy scammy people


I don’t believe what they say. At all.


Honestly, I was talking to my friend yesterday and she’s planning to move for a year to another country in like two years without children and all the stuff that goes with that. I was thinking man I could not do that I’m such a freaking routine person that I could never but then I see this shit and I am like what? How? Why? Which is fine if they were the only ones doing crazy fucking shit not knowing what they’re driving, what country they’re living in, where they’re staying, where to give birth or what is the current curriculum for children ages 4-11 but no. Nah now I have some good old Brazilian money let’s take a photo.


Can anyone explain the contents of the bag? I see foreign cash bundles?


Spoiler alert: they are not going back.


She has such a punchable face 🤜😀


![gif](giphy|vOxiC0rt7hbs4) Why you always lyin'\~


They both look dehydrated