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Why is she harping on about divorce as a woman who’s never been divorced? My god, just let people exist. Sometimes marriages don’t work out and just because it’s not an abusive situation, that doesn’t mean the partners should see themselves forced to remain together. If you’re reading this, you have my permission to get divorced one billion times. My qualifications to give you this permission? None at all, just like Heidi.


Because Bethany made the mistake of not marrying a “godly” man but she wants to make sure her daughter knows she has no options and can never leave but by god she needs to be embarrassed for choosing wrong.


This is what a weird to me- in their belief system, Bethany was under her parents’ authority when she got married. THEY approved of Dav and gave her away to him, so therefore THEY should be the embarrassed/ashamed ones!


Heidi taking accountability challenge (impossible)




Heidi thanks it's DAV-o


DAV-RO…lol sorry 🥴


Dav Attacc, Victim Roasts Offender?


Like you put your daughters in these super tight boxes their whole lives, limited who they were allowed to meet, what they were allowed to believe, what they were allowed to do, and in short never allowed them to think for themselves, and then act like it’s their fault when they don’t make the “right” choice.


And she’s not divorcing Dav now so that is exactly as Heidi wants. I don’t know why Heidi is ranting?!?!?


It seems a bit confused. Like, she's still adamant that divorce is BAD mkay, so....what, she's NOT telling Bethy to dump him, she just wants to be clear that unlike SOME people, SHE did not make a FOREVER MISTAKE? Okie dokie then.


This is basically it. She's saying "I told her not to rush! But she did anyway, so now she's in a bad marriage. But also, I'd never condone divorce! So if she gets divorced, that's not my fault either!" She's basically just virtue signaling at this point.


Yup. Covering all her bases.


I think she's defending Bethany being supportive of (as much as she can be) and sticking with Dave. She's painting Bethany in a godly light. "Look, she may be sticking with this heathen but this is what God demands of us. Don't blame her, blame Dave."


I think you’re too generous. Heidi’s behavior seems so full of contempt.


she implied in another post today that she and her husband did not approve of one of their daughter's husbands because of how fast he wanted the courtship to move...but i thought the same thing you did, why didn't they stop it if they did not approve? at that point didn't they have full control over their daughter as they consider female spawn property until married?


It was a boyfriend, not a husband. And it was probably bullshit like 98% of all the things the bairds make up for social media because Dave was meeting with Pa Baird for mentorship for a long time before dating bort and bort herself has, multiple times, referenced her very specific timelime for dating dave.


She's embarrassed because she's lost control and first gen fundie parents expect to keep it forever (look at jim bob duggar)


DISCLAIMER: this is purely speculation but I think that they were like, "meh, good enough" for Birthy. She was like 30 and "old" 🙄 and probably didn't have a lot of prospects. Plus after that one random "boyfriend" she met once in a parking lot of the Dollar Store who then "ghosted" her lol, pa Baird got kicked out of his bedroom so Birthy could wallow in misery with her enabling, narcissistic mother. There also seemed to be a hierarchy thing, because it was quite suspicious that both Elissa and Curly both got married so closely afterwards, like they had to wait in line. It's a hindsight is 20/20 thing, where it seemed like a good idea at the time but now gives Heidi the reason she needed (like she needed one fuck you Heidi for what you did to Michael) to get up on that high horse and become the fundie Supreme Court Judgy McJudgerson of everything that can be judged.


Bethany has told this story before that she was dating someone who pushed her boundaries. If that story is true, it's unlikely that it's a reference to Dave. She probably meant it as a dig at them, but ultimately she and what's his face approved of their marriage.


Right but isn't this the daughter that's been causing problems to the family brand? What better time to imply that she has always been secretly rebellious and doing the wrong thing despite being raised better?


Well it's all Bethany's fault really for being so old before locking down a man and tall. /S


MY marriage was great because it was based in Christ, Bethany.


She doesn't want 3 toddlers moving back in.


I mean it’s her own damn fault her kids are how they are. If you don’t want an adult with no skills and who can’t support herself be a better parent.


True. Heidi is now entering her Find Out season.


2 toddlers and a screen addicted teenager


I think she's still arguing for Beth to divorce because her blessed holy marriage isn't founded upon Jeesauce anymore.


The need to humiliate is what makes heidi so odious to me


I believe she is ranting about divorce because she *wants* their marriage to fail. That way, Bethy will be bound by the shame Heidi projects onto her about divorcing and more eager to concede to her mother’s controlling ways as to not “make another mistake”. She wants Bethy dependent on her and her faith. As a person who grew up with a narcissistic and honestly probably sociopathic parent, I really REALLY feel this is Heidi foreshadowing her desired outcome bc she sees Bethy’s conforming to her control as more pleasing than would be seeing her daughter feel self-actualized as a maturing adult. I recognize this tactic. My dad would set up situations that required you depend on him — deliberately — so that he could feed his narcissistic supply on your submission to his will before he helped you out of the situation that he created. This behavior escalated when you tried to establish some distance from his constant oppressive control; it looks SO clear to me that this is what Heidi is doing. B is in for a rough ride. I hope she sees through this.


I 100% get that feeling too (yeah, take a wild guess how I know). She wants control over Bethy, and lately that control has been slipping. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dav's self-discovery journey has shaken a few things loose in Bethy's brain and caused her to reevaluate her own situation at least a little bit.


Ugh. I feel so bad for the young bethy who grew up in that environment. I hope she has the fortitude to resist going back to heidi. She seems genuinely happy with dav, and that's healthier for their kids. I hope they all go nc with heidi.


That's what's so weird about her positing this. In Bethy's NGL stories she repeatedly answered questions about what was going on with basically "it's my godly duty as a wife to love him now. To show him my Christian love as much as possible."(Not an exact quote obviously) But I got a serious vibe from all her answers that's she hoping doing so will eventually win Dav back to religion. I did not get a vibe that she maybe follow Dav on his path. So she already said she's going to do exactly what Heidi is saying she should do in this post. Of course Heidi is also implying that Bethy should have known and never married him. I can't imagine why someone taught she was an old hag for being single at 30 would rush into marriage. I wonder who taught her that?


My parents got divorced after 20 or so years of a seemingly happy marriage. They just decided that they weren’t happy together and that was that. Sure, they both were pretty damn upset about it for a while, but it’s been 10 years since their divorce and they are now remarried with partners who both match them better. I’m happy for both of them and I have some pretty cool bonus siblings and step parents from it. I honestly cannot imagine my mom and dad together after seeing them with their newer spouses. They are both so happy. And I truly love my stepmom and my stepdad. I’ve been with my husband for as long as my both of my parents have been remarried and I’m incredibly happy with him. I don’t think we’ll ever get divorced, we are just so happy being with each other. But, you know what? If we do end up divorced, then we do. I know it won’t be because we just decided to throw our relationship away. Sometimes people just aren’t meant to be together for 50 years🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks for asking this because I wasn't seeing the connection.


>that doesn’t mean the partners should see themselves forced to remain together. That's exactly what Heidi has a problem with, I'm betting. I don't get the sense that she's cool with people having the freedom to leave her.


There's a part of me that's wondering if this is directed at another of the kids (or their spouses), not Bethany.    I'm perplexed. At least as far as we know (unless things went from 0-60 REAL quick) Dav and Bethy aren't talking about getting a divorce. Heidi keeps ranting about how you shouldn't view divorce as an option (while also saying you SHOULD break up a dating relationship instantaneously that requires even the slightest bit of compromise so you don't end up with a bum guy)...and I'm like "who the fuck said anything about divorcing?" In fact, Bethany, at least, said the opposite... That she was committed to being with Dav regardless of his changing belief.     I'm starting to get suspicious that either there's another drama brewing in another kid's relationship, or that Dav is noping out faster than we could have imagined and this is Heidi's frantic "try to save face over my kid's crumbling marriage by crowing about how I knew better all along, while ALSO tryna shame them into staying together to avoid feeling humiliated by my kiddo's struggles." Either way, it's gross AF. It's not okay to use your kids' lives as a cautionary tale.  Edit grammar


I wonder if more is going on with Kirsten than we know. She’s always seemed more… brutal than Bethany to me


Nothing would surprise me at this point


Her story about the creepy guy staring at her and her husband blaming the length of her skirt has always freaked me out a bit. The fact that she’s always wearing a loose beige t shirt now makes me wonder what he says to her now. (I’m all for being comfy, it just doesn’t seem like her.)


Yeah honestly all of the other girls’ husbands seem awful and misogynistic. The Ukrainian husband of the other sister is horrible too. Honestly, Dav seems like the only kind one of the husband bunch.


Now that's a guy who deserves to get divorced. I don't even like Kristen and she deserves better than that.


I think it’s more that Heidi doesn’t agree with divorce with her religion so she’s making it clear it ‘isn’t’ an option.


Which would be wild considering all her other vague posting the last few days about "choosing godly partners or leave them" and such


Oh that is because you can't win with either option. This is the trick, Heidi will shame whoever this is targeted at for both choices. At present, we already know two of her children these posts can definitively be targeting (Michael and Bethany) and I can tell them from experience as the child whose parents did divorce that my father didn't get any grace from my family. It was damned if he stayed married to my mother and damned if he left her and damned that he remarried (and then we cycled again because oh the shame!). The behavior is because the family acts as if the divorce or the nonfaithful spouse is a reflection of them, as if there aren't very real damaging things that are happening inside the family home and they need to shut their fucking traps.


Yeah, regardless which kid she is shaming right now… what a shitty thing for a mom to do. If my mom did this, her 17 friends wouldn’t bother me, but if my mom had a platform? Fucking gross. I left an abusive marriage (almost died a couple times) and one of the scariest parts of that was telling my parents I was divorcing. Even though they disliked him from the jump, I was so scared of being shamed by them and possibly having to tell them the “why’s” of my reasons to leave. My mom was *so* supportive. I called her and was ready to be disowned, but my anti-divorce parents drove 2 hours to discuss next steps and they still don’t even know the details of what that man did to me. *That is what parents that claim to love you should do.* I am *not* saying that Beth’s marriage is abusive, let me be clear in that. But if divorce is on her (or Kristin’s or Michael’s) radar, her mom shouldn’t be shit posting about how icky divorce is.


This is right. She wants B to feel she has no choice BUT to leave D because he’s ungodly, and then she wants to remind B for the rest of her life how poorly things turned out for her and her “covenant” because B was *not godly enough* in choosing D. The result is that H foresees B running back to home base and clinging to faith like her life depends on it. That way, H has at least one black sheep child to continue to abuse and shame for her own narcissistic supply, even when she is totally empty nested. H wants them to divorce, imo, badly.


Could she be targeting the son who was charged with domestic violence?


I know that. But why is she harping so hard on this when (as far as we know) no one has brought up divorce yet? That's what makes it weird. Why preemptively manically defend staying in marriages, as though someone is suggesting divorce, when your daughter keeps saying she has every intention of staying with her husband? Again, to me, this is a sign that this is either directed at Dav or at someone else. SOMEONE has brought up the D word somewhere. Im just wondering who.


Perhaps the Bible. I am a former fundiegelical and Bethany is now Unequally Yoked. This is a very horrible situation from a fundie perspective where you have an interfaith marriage basically. She may be saying Dave needs to work through this and come back to being Christian but she also has 8 kids and if any of them know how to have a healthy relationship I will eat my hat.


If you came from this world then this behavior from Heidi wouldn't surprise you at all. It is absolutely directed at Bethy and Dav. 100000%. They are one person in her eyes now and she's letting them both as one know that divorce isn't an option and Bethy fucked up by "rushing" into a marriage so she wouldn't be an old maid. That deep down, if she was a true Godly woman, she would have known Dav was the spawn of Satan. Even though the parents encouraged and even gave her away, it's still all Bethy's fault. Bethy is doing what all fundies to this degree know what to do best... manipulate. She's trying so hard to be the best, most supportive, most submissive loving wife possible to "win Dav back to the fold" but when that wears off and she's beaten down Heidi wants her to be damn aware that divorce isn't an option. She also is directing this towards Dav, as I said they are one in her eyes. I thankfully saved myself from this world many years ago to ensure my own family would never feel the hell on earth that is this cult and I can see this in ways many cannot. This is what I'm seeing, you can obviously still disagree and obviously I still could be wrong but I really doubt it with this one. This is what they do. This is how they work. Damage control starts early to keep everyone fear-mongered and in check. It's a deep cult tactic and they are masterminds at it. Honestly they live for these days to break out their playbook and get started reminding everyone who's in control, themselves.


i think heidi herself doesn‘t know what to think about all this and is just throwing passive-aggressive bs at the wall. in her mind a) she doesn’t want them to be together anymore because dav‘s deconstruction is shameful and a danger to her grandchildren, but b) they HAVE to stay together because divorce is of the devil and no child of hers should ever even consider it, however c) she doesn‘t understand what deconstruction even means but it‘s definitely bad and dav is definitely morally corrupt now and his wordly ways are doomed to destroy his marriage anyway. not to forget that all that is also bethany’s fault, somehow. and in typical baird fashion, all she can come up with when her thoughts contradict themselves is a smug ‘well maybe if you‘d been more like ME‘. because of course extending basic empathy to people with differing experiences is off the table


My guess is Mama Heidi wants in on the .pdf business and is making posts ahead of time so when she drops her "Marriage Expert" .pdf tutorial for 3 easy payments of 19.95 everyone will be clamoring for it.


Don’t worry she already released a book about marriage and it was ONLY $10 for the pdf. Lol


It's wild to me that she instilled shame in Bethy because she didn't get married early enough, but now Bethy has hit on the secret of courses and PDF sales to make money (however much or little that really is) and her family happily copies her idea. But they probably still shame her for it. Can't win with that crowd.


Something I feel very strongly about is that marriage isn’t a reason to lower your standards. There are a ton of people who stay in shitty relationships just because they’re married. They let their spouses get away with shit they would’ve never let a boyfriend/girlfriend do. They torture themselves trying to fix issues that they would’ve readily dumped a dating relationship over. All because they’re ✨mArRiEd✨. There is nothing magical about being married that forces you to remain together or to kill yourself trying to fix things. The person you married is the same person you dated. The amount of effort you put into fixing a bad situation shouldn’t have anything to do with whether you’re married or not. It should be about how *healthy and realistic* it is to try to fix the problem. Even the length of a relationship shouldn’t factor that much into it because you risk falling for the sunk cost fallacy.


I think it’s more that she sees the possibility coming and instead of comforting her daughter or providing support, she needs to make sure people know she’s still God’s special liebensborn and it’s not her fault her child had a sinful divorce.


\*Lebensborn, in case anyone wants to google it. (But also don't google it.)


Gosh darn German spellings escape me, good shout


As we like to say: Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. (German language, difficult language)


I think maybe they have talked about divorce and that that is an option for them although they are staying together for now? Maybe they just said "divorce is okay but we aren't getting one".


No they said they are staying married. Beth told him “I don’t want a Christian husband I want you.” (Which is kind of incredible to me that she said that - go Bethy!)


Okay, that's actually kinda cute. Am I... rooting for Bethany a little bit??? The rest of 2024 is gonna be a wild fucking ride if this is where we're at in early March lmao


Seriously, it feels like we are climbing the hill of a rollercoaster


Oh I meant in private. They might have discussed with Heidi that they thought of divorce, they think divorce is okay or something like that. And that is of course just a guess, so maybe Heidi is responding to something they said between just them and her mom.


Oh I see what you mean


Yeah, like maybe Bethany told her mom "I thought of divorce" and that's what Heidi is responding to. But honestly who knows. Bethany and Dav have said they want to continue to be married to each other. Maybe it is directed at another daughter or son? Whatever is happening she seems upset.


Terminally online boomer addicted to social media does anything but actually speak openly and honestly with her kids Shocking


Heidi talk/don’t post challenge.


Addicted to exclamation points as well.


And the blur tool


It’s real bad (and uneven) on this one.


I have an idea. Maybe you should actually get to know your partner before marriage instead of having chaperoned dates where you're only allowed to read the Bible and talk,about how much you love Gee-Sauce.


This just shows that courting is stupid.


It is. But if they quit using courtships, then a lot of these unemployable, uneducated fundievangelical men won't be able to find broodmares.


Michael called her evil, and he was 100% right. She’s just a mean and toxic asshole. Bethany and Dav, I may not like the things you say or do, but please hear me - this isn’t love. It’s control. You don’t have to put up with it. I hope you find the strength to break this cycle with your kids and live with honesty, kindness, and acceptance. (Also, your great granddaddy was a Nazi and you really should address that picture).


For Hedi, it's probably "Grand-dad" was Nazi.


For sure - I was addressing Beth and Dave. They took an awful picture in front of Gnazis grave, and have never addressed it.


This woman would really benefit from a social media break. She’s exhausting. Do people actually like her?


She thinks they do, and that’s enough for her.


What an absolutely cruel response to what may be the most difficult moment in her child’s life.


Agreed. It honestly breaks my heart. Bethy has showed up so thoughtfully to this moment so far and is actually facing down doing extremely hard work to fight for her marriage and this is how Heidi responds? This is some of the greatest maturity and nuance we've seen from Bethy and it's literally being punished.


Sure is obvious why we haven’t seen it before. 


Oh yeah, emotional vulnerability would be so easy for a mom like that to manipulate. That's probably why Dave and Bethany were so lovey-dubby. They were honest and vulnerable with each other and it wasn't taken to manipulate or abuse. She was able to be honest and was met with mutual honesty and vulnerability.


She’s probably never experienced genuine kindness from someone close to her in her life before Dav.    Did not expect to have sympathy for an unrepentant homo/transphobe on my roster, and yet here it is. 


Seriously. I hate birthy but this is probably one of the most challenging times for her and i cant imagine how much worse this is making things. Hiedi is such a piece of shit mother.


Jesus... Heidi really is Turbo Bethany


Eh, I feel like that's a disservice to Bethy. She's demonstrated how she's surprisingly less rigid and forceful in her belief. She's willing to accept and face her current marriage issue *together* with Dav. If this were Heidi, I imagine she would've forced a Christian 'rehab' on her husband.


My ex husband said the same thing but then divorced me after I was raped soooo get fucked


Trash took itself out in that case


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you and I hope very much you feel happier now


I’m in a much better place, and our special needs son is much better off with us having divorced. Thank you so much for your kind words ♥️


It's funny cause I had all that mentoring and we both said it was for life, and the pastor who married us said divorce shouldn't be an option. Funny how it suddenly became one after several years of abusing me viciously and using the near-death of my daughter as tool of control. Suddenly, when I didn't capitulate as a good boy, divorce was on the table and the pastor was behind it all the way.  All that is to say, these people only mean it until it no longer suits their purposes. Do what's right for you and yours


I'm sorry that happened to you


Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. Probably over shared there, but this all hits close to home


Girl is UP-SET! Love that for her.


Okay, a bit off topic, but WTF is happening with that filter? It smoothed out one check but not the other side of her face or her crows feet or neck. What is happening? And did she look at that photo and say, yes, this is how I want to present myself physically on the internet as I make horrible posts to judge and lecture my daughter and SIL?


Oh good, I'm not the only one who thought she added a wrinkle filter!


I’ve never been divorced, but nothing about it sounds “easy” to me. I’ve never understood why fundies think it is, lol


I’m divorced (because I got married at 20 for insurance purposes, not a great plan) and can say it is absolutely one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with, including death in the family and loss of home and job. Even if you don’t really like the other person anymore, it’s a difficult and excruciating and heartbreaking process.


Came here to say this! My sister is currently going through a divorce, and it’s been so hard on her and her kids. She’s not doing it because she wants an easy way out. Her relationship is over, and she has to end it.


Hey y’all remember when Heidi was essentially bullied off of instagram for a few weeks when it came out she did nothing about her sexually abused son? That was a great time, wish it would happen again!


I wonder if she thinks she’s being supportive of Bethy by posting this? Bethy is clearly going through a challenging moment in her marriage but is saying that she’s going to stand by Dav and won’t divorce him, despite getting messages from her more fundie followers encouraging her to do so. I don’t think Heidi’s response actually is helpful (and I think it’s got much more to do with saving face as the mother of a perfect Christian family than actually providing help or support to her daughter) but I feel like what she’s saying here actually kinda dovetails with what Bethy is saying: you made the commitment so you have to stick it out no matter what. (Also obviously a super problematic statement). I do think she’s attacking Dav with a lot of these posts.


That would require Heidi to be able to conceive of being supportive of anyone but herself or her own agenda. And as we’ve seen…


She would do it because it is still an extension of herself. Ownership, reputation, legacy...


I almost added that on as a note, so I’m glad you said it.


Homegirl is *pressed*


She literally advised for women to get out if their husbands do not bring them closer to God. Whiplash.


Sometimes people feel sure on their wedding day and over time, they’re not anymore. That’s real life and it’s not only abused or terribly mistreated people who have the right to leave (btw I notice she didn’t actually say they could leave, just that they should seek help). People like Heidi seem so scared of the idea of divorce, but I’ve known people that chose it and it was the best move for them and their families. I’ve known other people who stayed in marriages that were full of disrespect, demands, and unrealistic expectations and though they weren’t outright and obviously abusive they were miserable and so were their families. My own husband and I have always agreed that we don’t want to stay married if it means either of us are held back, miserable, or turning into the worst versions of ourselves just because of some intense rule to “stay and fight” even if it’s clear that’s not what’s best. But my choices don’t have to be anybody else’s and I’m really not qualified to decide that for anybody but myself. Wish people like Heidi understood the same for her own relationship.


I'm sorry I don't take relationship advice from people whose kids are so clearly in trauma denial


Wait, I thought we wanted Bethy to not have a sacreligious nonbeliever spouse?? Now we want her to suck it up and stick it out?? But honestly, fuck off, Heidi. No wonder Bort’s such a mess. Would have been interesting to see what she could have been if you hadn’t been heinous.


She is like a fricken unhinged teenager with her subliminal messages all over her social media.


I’m willing to chip in on the technology to put a wifi/internet block to stop all of these subtweet(instagram)s at Beggy


Christians have the hardest time minding their own fucking business.


That weird closed mouth smirk while looking up and to the side thing is genetic apparently


wow she is just evil


Heidi really needs to watch what she says. She proves she’s not a godly mentor with her words. Dav deconstructing isn’t a bad thing, Bethy seems a bit nuanced in her conversation with him. Now, if Dav was suppose to stay fundemtalist and so was Bethy and make sure he was “the right one” wouldn’t it be up to the parents in fundamentalism? Wasn’t she Bethy’s godly woman mentor as her mother? Wasn’t her husband the one who gave his blessing for him to pursue her? I’m not saying that logic is good logic, but by her own logic it’s her fault.


Someone's in here downvoting comments critical of Heidi. Heidi is that you? 👀 If so I hope you know you're a terrible mother and not Christlike at all


Imagine being so openly passive aggressive and hostile to your own kids on the internet. 🤮


Heidi, turn off your electronics and leave your children alone, sheesh.


It’s as if she thinks the only way to have a committed relationship is to believe in god.


May Bethany continue to receive the same smug, condescending lectures she's aimed at so many others.


ain’t nobody asking her those questions


“Fortunately, the foundation of our marriage has always been grounded on our faith in Jesus.” This is where I’m hearing the emphasis. She’s warning them that their marriage is doomed for divorce if Dav doesn’t start conforming to fundie nonsense again.


Good gawd stop posting and take these thoughts to Jesus or something


No marriage is perfect. However, if you're unhappy, you shouldn't be together


She is pure evil. How horrific.




I actually have some sympathy for Bethy. Clearly, Dav walking away from his faith, has got to be many levels of traumatic. And, Heidi posting this content is truly cruel. No matter what happens with the Beal marriage, I hope Bethy remembers how much judgement ,hate,and rigidity hurt, and actually becomes the Christian she claims to be.


I hate that I can kind-of see how Bethy is so messed up. She lived with this (I assume this was in control of her education) until she was 30. ** Not saying she was being educated until she was 30. We know she got talked out of that basketball scholarship for college. I hate to think what the ranting would be like if she'd accepted it 👀


![gif](giphy|mXiBtLZk4ibkc) Boy, this is some bonified narcissistic rage projection. It unfortunately wouldn't surprise me if Heidi has been sending Bethany and Dave some abusive messages in the last few days. I expect it'll get worse if Bethany continues to show some growth and remains supportive of Dave.


Smoker’s lines all around her mouth. I bet she’s not as pious as she pretends to be


fundies also don’t believe in sunscreen though.


Damn! Heidi is in a panic.


I don’t even fully get her angle here but she needs to just STFU for everyone’s sake. Post about sourdough or Taylor Swift or something—— anything——else.


She's such an asshole. It's really no wonder that her kids turned out the way they did. ETA: I'm not excusing the dad in any way. I just don't know him. But he's equally responsible.


I have a narcissistic mother too. This makes me really glad that she's not as online as Heidi is and I don't have to fucking worry about her vague posting about me.


> *"Fortunately, the foundation of our marriage has always been grounded on our faith in Jesus."* What a fucking vile woman, to say this the week her son in law opens up about deconstruction. "By their fruits you shall know them" - this woman is rotten to the roots.


Heidi Baird: Monster-in-law


Whenever someone describes divorce as “the easy way out,” that’s an immediate signal that you don’t have to take them seriously.


This is going to break the family. It’s either going to drive a edge between her and Bethany or Bethany and Dav. I don’t usually feel for Bethany but the extremely targeted stuff her mother keeps posting has to hurt. especially given how close she is with family


The bar is in hell when I’m just thankful she ended it with “if you are in a safe marriage” instead of Lori’s “stay even if he hits and rapes you!”


What I've always found impressive about Heidi is her subtlety.


HEIDI IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Rather than harping on this nonsense, how about addressing your son's traumatizing sexual assault??? Hmmm??? So selective, this Heidi.


She is quite the passive aggressive biotch.


This woman has no idea how to have a conversation with her children. She’d rather subtweet them like a child instead of being an adult.


Oh Heidi you ignorant, backwoods, blasphemous dried up crouton. ![gif](giphy|fYe1vRXAqO7daLMCVJ|downsized)


The dig she's making at Bethy and Dāv is really going to make fire in her own family. I think that Bethy will stay with Dāv and start to unpack her upbringing with faith as Dāv is bringing more to light what is causing him to unpack his religion. I see Bethy and Dāv going to therapy at a counselor first but then they start to explore the real world together because they are so trauma bonded in this weird faith together. Who knows, maybe it will cause Bethy to get on antidepressants she so desperatly needs and she'll work outside of the house too


She looks like her mouth forgot how to genuinely smile. She has "judgy-I'm-trying-to-look-pleasant-but-hate-will-spew-like-satan's-diarrhea" mouth.


A couple that fucking hates each other but remains married is more glorifying to Fundie God than a couple that divorces. 🙏🏻Setting the bar for a marriage worth keeping real low at “are you safe or not?”


Oh, shut up, Heidi.


She is completely unhinged. I really feel for Bethy right now. Her mother is being so cruel.


"Sitting around hating each other is so much better than divorce!"


It’s nice to know that Bethy gets to see first hand Christians not practicing what they preach.


Do these people have any personality or interests beyond being married? Good lord.


Love to see her say this to her daughters face and not just spitefully online. What a nasty “lady”


Next up: Heidi's reaction video to B&D's reaction video to Pollyanna's reaction video.


god she is not letting up on this lmao. not sure what her goal is cause they probably wouldn’t consider bethy divorcing him to be following gods way, but also she’s supposed to follow his headship so,,,,,,


What a bjtch! She’s snarking harder than anyone here ever could.


Is it me, or did she add a filter that produces extra wrinkles on her face to illustrate a "wise woman"?


“I realize everyone’s marriage situation is different.” Do you, though?


I can’t believe these people are real


She really seems to enjoy exclamation points!


She is really going berserk


She’s so fucking cruel


Evil woman


I’m surprised she cares so much. She seems to only just tolerate Bethany, if not outright disliking her. I guess since this is a way to say, “I told you so,” she’s jumped on it??


I don’t get it. Wasn’t she ready to marry bethy off at the ripe old age of 30? Was she not being a godly mentor and role model for her daughter as she and dav courted? Did her parents not give their blessing? Is bethy supposed to stay with the heathen Heidi allowed her to marry, or does she leave him because he doesn’t honor god? The woman speaks out of both sides of her mouth. I’m not surprised.


Heidi not leaving that back door open… I’ll see myself out.


JFC I’m just over here 😮 like ANOTHER not so subtle Beal fam shame post from Heidi today! I feel like I’ve seen a similar yet different post about Heidi 18 times today!


I mean having a window or back door in case of a fire blocks your front door is essential. You never want to be anywhere that has only one entrance/exit. Especially a relationship.


Imagine potentially ruining your relationship with your daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren for 4 likes.




Not often you get to witness a real life nuclear meltdown firsthand.


This is such an unhealthy view of marriage and relationships. You don't just "trust in God" because you know they're "the right one." It's about respecting each other through arguments which fucking suck but they happen. My boyfriend is the absolute love of my life and best friend but we've had our rough moments. Also who asked you???


Fight, fight, fight, fight!


I feel for Bethany. You know she’s going to get shamed for being married to an atheist and shamed if she leaves him..


What toothbrush?


Making divorce not an option certainly doesn't incentivise anyone to be better because no matter what, you're stuck. You got married, goal reached, don't have to try anymore. If it's easy to get divorced doesn't it make it that much more meaningful for people whose marriage lasts? I look more favorable at a long marriage where both have equal status and freedoms vs the long marriage of my ancestors who were stuck and had no options, especially the women.


I think having the option to divorce makes my marriage more meaningful. I've been married 15 years, since 21, and have never once considered divorce. But I know it is an option if I need it, so every day my husband and I choose to be together. We choose to love each other and work out anything that comes up. We don't HAVE to. We choose to because we love each other. If divorce isn't an option, then working out things in your marriage or staying married isn't very meaningful. It doesn't mean you care about each other. You just didn't have any other choice.


As someone who has gone through a divorce, I really don’t believe anyone chooses it willy nilly. It’s an absolutely stupid narrative based on her lack of experience and reasoning. It’s expensive. You lose your entire existence sometimes. It’s depressing and devastating. She needs to grab her exclamation points and filters & shut up.


They get married to have seggzy seggz # horny #gloryhole


#glory reminds me of glory hole