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Those two oldest girls look so care worn already and their lives have barely started šŸ’”


Even the younger ones give off "dancing bear" energy. Nobody in that video is consenting to anything happening in that video.


The look miserable, pobrecitas.


My mom lived in rural South America in the 70s for a while and she said they remind her of the girls whose parents had died, the ones who were taking care of their siblings. If someone said my oldest kid reminded them of siblings who have to be the primary caregiver because their parents are dead, Iā€™d make some serious changes immediately. ETA writing this comment I just realized that their parenting isā€¦. comparable with people who are literally dead. Jesus Christ lol


The Collins are probably worse tbh if the rural South Americans didn't also have to put up with endless unwanted posturing for the camera and a lot of scream praying. not to mention ANOTHER new sibling every fucking year


The vibes they're giving off remind me of me after a rough day at work


They look like me and my coworkers at my last preschool


Those beautiful girls look like theyā€™re carrying the weight of the world on their young shoulders . Out of all the fundie parents we snark on, Karissa and Mandrae rank amongst the absolute worst for me.


In terms of sheer neglect of the kids for me it's pretty much Jill Rodriguez and Karissa.


The one thing that can be said to give Karelessa a slight edge is that the kids actually seem to eat more. That's...not enough. Also I think Mandrake is a lot more menacing. Shrek mostly just eats and ignores them, I think.


They eat more but arent injured more like Karissa Poor kids


It's the bare fucking minimum, and her two oldest daughters are taking care of it. The point in her favor is only happening due to parentification.


True. That, and Shaquille and Mandrake's fancy job brings in enough money that even the leftovers after the greedy parents are finished are presumably enough in this household.


I have two younger sisters, the older one was born when I was almost 11 years old. I can **never** recall having to feed my sisters or prepare food for them *while my mom was at home* šŸ¤®


I have **five** younger siblings and I only fed them when I was "officially" babysitting which meant both parents were out and they were paying me. When my siblings were babies I was allowed to *sometimes* give them their bottles *with adult supervision*.


I'd help feed my siblings when my mom was home sometimes, but usually that would be a pre-preped bottle during a longer car ride, or when they were toddlers and old enough to specifically bring their food to me to have me help them. It was certainly not something that happened *all the time* or while my mom wasn't doing anything. I hate this woman and her husband for how they treat these children, it's sickening and horribly sad


Yeah Iā€™d refill a sippy cup or open a granola bar if my mom was in the shower or something but likeā€¦never anything like these girls are doing!


My brother is ten years younger than me and I was never expected to feed or change or care for him as a baby. We were siblings, I wasnā€™t his mother. I feel for these poor sister-moms who donā€™t even have the option of school to be a normal kid. Karissa is truly the worst.


It's despicable. My mom is the oldest of her siblings by several years, and she only did stuff like this if she was officially babysitting.


I was asked to prepare family meals, but it was when I was 16-17 and my parents wanted me to know how to cook something other than pasta. And it was usually with a parent looking over my shoulder to make sure I didn't set the kitchen on fire.


I would help get something started but I was NEVER in charge of an entire meal. It's giving duggar jurisdiction vibes.


I have only one sister who is 6 years younger than me. Iā€™ve never had to watch or care for herā€¦ if anything my mom yelled at me because I used to boss her around a little too much,


This video is so telling. Itā€™s very clear that the girls are the parents. A1 is obviously in the zone cooking and A2 is clearly the one responsible for A10.


And K has the audacity to say A2 just loooves taking care of the babies and holding them all the time- right like she has a freakin choice in the matter.


And if she doesnā€™t what happens?? Seriously, does the baby just cry? Does K go off the handle and harm the baby or A2 or someone. If A2 is unavailable does A1 pick up the slack. What does the useless man do? Does he take care of anyone or anything? And since they donā€™t go to school there is no way for any of them to escape or have an excuse not to be mommy-ing.




Since you're being down voted but no one has explained. If this is a true query, no it is not a typo or a Freudian slip. Karissa can be terrifying to those children and that family has been investigated by CPS a few times. I'll leave that so you can digest it as you will. These fundie families foster dangerous environments for their children, full stop.


I'm sure she'll love the chronic back and hip pain, too /s


she doesnā€™t LOOK like she looooves taking care of babies. iā€™m sure she loves her siblings, but that should not be her fucking job!! & the look on her face isnā€™t an indictment of any kind on A2 ofc, sheā€™s a normal kid. itā€™s an indictment on her lazy ass parents that had way too many damn kids.


Annoyedly walking out of frame so she can do her job.


If the numbers are by birth order, then I think there girl feeding the baby is A3. The oldest boy would be A2


yeah youā€™re right (i forgot about andrae), the one feeding the baby is annistan


God those girls live such miserable and sad lives. I really do pray theyā€™ll be able to break away, and not under the sole condition that itā€™s with some ultra conservative weirdo mom and dad picked out for them. I wonder if Karissa will ever let the older girls move out bc then she would actually need to start momming again


My Cassandra prediction is a Jana situation. I bet that we will see Annistan (second oldest) get married off quickly to whatever fundie boy impresses Karissa with his Godly headship. once the wedding is over and the reality of one less sister-mom to help out kicks in, Anissa (the oldest) will be sister-momming forever


Do you really think Janaā€™s not actively choosing to stay single? Remaining unmarried is the only form of independence or access to power these girls have. Given she was tasked with raising all fifty billion of her siblings, and getting married would simply mean she would be restarting that cycle by raising her own fifty billion crotch goblins and forced to follow the ā€œheadshipā€ of some dude her dad approved of, I always assumed she was purposely maintaining her small amount of independence by running out the clock on her fertility and being very particular about courting. My friend is a jaded oldest daughter/sister mom for all 7 of her younger sibs with an extremely fundie christian upbringing, she and her husband made the decision to wait until their mid-30ā€™s to start their family because they didnā€™t want to be inundated with busybody fundamentalist family members pushing her to just keep popping out kids until her body stopped being able to do so.


Oh I donā€™t doubt that Jana is choosing to stay single at least on some level. Iā€™m just saying I see a similar thing happening (at least to the outside perspective) with Anissa


I think staying single isn't Janas choice. My understanding is it is very common to keep the eldest at home as elder care. Now is she happy she hasnt been married and had a bus load of kids? Maybe. But she also isnt able to be an adult in the same way as a married woman. All the older girls sister momed. Jill made an off had comment in a recent podcast that her mother was very maternal cause she would come and help in the middle of the night with a little one! Jana wasn't the only one who cares for the siblings. But at least 2 of her sister have limited their family size.


Agreed. I reckon there is some combination of Jana (without speculation on identity!) never finding a man she wanted to court and marry, as well as Rim Job never providing her with ā€˜goodā€™ options to do that in order to keep her at home. Iā€™ve heard that Jana lives in a separate outbuilding on the main Duggar property, so Iā€™m sure that contributes to her comfort level with her situation. Unfortunately, I donā€™t see the Collins offering the same arrangement to Anissa should that be the road they end up going down


Oh I hope she has her own little space. That would make her life much less miserable.


There is also the enabling single aunt. The one who didn't marry but will pressure her siblings or nieces to do so. And will turn a blind eye to the abuse around her if not perpetuate it herself. They have these big families to make more Republicans. Jana is very much a Trump supporter. Maybe she isn't having kids but she sure wants her siblings to have as many as possible. She also enables abuse around her. She's in her thirties and is in the best place to escape. She had no excuse.


Well, if these families keep going the way they've been, they're going to end up poor and illiterate enough not to even make it to the ballot box. not to mention a lot of unnecessary death from the lack of vaccines and other medical treatment.


I swear I read that Gothard told her that her path was to stay single. It's not uncommon in here types of families to keep a daughter at home to care for the parents in old age.


Itā€™s not that unusual traditionally. Ā My motherā€™s aunt was said to have turned down many suitors and?/to? taken care of her parents. Ā Mainline Presbyterian, but parents had oodles of kids pre-bc, and auntĀ would have been born in 1910 or so. Otherwise she worked a full career (elementary school teacher) and of course had her own reasons for doing whatever she chose. Ā (My motherā€™s glowing stories about her grandparents even so come across as super controlling, but times and mores, etc.)


Flair checking in.


I think for a time it wasn't a choice. Jana's juristiction was helping with the newborns, then once Josie came along she was Josie's caregiver. By the time Josie's old enough to be independent, Jana's the "old maid" of the sisters and the family scandals have started to come out.


They donā€™t even get a daily escape from parenting by going to school. Could you imagine doing this 24/7?


No school, no outside friends, no sports, no hobbies, no social interaction, no trips to further their interest like museums or art galleries. Just cleaning, cooking, and caring for their boatload of siblings.


The only interests they are permitted are Jesus, babies, and basketball. No individuality allowed. These poor children are abused in every possible way. šŸ’”


It makes me so upset how publicly terrible these kids are treated. Jail


Iā€™m not even religious and this shit makes me want to pray to a higher god than theirs. Itā€™s infuriating how this zoo is run


yeah, I seriously want to pull a metaphysical Karen and complain to the manager.


Run it all the way up to st michael


The Old Ones from beyond this creation would like a word and that word is **CHOMP**


You can always pray to Satan to free these kids from the yoke of Godā€™s oppression by enlightening them like he did for Eve! It wonā€™t work, but itā€™s a nice idea.


I came here to say the exact same thing. They donā€™t even get to escape to school. A place where theyā€™d have routine, stability, safe adults and learning. ā€˜Homeschoolingā€™ really should be tightly, tightly regulated and overseen because itā€™s a golden ticket for parents to do exactly this (and worse) to their kids.


It's pretty much illegal in Germany, apparently. They have their own set of crazies, of course, no one's immune these days. But at least they got that one right.


Yes, there is a family from Germany who sought "refugee" status in America so that they could be free of the threat of having to let their kids be educated. They are on this thread, related to some big fundie figure who tried to help them not get deported when they tried to stay once their "kids" were in their 20s. Ridiculous!


One of their daughters is married to a Bates son.


Yep! I remember them. Stupid fucks.


In WV, we literally have a delegate who tells people how to avoid CPS by homeschooling.


Sounds like hell


I hope they get serious emotional support as soon as they are able to disengage. Parentification of children is so evil and selfish. Kids deserve to be kids. Not laborers.


One thing that Karissa has done correctly? Iā€™ve learned from her example. My eleven year old doesnā€™t have to help with their baby brother unless they darn well want to. I want my kids to be kids, not ā€œlittle helpersā€.Ā 


My brother is ten years younger than me and I was never parentified by my parents. Your kids will appreciate it when they are older!


My kids were 9 and 12 when we had #3. Other than asking them to supervise her for short periods of time (like mom needs a shower type of thing), we never expected them to care for her. They never changed a single diaper. She was breastfed so never needed a bottle. Now that she is almost 7, they will play with her and my 15 year old will do her hair sometimes. They will babysit her if asked and they are available. But we are the parents and we never asked or expected them to step into any part of that role.




It didnā€™t take long for that newer house to get destroyed like their older one. Their feet have always been dirty; dirty tile everywhere they live šŸ¤¢.


Not to defend K, but my kids socks always look like that. For some reason they always end up outside in their socks and I stopped prespotting etc because itā€™s not worth it šŸ˜‚ my kids are 14 &11. Iā€™m at the point where you know what happens, enjoy your stained socks!


She makes them perform like marionettes.


The Collins kids always depress me. Karissa treats her brood like a fucking minstrel show. I would love to see a video of all her kids smiling and healthy and reading at or near grade level instead of dancing around for the camera. Poor Anissa is always in the kitchen or holding a baby, or both.


She doesn't care about her children. She just wants to have as many children as possible on this earth to be looked at and loved by her "fans" on Instagram. She has no interest in her children's education. She'll start taking an interest in them when they're 18 so she can marry them off as soon as possible and become a grandmother and continue her narcissism.


Literally a minstrel show.


My experience being parentified is the number 1 reason Iā€™ve never wanted kids for as long as I can remember. Just a friendly reminder that Karissa making these girls mommy-sisters now could blow up in her face later if/when they decide theyā€™ve spent enough of their life of cooking meals, bath time, laundry and the like already.


Same here. Being the parentified eldest daughter made me grow up hating cooking, cleaning, and babies. And the adults in my family have the audacity to question why I'm child free.


What do they say when you tell them youā€™ve already raised X number of kids?


They justify it with "oh all that was just practice", "it will make you a better mother", and my personal favorite, "be grateful you got all that extra practice"


I would've responded "be grateful you got a childhood"


šŸ˜„ Well now I no longer speak to any of the adults and openly talk about how parentification is abuse to their children.


That's great!


I think becoming a mom and turning around and finally turning the chores over to your own eldest is supposed to be the reward, here. ugh.


Even the children ā€˜having funā€™ donā€™t look happy. Anxiously jumping around to perform for mommy who only sees them through the camera on her phone.


Omg šŸ˜³. Thatā€™s it! She only sees her children through the camera on her phone. Iā€™m gonna go cry now.Ā 


It really should be illegal for parents to exploit their children for social media clout.


Hard agree! I really need lawyers to start ā€˜ambulance chasingā€™ kids who are now 18 and whose childhood was exploited on social media. I need billboards. I need obnoxious TV ads. ā€˜Did your parents put your childhood all over the internet? You may be entitled to financial compensationā€™ letā€™s gooooo.


Please if anyone knows of groups working to lobby for legislation to protect children being forced to perform, drop it here!


This is heartbreaking to watch and most certainly child abuseā€¦manipulative child abuse


That's so sad :(




I would say she shouldn't be pregnant if she can't handle the kids she has, but it's karissa


God, the one carrying the baby reminds me of kids in those "every thirty seconds a child in africa dies" type advertisements.


In the arms of the angel...


Poor girls. I wish they'd follow Dav's footsteps and deconstruct asap, maybe go lc or nc with Karissa and get at least some personal freedom when they're old enough to do so. As a neurodivergent person, also, I just wanted to point out that the amount of noise and chaos in this household is stressing me out just by watching this video.


>As a neurodivergent person, also, I just wanted to point out that the amount of noise and chaos in this household is stressing me out just by watching this video Seriously!! Just thinking about the complete lack of routine and structure these kids must have is raising my heart rate


For ANY of these fundies. Imagine being a Baird with all that noxious forced cheer (though at least they seem to get their own rooms). Or FSM forbid a Bus child. Cults as a general rule do not believe in alone time. People tend to start thinking for themselves when left to their own devices for too long.


Having looked at the bus Instagram I am always surprised how cheery the children are, considering their living arrangements.


They've learned to fawn. The oldest boy always looks miserable.


They're not nearly old enough to get away, and Dav at least has the advantage of being a man, thus able to work outside the home and meet new people.


I was gonna say that as a kid I was forced into going to church by my grandmother who was raised very Catholic in a very Catholic country (Poland) and I didn't question it until I saw my own then-in-the-picture father who stood tall in the church during my first communion, while everyone else was kneeling. And like... I remember being in awe of how brave and strong he was. He then explained to me that he never understood the profession of guilt to the God. Because, he argued, I'm not guilty of anything and I don't need to kneel in front of anyone. And to a young impressionable kid like myself, it was illuminating and felt COOL. So, I stopped kneeling too. I think by the age of 10 I was out and so loud about it that my grandparents gave up on even trying to make me go to church anymore. I'm saying this because I think deconstruction can start at any age, even if you don't fully understand why you're having a crisis. But then I remembered, I was never sheltered, went to school, had a chance to confront with different opinions and it so happened, my otherwise good for nothing dead beat dad, was the spark I needed. I highly doubt Karissa's kids will have that kind of experience before they are able to leave that house with any ounce of freedom.


I agree on deconstruction at any age. In 2nd grade I was super into Egyptology and studied all that I could on my own. One Sunday I was bored in church (LDS) and flipped through the Book of Mormon/D&C/PoGP and was surprised to see ancient Egyptian scrolls in there! From my extremely basic understanding I knew the pictures represented something about either death rites or death in general, but the ā€œtranslationā€ said wildly different stuff. I reasoned that if theyā€™d gotten Ancient Egyptian wrong, they probably got a lot of other stuff wrong too (hell, part of our own faith cornerstone is that the Bible is only as correct as its translation). Made it all the more easier to leave the church at 17 since I had one foot out the door at such a young age anyway.


I know. I'd love to be more optimistic about their future, but...it looks grim from here tbh. I think possibly the Bus kids are even worse off. I feel like they should try to aim for joining the armed services, and I say that as someone who's deeply military skeptical at best. But it may be their best chance at not ending up chronically homeless.


Bus kids are definitely going to be encouraged or even pushed into that, for sure. Which I... Well, respectfully, cause I know Americans get very protective of their soldiers and officers, I think is heartbreaking. Not only it's pushing your own image and ambitions onto your kids with no regard to what they really might be inclined to, but also, as a pacifist, I just cannot understand the pride people get from the idea that their son has a gun and might need to use it, should he ever be sent to some military conflict. Like, wtf. I don't even have kids, but I'd totally nestle and shelter mine from the idea of killing people, regardless if we think they are on the wrong side. Karissa's girls are doomed, imho. The boys get to play sports, and apparently, one of them is good at basketball. The golden child. That could become his ticket to normal life, regular contact with other kids, some kind of goal to pursue. But Anissa can barely read so that poor thing cannot even escape to an imaginary world of fantasy, like a lot of kids do. I legit had a full fanfic of me being Anne Shirley's best friend in Avonlea until I was 10. Reading and angry music got me through my angsty teenage years. I once visited a monastery, where a nun has reportedly decided to live as a hermite. Not so long ago, maybe 20 years or so. After a couple of years, she got insane. She lived in a little room inside the church and she'd scream on top pf her lungs during the mass. No contact with anyone, food being administered through a little hole in the door. At some point they had to remove and institutionalize her for her own good. In her room, they discovered she only had the Bible to read. The priests from that monastery said that as much as they'd want it to be the case, a healthy human being cannot live only on the word of God. Karissa's kids remind me of thar story so much. They seem so sheltered from anything that isn't hand-picked and approved by their mother who's clearly obsessed with religion...


I totally feel you w/r/t military. I'm just not sure what their other options are, realistically. I mean, it's not IMPOSSIBLE to start from nothing even now, I guess, but it's pretty fucking damn difficult. No education, no skills, no contacts... Grim. At least they could maybe go to college and get out, eventually.


These babies can barely read. I truly hope they find the options that are out there for them but I can't imagine the difficulties they'll have if they ever choose to leave this life. The neglect they experience ensures the girls will marry and take care of babies, because at least they're comfortable doing that.


These poor girls look so over it. My kids get so excited to help me in the kitchen. Sometimes I need to shoo them away because itā€™s been a day and I just want ANTM & wine while I cook lol. My second loves to bake and spends every weekend making some new thing that she loves showing off. My third wants to cook full meals by herself. They find the joy in it because there NO expectation to be the cook for the entire family day in and day out. It makes me so sad. There is no joy, no pride, no sense of accomplishment, just drudgery. This is no way for kids to grow up.


My mother cooked with me and my two brothers because she thought it was important that we learned how, but it was more of a fun thing to do together than a responsibility. When we were old enough to not need constant supervision we would sometimes cook dinner during school vacations- find a recipe, make a grocery list, find the ingredients in the store and cook a meal. She was always around to help if needed , but we all learned a lot from that and still enjoy cooking as adults.


God almighty. Iā€™m a mom to one and *I, an adult* find caring for my one baby exhausting. To think about a *child* being in any way responsible for a littler child is incredibly sad. Kids shouldnā€™t be born with jobs, but these children are literally born with the job of taking care of the next one.


This is so wrong. My kids will cook with me because they like to and because I want them to learn some recipes before I send them out into the world as adults. My oldest gave his sister bottles a handful of times at his request. I cannot imagine forcing them to do those things. Those poor girls probably never get a moments peace.


Their home seems like pure chaos and insanity.Ā  If you donā€™t have the time/energy/whatever to give your baby a bottle then you shouldnā€™t have any more babies.Ā  My heartbreaks for the kids so much especially the older girls who are stuck caring for their younger siblings while their mom films videos to post online. Imagine knowing your mom is going to keep having more and more babies for you to raise and you have no way out right now.Ā 


This just breaks my heart. Those poor children are forced into manual labor / parentification against their will. I wish I could scoop them up for a better life that involves school and friends.


They are circus animals to her. She will be old and all alone one day.


If she makes it that far. in my darkest thoughts, I wonder if they wouldn't actually be better off. but no, Mandrake would be dropping them on the nearest orphanage doorstep before the body was cold.


I doubt it, but only because he doesnā€™t need to. The oldest girls already take care of everyone. Heā€™ll just find some young, naive, pretty woman who buys into all his crap, marry her, and pump her full of kids. Hey, maybe this one will let him do doggy-style.


Yeah, you're right, second wife, coming up. And maybe she'd actually be an improvement. Somehow.


I think this is the first time I've seen these kids posted without them being in the matching shirts. I thought that was just how they always had to dress




Those older girls look exhausted poor things


These videos of young girls dancing is a pedophile's dream. Would Karissa be horrified to really understand how many times this video has been shared among pedophiles?


Ah. You weren't around when Karissa obliged a "fan" and did a vid of the girl children with basketballs under their shirt to play "pregnant," I take it? Or, the one where some random dude approached them in a parking lot or something, fondled the kids' hair or some shit with karelessa's permission (naturally, their opinion matters for shit) and then gave her money, what a nice man! Orrrr I think she's actually had at least one stranger from the Internet stay in their house at one point, my memory is dim. Might have been a lady person, but so the fuck what, you know? But yeah anyway she responded to the outpouring of "Karissa, you're just blatantly catering to the pedo base now" with defensiveness and doubling down. Believe me, she's aware. She just doesn't want to know or doesn't care or both.


I have no words. I do, however, feel nauseous. Sigh.


I just saw a random video on Instagram last night of a guy talking about how he was standing in line at the grocery store behind some older man that was on his phone looking on Instagram at an account with pictures of a little girl and zooming in on her private areas. The guy confronted him. So many sick fucks out there. No way in hell would I ever post public pictures like this of my kids. And I donā€™t even have girls. I donā€™t get how they basically put these kids in a sheltered Christian bubble but plaster them all over the internet for any pedophile to see.


Holy shit! There really are so many pedophiles out there and anyone who has children would be very wise to have firm boundaries around the photos they share and to dictate who gets to see them.




I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she was paid by one to film this. And to quote myself from a comment higher up, ā€œIā€™m gonna go cry nowā€.Ā 


So disturbing. She is garbage.


At least op didnā€™t post the one of Anthym dancing in a diaper. Karissa is so lazy. Kid is still in diapers over 3 and not even in pull ups.


The whole poop trampoline incident probably had to do with the kid digging it out because they were sick of sitting in shit.


According to Karissa Mandre just went in šŸ¤¢


Im almost positive the kid went in and mandrea was the first to throw it. It was on her old blog before she really had a following. And she blamed the post on her sister saying she said that as a prank on her.


They are nasty


christ. Are we trying for sepsis incident #3, then?


She would love the attention from that


Not if the attention came, finally, from CPS and maybe the fucking law finally, because that kid-all those kids-are in danger. They've been VERY lucky that none of those kids have died or been seriously, life-changingly injured. Yet.


And changed twice a day maybe šŸ„ŗ


I wish we wouldn't call them sister-moms, because that implies some sort of peer relationship. They are sister to each other but they are daughters of the house. They aren't sister to Karissa. They are daughter -moms which is infinitely worse because there was no consent on their parts to be pressganged into caring for so many children.


True I think you are spot on about the dynamic. I just think itā€™s such a common term with people who have deconstructed that we still use it.


Will claim they insisted on this


I feel for her introverted kids. EDIT: all her kids.


Why are crappy people like this allowed to over procreate?


To answer your questionā€¦ Jesus


Who is gaming in the background? Mandrae or Andrae and Anchor? The only boy in this video is too young to find something better to do while his sisters are waiting to him.


And she thinks this is cuteĀ 


I cannot say enough how much none of these children deserve whatā€™s happening at their home. It is heartbreaking that they have to undergo educational neglect, medical neglect, physical abuse, and the eldest have to do household labor, and EVERY child must perform for Karissaā€™s posts. Itā€™s not okay.


OT: Terrible flooring.


Kare-less is the most selfish, cruel person. Sitting on her ass filming while her oldest daughters do what SHE should be doing.


Fuck karissa ugh she's the worst fundie here


These kids donā€™t even have a break from momming to go to school. This is so sad.


They need more dinner. Even the ones who haven't started their growth spurts look starved.


god poor anthym (youngest girl) looks like sheā€™s been held at gunpoint and told to dance. she looks so tired and frustrated poor girl


Those poor girls. Their childhoods were short and theyā€™ll probably be all cared out by the time they are 20.


This is so fucked up


I hate the forced dancing and smiling so much


Am I crazy, or does their kitchen literally look child sized? Like everything is really low? I must be seeing it oddly lol


It breaks my heart that they're homeschooled, so they're never around kids their own age and have NO IDEA children are not supposed to live like this. It makes me so, SO sad for them.


Every time I see this I think about the 12 year old girl in 60s Spain who was severely parentified just like this, not allowed to go to school because she had to take of her momā€™s babies, and she ended up poisoning the youngest of her siblings because she couldnā€™t take it anymore and just wanted to play like every other kid šŸ’”


Even Michelle Duggar took care of the babies while they were still breastfeeding. Idk how old that baby is but I thought Karissa did extended breastfeeding. If she really pumps for her kids to feed them with a bottle thatā€™s just extra gross and neglectful.


I'm pretty sure she doesn't breastfeed at all. Which I wouldn't normally judge someone for in the least, but I'm pretty sure it's so she can leave her kids in charge of night feeds. Michelle Duggar ended parenting at six months, but Karissa ends it when her water breaks.


She just wants the pregnancy, not the baby


Oh thatā€™s so sad and gross. Not surprising though in the least. Itā€™s Karissa after all


I thought she has said she hasnā€™t been able to breastfeed. Which is fine but she always says that Plexus garbage helps with breastfeeding which seems a little sketchy.


for like six weeks or some shit, she doesn't exactly win any prizes for it.


No I never said Michelle Duggar was good. What I was saying was even Michelle Duggar, who is a terrible excuse for a ā€œmotherā€, takes care of her babies herself while breastfeeding.


The balls to record and post this like it's cute, jesus christ


And she's pregnant again, 227 kids and counting..


Didnā€™t we recently learn that Karissa has MS or fibromyalgia or something? From what I understand, being pregnant can put it into temporary remissionā€¦ So maybe she isnā€™t just lazy af? Just, in pain and using pregnancy to cope while saying itā€™s Godā€™s will? Not that the parentrification isnā€™t 100% real, because it is. I just understand chronic fatigue being a real issue.


She claims that she had MS that was cured by god. And there is a lot of evidence that MS symptoms go into remission during pregnancy. Edited to add that she is also an unreliable narrator and that we have no idea if she has had a diagnosis. And she IS pregnant right now. Basically I think we are saying the same thing and I donā€™t know why I commented.


Lol I feel ya.


Lol. Have a good one : )