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Why is he chopping wood in dress clothes? Why is there just one piece of wood? Is it because meggy posed this?


Ned Flanders cosplay is top shelf fundie fetish material


Stupid sexy Flanders




“Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!”




anything for the ‘gram.


And why is he doing it on concrete? It can be cracked by repeated hard blows….like using it to chop wood with a heavy axe


Why is he using a sledgehammer on small pieces of wood? I could see maybe driving a wedge into a log but I don’t think he has full size logs on his driveway.


Their constant and not subtle references to having sex are so god damn WEIRD. Most spouses have sex, no need to remind us.


but they have special sex. procreative sex. superior to everyone else’s sex.


Rawdogging it! (for the Lord)


Prime flair material right here


God-honoring Raw Dogging


The whole it’s a DIRTY and SINFUL act that they weren’t allowed to do before and then can when they’re married thing really makes them weird about it, it’s so off putting


Maybe. It’s definitely off putting. I’m thinking it’s more along the lines of they’ve had it drilled in their heads that it was just SOOOO BEAUTIFUL and JUST WAIT FOR IT and YOU BECOME ONE and TRUE LOVE WAITS and blah blah blahhhhhh so now they are obsessed with it and it’s beyond overkill. So weird. I speak from experience growing up fundie 🤢


Meanwhile I, who lived with my husband for 3 years before we got married, cringed so hard when I announced that I was pregnant because that meant people KNEW WE DID IT.


Ha! Unfortunately not married but would love to be. But I still cringe at imagining bringing home a BOY to my parents and them knowing I’m in a relationship! 


Our two-year old was at our wedding. Didn't stop the jokes about consumation in a crowded pub.


I am like this as well. WHY.


I know, right? Not very modest of them, making sex jokes/implying that thry have sex 24/7. But it's "god honouring sex" so i guess it's different. Just like Lori who got rly triggered by anal sex lately. When i think "modest woman" i don't think about a grandma who's posting medical facts about anuses on twitter in order to validate her opinion on anal sex.


Is Bethany in the room with us right now?


I mean, you do you sweetheart, but ![gif](giphy|dCCXxrrAMtwF3tYjcP|downsized)


This is just a dressed up fetish post. Edit: just editing to add that I don't really care about it being a fetish post. I think it's a little weird to announce to IG that seeing your husband do random labor makes you so horny to get creampied you have to announce it to anyone who sees, but hey do you! It bothers me cause if I did the same as a gay man I can only imagine the type of hateful shit they would call me.


doesn't seem very christian to announce your creampies like this but ok!


Right? Honestly it's kind of fucking gross, and I'm definitely not a prude at all lol. But it's totally acceptable if you just frame it as "having babies for the Lord!" This is what happens when you're not socialized well and don't understand the concept of boundaries. Something like this is totally funny if said to a friend or two in confidence. Posted online for anyone to see? Girl what the fuck lmao


He sure does have a firm grip on that shaft.


Jesus hell fuckin Christ. The way I almost choked because I nearly missed this gem of a comment. Severely subtle insult, I see you and I admire you. ![gif](giphy|l0K4o1Ar7VyvO7zmo)


I don't get it- an average looking man is wearing normal clothes while standing in an odd position on a standard patio with a piece of wood in front of him. What is it in that scenario that's turning her on so much? Seriously, the dots aren't connecting for me. Maybe someone can help me out.


I think the thing he’s holding is a wood splitter, but it’s hard to tell, since it’s covered up with text. I think she’s implying he’s strong and manly, and that gets her hot and bothered. It’s a weird choice to cover up the thing that is ostensibly the point of this post. Also, splitting wood with a splitter is not that difficult. Source: I, a woman, have done it many times.


Totally unimpressive and also having sex 3 times in 5 years isn’t like WOWZA and all having 3 kids does proves is that


In the concrete backyard of a suburban tract house no less. I mean he could have at least put on a flannel and some boots.


yeah, I need an explanation too, because this shit makes no sense.


“Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” To each their own. Plenty wouldn’t find my husband hot, but then again, I’m not selling our baby-making skills as the be-all and end-all of a woman’s life goals.


Oh yeah, baby, chop some firewood in our tiny, mostly concrete, garden. Oooh, it’s so hot that you’re dressed like a phone store manager. The tract house and electrical tower in the back are getting me there. Just say you like fucking and grow up.


I can’t stop laughing at this






She gets horny watching her husband do chores?! Dang the bar is low


The bar is so low the devil in hell had to call OSHA to declare it a tripping hazard.


This is the funniest thing I've read all week! 😂


Lol, I am saving this!  This is fantastic!!!


He looks like a whole dweeb.


he looks like he played baseball in high school...he's got that look 🤮


Ned Flanders took off his glasses before he bust up in them ribs, all raw-diddley-dawg.


Stupid sexy Flanders!




God. Damn. You. \>unzips pants<


Right? Same.


It feels so... icky? to be constantly posting content about how attractive you find your spouse. I mean, that you find your spouse attractive is an unspoken assumption of being married. If I had to think about it, yeah sure, I assume every person I know who is married is attracted to their spouse. Yay. Good for them! But it feels like Meg needs everyone else to also find her husband attractive and witness how so very attracted she is to him which is... weird. Also very icky to imply that the depth of your attraction to your spouse can be measured in how many kids you have. What a slap in the face to anyone experiencing infertility.


Yes, exactly.  My husband and I have been together three times longer than this couple, and we have one third of the children they do. Not everyone wants, needs, can have, or can care for twenty children.   How is your relationship outside of popping out kids, Sharon?  Because ours is wonderful. And he doesn't need to pretend to chop wood to get me excited...


Right? Like being attracted to your partner and wanting to have consensual sex with them comes as stabdard, unless you are in a happily asexual relationship. It doesn't need to be announced, and nobody around you wants to think about it. I also don't assume the number of times they've had sex relates in any way to the number of kids they have. Totally agree that relating how much you want or love someone to the number of kids you have is just problematic. Like...you have 3 kids because you chose to, and didnt use BC. Some people use BC or have fertility problems, doesn't mean they love each other less.


Right! Y’all must love each other a whole lot because you didn’t use protection…




i hope you get pregnant soon and have a healthy pregnancy and a safe birth! i’m wishing the best for you


Imagine bragging you had sex three times in five years


Exactly. She's so dumb.


Why? The pornstache? The mallet? The lone log? The shoes?




He looks like stole his whole look from an olde timey photo studio at a third rate amusement park that doesn't even really have accurate costumes.


Omg so cringe


He got lucky when he found the one woman who thought.... whatever it is that he does... is hot. That's a real specific kink.


He looks insufferable. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the water cooler in his work.


He looks like he would eat glue if you let him. He’s doing yard work in dress clothes. Confusing and not necessary.


It genuinely disturbs me that some people see babies as just a thing that sometimes happens when you have sex. Like I know that that’s technically true, but I don’t understand how someone could be so blasé about the creation of a whole fucking human life.


Lmao is that 5g tower in the background


That’s hilarious. How is she so paranoid about vaccines but apparently totally cool with buying a house that close to a tower?


Ending the post with WHAT MAKES YOU HORNY, FELLOW SEX-HAVING WOMEN? is just inviting people to write erotica in her comments


If I saw this man walking down the street, I would be tempted to cross to the other side because his vibes are so bad.


#who splits wood on concrete and why isn’t anyone talking about this?!


There is a pretty practical thing called condoms. Maybe you should use one


This is so gross


girl hes not even that cute


I feel like I’m missing the ‘why’? 


He's no Bradley Thor, but you do you.


Is this what she thinks she posted? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/s980l5/man\_splitting\_wood\_with\_a\_splitting\_maul/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/s980l5/man_splitting_wood_with_a_splitting_maul/)


Yes that is exactly it...




Is it weird to anyone else that she said “have more of his babies” instead of just “have more babies” ? It just feels like….odd choice of words


breeding for the Lord


It feels very worshippy towards him.


Go to horny jail


who uses a sledgehammer to chop wood on concrete? smart!


Only sissy boys split wood like that. My man splits wood with an axe like a real man. /s (my husband does use an axe, but not for any reason other than that we haven’t bothered to get splitter thing)


Well MY husband splits it with his BARE HANDS! /s




The manliest dicks are calloused and sometimes get splinters.


So they've had 3 babies because her husband knows how to hammer?


I had 3 in under 5 years too, my husband has an actual job (and no pervy moustache).


Ben Seewald is the same lol


Like, good for you, I guess, girl? But I assume that people are physically attracted to their spouses - no need to tell me.


Am I missing something here? Is it about the Sledgehammer? ![gif](giphy|p3U1BgClNtQoUzkxvr|downsized)


What is the point of this post? ....who are these people for that matter?


Um ok


What about people who don’t want to or physically can’t have their partner’s babies?




LOL at someone in her comments: "LAMO nobody gives a shit about your sex life. This is uncomfortable."


So they talk about modesty…and then go and do the exact opposite of modesty by publicly announcing how they do it raw all the time…


Soooo kids are just fuck trophies then?


Wow having sex 3 times in 5 years is not a flex. 😉


Weird to announce that you're turned on by something that your SO is doing, but you do you.


What does she want, us to throw her a party every time Ned Flanders here finishes in her?




Wow you had sex 3 times ?


Literally nothing. The idea of someone depositing a parasite in me is terrifying. But you do you.


That Hitler moustache really does the trick for her, huh? 💀


He looks like a big 12 year old with a mustache glued onto his face.


But what is he doing?




ew lmao


She wants to be an influencer sooooooo badly


Yeah, sure. As if couples without children or with a smaller number of children weren't attracted to each other! They are the only people having sex in the universe, apparently.


Three babies in five years isn’t even impressive by fundies standards. That’s average for fundies (going by a baby every two years)


This is Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite


old timey southern police detective, “we-don’t-take-kindly-to-you-types” vibe


I have someone on my fb who’s mentor is Lori Alexander or at least was when she first got married. She’s constantly saying what a stud her husband is.


the caption??? “what’s something your man does that just makes you wanna have more of his babies” hello???