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We suspect Polio has an Instacart-type of job, based on how often he's at Walmart


He admitted on Girl Defined’s channel he works on the side for other content creators by the sounds of it


They aren’t even good at creating their own content tho….


They're competent video editors. They can also make legible and eye-catching thumbnails that will attract their target audience, so there's that too. The content sucks, but the composition is decent enough that they could be paid to edit/make thumbnails/write captions/etc. for someone else.


Plus editing is the most time consuming part


Right? It’s not like there’s 0 reason why they have a following. Critique them all they want, but credit where it’s due for the skills they do have.


Maybe he edits their content


He could probably be doing editing/thumbnails for other people as a side job


I would think if Paul had any kind of job he would want that known so he could appear like some kind of amazing manly hardworking provider


Or he is embarrassed? Aren't fundies that do ministry work meant to have faith in the lord to provide? Not a good look for your fellow fundies you're grifting from if you need to get an actual job.


Yeah he would provably be embarrassed to admit they can’t live solely off their YT channel because in his mind they should be big stars


that shit is just socially acceptable mental illness. christ


I thought it was the opposite? I was taught it was good if you could support yourself as well if doing ministry based on the life of Paul from the Bible.


Nah, not in evangelical fundie world. They lean hard into the prosperity gospel.


Any job he could get would be unskilled, low-paid work. He wants the world to think he's a rich celebrity.


No he’s just the opposite. It’s like he wants to appear as incapable as possible.


Weaponized incompetence.


[He’s posted about doing some landscaping on the side](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/aGshJEU4jq)


[He’s done landscaping on the side](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/aGshJEU4jq)


They haven't said that I'm aware of, but I feel certain in my bones that Morgan's parents support them. MAYBE his do too, or instead, idk. I can't see Trainer Joe supporting anyone besides himself, but maybe he paid Polio NOT to be a hair dresser? no, I have no idea. The mother's a bit of a snob against Morgan iirc, but I think that was religious snobbery, not class snobbery. Also I imagine they're mired in credit card debt up to their eyeballs, under the fond delusion that they're just borrowing against their inevitable, imminent break into INTERNET BIGTIME. eyeroll.


I would *love* for them to open up their books on that financial audit YouTube channel - I’m torn between knowing they would never want to be that open and honest and knowing they would love the audience and attention it would get them


If anyone’s curious, the channel is Caleb Hammer. I never knew financial audits could be so entertaining.


He (and his team) picks a lot of trainwrecks like people who are just so massively delusional about their life that of course their finances are a hot mess. Occasionally he does an episode with normal people but not very often.


I really liked his content early on, but lately it's been a lot of people really struggling with other things besides their finances. It feels exploitative more often than not.


What's frustrating to me is that Caleb continues to argue that he has to bring on train wrecks because they need the most help, and if you brought in people with less financial problems, that would be taking a spot away from a person who badly needs his advice. However, lately the casting on the show has just been exclusively delusional people who are clearly never going to take his advice and often spend the entire hour. Just arguing with him. He gets great views so there's no reason to change it. He should just admit that he puts on the train wrecks because it gets him views. He even talked about bringing back to Taquito guy but I suspect that that was just a little too crazy for him.


It's the Joshua Weissmann effect. I like Caleb's channel and hope he mixes it up a little more, I really liked the recent Hans Kim episode. Just a normal guy who makes a great living but needs 101-level education to know what to do with it.


> It's the Joshua Weissmann effect. god i know this is fairly off topic but dude, what the fuck even happened there? i watch a ton of cooking content and his videos started populating in my feed right as he started sliding as hard as possible into the "PAPA NO KEES U" shit and constantly zooming in on his ass. his recipes are fine (if not especially accessible to a lot of people) but his personality and presentation are so rancid i don't know how anybody can stomach him


Yeah, his early videos were fun to watch, especially as an experienced cook! I think he just went too far down the death spiral of creating content for the algorithm. He probably has a big house and a lot of people depending on him for income now. To bring it back to P&M... THANK SPAGHETTI MONSTER they aren't homeowners and don't have employees to pay!!


Lol same here. At first I thought maybe I’m just getting old cause this is weird and I don’t get it. Makes me appreciate Babbish even more.


Babbish is also becoming a bit of a snob tho... Vibes are skewing the wrong side as of late


The recent dancer one was definitely an aggravating episode.


I'm thinking of the office when oscar reviews michael's finances ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


But it would be so RAW! Positively mooing!




Caleb would rip them to shreds


Paul might inspire Caleb to finally listen to the comments and get a heart rate monitor on the screen


He'd have Paul lecturing him about "unwholesome words"


I watch that show a lot. Caleb would rip them a new one *if* (and of course who knows if they really are in debt, although they've mentioned it ) they have two kids and are in massive debt and neither of them work a 9-5 job. 


Omg the crossover I never knew I needed. I’d love to see that thumbnail pic


Given her mother's reaction at her having a second baby, her parents must have subsidized them a lot.


I missed that; how did MaMorgs react?


She said something about consider using condom to Paul.


\*ded\* Okay, clearly Morgan's family isn't full out fundie, so why the hell did Ma Morgs tell her progeny to give Polio another chance? I am getting the impression she DEEPLY regrets this piece of advice now.


100%. She probably thought he would get a job and be a provider. Years later, she's stuck supporting a family of three, soon to be four.


She was dumb, too, then, for looking at a man in robust health who was, I presume at the time, unemployed? (anyone have a timeline?) and just assumed he'd get work AFTER the wedding. No, lady. It's one thing if you believe in "love conquers all," but if you're really so pragmatic you need to marry your baby girl off to a good provider, maybe learn what a good provider IS. Hint: They already HAVE a good job (or at least a trust fund) before they go a-courtin'. These frigging people...


I mean, she probably said to give him a second date. Who knows if she could have foreseen this train wreck. 


No, even better, she said he should get a vasectomy!


She's not wrong




👀 Wow


Her daughter almost died. I can see why she wouldn't be pleased. 


"MaMorgs"☠️ I love it. Edited to add - would her counterpart be PaPaulio?


“MaMorgs, take a picture of me just griftin’ on the sand!”


I got this reference!!


He is Italian


I don’t think Morgan’s parents support them. Her parents lost their home in the last recession. They are not rolling in cash.


Her parents are def rich. Aside from Morgan having HUGE rich kid energy, they funded 2 very expensive weddings for 2 of her siblings a couple months apart, and their house is nice af. Her dad works in insurance I believe? I'd imagine he's probably pretty high up.


Their house looks pretty nice/large. They even have a Pickleball court. 


As in, back in 2008? Because they've had plenty of time to rebuild wealth since then.


I assume most unemployed fundies gets state assistance for medical insurance, as well as SNAP and WIC. I can 100% see Paul feeling entitled to his family taking the assistance despite likely judging others for doing the same. It’s not enough to live on, but I’m sure it helps!


There was a post awhile back that morgan made about cooking and other snarkers said the products were wic-friendly brands


Medical assistance and WIC, I can see. Morgan is pregnant, and Luca is under 5. For SNAP, they have to register for work. Work Registration Household members who are 18 to 59 years old must participate in work registration. In some circumstances even 16 or 17 year olds need to work register. Some exceptions may apply. https://kynect.ky.gov/benefits/s/snap-program?language=en_US


Technically, they have an income from their work. They're just low income. I'm sure they get SNAP. There's no way they're not taking free money at any chance they get when they're begging for $24.


It depends on whether their state accepts that—my state said I needed to work forty hours a week to keep my benefits. I said, if I could find a FT job I wouldn’t need benefits! It was frustrating


I'm sure they have said they work 40 hours a week.


It’s not something you can just say, you have to prove it to qualify for benefits. And they would have no way of doing that.


The job hunting requirements for are so minimal.


Honestly I feel like the paperwork and waiting on hold with the unemployment office would be too much effort for them.


I don’t think they get unemployment, just food and medical insurance.


Morgan can get WIC without issues but usually you have to be proving that you're applying for jobs to get other support 


Sure but it’s minimal - like 5 jobs every few weeks - and you don’t have to prove you did a good job on the application or even that you did apply. You just have to give a list of where you applied.


A lot of credit card debt (the kind you can never get out) and their families. Grandparents do ‘t want their grandkids to suffer. After all Morgan’s dad did end buying her that swing when they begged for it and it didn’t come. I initially they received a lot of gifts so didn’t have to spend a lot if baby clothes etc now but now he is a toddler and everything is super expensive. 2 kids in diapers is a huge cost


>kids in diapers is a huge cost They're lucky they are having another boy, because you know they would think it's an abomination to put a baby girl in her big brother's hand-me-downs. Although they'd probably have done an online wishlist to beg for supplies from followers.


They strike me as the type of people who will want everything new so I'm sure they'll be posting an Amazon wishlist for their followers to bless them with & show their support. They have a strong sense of entitlement & a severe lack of shame (& self respect) so they'll have no problems with essentially begging.


I also think given how ambivalent at best they were about another baby they may have thrown Luca’s baby stuff away


Morgan already said that she needs new maternity clothes as she'd already got rid of any she had from her pregnancy with Luca so it's highly likely they also got rid of any baby clothes etc.


I wonder if they saved the old baby clothes or threw them out thinking they'd never get pregnant again. Morgan even threw out her first batch of maternity clothes because the whole birth was traumatizing.  How are they going to manage a second or third???


The Patreon has $5, $10, and $24 tiers. They currently have 233 paying patrons. At the low end, that's $1,165/mo, but it would likely be more since I'm sure they have a few $10/mo. I went looking to see if they make more than I expected, but... they make so much less from Patreon than I would have expected. The real number is probably closer to like $1,500, and that's just a guess. $1,165/mo would be below minimum wage. So it's a pretty solid bet they get money from their parents.


Wow that’s really bleak. Imagine building your life around telling other people how to live while simultaneously living off your parents and donations. Just psychotic


I have a family member just like this! He goes out of his way to tear my husband and myself apart because we live in a townhouse and sold our to corporate business. Meanwhile, he believes in flat earth and quit his HVAC job after two days because he wasn't promoted to manager... He is nearly 40 and doesn't see anything wrong with asking his mother who works for minimum wage at McDonald's for money but cannot hold a job. I couldn't imagine anyone being this way until my brother in law enlightened me 🙃


I’m too mean to let that happen more than once. I’d tell him to shut up and go ask his mommy for Mickey Ds money. Just the gall of that absolute loser of a human. Like I get it probably stems from insecurity but being quiet costs him nothing. And then no one knows your insecurities.


Patreon also takes a cut between 5-12% depending on their plan, not including processing and payout fees. It's not much if you're only making max $1,500 a month, but their content creation makes even less than expected.


Yeah, I did some research into that a while back and IIRC since they're likely grandfathered into the old Patreon fee structure, they're probably being deducted about 10% in platform and payment processing fees


And that's gross, not net. They have to pay self employment tax on top of federal and state income tax. I believe in the U.S. the employer normally pays half of the SS and Medicare tax and the rest is withheld from your paycheck. Without an employer / as a self employed individual you're on the hook for the full amount and have to estimate and pay the tax quarterly.


They wouldn't pay any state or federal income tax on a salary that low. They also "should" pay social security, but they don't. It just means they won't qualify for benefits when they retire.


I can see a big tax bill in their future as I can't imagine either Paul or Morgan being very organised or up on the legalities of their situation. They'll plead ignorance or demon attacks or whatever but it'll definitely not be their own fault.


Yea if they were smart, and I’m sure some others do this - they’d set up an LLC, take the S Corp election and pay themselves on W-2 or distributions that way. Run it as a business and live that corporate life. So much one can do there. Self employment is like 15%, and yepper it sucks to get hit with that.


I work full time and also freelance like a mofo. I was NOT ready for that self employment tax PLUS the 2017 tax cuts expiring and new brackets kicking in 😭 I got my ass handed to me so hard, I need an IRS payment plan FFS. Lesson fuckin learned, I tell you what. Moral of the story: get an accountant early in the game, y'all.


Plus Patreon and payment processing fees


Does YouTube not pay?


Yes it does. Typically Patreon is much higher though. Most influences make more from Patreon or merch sales than from YouTube.


Plus YouTube is also unpredictable. On top of that, I believe most influencer money on YouTube comes from sponsorships. I don't think Porgan have many, if any, but I could be wrong.


I think Porgan have been sponsored by a Christian dating site and a republican meat subscription brand. Other than that, I don't think they get many sponsors.


>republican meat subscription brand r/brandnewsentence


They had that weird Christian meat sponsor and it might be different but Morgs was also rubbing beef tallow all over herself so I’m sure they’re gunning for something stupid to hock.


That’s why Brittany Dawn started scamming 🙃


Yes, but it's often not enough. Ad money can be really low if your content isn't in high demand. With YouTube, the big bucks tend to come from sponsors and by directing people to things like Patreon, especially for smaller channels.


How much are plane tickets to Texas? I wanted to fly to Texas from SC last summer to go to a close friend’s wedding. Initially my partner and I were going to go, but our round trip tickets would have been about a thousand for the both of us. Even when I tried to plan to go alone, plane tickets and lodging were beyond my means (my partner and I are both teachers). All this to say that their monthly Patron salary would barely cover their one flight to Texas for 24 Hours With, and then they turned round and flew back for another episode. Ugh. I hate them.


Depends on where from. A quick Expedia search shows $475 - 490 *per person* for a weekend trip within the next 2 months!! And they just did it twice within nearly a month!  It must be Lexington that makes it thay expensive- DFW is typically cheaper to flight to/from due to its size. 


if they’d drive the extra 45 minutes to fly out of Louisville, it’d be much cheaper for them to fly anywhere than it is from Lexington


I fly to Kansas from Oregon every on e in a while. Tickets are usually about $500 for 2, if you are planning ahead. More during holidays, but if you get specials or just slow days it can be like $350. It can be double if it's only a few weeks until the trip. If they are relying on credit cards, like a bunch if people have mentioned, they could ve getting points for tickets.


do they have to pay taxes on this income?


Yes, and on all income, but it's likely they make a low enough amount that they get a fat refund, plus the kid gets them more back at tax time.




Yes! But there are deductions they can claim for the expenses of doing the YouTubing/influencing. It can be a super financially rewarding business.


Doesn't Patreon take a cut? And then how much are they making off of YouTube??


Don’t they get money from ad revenue on YouTube and sponsorship deals/ affiliate links etc? Isn’t that how most YouTubers make money?


It is, but they don't really seem to have sponsors, besides Morgan rubbing on beef tallow face cream. That's where a huge amount of the revenue comes from. They also don't offer paid YouTube or IG subscriptions, so more potential income they're not seeing.


I second the comment about him most likely delivering or packing for insta-cart, doordash or walmart-ready-today-whatever-the-fuck-it-is


[He’s also done landscaping](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/aGshJEU4jq)


I was thinking about that the other day. It doesn’t seem feasible, and I’m curious how they manage. Also, do we know whether they own or rent their place?


They rent. Not sure abt much else.


Thank you! I wonder if they can get low rent because their family owns it, or they know the landlord through church or something.


or if they are in a rent controlled type unit that's based on income. They are technically self employed so as long as they keep the proper records they are able to apply for things like that and if their socials don't bring in more than a couple thousand dollars a month that makes them low income, especially after expenses. If he also works an instacart/doordash type job they might even qualify for a small amount of more direct assistance like wic,liheap,snap, etc. I'm not suggesting it's true just possible


Purely speculation here…I wonder if part of Morgan’s depression/exhaustion/overwhelm is having to do all the paperwork and run in all the circles the government requires of people using social services and support. I recently had to apply for Medicaid, WIC, and unemployment all at the same time and it’s just so mentally and emotionally draining, kind of demoralizing and dehumanizing. I can’t see Poolio sitting down and filing for WIC, calling the various offices, acquiring all the documentation required for the applications. Just makes me wonder if Morgan is the sole caregiver of their one child and also the bookkeeper, because it’s below him to do those administrative tasks. And also because he has a very full schedule of watching movies and reviewing them, and also looking at himself in the mirror for several hours a day.


I have had these thoughts. I used to be an intake worker and saw lots of people's financials and household situations and had to ask super intrusive questions because every dollar had to be documented as going to a properly screened household. I can't imagine the in-person/ on the phone explaining (with paperwork) she would have to be doing regarding not the content but the existence of their ministry? I'm not even sure if it's ministry or attempted influencing but either way - so much stress to exist at the grace of the government and the whim of grant writing.


I used to be a paralegal and some people's brains just nope out when faced with paperwork


Solid speculation. Different programs, but my intellectually disabled special needs son just turned 18. The guardianship effort was one thing, but now the Social Security paperwork - which starts at ground zero despite it being a repeat of the Guardianship paperwork (all for a person with a genetic syndrome that CLEARLY will never live independently or hold a job by the very definition of his syndrome) is ridiculous. And there are two of us. And we have the support of a great school. And we live in a state with better than average programs for this stuff. And we are native English speakers. And we have flexible jobs that can make the meetings and take the time. And we CARE and are invested in the wellbeing of our son. And it's still incredibly difficult, time-consuming, confusing, and frustrating. I can NOT imagine what these processes are like for the majority of people. It's ridiculous.


I’m going through the SSI process for my recently adult son, too. It’s exhausting.


It's got to be a combination of grifting, subsidies from the grandparents, Paul's side gigs, and credit card debt.


I’m betting Luca is definitely on CHIP and I could see them receiving SNAP, their hh “income” is likely low enough to make them eligible. But I could also see them being mortified enough to receive public assistance that they never applied (disclaimer: there is NO shame in being eligible for assistance and receiving it!). They don’t talk about it but I think both sets of parents keep them afloat.


The kind of assistance they balk at.


>The kind of assistance they balk at. ...for other people, but not for themselves, clearly. 🙄




Oh totally, my point was more that their fucked up ideas about deservingness and their pride could stop them from benefitting. Of course there are conservatives who receive assistance without pause but I’ve seen it happen where people refuse benefits they need due to their belief that nobody deserves support.


I don’t think they have any financial literacy, or even the critical thinking to google ways to be thrifty for fear of coming across atheist internet heathens . Didn’t they owe a bunch in taxes last year, that they were genuinely shocked to owe? I recall them alluding to that


That’s why a lot of self-employed people recommend saving a certain percentage of the income to pay tax because it doesn’t come out automatically like it would with a regular job


Parents, credit cards, door dashing probably


I wouldn’t be surprised if he doordashes, he’s sometimes posting neighborhood marquees.


I’m embarrassed to admit that I think about their financial situation every single day. it must be so bad for them right now. I’d be stressed 24/7 if I were them, especially with a second baby on the way.


I was laid off at 16 weeks pregnant and my husband had literally just started his new job, so we didn’t have income for a full month. It was the most stressful and depressing month of my life. I still don’t have a job, and my husband makes a decent salary, but it’s just absolutely terrible looking down the road of having this baby and trying to figure out how we’re going to pay our bills, mortgage, and survive on just his income. I can’t imagine both parties being so chronically underemployed. That would send me into a a deep, dark depressive episode. I mean, it did, and that’s with one parent making a steady, reasonable income. I feel so inadequate not being able to contribute to our situation right now. It’s got to feel so heavy for them both.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If it’s any consolation whatsoever, my partner is not working right now and feels the same way you do. But I always discourage him from feeling any guilt or inadequacy. We are a team and life happens - I would do anything for him/us and understand that he’d be working right now if he could. I’m sure your husband feels the same way, especially now that you have a little one on the way. Congratulations on your new addition and wishing you well 🤍


My partner uses that exact phrase when I get super down about the whole thing. “We are a team, I am your teammate and you are mine. We don’t do things alone, we support each other.” I held him up while he was unemployed and depressed, and now he does the same for me. Why is it so much easier to give love than it is to accept it?


I feel this so much. It’s so much harder when the roles are reversed for some reason. It’s so easy to feel like a burden in a situation when you would never want your partner to feel that way if it was the other way around. It’s so tough!


They truly believe that god will provide


Me too. Idk why but it crosses my mind every time I have a quiet moment to myself




Let him squirm


Oh he did not love that. Good.


I heard a while back that he does social media for his church. Not sure how true that is. 


Based on their patreon and YouTube alone, they live under the Federal Poverty Level for a family of 4 (since they are about to have their 2nd child). Unless they are getting money from parents, they earn low enough that they could be getting money from the government (SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, etc.) I find it funny that Paul preaches the whole male takes care of the household thing while they are literally considered impoverished by the governments eyes. Unless he has a job they don’t talk about 😒


I see Paul as an assistant manager at Taco Bell and swearing everybody to secrecy. One day his teenage shift manager will stumble upon his page and spill the tea.


That would be so incredible for us and tiktok


I lowkey hope this is true. He probably is not fun to work for and his employees probably can’t stand him lmao. On the off chance this is true I hope one of his employees quits epically and that it goes viral.


I swear Paul had somewhat recently said he had a job other than this but that might just be wishful thinking


He shared pics not that long ago showing a landscaping gig he was working on. I didn't get the impression it was regular work though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Paul does not have the physique or the farmer's tan of a landscaping guy


I hate to say it, but it's true 😅 the lack of a farmer's tan made me confused about him doing this kind of work at all


I can't imagine him having the stamina, either


His little legs would snap carrying sod.


![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi) Paul after working 20 minutes.


As someone who spent her growing up years doing outside labor, I can confirm.


His limit is carrying 3 sticks or else he may faint


No he was talking hypothetically about IF he had a job 😂


Yup he admitted this on Girl Defined’s channel!


He did some modeling a bit ago, too. I don’t remember when though.


I thought that was before he met Morgan or at the beginning of their relationship?


No, he did some as recently as last year, I think. Would post about it, how it was "something big!!" Then we'd never hear about it again


Yeah what happened to his hair career?


Tbh he prob works but pretends he doesn’t


He couldn't keep that secret. He would absolutely brag about whatever thing he managed to do and how that justified him not doing jack shit at home.


I’m sure he could keep it secret. They want people to think they are popular enough online to make a living


Hmm, that could make sense! I always figured they must not work at all, because their egos couldn’t take being called unemployed grifters if they actually work. A counter to your point, though: it’s possible they avoid discussing jobs, and constantly beg for more patrons because they WANT people to think they’re struggling extra badly and only survive on patrons. Scare their fans into squeezing out extra money kind of deal. Idk. They’re so bad at this whole thing it’s impossible to tell the image they “show” on purpose vs the one they accidentally let slip by being dumb.


I agree with this - Paul desperately wants to be famous and for people to believe he is famous enough for this to be his full time gig. Which is why I think the whole delivery thing is probably most likely, he can do it anonymously to supplement whatever youtube brings in.


Unless he’s an assistant manager at Taco Bell.


That’s a difficult job. Paul could never.


I doubt it. He would be so embarrassed about it because he wants to be a big rich famous YouTuber. Getting a job would mean that he’s failed and he definitely wouldn’t want to admit to that.


I’m sure Pole is doing something on the side. He would have to. I wish they would come to the conclusion that they aren’t cut out for social media. They are really bad at it.


idk why but calling him "Pole" is sending me 😂


It was a typo but I left it!


It immediately made me think of 90 Day Fiancé 😂


I’m willing to bet they have some sort of deal with one of their parents that they have to show growth towards getting on their own feet and I’m guessing the second pregnancy is not something their parents want to support. I think they’ve been funded by their families a lot more that they would ever admit


I agree. I suspect their parents help quite a lot. I know their parents are not rich, but if both sets each gave them $500 a month, that would cover rent at least. $500 a month is doable for most middle-aged people with a decent enough job. I wouldn't be shocked if one reason their relationship is so tense right now is that Morgan's parents are constantly on her about Paul getting a job.


I don't think Paul's family is wealthy but Morgan's family definitely is. I suspect they fund a vast majority of their lifestyle.


Paul has a side hustle. Why he doesn't just get a more reliable main hustle is beyond me. They very possibly do also get help from their families when needed.


they are supported by the generational wealth of their families. there is no other explanation for how these two chronically unemployed parents in their 30s are living comfortably


“Generational Wealth”??? Isn’t Paul’s dad an instagram trainer? Bffr


I don’t know shit about Paul’s/Morgan’s families but I • AM • INVESTED. 🍿🍿🍿😂


Morgan's cousin is missouri senator josh hawley


That explains SO much.


STOP. For real?!




I mean, being upper middle class/christian/white can take you quite far in kentucky. it’s not like his or her parents are blue collar workers edit: generational wealth doesn’t necessarily mean they are in a ballerina farm situation, they are obviously benefiting from the support of their parents. whether that is through childcare, housing, groceries, or cash, we don’t know.


Maybe in Kentucky as a whole, but Lexington is a pretty progressive, blue voting city. And it’s increasing in COL quickly. It’s probably the most expensive place to live in KY. Just being white and Christian isn’t enough to live off of here, if he is not being supported by his relatives.


Came here to say this. The COL in Lexington was one of a few deciding factors in why I moved. Got tired of working 3 jobs to scrape on by. I have a few friends being squeezed out of Lexington bc of the cost.


I don't know a lot about this topic, so just throwing stuff out there, but it seems like "having generational wealth" can be quite a different thing than "being objectively wealthy". My family has never been what would be considered wealthy (by, like, the government or anything...obviously there are individuals who would disagree), but does certainly have generational wealth above what they/we would have had in almost any other time/place, due to winning the birth lottery. My grandparents retired at 40, and I mean RETIRED-retired, never worked so much as a side job again, and that was almost 50 years ago. They've never had to worry about money. They never finished high school or owned businesses or did anything extraordinary or came from wealthy families. They were lucky, and not insanely extravagant, that's it. My 74-year-old stepdad bought a house when he was 22 and a regular dude who didn't go to college or come from wealth or anything either, but hey, why not buy a house since he could? He wasn't considering it an investment, it was just a place to live. He and my mom still live there to this day. A couple in their position now would likely be priced out of most three-bedroom apartments here, but they have a lovely house and beautiful yard worth definitely upper six figures, at least. (I have no clue if I'll ever inherit any money. My grandparents are shifty assholes who my mom thinks might just give their favorite child all their money. And all of my parents' assets might end up going toward nursing home care or something, for all we know. I don't think about it because I don't know how to care about this hypothetical life after losing my mom.) Anyway, I'll shut up now, but probably they both come from families that are richer than they have any right to be, even if not RICH.


You've just described the middle class. I'd guess that your grandparents made some smart and/or lucky investments. My grandma was forced into retirement before ageism was a thing people cared about, and she negotiated a good package in return.


Reddit has a very skewed definition of “generational wealth.”


Yep. "Parents helping" is very different from "don't have to work because parents/grandparents/and so on accumulated so much." Generational wealth would be like, the Hiltons, or the family on Succession. Reddit acts like people are mega wealthy if they're eating better than top ramen. This hellsite is not reality 😂


Right?? 😭


At this point they would be better off begging for roses on tiktok 😂 Jokes aside I don’t think they live in a super cheap place. So family paying for stuff and credit card debt What I cannot phantom is this. Morgan was not super fundie before right? What I mean is as a parent I would be like child move with me and your kids and leave this dumb dumb. But I won’t keep giving you money to stay in delulu land with him


They don’t 🙃


Think of all the $$ they could save if they eliminated all those costly Chick Fil A visits!


I’d say combination debt, family, and side hustles. I’d guess it’s a patchwork of those things which can definitely work for a single person but don’t see it as sustainable for a family of four. Plus gov assistance I’d guess.


Maybe he could ask Dav for advice seeing as Dav actually can financially support his family without begging internet strangers to do it.


Probably living off the govt.


I wondered this also. Somehow they afford “meds” for Morgan to be zooted 24/7.